Showing posts with label Brite-Ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brite-Ideas. Show all posts

Sunday, January 16, 2022

A Bread Box Review and Recommendation

A Five Star Review - Bread Box

I've needed a new bread box for a long time. I searched on amazon for at least three months before finally taking the plunge and making the purchase.

Features That Were Important to Me:

  1. I wanted a roll-top bread box
  2. It needed to have two shelves inside
  3. Each shelf had to be deep enough and high enough to hold several loaves of bread
  4. There had to be room between the cupboard and top of the bread box so I could place things on top if necessary
  5. I wanted to spend less than $100
  6. It had to look attractive
  7. It could be chrome or wood
  8. I preferred it be pre-assembled
  9. I didn't want a glass door (I figured the glass would eventually break)
  10. Bamboo wood was preferred
This Bread Box Met 9 out of the 10 Criteria Items:

Bamboo Bread Box

Which One of the 10 Criteria Items Did Not Get Met?

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find one that met all of our needs that was pre-assembled. 

However, like most of my sons, my husband is very good at assembling products, so I knew I could safely forfeit this preference.

After reading the reviews, a few comments expressed their dissatisfaction with the assembly process. But I have to say, my husband had absolutely no problem putting it together, but as I mentioned, he's good at such things. 

If I had to personally assemble it, I would not have purchased any item that required putting it together --- only because I suck at that stuff! Fortunately, hubby handled that.

The Interior Has Two Shelves With Plenty of Room
Has Two Roomy Shelves

There is Plenty of Room On Top
There's Room to Place Items on Top

The Only Fix We Had To Make

When the roll-top door is closed (without care), it makes a loud noise. Since so many people live in our home, I knew I couldn't police that behavior, so we solved the problem by putting two tiny velcro tabs on the bottom. The tabs prevent the door from hitting the base, and it's much quieter.

We Placed Velcro Tabs to Reduce the Door Closing Noise

We Purchased the Bread Box From Amazon

We purchased it from (Canada) at this link.

When typing this, I noticed that this specific bread box wasn't appearing on the USA site. But here's a link to a similar one (from what I could tell)... Both of them are the same size ... 15" by 9.8" by 14.2"

Five stars. Recommended.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, January 9, 2022

What is The Pantone Color of The Year for 2022 - Come See

Do you ever wander over to the Pantone website? If not, be sure to take a minute and check it out. It's filled with excellent advice about color combinations for almost every aspect of living.

Annually, Pantone selects  a color of the year that reflects "our global culture, expressing what people are looking for, that color can hope to answer."  - Quote by

 Congratulations to Very-Peri (17-3938)

According to Pantone, this combination of periwinkle blue with violet-red undertones reflects these transformative times. Color is an absolute in the creative digital space we find ourselves living in. Blue combined with violet-red is Pantone's choice for a year trending towards joyous, emotional, and creative expression.

Here's a brief video featured by Pantone with their chosen color, Very-Peri:

If You're Looking to Create This Color Via HTML Color Codes, Here is the Code

The HTML code for Very-Peri is #6667ab. If you create online graphics for any particular purpose and want to use Pantone's color choice for 2022, you'll need this code.

Don't confuse the Pantone color number 17-3938 for the HTML color code. As mentioned above, the HTML color code is #6667ab. I quickly created the main photo above using this code.

My Own Personal Opinion on Very-Peri

Violets and purples are some of my favorite colors, especially for bedroom decor. It seems to never go out of style. 

Very-Peri combines violet-red with blue to produce a soft color, yet one that evokes a courageous mood due to the hidden undertones of red.

Personally, I would combine Very-Peri with yellows or grays for a guest room or our primary bedroom. Another great space for this color is the home office, especially for those working in a field that demands some level of creative thinking - isn't that all fields? 

The thing to remember with color, any color, is "flow." Does the color flow with the overall decor theme of your home? For larger homes, changing colors from room to room is manageable; however, smaller spaces often present a challenge. If you're painting a small home or apartment, staying within the same shades is a safe way to approach your wall colors. Let the drapes, furniture, and accessories introduce the contrast and pattern.

Have fun with color because color IS fun.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, January 2, 2022

The Baby Shower Word Search Book - 60 Puzzles in One Book


The Baby Shower Word Search Book

As some of you may already know, I've authored numerous riddle books and have recently expanded into word search activity books. 

Why a Baby Shower Word Search Book? What's So Special About That?

The purpose of this book was to provide baby-related word search puzzles in one book, to use for baby shower games. 

You can easily find baby shower word search cards for party game activities; however, having one book with 60 word search puzzles gives you a larger amount in one affordable book.

How to Use This Book for a Baby Shower Word Search Game

  • Cut out the puzzles you need and hand them out to your guests
  • Have each person write their name and time taken to complete the puzzle on the page
  • OR give everyone a preset time, for example, three minutes, to complete as much of the puzzle as they can
  • The best time and greatest number of words found wins
Makes an Excellent Giveaway for Smaller Baby Showers
  • Give everyone their own book at the shower
  • Have each person complete one (or two) puzzles for the word search contest
  • Pick the winner based on time and words solved
  • Allow each person to keep their book as a shower momento gift
What's Different About This Word Search Book?

At the bottom of each word search puzzle is a place for a person to write their name, the time they started the puzzle, and the time it was completed.

There's a place to write your name and time completed on each puzzle

Large and Easy to Read

The book measures 8.5 inches by 11 inches, making it very easy on the eyes. It's the size of a standard piece of paper. There is one puzzle per page, and all of the answers are featured in the back of the book.

One puzzle per page, and large and easy to read

The book is available on Amazon and also via the website

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, December 26, 2021

To All Those We Lost in 2021 - We Love You, Thank You

To All Those We Lost in 2021 - We Love You, Thank You

When I think back to 2020, for us, it was an easier year than 2021 ... and that's hard to believe.

There is one connection in life that truly matters; it's love. We take it with us.

My Mother Passed Away - If You Suffered Loss, My Heart is With You

My brothers and I shared the day and evening with my mother as she left in late November. It was the most beautiful and terrifying experience of my life. I compare it to birth for those very emotions.

As a little girl, I remember feeling so scared that my mother would die. I would ask to sleep with her when my dad traveled for work. When I was eight years old, I finally told her why - "I'm scared you're going to die, Mom."

As a grown woman with kids and grandkids, I somehow graduated out of that fear of losing my mom. I'm confused about how that happened - how did I lose that fear? I'm grateful for losing it but I am genuinely baffled by how I grew out of it. Since mom passed, I have had this strange feeling that she's with me (inside me), and I think that's the reason? It's weird.

On the night she passed, I broke down like an infant. They were the sobs I needed, and my brothers and my sister-in-law were there to hold me through it. We each had our moments, and the beautiful side is that my parents raised a family that got along and stood by each other. We're fortunate.

My Wish for Humanity - That 2022 Goes Easy on Us

We've all been challenged in unforeseen ways, some more than others. Despite the difficulties we've faced, including the loss of my mom, I'm the first to admit how fortunate my family is to have a roof over our heads, running water, plumbing, and electricity! There's so much unfairness and financial inequity in the world that those of us who live in a functioning society need to remember how blessed we are.

My hopes and dreams for all of us are inner peace, love, prosperity, and good health. May 2022 bring you balance in body, mind, and spirit.

Here's a song that beautifully honors all moms; this lyric resonates with me, "there's no safer place I've found than the shoulder on her white nightgown."

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. xoxo

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, December 19, 2021

The Best Baby Booties - A Personal Recommendation

The arrival of our Granddaughter has given me an education on what's popular and what's not with baby products. 

Having raised four sons, I know a thing or two about constantly losing baby socks. 

About a month ago, I noticed our super-cute Granddaughter had these very warm, comfy, and secure booties on her feet. I asked my daughter-in-law what kind they were, and she informed me they were called "Hudson Baby Booties."

Hudson Baby Booties Come in a Variety of Sizes, Designs, and Colors - They're Awesome!

Here's One Pair Our Granddaughter Wears

I've since purchased two additional pairs for our Granddaughter, and I highly recommend them for gifts. If I were a new mom starting out, I'd want many pairs of these to go with a wide variety of outfits.

What's So Great About These Booties?

  • They're soft and comfortable
  • They're cozy and warm
  • They're easy to put on and remove
  • They have never fallen off of our Granddaughter's feet!
  • They come in multiple designs, sizes, and colors
  • They make a lovely gift
  • No more losing sockies
  • They open up wide for baby's feet to go in
  • They velcro-wrap for closing
  • Great for cold winter nights or cooler days
  • A good choice when taking baby for a walk or in the car
Notice How Much They Open So You Can Easily Put Them On

The Tongue is Soft - Pulls Forward so Foot can Easily Go Inside

Here's a Look At the Velcro Close

The Two Velcro Sides wrap around Baby's Ankle - They Stay On!

I highly recommend these booties for the baby in your life. Several pairs of these, in multiple sizes, make an excellent gift. In fact, these are now my go-to baby gift. They're usable, cute, and practical. Our Granddaughter, especially now during the winter months, wears hers daily.

You can find Hudson Baby Booties here on Amazon

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Do You Ever Feel Indifferent About Things In Your Life - A Personal Diary Entry

A Personal Diary Entry - Do You Ever Feel Indifferent?

How do you handle the feeling of indifference? 

I'm even reluctant to write about this mood!

Why am I reluctant to write about it? Apparently, I've heard and read that indifference is one of the least attractive and least productive emotions.

The Dictionary Definition of Indifference: "Lack of interest, concern, or sympathy"

In no-way do I feel a lack of sympathy for others when I'm feeling indifferent! (just wanted to put that out there)

Indifference About A Day, A Direction, Feeling a Lack of Control - That's The Indifference I'm Speaking About

Some days, not often, but a little more often lately, I feel a complete lack of control.

I know, I know, I know .... you're about to tell me that's a good thing.

Well, I agree; at times, that can undoubtedly be a good thing.

However, this lack of control brings out that dreaded word and feeling, "whatever." 

The Not-Knowing is Suppose to Be a Good Thing, Right?

Do you think, lack of control and not knowing what's ahead is a good thing? Do you accept those moments in your life for what they are ... hopefully a temporary blip?

For me, it seems when things are somewhat overwhelming and a bit out of control, I get a little bit "indifferent." I get a sort of "so what" "whatever" feeling. I honestly despise that feeling. In my opinion, a lack of concern about a situation is unproductive.

Could it be a survival mechanism? Nah, I just think it's a newer feeling for me, and I have to learn to process it because I've rarely felt this way about life.

Since I'm solution-oriented, feeling "blah-what-ever" about a life issue annoys me further! I prefer to move forward and resolve matters ... not wallow in "whatevers."

The good thing about not knowing the answers and the resulting indifference is being forced to practice patience and accept that I can't control everything.  Things have to resolve themselves in their own good time.

Two Things We Cannot Change: Natural Law and Other People

Most of us who have lived long enough already know and understand that we cannot change others. Goodness knows it took me into my thirties (a long time ago) to figure that one out.

However, I must ensure I don't get too indifferent about situations I cannot change or control lately. I'm not a heartless person and never want that unkind trait to infect my persona. It won't, but holy-hannah feeling indifferent really does suck! 

What Do You Do to Cope With and Manage Your Feelings?

My entire life, I've written poetry. I recently published 50 years of poems on Amazon. I've been writing poems since I was 8 years old and decided it was time to assemble a book.

To cope, do you write? Read? Exercise? Sleep? Sing? Dance? Travel? 

So today, I'm feeling indifferent (blah); this too shall pass.

Oh, by the way, what I've been doing to combat this unproductive feeling? Binge-watching Prime and Netflix series. Yah, I know, everything in moderation :)

Additional Personal Diary Entries:

Do You Have Any Regrets in Life?

Everything Will Be OK?

How to Accept Change in Life

10 Ways to Be Happy Even When Life Sucks

Ten Ways to Handle Stress and Anger

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Do You Have Any Regrets in Life? - A Personal Diary Entry


Do You Have Any Regrets in Life? A Personal Diary Entry

Here on ReviewThisReviews, I've made several personal diary entries. My latest entry was "Everything Will Be OK." Today I'm wondering whether you have regrets in life?

I'll Go First - Do I Have Any Regrets in Life?

Yes. I have regrets. Inside, I'm a happy person; no matter the obstacles I've faced, I have been able to maintain a peaceful soul. I've had to deal with being let down multiple times by someone close to me. It hasn't been easy. I'm not one to whine, so I hope this doesn't come across as whining - I don't mean to sound like a whiner. I accept full responsibility for where I am in life. Every decision has led me here, so I'm equally responsible for the good and the bad.

There have been good days and bad days in my life - just like everyone else on earth - however, I've tolerated a lot in my life. I've been disappointed and treated without regard at times. I've gotten through it, and I've held onto myself through the drama and disrespect.

The way I've gotten through my hurt is to not become that which I rail against. Fortunately, I'm not a vengeful person or one who seeks revenge. Thank goodness for that! I know a few vindictive people, and I honestly believe that's an unhealthy way to live. However, who am I to judge. For me, I need to get as far away in behavior from the behavior that hurt me. I don't want to become that person who intentionally hurts others out of revenge.

A friend of mine once relayed this quote to me, "hurt people, hurt people." That's not who I want to be. That's not who I am.

So What Do I Do With This Regret? - What Do You Do With Yours, If You Have Any?

To say I don't struggle with it would be a lie. However, I turn the pain and the regret into something constructive. I focus on the good, and I focus on love. I know this sounds too simple, but for now, that's what I do. 

We can't fix other people. They have to step up. What I've learned over the years is that I can't make that happen - the person who does the hurting has to take responsibility and, God willing, change. I'm at the point where I don't expect change and don't try to make it happen. I work on myself and send love.

If I Could Go Back in Time and Change My Destiny, Would I? Would You?

I don't know. Part of me says yes I would, then another part of me reflects on who I have become "inside," and I'm really very proud of the person I am today; strong, tenacious, forgiving, filled with love despite the hurt, compassionate, tolerate and I like to think that I'm kind. Sorry, I don't mean to toot my own horn, lol - I'm just expressing what all this pain has taught me. So I'm not sure about whether I would change my stars. Some days it's a blatant yes, but for the most part, I'm not sure.

How about you?

I've written poetry for over 50 years and put my life out there for everyone to read. My book, We Will Have Morning Smiles,  is available on Amazon. I started to write at eight years old and continued through my entire life. The writing process, as those of you who write know, is therapeutic. My whole life is on display, via poems, in that book.

Here's a video poem that reflects one of the poems in my book - I think this one speaks to the topic of this article. If you're reading this via mobile, you can see it here.

Remember Who I Am - A Video Poem

In the end, I hope for the best, plan for the worst, but always hold onto who I am and keep my heart filled with love. How about you?

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, October 24, 2021

The Christmas Word Search Book - A New Release

In the October 10th, 2021 article "What to Write in a Birthday Card," I mentioned a new expansion into another area of activity books - Yep, it's Word Search Books.

Since October 2019, my journey into the self-publishing world has been, shall we say, intense. I'm not going to pretend that self-publishing is easy; however, the more research you do and the more books you publish, the easier it gets.

Why Word Search Books?

I've been writing riddles and publishing them in books since 2019 and recently decided that it's time to expand out into another type of activity book. 

The reason for expanding my self-publishing horizons is to have enough topics to reach the initial goal of 100 books published. There's a long way to go! The Christmas Word Search book puts my current publishing total at 11 books.

Another reason for expanding into word search books is that I was looking for fun, activity-driven books. Given the world's never-ending problems, I want to continue contributing to the "light, love, and learning" side of life.

What's The Christmas Word Search Book About?

It's precisely what it states; word search puzzles about Christmas. It's been written with the entire family in mind and is good clean fun for adults and kids. I would say kids over eight years old could tackle some of these puzzles. 

  • Features one puzzle per page
  • Each puzzle covers a separate Christmas related topic
  • The puzzles are large and easy to read
  • Moderately easy for both kids and adults
  • The answers are included at the back
  • There are 60 puzzles in the book
  • There are over 1800 words to find
  • It's available on Amazon

Here's a look at the interior:

More on The Christmas Word Search Book here - Note that it's a gift under $5(us)

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, October 10, 2021

What to Write in a Birthday Card

For decades I've been putting together articles on what to write in cards - here's one listing funny suggestions to write in a goodbye card. I've even put together a collection of funny sayings you can have written on a birthday cake.

It's crazy, but I have this weird ability to create sayings, quotes, poems, and even riddles. You can find all of this quirkiness in my books available on Amazon.

I've often wondered where these sayings in my head come from? Honestly, I can sit in front of a blank computer screen, create a topic for card sayings, and pump them out quickly!

 I'll do it now:

Twenty Funny Things to Write in a Birthday Card:

  1. Just stop getting more fantastic year after year; we're tired of your perfection. Cut us average folk some slack!
  2. So you think you're special? Ok, fine, you're unique, and I'm just the person constantly pointing it out. Whatever. Are you that insecure?
  3. Take a break; it's your big day - do something that makes you feel good about yourself. Clean my house.
  4. For your birthday I'm cooking you dinner, taking you shopping and giving you cash - Don't believe that, I'm losing it. You're welcome for the card.
  5. Aren't you tired of getting older? Or are you just constantly tired because you're old? Fair question?
  6. You know I love you, so get with the program and love me back. Hurry.
  7. Today you're allowed to do anything you want. Call me when it's over: I'll bail you out.
  8. Dance, sing and be merry all day long. Then stop because nobody I know can stand all that positivity.
  9. Be miserable on your birthday - that'll confuse everyone for sure. Actually, you'll fit right in with our crowd.
  10. In a world of crazies, you're the original crazy. Happy birthday you big nut.
  11. Observe that fire hazard on your cake. Do not go gently into that good night - look away!
  12. Your lit-up birthday cake would come in handy during a power outage. Just saying.
  13. Someone your age should never have your age in individual candles put on a cake ... unless the cake is three feet by three feet - then go ahead, melt that icing!
  14. I'm the reason we're celebrating your birthday today, nobody else remembered - not because they don't like you, but because they're older than you by a country mile!
  15. You're young and have the world by the tail! Let go for a minute so some of us regular folk can get a piece of that - oh wait, lousy wording?
  16. Growing up is hard to do. I suspect that's why so many people haven't done it yet. At least you're a part of the in-crowd.
  17. You're popular. I'm not. Happy birthday to the one everyone loves, whoopee - like you need more attention.
  18. Start your day with a smile - today is the day you were born - about 150 years ago, right?
  19. When you feel tired, you should celebrate the fact that you can still feel something!
  20. I cried today. It's your birthday, and you still look 20 years younger than all of us. Happy forever, young day to the one who makes everybody cry.
So there you have it, twenty quick funny things to write in a birthday card.

Below is a book I've written featuring 260 other sayings you can write in a birthday card. It's handy for those of us who have blank cards kicking around the house. 

When you need a little inspiration on what to write in one of those blank cards, use these sayings as is, or just use them to inspire you to write the words you really want to say.

What to Write in a Birthday Card - Available on Amazon

Note: This book of sayings is for personal use only (not for commercial use). 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, October 3, 2021

The Christmas Riddles Book - Stumped Riddles Book Seven

The Christmas Riddles Book - Stumped Riddles Book Seven
Christmas Riddles - #Stumped Volume 7

When I write a new riddle book, I'm always excited when it's completed! "Christmas Riddles" is the seventh book in the StumpedRiddles Book series and is officially completed, published, and available on Amazon.

What is the Stumped Riddles Book Series?

I've always had this crazy ability to write riddles. Since learning how to self-publish books, I took the leap from publishing a poetry book to writing riddle books. To date, I've written and self-published seven riddle books, with Christmas Riddles being the seventh.

Christmas Riddles - The Book's Details

Like the other riddle books in the Stumped Riddle Book series, Christmas Riddles features eight chapters with ten original riddles per chapter. This book's chapters are broken down into riddle topics as follows:

  1. Santa Claus
  2. Christmas Trees
  3. Holiday Lights
  4. Winter Season
  5. Holiday Foods
  6. Festive Things
  7. Family Time
  8. The Meaning of Christmas
Here's a Sample of a Riddle in the Book:

The Christmas Riddles Book - Stumped Riddles Book Seven

Riddles for the Whole Family

The StumpedRiddle Book series is written for teens, adults, and bright kids. Ages 8 and up should be able to solve at least some of the riddles. The riddles featured range from easy to slightly difficult, thus giving everyone a chance at solving one or more.

These riddle books can also be played as a game. The game rules are simple:

Game 1

. Use a timer
. Decide on the amount of time to allow for a riddle to be solved
. Choose a person to read the riddle out loud
. The first person to shout the answer out correctly gets the point

Game 2

. Choose a person to read the riddle out loud
. Everyone writes down their guess of the riddle answer
. Put all the answers in the middle of the table
. Each person who guesses the correct answer gets the point

Additional Ways to Use The Stumped Riddle Books:
  • Teachers can use them to challenge students
  • Gifts for teens or teachers
  • A family hostess gift
  • Stocking Stuffers
  • Contest Gifts
  • Party Prizes
  • Personal Challenge
  • Distraction
Amazon eBook Preview Below - If you're unable to see the preview below, here it is directly. 

Stumped Riddles Social Media:
I'm excited to announce my expansion into another series of activity books - keep your eyes peeled for these ones!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Everything Will Be OK - A Personal Diary Entry


Everything Will Be OK

One of my favorite personal affirmations to pass along to friends and family in their hour of need is, "everything will be OK."

Let's Review the Phrase "Everything Will Be OK" or Just "OK"

The word "OK" can be magnificently soothing. If you haven't tested out that theory with text messages, give it a try.

Not long ago, I discovered that receiving the "OK" response to a text I've sent to family or friends, especially a lengthier text, is absolutely calming and instantly soothing. How about you?

Why the Words OK are Soothing

Here's my conclusion about this: We live in a world of constant information, turmoil, debates, disagreements, and multiple stresses - and when someone responds back to us with the simple words "OK," we're lifted away from the edge for that moment.

When my kids respond to my texts or verbal requests with "OK," I'm immediately disarmed and relieved. I am keenly aware of being "yessed," so I'm not speaking about that baloney. A sincere "OK," acknowledging that you've been heard, and there's actual consensus, is what I'm referencing - wow! Isn't that nice?

I Like to Hand Out OKs

Whenever possible, I respond with "OK" or the more detailed version, "everything will be OK." Since discovering what these responses do for me, I seek out as many honest moments as possible to say "OK" to others. It's such a gift.

I'll respond with OK to the most mundane things whenever I get the chance. Try it. Here's an example, "mom, I'll be late for dinner" - my response 'OK.' Just a simple 'OK' is what I'll use whenever possible. Here's another boring example, "hun, I'll be home shortly, can you be in the driveway to help me unload the groceries?" my hubby's response, "OK." I can't express how much I appreciate that short, agreeable text!

Our lives are filled with so much emotion that often, telephone conversations go off into unrelated tangents. A simple response and truthful acknowledgment of "OK" via text is the next best thing to therapy, in my personal opinion! Just kidding about the therapy part, but it does help! That's how much I appreciate it and love to hand out an OK as much as receive one.

Currently, my friend is going through a traumatic life event, and I've said "everything will be ok" to her multiple times. She needed to hear the sheer possibility of it all -  I could honestly say this phrase because it is legitimately what I believe. 

Is the Self-Fulfiling Prophecy at Work?

There's no doubt; what we believe is our truth. As that quote goes, whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

Since my truth is that everything will be OK, I'm sure I'm subconsciously taking steps to ensure it happens. Whether the issue is something involving life and death, or personal strife, I absolutely believe that in the end, "everything will be OK." 

At the moment, I have mountains going on in my life. My mom is dangerously unwell, another friend's husband almost died in a vehicle accident, and I have other personal issues I'm sorting through. However, I still believe everything will be OK.

Will I cry? Is it stressful? Am I overwhelmed at times? Yes, to all. 

BUT in my soul, there's an untouchable place, a place that only belongs to me and my higher power. For respite, I retreat there. I know to my core that everything will be OK. This truth shapes my life.

I'm not sure where all this hope inside of me comes from, but it lives - it's a real thing.

Here's a poem I penned decades ago about holding onto inner peace, that place that belongs only to you and your higher power, no matter the storms.

Take Me To Your Beautiful
50 Years of Poems By Barbara Tremblay Cipak Available on Amazon

Additional Diary Entries:

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Looking for an Entertaining Comedy-Drama Movie to Watch? - Check This One Out

Are You Looking for a Comedy-Drama Movie to Watch

I've recently become a Netflix junkie. 

In the past thirty days, I've watched more movies than I have in one year.

After scrolling past "Where'd You Go, Bernadette" for several weeks, I decided to give it a try.

I prefer movies with skilled, famous actors or actresses. Where'd You Go, Bernadette stars Cate Blanchett, Billy Crudup, Emma Nelson, and Kristen Wiig, so it passed my initial talent hurdle. There are additional small acting appearances by other well-known artists.

Based on the 2012 Hit Novel, Where'd You Go Bernadette, by Maria Semple

As usual, according to multiple online reviews, the general consensus is that the novel was better, and the movie missed the mark.

However, I haven't read the novel, and I thoroughly enjoyed the movie.

The Movie - Released August 2019 as a Comedy-Drama

Bernadette Fox, played by Cate Blanchett, is a renowned Architect, who after experiencing a professional embarrassment on a very public project, decides to retreat into her family. Leaving her profession 'hanging' is one of the main reasons she begins to lose her grip on life. She settles into a reclusive existence with little to no patience for anyone other than her daughter and husband.

When the movie starts, you don't get the feeling Bernadette isn't "all there." That part of the movie builds in stages through a series of dramatic incidents. At first, you're thinking, "ok, she's normal; she simply lacks tolerance." However, as the movie progresses, you learn, "nope, there's more to this story than meets the eye," 

The Comedic Aspect of the Film

Although the movie highlights the seriousness of mental illness, it manages to do it with some humor. Personally speaking, I appreciated that approach. I wasn't looking for a movie about the absolute seriousness of the human condition. I was able to get more out of this film by the way they approached this topic. After all, the movie is billed as a comedy-drama, so that's what I was expecting, and that's what it delivered.

My Favorite Line - It Essentially Sums Up the Movie

Laurence Fishburne has a small but substantial role in the movie. As soon as he delivered this line to Bernadette, I immediately understood why Bernadette lost herself:

"...People like you must create. That's what you were brought into this world to do, Bernadette. If you don't, you become a menace to society."

That line made me want to go out and fix people! Lol. I know a few people this applies to! I personally understand it as well; when I'm not creating, I'm lost. I hadn't really thought of it that way, but yes, there's some truth to the menace aspect.

There's much more to this story. If you're looking for a fun, where-the-heck-is-this-movie-heading plot, you'll enjoy this one. 

Personally Speaking - Here are the Words I'd Use to Describe this Film

  • Quirky
  • Funny
  • Family
  • Artists
  • Love
  • Neglect
  • Mother Daughter
  • Distance
  • Absurd
  • Hopeful
  • Healing
  • Bizarre
  • Serious but Light
Movie Preview - If you're viewing via mobile, you can see the trailer directly on YouTube here.

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Sunday, September 5, 2021

How to Accept Change in Your Life


A Personal Review - How to Accept Change In Your Life

Life has been challenging for many of us for at least a few years now. 

What's happening around us, directly or indirectly, can seem overwhelming, especially when the issues touch our lives.

Here are My Five Personal Ideas on How to Accept Change and Move Forward:

1. Resist the Natural Urge to Resist the Change

Whether it's moving, a breakup, or a job change, embrace it. 

I know, that sounds impossible and a bit crazy, right? However, trying to embrace the change helps create a mindset that puts us into task-oriented activity to do the things needed to move forward. Despite it being difficult to go through that change, we are progressing through change instead of bathing in dread.

2. Be Solution Oriented

I'm not one to sit inside a problem for too long. It's just not who I am. Over the past four decades, being a solution-oriented person has carried me through a mountain of problems. 

If you're wondering what solution-oriented means, it means to spend your energy solving the problem instead of digging yourself into a pit of despair. 

Be productive with your mind; write down your options, talk to people who can help with the issue, research, and plan your way out. Take action, whatever that may be, and tackle the change with tasks and fortitude.

3.  Don't Suppress Your Emotions - But Don't Dwell on the Negative Either

This doesn't mean you get to yell and scream at people willy-nilly! And it certainly doesn't mean you get a free ticket to the irrationality show. 

Talk out your changes with others who can help. If you need to cry, find a safe shoulder or a private place where you can go ahead and bawl your eyes out. We know most men won't do this, but men need it most to all. I've raised four sons and personally know the emotional suppression that can take place. Break free from your emotional jail.

Once you've allowed your feelings to escape, focus on moving forward. To get through it, you have to go through it.

4. Accept Responsibility For Where You Are in Your Life

For adults, where we are in our life is a result of every choice we've made. That may seem a bit harsh, especially when we've had outside circumstances shape our lives. The operative word there is "shape."

Once we enter adulthood, every choice we make forms who we are; friends, where we live, how we live, schooling, work, relationships. Every one of these areas involves a choice. 

I've long ago come to terms with the fact that I am where I am, problems and all, because of every choice I've made. As much as I like to share my successes, I've accepted that my choices created my world, both good and bad; and yes, there have been some not-so-good times.

I remember sitting at the dinner table with my sons and throwing out this point about accepting responsibility for where you are in life; you should have seen their eyes widen! 

Most of us are rarely ready to accept responsibility for everything in our life until we really think about it and what that means. I'm here today because of series of decisions, or lack of decisions that I made and didn't make. Period.

This can be a freeing mental experience as well. Accepting responsibility has helped to point me in better directions and helped me to cope with adversity with grit. 

5. Choose Your Words Carefully While Going Through Change

The self-fulfilling prophecy is a real thing. The words we speak affect us. While you're going through life's changes, avoid words like hate, hurts, no way, can't, won't, ahole, and any other words that don't serve the solution or move you forward. The only exception to this is when you're having that all-important emotional release moment(s) described in point number three. 

When having a tough time, try 'opposite day.' I use this technique quite often. If inside I'm feeling apprehensive about an upcoming change or problem and all that is real is telling me I should wallow in the depths of despair, I project the polar opposite. 

I do opposite-day until good feelings become a natural feeling. Since I've practiced this so much, the change in my emotions will happen within an hour or less. It may take you longer to go through the faking it process, but you'll eventually master this.

Remember this one thing if nothing else at all;

"Don't let people rent space in your head" - Be your own inner voice, fight for your true self, lead with love and compassion, even when you're not getting any in return. Do it for the greater good. You're part of that greater good as well.

Additional Personal Guidance For Life:

10 Ways to Be Happy Even When Life is a Bucket of Lemons

Top 10 Ways to Manage Stress and Anger

Disclaimer: This is not meant to be medical advice and is not meant to be professional mental advice. I'm not a doctor. I'm just a mom sharing my decades of personal life experience.

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Sunday, August 29, 2021

10 Ways To Be Happy Even When Life is a Bucket of Lemons


What? You Can Choose Happiness?

Can you force yourself to be happy? Is that even possible? 

We've seen it written all over the internet, "happiness is a choice."

Is Happiness a Choice?

I think it is a choice. Stress, problems, situations, difficulties ... let's face it; we will ALWAYS have those to deal with.

So, where does the choice come in? 

For me, it's deciding that no matter what living nightmare is going in my world, I'll find a way and moments to speak positively or to simply remember to speak with a smile on my face.

Just because I'm writing an article on "Ways to be Happy" does not mean my life is perfect. Far, far from it! I have issues coming at me daily, but I refuse to be sucked into the pits of  dark energy, or as some see it, "hell."

Ten Personal Ways to Be Happy:

1.  Wear Happiness and Hope

I'm speaking literally right now, wear a piece of clothing or jewelry that says "Happy" or "Hope" on it. You don't have to wear it every day, but on the days you feel you need a pick-me-up, dress up with happiness and hope. Check out what I'm wearing today. My Hope necklace was a gift from a friend. The word hope is my personal word. What's a personal word? It's your go-to repetitive word you call upon to clear your mind. To yourself, repeat your word over and over until you've forgotten what you wanted to forget!

Wearing "Happy" and "Hope"

2. Move Your Body

For those who have health issues, moving can be a serious problem. The good news is that you don't have to head to a gym to get moving! Do anything that involves movement! Housework, cooking, stretches, or, if you can, go for a walk or bike ride. Personally, I work and move at the same time using the Cubii, which I highly recommend. It's under my desk, and I can't say enough positive things about it. I do office work and get a workout at the same time. Pedaling while working is a wonderful stress reliever.

3. Help Other People

I know what you're thinking! Girl, how can I focus on other people when my life is all-consuming? Guess what, force yourself to do it. If talking, texting, or going out with a friend isn't possible, simply pray for them. No matter your belief system, there's nothing wrong with focusing your giving energy on the people in your life.

I do this all the time. I go on prayer bike rides (that's what I call them). I get physical and spiritual exercise all at the same time. I spend a good forty minutes praying for each person in my life. The prayers are specific to their needs. It clears my head, and although I'll never really know if I've helped them in any way, I begin to feel like a whole person again who holds onto love when all else fails.

4. Laugh

A lot of people do this. One of my sons is particularly hilarious, and he does a comedy skit for me almost every day, and he makes my day and changes my mental state every single time. I told him, "if I'm ever in a coma, come in the room and do these skits, and I'll absolutely wake up!" If you don't have a comedian in the family, watch comedians on YouTube. Here, go watch Sebastian Maniscalco; he's frigging hysterical. My funny son has his routines down!

5. Dance, Yah, Dance

Put on some music and dance, by yourself or with someone in the house! Be spontaneous and just do it. Especially if your head is filled with all kinds of non-productive trash. Physical activity helps the body to clear the mind. 

6. Remember About 85% of the Things People Worry About Never Happen

Don't believe me? Here's an article featured on NBC News that talks about how to manage our worry gene. Worrying about things that haven't happened is a particular waste of energy. At first, it's difficult to turn off the worry bug in your head; however, think about all the things you've worried about that never happened! Energy is energy, and worry energy is still energy. Change your vibration using any method you can to refocus your magnetic field on something constructive and positive.

8. Tackle a Personal Project

Taking on a creative project is an ideal way to redirect your energy. Write, knit, draw, paint, or start a DIY home or garden design. Consume your mind with something you are personally vested in. It doesn't have to be something extravagant. Just do it! 

9. Socially Support Your Friends Online

Most of us know of people working a small online businesses. When you're not sure what to do for yourself, that's a good time to start doing for other people. Go visit their web pages or product pages, and share their work and ideas. Take the focus off of yourself and just give of yourself for the benefit of others. It's difficult for many people right now, so I like to help my friends out - it takes me out of my own head, and yes, it makes me happy.

10. Dress for the Day

Working from home or not working at all can drag us into track-suit hell. Make an effort to clean your room every single day. Get dressed into something nice and clean yourself up. Start your day with intention!

Here's an Inspirational Video about Love and Light I Created - I Hope you enjoy it <3 - If Viewing Via Mobile, the Video is Here

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Sunday, August 22, 2021

My Top Ten Ways to Manage Stress and Anger

A Personal Review of Ten Ways to Manage Stress and Anger

Unfortunately, nobody gets to live a stress-free life.

Personally speaking, life has handed me buckets of stress. Keeping myself centered has been an active, neverending exercise.

My Top Ten Ways to Manage Stress & Anger

1. Deep Breathing - One of My Personal Faves

What's great about this technique is, you can do it anywhere. If you're out-and-about and are dealing with a difficult situation or even have a stressful thought, start taking those slow deep breaths. I like to do this to the count of six; count slowly to six as you breathe in and slowly to six as you breathe out.

2. Step Away From the Situation

If you're able to physically remove yourself from a stressful situation, then do it. Take a short walk or remove yourself from the space where the problem or stress persists. If you have to be around the person, or problem, revert to quiet deep breathing exercises. Just focus on your breath so that you're not consumed with negative thoughts. Ultimately walking away, and deep breathing provides you with a distraction. 

The "twenty-four hour rule" is a calming method used in sports with parents. Give it twenty-four hours before you complain to the coach about a matter pertaining to your child. Time offers perspective. It's a terrific technique for all aspects of life.

3. Body Movement - One of My Personal Faves

For me, this one works best most of the time. I need to burn off my stress, which normally involves a bike ride or pedaling like a maniac on the Cubii, conveniently located under my desk. By the way, if you haven't heard of the Cubii, I highly recommend it.

4. Distraction

This one works well for a friend of mine. She's able to perform a task, read, or watch a movie to get her mind off a stressful situation. For me, this doesn't work. However, if you're able to free your mind of a problem using a movie or book as a distraction, go for it!

5. Pray for Other People - One of My Personal Faves

I use this one most of the time. Even though I'm in a stressful situation, I pray for others, and I pray continuously. I go through each person individually, asking for specific things about their life and their needs. By taking the focus off of myself, I find peace and a bit more understanding. 

6. Listen to Music or Motivational Videos or Audio Books

Play positive music or messages. Use headphones to block out the rest of the world. The negativity surrounding us can be overwhelming, never mind adding a stressful moment or event to the mix! Battle that with positive words. Fight the dark energy with light energy.

7. Take Stock of Your Own Mistakes and Faults

I do practice this one. When I'm upset with another person, I actively remember my own mistakes throughout life, and remind myself of my flaws. I try very hard not to give myself anger-freebies and actively reflect upon the mistakes I've made throughout life. When I think about my faults, I have kinder thoughts about the person I'm upset with.

8. Put the Problem in Perspective

Most of us tend to blow up an issue into tangents when pissed off with another person. We start thinking about every other little thing the person did as well as the immediate issue. I think women tend to do this more? When I'm upset about one particular issue, after fuming for a bit, I remember to focus on the issue that needs tending; not a lifetime of issues. Even if other matters have been brushed under the table for a future date to solve, I try to remember to focus on the issue at hand. Not easy.

9. It's O.K. To Be Mad for a While

Allow yourself the time you need to get past the anger stage. You have a right to go through this step! When I'm stressed or upset, especially if it involves another person, I let myself feel those emotions so that I can get past them. When I'm ready, I practice many of the tips I featured above; deep breathing, prayer, music, and so on.

10. When Possible Seek a Solution

Not all problems have a solution, but some do. When you've regrouped and you're past the anger stage, begin the solution process. Unfortunately, only you know what that is. I use this one measure as a guide; if the solution is mutual it's potentially a good start.

Bonus Tip Number 11If you are wrong, apologize. 

Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor. This isn't professional medical advice. Like most moms, I'm just a mother and grandmother with life experience, sharing my personal tips and discoveries. 

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Sunday, August 15, 2021

Review of a Quality Mini Blender-Chopper

Check Out This Brand of Mini-Chopper for a Quality Product

I recommend this mini-chopper because it's lasted us nearly fifteen years.

As most of us know, it's rare for any appliance to last that long. 

What makes this mini-chopper special isn't fancy features; in my opinion, it's the company that makes it. 

A Black & Decker Product - In Business Since 1910

We've always been a fan of this company and its products. They established their beginnings in 1910 in Baltimore, Maryland, as a small machine shop. Their products range from heavy equipment, hardware, home accessories, fastening systems, power tools, and home appliances. A Black & Decker drill was even used on the moon in the early 1970s for the Apollo 15 and 16 missions. In 2010 they merged with Stanley Works to become Stanley Black & Decker.

On a personal note, my mother worked for their company in the mid-1970s. Where I'm from, Black & Decker has been known for manufacturing solid products.

What's the Big Deal About a Mini-Chopper Anyway?

I'm not one for a lot of counter appliances. I find hauling out an appliance to be time-consuming. I prefer to cut, chop and mix as much as I can without a lot of extra equipment to store and wash. However, I've made an exception for this one product. 

Our Black & Decker Mini Chopper - It's over 15 years old and still going strong

I use the mini-chopper for anything that needs shredding, cutting, or chopping. I especially like it for chopping garlic and onions. I'll chop one, two, or three heads of garlic in one go. Tonight was a chicken broccoli casserole, and its main feature was lots of garlic. Thanks to this handy item, I can dice a lot of garlic at once.

In our house, we've had to replace numerous appliances over that same time period. However, not this mini-chopper - it has never broken or needed any type of repair.

Our 15-year-old+ Black & Decker Mini Chopper

Not repairing or replacing an appliance for over fifteen years automatically earns said appliance a five-star rating. This little gadget is well made!

If you're looking for an affordable hostess gift or a small gift for someone, don't hesitate to choose the Black & Decker Mini Chopper. It's something that will absolutely get used, and best of all, last.

You can find the mini-chopper here on Amazon. You'll notice that our mini-chopper has a completely different look. Of course, the reason being, it's fifteen years old!

Don't hesitate to choose this product. Five stars.

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Sunday, August 8, 2021

Don't be Afraid of Color and Patterns When Designing a Vintage Room

Don't Be Afraid of Color and Patterns When Decorating

Using color in home decor can terrify some people.

There's a difference between 'not liking pattern and color' and being afraid to try it. 

If your decorating nature leans toward neutral colors and very few patterns, then this article isn't for you. 

I prefer color, patterns, texture, interest, and depth when I decorate a space. I'm not one to walk into a furniture showroom and head towards the modern pieces. However, I have several people in my family who absolutely prefer a neutral decor that focuses on clean lines, fewer pieces, and basic shapes and patterns.

A Step Back Into the 1800s 

Our family room isn't exactly the epitome of the 1800s. However, I added pieces to that space over the years to further enhance its vintage feel. The only two parts that are modern are the TV and the gas fireplace. 

The recent addition of my mother's personal, high-quality needlepoint work, with their ornate frames, became the finishing touch this space needed. I'm blessed to have six pieces of my mother's personal creations in my home. They fit our decor perfectly.

Don't Be Afraid of Color and Patterns When Decorating
An Old Meets New Family Room Decor Theme

Choose a Rug with a Pattern

In this article, I explain how to select a patterned rug to go with a patterned sofa. Essentially, it states that if you plan a lot of color and pattern in your room, keep the pattern on the rug fairly minimal and keep it to the edge of the carpet. Let the center part of the rug have larger neutral sections, with bits of patterned items spread sporadically throughout.

Don't choose a geometric, contemporary, or modern rug to go into a space where you want the feel to be old-world. Although you may like to mix and match modern with vintage, you need to approach that particular design with intention. Intention involves thinking about each piece you have, the balance of each piece, and how they contribute to the final look.

In our case, we wanted the family room to have a rich, deep, hotel-lobby feel that crossed into the realm of vintage and old world.

Ultimately for us, the room's emotion was about coziness, warmth, and depth; vintage decor ticks many of those boxes.

Art Work With a Vintage Feel - Not Just the Art Work, But Also the Frames

Admittedly we just added my mother's personal artwork to the room. The three places we added her personally crafted needlework was above two lamps and above a chair. The vintage look to the frames, along with her incredible needlepoint, completes the space.

My mom created these pieces nearly 50 years ago, in the 1970s. The three pieces are now part of our family room; Blue Boy, Red Boy, and Pink Lady. The photos below don't do it justice! They look outstanding in our color-rich family room.

Here are Mom's Handcrafted Pieces

Don't Be Afraid of Color and Patterns When Decorating
Blue Boy - Handcrafted by Georgette Tremblay

Don't Be Afraid of Color and Patterns When Decorating
Pink Lady - Handcrafted by Georgette Tremblay

Don't Be Afraid of Color and Patterns When Decorating
Red Boy - Handcrafted by Georgette Tremblay

Ultimately color choices for a room are a personal choice. However, don't let fear of decorating with color, 'color' your decorating bravery. 

Quick Summary of What to Consider When Decorating with Color

  1. Keep the room balanced - especially if you're fearful of decorating with color. 
  2. Choose a few areas with patterns (such as the drapes, pillows, and rugs) and go with solid tones for the rest (the walls, the furniture, and lamps/lighting) - This is the easy way to take that leap into color.
  3. For the Batman-Brave, put a bit of pattern in everything BUT keep certain accessories solid in color, such as the lamps, the drapes, and the tables. Take your color and pattern bravery out on the sofa, the rug, the pillows, and the art.
  4. Keep the family of colors complimentary. Here's an excellent article explaining complementary colors.
  5. Decide upon the mood you want for your room; comfortable, airy, lush, cheerful, cool, warm - whatever you want. Check out this article for more on that topic.
If you like funky, creative decor, be sure to check out

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