Showing posts with label mbgphoto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mbgphoto. Show all posts

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Book Review-10 Little Rules for a Double-Butted Adventure

 Book Cover

In this latest book by Teri M Brown, she departs from her usual historical novels and gives us a very personal view into a major challenge in her life.  Can you imagine riding 3500 miles across the country on a tandem bike?  Well, that is exactly what Teri did and along the way she discovered some amazing things about herself.  Although this is about her personal adventure, it has so much to offer to each of us as we meet life's challenges and create adventures of our own.

Book Summary

The book gives us a look at the challenges and successes that the author had during her cross-country tandem cycle ride with her husband.  She accomplishes this through "10 Little Rules" that she feels helped her through the journey.  She leaves room at the end of each of the rules for the reader to reflect on how this rule could affect the readers life. 

I loved the book and found it very inspiring.  Here are just a few of the key points I took away from the book.
  • Open Your Mind--don't always look for differences but rather look for common ground.
  • Setbacks--in any challenge you will have setbacks, you need to persevere and realize life is not in a straight line.
  • Enjoy the Downhills--sometimes we need to relax and enjoy the good times instead of always looking for the next challenge ahead.
  • Focus on the Now-stay in the present and it is much easier to get through.
  • Never Quit on a Bad Day--things will look up if you just give it time.
  • Continue to Dream--Hope and Dreams make your challenges come true.
There are many more insightful thoughts in the book, but I will leave them for you to discover as you read the book.  You can purchase it on Amazon at10 Little Rules for a Double-Butted Adventure .

Author Interview

I always like getting to know a bit about the author. Teri graciously agreed to answer my questions in an interview format.  Here are my questions and her answers.

1.       First of all, would you tell our readers a bit about your background.

I didn’t begin writing fiction manuscripts until 2017, and my first book, Sunflowers Beneath the Snow, launched in January 2022. However, I was not completely new to writing. I started my own business in 2000 helping small companies with their online presence by writing website copy, newsletters, and even email campaigns.

Although I wanted to write fiction, I was too afraid. At the time, I was living in an emotionally abusive relationship, and I couldn’t handle more rejection. However, when I finally left that relationship in 2017, the words started flowing from me and haven’t stopped.

Since the first book, I’ve also written An Enemy Like Me (Jan 2023) and Daughters of Green Mountain Gap (Jan 2024). As of February 14th, 2025, my fourth book, 10 Little Rules for a Double-Butted Adventure, launched.


2.       I found this book to be very inspiring.  What motivated you to share this adventure with your readers.

My husband and I chose to ride across the United States on a tandem bicycle to raise money for Toys for Tots. But that was not my only reason. After getting out of that bad relationship, I didn’t feel like I had any worth, value, or anything to contribute. I decided I wanted some kind of adventure that would prove to the world that I wasn’t done living. It turns out that I was the one who needed that lesson!

As we rode mile after mile for 3102 miles, I began to heal. I also began to see life lessons in the journey we were on. Because I love to mentor others, especially women and teens struggling to find their worth, I felt my experiences could be helpful to others – and 10 Little Rules for a Double-Butted Adventure was born.

3.       I have noted that this is your fourth book and the first three were written after the Double-Butted Adventure featured in this book.  In what way did your adventure inspire you to write the books?

I’m so glad you asked this question because the answer is “in all ways!” Let me explain.

As we were finishing up the last half-mile of our journey, my husband pointed up a hill to a flag. He told me it was the flag to the Marine Corps Memorial where we would end our ride. I started to cry. Then laugh. Then cry again.

At that moment, I realized something staggering. I, Teri M Brown, non-athlete, had successfully ridden across the United States on a tandem bicycle. I could do anything I put my mind to. It wasn’t a matter of “if I could do something.” Instead, it was a matter of “what did I want to do?” I knew the answer. I wanted to be an author.

As soon as we got home, I got to work. Fourteen months later, I held my first novel in my hand.

4.       What is the main thing you would like your readers to remember from this book?

You don’t have to be something special or extraordinary to do something big and bold and adventurous. Everything you need to succeed is already inside. All you have to do is want it and then start working toward the goal.

5.       Do you have any plans in the works or future books?

I’m currently finishing up a children’s book called Little Lola and Her Big Dream with illustrations by Lorri D Perini. I hope to have this out by early summer. I’m also working on a humorous contemporary novel about a woman going through menopause. Finally, I have an idea for another historical fiction, though it seems to have a mystery or suspense flair to it!


6.       Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these questions for our Review This readers.  Is there anything else you would like them to know about your books?

Although I cross genres – historical fiction, short stories, flash fiction, children’s books, creative non-fiction, and contemporary humor – all my books have one thing in common and that’s strong characters. I tell everyone I love to introduce readers to characters they’d love to invite to lunch.

If you enjoy character-driven fiction, I’d love to connect. Head on over to my website at There, you can connect with me on social media, join my twice-monthly newsletter, listen to my podcast Online for Authors and pick the next book on your TBR, purchase signed copies of my books, and/or reach out on my contact page.


Reviews of Other Books by Teri M Brown

Here are reviews of other books by this author on Review This.


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Reviewing Solar Garden Lantern

hummingbird solar light

 For Christmas this year, I received a beautiful solar garden light from a special friend.  This lamp is decorated with hummingbirds and flowers and at night will light up your garden with a lovely pattern.

Features of the Solar Lantern

In the photo below you can see the lamp in the dark after it has been charged by the sun for 6 hours.

Isn't it beautiful?  I charged it outdoors today, but since it is winter time I brought it inside to take the photo on my dining room table.

Solar Garden Decor

Here are some of the features of this beautiful solar lantern.
  • Lantern can be used by hanging up or sitting on a table or stand
  • It features auto on and off.
  • It is solar powered and will automatically light up at night.
  • When charged in sunlight for 8-10 hours it will then work at night for 8-10 hours.
  • It is waterproof and is suitable for all outdoor environments.
  • It comes in four designs:  the hummingbird (shown in photos), butterflies, mushrooms, or frogs.

You too can own one of these beautiful lamps.  Just go to Amazon at the following link. Solar Garden Decor

About my Special Friend

I'd like to share with you a little about my special friend.  Her name is Anna and over 60 years ago, when I was in girl scouts, I was working toward my pen pal badge. I was matched up with several pen pals from various countries and most I wrote to for a few months or maybe even a year and then the letters stopped.  One of my pen pals was Anna who lived in the London area in England.  I live in the midwestern United States.  Anna and I seemed to really connect with each other, and we now have been pen pals for 63 years.  Our lives took similar routes, we each married and had two children and we both have granddaughters.

We wrote letters to each other in snail mail for years and when we were each in our 40's we finally met each other in person.  Anna and her family traveled to the US to visit us. Since then, we have visited several times and now with technology we message each other regularly.  Our husbands have also become friends and will sometimes email each other.  We have vacationed together in Cyprus and Memphis Tennessee.  My husband and I have also visited Anna and Peter at their home in England near the border of Wales.  We attended their son's wedding and have met up with them when we were on cruises, and they would travel to one of our stops (Plymouth in England and Bruges in Belgium.)  We have developed a wonderful friendship over the years.  

Now that we are older my husband and I no longer are able to travel but we enjoy the wonderful memories.  We still message each other regularly sharing news of our children and granddaughters.
We also exchange Christmas gifts each year as we have for the last 60+ years.  This year we received the beautiful Solar Garden Lantern from Anna and Peter.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Reviewing Food Warming Tray


Warming Mat with Dish
Food Warming Tray
For Christmas this year, I received a new food warming tray.  This warmer is so very practical.  It is easy to use, easy to clean, and takes up very little storage space.  As you can see the tray fits nearly flat on the counter so it takes up very little extra space.  

Easy to Use

The warming dish features rapid warming at temperatures anywhere from 122 degrees F to 212 degrees F.  The temperatures are in 6 different stages.  There is also a timing device that allows you to set an hourly timer anywhere from 1-6 hours.

To use the tray, you place it on the counter, put the plug into the side of the tray and into an outlet.  You then hit the power key on the tray and adjust the temperature and the timer to your desired settings.   

The tray is big enough to put multiple dishes on it at once, so you can keep all of your hot dishes hot.

Easy to Store

Warming Tray and Storage Bag

One of the great features of this tray is how easy it is to store.  Because it is silicone you can easily roll it up and attach the band that comes with it to hold it in place.  You then just slip it into the bag that comes with the tray and pull the bag shut.  It can stand or lay in very little space in a corner of your cabinet or pantry.

Easy to Clean

The tray is very easy to clean.  You just take a soft wet cloth and wipe the surface of the product and store it once it is dry.  If there is oil on the product then you would wipe it with a mild detergent and a soft cloth until there is no residue let.  You should never rinse the product or immerse it in water.

Order from Amazon

The warming tray can be ordered on Amazon at the following link. Food Warming Tray    On Amazon you will find many similar products so you can pick one with the features that work best for you.

warming tray

In this photo I am keeping a dish of cranberry chutney warm to go with the meal.  At Christmas we had three different dishes on the tray at once.  Keeping the food warm and safe for our buffet.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Reviewing Short Stories for the Holidays


Holiday Light with Bokeh
Holiday Decorations by mbgphoto

I love to read but, in the hustle, and bustle of all of the holiday preparations sometimes I just don't feel like getting into a full-size novel.  This year instead, I read three short stories with holiday themes.  This really worked well for me, and I enjoyed the short stories which were light reading.  All of these books were ones that I downloaded to my Kindle from Amazon and because I am a Prime member they were all free to read from Prime Reading.  They are also available to purchase in either paperback books, audio books, or digital books.

Christmas at the Little Paris Hotel

This book was written by Rebecca Raisin and can be ordered from Amazon at Christmas at the Little Paris Hotel .  What can be better than a delightful story taking place in Paris during the holidays?  In this story Anais receives an unwelcome surprise in her divorce settlement.  It is a run-down hotel in Paris.  She needs the money desperately but what is she to do with this run-down hotel.  

She would really like to sell it and move on with her life, but this does not prove to be a viable option.  Her next thought is to turn it into a beautiful place and open by Christmas.  But is this even possible?  This is a must-read story full of romantic comedy and mystery!  Something for everyone.

AI generated Paris photo
Paris at Christmas (AI generated)

The Christmas Book Hunt

This book was written by Jenny Colgan and can be found at this link The Christmas Book Hunt.  The setting for this story is London and small towns in the UK.  

The main character, Mirren is on a hunt to find a rare book for her Aunt Viola, who is dying.  Viola remembers this book from her youth and her dying wish is to once again see this book before she dies.  The book is rare and hard to find because the author Robert Louis Stevenson had teamed up with a famous author who did illustrations for the one book.

Mirren is determined to find this book for her aunt and her search takes her to several small towns that have lots of rare book shops.  Along the way she runs into a handsome stranger who, unknown to Mirren is searching for the same book for his uncle's rare book shop.  All of this is taking place in the days leading up the Christmas.

Holiday Hideaway

Mary Kay Andrews, the author of over 30 award winning novels, wrote this delightful short story.  You can find it at the following link.  Holiday Hideaway  

In this enchanting story, Tilly is not very happy about the upcoming holidays.  She is recently divorced and down on her luck, so she is staying in one of her companies unoccupied rentals until her new apartment is ready.  All is going along until the owner, George,  shows up to sell his granduncles house.  He is staying in the house so Tilly hides out in the attic.  Fun ensues as Tilly tries to avoid running into George.

This story is taking place just before Christmas and you will need to read it to find out what Christmas magic happens.

Happy Reading and Happy New Year

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving from Review This


Basket of Flowers

Today is a day of Thanksgiving in the USA and I wanted to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving on behalf of the entire staff of Review This.

I have many things that I am thankful for, but on this post I'd like to share my thanks for my hobby of photography by sharing with you several of the photos that I have taken this fall.  I always see Thanksgiving as the end of the colorful fall colors and the start of the winter holidays.  

Fall  Photography

In the photo at the beginning of this post, I have shared a photo that I took down on Main Street in St. Charles, Missouri.  They always decorate for each holiday and fall is no exception.  I loved this box of fall flowers set against the wood railing.   Another place I visited to take some fall photos was our Missouri Extension gardens.  Fall is really the end of the blooming season, but there are still some great flowers to photograph.  The photo below shows some bright purple flowers peeking out of an old wooden fence.
Wooden fence and purple flowers

I love the beautiful shades of colors of the leaves in the fall.  Here are a few of my favorites from this year.
Fallen leaf

Bright Red Leaves

Brightly Colored Tree

One of the views I particularly enjoy all year round is the view from the sliding doors in our kitchen.  It looks out past our deck to the trees in a subdivision below us.  It is interesting to see how this view changes with each season.  In the photo below it is a early fall morning and the trees are just beginning to change colors.  The sky is full of color in the early morning light.
Beautiful sky and leaves

As I look at nature and my photographs, I thank God for this beautiful creation He has giving to us.

May you and your family be blessed with a thankful heart!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Booty in the Backseat- Book Review


Book Review

I really enjoy Cozy Mysteries and Karen Whalen writes some that are a lot of fun.  The latest in her "Tow Truck Mystery" series is Booty in the Backseat.  Karen has another winner in this book with the delightful Delaney and her friends.

Book Summary

Booty in the Backseat is the 6th in Karen Whalen's "Tow Truck Mystery" Series. It again features Delaney the "high-heeled tow truck driver" and her cast of fun-loving friends.

As in the other books, Delaney stumbles across something during her working hours and ends up getting involved in trying to solve the mystery.  In this book, while towing a car away from a no parking zone, Delaney comes across a bag of money in the back seat of the car.  In addition, when looking in the bag she finds a severed hand.  Where did the hand come from?  Why is there a large amount of money left in the car?  Was someone murdered?  These are just some of the questions Delaney feels obligated to answer. After all it was a car she was towing that contained the evidence.

In her quest to find answers she finds herself meeting with gang members, spying on possible suspects and not being entirely upfront with her "boyfriend" the sheriff.  

I know you will enjoy this cozy mystery.  It is available on Amazon at the following link.  Booty in the Backseat

Author Interview

Karen Whalen very graciously agreed to do an author's interview with me.  Here are my questions and her answers.

1.     Tell us a bit about your background.

I worked as a paralegal for 30 years, but always had a love of writing. I wrote for paralegal magazines for a long time, including a regular column for The National Paralegal Reporter magazine.


2.     What made you decide to write novels and why did you choose the mystery genre?

Writing a novel has been one of my goals for as long as I can remember. I love to read cozy mysteries. Joanne Fluke and M.C. Beaton are two of my favorites. An idea came to me to center a mystery around a dinner club, so I got up at five each morning and wrote for two hours before leaving for work. I wrote on weekends. Evenings have never been a high-energy time for me, so I didn’t write at night. I wrote Everything Bundt the Truth in about six months. That was my first published novel and it came out in 2016.


3.     I love the way you make your characters come to life and Delaney in particular is delightful.  What is your secret?

I’m glad you like Delaney. I like her, too. The law firm where I worked represented tow truck companies. These car haulers are an under-appreciated, crazy breed, with interesting stories to tell and characters bigger than life. People I will never forget. That all of the tow truck drivers I met were men made me wonder…women in the industry would need to be tough to compete in a man’s world. But what if a woman owned her own towing business? What if the woman was young and inexperienced? What if she wore high heels to set herself apart from the all-male car haulers in town?  Oooh, sounds fun, amiright? Delaney is a female version of those characters, but she comes up with her own stories.


4.     Do you know the outcome of your book when you start writing or do you create the story as you go?

A little bit of both. I do love plotting, and I come up with thirty scenes as recommended by the books on the craft. But in between those scenes, I let the pantser in me take over—that means writing by the seat of your pants.


5.     What would you like your readers to come away with from Booty in the Backseat?

The tow truck business dropped into Delaney’s lap (and dead bodies have a way of turning up, too) and she encounters many oppositions, from learning the business to customers who prefer a male tow truck driver. But she makes a proactive decision to master the process, overcome the prejudice, and become the best high-heeled tow truck driver around. The tow truck business may have been a twist of fate, but she’s in charge of her own path now.

More Reviews of Karen Whalen Books

Here are some other reviews I have done of Karen Whalen books.  The first three are the tow truck series and the fourth is a separate book by the author.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Comfort and Joy by Kristin Hannah


comfort and joy
A Book Review

If you are looking for a delightful, feel-good book to read around the holiday season, I would like to suggest Comfort and Joy by Kristin Hannah.  Kristin Hannah is the award-winning author of more than 20 books, and I feel that you can never go wrong in picking one of her books to read.  Comfort and Joy was the hostesses pick for our October book club and everyone in our club loved the book.

Book Summary

Joy Candellaro has had a very rough year with a divorce and finding out her sister is marrying her ex-husband.  Christmas has always been her favorite time of year but this year she is feeling rather alone and not in the mood to celebrate.  She decides to take off by herself and boards a plane to head into the beautiful Pacific Northwest in Washington state.  A plane crash waylays her plans, and she finds herself walking alone into a small town and then out of town into the beautiful Olympic rainforest. 

 Her walk ends near a hunting lodge where she meets two people who will change her life. First, she meets young Bobby O'Shea who is getting ready to celebrate his first Christmas without his mom.  Bobby's dad, Daniel is very protective of his young son and is slow to warm up to Joy, but eventually they become close.  As Christmas is approaching Bobby and Joy surprise his dad with a tree and plans for the holidays.  They are all looking forward to a magical Christmas till Christmas Eve comes and Joy's world is ripped apart.  

This is a book you must read to find out if the magic of Christmas will reunite this delightful cast of characters.

Amazon Link to Book

Here is the link to where you can purchase the book on Amazon.

Review This writers review Kristin Hannah books

Several of the writers for Review This Reviews have picked Kristin Hannah books.  Here are a few of the reviews:
These books were reviewed by Dawn Rae.

Treasures by Brenda has reviewed these Kristin Hannah books.

Renaissance Woman also reviewed a book by Kristin Hannah

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Skeletons for Halloween - Reviewed


Celebrate Halloween with Skeletons
Skeleton Photo by mbgphoto

I remember when the most common Halloween decorations were Jack-o-Lanterns.  If you can go by my neighborhood that is no longer the case.  As I drive around my area the most common decoration, by far, is skeletons.  There are skeletons on mailboxes, on shutters, sitting on benches, hanging from trees and standing out in the middle of the yards.  In the photo above you see a skeleton that is larger than the house with a skeleton dog sitting next to it.

I did a little searching on Google about what are the most popular decorations right now and they listed skeletons, pumpkins, spiders, witches and bats.  Google search data claimed that skeletons are the most popular overall. So it looks like my neighborhood is right in the swing of things!!

In this post I will give you a bit of information on the history of the Halloween decoration and share with you the photos I took of many of the skeletons in my neighborhood.
Two Skeletons on Chairs
Photo by mbgphoto

I love these two skeletons relaxing on chairs in a front yard.

History of Skeletons for Halloween

Did you ever wonder why there are skeletons on Halloween?  The festival that we now call Halloween started out as a Celtic harvest festival called Samhain.  It was celebrated on October 31st at the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the long, cold, dark days of winter.  The festival symbolized one of death and was celebrated with bon fires--called "bone fires" and symbols of the dead such as ghosts and skeletons.  This is also where our graveyards and haunted houses came to celebrate the Halloween holiday.

Climbing Skeletons

There is a house a street over from us that as a multitude of skeletons including the ones climbing on their shutters, as seen above, and one on their mailbox as seen in the photo below.

Yard full of Skeletons

More Reviews on Halloween Decorations

In 2015 I wrote a lens on Halloween decor in my neighborhood.  Here is a link to that review. 

In this post Wednesday Elf reviews handmade Halloween decor. A Review of Handmade Halloween Home Decor (

Sylvestermouse reviews some fun Halloween decor in this post. Fun Halloween Home Decor (

Amazon Links for Skeleton Decorations

If you are looking for some skeleton decorations, Amazon has a wide variety.

Happy Halloween!!!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Stare Down - Book Review


Photograph by mbgphoto
St. Louis Gateway Arch
Photographed by Mary Beth Granger
While walking around at a craft and vendor fair at our church, I came across a booth with a local author.  The first thing that caught my eye was a book with a photo of the Arch in St. Louis.  I always enjoy reading books that have locations I am familiar with and having grown up in the area, I have always been fascinated with the Arch.  As I stopped and talked to the author, Ellen Parker, I found that she wrote romance books that are mixed with mysteries or historical fiction.  All of these are topics I enjoy reading.  When I got home, I downloaded one of her books that depicted the Arch on the cover and started reading.  

The book I read was Stare Down and I enjoyed it so much that I emailed the author and asked if she would do an author interview with me.  She graciously accepted and you will find her interview in this post.

If you would like to read Stare Down or any of her books, they are available on Amazon.  Here is a link to Stare Down

Book Summary

If you enjoy an intriguing romance with a murder mystery thrown in, then this is a book you will enjoy.  Author Ellen Parker does a great job of combining a budding romance and a murder all in one book with a setting in St. Louis.

Detective Maylee Morgan and surgeon Dave Holmes first meet on the running trails in a park in St. Louis and are instantly attracted to each other.  They know little about each other after their first meeting but are interesting in finding out more.  They soon find out that they are neighbors in an apartment where Dave has recently moved.  All is progressing along when Dave's boss is found dead and Dave does not have an alibi.  When Maylee shows up to question suspects Dave finds out that she is a detective and memories of the past haunt him as he now sees her as a lady with a gun.

Will Maylee and Dave get together, will the murder be solved?  This is one you must read to find the answers.

Author Interview

1) Tell us a little about yourself and your background.
I was raised on a small Wisconsin dairy farm in a household filled with books and magazines.
My parents and older brothers all enjoyed reading and it was natural that I developed the habit early. My education and first career placed me in hospital laboratories.

2) What made you choose writing as a second career?
I’ve enjoyed reading a variety of materials and when my children were little, I made up stories for them. When computers, with spellcheck, came along, I decided to try my hand at writing
romance and discovered I liked creating the stories.

3) How did you choose which genre to write about?
I like the happy, positive ending to a romance story. My mother and I traded books back and
forth in later years, and I like the idea of being able to share between the generations. But I also like a little mystery or suspense, so my first books fall under the large grouping of romantic suspense. Or, as I sometimes tell people – romance with a touch of suspense.

4) I am intrigued by the title of this book. What made you decide on Stare Down?
Growing up, did you get into staring contests with siblings or friends? I decided the quirk would be a good device for a detective – useful with a sibling, a date, or a criminal suspect.

5) When you write, do you have the storyline and outcome decided before you start writing, or does it come to you as you are writing?
I need to know the ending of story before I begin writing. Usually, I know several incidents which are going to happen. But characters often show a mind of their own and surprise me along
the way.

6) You really make your characters come alive in your books. What is your secret?
Thank you for the compliment. I try to put a little bit of a problem in every character’s background. And even the villain needs to have one good facet to his life.

7) What do you want the reader to take away from this book?
I would like the reader to feel hopeful and satisfied that this couple, Dave and Maylee, are going
to be sharing a good life together. I think the ‘lesson’ would be that with time and effort a person can overcome large obstacles – Dave’s great trauma early in his life will make adjustments by both Dave and Maylee necessary.

I hope you have enjoyed this review and interview and will add Ellen Parker to your list of authors to read.  I know I am looking forward to reading more of her books.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Book Review - Spark of Revolution

sparks of revolution
Book Review


In his series, From Peasant to Patriot, DeWayne Landwehr combines the knowledge and research he has found about his ancestors and his in-depth research into the history of the places they lived during the past several centuries and combines them into a very interesting series of historical novels. I thoroughly enjoyed reading each of these novels and look forward to continuing to follow these families on their journey to a life in the "New World".

Book Summary

The books follow two 17th century Scottish families as they move to Ireland to escape both religious and political persecution.  After only one generation in Ireland, they find that the same persecution from the English Monarchy has followed them, and they are searching for a place they can live and raise their families in peace and at least some degree of prosperity.

In the latest book "Spark of Revolution: The Reluctant Forging of a New Nation "the families make the decision to relocate to the "New World" in North America.  We follow them as they endure hardships both in their travels and their quests to carve a life in the uncharted wilderness that has with it many hardships of its own.  They are surrounded with hostile people from this land, and they find that disease, starvation and war has followed them to the New World.  They also arrive at a time when this "New World" is faced with the decisions of staying part of the British rule or carving out a new nation.  

I find it very interesting to read about the families as they are confronting many of the events that we have all learned in American History classes.  The author has done a great job of making this "Forging of a New Nation" come to life through the characters in this book.

Here is the Amazon link to the book: Spark of Revolution: The Reluctant Forging of a New Nation

Author Interview

I thought it would be interesting to get a little background on the author and hear his views on writing these novels.
DeWayne Landwehr graciously agreed to do an author's interview with me.  I sent him a group of questions and he emailed me his responses.  Here are the questions and answers.

Q. DeWayne-First of all could you tell us a little bit about your background?
A. I grew up and went to school in St. Clair, Missouri. Although I spent a lot of time helping with my father’s hatchery and feed store, I also got a job as soon as I could, working first at the St. Clair
Chronicle, and then as a pump jockey at a gas station on Route 66. Those experiences formed the basis of my first book, “Will That be Regular or Ethyl?”
After high school, I was accepted to attend General Motors Institute and graduated with an engineering degree in 1968. I followed that up in 1971 with a MBA by going to night classes.
During my sophomore year, I married my high school sweetheart, Gail Schroeder, and through the years, we had two sons.
I worked for various units of General Motors my entire career, but it was during a stint at the GM Technical Center that I discovered an interest and knack for writing. I am now retired, and have
several hobbies, including forestry, woodworking, and of course my writing.

Q.  I know this book is the third in a series.  What made you want to write these books?  Will there be others in the series?
A. I had developed an interest in genealogy along the way and had traced my family’s roots to the1500s. Those two interests came together to produce the idea for a historical fiction series that
features my family’s journey through time, starting in the 16th century.
Three books have been published in this series, called “From Peasant to Patriot”. A fourth book is in the works now, and there will probably be a fifth book as well.

Q. I love historical fiction and always wonder how much of the books are true history and what is fiction.  In your case, I know you wrote based on your own ancestors.  In particular scenes are the characters based on actual things your ancestors did or are
they fiction and based on the times and places you found in your research of your ancestors.  I was particularly interested in their involvement in the events leading up to the revolutionary war in America.
A. My books are written mainly from the perspective of the common man—particularly my ancestors. I have done considerable research to discover where they were and what was happening around them. I outline those facts, along with real historical characters and events
that I have also discovered in my research and imagine how my ancestors may have reacted and what they may have said and done. As I introduce new ancestral characters in my books, I
chart them for the reader at the head of the chapter. Occasionally, I need to invent peripheral characters to advance the narrative, and of course, I have no knowledge of individual conversations, but other than that, everything in my books is historically accurate. Many of the details included in them has been discovered in places like the Journal of the American Revolution, applications to the Daughters of the American Revolution, courthouse and church records, the National Archives, Ancestry archives and other family trees, genealogical research facilities located in some libraries, and Wikipedia. So, I like to think that, except for individual conversations, my books are as historically accurate as any history  book.

Q. Tell us a little about how you went about your research for this book.

A. The first thing I did was to assemble as much as I could of my family tree. I have done that on both my paternal and maternal sides back to roughly 1500. Then, using those resources mentioned above, namely, Journal of the American Revolution, applications to the Daughters of the American Revolution, courthouse and church records, the National Archives, Ancestry archives and other family trees, genealogical research facilities located in some libraries, and Wikipedia, I collected articles and information regarding historical
events that were occurring around them.
I assembled facts from those two steps into an outline to cover the time period for which I was writing, and then began to construct the narrative, including conversations.
As events unfolded in the story, I occasionally had to invent peripheral characters to advance the narrative. At many points in the story, I would wonder things like, “…who was it that…”, so I would query one of my resources (usually Wikipedia). There would almost always be an answer, but in the few cases when there was no clear fact to be uncovered, I invented it. In those very few cases, I tell the reader in Author Notes.

Q. I love the way you make your characters come to life in your writing.  What is your secret?
A. I have read scores of books in my favorite genres: historical fiction, medieval history, medieval fiction and family saga, and tried to pick out my favorite attributes and styles from the various
authors. I found that I like stories in which the author mixes some conversations with straight; not all one or the other. Also, I found that some authors will spend pages describing
the appearance of some character, and I found that to be tedious. I try to give the reader just enough description of a character to ignite their imagination, then let that imagination run in their own mind while the narrative unfolds.

Q. What is the main thing you would like your reader to remember from your book?
A. In every book I write, I would like for the reader to be able to imagine themselves or one of their ancestors as one or more of the characters in the book. In Spark of Revolution, I hope the reader comes away with a realization that the idea of a' United States’ didn’t arise fully formed on the 4th of July 1776. It was a result of years of
struggle and compromise, led by men and women who often disagreed, but were willing to listen to others’ views and to compromise and work with each other.

Q. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these questions.  Is there anything else you would like the readers of Review This to know about your books.
A. The basic idea behind the creation of this series, “From Peasant to Patriot”, was to set it in the perspective of the common man of the times, and to follow a few related families as they dealt
with life and death, beginning in the 16th century, and following through to the 20th century. In creating the settings, real historical events were outlined, and real people from my family tree
were inserted in the narrative where I think they might have been as a result of my research. Consequently, excepting the individual conversations, these books are almost entirely factual
and historically accurate.

Mary, thank you for allowing me to do this.   

Other Books by DeWayne Landwehr

The first book in the series From Peasant to Patriot can be found on Amazon at Smoke on the Whiteadder  You can find more about this book at my review on Review This Smoke on the Whiteadder .

The second book in the series is Inside Odenwald: Courage of Survival and can also be purchased on Amazon at Inside Oldenwald

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Thursday, August 22, 2024

Review of Fun Facts about Sunflowers

Missouri Sunflower Field

Sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers.  Each year I look forward to the time when the sunflowers will be in full bloom.  Not too far from where I live, there is an area near the Missouri river and the Katy trail where farmers plant fields of sunflowers each year.

This year my husband and I drove to the area in the spring to see how the sunflowers were coming along.  To my dismay there didn't appear to be any sunflowers in the fields.  In fact, it didn't even look like anything was planted.  In early August I started seeing posts online about the sunflower fields and wondered where they might be planted.  As it turns out it was in the same area, the farmer had just rotated the fields and last year's field had corn and soybeans and just a bit further down the road there were several fields of sunflowers.  I was delighted and made several trips down there to photograph the sunflowers at various times of the day.  The photos on this page are from an early morning trip when the sunflowers were in great light.

Early Morning at Sunflower Field

Fun Facts about Sunflowers

  • Young sunflowers track the sun from sunrise to sunset.  This is called heliotropism.  Once the flowers are mature they all face east.
  • Sunflowers are valuable for growers, both commercially and ornamentally.
  • Sunflower oil has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • There are two types of sunflower seed products.  The oilseed type are good for birds and they are the most commonly farmed.  The non-oilseed are good for human consumption.
  • The oils in sunflowers can reduce cholesterol levels.
  • Sunflowers are native to the United States but are now planted worldwide.


More Fun Fact about Sunflowers

  • To be healthy sunflowers require at least 6 hours of sunlight a day.
  • There are thousands of tiny flowers that compose a sunflowers head.
  • The tallest sunflower grown was over 30 feet tall.
  • Sunflowers started out being grown as a food source.
  • Sunflowers can be made into sunbutter.
  • Sunflowers are not just yellow.  They can be red, brown, and even purple.
In the photo below you can see a bee working on the sunflower and see up close the structure of the sunflower head.
Sunflower head with bee

Zazzle Products from my Photos


References and More Sunflower Reviews

Here is the website where I got the information for the sunflower fun facts.

Sunflowers are a popular topic on Review This.  Here are a few more you may want to check out.

This is one I wrote in 2018.  It gives you tips on photographing Sunflowers.

In this review that I wrote in 2021 I share the stages of a sunflower and my photos from that season.

Fellow reviewer, Olivia, shares this review on sunflowers being the flower for the year in 2021.

Missouri River

A bonus to our early morning outing was to catch the sun rising above the Missouri River.
River in early morning.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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