Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Make Homemade Easter Candy

 As Easter approaches, the joy of celebrating with family and friends is complemented by the sweet treats for this spring Holiday. 

Why not add a personal touch to your Easter celebrations by making homemade Easter candy to add a special touch to your Holiday festivities.

Make Homemade Easter Candy
Make Homemade Easter Candy-Reviewed

We make a day of it yearly by making Easter candy with our grandchildren. Making your own chocolate candy for any Holiday is fun, and the kids have a great time being creative with decorating the candy.

The photo above shows some of our daughter's and the kids' creative work last year. I take no credit for the decorating, as none of it was done by me. My only job is to melt the chocolate and take some pictures.

Homemade Easter Candy

We use a double boiler to melt the chocolate on the stove. You can also melt the chocolate in the microwave using a microwave-safe bowl. 

I never have any luck melting the chocolate in the microwave. I like using the double boiler because I can add chocolate discs to the melted chocolate and keep stirring it.

There are many brands of chocolates to buy. We have been buying Wilton Candy Melts. We use milk chocolate, dark chocolate, and various colors for decorating. You will find instructions on the Wilton Candy Melt bags for melting the chocolate in the microwave or using a double boiler.

Homemade Easter Candy Ideas

After the chocolate is melted we just spoon it into the various plastic molds and then set the mold in the freezer for 10 to 15 minutes. After the chocolate is solid you are ready to decorate with the different colors of melted chocolate. 

The bunnies shown above are just out of the freezer and will be decorated with different colored chocolates using small brushes and toothpicks.

Decorating Easter Candy

In the photo above, Bobby is filling a mold with chocolate and adding sticks. Tyler is preparing to decorate with different colors of chocolate using toothpicks and brushes.

This Easter, take the opportunity to create lasting memories by making your own homemade candies. Whether you're a seasoned baker or just starting out, this delightful activity is sure to bring joy to your celebration. Share the sweetness with family and friends, and embrace the satisfaction of crafting your own Easter treats. Happy Easter!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Simple Egg Salad Recipe


Simple egg salad recipe
Simple Egg Salad Recipe - Reviewed
Are you looking for a simple and delicious egg salad recipe? If so, then you have come to the right place.

I'm going to show you how I make my simple egg salad, using only a few ingredients.

This egg salad is so creamy and delicious. It's perfect for your classic egg salad sandwich, or enjoy it on your favorite crackers as a snack.

First, you need to hard-boil your eggs. You can do this by placing them in boiling water for 10 minutes. I don't like to boil my eggs because sometimes the eggs tend to crack while boiling.

Steamed Hard Boiled Eggs

I like to steam my eggs by placing about 2 inches of water in a double boiler. Bring the water to a boil. Place the eggs in the top pan, cover them, and steam them for 12 minutes. You'll get perfect hard-boiled eggs every time.

Cooling hard boiled eggs

After the eggs are steamed, I place them back in the pot with cold water and ice. Leave them for about ten to fifteen minutes. This cooling down period makes them so easy to peel.

Simple Egg Salad Ingredients:

6 hard-boiled or steamed eggs
1/4 cup chopped onions
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1 tablespoon yellow mustard
1/2 teaspoon paprika
Salt and Pepper to taste

I separate the yolks from the whites and mash the yolks with a fork. Then, chop up the whites into small pieces. In a bowl combine the yolks and whites, add the mayonnaise, onions, and mustard, and mix until the egg salad is nice and creamy. 

Perfect Egg Salad

Garnish with the paprika, add salt and pepper to taste, and enjoy this nice creamy egg salad. Some variations if you like a little more flavor and texture to your egg salad, try adding some chopped pickles, parsley, or celery. You can also experiment with different types of mustard, such as Dijon, or whole grain.

What a perfect way to use up those beautiful dyed Easter Eggs. 

Here are two more recipes to make good use of your dyed Easter Eggs from my friend Cynthia:

To make your hard-boiled eggs by steaming them you will need a double boiler.

Farberware Classic Stainless Series 2-Quart Covered Double BoilerFarberware Classic Stainless Series 2-Quart Covered Double BoilerCheck the Price


Click here for more great recipes on Review This:

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Sunday, April 4, 2021

Happy Easter from the Contributors of ReviewThisReviews

The Writers of ReviewThisReviews Wish You a Happy, Healthy, and Safe Easter Holiday

We would like to thank our readers for their time, following, and support.

It's been a tough few years, and we hold onto hope for you, yours, and ours, that we soon get past these challenging times.

Have fun, rejoice, take a break, and enjoy the Peter Rabbit cartoon featured below :)

If you're viewing via mobile, the cartoon link to YouTube is here.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Easter Sunday is Over, But There are 50 More Days of Easter to Come! A Holiday Review!

3 crosses at sunrise

Easter 2020, will probably be remembered by many as the Easter that wasn't.  Let me explain, Easter still happened, but not in the way that many of us Born Christians would recognize.  So we have had to find some creative ways to celebrate the Greatest Holy Day of the Christian Calendar.

To that end, my husband and I have been searching for ways in order to make Easter come alive again!  We don't have any problem with following services on You Tube, or Facebook, but Easter calls us (personally) to dig a little deeper into our faith.

I am a Christian and not at all ashamed or embarrassed to admit it!  I'm sure I'm not alone.  The thing that always surprises me is that after Easter is over, many Christians think Easter is a done deal.  One day, Easter Sunday and then everything goes back to "normal".  (Well 2020's normal will be different than most.)

Many people don't understand that Easter Sunday is just the beginning of the Easter season.  It does NOT END until 50 days later at the Feast of the Pentacost!

That gives Christians a whole 50 days to deepen their faith and strengthen their belief system.

stick cross on open bible pages
The trouble is that you can only read the scriptures for so long and then hopefully have a good discussion on what was read.  Our God speaks to each of us through these scriptures and each of us will take away lessons that are meant just for us.  Each will take away a lesson that speaks to them personally, and it may not be the same message that you get!  The Bible is alive and speaks to each of us in a way that we will understand in our hearts.

Being in house arrest has given us some time to look for other ways to celebrate our faith and grow at the same time.

We are so lucky that we can search out lots of different ways to celebrate our Christian Holidays.  You Tube, Facebook and the Internet offer us unlimited ways to enhance our faith journey.  Alan and I were blessed to spend 3 months in the Holy Land in 2018.  We were there from the middle of January to the Middle of April, which just happened to be Easter of that year.  What an experience that was and it still resounds with us today.  If you would like to see where we lived and worked during that time here's a You Tube video about the region and why it was so important to Christians all over the world.

After having spent that time in Magdala, we came back home really driven to look into our faith, deeper, so that we are well informed Christians.

Now, during this time in our lives, that has us more upside down, than right side up, we are looking again for ways in which to make our faith "come alive".  To that end, both of us have been trying to figure out who the person of Jesus was and who His followers were too.  We have had many lively discussions on this aspect of our faith and really haven't come to any conclusions.  What we see in the Scriptures can look pretty cold and too Godly or shall we say Jesus sometimes come off as unreachable.  But that is not the Jesus we want to believe in, we want a Jesus that is just like us, happy, sad, funny, serious and a whole lot more....He is the Jesus we could relate to!

Thank goodness that I found a series that really delves into the "humanity" of Christ!  This series has 8 episodes and each one of them is really so well done.  The series holds true to the Biblical Christ, but also opens up the Humanity of him who is known as the Messiah.

I would like to share with you a link to get to this series and I'm sure that you will be moved just as I was.  This series is not available on DVD or any other media other than at the APP store.  I have a link for you right here.  It is called The Chosen.  This is an 8 part series each one is about an hour long and focuses on the beginning of Jesus' life and ministry.  While following Biblical texts, there is a lot of interpretation allowed in this series.

Not only are we treated to a "human" Jesus, we are also treated to the characters who become his Apostles and Disciples.  His mother and other relatives also play a role in this series.  I found it to be very interesting and profoundly moving.

My hope is that you started your Easter celebrations with Cynthia Sylvestermouses' Review of Jesus of Nazareth!  And I hope you continue your Easter reflections with The Chosen.

Please come back and tell me what you thought!  I know for myself personally, this series was a valuable tool in more ways than one.  It brought so many characters to life that I had not connected with through just reading the Scriptures.  My faith is alive and new ways of understanding that faith are always welcomed.  You can watch the official trailer for The Chosen right here!


 **Please note: at the end of every episode there is a bit of "advertising", but you can skip that and move to the next episode easily.  If you are touched by this series you can PAY IF FORWARD.  But please don't feel that you must do this.  I want you to enjoy this series as much as I have and that is my sole purpose in sharing this with you.  I make no commissions or any other reward for sharing this with you.  Happy Easter for the next 50 days at least.....

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, April 10, 2020

Jesus of Nazareth Movie Reviewed

Jesus of Nazareth Movie Reviewed
I remember when the movie "Jesus of Nazareth" was first released in 1977.  Even though that was over 40 years ago, it seems like yesterday.  It was the first time I had ever seen a visual depiction of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.  

Of course, I had seen still pictures, statues, and had the mental images my own mind created when reading the scripture.  But none of that was as impacting as watching our Lord being led down the Via Dolorosa.  Then seeing Him nailed to that cross while he was mocked and murdered.  

One of my favorite passages in the Bible is when Jesus told the thief on the cross next to him, "today you will be with me in paradise" (Luke 23:43).  The realization that all that is required for salvation is accepting Jesus as the Son of God, your savior, is phenomenal.  It is recorded that the thief defended Jesus saying "He has done nothing wrong" and then the thief said “Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom!”  

What a glorious revelation to the world!  So much was required of Jesus, but so little is required of us.

Jesus of Nazareth Movie Synopsis
Scriptural Accuracy vs. Artistic License

To this day, this is still my favorite movie about Jesus, and I have seen several.  There are some areas where the movie deviates from scripture.  Perhaps, that is for dramatic effect, or scripture interpretation.  It may well be nothing more than combining scripture passages into one event.  Regardless, it can be distracting.  I recommend reading the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) for the complete truth.

 Jesus of Nazareth
(40th Anniversary Edition)
Available on Blu-ray, DVD, VHS, or Prime Video
Check Availability Now
In spite of the directors artistic liberties, I still recommend this movie.  The main reason I prefer "Jesus of Nazareth" over others is because it starts before Jesus was born.  Acknowledging the virgin birth and Joseph's obedience to God is unique and extremely important.

It includes Mary visiting Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist, when they were both with child.  The Bible says "When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb".  (Luke 1:41)  That is truly a significant moment when you know that as an adult, John was a prophet that proclaimed the coming of the Messiah.  

The movie includes the baptism of Jesus, preformed by John the Baptist. (Matthew 3:13-17)  However, the movie takes some liberties here that I am not too thrilled about.  Scripture says:  "As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him.  And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”   Instead of being scripturally accurate, the movie had John speak instead of God.  That is a major difference for me.  God did not speak through John. 

For the most part, I liked the depiction of the disciples, as well as the choice of actors to play the parts.  I know of nothing in the Bible that depicts Judas as graciously as this movie does.  It is possible that Judas was tricked and deceived by people, but I haven't found that supported by scripture. 

The last discrepancy that I would note about the movie, is with the discovery of the empty tomb.  Scripture tells us that John and Peter ran to the tomb when Mary Magdalene told them the tomb was empty.  (John 20:1-18)   Sadly, that verification by John & Peter was omitted in the movie. 

Scripture also records in John 20:17, "Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God."  Only a portion of this scripture was quoted in the movie.

I would also recommend reading about the multiple accounts of Jesus appearing and interacting with the disciples after his resurrection.  This is an example of how the movie combined several events into one.

Why I Recommend Jesus of Nazareth 

In spite of the discrepancies above, I would still recommend watching "Jesus of Nazareth".  The movie is a reminder of what happened on Good Friday and Easter.  It also serves as an introduction that will, hopefully, cause anyone to seek further knowledge of Truth through the scripture.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Yankee Candles for Easter

Yankee Candles for Easter 

It is a different world that we live in as I write this post on March 30, 2020. Most of us are living 'physically distant' or practicing 'social distancing' from family and friends as together people throughout the world attempt to slow down the spread of this virus by reducing contact with others. I know that in my home Easter is going to look different than it has in the past. We are not very religious but we celebrate Easter as a way to come together with those who are important to us and, of course, close enough to visit. This will be the first Easter dinner we have eaten with just the two of us present in almost thirty years.

We usually start the day with an Easter egg hunt or, given the fact that we are all adults, a look-under-your-bed chocolate Easter bunny hunt.

The rest of the day is spent with a walk and a few board games. For supper we normally share a feast of scalloped potatoes, baked ham, fresh asparagus and some sort of yummy lemon dessert.

My husband and I spoke briefly recently about what we would do this year given that we are in self isolation and it will be just the two of us. Arbitrarily, I decided we did not need a chocolate Easter bunny, which removes the necessity of my husband going to the grocery store. The deal in our household is that I will be the one person to go to the grocery store once every two weeks. This reduces our contact with other people and lowers our chances of catching the virus.

However, I am hoping to make a smaller version of the Best-Ever Creamy Scalloped Potatoes recipe and some acceptable substitute (though I do not know what it looks like yet) for my Best-Ever Baked  Ham recipe. In substitution for the chocolate bunny, we will make ourselves a special homemade treat, which will fill time as an activity and could well turn out to be better than a chocolate bunny. Yes, chocolate lovers that is possible!

We will pull out a few of our Easter decorations. We do not have many but we do have a few and they will help make the day brighter.

I love the idea of a Yankee Candles in an Easter scent like Sweet Bunny Treats, Bunny Cake, Easter Basket and Jelly Bean.  I wrote on another blog about the very trendy Peeps scent. The candles shown on this page are the large 22 ounce jar candle and they generally retail for less than $30. Depending on the scent and how you use your candle, they will provide 110 to 150 hours of enjoyment. You can check out Amazon's complete collection of Yankee Candles for Easter by clicking right here.

How about you? I assume that you are also facing an unusual situation for Easter this year. Will you prepare a special meal? Have a chocolate bunny rabbit? Put out a few decorations?

However you choose to mark the day remember to stay home, be safe and keep on smiling. We are all in this together and together we will flatten the curve and get through this. As they say in French Canada with the picture of a rainbow and a smile, "Ça va bien aller."

Treasures By Brenda

Quick Links:

Check out all of Amazon's Easter scented Yankee Candles.
Find my complete Easter Dinner Menu Plan.
Learn a bit more about Yankee Candles with Easter themes and find the PEEPS candle here.

Yankee Chocolate Eggs Easter Candle

Yankee Easter Basket Candle for Easter

Yankee Jelly Bean Candle for Easter

Yankee Sweet Bunny Treats Candle for Easter

Yankee Sweet Bunny Cake for Easter

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

An Easter Egg Hunt For Jesus Book Review

More To The Holiday Than Eggs And Bunnies

I found a wonderful book to include in the little one's Easter Basket this year. An Easter Egg Hunt For Jesus will be a nice way to help her understand what we are really celebrating during this special holiday. Just like with Christmas, children need to know the real 'reason for the season.'

colorful easter eggs
Egg Hunts are fun for kids
image courtesy of
I will admit that it is fun to color the eggs with the children and even more fun hiding those eggs for them to find. How often do we stop to let them know why we Christians celebrate the Easter Holiday? Depending on their age, it might be difficult to explain the Crucifixion and Resurrection in a way that doesn't disturb them . I remember my oldest coming out of her Sunday School class one Sunday near Easter being absolutely horrified over their lesson that morning. She was about 7 at the time but she had grasped all too well the story of Jesus on that cross. She kept saying, "They killed him, Mommy! Why would they do that?" I kept trying to explain that He had to die so that he could come back to life but I didn't do a very good job of it. I also remember thinking the teacher shouldn't have ended the lesson that day without telling the children at least something about what came next. Maybe she did, but my daughter couldn't get past the part of his death on that hill. I wish that I had been able to prepare her for that lesson with a book like An Easter Egg Hunt For Jesus. It hadn't been written, yet.

Forest of Faith Series 

A series of books have been written to help children understand better, in ways that they can relate to, the meaning of both Christmas and Easter. The stories take place in a forest with adorable little animals who learn more about their faith. The books are written for ages 4 through 6 and have been illustrated beautifully by Lee Holland with the stories being written by Susan Jones. I really think they would be a wonderful addition to the library of books we have to read to our little ones. 

Little Bunny is excited about the special egg hunt taking place in the forest as are all of the creatures who live there. In his enthusiasm to find the 'special egg' he makes a mistake that he believes has ruined the fun for his family and friends. They all come together to help him understand about the Resurrection of Jesus and the celebration over the new life that He offers to all of us. It is a sweet little story! 

I recommend this book to share with the small ones in your family!

An Easter Egg Hunt for Jesus

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Stuffed Bunny For Easter Reviewed

A Gift For Easter Or Anytime

I've been checking out my options for a stuffed bunny as a gift for Easter this year and would like to review one that I am considering getting for the grandchildren. Oh, I might just get one for me, too. I think this one is a real cutie and I do love stuffed animals and if I order it soon, it might help with some inspiration on the book I am trying to finish.

stuffed bunny
A stuffed bunny of a different sort
image courtesy of
One of the reasons that I began to look for a bunny as a gift was because the current book that I'm working on involves a cold case that happened around Easter time a few years ago. In the second book in the Babbs Bennett Mystery series, Sydney becomes alarmed when she sees a stuffed bunny on display in the Holiday Book Store. She begins to explain that she does not like bad bunnies because they take things. As Babbs gently questions the girl, she discovers that Sydney witnessed something at a local Easter Egg Hunt that might help solve the disappearance of a young girl.

Babbs becomes curious and more than a little outraged when she hears that the police talked to Sydney at the time about what she saw and then seemed to dismiss the girl's account. Her assumption is that they did not take the girl seriously because she was born with Down Syndrome and Babbs just can't tolerate the rejection of her little friend when she clearly saw something important. She convinces her friends Priscilla, Elizabeth, and Marjorie to help solve the case of the missing child. Babbs wants to ease the fears that Sydney has about rabbits, prove her point about the police being more sensitive to all witnesses and most importantly find out what happened to the little girl. 

Looking For Inspiration In Odd Places

When I began to write the second book in the series, working title is Brazen Bunny, I wanted to stay with the theme of the series of a book store that decorates for the holidays that are celebrated each month. Since the first book involved Valentine's Day, I thought Easter would be the next logical holiday to have the story revolve around. So, then my mind began a journey about what kind of mystery could involve Easter. It came up with the idea of a child actually being afraid of the Easter Bunny because they saw someone dressed as one do something bad. That is where the plot became to form in my brain. We are still working out the details!

A stuffed rabbit begins the unfolding of what Sydney saw that day, so, I have had stuffed bunnies in my head for a while now. When it came time to think about what to get the kids for Easter, a stuffed bunny pushed itself to the surface. 

I found a cute one. He is manufactured by Checkered Fun and measures about 20 inches tall. His bottom is weighted so that he can sit if you choose for him to do so. He is soft, cuddly and well, cute as a bunny! He is the perfect size to cuddle and snuggle with at bedtime or anytime. I think he deserves to become a new friend to my special girls and he might need to sit and help me finish my book. 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Do You Send Easter Cards?

cute vintage easter cards, fun easter cards and easter cards for dog lovers
There are some absolutely gorgeous Easter cards available and living away from our family it is nice to exchange cards at this time of the year.   There are lots of different cards to choose from including bunny cards (which I love) and bilby cards - the Easter bilby delivers our Easter eggs as bunnies aren't allowed in my state!  There are also a myriad of vintage cards, chick cards and religious cards.

Do people still send these cards though?  It seems more and more that people are just sending greetings through social media and e-cards which is such a shame as it really is nice to receive a card through the mail.

Let's have a look at some of the beautiful cards that are available to send Easter greetings to your friends and family around the world.

Cute Vintage Easter Cards

I do love cute Easter cards and some of the vintage designs really lend themselves to cuteness

I do love this one as it looks like the rabbits are begging the little girl for Easter eggs!  At least that's what I see when I look at this fun and cute card.   There are lots of other cute vintage cards that are based solely on bunnies, but I do like seeing a little girl in this one.

Custom Easter Cards That are Gorgeous

I know as a mum that when our children are little they really like personalized things and the idea that the Easter bunny would leave them a personalized card, well .....

My parents lived in a different country to us so my daughter was always sent an Easter card and a gift - I remember one year she was sent a gorgeous bunny soft toy that actually smelled of chocolate.   For years that chocolate aroma lingered, she loved that bunny!

I think a custom Easter card like this one would put a smile on any child's face.

Fun Easter Cards for Dog Lovers

There are lots of different Easter cards featuring dogs to choose from including gorgeous Golden Retrievers, Pugs, Dachshund and even this cheeky looking Boston Terrier -

I'll admit I'm a dog lover from way back and as far as I'm concerned I am and always will be a dog mum!   I would absolutely love an Easter card that gives a nod to one of my 'babies' and I'm sure I'm not alone in that.

I could not believe the variety of different dog breeds that are represented in Easter cards, definitely pop on over to Zazzle and have a look you will not be sorry!

Which Style of Easter Cards Do You Like?

So which type of Easter card is your favorite.   I could be here for hours looking at cards which is why I have only added a few, but I have to say I love cute Easter cards whether they are modern or vintage. 

Before I go let me ask you two questions - do you send Easter cards?   What type of Easter cards do you like to receive?

Happy Easter!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Easter and Church A Simple Way to Make It Easy for Children

empty church pews

Children and Faith, Our Duty as Christian Parents and Grandparents During this Holiday Season.

In the last 30 years Church attendance has dropped significantly.  Christians still want to attend services at special times of the year and one of them is coming up very shortly.  There are two major celebrations in the Christian community.  Christmas being the first.  Easter is the Second.  Both of these times in the year are  Holidays, and important in the life of a Christian community.  Christmas we celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ and at Easter, we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus from the Tomb.  Both of these "Holy Days" are usually marked by increased attendance at your local church's worship services.

Easter Church Services

Attending Church services with our family is one of the most wonderful times in a parents and grandparents lives.  It's a great time for us Parents and Grandparents to acknowledge our faith and share it with our families. 

The Question remains, how do we get our children (many of which haven't participated in regular Church Services) to sit quietly at the Services we are attending?  Every parent enters the church with trepidation and fear that their little ones will be disruptive during the Easter Service.

I'm here to tell you that with a little planning ahead, children can and will behave in a way that will not put you to shame.  But it does take some planning.

So let's get to it. Prepare, prepare, prepare!

First of all let's find out how long the church service will last.  Sometimes it will be 30 to 45 minutes and other services may last a few hours.  Knowing how long you need to keep your children engaged will help you plan better. 

Let's assume that services will be about an hour long.  That 60 minutes of quiet time that your children need to get a handle on.

Let's Pack a Church Bag* to take with us to services.  Inside will be all kinds of quiet activities that your children can do when they become restless.  So these are the things I would take along:

*Contents of a great Church Bag

  1. Books, depending on the age of your children, they can be picture books or story books.
  2. Stickers and some paper for them to make their own picture of the Bible story they  will hear.
  3. Coloring books with crayons. (if you have more than one child, make sure you have a book for each one of them!)
  4. Puzzle books, find the words, or crosswords are great!
  5. Small soft Easter type toys, stuffed bunnies, chicks or eggs. You can find some really cute ones here at Coastal Crochet Crafts! 
DO NOT PACK Candy of any Kind.  That would be setting you up for a sugar rush and you don't want to have that during this quiet time.   You should prepare your children ahead of time.  Make it a game to see how long they can be quiet at home, before the Church event happens.  Small rewards for being able to be quiet can help you to increase the time span.  Tell them that they are practicing for the quiet time that they will have to adhere to while Church services are happening.  Practice whispering to each other if conversations need to be had.   Bringing electronic toys to church is not a good idea.  They are very distracting to your child and to others around them.  Even adults are distracted by electronic toys.  Better to stick to bringing a book or two.  Picture books are great and children are always enchanted by stories that they can read.  I happen to like Easter Books that tell the Story of the Resurrection.

There are several available and they will help you to explain to your children what this Season of Easter is all about too!  Children learn from their parents and grandparents about their faith beliefs and it is up to us to encourage that faith.    After Church Services are concluded, I'm sure there will be time for the infamous Easter Egg hunt.  Children especially like this part of the Easter festivities.  Dinner on Easter Sunday will be a gathering of all the family at the table to share in the wonderful foods and desserts that have been lovingly prepared for us.  After all Easter is a whole season of REJOICING!  Everything is new including the seasons.  Everything is in bloom or will be soon.

Please know that most Christians are very happy to see the little ones at church services!  They are a delight to us older folks who remember all to well taking our own children to Services.

painted rocks with christian images

Happy Easter to all, The Lord is Risen, He is Risen indeed!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Wicker Basket For Easter Reviewed

Useful After Easter

wicker basket
Wicker basket image courtesy of
Have you ever considered using a wicker basket that is not necessarily promoted to be used as an Easter Basket? Walking down any aisle of a store, we can see several options of baskets to be used on Easter morning. We can find them made in a variety of materials and most are extremely cute but will they last beyond a day or two?

I will admit that I have a penchant for baskets as a whole. I can't honestly say when my love for them began or even why. It might be from memories of my Grandmother using different baskets to complete chores with. She had a basket for gathering eggs, one for picking items from the garden, one for the apples and pears and a few others for specific duties around her home. All of those magnificent baskets were worn from use but sturdy and helpful to her.

It occurred to me the other day as I was looking at an option for baskets this year for my grandchildren that I really didn't want to give them one that was commercially produced for the occasion. I just realized that they looked as inexpensive as their price tags indicated. I would rather give them something that could be used again for another purpose. Perhaps something they could smile at one day when they remembered that Grandma gave them that basket.

I think I found a nice solution for this year. I like the idea that the basket I have chosen can be used to store items in if they want. I can picture my youngest using it to keep her crayons, markers and colored pencils in. My oldest could store her music CDs or other items in. I like this idea much better than a basket that will end up broken and in a landfill somewhere in the near future.

How about you? Would you rather place your Easter goodies in a wicker basket that can find multiple uses for after the holiday?

Oval Wicker Basket for Easter

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Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Lego Easter Egg Hunt Set Reviewed

Fun Idea For Easter Basket Stuffer

easter eggs
Add some Lego Fun to the Basket
(image courtesy of
It is a good two months before those Easter Egg Hunts take place but I am already looking for some fun ideas to add to the baskets. Of course there will be eggs to be found. I always look for some different sorts of sweets to add but I like to hold that sugary stuff to a minimum. So, I start searching for non-edible ideas rather early. I have found something fun for this year. 

Those that know me might remember that I love to play with Legos. My brothers and I built things with those plastic bricks when we were little. Hours of fun were spent with my daughters with them. This grandma still plays with the colorful plastic pieces with her grandchildren. I even have a display of the Big Bang Theory done in Legos in our family room. 

Imagine my thrill when I found a set of Legos that creates a scene for an Easter Egg Hunt! It is a small little set with only 145 pieces so the box will fit nicely in the kid's baskets. The set allows you to build three separate locations (to hide the 3 eggs). There is a carrot garden, a flower garden and a hen house. Two figures come with the set; an adult and a child. There is a wheelbarrow, a cute little basket and a magnifying glass. Well, it is just down right adorable! 

As with most of the Lego sets once this one is assembled the different locations can be easily added to any other display you might already have on display. We rarely tear our finished sets down in this house. They are fun to pull out and play with when the kids come or Grandma goes to their house. 

If you are looking for something to add to an Easter Basket that won't throw your child or grandchild into a raging sugar high, consider a set of Lego fun with the Easter Egg Hunt.

Easter Egg Hunt Building Kit from LEGO

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Sunday, March 25, 2018

Five Easter Home Decor Ideas

Easter Home Décor Product Items Here - by
Decorating for Easter can be as simple as changing the centerpiece on the table, to a more dramatic change, such as changing out the art on the wall with a seasonal Easter/Spring piece.

Let's review five Easter home décor ideas that are both traditional and unconventional.

1. Be Unconventional and Decorate a Dollhouse for Easter

Heads-up Grandparents, this is for you! Mom and Dad too of course. It's a great idea for parents (Grand and all) who don't have time to decorate the 'real' house for Easter.

Get a dollhouse and decorate it, it gives the kids something to play with and something to decorate.

Place the dollhouse in a central location, perhaps on a table in the foyer, and decorate it with Easter related characters, eggs, fun dollhouse lights, or have the kids make items for it. Get Easter cut-out books for the kids to decorate with, or just make décor items from scratch.

2. Decorate the Table for Easter

Our dining room table or kitchen table sits ready to be used as the focal point for the special occasions yet we tend to avoid using it.

The problem with using a table to decorate is ensuring it's still usable for eating. But hey, no problem, just keep it simple.

Cover your table(s) with an Easter themed tablecloth or Easter placemats and feature a lovely Easter centerpiece.
More Easter Fun by ReviewThis

3. Place Easter Bouquets or Easter Ornaments in the Main Rooms - Add an Easter Wreath

The easiest way to add a touch of Easter, is to include a bouquet or ornament in the room. You don't have to go with a standard flower bouquet (although that's always lovely) ... try an Easter egg tree or a lighted Easter display ornament.

Add an Easter wreath to the front door or add several inside the house. Place one or two in the foyer and of course find a place for one in the living or dining rooms. Again be sure to scroll down and view some examples.

4. Easter Wall Art - Add Fun Creative Pieces to the Wall for Spring

The nice thing about Easter wall art is that it works for both spring and summer. Get a piece or two and put it up in the foyer, living room or dining room for both seasons. You'll have Easter covered and the fun continues through all the warm weather.

5. Easter Pillows and Throw Blankets

The standard décor pieces for a seasonal change are pillows and blankets. They're easy to display and easy to put away. If you have pillow covers, you can just cover your existing pillows. That's a particularly popular way to change out pillows, as pillow liners are easy to store.

Changing your throws and pillows to pastels or soft tones also helps to lighten up a room giving it that fresh, airy appeal.

See the Products Here

Happy Easter :)

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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Easter Reviews on Review This Reviews!

Treasures from the Archives of Review This Reviews!

 Easter Reviews on Review This!
Easter is always an opportunity for fun!  From decorating the house with cute bunnies & ducks, to dressing up in new beautiful spring clothing, and of course, Easter egg hunts, we all look forward to celebrating this holiday in style.  

There are also some really fabulous Easter crafts that can be made ahead of time or with the whole family on Easter day.  Making something together always ensures wonderful memories.  Oh, and be sure to take pictures!

As you already know, Easter is always on a Sunday.  The date changes slightly each year because the day we celebrate Easter is based on the spring equinox.  Click here to read this article and the history on Why Dates for Easter Change Each Year.

Since it is a religious holy-day for many of us, we start our Easter morning with a special breakfast and a worship service.  It is often a day for the family to spend the afternoon together in celebration. 

Easter parties are not uncommon events.  They usually include Easter baskets and Easter egg hunts. 

Because our team of Contributors come from various countries, backgrounds, religious beliefs, and traditions, we each celebrate Easter in different, yet similar ways.   Because we are all writers, we publish articles based on our beliefs and celebrations.  I'm sure you will find something for everyone in our treasury of Easter articles featured on the Review This Reviews Easter Pinterest board below!  

Welcome to Our Special Easter Library of Reviews!

A Preview of the Pinterest Board - Easter Reviews 

Easter Reviewed on Review This Reviews!

For a written list of the Easter related articles reviewed on Review This Reviews, please visit our Site Directory and select "Holidays" from the "Fast Click" category tabs on that page.  You will also find additional holidays articles under that category along with the Easter reviews.

To see all of our Easter articles on Review This Reviews!, simply click the Easter tab in the sidebar menu in the right sidebar.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Area Rugs that Can Bring an Inspirational Message into a Room

Find Rugs with Words via
Inspiration in the Most Unconventional Places

The area rugs of today aren't the area rugs you used to see at your grandma's house. Nope. Today the choices are wide ranging and absolutely unexpected.

When we think of motivational and educational messages, we normally add them to a space by using prints or wall decals. However, today you can find area rugs featuring inspiring words ranging from spiritual to comical.

An Original Gift Idea

Choose an inspirational rug with words for a gift. There's a solid chance the recipient won't already have one. In fact, they've probably never seen one.

Inspiration doesn't have to always be serious and tutorial in nature. It can also be light and fun and still deliver a profound message.

Best of all, you're giving a practical gift that will actually be used to enhance the décor in a room.

A Motivational Area Rug featuring Virtues to Live By

Find inspirational words featured on rugs that speak to the positive traits we should work towards.

Feature a motivational rug in an office, den, teenagers room or even a foyer. Greet those who enter with words that reflect what you believe in and who you are.

Best of all, you can teach without speaking. Those who enter your space won't be left guessing about what you believe in or what you're motivated by.

Whether we speak words of goodness or just display them, they make an impact.

So the next time you're looking for an original gift, think about giving an inspirational carpet .... they don't fly, but they can help spread words of love, which can help the spirit fly, so in that sense, they're magic.

Put love on the floor to complete your décor.

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