Monday, September 30, 2024

Introducing Companion Fiber Yarn Company

There is a young lady in West Virginia who hand dyes natural fiber yarns in colors that celebrate the natural beauty of the area. I learned about her when  I was researching the vendors that planned on attending the Shenandoah Fiber Festival 2024.  As soon as I saw her colorways during my internet browsing, I knew that I wanted to find her booth first and find out if her yarn hanks pass the touch test.

Reviewing Companion Yarn introduction photo

Caitlin Moran and the Companion Fiber Company

Caitlin is the creator and owner of Companion Fiber Company. Her website describes that she loves nature and the West Virginia countryside. As a farmer, she uses companion planting (intentionally planting vegetables and flowers next to each other because they benefit each other) and that is the significance of her yarn shop name.

Companion Fiber company began in 2018. The merino yarn (in several different weights) is a natural fiber that is dyed in small dye lots by hand. Caitlin chooses the colorways from the inspiration of the land and plants around her.

In her shop, she offers

  • Roving in Merino or Variegated BFL (bluefaced Leicester wool)
  • Yarn hanks of Merino in fingerling, DK, Worsted weights, Super Bulky
  • Fingerling weight/sock yarn in 80% merino/20% nylon
  • At select shows, she offers hand-knitted plush animals (the hedgehogs were adorable!)

Shenandoah Fiber Festival

The 19th annual Shenandoah Fiber Festival in Berryville, VA is the first festival I have ever attended that focuses on natural fiber arts. The natural fibers coming from sheep, goats, alpaca, and rabbit. (those were the animals I saw anyway). The festival included fleece judging and plenty of animals to see and learn about. 

Because I had seen her colorway decisions, I made a beeline to her booth first. I was leaning toward 2 different colors as they appeared online for a natural-fiber sweater that I plan to make for myself. I want pops of color of her yarns in a field of neutral black, gray, or brown. Once I found her booth, I realized that it was going to be more difficult than I thought to choose one colorway. The hanks were visually pleasing. And oh so soft to the touch! Historically, I haven't been a fan of wool and natural fibers because I remember them as being scratchy. Her hanks are so incredibly soft. I wanted to wrap myself in the sample lap afghan she had draped in her chair. Caitlin was very helpful as I tried to decide between worsted weight and DK. (I chose DK because of the drape and feel of that beautiful lap afghan!)

I did choose a hank of Bakerton Quarry, which I had my eye on when I saw it on her social media. I'm not familiar with Bakerton Quarry. It must be a gorgeous place. The colorway personally reminds me of the Eastern Bluebirds that live here. I also chose Juniper. Frankly, at her booth, I wanted hanks in all of her colors. They are such vibrant colors and her color combinations really do parallel nature in this area. 

The only wish I have for her shop is that she include more neutral and almost "solid" colors of blacks, greys and browns. But that wasn't a deal-breaker as I went to another booth for the neutral, base color for my future sweater. 

I cannot begin to tell you how in love I am with Companion Fiber yarns. 

photo of hanks of merino wool yarn
Bakerton Quarry and Juniper colorways

Companion Fiber Social Media: 

Website Companion Fiber

Companion Fiber Facebook

Companion Fiber Instagram

Local Fiber Festivals and Shows - On her webpage, Caitlin lists the shows that she plans on attending. In the list, I notice towns as far north as State College, PA and as far south as Baltimore, Md. And plenty of shows in VA, WV, and MD. If you can't find her at a show or festival, I hope you take a quick peek at her page. 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, September 29, 2024

A Senior Love Story: Movie Review of The Leisure Seeker

A Senior Love Story: Movie Review of The Leisure Seeker

The Storyline of The Leisure Seeker

The Leisure Seeker (2017) is a heartfelt journey that captures the essence of love and adventure in the twilight years. 

The film follows the story of Ella and John Spencer, a married couple who decide to take one last road trip in their vintage RV, aptly named "The Leisure Seeker." 

Their journey takes them from Boston to Key West as they seek out Ernest Hemingway's home, fulfilling a long-held dream. 

Along the way, the couple navigates the complexities of aging, illness, and the bittersweet memories of their shared past. 

The movie is filled with charm and heart. It beautifully portrays the deep bond between Ella and John and showcases the joy and sorrow of a long-lasting relationship. 

While the film is often light-hearted, it doesn't shy away from the realities of growing old, making it both a touching and thought-provoking experience.

The Talented Cast

The cast of The Leisure Seeker is nothing short of spectacular, with Donald Sutherland and Helen Mirren delivering standout performances as John and Ella Spencer. 

Sutherland's portrayal of John, a retired English professor suffering from memory loss, is both tender and poignant. He captures the confusion and frustration of his condition while also showing the deep love he still holds for his wife. 

On the other hand, Helen Mirren brings warmth and resilience to Ella's character. She is the driving force behind their journey, determined to create one last adventure despite their challenges. 

Her performance is a delicate balance of strength and vulnerability, making Ella a character who is both relatable and inspiring. The chemistry between Sutherland and Mirren is undeniable, and they truly bring the Spencers' love story to life on screen.

Movie Accolades

The Leisure Seeker had its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) in 2017.

The film was also featured at several other international film festivals, including the Venice Film Festival. 

The Leisure Seeker received a warm reception upon its release, with particular praise for the performances of its two leads. Helen Mirren's outstanding performance earned her Best Actress in a Musical or Comedy nomination at the Golden Globe Awards. 

The film was also recognized for its screenplay and direction, which perfectly balanced humor and drama. 

While it may not have swept the awards circuit, the accolades it did receive were well-deserved. They highlighted the film's ability to touch audiences with its heartfelt story and memorable characters. The film's recognition is a testament to the strength of its narrative and the power of its performances.

Why I Loved This Movie

What I loved most about The Leisure Seeker is its portrayal of pure heart and the enduring love of a long-term relationship. 

The film beautifully captures the complexities of love, especially when faced with the challenges of aging and illness. 

Watching Ella and John navigate their journey together, I couldn't help but feel deeply for this couple who, even in their senior years, were determined to live out their dream, no matter what life threw their way. 

Their story reminds us of the power of love and commitment and the importance of cherishing every moment with those we hold dear. 

This movie made me reflect on the beauty of enduring love and the adventures that still await us, regardless of age or circumstance.

Take a Look at The Trailer


You Can Watch The Leisure Seeker on Prime, Where Available

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Saturday, September 28, 2024

The Authenticity Project - Book Review

The story of a solitary green notebook that brings together six strangers and leads to unexpected friendship, and even love

A green notebook and a single page of note paper

Cast of Characters

  • Julian Jessop
  • Monica
  • Hazard
  • Alice
  • Riley 
  • Lizzie

Location: London, England

Synopsis of The Authenticity Project

Julian Jessop is a rather eccentric, though quite lonely, artist in his late 70s.  He believes that most people aren’t really honest with each other. He begins to wonder what would happen if people actually told the truth about themselves. 

Julian decides to tell the truth about his own life ~ writing in a plain green journal. He ends his story with:

How well do you know the people who live near you? How well do they know you?

Everyone lies about their lives. What would happen if you shared the truth instead? The one thing that defines you, that makes everything else about you fall into place? 

….maybe telling that story would change your life, or the life of someone you’ve not yet met.

Then he leaves the journal in a local cafe. 

The cafe is Monica's Café, owned by the incredibly tidy and efficient Monica. Monica reads the journal entry, finds Julian’s story and his philosophy about truth intriguing, and eventually adds her own entry. She then leaves the book in the wine bar across the street. 

Before long, the other characters in this charming story find the green notebook, add the truths about their own deepest selves, and, amazingly somehow find each other In Real Life

The Authenticity Project's cast of characters--including Hazard, the charming addict who makes a vow to get sober; Alice, the fabulous mommy Instagrammer whose real life is a lot less perfect than it looks online; Riley, the vacationing gardener from Perth, Australia, and Lizzie - who brings the ‘authentic’ to The Authenticity Project - are quirky, funny, sometimes heartbreakingly sad, and very true-to-life. 

The Authenticity Project is a story about being brave and putting your real self forward. The new friends discover this is not as scary as it seems. In fact, it appears to look a lot like happiness. 

A heartfelt story you will read with deep pleasure. 


The Authenticity Project is a delightful, feel-good, novel by Clare Pooley, a British author, speaker and blogger who has written a half-dozen novels to date. More reviews of this author’s interesting books will be coming soon.

*Book review of ‘The Authenticity Project’ written by Wednesday Elf

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, September 27, 2024

Jazz Ramsey: A K-9 Hallmark Mystery Movie Review

Jazz Ramsey: K-9 Hallmark Movie
There is nothing like a gorgeous male to grab your attention and force you to watch a movie!  Yes, I am talking about Zeus (Dillon the Dog), the handsome dog in Jazz Ramsey: A K-9 Mystery movie.

I had assumed the Jazz Ramsey mystery movie would follow the book series by the same name and, to some degree, it does.  This movie is based on the plot of the second book in the series, The Secret of Bones: A Jazz Ramsey Mystery Book 2, but uses the German Shepherd breed from the first book.  

They do make it clear in the movie that Jazz trains cadaver dogs setting the stage for a different dog or dog breed to be used if Hallmark decides to make it into a series.  Although, let's face it, they are not likely to find a more handsome lad in all the world!

I suspect they used the German Shepherd because that is the breed most of us associate with police dogs, but cadaver dogs include the Border Collie, Labrador Retriever, Belgian Malinois, Coonhound, Beagle, Doberman, English Springer Spaniel, St. Bernard, several other shepherd breeds and of course, the Bloodhound. These breeds are chosen due to their anatomical & behavioral traits and go through hundreds of hours of training.  They are very impressive and dedicated dogs.

Jazz Ramsey: A K-9 Mystery Movie Synopsis

 Jazz Ramsey: A K-9 MysteryCheck PriceJazz Ramsey has been invited to Astor Academy (high school for girls) to give a demonstration of the remarkable abilities of the cadaver dog she is currently training to the school's Forensic Science Club.  She is allowed to set up her presentation in a rarely used room on the 3rd floor of the school.  

In preparation, she hides two human bones in the room for Zeus, the cadaver dog, to find.  When the club members are assembled, Jazz gives Zeus the order to find, but he uncovers more then the hidden bones.  

Zeus finds a real, complete dead body that has been hidden under the floor.  Because of the glasses and the clothes on the body, Jazz and the headmistress believe it is Bernadette Quinn, a retired teacher that was not very popular.  

There are a lot of secrets discovered during the investigation.  The ending was rather surprising, which makes this movie the perfect mystery!

Jazz Ramsey: A K-9 Mystery is available on Amazon, the Hallmark Channel or on a streaming service that offers Hallmark movies.  I watched it on Frndly TV.

Check Out More Movie Reviews at

Jazz Ramsey: A K-9 Hallmark Mystery Movie Review by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Stare Down - Book Review


Photograph by mbgphoto
St. Louis Gateway Arch
Photographed by Mary Beth Granger
While walking around at a craft and vendor fair at our church, I came across a booth with a local author.  The first thing that caught my eye was a book with a photo of the Arch in St. Louis.  I always enjoy reading books that have locations I am familiar with and having grown up in the area, I have always been fascinated with the Arch.  As I stopped and talked to the author, Ellen Parker, I found that she wrote romance books that are mixed with mysteries or historical fiction.  All of these are topics I enjoy reading.  When I got home, I downloaded one of her books that depicted the Arch on the cover and started reading.  

The book I read was Stare Down and I enjoyed it so much that I emailed the author and asked if she would do an author interview with me.  She graciously accepted and you will find her interview in this post.

If you would like to read Stare Down or any of her books, they are available on Amazon.  Here is a link to Stare Down

Book Summary

If you enjoy an intriguing romance with a murder mystery thrown in, then this is a book you will enjoy.  Author Ellen Parker does a great job of combining a budding romance and a murder all in one book with a setting in St. Louis.

Detective Maylee Morgan and surgeon Dave Holmes first meet on the running trails in a park in St. Louis and are instantly attracted to each other.  They know little about each other after their first meeting but are interesting in finding out more.  They soon find out that they are neighbors in an apartment where Dave has recently moved.  All is progressing along when Dave's boss is found dead and Dave does not have an alibi.  When Maylee shows up to question suspects Dave finds out that she is a detective and memories of the past haunt him as he now sees her as a lady with a gun.

Will Maylee and Dave get together, will the murder be solved?  This is one you must read to find the answers.

Author Interview

1) Tell us a little about yourself and your background.
I was raised on a small Wisconsin dairy farm in a household filled with books and magazines.
My parents and older brothers all enjoyed reading and it was natural that I developed the habit early. My education and first career placed me in hospital laboratories.

2) What made you choose writing as a second career?
I’ve enjoyed reading a variety of materials and when my children were little, I made up stories for them. When computers, with spellcheck, came along, I decided to try my hand at writing
romance and discovered I liked creating the stories.

3) How did you choose which genre to write about?
I like the happy, positive ending to a romance story. My mother and I traded books back and
forth in later years, and I like the idea of being able to share between the generations. But I also like a little mystery or suspense, so my first books fall under the large grouping of romantic suspense. Or, as I sometimes tell people – romance with a touch of suspense.

4) I am intrigued by the title of this book. What made you decide on Stare Down?
Growing up, did you get into staring contests with siblings or friends? I decided the quirk would be a good device for a detective – useful with a sibling, a date, or a criminal suspect.

5) When you write, do you have the storyline and outcome decided before you start writing, or does it come to you as you are writing?
I need to know the ending of story before I begin writing. Usually, I know several incidents which are going to happen. But characters often show a mind of their own and surprise me along
the way.

6) You really make your characters come alive in your books. What is your secret?
Thank you for the compliment. I try to put a little bit of a problem in every character’s background. And even the villain needs to have one good facet to his life.

7) What do you want the reader to take away from this book?
I would like the reader to feel hopeful and satisfied that this couple, Dave and Maylee, are going
to be sharing a good life together. I think the ‘lesson’ would be that with time and effort a person can overcome large obstacles – Dave’s great trauma early in his life will make adjustments by both Dave and Maylee necessary.

I hope you have enjoyed this review and interview and will add Ellen Parker to your list of authors to read.  I know I am looking forward to reading more of her books.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Best Facial Toners for More Beautiful, Younger Looking Skin

Facial toners and mists are a crucial, yet sometimes overlooked, part of an effective skincare routine. Far from just a secondary cleansing step, the right toner or mist can address a wide range of skin concerns—hydration, inflammation, redness, acne, and more—by delivering active ingredients that prepare the skin for serums and moisturizers.

With proper use, toners and mists can balance the skin’s pH levels, tighten pores, and enhance the absorption of subsequent skincare products. In this review, I will explore how toners can target specific skin concerns and recommend products that can help treat each issue as part of an at-home anti-aging skincare routine.

I have chosen effective, clinical-grade products that can be ordered online easily without requiring an expensive trip to a dermatologist's or esthetician's office or clinic. As of this post's publication, most cost between $18 and $35, which is a great price range for professional-grade skincare with proven clinical results.

The Best Facial Toners for More Beautiful, Younger-Looking Skin

Using Facial Toners and Mists to Target Specific Skin Issues and Goals: A Detailed Guide

The Role of Toners in Skincare

In skincare, toners act as a bridge between cleansing and moisturizing, ensuring the skin is properly prepped for active treatments, and mists help serums penetrate and keep skin hydrated. 

While traditional toners were mainly alcohol-based and often stripping, modern formulas focus on hydration, balancing, and enhancing the skin barrier. Today, dermatologists and estheticians recommend toners and mists with carefully selected active ingredients to address specific skin needs. Let’s dive into the most common skin issues and goals, and how specific toners can help you achieve glowing, healthy skin.

Toners for Hydrating, Firming, and Reducing the Appearance of Fine Lines

As we age, our skin loses its natural moisture and elasticity, leading to dryness and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Peptides, marine algae, and botanical extracts are excellent ingredients to look for in toners, as they help to firm the skin, stimulate collagen production, and deeply hydrate.

How They Work:

• Peptides: Short chains of amino acids that act as building blocks of proteins like collagen and elastin, essential for skin firmness. Studies show peptides improve skin barrier function and reduce wrinkles by promoting collagen synthesis.

• Marine Algae: Known for its rich nutrient content, marine algae is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that help to hydrate and firm the skin, as well as protect against environmental damage.

• Botanical Extracts: Plants like chamomile, green tea, and ginseng have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, helping to soothe the skin and promote repair.

Product Recommendation: Le Mieux Essence Toner

This peptide-packed toner is formulated with marine algae and botanical extracts, offering a combination of hydration, firming, and anti-aging benefits. It provides essential moisture and nutrients to the skin, helping to improve elasticity and reduce the appearance of fine lines. Regular use results in a more youthful, plump complexion, making this an excellent choice for women over 50 looking to combat visible signs of aging.

Soothing and Calming Toners: Relief for Inflammation, Irritation, Redness, and Rosacea

Sensitive skin conditions such as rosacea, inflammation, or redness require toners that can calm and soothe the skin without causing further irritation. Ingredients such as rose water, hyaluronic acid, and advanced recovery solutions are vital for reducing redness, hydrating the skin, and promoting healing.

How They Work:

• Hyaluronic Acid: A powerful humectant that can hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water, making it essential for soothing and hydrating inflamed skin. According to clinical studies, hyaluronic acid also aids in skin repair by improving hydration and reducing trans-epidermal water loss.

• Rose Water: Known for its anti-inflammatory and calming properties, rose water helps to reduce redness and irritation. It also balances the skin’s pH levels, making it ideal for sensitive or rosacea-prone skin.

Product Recommendations:

Le Mieux Iso-Cell Recovery Solution

Perfect for sensitive and irritated skin, this recovery solution offers immediate relief for inflammation and redness. It’s designed to soothe rosacea-prone skin, calm irritation, and provide hydration—making it an ideal choice for those with reactive skin. In fact, it's often used in clinical settings to treat sensitive or compromised skin.

Le Mieux Iso-Rose Hydrating Mist

This hydrating mist offers the calming benefits of rose water while delivering a refreshing burst of hydration. Perfect for post-sun exposure or irritated skin, it cools and calms the skin, reducing redness and promoting healing. It’s gentle enough for daily use and can be applied throughout the day for a cooling effect. It's the perfect partner to the Le Mieux Iso-Cell Recovery Solution.

Exfoliating, Pore-Minimizing, and Brightening Toners

Exfoliating toners are excellent for those dealing with dull skin, large pores, or uneven texture. By removing dead skin cells, these toners reveal brighter, smoother skin. Active ingredients such as alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs), and probiotics can help resurface the skin, minimize the appearance of pores, and improve overall skin tone.

How They Work:

• AHAs and BHAs: AHAs, like glycolic and lactic acid, exfoliate the surface of the skin, helping to remove dead skin cells, improve skin texture, and brighten the complexion. BHAs, such as salicylic acid, penetrate deeper into the pores, helping to reduce oiliness and treat acne.

• Probiotics: Known for their skin-balancing properties, probiotics help to maintain a healthy skin microbiome, which can reduce inflammation and protect against environmental stressors.

Product Recommendations: 

Glowbiotics MD Probiotic Brightening + Refining Layering Solution

This multi-functional toner combines probiotics with exfoliating ingredients to help brighten, refine, and even out skin tone. Its layered formulation gently exfoliates while supporting a healthy skin barrier. It’s a fantastic choice for mature skin that needs regular exfoliation without irritation.

Replenix Soothing Antioxidant Mist

Great for all skin types and formulated with witch hazel, chamomile extract, and green and white tea, this soothing antioxidant mist helps refine pores, control excess oil, and brighten tired, dull skin. Its powerful antioxidant formula makes it perfect for those looking to boost radiance while minimizing pores and excess shine.

Clarifying and Balancing Toners for Oily Skin

For those with oily skin, using a toner that balances oil production while providing hydration is key. Look for ingredients that clarify the skin without stripping it of essential moisture, such as witch hazel, niacinamide, or salicylic acid.

How They Work:

• Witch Hazel: A natural astringent, witch hazel helps to reduce excess oil, tighten pores, and clarify the skin. Unlike alcohol-based toners, witch hazel soothes while controlling oil production.

• Niacinamide: Also known as vitamin B3, niacinamide is praised for its ability to reduce excess oil production, improve the skin barrier, and minimize pores.

Product Recommendation: Epionce Balancing Toner

Formulated with balancing ingredients, this toner is designed to control oil production while hydrating the skin. It clarifies the complexion, reduces excess shine, and leaves the skin feeling refreshed without the drying effect of harsh toners. It’s ideal for those with oily or combination skin.

Clarifying and Hydrating Toners for Blemish-Prone Skin

Acne-prone skin often needs a delicate balance of clarifying and hydrating ingredients. Harsh toners can over-strip the skin, leading to more oil production and breakouts, so it’s crucial to find a formula that fights acne without causing dryness.

How They Work:

• Salicylic Acid: This BHA is a well-known acne-fighter, helping to clear clogged pores and reduce acne. Its oil-soluble nature allows it to penetrate deeply into pores, dissolving oil and dead skin cells.

• Aloe Vera: Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, aloe vera helps to soothe irritated or inflamed skin while providing light hydration, making it perfect for blemish-prone skin.

Product Recommendation: Epionce Purifying Toner

This purifying toner is designed for blemish-prone skin, helping to clarify clogged pores and reduce breakouts. It provides hydration while keeping acne at bay, making it ideal for those who need both purification and soothing in their skincare routine.

An Underrated Step in Any Skincare Routine

Facial toners are an essential, often underrated part of an effective skincare routine. Whether you’re targeting hydration, brightening, pore-minimizing, or calming irritated skin, there’s a toner specifically designed to address your skin’s needs. By incorporating the right toner into your routine, you can enhance the effectiveness of your other skincare products and enjoy healthier, more radiant skin.

With clinical backing and the right active ingredients, toners like those from Le Mieux, Glowbiotics, Replenix, and Epionce can offer profound benefits for mature, sensitive, or blemish-prone skin. Don’t underestimate the power of these versatile skincare heroes in your routine!

Have you used a clinical-grade facial toner yet? If so, what skin issues are you targeting and what differences have you seen? Let me know your experience in the comments below.

The Best Facial Toners for More Beautiful, Younger Looking Skin by Margaret Schindel

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Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

A Review of Sock It To Me Cake


Sock It To Me Cake

I was looking through recipes over the weekend and I saw a recipe that brought back some great memories from when I was a teenager.

Sock It To Me Cake

Back in the 70's, (yes, I was a teenager in the 70's!) Bundt cakes were a huge remember the round cakes with a hole in the middle? The pans were pretty funny looking:

Bundt Pan

Back then, my Mom used to make this really delicious Bundt cake that she called a "Sock It To Me Cake."  I used to laugh at the name, she said she got the recipe out of a magazine and decided to try it because my dad was a fan of cinnamon and nutmeg.  It quickly became one of my father's favorite desserts.

This cake doesn't have the consistency of most Bundt cakes.  It is more coarse and heavy, but still moist and soft.  It also had a different flavor than most cakes, the sour cream and brown sugar, along with the spices just makes it different.  It doesn't taste like any other cake I've ever had.  It also makes great coffee cake!

This cake is made from scratch, no cake mix here, and it has a lot of ingredients.  It is not inexpensive to make but the good news is, most of the ingredients are things you probably already have in your kitchen.  

Cake Ingredients

3 cups all-purpose flour

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

2 sticks unsalted butter, room temperature

2 cups sugar

6 large eggs

1 tablespoon vanilla extract

1 8-ounce container full fat sour cream

1 1/2 cup chopped, toasted pecans

3 tablespoons packed light or dark brown sugar

2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

Glaze Ingredients

2 cups powdered sugar

3 tablespoons whole milk

2 tablespoons maple syrup


1.  Preheat the oven to 325° F. 

2. Grease and flour a Bundt cake pan 

3. In a mixing bowl, combine the flour, baking soda and salt. Whisk to combine. 

4. Cream butter and sugar - to do this put your softened butter in the bowl of a stand mixer and beat on medium for one minute.  Slowly pour in the sugar and continue to beat for 6 to 7 minutes or until the combination is light and fluffy.

5. Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each. Add the vanilla extract and continue to beat on medium until just combined.

6.  Reduce the speed to the lowest setting. Add the flour mixture, alternating with the sour cream, in three additions. Mix until just combined, DO NOT overmix.

7. Remove the bowl from the stand mixer, and pour half of the batter into the Bundt pan.

8. In a small bowl, combine 1 cup of the chopped pecans, the brown sugar, nutmeg and cinnamon. Stir to combine. Then, sprinkle the brown sugar and nuts evenly over the cake batter.

9. Pour the remaining cake batter over the nuts and brown sugar. Smooth the top.

10. Bake for 60-70 minutes, until a butter knife stuck deep into the center of the cake comes out clean.

11. Remove the cake from the oven and let cool for 10 minutes.

12. Use a butter knife or small spatula to go around the edges of the pan. Then, invert the pan so that the cake comes out. Let the cake cool to room temperature.

13. In a clean bowl whisk the powdered sugar, milk, and maple syrup until creamy. Drizzle the glaze over the cake before topping with the remaining ¼ cup chopped pecans. 

14. You can leave Sock It To Me Cake unrefrigerated on the counter for several days as long as it is in an air tight cake cover.  If you need to store it for more time, place in the refrigerator for up to a week, or in the freezer for up to six months.

Sock It To Me Cake

This is what it looks like on the inside from putting the pecans and brown sugar in the middle.

This cake is pretty special to me, it always reminds me of my Mom, and eating with my family.  Those were happy times.  Why not try making this cake and creating some special times with your family?  It's also a great cake to take to holiday gatherings that will be coming up before you know it.  When they ask you why you made a Bundt cake.....just tell them it's "that 70's cake!"

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, September 23, 2024

Portable Tire Inflator - Reviewed


Potable Tire Inflator - Reviewed
Whether you're on a road trip or just want peace of mind for daily commuting, this compact portable tire inflator is designed to provide reliability and ease of use.

 We were on a road trip a couple of times and our tire pressure light came on indicating low tire pressure.

Both times we had to exit the highway to find a gas station with an air pump. Then, when you find one, you must pay for the air. It's not the cost it is just the total inconvenience of it all.

I began to search for a portable tire inflator and found this ZGZUXO portable tire inflator on Amazon. It's affordable, compact, convenient, and capable.

Portable Tire Inflator Features:

  • Compact and lightweight: Easy to store in the glove compartment or the trunk.
  • Digital Display and auto-shutoff: Prevent over-inflation to ensure accuracy.
  • Multi-use attachments: For cars, bicycles, sports equipment, and more.
  • LED light for night use: Handy for emergencies in low-light conditions.
  • Affordable: Great value for the price.
  • Everything fits into a soft cloth bag for easy storage.
It will inflate a car tire from 0 to 35 PSI in under 5 minutes. This tire inflator is not recommended for heavy-duty vehicles. It does need to be powered through your car's 12V outlet. But not to worry it comes with a 15-foot cord for this. You can find rechargeable tire inflators but, they are much more expensive. This little tire inflator is more than capable, and affordable. I'm delighted with my purchase.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, September 22, 2024

The Word Search Gift of Wisdom from Grandparents for Older Grandkids

Word Search Gift of Wisdom from Grandparents

Why I Created The Gift of Wisdom from Grandparents For Older Grandkids

As a grandparent to younger grandkids and no longer in my youthful years, I wanted to create something meaningful for them when they're older or for my older grandkids, who may not have the opportunity to see me as often. 

I created this word search book, Word Search Life Messages For My Grandchildren, so they could always have a piece of grandma or grandpa's advice at their fingertips. 

This book is designed to be a comforting reminder of the love and wisdom we wish to impart, especially when we can't be there physically or, sadly, after passing.

This book covers sixty life topics and offers a unique way for grandkids to reflect on their grandparents' timeless advice, ensuring that the bond between generations remains strong and meaningful.

A Unique Treasure of Grandparent Wisdom

This word search message book is not just any activity book; it's a carefully crafted tool that allows grandparents to share their life wisdom with their grandchildren. 

The book is thoughtfully tailored to bridge the gap between generations, providing grandkids with words of wisdom they can carry throughout their lives. 

It's more than just a word search book—it's a treasured keepsake that will guide and support your grandchildren in their journey through life.

Crafted with Love and Care

Every word search puzzle in this book is designed from a grandparent's perspective, filled with words and phrases that convey deep, meaningful lessons about life. 

These are not just words on a page; they are messages infused with love and experience, designed to be discovered and pondered by your grandkids. 

Each puzzle offers an opportunity to reflect on life's essential values and principles, making this book a gift that truly keeps on giving.

A Sneak Peek at the Wisdom Inside

The book features a wide range of topics that cover essential life lessons. Here's a preview of some of the puzzle titles your grandchild will discover:

  • Honesty Matters: "Honesty builds trust and stronger relationships."
  • Authenticity: "Get to know and understand who you are and what matters to you."
  • Challenge Yourself: "Stretch your comfort zone bit by bit so you expand your horizons."
  • Own Your Words: "Our words have the power to create, so choose them wisely."
  • Persistence Pays: "If it's worth it, don't give up; keep going."
  • Choose Your Battles: "Avoid unnecessary stress and conflict."
  • Happiness Comes from Within: "Look for it inside of yourself."
  • Live a Balanced Life: "Why staying centered in life is key."
  • How to Handle Life When It Becomes Difficult: Strategies for overcoming tough times.
  • Generous Acts: "Ways to be generous that don't involve money."
Word Search Life Messages From Grandparents to Older Grandkids

A Collection of 60 Unique Word Search Puzzles

This book has 60 unique word search puzzles, each containing 24 related word phrases clustered together. Solve the clustered wisdom tip, then find it in the puzzle. 

With 1,440 words and phrases to discover, your grandchild will have plenty of wisdom to reflect upon. 

Each puzzle goes beyond just finding words; it involves uncovering insightful messages encouraging reflection and growth. The clusters of words and phrases are like hidden gems, waiting to be discovered and appreciated for their deeper meanings.

Make It a Fun Challenge

For those who enjoy a bit of competition, the book includes a space to record each puzzle's start and finish times. 

This turns the activity into a fun, timed game that can be enjoyed with family and friends. Challenge your grandkids to see who can complete the puzzles the fastest, making this gift meaningful but also interactive and engaging.

A Heartfelt Letter and Personal Touch

The front of the book includes a pre-written letter explaining why this gift is so special and what your grandchild means to you.

There's also space to add your personal message, allowing you to share your thoughts, love, and fond memories directly with your grandchild. 

This personal area is meant to make the book even more special, turning it into a keepsake that will be treasured for years.

Designed for Easy Reading and Enjoyment

Each puzzle is presented on its own page, making it easy to read and solve. The answers are included at the back of the book, providing the satisfaction of completing each puzzle. 

I Created This Gift to Give to Grandkids for All Grandparents - (not just mine) - It's Available on Amazon.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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Susan DeppnerSusan Deppner

We may be apart, but
You Are Not Forgotten

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