Showing posts with label Brite-Ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brite-Ideas. Show all posts

Sunday, August 1, 2021

A Review of Tough Times and Good People

Every Sunday, except for the past six Sundays, I add a review here on ReviewThisReviews.

Each of the ladies and gents who write for ReviewThisReviews makes a weekly contribution, and others fill in when needed. I'm proud to be associated with this amazing, reliable, and kind group of people. 

You can be confident that the writers here are real people, living real lives, and most of us have known each other for a decade or more. When you read a review by one of these class individuals, you can be sure it's from a genuine experience or straight from the heart.

Life Gets in the Way

I would like to take this Sunday to thank all the writers on ReviewThisReviews, and especially to those who filled in for me these past six Sundays for their support, patience, and dedication.

All of us live human lives, and that, of course, includes good times and bad. These past six weeks have been my personal nightmare, with my mom nearly passing away three times during that span. My mother may be the toughest lady I know! 

My Mother is a Force

Mom has spent her life managing family, working outside the home at times, caring, giving, and disciplining us. She's a strong independent woman who held her own all her life. We call her "small but mighty." She's only small in stature!

Mom has entered the next phase of life. My brother purchased the family home this past month, and mom has moved on to a place where she can get the care she needs. It's a first-class environment with a stunning view of the St. Lawrence Seaway here in Ontario. 

She deserves to live this next phase of life in comfort and class. Although mom isn't 'well' by any stretch of the imagination, she's a fighter and currently holding her own in her new place.

I Didn't Think I'd Get Through These Past Six Weeks - And I NEVER Think Like That

Like my mother, I'm a pretty tough person. I've handled adversity many times in my life. Reviewing my life to date, I'd have to say some of the difficult situations I've encountered have been incredible, even shocking to some. We've always gotten through it ... always.

However, this situation with my mom was brutal. Of course, almost losing her was beyond description, but harder than that was my mom having to wrap her head around the fact that she needed a safer place to live and with care. 

I was mom's personal PSW (personal support worker) for the entire time, and she knew how hard that was for me, for anyone. Yet adjusting to admitting your body is betraying you takes the greatest amount of courage. 

We needed mom to be happy and safe. Solving the problem of her being 'safe' was easier than solving her being happy. In fact, we cannot be someone's happy guru all the time. Probably never. Mom had to step up and handle that part, and so far, she's really giving it her usual tough-gal effort. Perhaps the secret at this point in our lives is to strive for being grateful, then happiness naturally follows?

Thank You ReviewThisReviews

Again, thank you to everyone here for filling in for me, and especially to Cynthia and Pat for all you do. You keep us working together as a team, maintain the site, and along with my fellow contributors, make it the success story it is.

A Video for Mom

Over ten years ago, probably twenty years now, I created this video for my mom. 

I'll close by posting it here in her honor - It's called "If I Could Fly Tonight" - If you're reading this via mobile, the link to the YouTube video is here.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Ten Unique Fathers Day Gift Ideas from Baby

There's going to be a new father in our family this year. That had me thinking about gift ideas for newbie dads.

Ten Gift Ideas for Dad from Baby

1. A 3D Ultrasound of Unborn Baby

This is my son's father's day gift. With Covid restrictions, he hasn't been able to attend the regular ultra-sound visits. Once restrictions were loosened, mommy-to-be arranged for a 3D ultrasound that daddy-to-be could attend. 

2. Make Matching Baby & Daddy Clothes an Annual Tradition

Baby clothes with cute sayings about daddy are a standard choice. However, kick it up a notch by choosing matching baby-daddy items. Continue this tradition for every father's day. Choose a unique set of matching clothes for each year. Collect them over a twenty-year span. What a great memory to keep in the memory box.

3. Baby's Hand and Feet Prints Framed

Make it an annual tradition for the first ten years of baby's life. Then, each year, as baby grows, prepare a framed piece with a lovely saying that features the little one's traced and painted hands and feet.

4. A Key Chain with Baby's Hand Print

Make a key chain that features a clay cutout of baby's hand. If clay work isn't your thing, place an artistic tracing of baby's hands in a keychain frame. 

5. A Future Date or Fun Night Planned with Dad

Give dad a card from his baby that promises a daddy date night when baby turns five. It could be dinner, a movie or a day at the park. Frame the card with the promise, and put it on the wall of the nursery. Baby will grow up looking forward to that one special night promised when he or she was an infant.

6. Start a Daddy Memory Book

Create a book that assembles key photos between baby and dad for that year. Each year add to the book. Keep this memory book going until baby is all grown-up. 

7. Create an Annual Video Memory of Daddy and Baby

Once you've created this video, upload it to Youtube. Make the video public or private. Each year add a new video to the collection. After a lifetime, daddy will have a lot of easy-to-access video memories.

8. Frame a Large Photo of Daddy and Baby to be Featured in the Home

Create a family wall and add this large custom-framed photo of daddy and baby. If there isn't any room for a full family wall, centrally locate the photo for all to see; a foyer, the nursery, a hallway, the family room, or the home office.

9. Plant a Tree in the Yard for Dad

Choose a place in the yard that's perfect for featuring dad's tree. Plant a tree that will grow for years to come so daddy and baby will always know and enjoy the fact that it's their shared memory and special spot. 

10. Create a Garden for Daddy

Plant a garden for dad. Baby can partake in its care for years to come. Baby will grow to know that this garden was gifted to daddy when he or she was an infant. What a lovely gift to enjoy day after day and year after year. Plus, it's the gift that keeps on giving. Feature a sign in the garden that says, "Dad's Garden from Baby." Place baby's name on the sign, or word the sign in any way that you feel honors dad and baby.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, June 6, 2021

The Easiest and Best Way to Clean Silver

In December 2018, I wrote another article on how to clean silver. 

In that article, I discovered a product my husband uses to clean the chrome on his tires called Mothers Mag and Aluminum Polish. The product is excellent for cleaning silver, but the way I'm about to divulge is far superior.

The Easiest Way to Clean Silver that Doesn't Involve Manual Labor

In the 1980's I purchased an Electrolytic Silver Cleaning Plate

The directions for using that cleaning plate are simple: 

Put the plate in the bottom of your kitchen sink, fill the sink with boiling hot water, then add Calgon water softener. Rest the silver piece so that it's touching the plate, and leave it for a few minutes to fifteen minutes, then wipe clean.

However, I could no longer find Calgon (except for a ridiculous price on Amazon), so I began to do a bit of Google research.

There Are Many Ways, According to Articles on Google, on How to Clean Silver

Some articles involve dish soap and vinegar. However, I found the instructions on these methods to be too cumbersome.

I figured, if a silver plate with Calgon can clean silver, there has to be an equivalent DIY alternative method. Thanks to Google research, yes, there is.

Here's the Easiest and Best Way to Clean Silver

Items Needed:

  • Your kitchen sink
  • Baking Soda (several boxes depending on how much silver you have to clean). I'd pick three boxes, so you don't run out
  • Tinfoil
  • Boiling Hot Water


1. Put the drain plug in your sink.

2. Line your entire sink with tin foil, shiny side up. Don't leave any sink exposed. Instead, bring the tin foil right up the sides of your sink all the way around. However, if you're only cleaning silverware and small pieces, you could try just lining the bottom of the sink.

3. Pour boiling water into the sink. I used mostly boiling water from the kettle, but I ran super hot tap water when the water needed more heat. However, just keep boiling water coming. I re-filled the kettle and boiled more water every time I emptied the kettle.

4. I filled the sink to the highest level because I had many silver pieces to clean, with some pieces being quite large.

5. Place a piece or pieces of silver in the sink touching the tin foil. For larger pieces, just rotate them so that all the sides get covered with water at some point. If the piece isn't in the water, it won't clean.

6. Pour baking soda into the sink. I poured it on top of the silver in the water, but I don't think that matters. Since I had a lot of silver to clean, I used several boxes of baking soda. On the first silver items, I probably dumped half a box in the water. I wanted to make sure it worked. Next, I cleaned a silver tea service, silver platters, silver candles, and a silver serving dish to clean. Judge for yourself how much baking soda you need. If you feel it's not cleaning fast enough, simply get the water up to boiling again, and add more baking soda.

7. The cleaning process takes care of itself. You don't have to scrub anything (just wipe it off when you take it out of the sink). In fact, it's interesting to watch the silver clean itself right before your eyes.

8. Dry, wipe and shine up your silver with a cloth. That's it, you're done.

9. I cleaned all these pieces in less than an hour. 

I prefer the above method because it uses everything I have in the house; a sink, hot water, tin foil, and baking soda - boom, that's it. Oh, and it's unbelievable how clean the silver turns out.

Here are the pieces I cleaned (and they were completely tarnished before):

This tea set was so tarnished it looked brassy-black. The tray was tricky to clean in the kitchen sink, but I managed to clean it simply by turning it around and around until all the areas were submerged.

The piece on the top left was also severely tarnished with dark black, as were the two serving dishes in the bottom middle.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, May 30, 2021

10 Free Personal Gift Ideas to Honor Dad

These days, the thought counts more and more.

If you're looking for ways to celebrate dad that involve a personal touch, check out these suggestions.

1. Framed Handprint Art

Have the kids, whether little or big, create a collage of their handprints. If the kids are all grown up, do it anyway, it still makes a beautiful, personal gift. In fact, for adult kids create a collage of everyone's feet - how funny would that be, lol - then frame it. 

2. Create a Collage of Personal Love Messages for Dad

Have the kids write out what they love about dad, glue the messages to a board, frame it, or have it laminated. Keep dad's personal messages from family, from every special occasion in a scrapbook or album. It doesn't matter if you haven't started this tradition in the early years; start it today.

3. Spend Time with Dad

Spend the day with dad, watch movies, go for walks, or play games. Show interest in the things he loves. Or just sit and talk to dad. When our parents are gone, we wish for one more day to be with them. Treat this special day as if it were a magic wish you've been granted.

Have you ever heard "One More Day" by Diamond Rio - Listen to the lyrics; they say it best; they're a moving reminder of why we should spend time with those we love while we can. Don't take dad for granted; he won't always be there. If you're reading this via mobile, here's the link to the song.

4. Cook Dad's Favorite Meal

This is a standard in our home for birthdays and other celebrations. The person of the day gets to pick the menu. We spend time together having dinner as a family.

5. Go on a Hike Together

Plan an all-day outing with dad. Take him on a hike. Spend the day outdoors and treat him to conversation and physical activity. 

6. Assemble His Family History in a Book

Research dad's family history and present dad with a book that highlights his ancestors and the entire family all the way up to the current time. Dad will love this gift; it's one he can hand back and pass along to grandchildren.

7. Plan a Family Soccer or Baseball Game

Organize a day at the local baseball or soccer field and spend the entire day playing sports, laughing, and eating. Pack a picnic and make it a full day of outdoor fun.

8. Clean Dads Car and Garage

If dad rarely has time to do those weekend cleaning tasks, do it for him. Have him sit outside with his favorite beverage, in a comfortable chair, with his favorite music blasting, watching you all work as you clean up the garage and wash his car.

9. Create a YouTube Video Music Playlist

Create a YouTube video playlist featuring all of Dad's favorite songs. Make the list public, and write a beautiful personal message in the video description area for all the world to see. You can also create a list of songs that honor dad from a daughter's point of view. You can find a list of ten suggested father/daughter songs here. Here's are songs to honor father/son relationships.

10. Write a Poem or Create a Video Poem

If creating video poems isn't your thing, simply write a poem from everyone or just from you and frame it. 

Here's a video poem I wrote long ago for my husband on the passing of his father: If you're viewing this via mobile, the video is here on YouTube.

Enjoy your day with dad. Time with dad is truly the best gift for you and for him.

For My Dad In Heaven: "Last night I had a crazy dream, a wish was granted just for me, it could be for anything, I didn't ask for money or a mansion in Malibu, I simply wished for one more day with you, but then again, I know what it would do, leave me wishing still, for one more day with you" (Lyrics - One More Day by Diamond Rio). 

Dad, I'll love you 'til the end of time, and time never ends.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, May 23, 2021

What I've Learned on My Self-Publishing Journey So Far


What I Learned on My Self-Publishing Journey

I'm not a self-publishing guru, just someone who decided to jump in with both feet and give it a try.

In October of 2019, I self-published my first book on Amazon. The book features a collection of 50 years of my personal poetry.

After that, I went on a tear and self-published seven more books in approximately twelve months; two are sayings for cards, and the other six are personally written riddle books. I'm currently writing my seventh riddle book. Looking back, I still can't believe I accomplished all that in such a short time. I get tired thinking about it!

My self-publishing journey involved teaching myself every step along the way. It was challenging. 

A Quick Summary Review of What I've Learned About Self-Publishing Non-Fiction Books So Far:

1. Pick a Niche

After writing a poetry book and two books about "What to Write in Cards," I decided that I needed a niche topic. Since I have this crazy ability to write riddles, I decided riddle books would be my niche. However, you can write a series or individual books if you're a fiction author. 

2. Why I Wanted a Niche Topic for my Books

Of course, you can write on any topic and self-publish on multiple issues. That's perfectly fine. However, I wanted to select one area to build a website and social media platform to tie into that topic. For fiction writers, an author website is all you need, no matter the variety of topics you write about.

3. Pick a Name for Your Niche Topic That Can Tie Into Your Social Sites, Books, and Website

I chose #Stumped Riddles, which I use in some form or another on all social media sites. I found it best to tie everything together.

Check out the links:

Twitter - @stumpedriddles

4. Set Up Your Amazon Author Page

Here's the link where you can set up your Amazon Author page. You can take a look at my completed Amazon Author page here.

5. Market and Advertise Your Books

Unless you already have a huge fan base or following, you'll need to advertise. I use KDP Advertising and Facebook Advertising at the moment.

6. Set Advertising Goals

Do you want to build traffic to your website or simply sell books? I send my advertising links to my website; from there, customers can link to the associated Amazon page. I choose not to link directly to Amazon as I aim to build authority and traffic to my site.

7. Converse With People On Your Social Media Posts

I post individual riddles on my website and all my social media links. The riddle answers link back to my site. When people take a guess at the answer, I always respond to each person who posts. I plan to get a helping hand in that area when the volume becomes too much. 

8. Check the Negative Reviews on Other Books Similar to Yours

I read multiple negative reviews on books like mine. Those comments give me ideas on what to avoid and add to my books to improve them. 

9. Don't Be Afraid to Change the Design of Your Book

Based on input from others or sales volume, avoid getting stuck with an ineffective design. I redesigned my books thrice before settling on the final layout and content structure. I'm currently revamping all of the riddle eBooks. 

10. Your Book's Cover Design is Key

All the gurus repeatedly stress one particular point... 'Hire a professional to design your book cover." Of course, I didn't listen, lol. However, I did re-do my covers multiple times and have a knack for creating graphics. If cover design is not your thing, consider paying a professional.

11. Watch Self-Publishing Tutorials on YouTube

Many self-publishing gurus (actual gurus) create helpful, instructive videos. I've probably watched 35 videos or more. You'll pick up little tidbits here and there from each one of them. 

Additional Self-Publishing Articles:

Basic Tips for the Newbie Self-Publisher

Matte or Glossy Book Covers

Confessions of a Newbie Self-Publisher

5 Helpful Self-Publishing Tools

3 Tips for a Newbie Self-Publisher

How to Get Started on Your First eBook

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, May 16, 2021

An Affordable Set of 10 Indoor Flower or Herb Planters

We don't have an outdoor garden and wanted a simple solution for naturally grown herbs for cooking.

I wasn't into getting an outside garden box or leaving planters with herbs on the outside patio table. 

Several years ago I had an outside planter with herbs, and just the mere fact that it was outdoors was inconvenient enough that I rarely went outside to gather them up for cooking. Mostly, I forgot it was there.

Kitchen Window Ledge Featuring Potted Herbs

When cooking, I prefer the grab-and-go solution for using herbs. Grab some parsley, grab some thyme, rinse, and add it to your sauce.

At Costco, we picked up four herb plants in simple black 4.5-inch pots. The herb containers needed a vase with something to catch the water on the bottom.

The above black planter pot fits perfectly inside this vase.

I had no intention of repotting them directly inside the pots. I simply slipped the potted herbs inside the vase.

Since the herbs are positioned on the kitchen window ledge, I didn't want anything made of ceramic or glass. 

Also, I didn't want anything expensive!

Above, four of the plaster planter pots are featured. 

This set of ten planter pots come in various colors.

The two flowers featured above are NOT part of the colored plastic planter pots. There are ten planter pots all in different colors. Above are the extras I'm currently not using. When I get tired of the colors featured on the window, I switch them up.

So there you have it, an inexpensive easy way to have your favorite herbs easily accessible in the kitchen. The four herbs we're using are parsley, basil, rosemary, and oregano. We went with the 5.1 inch vases.

We purchased these plastic vases from Amazon Canada - here. This particular set is showing unavailable on Amazon USA, however I've included a link to another set similar in price and design from Amazon USA here. Note that the vases from Amazon USA are an 8 piece set, versus the 10 piece set I purchased.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, May 9, 2021

A Personal Review of the Cubii - Five Stars - A Great Product

What's the Cubii?

If you haven't seen the ads on TV for this product, it's an "award-winning compact seated elliptical." In plain English, it's a small compact bike pedal that fits under your desk or anywhere you want it to do some pedaling from a seated position.

My 80+ Year Young Mother Purchased One

My mother decided that, especially with covid and with her health issues, she was simply sitting too much.

She had been thinking about getting the Cubii for over a year, and finally, after lockdown number three, she went ahead and ordered it in around March 2021.

The Cubii - Easy Assembly - Comes with the Mat

1. Does Your Mom Use it Regularly?

Yes. She sure does. She generally uses it on average three times a day for about 15 or 20 minutes at a time. However, once on a Zoom call, she biked for the full hour. Gently, of course.

2. Does Your Mom Have Any Pain from It?

No. Nothing that's from the Cubii.

3. Is the Cubii Strengthening Your Mom's Leg Muscles?

I'm going to say yes, slowly, yes. I was concerned about her muscles atrophying, so this is a terrific, safe way to get exercise without leaving her home and risking falls.

4. Does Your Mom Like the Cubii?

Yes. Mom really likes it. She's consistent when it comes to using it. She uses it daily.

5. Is it a Quiet Machine?

Not just quiet, virtually silent! Not a sound. The ads say it's whisper-quiet, and yes, it's that and more.

6. Can You Adjust the Tension?

Yes. Mom and I keep the tension low. Easy to do, turn the dial to the number you want.

7. Does it Track Distance, Time, Calories, and Rotations

Yes. It sure does. 

8. Is it Easy to Assemble

It's effortless to assemble. It comes with a screwdriver and four screws to put the pedals on. Once the pedals are on, it's assembled and ready to use.

9. What Comes with the Cubii?

We purchased the basic model (which is still fantastic). It comes with the unit, a slip-free mat, caster stops if you have a chair on wheels to prevent your chair from moving (I didn't need them because my chair is on a rug), a screwdriver, and four screws.

10. Hows the Quality?

It's high quality and durable—great value for the money.

My Early (Very Early) Birthday Present From My Mom was the Cubii - My Birthday Isn't for Months, But My Health Won't Wait

I was able to try my mother's Cubii, and I loved it. Since I have arthritic health issues, she offered one to me as an early birthday gift.

I positioned my Cubii under my desk, and as I'm typing this article, I'm pedaling. 

Get ready because using the Cubii is kind of addictive!

I LOVE the movement and motion when I'm sitting hours on end at my desk.

Typing and pedaling isn't a problem. Nope. I actually thought it would be an issue, but it's not. Yeah!

What Can I Do While Pedaling the Cubii?

  1. Build Web Pages
  2. Write Articles
  3. Social Media Marketing
  4. Create Graphics
  5. Self Publish Books (Typing & Word Processing)
  6. Talking on the phone
  7. Texting
  8. Watch TV and Videos
  9. Most Accounting Paperwork
  10. Creating Ads and Marketing
  11. Update My Website

The only thing I cannot do while pedaling is create the riddles for my riddle books. Creating original riddles requires focused thought, so I find myself stopping and starting the pedals when I'm in 'creation mode.' Other than that, it's ideal for working at my desk.

What I Like Most About the Cubii

Since it's under my desk and I can exercise anytime while sitting, I don't feel guilty sitting for hours. Of course, I still get up and stretch, etc., but now it's for a change of scenery, not guilt from lack of exercise!

I find it relieves stress. When I'm feeling challenged, I pedal off my steam. 

I highly recommend this product. You can get the product directly on the Cubii website or Amazon. If it's not available on Amazon (out of stock), head over to their website. They offer both a Canada and USA site link.

There are various models with various features. We chose the basic model, the JR1. 

Five stars.

Here is another model up with a few more elaborate features - Bluetooth Compatible - Sync it to Your Fitbit

Here is the one we purchased - on Amazon:

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Review of Gremlin Week - Two Appliances Bit the Dust

Gremlin week was expensive

This past week was 'everything broke' week. Literally. 

We had to make two substantial purchases to replace the items the Gremlins busted.

The Microwave Bit The Dust

So there I am in the kitchen, minding my own business, reaching for something as my hand brushes the top of the microwave when I notice that thing that makes you go 'hmmm; heat on the top exterior of it.

My son had just made popcorn, running it for four minutes or so. However, it shouldn't have been on the hot side to touch the exterior ... or so I thought?

So doubting myself, I called one of my brothers and asked him to run his microwave to see if it was hot to touch on the exterior after use. Because, seriously, I was just second-guessing myself ... had I just never noticed that the exterior of the microwave got so hot?

My brother confirmed my thoughts; my microwave shouldn't be hot to the touch after use. In fact, it was so hot, I couldn't really touch the top.

Yes, I googled till the cows came home on this scenario, and just like google, the responses were a mixed bag of nothing concrete.

So I decided to give the microwave one last, quick try. 

And that's when it happened. The entire thing started to spark. OMG. Scared the living crap out of me. Quickly the beast was unplugged, and off I went to Amazon (Amazon, you are way too convenient) and ordered a new one.

My criteria was very specific: inexpensive - and that's it. 

Why inexpensive? Because since we've owned this house, nearly thirty years, we've gone through at least four microwaves. So all I wanted was something that didn't break the bank.

Here's what we selected. Oh, and I threw in a picture of my favorite red wine and some Lemoncella - just in case you're having a Gremlin week.

Here's the one we purchased on Amazon
Read the reviews, went for the price. Inexpensive. So far so good. Working fine.

The Central Vacuum Unit Went to the Big One in the Sky

Hubby was vacuuming something up in the laundry room ... minding his own business .... when poof, the central vacuum system ceased. He stepped into the garage to smell smoke, and yep, our central vacuum unit reached the end of its appliance life.

I am not complaining though, because we bought and installed our Electrolux Central Vacuum system in 1994 - It lasted 27 years!! It's been the ONLY appliance that hasn't broken down until now. They don't make them like that anymore!

My brother informed me that Beam bought out Electrolux. He put a Beam central vacuum system in his house not too long ago. 

Strangely enough, my mother's central vacuum system also died this year. She went ahead and put a Beam central vacuum system. Actually, my brother helped her pick it out. He's handy; he installed it.

I decided to check Amazon and go with something a bit less in price. The Beam central vacuum (just the unit that hangs on the wall) cost my mom about $795 (Canadian) - yah, we live in Canada.

Here's the central vacuum unit we selected - An Ovo. The unit itself cost us $399 (Canadian). We don't need any piping or vacuum parts. Our old ones still work.

Available on Amazon

It's a pretty darn powerful vacuum system. It works for homes up to 7000 square feet, and our home isn't anywhere near that size. With the basement, we're about 3500 square feet. So it'll be fine. Plus it offers a ten-year warranty.

Since we've just purchased these items, I can't give you a detailed review of how they've performed yet, but I'll be surprised if there's a problem. I'm not anticipating any problems. So far, so good.

So now I'm heading off to enjoy a glass of wine - the one that's sitting beside the microwave in that photo up there. 

It was a cha-ching week. Yuk. I hate shopping. Actually, I hate spending money, but it had to be done.

Gremlin week sucks.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Review of the Westwood Elsa Swivel Power Glider Chair for the Nursery


Great Chair for Baby's Room - Rocks, Swivels, Power Glider, USB

The last several reviews featured items mommy-to-be selected for her baby's room. You can view the crib choice here and a lovely, affordable wall decal here.

The Chair for Baby's Room is an Important Choice

When my boys were little, I used a standard rocking chair with lovely decorative padding. After seeing the options for comfy, functional chairs, I would go with today's choices.

Knowing what I know now, I encouraged mommy-to-be (although she didn't need to be encouraged) that a comfy chair that reclines, rocks, and swivels would be imperative, especially during the newborn stage.

Before choosing The Westwood Elsa Swivel Power Glider, we took a trip to BuyBuy Baby to check it out in person. After trying the chair, mommy-to-be loved it.

Power Glider, Rocker, Recliner

This chair offers all three of these features for a reasonable price.

  • It plugs in, thus allowing mommy to recline using power buttons. 
  • There's no trying to hoist yourself out of the chair in recline position with the baby in hand; the power buttons do it all.
  • It comes with a USB charger for your phone.
  • It's also a rocking chair.
  • It swivels as well.
  • Available in two colors; Harbor and Pearl - The chair below is in Harbor. Harbor is more on the grey side, and pearl is more on the cream/tan side.

1. Sitting Mode:

Here's what the chair looks like in sitting mode. The picture doesn't do it justice!

2. Power Buttons & USB Charger

Below you can view the power buttons. It's effortless to operate. Simply push one button to recline and the other button to return to sitting mode. The USB requires a charger cord. We had an extra one.

3. Full Recline Mode

With a full-reclining option, mommy can sleep in the chair when the baby needs her in the room. Those days happen, so a comfortable reclining chair is an excellent addition to the nursery. This chair goes quite a ways back.

Swivel, Rocker, Power Glider in Full Recline

4. Partial Recline Mode

When you want your feet up, you can easily put up the footrest only, using the power buttons, of course.

5. Swivel and Rocker Mode

This chair rocks (literally) when it's in the basic sitting position. It also swivels 180 degrees left and 180 degrees to the right. The range of movement is particularly convenient when the chair is located in a tight spot, and you need to change the chair's alignment to allow for a full recline.

6. A Final Look

I would recommend this chair, and so would mommy. Power Gliders can be a lot of money, sometimes thousands of dollars. However, this chair, before taxes, as of this date, was below $600. Note that prices can vary.

Available Via BuyBuy Baby

Here it is on BuyBuy Baby. When you sign-up with Buy Buy Baby, they send you frequent discount promotions.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Review of Crib and Change Table in One - The Graco Remi 4-in-1 Convertible Crib

Crib Change Table Combination
Photo by

Consider a crib-change-table combination for smaller rooms. This crib measures 29.53 inches deep, 35.94 inches high, by 71.77 inches wide. It offers three drawers, a drawer below the crib, a change-table, side-shelf storage, converts to a daybed and full bed.

Last week we discussed a lovely wall decal mommy selected for her baby's room, and this week we'll review the crib. 

There's a mommy-to-be in our family, and she's in the process of setting up for the precious bundle's scheduled arrival in August.

Crib Solution for a Smaller Room

The future baby's room is not large. It does feature a large step-in closet that can fit multiple dressers; however, the room itself is on the smaller side.

We love maximizing space in small rooms, so coming up with practical, useable pieces was a fun adventure. 

The first consideration mommy-to-be had was choosing a crib that would fit the room and solve multiple functional solutions. 

Crib Change Table Combination With Storage

This particular crib is a crib and change-table and comes with four drawers and a side-storage area.

Here's a photo of the full front of the crib. There are three drawers below the changing table and a full drawer below the crib.

Note that the mattress and bedding are sold separately. 

Crib Photo by - Crib-Change-Table Combination

There's a drawer below the crib and three drawers below the change-table. As you can see from the photo below, the drawers are a good size. The drawers slide easily and are ideally located below the baby's changing station. 

If mommy and daddy-to-be are into a simple, modern look and feel, this crib checks those boxes with its crisp lines. There are no dips, groves, or curves, except for the slight curves on the top rails and the pullout handle areas. The barely visible curves add a little pizzazz to this contemporary design. 

Plenty of Storage Inside Each Drawer of This Crib Change Table Combo
Photo by

Three Drawers and a Change Table

Plenty of Storage with This Crib-Change-Table Combination
Photo by

Check Out the Extra Side-Storage

Not only do you have four drawers total in the front, but you also get two deep storage areas on the side of the crib. This spot is ideal for whatever you want; diapers, creams, lotions, and more. 

If your room is small, this crib provides a lovely place for the baby to sleep, plenty of storage, and a changing station. This crib also works for those who live in small apartments or prefer to add a crib to mommy and daddy's room.

Extra Side Storage for this Crib Change Table Combination
Photo by

With extra side storage, you can place changing supplies in two spots giving you the option of diapering the baby from two angles, either from the front or the side. 

This Crib Changes Into a Daybed, Then The Railings Can Be Used for a Headboard and Footboard for a Full Bed

This crib will last the baby for several years. When it comes time to change the crib into a full bed, you'll need to get the mattress and another piece to hook the mattress on. We've yet to get to that stage, so we're unable to attest to that particular feature.

Great Choice For Mom's Who Aren't On the Taller Side

I'm Nana, and I'm 5'6.5" tall, and this crib is a good size for me. Mommy is 5'2" in height, and it's ideal for her as well. 

Back "in my day," the crib I had was higher, and you had to drop the railing to reach the baby. It did provide an option to raise the mattress very high up, so lowering the railing wasn't necessary for those newborn days. 

This crib is designed lower, so there are no railings to be lowered and no need for that option.

Extra Tips

Grandpa put this crib together while mommy-to-be read some of the comments in the reviews about the trouble a few people had putting it together. Grandpa had no trouble; however, he did offer up this piece of advice; don't skip any steps, take your time, and follow the instructions carefully as written.

The crib comes in various colors and is in and out of stock from time to time. We purchased via Amazon Canada since that's where we live. 

Available on Amazon:

By the way, it's a girl!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Owl Wall Decals Review for a Baby's Room

Baby crib and owl themed wall decal
Fantastic, Affordable Owl Wall Decals for the Nursery

The mommy-to-be recently added these Owl Wall Decals to her baby registry.

With wall decals, it can be a crap-shoot whether the quality of the stickers will be decent.

My main concern when I ordered them was that they weren't expensive. I should have been cheering on the fact that they weren't expensive. However, I was more worried that they wouldn't stay on the walls or look cheap.

These Owl Wall Decals Are Fantastic

The brand name of these wall decals is "Decalmile." I'm so pleased with them; I'll look for this company again if we order more.

Mommy-to-be had never put up a wall decal in her life, and neither had I. I watched her put these up, and it was easier and quicker than it took me to peel off the safety stickers on the crib!

The decals come in small sheets. They were on 8.5 by 11-inch sheets. At any rate, they are shipped compactly in a small, durable envelope of about the same size. 

Owl themed wall decals
Owl Wall Decals - Looks as Good or Better Than This Photo
We Purchased This 'Decalmile' Decal Via Amazon Here

How Mommy Put Up These Decals
  1. She laid out the sheets in the proper order for the design she wanted
  2. These owl decals show you a couple of different options for laying out the designs
  3. She decided where to place them on the wall
  4. Mommy wanted them to come out for the corner to make it seem like a branch from a tree.
  5. After laying each sheet on the floor, she cut out the pieces individually to place them on the wall.
  6. She chose to go high enough so the baby can't reach them in the crib
  7. She kept them to one side versus directly over the crib for safety purposes
  8. We pulled the crib out of the way so she could safely work on the decal
  9. Using a safe step ladder, she placed each piece on the wall
  10. Once complete, back went the crib, and it was done
  11. The job took maybe 30 to 45 minutes

How Well Do These Owl Decals Stick to the Wall

These decals stick perfectly. They're removable and repositionable, although we have yet to try either of those options. They are vinyl, so they'll come down easily when it's time to remove them.

The wall surface needs to be a standard, clean, drywall. It may stick on other surfaces, but if you plan to put them on stucco or cement, I wonder if that would work.

The walls in this baby's room have been freshly painted, so the owl decals went on beautifully.

They're colorful, cheerful, and gorgeous.

The Baby's Room Isn't Finished Yet

The baby's room is currently being set up, so the photos included are the decor's early stages. Look for a review on the crib featured in the room in the coming weeks. Great-grandma gifted that one to future mommy and daddy, and I give it five stars.

Baby crib and owl themed wall decal
Owl Wall Decal in Proportion to the Crib
Look for a Future Review on This Lovely Crib

When the room is completed, with all the accessories, look for a full review of the nursery.

Here's the Product on Amazon - (We also purchased it via Amazon)

Owl themed wall decal

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Happy Easter from the Contributors of ReviewThisReviews

The Writers of ReviewThisReviews Wish You a Happy, Healthy, and Safe Easter Holiday

We would like to thank our readers for their time, following, and support.

It's been a tough few years, and we hold onto hope for you, yours, and ours, that we soon get past these challenging times.

Have fun, rejoice, take a break, and enjoy the Peter Rabbit cartoon featured below :)

If you're viewing via mobile, the cartoon link to YouTube is here.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, March 28, 2021

3 Inspirational Songs to Sing When Your Spirit Needs A Boost

Today's review is about finding peace in a busy and often chaotic world.

When my soul needs a boost, I sing. At night, I'll play various lyric videos and blast out every word as loud as I choose.

I've long since stopped being self-conscious about it. My boys hear me singing all the time. I actually love that they hear their mother singing; I like to think I'm teaching them to be brave. It's also a way for them to see me making time to feed the soul.

For two years now, I've actively taken steps to balance in my mind, body, and spirit

For the body, I've lost over 60 pounds on Keto

For the mind, I've written nine books in a year, and for my spirit, I sing and listen to this spiritual channel on YouTube

No, I'm not superwoman. I turned 60 in 2020 and made a decision that, before that monumental milestone birthday, I was going to tick off some boxes on my 'get-er-done beyatch' list. 

So I stopped the talk, and walked the walk.

Today I'd like to pass along some of my personal choice lyric videos. Sing along, or just enjoy the words and message.

1. Don't Give Up on Me by Andy Grammer

This is a bounce-in-your-chair song. There's a section of lyric I use as inspiration to continue writing my riddle books. At 60, I'm just getting started, so yah, don't give on me. If you're viewing via mobile, the lyric video is here.
"Cause I'm not givin' up,
I'm not givin' up, givin up, no, not yet,
Even when I'm down to my last breath
Even when they say there's nothing' left,
So don't give up on me"


2. You Say by Lauren Daigle

This is one of the most famous Christian songs to reach number one on the Hot Christian Songs chart. It stayed there for 113 weeks, and that alone was a record. It also charted on the Billboard Top 100, Contemporary Chart, and the Mainstream and Adult Top 40 charts.

This song is my anthem for handing over my issues to a higher power. It reminds me what's possible when I let go and simply believe in a greater purpose. Mostly, it humbles me. I'm sure you've heard it. If not, be sure to listen; it's a gorgeous song. If you're reading this via mobile, the video is here.
"You say I am loved when I can't feel a thing,
you say I am strong when I think I am weak,
And you say I am held, when I am falling short,
and when I don't belong, oh you say I am Yours,
And I believe, oh I believe
What you say to me, oh I believe,
Taking all I have and now I'm laying it at your feet,
you have every failure God, You have every victory" 

3. The Most Beautiful Things, by Tenille Townes

When you need a song that reminds you of how small yet significant we all are, this is the go-to spiritual fix. This song is my universal remote for traveling away from earthly problems. If you're reading this via mobile, the video is here.
" So why do we close our eyes,
when we pray, cry, kiss, dream,
Maybe the most beautiful things in this life
are felt, and never seen"

Spiritual Medicine

We're all struggling in one way or another. I fight darkness with light. 

In 2013, the year my father died, I decided to find my way through darkness, fear, and especially over-thinking by learning more about what lives on when we physically don't. As mentioned above, it's this YouTube channel that guided me out, and I believe, through.

One particular video struck me with how dark energy (whatever you want to call it) tries to feed on us around the clock. We need tools in our toolbox to fight back. Repeating Psalm23 was one suggestion. You can select anything spiritual to repeat.

As soon as my thoughts tailspin into a whirlpool of 'what-ifs", I repeat Psalm23 in my mind. In fact, I've written it on a card and placed it near my computer. When darkness creeps in, I read the card. Sometimes I'll simply repeat the first few lines over and over until the dark path my thoughts were heading to disappears.

There's a saying that "95% of what we worry about never happens". With that in mind, I work to turn that 95% into positive thought.

Here's a video written and created by me in January 2020 to celebrate light and love. If you're viewing via mobile, here's the video link.

Blessings to you and your family for this coming Easter weekend.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, March 14, 2021

10 Gifts For Mom That Don't Cost Money

Gift Ideas for Mom that Don't Cost Money

Free gifts have value. A free gift requires thought and time, so be confident in your decision to give Mom a gift that doesn't cost money but instead touches her heart.

Here's a Review of 10 Gifts for Mom That Don't Cost Money:

1. A Video Compilation of Her Life

This takes work. But with today's technology, it's not as hard to do as it used to be. If you have a computer with Windows 10, type "Video Editor" in your search bar, and the "Video Editor App" should show up. Once you click on the App, you can start to create your video for mom. Of course, you'll need all the photos you want in the video to be on your computer so you can upload them into the Video you're making.

2. A Jar of Wise Quotes and Sayings from the Family - For When Mom Needs an Emotional Lift

Write sayings or quotes that come from the heart on tiny pieces of paper. Fold the paper and put them in a jar for mom to pull out and read from time to time. The sayings or quotes can be funny, serious, complimentary, or inspirational. However, make them personal. Include famous quotes if you want, but the sayings should be what the family would really say to mom when she needs a pick-me-up. Put a label on the outside of the jar that says, "Here's Why Mom is Special." Or, label it with your own saying.

3. Do All the Housework for Mom While She Watches Movies All Day

Don't just give her breakfast in bed and do the dishes. Do the laundry, put the clothes away, dust, vacuum, cook dinner, and do the dinner dishes. Bring her snacks while she's watching movies, get her coffee if she wants it, or better yet, a glass or two of wine.

4. Send Her Loving Text Messages for a Defined Period, and Answer Her Texts Without Fail During That Period - Put That Promise in Writing!

If you think this is stupid, it isn't! A typical parent complaint is when a child doesn't answer their texts. Also, when we get a text from our child, sometimes we worry before answering. Why? Because a child who doesn't text often triggers the "something is wrong" warning when they do text! Give mom a card, and tell her you plan to commit to sending her a loving text message daily for a period of time, and during that time, you will also answer her texts. 

5. Write Mom a Poem and Frame It

It doesn't matter if you can't write, just do the best you can, and take the time to frame it. Granted, if you don't have a frame, you will have to buy one, and yes, that costs money. However, a trip to the dollar store will get you an affordable frame. Before you go that route, look around the house and re-use an old frame.

6. Plan a Picnic for Mom and the Family

Being cooped up during these pandemic years has been brutal. Pack a picnic lunch, take mom to the park, bring a radio, a blanket, and some fun outdoor games and spend the day with her.

7. Create a Photo Collage of All the People, and Things Mom Loves

Use a large piece of cardboard art paper, and on there, glue or tape a photo collage of every member of the family at different stages, as well as all of her favorite things in life. Spend time talking with her about each photo you selected.

8. Have Everyone in the Family Write Something Special About Mom

Get everyone in the family to write something they love and admire about mom. Put each written item in a homemade card, or tape each onto a large art paper sheet. Give this thoughtful gift to her when you're serving her breakfast in bed.

9. Read Mom a Story - One You've Written, Or Just From a Book She Loves

Sit with mom for the afternoon, serve her favorite beverage and snacks, and read to her. Take a few hours, without TV, without phones and distractions, and just spend some quality time with mom.

10. Create a Playlist on YouTube that Consists of All Her Favorite Songs

The nice thing about this gift is it's public. You can write something about Mom in the YouTube video description for the world to read and see. Don't get too personal. Just say enough that she knows she's loved and respected. 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Hey Keto Warriors, Have You Seen the Ad for Magic Spoon Cereal?

A Personal Review of Magic Spoon Cereal

The advertisement for Keto Magic Spoon Cereal lands on my Facebook feed almost daily. Here's my review.

It looked and sounded delicious, but I didn't jump in to buy it. Honestly, I rarely buy from Ads on my Facebook feed (unless endorsed by someone I know) because I've been disappointed several times in the past.

A Delivery to Our Door, and a Surprise From My Son

One of my sons also saw the Ad, but I believe it was on his Instagram. He said, "I thought of you, mom, and had to buy it for you." So thoughtful!

How Does It Taste?

I have to admit, it's delicious.

Being on Keto, I miss cereal and am never hungry enough to make special Keto recipes. 

I eat basic Keto foods; meat, some veggies, good fats, and low healthy carbs. Reaching for treats while on Keto can be tricky when you rarely purchase or make any keto-dessert-related. Sometimes I'll end up munching on a piece of dark chocolate or peanut butter to satisfy those rare cravings.

This cereal fills my snack and dessert void.

The Magic Spoon Cereal Flavors

The four flavors are cocoa, frosted, fruity, and peanut butter.

Here's a photo of the boxes.

This cereal is high in protein, keto-friendly, gluten-free, grain-free, soy-free, wheat-free, with nothing artificial. It really is a childlike cereal for grown-ups.

Here's another photo from the Magic Spoon Cereal Box:

I devour Magic Spoon cereal with Almond Milk or Coconut Milk. I sometimes add a couple or three tablespoons of table cream as well. All I can say is, "double yum."

Another way to eat this cereal; straight out of the box as a snack.

Which Flavor is My Favorite

Here's my personal opinion on the best to the least favorite flavor according to my taste buds. Your tastes could be entirely different.

In this order, from best to least best (according to me):
  1. Frosted (yum! - has a vanilla taste)
  2. Fruity (Tastes like fruit loops)
  3. Cocoa (Not as chocolatey as it should be, but still good)
  4. Peanut Butter (Not my fave)

Here's the Nutritional Information

How Good is It, What's the Downside, and Where Can I Get This Cereal?

My son, a weight-lifter/workout maniac, loves the cereal and devoured most of it! Next time I'm hiding a box. Oh, and he's certainly not on Keto! The kid is fit.

The only two negatives are; it's a bit pricey, and the cereal may cling to your teeth a bit after eaten.

I've checked Amazon and don't see Magic Spoon Cereal available there yet. 

However, Magic Spoon has its own website where you can order directly. The link to order Magic Spoon Cereal is here. By the way, I'm not an affiliate and do not receive anything for this endorsement. 

In summary, five stars from me.

A Bonus Recipe for Fellow Keto Warriors - Chocolate Yogurt Granola Chip Pudding by Margaret Schindel

If you're interested, here's more on my personal Keto journey. I've lost over 60 pounds and have been following the Keto way of eating since May 4th, 2019. Still going strong.

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