Showing posts with label lighthouse photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lighthouse photography. Show all posts

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Reviewing Fun Facts about the Great Lakes


Lake Michigan Lighthouse
Lake Michigan Lighthouse- Point Betsie
The Great Lakes are a series of 5 freshwater lakes found in the north central United States.  In this post I will share some fun facts about each of the lakes and I will also share some photos of lighthouses that I have taken while visiting the Great Lakes.  Did you know that there are over 200 lighthouses that are currently active along the over 11,000 miles of coastline?  Each lighthouse is unique, and my husband and I spent several years exploring these lighthouses and photographing all that we could reach by car.

Lake Michigan

Lake Michigan Lighthouse

The lighthouse above is Two Harbors lighthouse and is found on the shores of Lake Michigan in Minnesota.  This lighthouse is currently an active lighthouse that is also serves as a bed and breakfast inn.  We were fortunate to be able to stay there two nights and I was able to get up and take this photo at sunrise.
Here are a few fun facts about Lake Michigan.
  • Lake Michigan is the third largest of the Great Lakes.
  • Along the shores of Lake Michigan you will find the largest freshwater sand dunes in the world.
  • In the 19th century, Lake Michigan had a pirate problem and the booty they were seeking was timber.
  • The first recorded "Big Great Lakes disaster" happened on Lake Michigan when a steamer carrying 600peole collided with a schooner delivering timber.  450 people died.

Lake Ontario

Lake Ontario Lighthouse

Fort Niagra lighthouse is found along the shores of Lake Ontario in New York.  It is close to Niagra Falls. 
Here are some fun facts about Lake Ontario.
  • Lake Ontario is the smallest of the Great Lakes in surface area.
  • The province Ontario was named after the lake.
  • Babe Ruth hit his first major league home run in Toronto, and it landed in Lake Ontario where it is still believed to be today.
  • A lake on Saturn's moon is named after Lake Ontario.

Lake Superior

Lake Superior Lighthouse

The above is Big Bay lighthouse which sits on the shores of Lake Superior in northern Michigan.  This lighthouse houses a bed and breakfast that my husband and I stayed in for two days.  I enjoyed having plenty of time to photograph the lighthouse from various settings.  This photo is one that I had printed on canvas, and it sits on our mantle.
Here are some fun facts on Lake Superior.
  • It is the largest of the lakes and in fact all of the other Great Lakes could fit inside of it with room to spare.
  • It is estimated that there are 100 million lake trout in Lake Superior.
  • Lake Superior contains 3 quadrillion gallons of water.
  • Lake Superior is actually not a lake at all, rather it is an inland sea.

Lake Erie

Lake Erie lighthouse

Marblehead lighthouse is found on the shores of Lake Erie in Ohio.  We stayed near there on night and I was able to get up early and photograph it in the early morning light.
Here are some fun facts about Lake Erie.
  • There is said to be a monster in this lake.  It is 30-40 feet long and was first seen in 1793.  It is named Bessie.
  • During the war of 1812 a naval battle called the Battle of Lake Erie was won by the US over the British, forcing the British to abandon Detroit.
  • Lake Erie is the fourth largest in surface area.
  • Lake Erie is surrounded by more industry than any of the other Great Lakes.

Lake Huron

Lake Huron Lighthouse

Tawas Point lighthouse is found on the shores of Lake Huron in eastern Michigan.  I found it to be a very picturesque setting.
Here are some fun facts about Lake Huron.
  • If it were not for the Straits of Mackinac, Lake Huron and Lake Michigan might be considered to be one lake.
  • Goederich Mine is the largest salt mine in the world and part of it runs under Lake Erie.
  • Lake Huron is second largest of the Great Lakes and is the fifth largest lake in the world.

Lighthouse Reviews

The links below are reviews of lighthouses that I visited on the Great Lakes.


Facts for this article were gathered online at

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Thursday, September 12, 2019

Review of Historic Stonington Lighthouse and Museum

Stonington Lighthouse and Museum
Stonington Connecticut is a delightful small town built around Stonington harbor.  We visited there on a beautiful July afternoon and parked in the lot along the harbor.  I then walked back up the hill to photograph the historic stone lighthouse.

History of Stonington Lighthouse

Stonington lighthouse was built in 1840.  It is a wonderfully preserved example of a mid-19th century lighthouse. The tower sits on a hill just up from the harbor and is 35 feet tall.  It was used for navigation until 1889, when it was replaced by another navigational aid out in the harbor.  The lighthouse is now used as a museum that explores the life and history of Stonington's seafaring people.  
Stonington Lighthouse and Museum

Visiting the Inside of the Lighthouse

The museum is open seasonally and when you tour the museum you may also climb the 29 steps up the tower.  I climbed the steps and enjoyed taking photos in the museum and around the lighthouse grounds.

The brochure I was given when touring the lighthouse states that the seaside village of Stonington has been the " home to farmers, and fishermen, sailors and sea captains, explorers and entrepreneurs for more than 360 years."

Inside Stonington Lighthouse and Museum

Walking the Lighthouse Grounds- Views from the Back

Stonington Lighthouse and Museum

Zazzle Products from my Photos

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Review of Lighthouses Seen from Avery Point

Avery Point Lighthouse photo by mbgphoto

On a July visit to Connecticut, we made a stop at the Avery Point campus of the University of Connecticut (UCONN) to photograph the lighthouse that I had heard was located at the edge of the campus.  We were pleasantly surprised to find a beautiful campus that along with the lighthouse had some beautiful sculptures.  Just offshore of the campus we had a wonderful surprise when I located two additional lighthouses.  On this page I will share my photographs of all three lighthouses and some of the sculptures I saw while walking along the paths on the campus.

Avery Point Lighthouse

Avery Point Lighthouse photo by mbgphoto

Avery Point is the last lighthouse built in the state as an official navigational aid.  It was completed in 1943 but was not lit until a year later because of concerns about a possible Nazi attack during WWII.

As I strolled along the paths of the university I could see the lighthouse in the distance.  It is a distinctive beige brick tower and is a beautiful icon overlooking the water.

New London Harbor Light

Across the water from the campus I noted what I thought might be a lighthouse.  When I put on my longer lens, I was delighted to find this stately structure, which I found out was the New London Harbor Light.

New London Harbor Light Lighthouse photo by mbgphoto

In reading a brochure on lighthouse cruises, I found out that this is the oldest lighthouse in Connecticut. It was said to help to guide colonial privateers who sought shelter up the Thames River during the American Revolution.

New London Ledge Lighthouse

In the water, not too far off shore from the campus, I spotted a third lighthouse.  This lighthouse has some rather unique architectural features.  I read that it is a French Second Empire structure that is architecturally unique for a lighthouse.  It is also reported to be haunted by a former keeper.

New London Ledge Lighthouse photo by mbgphoto

There were lots of sailboats in the harbor and I was able to capture one just before it passed the lighthouse.

Other Interesting Features on the Avery  Point Campus of UCONN

Here are some of the photos I took of a building and a few of the many sculptures on the grounds.

Avery  Point Campus of UCONN photos and collage by mbgphoto

Zazzle Products from my Photos

I enjoy sharing my photos on products made at
Zazzle.  Here are a couple you might like.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Review of Nobska Lighthouse and Sharing Photography with Children

Nobska Lighthouse photo by mbgphoto

On a recent July morning I was able to visit this historic lighthouse on Cape Cod and share my love of lighthouse photography with my granddaughters.

Brief History of Nobska Lighthouse

When we arrived at this historic lighthouse on the southern point of Cape Cod in Falmouth we took a few minutes to read the signs and learn a bit about the history of the lighthouse.

The lighthouse is nestled between Vineyard Sound and Buzzards Bay with Martha's Vineyard spread right out in front of it.

From the early colonial days until the twentieth century the route from Nantucket and Vineyard Sounds provided the shortest route to bring passengers and goods from Cape Cod to all points south and west.  In the 1800's vessel traffic through this area was second only to that of the English Channel.  Because of this a need for a lighthouse to keep vessels safe was imperative.

Nobska light was first opened in 1826 as just a tower above a keepers house.  It was replaced in 1878 by the present 42 feet cast iron tower.  This tower sits 87 feet above sea level.  It flashes every 6 seconds and is visible for 17 miles.

Photographing the Lighthouse

Nobska Lighthouse photo by mbgphoto

The above is a photograph of my granddaughters, Kate and Emily in front of the lighthouse.  They both brought along their new cameras to learn about photographing the lighthouse with me.

The next two photos are ones that were taken by the girls.  The first, a close up shot of the lighthouse, was taken by Kate.  The second one was taken from across the street by Emily.

Nobska Lighthouse photo by mbgphoto

Pathway to Nobska Lighthouse photo by mbgphoto

I too enjoyed the view from across the street from the lighthouse.  Here are two photos that I took looking back at the lighthouse.

Nobska Lighthouse photo by mbgphoto

Nobska Lighthouse photo by mbgphoto

Across from the Lighthouse

After looking at the lighthouse closeup we crossed the street and took a path that led down to the beach.  It was a fantastic view of the islands that lay just off the coast.  Here is a map that tells about what we saw.

Nobska Lighthouse Map photo by mbgphoto

It was very interesting to see the map and then look at the scene ahead of us.  We watched ferries leave from Cape Cod heading over toward Martha's Vineyard.  It was early morning when we arrived and the fog was rather heavy, but as the morning progressed the fog started to lift and we could see more of the islands.

ferries photo by mbgphoto

photo by mbgphoto

Photographing with my Granddaughters

It was a wonderful experience sharing my love of photography and lighthouses  with Kate and Emily.  They listened carefully as I showed them how to look for interesting photos.  After they took a few of the lighthouse from different angles, their interest was more toward photographing the bees in the flowers.

photo by mbgphoto

Zazzle Products from our Photos

This keychain design was made from one of Emily's photos and the mug is from my photo.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Photographic Review of Buffalo New York Lighthouse

Buffalo New York Lighthouse photo by mbgphoto

I enjoy photographing lighthouses and on a recent July day we made a stop on our trip east to visit the beautiful lighthouse in Buffalo NY.  This lighthouse is located at the mouth of the Buffalo river at the north entrance to Buffalo harbor.

Brief History of Buffalo Lighthouse

In 1805 Congress designated the Village of Buffalo to be a port of entry into the United States.  It was determined that the port needed a lighthouse but because of the War of 1812 construction was put off.  In 1818 the first lighthouse was built in Buffalo.  As the city of Buffalo grew into a major port a new lighthouse was needed.  The current lighthouse was built in 1833 at a height of 68 feet. You can read more about the history of the lighthouse at the following link Main Buffalo Lighthouse .

Photographs from my Visit

I was hoping to get up close to the lighthouse and had read the instructions online with directions how to get there by walking alongside the coast guard station.  What they didn't say was that this path was only open on Friday, Saturday and Sundays and since it was Wednesday I had to find another way to view the lighthouse.  I got back in the car and drove down the road to the nearest park on the harbor.  I found a charming park with a beautiful rain garden, some delightful wind catchers and paths all along the harbor.  The wind catchers were on a hill and when I climbed the hill, I got a great view of the lighthouse.  I had a 210 mm lens with me and it worked great to zoom in on the lighthouse.  The following photos are of the lighthouse and the park.

wind catchers photo by mbgphoto

Buffalo New York Lighthouse photo by mbgphoto

Buffalo New York Lighthouse photo by mbgphoto

Buffalo New York Lighthouse photo by mbgphoto


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Photographing Historic Scituate Lighthouse

Scituate Lighthouse photo by mbgphoto
Scituate Lighthouse

On a trip between Boston and Cape Cod my husband and I made a small detour to see beautiful Scituate Lighthouse. This lighthouse is located on the South Shore of Boston. On this page I will review a bit about the history of this lighthouse along with sharing my photos from our visit.

Lighthouse History

Scituate Lighthouse is the 5th oldest lighthouse in New England and the 11th oldest in the United States.  It was activated in 1811 and is built of split granite blocks with a 1 1/2 story house attached.  While searching online for information on the lighthouse I found the interesting story listed below.  The information is from the Scituate Historical Society web page.

Captain Simeon Bates, the first keeper of Scituate Lighthouse, his wife, and nine children lived at the house. During the War of 1812 Abigail and Rebecca, young daughters of the lighthouse keeper, prevented the British from sacking the town. Noting the approach of two redcoat-filled barges from a British ship of war, the girls snatched fife and drum and hiding behind a thick cluster of cedar trees made such a din that the British mistook them for an entire regiment and made a hasty retreat. Abigail and Rebecca Bates have gone down in history as 'The American Army of Two" and their courageous act has been recorded in many textbooks and story books.

I also find it fascinating that the captain and his family of 11 lived in the small house attached to the lighthouse.  Here is a photo I took of the lighthouse with the house attached.
House of Scituate Lighthouse photo by mbgphoto

The Lighthouse Today

Today the lighthouse is located at the  end of Lighthouse Road.  It is now an active private aid to navigation and is managed by  the Scituate Historical Society.  It is only open limited hours but we were able to walk around the grounds and I was able to capture photos from various directions.
Scituate Lighthouse photo by mbgphoto

Scituate Lighthouse photo by mbgphoto
As we left the lighthouse we pulled into the parking lot of a restaurant and I was able to photograph the lighthouse from across the bay.
boats around Scituate Lighthouse photo by mbgphoto

Read More of Tales of New England

If you found the story of the two sisters fascinating you may  want to  read more tales from early New England or perhaps this story about a Rhode Island lighthouse keepers daughter.

Zazzle Candle from my Photo

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Reviewing Lighthouses in Erie Pennsylvania

Erie Land Lighthouse photo by mbgphoto
Erie Land Lighthouse
My husband and I were traveling north on Hwy 90 on our way from St. Louis to New Hampshire.  Hwy 90 is a great way for us to travel to the east coast with lots of places to stop near the Great Lakes and lots of lighthouses to visit.  On this visit we stopped for the night in Erie Pennsylvania and were able to visit three lighthouses.  I had stopped at the visitor center when entering Pennsylvania and picked up a brochure on Lake Erie Lights.  In this brochure I found directions to the lighthouses and the facts about the lighthouses that I refer to in this post.

Erie Land Lighthouse

Erie Land lighthouse was built in 1818 and was the first lighthouse on the Great Lakes.  The lighthouse sits high on the bluff at the end of Lighthouse street.  The first lighthouse was built of wood but after forty years it was replaced by one made of brick.  This one only lasted for nine years when it began to sink.  The present lighthouse is made of sandstone with a brick lining and was built in 1867.  It was decommissioned in 1898 because the beacon on Presque Isle was better able to warn mariners. In 2003 the lighthouse was restored for visitors who are welcome to walk the grounds.  I saw beautiful views of Presque Bay from the grounds and was also able to see the North Pier light from the bluff.
Erie Land Lighthouse photo by mbgphoto

old boat on lighthouse grounds photo by mbgphoto
Old boat on lighthouse grounds

Presque Isle Lighthouse

Presque Isle Lighthouse photo by mbgphoto

When we arrived in Erie we first took a drive to Presque Isle state park.  This beautiful state park is home to two of Erie's lighthouses.  In the photo above you see Presque Isle lighthouse which is located on the north shore.  From 1873-1944 this lighthouse was home to nine lighthouse keepers and their families.  This lighthouse which is 57 feet high has 78 steps to the lantern.  The lighthouse was just closing for the evening when I got there but I was able to walk the grounds and take photographs.

North Pier Light

North Pier Lighthouse photo by mbgphoto
North Pier light as seen from across the bay

North Pier Lighthouse photo by mbgphotohouseboats near North Pier Lighthouse photo by mbgphoto
The North Pier light is located at the east end of the channel that leads into Presque Bay.  It was originally built in 1830 but was replaced in 1855 when it was destroyed by a sailing vessel impact.  Over the years it was moved several times as the peninsula grew and extended into the channel.  It has been in it's current location since 1840 and continues today to be used as an aid to navigation.  I was able to walk out to the light and take several photos of the lighthouse.  The second photo shows some interesting house boats that were in a lake on the road to see the lighthouse.

Stop by Lighthouse Musings for more photos on these lighthouses. 

Zazzle Products from my Photos

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We may be apart, but
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