Sunday, May 31, 2015

A Encouraging Country Song About Finding Strength - You've Had Enough, Today is the Day You Stand

A Encouraging Country Song About Finding Strength - You've Had Enough, Today is the Day You Stand

Have you been through difficult times but still found yourself willing to 'Stand'?

Without realizing it, you've made it through another day of turmoil. Your exhaustion has unwittingly become the driving force necessary to get over what seems like an unclimbable mountain ... so without anything but sheer will, YOU STAND.
Review of Stand, by Rascal Flatts: 'Stand' is a country song that expresses your newly discovered tenacity with lyrics that inspire a 'take action' mentality; 'on your knees, you look up, decide you've had enough, you get mad, you get strong' (lyrics).
As this inspiring song articulates, the getting up, not the falling down that matters. When we stand against great odds, it's as though we're giving ourselves permission to learn from our struggle and, better yet, to move forward in pursuit of the happy life we deserve.

If there were a way to get to the rainbow without having to experience the rain, would we grow and learn? As 'Stand' by Rascal Flatts articulates, our struggles are only as big as we allow them to be. Once we decide that enough is enough, that's when we find out what we're truly made of....Sugar and Spice, sure, why not...mixed with a little Hot Pepper Sauce for bravery.

Have You Learned to Be a Stronger Person? 

Have you mastered inner strength over the years? It's difficult to understand why things must be so incredibly challenging, but not so much when we understand that we are ultimately responsible for our choices.

Wrapping our minds around taking responsibility for our choices (as adults), especially when those choices haven't been the wisest, takes guts. Our pride can take a hit when we self-admit our own failings: From choosing the wrong life partner, the wrong job, the wrong friends, addiction, being nasty, and more!

Our choices are giving us the results we currently see. Changing our choices will change our results. When we 'Stand' we're accepting the change that has to happen - whether someone else initiated that change, or whether we were the ones who elected to change - it doesn't matter, it's the acceptance that moves us forward into a new and exciting chapter.

Standing Up and Surviving Change Is the Biggest Gift You Can Give Yourself

It's cliche, but it's true: everything happens for a reason. Even if that reason isn't what we want to face or deal with, the fact that we're in a situation requiring change is a sole indicator in itself that we either made mistakes, ignored clues, had a hunch what was right and didn't listen to that inner voice, are victims or our own bad choices or simply remained inactive on a matter for years that ultimately ended up escalating.
Whatever scenario we face, one thing is for sure: we deserve a happy life. Happiness comes first and foremost with belief. It's supposed to be a place we live in most of the time, not an elusive emotion that only shows up for a split second or never shows!
When we believe we are worthy of happiness, happiness has a chance to find us. It takes a massive amount of bravery to initiate change in our lives. As the song says, 'You get mad, you get strong, wipe your hands off and stand.'
Rascal Flatts reminds us that 'when push comes to shove, you find out what you're made of.' The first step is brutally difficult. It's the reason we get stuck...we can't take that one first step.
Sometimes, life chooses for us, and we're forced into taking that first step. Either way, we 'Stand'.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Koffee Kingdom Site Review

coffee maker
What can be more fun for a coffee lover like me than a site devoted entirely to coffee? Frankly, it's coffee everything. From bean roasts to cute-shaded sugar cubes, Koffee Kingdom has it all.

Yes, I will admit that I'm addicted to coffee. But for me, it has to be a good cup of coffee. Some things I knew about what makes a good cup for me, but I wasn't sure why. So I read a great article on this site: Coffee Bean Roasts and How They Effect Flavor. Now I know to choose the right roast to get the best cup of coffee for my tastes.

Coffee Makers: Keurig is King

coffee makerWhat I also discovered is why I want to have a fresh cup of coffee every time. Sure I knew about Keurig Coffee Makers, but didn't know why I would want to get one of those until I read a review about these machines.

In the article Keurig Single Serve Coffee Maker, there is a list of all the benefits. Frankly, that sold me more than anything else. The idea of getting a fresh cup of coffee every time is just part of the appeal. No waiting for a pot to finish dripping, no wasting the extra coffee in a pot, and no handling filters and coffee beans all the time.

Coffee Home Decor As Well

tin sign
Drinking good coffee is one thing, but enjoying a little coffee atmosphere in my home decor is also a treat. And don't you know the site Koffee Kingdom has some of that, too. My little breakfast nook has coffee-themed wall decals, but I was looking for just a bit more to carry the theme. Tin coffee signs looked like a good addition. I found some cute ways to add to my decor.

There are plenty of other options as well, including wall clocks with a coffee theme, serving trays that add a little coffee humor, even fun mugs. Well, honestly, do we ever have enough mugs to enjoy our favorite brew? I don't so I love to find new ones.

Koffee Kingdom for Enjoyment

So my analysis of the site Koffee Kingdom is that it's got it all. The kind of information I need to make a perfect cup of coffee, great additions to my coffee world, and some fun ideas for gift giving as well.

Is the site worth checking out? My answer is yes. If you enjoy coffee like me, you will enjoy Koffee Kingdom. Then let me know what you think, too. 

Posted by: BuckHawk

About This Contributor

BuckHawk decribes herself as "Basically a lazy person who prefers the easy things in life." So that's what she writes about. Easy home decorating, easy recipes, easy entertaining. But, she is also a lover of animals, gardening and crafting. You'll find her writing all over the Web, but with Review This Reviews! she has the opportunity to write about all of her loves.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, May 29, 2015

Review of Shadow On The Quilt by Stephanie Grace Whitson

Shadow on the Quilt

Recommendation for "The Shadow on the Quilt"

When I finished reading "The Shadow on the Quilt" by Stephanie Grace Whitson, I simply had to write a review of the book immediately.

Even though this book is set in the 19th century, some of the difficulties, decisions and emotional crisis this widow faces could easily take place in any time period.  The desire to erase the bad decisions of the deceased and protect the lives of their loved ones is easy to understand.  I even found myself wishing I could protect Juliana, the widow, from the knowledge of her late husband's deceptions.

But, that is only the beginning of this book.  You, too, will want walk this path with Juliana and rejoice as she finds acceptance, contentment and happiness once again.

A Quick Synopsis of the Book 

Written by Cynthia Sylvestermouse

 THE SHADOW ON THE QUILT (The Quilt Chronicles)Juliana's husband was a prominent and respected member of their small town community.  When the local brothel burned to the ground, he was one of the victims of the fire.  The official press story touted him as a hero, stating that he had entered the establishment to help save lives, but there were those who knew the truth.

Cass is the foreman overseeing the construction of the couples mansion and was there when Juliana's husbands body was pulled from the ashes of the brothel.  As an employee, he had also known of the mans infidelity prior to that night and berated himself for never having confronted the man.  Of course, he feared losing his job.

When Juliana is devastated by the death of her husband and by the discovery of his deceptions, Cass has to balance friendship, honestly, and compassion.

This story definitely has a romantic appeal, but I would have to say that Julianna's strength through her bereavement, betrayal and the scandal was what truly give the book backbone and made it worth reading.      

More About the Book and the Book Genre

"Shadow on the Quilt" is actually the second book in "The Quilt Chronicles" series.  Although it is not necessary, you may wish to read the first book in the series, The Key on the Quilt.

This book is a Christian historical fiction.  It appeals to my interest in history, although I am far from a history buff.    I also prefer reading this particular genre because I never have to worry about the language, the descriptions or the story becoming too crude, frightening or violent.   Plus, romance is just that; romance, not eroticism. 

About the Author of "The Shadow on the Quilt",  

Stephanie Grace Whitson

Shephanie Grace Whitson is a best-selling author and two time Christy finalist.  She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in French with a minor in English and music.

By her own admission, Stephanie enjoyed writing reports and research papers in school, but never expected to be a novelist.  While home-schooling her children, she found she needed a "creative" way to teach her children history.  They visited a small, pioneer cemetery where they began to discover what life was like for the people buried there.  Her first character was born and was introduced to the world in her first published book, "Walks the Fire" in 1995.

Quote directly from Stephanie Grace White:  "Hindsight has shown me why that happened.   God was providing a career for a woman who was going to have to support her family as a widow beginning in 2001."

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Meet Susan Deppner, Review This! Contributor

Susan Deppner
The author with her dog, Daisy, and one of her favorite electronic gadgets, her Kindle reader, Pinkie.
Hi there!

As I write this (May 2015), I'm the new kid on the site, the most recent addition to the Review This! team. I'm thrilled to be rubbing virtual shoulders with the other terrific writers here, most of whom I've known for years online.

Who am I? I'm an over-60 baby boomer, a cancer survivor, and a Southerner who believes in the Golden Rule. Color me sassy (from time to time) as well as red, white, and blue. I'm also a wife and mom whose family drives her crazy who's totally crazy about her family, including the four-legged members.

My interests? Wide and varied, which is a good thing for a writer. I love reading and writing about all sorts of subjects, so expect the occasional book review. I love to cook, so expect cookbook and kitchen gadget reviews and perhaps a recipe or two. I'm a wannabe geek, excited to jump on the bandwagon when a fun electronic gadget catches my eye and my fancy, and I love sharing that excitement (in plain English; no tech talk, I promise!) with friends and fans alike.

My online real estate has been under development for many years now and if you're interested in a tour, you'll find most of it at these web and social media sites:

I'm tickled pink to be writing here at Review This Reviews! and truly appreciate your visit. Please bookmark this site and come again, soon!

Best always,

Posted by Susan Deppner

Susan Deppner

About the Author

Susan Deppner is a baby boomer, a cancer survivor, and a Southerner who believes in the Golden Rule. She enjoys writing about food, faith, and fitness; health, home, and holidays; people, places, pets, and patriotism, and more. Follow Susan on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Reviewing Jenaluca Kitchen Scoop Set

Set Of Kitchen Scoops: The perfect gift for a bride

using a kitchen scoop

Recently, I was invited to a bridal shower for one of the neighbor girls down the street. There wasn't even a hesitation as to what I would get for the shower. I have a favorite gift to give when it comes to brides, a set of kitchen scoops.

Why scoops you ask? Well, for one thing I feel that every cook needs a good set of scoops whether she or he realizes it. Once they have them in their kitchen, they find that there are so many ways to use them.

Wouldn't one scoop be enough? Actually, I like having the different sizes in my kitchen, let me explain.

The Large Scoop: Not just for ice cream

Included in the set above is the large size that immediately brings to mind scooping ice cream. Yes, I use it for ice cream and sherbets all the time. I also use it for scooping portions of mashed potatoes onto our dinner plates along with any other mashed veggie that we may be having. When making cupcakes, I use the large scoop to put my batter into the baking cups so that my cupcakes are a uniform size when baked. It also works nicely for serving portions of pudding into a pretty dish for dinner guests. The large scoop holds 3 tablespoons of whatever you are scooping so it is easy to find all kinds of uses for it. 

The Medium Scoop: Cookies anyone?

The medium sized kitchen scoop holds 1 1/2 tablespoons of ingredients so I use it the most for my cookie dough. It is a perfect size and I love that my cookies are a uniform size when baked. It is also the kitchen scoop that I grab when I make meatballs. Once the grandchildren came along, I also use the medium scoop for serving the little ones their portion of mashed potatoes. I like to use this size for smaller cupcakes and muffins, too.

The Small Scoop: A fruitful tool

The third and smallest tool in this kitchen scoop set holds 2 teaspoons of ingredients. I love to use it for melon balls and any other fruit that can be scooped. It is also handy when I want to make smaller meatballs. Since I know that it holds the two teaspoons, I will often grab it to measure out ingredients for recipes, too.

Choose Scoops That Last: 

There is hardly a day in my kitchen that I'm not grabbing at least one of my kitchen scoops for something. When I first started out, I had a fairly cheap ice cream scoop and it wore out pretty quickly. I replaced it with a relatively inexpensive one and that one wore out, too. Finally, the light bulb came on in my head! These are tools in your kitchen that are used often so buy a good one that will last. In the long run, I've saved myself money by purchasing the better quality scoops that last for what seems forever. 

That is why when I have a gift to purchase for a bride, I choose a good set of kitchen scoops like the Jenaluca set. I know she will use them for a very long time in her own kitchen. I know they are good because I use them myself.  

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Introducing Singer-Songwriter Stephen Cuthbert

Stephen Cuthbert
Stephen Cuthbert on YouTube

Stephen John Cuthbert, born in 1985, is a dedicated and talented singer-songwriter from North East England's pretty seaside resort of Redcar. Recently, I had the opportunity to ask Stephen about his passion for music, and I wasn't surprised to learn that music has been a part of his life since he was little.
As we all know, it takes a great deal of talent to be a songwriter, and Stephen has a creative knack for bringing together descriptive, heartfelt lyrics with catchy and appealing sounds. In fact, you would think, by the album Stephen put together last year, that he had been writing music all his life. However, he pointed out that although he's always maintained a deep connection to music, he didn't, in fact, get down to writing his own songs until 2013....and get down to writing he did! His self-titled album, Here and Standing, offers 11 original songs, featuring the first song he ever wrote called 'Money Tree.'
Stephen's Songwriting Inspiration
When asking Stephen where he gets his inspiration to write, he indicated he 'usually needs to be in a particular mood, but that most of his lyrics come to him as he's about to drop off to sleep at night'...which is why he keeps his iPhone handy to quickly jot his new ideas down!
I was curious to know what comes first - the music or the lyrics - and he said he does not have a set pattern when he writes; sometimes, a particular chord sequence will come to mind, and he'll adjust the lyrics to fit. But he also states the reverse happens; he can write a full song and then fit the music around it. Although he's in the early stages of his career, he's open to writing songs for other artists, so he knows how to attack a songwriting project from any angle.
Famed musical inspirations include Elvis Presley, Michael Buble, and Trace Adkins. Stephen points out that he's not isolated to one particular genre and writes for numerous genres, including country.
Anything is Possible
Stephen remembers seeing the famed X Factor success story James Arthur playing local pubs in his area before being discovered. He says, "It really hit home how if you stick to your dreams, eventually you will get to where you want to be." Perseverance should never be underestimated.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Holiday Gift Guide: Online Shopping Directory

Shopping for just the right gift doesn't have to be difficult or chaotic. 

This birthday & holiday gift guide will help you find the perfect gift for every member of your family, for all of your friends as well as co-workers, truly everyone on your gift list.  
We know the sites listed in this guide are trustworthy and reliable sources.  So, sit back, relax and do all of your gift shopping right from the comfort of your own home.

These are not paid solicitations or ads. Placement in the Review This Reviews Holiday Gift Guide cannot be purchased.

Each of these sites has been hand-selected by our own Review This Reviews contributor team to provide you with the very best shopping experience.


The Pinterest Display only shows the last 30 pins.
Please click through to the full board on Pinterest to see over 150 gift suggestions





TREASURES, TRAVEL, AND TALES:   A site as random and rambling as the author.  Dawn Rae firmly believes that the best gifts are those that create memories or relationships. Whether those relationships are with friends, family, and pets or with inanimate things such as the earth, books, and her beloved Jeep.  On the pages of this site you will find "treasures" which are Dawn Rae's gift recommendations, "travel" which will include great places for adventure in the mid-Atlantic region, and "tales" which will include book reviews as well as the author's journey in the writing world. To make a long story short, this sit should have been entitled, "Included, but not limited to."

RAINTREE EARTH DESIGNS:  Here we discuss the background, history, emotions and any interesting facts relating to the designs and photographs displayed on Raintree Earth Designs Zazzle. Our unique photographs are taken by us in our garden and on country walks in UK and abroad which are made into a variety of greetings cards and gift ideas. Most of these photographs and designs originate from our appreciation of nature and wildlife and the site may also feature other respected designers.

LOU 16:  Lou16 is a website with lots of gift ideas mixed in with zombies, dolls and a few ideas on how to earn money online. The author loves to discover new cool things that will make great gift ideas so no matter who you’re shopping for Lou could have the perfect gift waiting for you.


RAINTREE EARTH DESIGNS ZAZZLE STORE: At Raintree Earth Designs we are inspired by nature. We love and respect wildlife and the conservation of our beautiful natural world. It is delightful to see the ordinary as extraordinary. Thank you for visiting and I hope you enjoy our store.

LIGHT HOUSE ENTHUSIAST:  Are you looking for a gift for a lighthouse enthusiast. At this site you will find a wide variety of gifts from mugs, posters, magnets, dishes, ornaments and much more. There are over 100 different lighthouses depicted on the products in my shop. Stop by and browse the store to find the perfect gift for that lighthouse lover on your gift list.

REVIEWED BY SAM:  You'll find a collection of articles of just about anything, from books, products that I own and use, travel, and do-it-yourself-projects. some of these articles contain some great gift ideas. 


VICTORIA FREDERICK'S JEWELRY BOX:  Experience the real joy of jewelry!  I invite you to look inside my jewelry box where you will discover the most divine and beautiful jewelry available today.  From silver filigree to diamond laden pendants, I endeavor to offer the perfect gifts in jewelry and accessories with something for every budget.   


HEART OF THE HOME KITCHENS:  Your kitchen is where you prepare meals, artistically create great food masterpieces, and share some of the greatest moments in life.  It is the heart of the home and should be filled with the tools that make cooking fun and easy, and dining a pleasure, not just a necessity. From specialty cookware to lovely serving pieces and holiday kitchen decor, we have what your "heart" desires.


FUNK THIS HOUSE:  If you consider yourself an original who tends to plow their own path in life even when it comes to home decor, then you need to embrace your funky side by checking out the broad collection of colorful, unique, odd and somewhat off-the-wall ideas at! Find ways to tap into your wacky side when you decorate! Why move from your home when you can just funk'n love it!

BEAUTIFUL HOME & GARDEN DECOR:  Step into a dreamy world of beautiful home and garden decor where the selections are a combination of practicality and lovely appeal.   From the den to the bedroom, throughout the house and into the garden, we feature decor that enriches our everyday lives as we transform our home and gardens into our own private sanctuaries.  We can help you make your home a warm, comfortable and inviting reflection of yourself!

HOUSE OF SYLVESTERMOUSE on Zazzle:  Many fabulous and exclusive photographs of nature scenes are featured, including mammals, flowers and insects, as well as prints of historical landmarks and art. These photos are offered on many different mediums including apparel, home & office decor, greeting cards, Christmas ornaments, and more. They are sure to add beauty and creativity to any wall or surface.


SAM'S PLACE   You'll find old and new family recipes. I have a passion for preserving old family recipes as well as creating new ones along the way. Recipes for the Holidays and recipes for everyday cooking. With these delicious recipes, you'll see my favorite kitchen tools and gadgets, all of which make perfect gift ideas.

COOKING FOR THE HOLIDAYS   Discover recipes, tips and suggestions for Cooking for the Holidays, or any day of the year.

KOFFEE KINGDOM:  "Where Coffee Rules!"   Koffee Kingdom is truly the "kingdom" of coffee information & resources, coffee makers and equipment, coffee supplies, coffee recipes, coffee related gifts & decor.  For us, it is all about coffee. "I got a fever...and the only prescription is more coffee!"



EASY BACKYARD GARDENING: Your garden and backyard should be your own private sanctuary.  It is your place to rest, relax and simply enjoy the peace that only a garden can give. Easy Backyard Gardening offers plants, flowers and tree suggestions, gardening tool recommendations and easy care instructions to help you create your own backyard garden retreat.

ESSENTIAL WILDLIFE GARDENING GIFTS: Here you will find practical, fun and beautiful gardening gifts that will make gorgeous presents for the gardener, who also likes to keep wildlife in mind. For many occasions, gardening gifts may be purely decorative or very practical or a combination of both. Some gifts are directly for the benefit of wildlife, or for the enjoyment or comfort of the gardener to make our lives more special and fulfilled.

GRAMMIE KNOWS HOW TO GARDEN: Gardening has been a passion for Grammie Olivia, forever.  Not only does she know lots about gardens, tips and tricks, flowers, vegetables and weeds, but she loves to share her knowledge with novice gardeners and experts alike.  You will find all kinds of interesting things here, from Garden Decor, Gifts for Gardeners, New and Improved ways to make gardening easier.  Even help for “Older Gardeners”  who can’t give up the idea of  getting their hands in the ground.

From the Balcony to the great Outdoors, Grammie Olivia, writes for all gardeners, bringing new tools, seeds, trends in the garden, and a love for Mother Nature and all her garden friends!  The ones with two legs, four and more legs, two wings or more.  The ones that hop, jump, scurry and fly!  They are all integral players in the Great Outdoors.  Some are Beneficial and some are not, Grammie Olivia helps you to keep the ones that are great and naturally deter the ones that are not!  

Grammie Olivia welcomes you and your friends to ask questions, share advice, join in a group of people who love to garden.  Looking forward to hearing from all of you!


WEDNESDAY ELFS' EBAY STORECrafting visitors to my eBay site will find a wide variety of craft patterns for every season and occasion for crafters in crochet, knitting, cross stitch and sewing. Along with patterns, I have craft supplies (yarns, trimmings, accessories, etc.) available. As a crochet and needlework crafter myself, I also feature new ready-to-use-or-give handcrafted items for holiday, seasonal, birthday and 'just because' gifts.

CHRISTMAS CRAFT KITS: Your destination for fast and easy Christmas crafts, or handmade Christmas gifts to make and give to your family & friends, we offer a variety of beautiful Christmas crafts.   Visit us today and enter the home of Christmas Craft Kits where a world of crafting fun in felt, cross stitch, plastic canvas, crochet and more, are waiting for your hands to turn the pieces into cherished keepsakes.

HOUSE OF SYLVESTERMOUSE EBAY STORE:  Explore a crafter's paradise filled with the variety of crafts, craft kits, patterns, books and supplies.  As a fellow crafter, this is truly my own personal world of experience and creativity.  I also offer some great gift selections for just about anyone on your gift list, not just the crafters.


CHERISHED TOY FINDS: Spending time and playing with my grandchildren I realized that many of the toys were toys that I played with as well as my children. I created Cherished Toy Finds to share these classic toys. Toys that have stood the test of time. You can also find some of the newest and favorite toys that my grandchildren recommend. All of these, of course, make perfect gift ideas. 

COASTAL CROCHET CRAFTS: Journey with me to my 'Land of Crochet' where little plush animals romp & play. 
Here you will find hand-crocheted 'critters' who are brightly colored soft 'stuffies' in many shapes and forms from penguins to puppies, barnyard buddies, zoo animals, seaside stuffies and more.
Coastal Crochet and Crafts Shop also has handmade household décor in the shape of beverage coasters and tissue covers in many themes.

TOY TIME TREASURES: The premier selection of toys available for our children today. We invite you into our world of wonderful toys that provide hours of fun and a touch of fantasy.   Dolls, Dragons, Castles, Tents, Plush Animals to Hold or Ride, Play Kitchens, Workshops and so much more. We have what you have been looking for and more!

TOY TREASURES:  "Toys that capture our attention and hold our hearts!"    At Toy Treasures, we are kindred spirits and avid collectors all.  We understand the desire to have our own menagerie of collectibles.  Today’s toys will become tomorrow's greatest keepsake in the hearts and minds of our children.  Discover today's plaything and tomorrows heirloom.


THE GREEN-EYED CAT GIFT SHOP:  The Green-Eyed Cat Gift Shop's high-quality greeting cards feature our own photography and a selection of customizable birthday, Mother's Day and Father's Day, and all-occasion cards for dog lovers, people who like flowers, and even recipe cards.  Personalize a card with your own message if you like, choose a size, and rest assured that you'll love the 100% satisfaction-guaranteed results. 

THE COOL CARD SHOP:  The Cool Card Shop has a lovely selection of greeting cards for you, from birthday cards to Christmas cards, Valentine’s Day Greetings to Mother’s Day Cards. 

RAINTREE EARTH DESIGNS ZAZZLE STORE: We celebrate the natural world taking photographs to create beautiful and unique greetings cards and gifts. These photographs are of flowers, birds, animals and scenery we come across on our walks and in our garden.

HOUSE OF SYLVESTERMOUSE GREETING CARDS In the House of Sylvestermouse, I specialize in beautiful photography.  I offer greeting cards with lovely photos of animals, travel destinations, flowers, and more featured on the front.  Some of my cards have inspirational messages inside, but most are left blank for you to add your own personal greeting or note.  When you want a beautiful picture, come see me.  Also, if you see any photo in my store that you would like to have made available on a greeting card, simply let me know and I will gladly add it to the greeting card selections.




HALLOWEEN HAVEN:  Hauntingly memorable Halloweens start here!  Like a lot of great parties, Halloween Haven has multiple hallow-hostesses who have joined our knowledge and experiences together in order to create a frighteningly fantastic place for all of your Halloween fun.  We feature the best Halloween costumes and jewelry, Halloween indoor and outdoor decorations, Halloween party ideas and recipes, as well as Halloween collectibles. 


EVERYTHING HALLOWEEN:  Everything Halloween is your online destination for everything Halloween as the name suggests! We do have a heavy emphasis on costumes as we love fancy dress on any day of the year, but Halloween is definitely the best time!  


CHRISTMAS TIME TREASURES:  Bring the magic and wonder of Christmas home!  Make Christmas memorable with our Christmas decorations, recipes, holiday party invitations, and Christmas apparel.  We also feature a selection of Christmas gifts that will be treasured for years to come.

CHRISTMAS TREE IDEAS:  Christmas Tree Ideas as the title suggests offers ideas for your Christmas tree from the tree itself to different themed ornaments, tree skirts and tree toppers. Purchase new ornaments from the comfort of your own home or just get some inspiration for your holiday décor. 

CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS:  Christmas Holidays is a POD store spreading the joy of Christmas with ornaments, t-shirts, cards, throw pillows, gift wrap and more!  


BE MY VALENTINE WORLD:   Explore a world of fun and romantic ideas for valentine's decorating, cards, parties, apparel and creating special memories on Valentine's Day.  We will help you plan a romantic dinner and find a gift your Valentine is sure to love and cherish.  Be My Valentine World also has a section just for children and Valentine's cards for classroom exchange.


EGGSCITING EASTER:  An eggs-cellent place for all of your Easter fun!  Easter decor and decorating ideas, party planning and apparel, recipes, gifts, Easter candy and treats for an Egg-cellent and Egg-citing Easter! 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Decorating with Zazzle Posters

blue butterfly photo by mbgphoto

Places to Decorate with Posters

Posters can be a great way to decorate a room or add a bit of color to a dull space.  They are a more casual form of decorating but can really brighten up an area.  Consider posters for decorating in the following spots.

  • College Dorm Rooms
  • Laundry Rooms
  • Basement Rec Rooms
  • Downstairs Baths
  • Finished Garage Walls
  • Hallways

Using a Theme in your Poster Decorating

If you have an area where you want to put several posters, then picking a theme is a good idea.  You might want to use movie posters, hobby themes, nature themes, or perhaps photos from a favorite vacation.  The posters below are selections from lighthouses that I have visited and photographed.  These posters would make a great theme for the lighthouse enthusiast.  I can see a basement recreation room decorated with different lighthouse posters.
Lighthouse Posters
This next collection of posters is from flowers that I have photographed. Flower posters can add a bright spot to many dark or forgotten spots. How about adding one of these to your laundry room.
by mbgphoto
Tropical butterflies are always a welcome sight.  This collection of tropical butterflies comes from my photographs taken at The Butterfly House in Chesterfield, Missouri.  Put a few of these posters on a finished garage wall and it will delight you each time you enter your garage.

Zazzle Posters make Decorating Easy

Zazzle has a great collection of posters that you can order online.  You can also customize their posters with your own photographs or designs. 

If you are looking for a particular size Zazzle is the place to come.  They have a wide variety of sizes starting at 4"by 6" and going up to an extra large 40"x40".  You can also create your own custom size.

At Zazzle you can pick from five different types of materials for your posters.
  1. Value Cardstock Paper (Matte)
  2. Value Poster Paper (Matte)
  3. Poster Paper (Semi-Gloss)
  4. Archival Heavyweight paper (Matte)
  5. Premium Canvas (Gloss)
If you would like to add a frame to your poster their are custom frames available to an extra charge.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Book Review: Guide to Rethinking Resumes by Richard Bolles

what color is your parachute book cover
If you need help writing a resume that gets noticed in this digital age, check out Guide to
Rethinking Resumes
by . Here is our book review.

From the 1950s until the 2000s, resumes followed a standard format with printed paragraphs of experience and ordered lists of employment dates. The Web changed all that with rich multimedia resumes, infographic resumes, and computer scanning software. These changes left many people unsure of the best way to present their resumes.

Write a Resume a Computer Can Read

Sometime around 2008, hiring departments got busy and employers had less time to look over the stacks of resumes they received for every job posting. So, they turned the job over to digital scanners.

How does a job seeker make a good first impression when dealing with a computer? That is where Richard Bolles' book, What Color Is Your Parachute? Guide to Rethinking Resumes comes in with some valuable advice.

This book will not give you a quick fix for your resume. This is not a book to casually read, gain a few tips, and find ready-made resume templates. What you will find are worksheets, questions, and a guide that will help you rethink your resume and help you get noticed in the job market.

Find an Easy Way to List Your Skills

This is a workbook to keep close at hand while you construct resumes that are customized for your job search. Inside the pages of this book, you will find a wealth of valuable information that will help get your resume to the top of the pile. Learn how to:
  • Format your resume to make it easily scanned by a person and easily read by computer scanning software.
  • Find key words that promote you as being the best candidate for the job.
  • Clean up your presence in Google's search results and delete those embarrassing moments.
  • Show potential employers that you will add value and profitability to their business.
  • Maximize your job search efforts and increase your chances of landing a job by targeting jobs and employers.
  • Avoid words that make hiring managers cringe and get resumes tossed in the trash.

The Starter Kit of 45+ Questions will have you answering questions about every aspect of your personal and professional life. This is a terrific way to search your soul, bring out your best, and find ideas to spark your resume creativity. Here is a sampling:
  • Volunteer, community, and unpaid work has value. Tell prospective employers about your experience with special needs children, feeding the homeless, or making baby blankets for low income families.
  • School achievements are important. Good grades, scholarships, and awards can win points if you are new to the job market.
  • If you've been in sales, get out your sales figures. Come in under budget? Talk about it. Beat any sales records? Show the numbers.
  • Computers are everywhere. List your experience whether it is in programming, social media, or word processing.
  • Are you a mechanic or an engineer? Talk about your projects and the machinery you operate. Tell prospective employers of your promotions to lead and supervisory positions.

Get the Guide to Rethinking Resumes

This is a small book with 100 pages packed full of useful tips and helpful hints. There is no fluff inside, just solid advice on how to find a job in a digital world. This is the resume workbook for the 21st century and an answer to the job seekers prayer.

Get your copy from
Available in paperback or Kindle format.

We received this book from in exchange for this review. Our opinions are our own.

Posted by Coletta Teske
Coletta Teske

About This Contributor

Coletta Teske writes reviews on books, business management, writing, crafting, cooking, and gardening. She is also an avid recycler and shares her tips on recycling. She delights in upcycling an old object, recycling or transforming discarded items into a new treasure.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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