Showing posts with label Gardening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gardening. Show all posts

Thursday, October 17, 2024

My Favorite Gardening Tools, Review

I have been gardening, off and on, for forty plus years. Over the years, I have come to know some gardening tools as my favorite.

The first one is one I happen to find just last year, in 2023. I had been searching the local warehouse stores to replace my trusty forked prong garden tool. No one had any! What happened to them I wondered.

Then low and behold, the last store I checked, I found a different version of my old trusty tool. The blade part wasn't as long or as sturdy as the old version, but it had some new features. Instead of the long round barrel with a forked prong at the end, it had a flattened out and curved blade part, a more pointy prong at the end, and a saw tooth edge along the lower left edge. Hmmm, I thought. I'll give this a try.

weed puller

I was hoping for a longer barreled tool, but overall it seemed to reach a pretty decent depth. And that little more point forked prong seem to grab hold of the weeds, and more easily pull them up. Whoa! I was impressed.

The saw toothed edge also came in handy in sawing off some thicker roots and thick stems. I was beginning to love its versatility.

Then I moved some of my cement garden edgers and needed to channel out a somewhat narrow channel for there new location. This little trusty pronged tool was the answer. It was just wide enough and it allowed me to saw off hardened dirt along the sides which gave me a straighter channel to fit the cement edger in to. I was doubly impressed.

This is the link for it on Amazon: I did see other brands on Amazon that had the sawtooth edge on the opposite side, if you prefer those.

I have since found the other prong tool that I had been looking for on Amazon. Some companies call it a dandelion weed puller. Another tool that has become a favorite, is a spade shovel. Since I now have a prong tool that does narrow type digging and prying, I prefer to have a wider type spade shovel. Whether I'm digging up a minor patch of weeds, or having to dig around the roots of larger plants, I really like having a wider spade shovel.
spade shovel

The Fiskars model is pretty heavy duty and has been holding up well. It has an ergonomic type handle, which is much easier to hold than wooden handled spades that I have owned.

The model that I purchased and use is found on Amazon through this link.

Sometimes my gardening ventures require some more heavy duty digging. Although I like the general rounded type shovel, I use those to dig up large plants, I have really come to appreciate the flat edge shovel.

flat edge shovel

When I want a larger shovel to help define an edge, or when I want to remove top layers of soil that turn out more even, I reach for the flat edge shovel. It helps to create the desired finish that I want.

The closest one that I could find on Amazon is made by Hantop. The one that I have does not have a brand name on it; other than it says USA tempered 2 on it. Mine has a totally flat straight edge on the shovel part, and this one has a sawtooth edge. The saw tooth edge appears to be on the top part of the blade, as customers have commented about it giving a straight edge. This would be my recommendation; it has a 4.9 star rating with 27 reviews. Here is the link on Amazon:

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Reviewing Sensory Garden For A Person With Sight Loss Part Two


A drift of Blue and yellow flowers in a garden

This is part two reviewing making a sensory garden for a person with sight loss. As I explained in Reviewing Sensory Garden For A Person With Sight Loss Part One  my husband is having to adjust to losing his sight and we are both learning how to handle this development. 

So I have been looking into how to have a garden that will be beautiful, fun and interesting and safe as his sight declines and how I need to change my gardening style. 

There are always five elements when making a garden and these revolve around the five senses.

We covered Smell, Hearing and Touch in part one. 

In part Two we concentrate on Sight, Taste and Safety.

We are very much working together on this project and we aim to retain as much of my husbands independence and gardening skills as possible too.  

In this article we will be using the terms sight impaired, blind, low vision, partially sighted and sight loss as these are the current acceptable terms in my country for people with sight loss. This may change over time and be different in different countries. No offence is intended by any of these terms.

Day Lily Flower with three yellow petals

Sense Of Sight -Colour and Light

Now it might seem odd to include sight in a garden for people with sight loss. However my husband and many other people with sight loss, severe sight impaired and partially sighted will have some useful sight. 

It will be a case of finding out what sort of useful vision they have, what if any colour they can see easily and what if any leaf shapes they can visualise. The best way to do this is to work with them, visit other gardens, check what they can see in terms of plants and shrubs.

So with my husband we started by checking which colours he likes and can see easily. This may be different for other people. 

These for him are red, yellow, purple and white so we will concentrate on these colours especially for check points around the garden. For example yellow daffodils, red geum, white snowdrops, red bottlebrush, purple clematis. We may include other colours, but these will be secondary to him. 

For my husband colour contrast is important so we need to work that in for example a red poppy against a white wall is more easily visible. 

Red Poppy Flower against white brick wall

In terms of how the plants look we discussed having at least some plants with large leaf forms or bold shapes so that he can use these as anchor plants whether they are in flower or not. 

For example:-

 Tree Peony 


Small round shaped  conifers. 

Tall columular conifers

Elephant ears

Tree Peony with huge leaves

We also discussed light in the garden. We have security lights but also would like softer mood lighting for dusk. 

While we would love real candles, they are not perhaps the safest choice for a person with limited sight.

So we agreed on safe flameless outdoor candles and string lights to use when we are out there at dusk. We will turn these off when we go in so as not to confuse wildlife. 

 Homemory 6”x3” Outdoor Waterproof Flameless CandlesCheck Price

Sense Of Taste

We did not think there would be food to taste all year round, yet it will still be an important element. Many of these plants also have scent.

It is crucial that I do not include anything poisonous, an irritant or just ill tasting. Accidents can happen when you touch poisonous plants and we cannot risk this. 

Sage leaves

So in terms of positive tastes we intend growing a lot of herbs and salad crops. As we hope to have an allotment we wont be growing lots of veg or fruit in the garden but smaller edible plants are welcome. 

We have grown vegetables in outdoor containers before and will continue to do this. 

So we will grow:-

Different mint varieties such as chocolate mint and peppermint. These will be in separate pots as they can be invasive and take over a whole bed. 



 curry plant

distinctive salad leaf crops such as rocket. 

baby carrots in tall pots




Curry Plant with Narrow Silver leaves

Safety In The Garden

Gardens needs to be safe for every person and there are some specific considerations when you are design for a sight impaired or severe sight impaired person.

We mentioned previously to avoid any plants that can be poisonous just in case they are touched. Also to avoid any that can be irritants such as euphorbia plants 

To avoid very prickly plants such as prickly Holly , pyracantha unless they can be positioned at the back of a border where it is difficult to touch them.

Flat ground is easier for my husband now. As he is new to sight loss he still finds steps a bit of a barrier I need to help him with so we will be aiming for a flat garden if possible. If we do have steps then I think we will need a handrail. Also the steps need to be highlighted in some way with a different colour or texture.

Any ponds should be highlighted in some way depending on the level of sight. So for some a border of a different material around the pond will be enough to know to avoid it, others may feel happier with a grid over the water so falling in is not an option.

For other people a pond in the ground is not desirable but perhaps a raised pond in an old barrel made waterproof would be a good option.

Trip hazards are something we need to avoid as my husband has already had a couple of falls over things he did not see. So the aim is to have raised beds but a little higher than normal so that he can feel them with his hands. A low below the knee height is no good as they will just be another trip hazard, they need to be higher. 

This also achieves that scented plants will be at a better level rather than having to bend down all the time.  If necessary we can also paint them different colours or at least the top section a distinctive colour so that he can see more easily. 

For him the ground needs to be flat as possible. A lawn is fine and we would still like some lawn, but we will probably go for more paved areas in large slabs that have some grip and do not get slippery in wet weather.  

White roses with dark green leaves

So with a little planning and discussing the needs of the person I do believe it is perfectly possible to make and maintain a beautiful garden. 

When we take into account smell, hearing, touch, taste and safety, which should be cornerstones of making any garden we can make a lovely garden suitable for someone with sight loss and beautiful in every respect. 

 Wrought Iron Handrail, Step Handrails for Outdoor Steps Fit 3 to 4 StepsCheck Price Keter Urban Bloomer 12.7 Gallon Raised Garden Bed with Self Watering Planter Box and Drainage Plug, Dark GreyCheck Price

Reviewing Sensory Garden For A Person With Sight Loss Part One 

Read More Gardening Articles

Essential Wildlife Gardening Gifts

Diary Of A Wild Country Garden

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Reviewing Sensory Garden For A Person With Sight Loss Part One

 Golden yellow rubekia flowers

My husband has been gradually losing his sight and this is something we both need to learn and adjust to.

One of the areas I have been looking into recently is how to have a garden that will be beautiful, fun and interesting to him as his sight declines. We are also anticipating a house move in the next few years  to make life easier long term so I am looking into what will work and how I need to change my gardening style. 

There are always five elements to take in to account when making a garden and these revolve around the five senses of

Smell, Hearing, Sight, Touch and Taste and then the next important area is safety.

It is vital that we work together on this project so that I understand what he wants and needs from the garden. Our aim is to retain his independence as much as possible in all areas of life and that includes the garden.

We aim to arrange it so that he will know where he is in the garden by the location of key plants and structures and take notice of the five senses.  

In Part One we will discuss the senses of Smell, Touch and Sound and in Part Two we will discuss Sight, Taste and Safety. 

I have presented these elements in the order my husband would like me to concentrate. I find the best approach to be led by him in what he needs and wants in the garden. 

In this article we will be using the terms sight impaired, blind, low vision, partially sighted and sight loss as these are the current acceptable terms in my country for people with sight loss. This may change over time and be different in different countries. No offence is intended by any of these terms.

Elements To Address in The Garden

Smell : Scent: Scented Plants

Touch : Different textures and feel. Safe to Touch Plants

Hearing : Sound: Windchimes Water Features and Birds

Sight : Colour and form, Light

Taste : Fruit, veg and herbs Edible Plants. Avoid poisonous plants. 

Safety : Moving around independently and safely

Sense Of Smell-Scent

Scented Sweet Peas In Vase- red, purple, pink colours
Scented Sweet Peas

Scented plants are very important in any garden but particularly when thinking of a person with sight loss. I am aware of many scented plants. The next step was to ask which scented plants he preferred, so I made sure I included those. 

I will not be limited to these plants though as I always think it is good to have surprises. Some plants are all year round scent from leaves, others only have scent for a part of the year they are in flower. 

We discussed having these plants mainly in raised beds so that it is easier to smell them and easier to maintain, plus better to be able to give them the conditions they like. In addition, the plants that have Mediterranean origins like free drainage, difficult to provide on our mainly heavy clay soil.

So we will plant:-








Scented Sweet peas


Curry plant

Scented roses




Scented Daffodils

Cushion Bush/Silver sand 

Rosemary with light blue to mauve tiny flowers

Sense Of Touch

Although I love plants like Holly and pyracantha, they are both very prickly and  it is not a great idea to have them central in a garden suitable designed for a sight impaired, partially sighted or blind person. 

A better idea is to have plants that can be touched safely and that do not mind being touched. 

Some of these plants can be the same as the ones with lovely distinctive scents, many have leaves that are evergreen and release amazing scent when touched. Also they are not harmed by being touched.

Choysia shrub pale yellow leaves and white flowers

So we will plant:-

Choisya Shrub

Curry plant





Lambs ears

White scented roses
White Scented Roses

A reality check are our love of roses. Now roses usually have thorns which is not a great idea. However we both adore roses and do not want to give them up so we worked on what we hope is a solution by planting roses in raised beds and surrounding them with lavender and chamomile. 

That way my husband will know if he smells or feels lavender or chamomile he has a safe space before he gets to roses. However once in flower the roses will have a gorgeous scent he can enjoy safely.

Sense Of Hearing -Sound


In the garden sound can be achieved by  plants making the sound such a bamboo or grasses. The distinctive rustling in the wind or a gentle breeze is a lovely sound for anyone and makes it a restful place for a bench to sit and listen. 

Wind Chimes

Materials are also useful in making a sound such as wind chimes.  They can be a useful item in the garden to provide a different element and even announce a separate area.


Water In The Garden

Water is an important element but while we both want a pond for wildlife it can be a real danger for someone who is sight impaired.

 So our solution is to have elements near the pond that will alert him to the water such as a physical barrier of a fence around the pond, a windchime near it and for added safety we will add a grid over the pond in case he does walk onto it.

We may have a small running water feature pump, not so much so that it disturbs wildlife but enough for it to be heard.

We will change the ground near the pond to something very different so if there is grass mainly near the pond we will put slabs down. 

Bird Bath

We will also continue to have a bird bath. Even if he eventually cannot see the birds very well, he can hear them having a bath as they splash around. We love our garden birds so we intend to have maybe three bird baths in different areas.


So with a little thought and discussion and some plant knowledge it is I believe very possible to make a beautiful sensory garden with Touch, Sound and Scent for a person with sight loss and being an interesting garden for everyone. 

See Part Two in a few weeks, which will cover Sight, Taste and Safety. 

Read More Gardening Articles

Essential Wildlife Gardening Gifts

Diary Of A Wild Country Garden

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Best, Most Practical Large Capacity Filtered Water Pitcher

Even though we live in an area with high-quality drinking water, the water is hard. We have found that our plants do better with filtered water, so we have always used a Pur or Brita filtered water pitcher when watering our plants. Until recently, we had only a few indoor houseplants. However, when my green-thumbed sister moved across the country last month, I inherited quite a few more. Since it takes time for the water to drip through the pitcher’s filter each time it is refilled, I quickly realized I needed a large-capacity filtered water pitcher for my indoor gardening and filling our large ultrasonic humidifier.

Today I am reviewing the Brita Large Water Filter Pitcher I chose. This simple yet effective water filtration system has a 10-cup capacity and a sleek, bright white design that combines functionality with style. You can buy it with one filter that lasts up to two months or 40 gallons of water or order a bundle that includes the pitcher and four filters.

It has been such a practical solution that I ordered a second one, which lets me water all our indoor plants without having to refill multiple times and wait for the water to drip through the filter each time.

The Most Practical Large Capacity Water Filter Pitcher

Design and Build Quality

The pitcher boasts a modern, bright white aesthetic that complements most kitchen decors. It is made from high-quality, BPA-free plastic, ensuring durability and safety. The ergonomically designed handle makes pouring easy and the flip-top lid simplifies refilling. The construction feels sturdy and the high-quality materials promise long-term use without significant wear and tear. That has certainly been the case with our previous, smaller Brita water filter pitchers.

Performance and Filtration

The Brita pitcher uses an advanced filtration system that reduces chlorine taste and odor and is certified to reduce copper, mercury, and other contaminants often found in tap water. Users have reported a noticeable improvement in the taste and clarity of their water. The filter is easy to install and replace. The model we purchased, which uses stickers to remind us when to change the filter (a pain in the neck), has been replaced by a model with a much more convenient, built-in electronic indicator that lets you know when it’s time for a new filter.

The pitcher holds up to 10 cups of water, making it suitable for small to medium-sized households. The filtration process is relatively quick, allowing you to enjoy clean, great-tasting water within minutes of filling the pitcher.

Environmental Impact

One of the standout features of this Brita pitcher is its potential environmental impact. It can significantly reduce plastic waste by replacing up to 1,800 16.9-fl. oz. single-use plastic water bottles annually, making it an eco-friendly choice for the environmentally conscious consumer. The long-lasting filter further minimizes the environmental footprint compared to frequent plastic bottle purchases.

Usability and Maintenance

Using the Brita Large Water Filter Pitcher is straightforward. The flip-top lid design makes refilling hassle-free, and the pitcher is easy to clean. It should fit comfortably in most refrigerators, should you wish to use it for drinking, providing convenient access to chilled, filtered water. Its dimensions are 10.47" high by 5.59" wide by 10.94" deep.

Maintenance involves regular filter changes every two months or after 40 gallons, whichever comes first. The electronic filter indicator is a handy feature that takes the guesswork out of knowing when to replace the filter, ensuring optimal performance and water quality.

Value for Money

The Brita Large Water Filter Pitcher is priced competitively and offers excellent value for money. The cost savings from not purchasing bottled water and the environmental benefits make it a cost-effective and sustainable option.

The pitcher comes with one filter that lasts up to two months or 40 gallons of water. I recommend buying six Brita replacement water filters (a year's worth of water filters) for each pitcher you order.


Effective Filtration: Significantly improves water taste and quality by removing common contaminants.

BPA-Free: Safe and durable construction.

Eco-Friendly: Reduces plastic waste by replacing up to 1,800 16.9-fl. oz. plastic bottles a year.

User-Friendly: Easy to refill, clean, and maintain with a convenient electronic filter indicator.

Stylish Design: Modern look that fits well in any kitchen.


Filter Replacement Cost: The ongoing expense of replacing the filter every two months can add up. At the time of this article's publication, the cost of a six-pack of filters (one year's worth) on Amazon was less than $30, or $4.95 per filter.

Capacity Limitations: Even the 10-cup capacity may not suffice for your needs. If that is the case (as it was for me), you may want to buy a second pitcher.

My Brita Large Water Filter Pitcher with one of my houseplants


The Brita Large Water Filter Pitcher is a reliable, eco-friendly, and user-friendly solution for improving tap water quality. Its effective filtration system, ease of use, and stylish design make it a valuable addition to any household. Despite the recurring cost of filter replacements, the long-term savings and environmental benefits make it a worthwhile investment. 

Whether you are looking for a convenient way to enjoy cleaner, better-tasting water or filtered water for gardening while reducing your plastic footprint, this Brita pitcher is an excellent choice.

The Best, Most Practical Large Capacity Filtered Water Pitcher by Margaret Schindel

Read More Product Reviews by Our Review This Reviews Contributors

Read More Gardening Reviews by Our Review This Reviews Contributors

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Reviewing Ten Tips For A Beautiful Garden On A Budget

Weigelia in flower

Gardening is an amazing, absorbing hobby and one that I love. However, 
especially these days, it can get very expensive. 

There are now so many things you can buy for the garden and plants have become more expensive to buy. We may not all always have lots of cash to spend on the garden and this should not deplete our enjoyment of this wonderful hobby and enjoyment of any outdoor space we have.  

Gardening on a small budget doesn’t have to mean sacrificing a lovely garden or a creative approach to gardening, in fact sometimes quite the opposite. Here are some inexpensive or free garden ideas we can implement to save money where we can so that your garden does not need to suffer if you are on a tight budget.

If you do have more to spend you can spend on really lovely items. Many gardeners do these garden tricks without being on a tight budget to save money !  

Purple large flower clematis

1. Grow From Seed And Take Cuttings.

Growing your own salads, vegetables, annuals, and perennials from seeds is cost-effective and truly rewarding. We can use egg boxes to grow your seeds in rather than buying seed trays. 

Rather than buying them part grown from the garden centre or buying salad from the shop  start growing from seed. You can use old margarine or yoghurt pots and really any clean washed container really to start the seeds. 

If you grow Bamboo you can harvest the canes and use them to make your own plant supports and tripods which saves money on buying them. 

 Take cuttings of plants you love in your own garden and ask friends, family and neighbours if you can take cuttings of plants you admire in their gardens. You can use these to increase your supply of plants for free. I love taking cuttings and seeing them grow. Do take more cuttings than you need as some may not take. 

 If you are very successful and do not need all the cuttings you can see if any friends, family or neighbours would consider a swap with you.  

 You could also try to sell the cuttings at a car boot sale or use an honesty box outside  your home to sell the excess cuttings. 


Purple geraniums

2. Repurpose.

 Get thinking creatively about materials you already have around the house and garden. Think before you throw anything away if it can be used in the garden in a creative or useful way. 

Reuse old equipment as planters, for example old sinks can be reused in the garden as a planter, an old plastic dog bed can become a small pond. You are only limited by your imagination!

3. Buy Second Hand Tools And Share Equipment

 Look for second-hand gardening tools or discuss tool sharing with your friends, family or neighbours. Some of our best spades and forks have been found at car boot sales and even at an Antique shop.

You may only need some expensive tools a couple of times a year, so makes sense if you can club together to buy together and share or alternatively see if you can rent any tools. 

Get a sharpening stone to keep tools in good order and last longer. Also oil tools that require it to make them last longer. 


4.Look for Free And Discounted Plants

Keep an eye out for free or discounted plants.

I am always searching for the section in garden centres where they put the old last season plants that did not sell or ones that look shabby. I call them my  "rescue" plant section and usually with a little care and watering you can being them back to life and have paid a fraction of the cost.  

 Sometimes neighbours or local gardening groups share excess plants.

golden rubekia and blue flowers

5. Paint Your Fence

 We have just done this to give the garden a different look. Painting protects it from the weather which is always good and smartens up an old fence. 

You can either go for black or brown or a dark green to blend or make your fence a bold feature by painting it a bright colour.

All it takes is a pot of paint and a little work.

We went for black Cuprinol fence paint this time as we have found it to be durable and gives a good coverage and colour.  

The plants really stand out against it and the black colour helps to make the garden feel bigger as the dark colour recedes. 

clematis montana pink flower on black fence

6. Mulch Pots And Containers. 

Highlight your containers and pots by adding a decorative mulch. It is surprising what a difference this can make to a container. As it is a small space you can look to buy decorative mulches like pebbles, slate, shells or black river rocks

Mulch helps conserve moisture in the soil and suppresses weeds, while also giving your display a beautiful finish. As you will not use much in a container you can use a good quality decorative mulch which will give a dramatic impact.

7. Make Your Own Bird Bath

I advocate for every garden to have a bird bath as it is one of the single most important things for garden birds for water and bathing. If you can afford one of the beautiful iron or decorative ones then that is great. 

However if money is tight you can make your own bird bath. You will need a terracotta or stone pot, a saucer, and glue suitable for outside work. Simply turn the pot upside down, glue the saucer to the bottom of the pot, wait until the glue has dried and then fill it with fresh clean water. The birds will love you for it. 

Alternatively simply use old  plastic or terracotta saucers, or even an upturned bin lid and fill with water. Place them in a safe area for birds and watch them enjoy a place to drink and bathe.

8. Make Your Own Plant Labels. 

Reuse ice cream or lollipop sticks or any similar product to label your plants in containers, seeds or in the garden. They may not last as long as more expensive or beautiful bought plant labels,  but they are useful as a temporary measure for seeds and you can replace them when they wear out. 

Personally I strike a balance using free or cheap plant labels for seeds and more expensive but durable metal plant labels for more permanent plants

9.Lighting In The Garden

Sorting  our gardens with  lighting makes them a useable and lovely space to be in the evenings.

However employing an electrician to fix up outdoor electrical lighting can be very expensive. An alternative is to use Solar-powered lights which are more cost-effective, portable and require no installation costs.

10. Protect Your Pots.

Instead of buying expensive terracotta feet to raise pots off the ground to improve drainage, prevent waterlogging and frost damage,  try using old bricks you may have and placing pots on those. 


Even though gardening is one of my main hobbies and interests, I employ most of these money saving tips. It means that I then have money to spend on other things for the garden that I may need or want!

Read More Gardening Reviews on

Growing Vegetables in Outdoor Containers Reviewed

 Read More Articles By Raintree Annie 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

How to Grow Potatoes in a Bag


growing potatoes

If you want to grow your own potatoes, but you don't have a yard, or your soil is too hard, or even if you just don't want the work of having to dig them up, I have a great and easy solution!

Grow your potatoes in a bag!  I know it sounds ridiculous, but it is actually easy and fun.  It's also a great way to get lots of tasty and healthy spuds to eat!  Anyone can do it, you don't even need to buy any seeds because potatoes are grown from other adult potatoes.

How to Sprout Potatoes to Plant:

It is best to start with organic potatoes, since they are less likely to be a funky hybrid that can't be sprouted or have toxic insecticides on them or even in them.  You can use red or white potatoes.

Wash the potatoes well and then place them in direct sunlight.

In two to three weeks you will have sprouts.  When they get an inch or so long, you are ready to begin the planting process.

red potatoes

Cut the potatoes, with one sprout on each piece.  Leave the potato connected to the sprout, because as it rots it will be fertilizer to the new plant

It is very important that, before planting, you let the cut potatoes sit for two or three days so the cut portion of the potato can dry out and form a protective layer.  If you plant newly cut potatoes, diseases, fungus, worms and insects can easily burrow into the fresh cut flesh and kill the sprout.

While your potatoes are sprouting and curing, order your grow bags.  You can find them on Amazon for a good price, about $2.50 to $3.00 a piece, less if you order a larger quantity.  I usually get the 5 gallon size.  They look like this:


growing bag


They also have bags that have a roll up flap on the side near the bottom, but I find these to be more expensive and the flap are basically useless because the growing potatoes should not be bothered by opening the side of the bag and poking around.  

How to Grow Potatoes in Bags:

1. Fold the bag down till it is about 6 inches tall.

2. Put 3 inches of good dirt in the bottom of the bag.

bag for growing

3. Set three to four potato pieces in the dirt with the cut side down, sprout side up and cover with 3 inches of dirt.

4. Water well.

5. Keep the soil moist but not mud and when the plants are 6 inches tall, unroll the bag about 4 inches and add more dirt, up to the bottom leaves.

8. When the plant has grown to 8 inches above the dirt, unroll the bag again, and add more dirt, up to the bottom leaves.

9. Keep doing this until the bag has dirt three inches from the top.

10. Make sure to keep them watered.  If you repeatedly let the bag dry out, the potatoes will shrink and wrinkle and not be edible.  You will have to water them more often than if they were planted in the ground.

11. When the potato vines turn yellow and look wilted, stop watering them and wait about two weeks.

12. Pick up the bag and turn it upside down in a wheelbarrow or washtub and you will find fresh, tasty and pesticide free home grown potatoes.

This is what one of my bags looked like when the plants came up:


Don't be upset if all the sprouts don't come up.  The fewer the plants the more room there is for the remaining plants to grow bigger potatoes.  You must make sure to keep them watered, it is the defining factor of whether you get a nice harvest or a big disappointment.

You don't have to use these bags, you can use any kind of bag that will take to weight of dirt pressing against the sides of it.  Canvas tote bags, plastic feed bags, reusable grocery bags, any kind of bag will do.  Just make sure if you use a plastic bag to poke lots of holes in the bottom so it has good drainage.

Grow bags are a great way to grow some of your own food in a very small space.  You can grow any type of veggie or fruit plant you want in bags, it does not have to be potatoes.  I have also grown peppers and cucumbers and I have friends that use them for tomatoes and they love them!  They take up so little space you can even use them on an apartment balcony or condo patio.  You don't need to have land to grow your own food!  The best thing is, at the end of the harvest you just empty them, fold them up and put them away till next year.  A real space saver!


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