Showing posts with label Book Reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book Reviews. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

All the Broken Angels ~ A Book Review

Sometimes a title grabs you and doesn't let you go.  That's what happened to me with this Book Title and I'm so happy that it did in fact grab me!

As part of the community, there are books offered to members for their honest and true reviews. 

Pat Black-Gould and Steve Hardiman have hit all the right notes with All the Broken Angels!  It is a Finalist in the upcoming 2024 Royal Palm Literary Awards!.  

If you grew up in the 1950's, 60's and 70's you will be able to place yourself into this book without any trouble at all. 
These decades were the decades of many changes!  I'm talking about big changes!  There were changes in the church, changes in the schools, changes in our collective feelings about war, peace, space, family and our own roles in society!

These were the decades of Peace Walks and Talks, Vietnam, distrust in organized religions, protest marches, army drafts, women working to break the barriers in the job markets, and mother's who wanted more out of life than just raising a family.
soldier with flower

It was a time of great upheaval in the family and society as a whole.  

All The Broken Angels hits on many of the "hot" topics of the day and brings many painful memories and some of our broken innocence or naive notions to light.

Cousins Cate and Albie are in the center of all this turmoil.  They are best friends, go to school together, play together and are being raised by mom's who still care for their immigrant parents.  They are "old school" and "new school" at the same time.  Falling back into what worked for their grandparents when they first arrived in the country they chose to call their new home, many old fashioned notions needed to change.  That change did not come easily for the elders as many stuck to their customs brought to this new land from their old countries. 

Cate and Albie are close and yet so far apart in their thinking.  Cate is a bit of a rebel and Albie is very much focused on being just like his dad ( a World War II vet).  Cate tries to challenge many things she sees as "unbelievable" and "wrong", while Albie knows when to keep his mouth shut and ride whatever wave they are travelling on.  Parochial schools with their hard edge on religion and beliefs did not sit well with Cate and try as she might, she really was trying to understand.  Albie was much more easy going and let all these things ride without too much personal comments.  Needless to say Cate and Albie's school life was not what we look back on with good humor.  School could be very distressing to some young minds.

This novel had me laughing and crying, admitting that many of these things were happening around me at that time and by the end of the novel I was totally a part of the world as seen through their eyes. Oh the memories that this book brought to light.  Things I hadn't thought of in a long, long time.  

All of life has a way of working out and Cate does find her way in this new world with all of it's possibilities. She is able to make peace with many things that caused her numerous sleepless nights.  Heartwarming and true to life is this story of All the Broken Angels.

Indies Today writes about All The Broken Angels: "Younger audiences will appreciate the richness of Americana, and older audiences will be kissed by nostalgia!

In my humble opinion this novel rates 5 Stars!  I don't give those out easily, but this book really deserves it and I do hope that you will find it and read it.  I'd love to hear if you reacted the same way!
Congratulations to the Authors Pat Black-Gould and Steve Hardiman!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, September 28, 2024

The Authenticity Project - Book Review

The story of a solitary green notebook that brings together six strangers and leads to unexpected friendship, and even love

A green notebook and a single page of note paper

Cast of Characters

  • Julian Jessop
  • Monica
  • Hazard
  • Alice
  • Riley 
  • Lizzie

Location: London, England

Synopsis of The Authenticity Project

Julian Jessop is a rather eccentric, though quite lonely, artist in his late 70s.  He believes that most people aren’t really honest with each other. He begins to wonder what would happen if people actually told the truth about themselves. 

Julian decides to tell the truth about his own life ~ writing in a plain green journal. He ends his story with:

How well do you know the people who live near you? How well do they know you?

Everyone lies about their lives. What would happen if you shared the truth instead? The one thing that defines you, that makes everything else about you fall into place? 

….maybe telling that story would change your life, or the life of someone you’ve not yet met.

Then he leaves the journal in a local cafe. 

The cafe is Monica's Café, owned by the incredibly tidy and efficient Monica. Monica reads the journal entry, finds Julian’s story and his philosophy about truth intriguing, and eventually adds her own entry. She then leaves the book in the wine bar across the street. 

Before long, the other characters in this charming story find the green notebook, add the truths about their own deepest selves, and, amazingly somehow find each other In Real Life

The Authenticity Project's cast of characters--including Hazard, the charming addict who makes a vow to get sober; Alice, the fabulous mommy Instagrammer whose real life is a lot less perfect than it looks online; Riley, the vacationing gardener from Perth, Australia, and Lizzie - who brings the ‘authentic’ to The Authenticity Project - are quirky, funny, sometimes heartbreakingly sad, and very true-to-life. 

The Authenticity Project is a story about being brave and putting your real self forward. The new friends discover this is not as scary as it seems. In fact, it appears to look a lot like happiness. 

A heartfelt story you will read with deep pleasure. 


The Authenticity Project is a delightful, feel-good, novel by Clare Pooley, a British author, speaker and blogger who has written a half-dozen novels to date. More reviews of this author’s interesting books will be coming soon.

*Book review of ‘The Authenticity Project’ written by Wednesday Elf

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Stare Down - Book Review


Photograph by mbgphoto
St. Louis Gateway Arch
Photographed by Mary Beth Granger
While walking around at a craft and vendor fair at our church, I came across a booth with a local author.  The first thing that caught my eye was a book with a photo of the Arch in St. Louis.  I always enjoy reading books that have locations I am familiar with and having grown up in the area, I have always been fascinated with the Arch.  As I stopped and talked to the author, Ellen Parker, I found that she wrote romance books that are mixed with mysteries or historical fiction.  All of these are topics I enjoy reading.  When I got home, I downloaded one of her books that depicted the Arch on the cover and started reading.  

The book I read was Stare Down and I enjoyed it so much that I emailed the author and asked if she would do an author interview with me.  She graciously accepted and you will find her interview in this post.

If you would like to read Stare Down or any of her books, they are available on Amazon.  Here is a link to Stare Down

Book Summary

If you enjoy an intriguing romance with a murder mystery thrown in, then this is a book you will enjoy.  Author Ellen Parker does a great job of combining a budding romance and a murder all in one book with a setting in St. Louis.

Detective Maylee Morgan and surgeon Dave Holmes first meet on the running trails in a park in St. Louis and are instantly attracted to each other.  They know little about each other after their first meeting but are interesting in finding out more.  They soon find out that they are neighbors in an apartment where Dave has recently moved.  All is progressing along when Dave's boss is found dead and Dave does not have an alibi.  When Maylee shows up to question suspects Dave finds out that she is a detective and memories of the past haunt him as he now sees her as a lady with a gun.

Will Maylee and Dave get together, will the murder be solved?  This is one you must read to find the answers.

Author Interview

1) Tell us a little about yourself and your background.
I was raised on a small Wisconsin dairy farm in a household filled with books and magazines.
My parents and older brothers all enjoyed reading and it was natural that I developed the habit early. My education and first career placed me in hospital laboratories.

2) What made you choose writing as a second career?
I’ve enjoyed reading a variety of materials and when my children were little, I made up stories for them. When computers, with spellcheck, came along, I decided to try my hand at writing
romance and discovered I liked creating the stories.

3) How did you choose which genre to write about?
I like the happy, positive ending to a romance story. My mother and I traded books back and
forth in later years, and I like the idea of being able to share between the generations. But I also like a little mystery or suspense, so my first books fall under the large grouping of romantic suspense. Or, as I sometimes tell people – romance with a touch of suspense.

4) I am intrigued by the title of this book. What made you decide on Stare Down?
Growing up, did you get into staring contests with siblings or friends? I decided the quirk would be a good device for a detective – useful with a sibling, a date, or a criminal suspect.

5) When you write, do you have the storyline and outcome decided before you start writing, or does it come to you as you are writing?
I need to know the ending of story before I begin writing. Usually, I know several incidents which are going to happen. But characters often show a mind of their own and surprise me along
the way.

6) You really make your characters come alive in your books. What is your secret?
Thank you for the compliment. I try to put a little bit of a problem in every character’s background. And even the villain needs to have one good facet to his life.

7) What do you want the reader to take away from this book?
I would like the reader to feel hopeful and satisfied that this couple, Dave and Maylee, are going
to be sharing a good life together. I think the ‘lesson’ would be that with time and effort a person can overcome large obstacles – Dave’s great trauma early in his life will make adjustments by both Dave and Maylee necessary.

I hope you have enjoyed this review and interview and will add Ellen Parker to your list of authors to read.  I know I am looking forward to reading more of her books.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, September 16, 2024

Introducing Joe Pickett, Season 1

Joe Pickett is the new, unassuming game warden in a remote area of Wyoming. He is a quiet man and not your typical hero. Joe is publically introduced to his neighbors in Saddle String as a push-over after a poacher holds him at gunpoint - with Joe's gun. The "bad guys" consider him to be easy-to-manage and believe he'll fall in line with the how-it's-done-here mentality of the town and surrounding public lands. But Joe is a game warden who follows the rules, and expects everyone else to follow the rules too, even if he has to give his life to protect the wildlife. In this review, I will tell you a bit more about Joe and the characters of Saddle String.

Wyoming Cowboy photo and text
Photo Credit: By Bob Wick of the Bureau of Land Management
(public domain) 

Joe Pickett, Season 1

As a young boy, Joe decides he wants to become a game warden. The outdoors is his sanctuary and he has a caring spirit.  

Joe Pickett season 1, episode 1 opens almost immediately with a life or death situation during Joe's normal game warden business. Ote Keeley is a local outfitter and hunting guide. He needs his hunting license to make a living and support his family be he's also a poacher and Joe catches him in the act. During the confrontation, Ote taunts Joe for having arrested the Governor for fishing without a license. 

"I didn't know he was the Governor".  Joe responded. But it wouldn't have made a difference if he had known. Rules are rules. And unlike Joe's predecessor, Vern, Joe doesn't cut deals or do favors. He doesn't follow Vern's suggestion to focus on ticketing the tourists and looking the other way for the residents. 

During the confrontation, Ote takes Joe's sidearm and holds him at gun point. Even at gunpoint, Joe doesn't back down from his plan to write him up for poaching. Fortunately, they come to a sort of truce and no one dies. Not on that day.

Later, Ote's body is found, shot dead with an arrow, in Joe's yard. Joe is trying to figure out why Ote would have come to his home on horseback, with an arrow in him. While law enforcement immediately arrests a suspect - surprisingly, they don't arrest Joe for the murder - Joe begins researching the crime from the game warden perspective. Ote was killed with an illegal arrow tip. 

As the murder count increases, people seem to be falsely accused, evidence disappears, and Joe knows he's missing a piece of the puzzle. But will he, his wife, and children live through the investigation or should he give up his job and turn a blind eye to it all?

This story is a modern western murder mystery in a gorgeous mountainous setting. There were so many characters who were unlikeable in this one small town that I couldn't guess who was exactly at fault. 


Joe Pickett (Michael Dorman) and his wife, Marybeth (Julianna Guill) are trying to raise their children in a peaceful and safe setting. Marybeth was a lawyer until she made the conscious decision to stay home and raise her children - rather than be the stressed, absent parent that busy lawyers often are.  Her mother Missy (Sharon Lawrence) frequently berates Marybeth for this choice, for being a game warden's wife, and for choosing a simple life.  Interesting that Missy feels like she's in the position to judge anyone about their life choices.

Ote Keeley (Benjamin Hollingsworth) is the "degenerate" married to April Keeley (Vivienne Guynn) and they have children. Even though Ote died at the very beginning of the series, we think about him alot. And April incites both disgust and empathy.

Nate Romanowski (Mustafa Speaks) is the prepper/recluse who is immediately arrested for the murder of Ote based solely on one incident they had in the past (Ote killed one of Nate's birds of prey) and because Nate owns a bow. Nate comes across as frightening and perhaps manipulative. He asks Joe to find the truth and Marybeth ends up being his lawyer for the murder trial.

There is a huge cast. And far too many to list. There are the rich folks, poor folks, law-abiding folks, schemers, very strange-but-harmless folks, and the killers.  Most all of law enforcement and politicians are questionable and either lazy/inept or trying to redirect. 

I enjoyed Joe Pickett, Season 1 so much that I binge-watched it one weekend. I immediately began recommending it to others. I love thriller/mysteries that are set in amazing settings. The elk, bison, and mountains are all peaceful eye-candy. The clash between the good guys, bad guys, and flawed guys is the cherry on top. 

The Joe Pickett series written by C.J. Box

This tv series is based on the books written by C.J. Box. I have book 1 in my kindle and haven't read it yet only because I've been so engrossed in several of W. Michael Gear's historical fiction series. After discovering the Joe Pickett tv series by accident, you can know that I will begin reading the C.J. Box books next.  Especially since there are many books in the written series and only 1 and 2 and the television series. 

Related Links

Joe Pickett, season 1 on Amazon Prime Video or DVD

Author C.J. Box on Amazon:   Open Season (A Joe Pickett Novel Book 1)

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Book Reviews of the ‘Tea by the Sea’ Cozy Mystery Series

Vicki Delany, a Canadian crime writer, has written a series of Cozy Mysteries. A Tea by the Sea Mystery series is one of them. It is a delightful series featuring Lily Roberts, owner of a Cape Cod Tearoom.

Image of Cape Cod Bay

Continuing Characters in the Series

This series takes place on the Outer Cape of Cape Cod facing Cape Cod Bay where Lily Roberts recently opened an authentic English Tearoom in a refurbished old stone building located on the property of her grandmother Rose’s grand old Victorian B & B.  

Lily, a professional pastry chef, left the restaurant business in New York City to realize her dream of owning and operating her own tearoom she named “Tea by the Sea”. She also helps her 85-year-old grandmother run her B & B “Victoria-on-Sea” by cooking the breakfast part of the bed & breakfast early each morning before her tearoom opens at 11:00 A.M.  

Lily lives in the guest cottage on the B & B property, along with her labradoodle Eclair, so named because of the cream stripe that runs through her curly brown fur. Grandmother Rose has a spoiled cat with the Scottish name Robert the Bruce (Robbie, for short).

Other continuing characters include Lily’s best friend Bernie (Bernadette), a forensic accountant who leaves her NYC job to move to Cape Cod for the summer to write a book. Then there is Simon, the young (and good looking) Englishman who takes over his uncle’s job as gardener for the extensive gardens that surround the B & B and tearoom. Lily’s helpers in the tearoom include Cheryl & Marybeth, mother & daughter, who help run the tearoom while Lily bakes. 

Each of these characters, including the animals, appear throughout the entire series and lend importance to each storyline. 

Because each book seems to include a murder that somehow always involves Lily and her family & friends, we also get to know the crotchety old town police detective Chuck Williams - nearing retirement age and rather lazy - and his new assistant, Detective Amy Redmond, young and experienced (coming to Cape Cod from the Boston PD), but under the command of Detective Williams, who tends to narrow his focus to not investigate as well as he should. 

Synopses of this 5 Book Series

Tea & Treachery

A Cape Cod tea shop owner (Lily Roberts) must solve the murder of a local real estate developer to help her feisty grandmother,  Rose, out of a jam after Rose is accused of the murder.

Murder in a Teacup

Cape Cod tearoom owner/pastry chef, Lily Roberts, gets herself in trouble when she unknowingly serves one of her grandmother's B&B guests a deadly cup of tea. Lily has to assume her part-time sleuth role to find the real killer and save herself. 

Murder Spills the Tea

When a popular TV baking show comes to Cape Cod to film at Lily’s charming tearoom, a celebrity chef and judge is murdered at the tearoom. Having lost his temper on-camera with a member of Lily's staff, Cheryl Wainwright ends up a suspect in his murder. Now Lily must investigate to clear her friend’s name. 

Steeped in Malice

Fine English teas are always served in china teacups (never mugs), as presentation is important. Finding herself low on teacups for her tearoom, Lily attends an antique show to replace her fragile stock. There she finds a delightful Peter Rabbit-themed tea set in a wicker basket, perfect for children’s events. 

Days later, a rude woman (Kimberly) arrives at the tearoom to demand the tea set back. She wants an envelope hidden in the basket’s lining. 

Turns out, the envelope was the last will and testament of Kimberly’s mother, and changes what an earlier will decreed (leaving Kimberly out of the inheritance entirely). Meanwhile, Kimberly’s half-sister Rachel  is also looking for the new will. As is Kimberly’s new husband (who just happens to have been Lily’s former NYC chef boyfriend). 

When one of the sisters is found dead on the grounds of the B & B, naturally Lily, Rose and their friends become involved. A simple case of greed and too many suspects make for another fun cozy mystery.

The latest (and last book in the series) Book Five, Trouble is Brewing, was just published in 2024. 

Trouble is Brewing

Lily’s Cape Cod tearoom hosts a bridal shower for two families who are staying at Rose’s bed and breakfast. As the gifts are being opened, a gruesome gift sends the guest of honor screaming in fear.

The shocking gift is just one of many other tensions surrounding the families of the bride & groom.  The mother’s-in-law are sniping at each other, and the groom's father, Ralph, offers his son a sizable bribe to call off the wedding. 

Then Ralph is murdered and the wedding is postponed. All the members of the wedding party seem too willing to believe the worst of each other. Since this involves Lily and Rose, plus the tearoom and B & B, of course Lily becomes involved. 


Each book in the series is charming. We learn all about the various teas served in the tearoom, from the simple Cream Tea - Tea & Scones - all the way to the Royal Tea, which is very fancy indeed, including a three-tiered tray filled with fancy scones, delectable sandwiches and tiny tasty desserts. Each book also has recipes at the end for the various scones, tarts, cupcakes and sandwiches served for these teas.

We also get to know each character individually, including their interesting personalities, and how they interact with each other. 

I was first drawn to this cozy mystery series because of the name of the town on Cape Cod used in the stories. Author Delany calls the town ‘North Augusta’, which immediately caught my attention because I once lived in North Augusta, South Carolina. North Augusta on Cape Cod is not a real place, but it is mentioned as being close to North Truro (Cape Cod, Massachusetts) and turns out to be the perfect location for a mystery series. 

Cozy Mysteries frequently feature an ordinary person who somehow becomes involved as an amateur sleuth in a crime. They are often a known community person, such as a librarian, a book store owner, or, as in this series, the pastry chef of a tearoom, each taking place in a small community.

The Tea by the Sea Mystery Series is absolutely delightful and filled with characters you will come to love. I highly recommend this Cozy Mystery series by Vicki Delany.

*A Tea by the Sea series of cozy mysteries review is written by Wednesday Elf 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Book Review - Spark of Revolution

sparks of revolution
Book Review


In his series, From Peasant to Patriot, DeWayne Landwehr combines the knowledge and research he has found about his ancestors and his in-depth research into the history of the places they lived during the past several centuries and combines them into a very interesting series of historical novels. I thoroughly enjoyed reading each of these novels and look forward to continuing to follow these families on their journey to a life in the "New World".

Book Summary

The books follow two 17th century Scottish families as they move to Ireland to escape both religious and political persecution.  After only one generation in Ireland, they find that the same persecution from the English Monarchy has followed them, and they are searching for a place they can live and raise their families in peace and at least some degree of prosperity.

In the latest book "Spark of Revolution: The Reluctant Forging of a New Nation "the families make the decision to relocate to the "New World" in North America.  We follow them as they endure hardships both in their travels and their quests to carve a life in the uncharted wilderness that has with it many hardships of its own.  They are surrounded with hostile people from this land, and they find that disease, starvation and war has followed them to the New World.  They also arrive at a time when this "New World" is faced with the decisions of staying part of the British rule or carving out a new nation.  

I find it very interesting to read about the families as they are confronting many of the events that we have all learned in American History classes.  The author has done a great job of making this "Forging of a New Nation" come to life through the characters in this book.

Here is the Amazon link to the book: Spark of Revolution: The Reluctant Forging of a New Nation

Author Interview

I thought it would be interesting to get a little background on the author and hear his views on writing these novels.
DeWayne Landwehr graciously agreed to do an author's interview with me.  I sent him a group of questions and he emailed me his responses.  Here are the questions and answers.

Q. DeWayne-First of all could you tell us a little bit about your background?
A. I grew up and went to school in St. Clair, Missouri. Although I spent a lot of time helping with my father’s hatchery and feed store, I also got a job as soon as I could, working first at the St. Clair
Chronicle, and then as a pump jockey at a gas station on Route 66. Those experiences formed the basis of my first book, “Will That be Regular or Ethyl?”
After high school, I was accepted to attend General Motors Institute and graduated with an engineering degree in 1968. I followed that up in 1971 with a MBA by going to night classes.
During my sophomore year, I married my high school sweetheart, Gail Schroeder, and through the years, we had two sons.
I worked for various units of General Motors my entire career, but it was during a stint at the GM Technical Center that I discovered an interest and knack for writing. I am now retired, and have
several hobbies, including forestry, woodworking, and of course my writing.

Q.  I know this book is the third in a series.  What made you want to write these books?  Will there be others in the series?
A. I had developed an interest in genealogy along the way and had traced my family’s roots to the1500s. Those two interests came together to produce the idea for a historical fiction series that
features my family’s journey through time, starting in the 16th century.
Three books have been published in this series, called “From Peasant to Patriot”. A fourth book is in the works now, and there will probably be a fifth book as well.

Q. I love historical fiction and always wonder how much of the books are true history and what is fiction.  In your case, I know you wrote based on your own ancestors.  In particular scenes are the characters based on actual things your ancestors did or are
they fiction and based on the times and places you found in your research of your ancestors.  I was particularly interested in their involvement in the events leading up to the revolutionary war in America.
A. My books are written mainly from the perspective of the common man—particularly my ancestors. I have done considerable research to discover where they were and what was happening around them. I outline those facts, along with real historical characters and events
that I have also discovered in my research and imagine how my ancestors may have reacted and what they may have said and done. As I introduce new ancestral characters in my books, I
chart them for the reader at the head of the chapter. Occasionally, I need to invent peripheral characters to advance the narrative, and of course, I have no knowledge of individual conversations, but other than that, everything in my books is historically accurate. Many of the details included in them has been discovered in places like the Journal of the American Revolution, applications to the Daughters of the American Revolution, courthouse and church records, the National Archives, Ancestry archives and other family trees, genealogical research facilities located in some libraries, and Wikipedia. So, I like to think that, except for individual conversations, my books are as historically accurate as any history  book.

Q. Tell us a little about how you went about your research for this book.

A. The first thing I did was to assemble as much as I could of my family tree. I have done that on both my paternal and maternal sides back to roughly 1500. Then, using those resources mentioned above, namely, Journal of the American Revolution, applications to the Daughters of the American Revolution, courthouse and church records, the National Archives, Ancestry archives and other family trees, genealogical research facilities located in some libraries, and Wikipedia, I collected articles and information regarding historical
events that were occurring around them.
I assembled facts from those two steps into an outline to cover the time period for which I was writing, and then began to construct the narrative, including conversations.
As events unfolded in the story, I occasionally had to invent peripheral characters to advance the narrative. At many points in the story, I would wonder things like, “…who was it that…”, so I would query one of my resources (usually Wikipedia). There would almost always be an answer, but in the few cases when there was no clear fact to be uncovered, I invented it. In those very few cases, I tell the reader in Author Notes.

Q. I love the way you make your characters come to life in your writing.  What is your secret?
A. I have read scores of books in my favorite genres: historical fiction, medieval history, medieval fiction and family saga, and tried to pick out my favorite attributes and styles from the various
authors. I found that I like stories in which the author mixes some conversations with straight; not all one or the other. Also, I found that some authors will spend pages describing
the appearance of some character, and I found that to be tedious. I try to give the reader just enough description of a character to ignite their imagination, then let that imagination run in their own mind while the narrative unfolds.

Q. What is the main thing you would like your reader to remember from your book?
A. In every book I write, I would like for the reader to be able to imagine themselves or one of their ancestors as one or more of the characters in the book. In Spark of Revolution, I hope the reader comes away with a realization that the idea of a' United States’ didn’t arise fully formed on the 4th of July 1776. It was a result of years of
struggle and compromise, led by men and women who often disagreed, but were willing to listen to others’ views and to compromise and work with each other.

Q. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these questions.  Is there anything else you would like the readers of Review This to know about your books.
A. The basic idea behind the creation of this series, “From Peasant to Patriot”, was to set it in the perspective of the common man of the times, and to follow a few related families as they dealt
with life and death, beginning in the 16th century, and following through to the 20th century. In creating the settings, real historical events were outlined, and real people from my family tree
were inserted in the narrative where I think they might have been as a result of my research. Consequently, excepting the individual conversations, these books are almost entirely factual
and historically accurate.

Mary, thank you for allowing me to do this.   

Other Books by DeWayne Landwehr

The first book in the series From Peasant to Patriot can be found on Amazon at Smoke on the Whiteadder  You can find more about this book at my review on Review This Smoke on the Whiteadder .

The second book in the series is Inside Odenwald: Courage of Survival and can also be purchased on Amazon at Inside Oldenwald

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Truth About the Devlins - Book Review


A new novel by best-selling author Lisa Scottoline

Image of an earthquake crack in the concrete

Meet the Devlins. A wealthy and successful family of lawyers with a wayward son. Then a possible murder occurs (or does it?), and John, the good son, may be involved. Is the family hiding secrets, even from themselves?

Synopsis of The Truth About the Devlins

The story mainly revolves around TJ Devlin, the son who is the charming disappointment in the prominent Devlin family of lawyers who work together in a highly successful firm.  TJ never finished college, much less became a lawyer. Instead, alcoholism caused his downfall and even a stint in prison. Now he’s out on parole and in rehab for alcoholism. Since TJ can’t get hired anywhere except at the firm, the family has him doing a make-work job with the title of investigator.

But then one night, the firstborn and most successful son, John, confesses to TJ that he thinks he just murdered one of the firm’s clients, an accountant he had confronted with proof of embezzlement. 

TJ immediately begins an investigation, seizing the chance to prove his worth and save his brother. But in no time, TJ and John find themselves entangled in a lethal web of deception and murder. TJ will fight to save his family, but what he learns might break them first.


I have long been a fan of author Lisa Scottoline and over the years have followed her successful series of legal thrillers/suspenseful women sleuth mysteries about a group of women who are partners in a law firm in Philadelphia. Scottoline’s series of Rosato & Associates is a favorite of mine.

In recent years, Scottoline has begun writing stand alone domestic and psychological thrillers. As the #1 bestselling author of What Happened to the Bennetts, she presents another pulse-pounding domestic thriller with The Truth About the Devlins, about family, justice, and the lies that tear us apart.

*Book Review of The Truth About the Devlins written by Wednesday Elf

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Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Camino Island Trilogy by John Grisham - Book Reviews

John Grisham, well-known author of stand-alone legal thrillers, takes a departure from his usual lawyers, law office and courtroom dramas to bring us a trilogy of suspense thrillers with continuing characters in his Camino Island series. 

Palm Trees on the  beach with the ocean in the background.


The trilogy takes place on Camino Island, a sleepy resort area off the coast of Florida.  The main characters include Bruce Cable, who owns a popular bookstore in Santa Rosa, and Mercer Mann, a young novelist.

The Camino Island Trilogy

Camino Island - Book 1

In the first book, a group of thieves steal the priceless F. Scott Fitzgerald manuscripts owned by Princeton University. Since Princeton has insured the manuscripts for twenty-five million dollars, the thieves plan to hold them for ransom. 

When investigators track the stolen manuscripts to Camino Island, and possibly to bookstore owner Bruce Cable who is suspected of sometimes dabbling in the black market of stolen books and manuscripts, they convince young novelist Mercer Mann to help them. Mercer spent many summers on Camino Island with her grandmother and knows the island well. 

Mercer’s job is to infiltrate Bruce Cable’s circle of literary friends and hopefully get close enough to him to learn his secrets.

Eventually, though, Mercer learns too much and trouble comes to this paradise island.

Camino Winds - Book 2

In Book 2, Grisham brings us back to Camino Island where you might enjoy a little sun, a little sand…. and find yourself instead with mystery and mayhem. How about murder in the midst of a hurricane.

Mercer Mann is now a best-selling author and she returns to Camino Island and Bruce’s Bay Books bookstore for an appearance on her current book tour. Then Hurricane Leo, which had been meandering all over for days with no solid land destination, suddenly heads straight for the island. There is a mandatory evacuation where most residents leave, but Bruce and a few others stay and ride out the storm.  In the devastating aftermath, one of Bruce’s friends and resident author is found dead and his injuries appear suspicious instead of storm-related.

The key to who would want Nelson dead may be in his latest novel, which, when Bruce begins to investigate, is discovered to be more shocking – and far more dangerous – than anyone could have imagined. 

Camino Ghosts - Book 3

Writer Mercer Mann returns to Camino Island to marry her boyfriend Thomas in a seaside ceremony on the beach. Island bookseller Bruce Cable performs the wedding.  Afterward, knowing Mercer is looking for a storyline for her next novel, Bruce tells her an incredible story about Dark Isle, a tiny barrier island off the North Florida coast that had been settled by freed slaves 300 years ago. 

This island’s elderly last descendant, Lovely Jackson, loves  her birthplace and it’s wonderful history and feels the island rightfully belongs to her. But a ruthless corporate developer wants to build a resort and casino on the island. Mercer and Lovely begin an enormous fight over who owns Dark Isle, taking on the developer’s corporation and all its lawyers and lobbyists, plus powerful Florida politicians.

You would think that Mercer and Lovely would not have a chance against so many powerful people, but Lovely knows the reasons the island has been uninhabited for a long time ~ the island is cursed. The island's deep secrets of the past are about to collide with the ambitions of the present, placing Dark Isle - and also Camino Island - hanging in a fateful balance.


Bookseller Bruce Cable and novelist Mercer Mann always manage to find trouble in paradise in this trilogy of stories on Camino Island.  They are a thrilling beach read for your summertime reading.

*The Camino Island Triology is reviewed by Wednesday Elf

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