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Showing posts sorted by date for query Halloween. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, October 7, 2022

Make Halloween Ornaments With Easy Craft Kits Reviewed

Halloween Ornaments Kit

I love craft kits! Especially holiday craft kits that everyone in my family can make together.

The first week of October, my husband, son, and I gathered around the dining room table to investigate my new Halloween ornament sewing craft kit. We each selected an ornament to make and went to work. The ornaments you see at the top of the image (on the right) are the first 3 ornaments we made. My husband selected the pumpkin, our son grabbed the bat, and I chose the candy. It was a lot of fun watching the guys sew their ornaments together. These will be ornaments I treasure forever, as well as the memory of making them together.

The ornaments are very easy to sew together because they have pre-poked holes in the pre-cut fabric pieces.

Most often, a craft kit will include everything you need to complete a project. The Halloween DIY Ornament Craft Kit I have featured is awesome and really does include everything except scissors.  I did substitute my preferred Aleenes Craft Glue instead of using the glue in the kit, but that is simply a preference on my part because I have used it for decades.

Halloween Ornaments Sewing Craft Kit

 Halloween Ornament Craft KitCheck PriceThe kit includes:

  • Pre-cut felt pieces with punched stitch holes for sewing together
  • Pre-cut detail or finishing pieces like eyes, teeth, stripes, etc
  • Floss / thread 
  • Ribbon for Hangers
  • Plastic Needles
  • Stuffing
  • Glue

While the instructions are in picture form, I would have preferred they included written directions along with the images for greater clarity.  As a lifelong crafter, I knew what to do without instructions, but I am not sure that would be true for a beginner.  While making the ornaments would be easy enough for a child, they would probably still need some assistance from an adult to know exactly what to do.


To Make the Felt Halloween Ornament

contents in the box to make Halloween ornaments
Each ornament is separately packaged with all it's pre-cut pieces. Stuffing, plastic needles, thread and ribbon are packaged separately which makes it easy to find everything you need to complete an ornament.

  1. Open the individual ornament package and lay out the pieces
  2. Open the package with the thread & plastic needles
  3. Thread the plastic needle with the thread color that matches the two foundation ornament pieces 
  4. Stitch the two foundation pieces approximately 3/4 of the way together, leaving an opening to stuff the ornament (do not cut your thread yet)
  5. Stuff your ornament with the included filling (do not overstuff. Felt tears easily)
  6. Stitch the remaining opening together and tie off the thread
  7. Cut a piece of the included ribbon and make a hanger for the ornament
  8. Glue the details (like eyes, teeth, etc.) on the ornament


Why Choose This Craft Kit for the Whole Family

 Halloween Ornament Craft KitCheck Price

Everyone should know the basics of sewing. These kits will allow parents to teach their children to make the basic straight stitch, plus allow the child to get comfortable threading and using a needle safely because the included needles are large, plastic needles.

Not only are these kits great for children, but also for seniors with decreased dexterity.  Again, the plastic needles won't poke or cut fingers. 

No special crafting ability required.  While I did find my experience helpful for stuffing amounts & glue preferences, it wasn't necessary. My son and my husband made their ornaments without needing my help, including threading their own needles, stuffing the ornaments, and gluing on the finishing details.

This kit really does allow family members of varying ages to make the perfect Halloween felt ornaments. 

We will use our ornaments on our Halloween tree, but they would also make a lovely banner for the door, mantle, or wall.  They could be hung on cabinet knobs for fast Halloween decor.

The kit is recommended for ages 5 and up.


 Read More Crafts & DIY Reviews On!

House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Halloween Decorations for the Home ~ A Holiday Product Review

Just in case you were wondering, Halloween is coming up quickly!  In three short weeks it will be upon us full blast.  Are you ready?

Outline walk with pumpkins

If you enjoy Halloween as much as I do, you can go to great lengths to decorate your home for this frightful holiday.  Your decor can be as easy as a whole bunch of pumpkins and gourds artistically displayed, to a full out haunted house.  It is all up to you.

Decorating should be fun to do and easy to remove once the holiday is over,  in my humble opinion.  To that end, I went looking for decorations that would fit nicely into my "easy" lifestyle.  

Wouldn't you know it, good old has a great selection of really easy and not too expensive outdoor decorations that fit that bill perfectly.  

 Inflatable decorations are easy to put up and even easier to take down again.  In most cases all that is required is a long outdoor extension cord to plug these in.  

These inflatables can be cute or really scary.  Pumpkins and ghosts are good fun choices, but those witches and goblins, werewolves and skeletons are pretty popular too.  

Just around the corner from us, one home has several of these blow up decorations that are lit up for the evenings.  They are lovely, easy to place and easy to remove too! That's important because we all know that right after Halloween we will shift to Thanksgiving and Christmas decor instead! So that easy removal is a bonus for sure. 

Everyone has been waiting for a great reason to celebrate and I can't think of a holiday that is more fun than Halloween.  I love watching the little ones who are just so cute in their costumes and really don't understand the whole concept of knocking on doors and getting candy.  Their eyes tell the story and the awe which they are in is contagious.  Of all the holidays in the year, I think this one is the one that makes me feel young again.  After all I can get myself dressed up too and I will!  No one will know who is hiding under that disguise!

halloween costumes



Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Halloween Sweaters and Accessories ~ A Holiday Review

 I am in a Holiday kind of mind because for the last few years many of our holidays have been put on hold due to the world wide COVID precautions and restrictions.  Well, the good news is that those many restrictions have been lifted and we can all celebrate together again.  That for me, is a big deal and I'm not alone!  Everyone is ready to have some fun and just kick back and enjoy the season and the holidays that are contained in there! 

Full Moon photo

What I love the most about a website that I happen to promote, is that there are so many things available to make your Halloween complete.

It's not just about the costumes (although that's the part I enjoy the most).  It's about all the other little things that make this holiday so much fun.

I happen to love the accessories page of,  You have everything there that you haven't found anywhere else!  Accessories can sometimes even be the inspiration for the rest of your costume.  Starting off with a set of horns may become the impetus for one heck of a spooky or devilishly wonderful costume.  Tridents and Wands or Swords and Spears could send your costume look in a totally different direction.  The best part is that if you start now, you can tweak your costume for the next month and come out with something really wonderful and unique to you!  TIME is of the utmost importance and NOW is a great time to get started.

If you are not really into dressing the part of a Halloween ghoul or character, you can get into the Halloween spirit with a great Halloween Sweater.   Here in the north, Halloween can be quite chilly, so a warmer Halloween Sweater is perfect, especially when you are standing at an open doorway or maybe just opening and closing the door constantly.  The last thing you want as a Halloween treat is the first cold of the season.  So keep yourself ready by having a nice (scary or ugly) Halloween Sweater to compliment the night!  Some of their styles are already "Sold Out" , you don't want to miss out, so getting this done early is the best thing you can do!

If you live in the south, you might check out some lighter Halloween shirts at this ReviewThisReviews page! 

My hope for you and for me, is that after such a long absence of fun, we will all go out of our way to make the first big Holiday a fun time for all!   Then we can follow Halloween up with the best for Thanksgiving and Christmas that follow so shortly afterward.

Have a great time checking out all the good things to make your Halloween a "Spooktacliarly Good Time"

You can find everything you need right here at!

halloween decorated window

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Halloween Cardigan Shirt Makes an Easy Costume

Halloween Shirt
If you are searching for an easy, inexpensive way to dress for Halloween, be sure to take a look at these adorable Halloween "cardigan" shirts featured in this review.

I use the term "cardigan" loosely here to describe this open front shirt. This is not a cardigan sweater and it is not knit. It is a lighter weight cotton & polyester blend shirt that is made to look like a cardigan by opening down the front. There are not buttons or zipper. It is designed to be worn open.

For my region, the lighter weight cotton blend material is much more desirable for Halloween. Our nights are cool, but not cold (normally in the high 40's) and the day temperatures in late October are usually in the low 70's.  Therefore, we are not in real sweater weather temperatures yet. 

When searching for a lightweight sweater that I could take on and off throughout the day on Halloween, I came across these lovely designs. I wanted something that I could wear to the door when handing out candy that would reflect the Halloween spirit. Plus, I wanted a festive shirt that I could wear to the grocery store or post office during the day. These lightweight open-front sweater shirts are perfect. They certainly make a very easy costume to throw on over jeans and a blouse.

The hardest part was choosing the image design I wanted. I finally decided on the black cat with the pumpkins because I can wear it through October & November and not just for Halloween.

Long Sleeve Open Front Top For Halloween

I really wanted two different designs. I ended up with the one that I felt I could wear throughout autumn, but I am still drawn to the pumpkins, bats & ghost design.  I just might treat myself to that one before Halloween!

Which is your favorite?

 Check Price Check Price Check Price Check Price



More Halloween Fun! 

The Halloween Contributors Love Halloween

House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Halloween, Time to Have a Really Scary Night ~ A Holiday Product Review

 It's coming soon!  Are you ready to put your thinking cap on?  It doesn't have to be hard to come up with a costume that will thrill and chill or just make everyone laugh!

The time to think about Halloween costumes is now!  After several years of no Halloween fun, I think everyone is more than ready to enjoy this holiday to it's fullest!


Are you a crafty person?  If so, you might want to get started now. Get all those things together to make this years Halloween costume, one that won't be forgotten!

The biggest problem is coming up with the idea!  There are so many easy ways to make a costume and then there are those costumes that will take a bit of time and effort to put together.  The choice is entirely yours.

Pick your theme for starters and then run with it.  The whole idea of making your costume stand out is to take the theme and exaggerate it to the fullest!  That is what makes it fun and so extra special.  

But if you are like me, my mind starts to go in all kinds of different directions and I find myself unable to make the decisions that will complete my "look"!  

Thank goodness there is a great place to get a costume for you, your kids and your other half!  Without all the hassles of making a  costume from scratch and trying to find everything you need! has got you covered.  I just spent a whole day and a half just getting a feel for what they offer and I'm impressed!  

These costumes are really fun and come in all sizes from the Babies right up to the Parents and Grands!  Who could ask for anything more! has individual costumes as well as costumes for pairs or couples!  Batman and Robin, Peter Pan and Tinkerbell, Zombies, and lots of story book characters too!  You really need to go and take a look!  So many choices and they seem to me to be cost effective too!  

By the time you buy the fabric, thread and accessories to make a costume (plus the time to make it) you will spend as much or more than what the finished price for these costumes are!

Halloween should be a time to enjoy and have some real fun!  Stressing out over your costume should not be the highlight.  

Everything Halloween can be found at!  Do you need props?  Lights? Party Decorations and more?  Check out all of the scary and fun accessories that will just finish off your Halloween display.  

Mr. Skeleton is just one of the many props available on the Accessories Page!  Pretty scary to me.

skeleton sitting on an old chest

I think that this year will be the one where so many people will get out and enjoy what we've been missing for the past few years.  We need to laugh and have something to look forward to!  Seeing everyone out having a really good time, makes my spirits lift, no pun intended!  

I'm hoping that everyone is looking forward to a really good time this year!



Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, July 29, 2022

Lego Carousel Creator Expert Set #10257 Reviewed

Lego Carousel

Everybody loves an amusement park or fairground!  We all have favorite rides or features in the park.  Lego offers a way to create a small replica of one of the most beloved amusement park rides: the carousel. Just looking at the finished creation brings joy and fond memories to mind.

The carousel is a popular ride simply because anyone, of any age, can ride. Even new mother's can take their babies on many carousels because they have the bench seat option. 

Children opt for the animals. They want to ride the horses, elephants, tiger, or other animals. The biggest question beyond which animal, is whether they want one that moves up and down. 

The Lego carousel set has moving fairy tale animals featuring an elephant, a tiger, a frog, and a flamingo. Plus, the set includes a swan, which is the Lego version of the non-moving bench seat. There is a center ring platform with a staircase to make mounting or dismounting the animals easier for Lego children. 

Sadly, the Lego Carousel Set #10257 does not include a horse. Otherwise the detailing is fabulous! There is a strong base on this set that allows you to carefully pick it up without damaging the completed Lego carousel.

The Lego Carousel Set #10257 is retired and can only be purchased from a secondary market like Amazon or Ebay.

Building The Lego Creator Expert Carousel Set 10257

The Creator Expert set is recommended for ages 16 and up. It has over 2600 pieces and will require patience and time to build. 

 As a parent of a huge Lego fan & builder, I can tell you that the recommended ages are important to consider when buying a Creator Expert set. If you consider the child and their individual Lego building aptitude, you may well know that your child is ready to jump into the Creator Expert world before they are 16, especially if they have a parent, grandparent, or older sibling who is willing to help them.  Some children are exhilarated by the challenge, while others will get frustrated and never want to build a Lego again. For a child who has been successfully building Lego sets for years, they may well be ready for the challenge of the Expert Creator sets before they are 16.

Helping your child build a complicated Lego set can provide hours of fun for both the parent and the child. There is a true sense of accomplishment when the masterpiece is finished and ready for display. Most importantly, there are cherished memories of working together that are priceless.  

In our case, we would sit at our dining room table for hours, often across a period of days. I only helped by separating pieces into organized piles for easy identification while my son built his Lego masterpiece. Sometimes, I would look at the upcoming steps, pull the needed Lego pieces and have them waiting for him so he could maintain his concentration and focus on building. Sometimes, we would talk and other times we quietly kept each other company. One constant in our Lego building days was that the gift of a Lego set was always a gift to me. 

Lego Carousel Creator Expert Set Specifications

More Lego Sets & Shelves Reviewed 

Lego Disney CastleLEGO Disney Castle Set - Cinderella's Castle Lego Set #71040 Reviewed
With its impressive details, arched doorway, stunning spires & turrets, the Lego Disney Castle Set is a fabulous replica of the real Cinderella Castle.

Scooby-Doo Mystery Mansion LegoScooby-Doo Mystery Mansion Lego Kit Reviewed
Lego & Scooby Doo fans will love this awesome Lego set. The Scooby-Doo Mystery Mansion is the perfect treat for Halloween or anytime for kids & adults.

Winnie the Pooh LegoDisney Winnie the Pooh #21326 Lego Set Reviewed
Those who love Winnie-the-Pooh & Legos are thrilled with the Winnie Lego set! It includes Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Eeyore, Rabbit & Poohs treehouse home.

Lego Gingerbread House SetLego Gingerbread House Set #10267 Reviewed
The Lego Gingerbread House is the perfect set for Christmas time! Many of us enjoy decorating gingerbread houses for Christmas, but ...

Spider Man LegoSpider-Man Far From Home Lego Set #76130 Reviewed
The Spiderman Far From Home Lego set has lots of awesome features including an opening hatch in the jet for Spidermans quick exit. Specs & review here.

Lego Display ShelvesThe Perfect Lego Display Shelves Reviewed
Completed Lego sets need a safe place for display. I recently purchased the perfect bookcase shelves for Lego display!

Check Out More Toy Reviews at
Reviews on Lego Sets
Right Here On Review This Reviews!

House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, February 11, 2022

Crazy About Cupcakes? Tie On A Cupcake Apron!

Crazy About Cupcakes? Tie On A Cupcake Apron!

If you live in North America, you know that a cupcake is a single-serving sized cake with frosting and decorations. If you live in other parts of the world, like the United Kingdom, you may know these little cakes as fairy cakes or by some other name.

Whatever you call them, they are sure to hold a fond place in your memories. You may have enjoyed them at home, at school or at Grandma's house when you were a child. They have been trendy for at least the last decade, when specialty shops started popping up in New York City and Los Angeles and eventually throughout North America.

Cupcakes are popular because they are so cute and because every one can have their own. The choice is up to you and you can pick your favorite flavor combination. My local shop has a rotating variety that includes basic flavors like vanilla and chocolate but more unusual combinations like maple cinnamon, pina colada, oreo and peanut butter. I would confess to a fondness for any choice that includes coconut but I digress. 

If you are a big cupcake fan and baker, you need a cupcake apron. On this page, I will review two of the best cupcake aprons that I could find. I am sure there is one here for you or for the cupcake baker in your life whether you (or they) prefer an apron that is pretty, practical or personalized. 

Cupcake bakers should all have a fun cupcake apron! 


If you love cupcakes, you will love this pretty-in-pink vintage-style cupcake apron!

Definitely, pretty in pink, I love this beautiful cupcake-themed apron. Carefully handsewn with quality cotton fabric, it is totally cheerful and I love the retro-inspired design.  It is available on Etsy from Cevizelisleri's shop. You will find it and other similarly made aprons in a wide variety of themes by clicking right here


If you love cupcakes and you want a pretty, practical and personalized apron or apron gift, you will love this one!

This second apron is fun and is from the shop of Ellen Merrill Home, which is also on Etsy. It is available in four sizes ranging from a small child's apron to an adult-sized apron as well as in twelve colors though for cupcakes, I love this pink color. I love the pretty embroidered cupcake and that it can be personalized with a name or an expression like, "Cupcakes By Brenda." Of course, you would be inserting your own name in that short sentence. You will find this apron on Etsy by clicking here. I think it would make a lovely mother and daughter or even grandmother and granddaughter gift idea.

Cupcakes are good for the soul and so are these aprons! Do you love a good cupcake? How about a cupcake apron?



There's an apron for every occasion, for every reason, for every season. Just as cupcakes can be formal or casual, so can aprons. Just as cupcakes can be decorated for Christmas, Halloween and Valentine's Day, so can aprons. The following pages will help you find the apron you are looking for. 

How To Make An Apron
If you are looking for resources to make an apron, you'll enjoy looking through the ideas and links on this page.

Wear a Halloween Apron!
Looking for a Halloween apron? You might find just what you are looking for here on this page.

Love grilling? You'll love these aprons.

Discover what people think about men and aprons.

Know a grandfather who loves to cook? Check out the fun aprons for granddad here.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, January 29, 2022

National Lego Day Review


Image of a set of Legos

What: National Lego Day

When: January 28

Attention all Lego fans!  And I think anyone born after 1962 ARE fans! 

As we celebrate the yearly holiday of National Lego Day, the year 2022 was extra-special as we celebrated the 90th birthday of LEGO. Lego was invented in Denmark in 1932 and this fascinating building toy as we know it today was introduced to the United States in 1962. Most of you enjoyed playing and building with Legos as children. Many of you have continued your interest into adulthood. Or, if you won't admit to your grown-up self that you still love playing with Legos, you can easily hide your 'fandom' by 'helping' your children and/or grandchildren build their latest set. 

The writers on Review This! have written reviews of many Lego sets, from small ones to very large ones.  In case you have missed any, I give you this compilation to check out many of the favorites which are on the market today. 

Reviews of Lego Sets in Themes


Peanut Butter Fudge RecipeLego Creator Holiday Bakery Set
The Lego Creator Holiday Bakery is a fun accessory set to Lego City. Reviewed by Louanne Cox.

Lego City Fire StationLego City Fire Station
Every city needs a fire station and Lego City is no exception. Louanne Cox reviews the Lego Set #7208 fire station.

Lego City AirportReviewing Lego City Airport |Set #3182
The Lego City needs an airport. This Lego Set #3182, with 703 pieces, comes with everything you need, including mini figures of a pilot, flight attendants, a service man and a passenger. Review written by Louanne Cox.

Lego City Construction Site SetLego City Construction Site
Help build your Lego City with this construction site set #7633. The set comes with 3 vehicles and 5 minifigures and has 898 pieces. Review written by Louanne Cox.

Lego City People PackReviewing Lego City People Pack
When building your Lego City, you sometimes need more people. Lego has People Packs to add to your city's population. The Lego People Pack #60202 has 14 minifigures (Lego People). Review written by Louanne Cox.


Spider-Man Far From Home Lego SetSpiderman Far From Home Lego Set
The Spider-Man Far From Home Stark Jet and the Drone Attack Lego Set #76130 has 504 pieces. Review written by Sylvestermouse.


Lego Big Bang TheoryLego Big Bang Theory Reviewed
The Lego Big Bang Theory set for grown-ups and kids. Review written by Louanne Cox.

Scooby-Doo Mystery MansionScooby-Doo Mystery Mansion Lego Kit
A fun holiday set perfect for Halloween. The Scooby-Doo Mystery Mansion Lego Kit is retired, but still available on Amazon and on eBay. A delightful cartoon character in a Lego Set. Review written by Sylvestermouse.



Lego X-PodsReviewing 2004 Lego X-Pods
The creator sets for the Lego X-Pods first came out in 2004. They were essentially 'Legos-on-the-Go', with everything you needed to start building all in a pod you could carry around. Reviewed by Louanne Cox.

Lego Off-Road Power SetLego Off-Road Power Set
The Lego 5893 set comes with instructions for three different Lego builds, a Lego Truck with Digger, the Off-Roader, and a Dune Buggy. The set is part of the Creator Series. Review written by Louanne Cox.

Lego Gingerbread House SetLego Gingerbread House Set
The Lego Gingerbread House Set is a fun set to create for Christmas. It also makes a pretty holiday table centerpiece. With 1477 pieces, this set will keep the kids busy while they wait for Christmas to arrive. Review written by Sylvestermouse.



Easter Egg Hunt Lego SetLego Easter Egg Hunt Set Reviewed
The Easter Egg Hunt Lego Set has 126 pieces and is perfect for Easter. Review written by Beverly Owens


Disney Castle SetLego Disney Castle Set – Cinderella's Castle
The Fabulous Lego Disney Castle Set #71040 has 4080 pieces – a fun challenge for older Lego fans. It comes with favorite Disney characters of Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck and Tinker Bell. Review written by Sylvestermouse.

Disney Winnie-the-Pooh Lego SetDisney Winnie-the-Pooh Lego Set
Everyone loves Winnie-the-Pooh. With this Lego Set #21326 with 1265 pieces, Winnie and his friends can enjoy the Tree House and all the 'Pooh' adventures. Review written by Sylvestermouse.


LEGO Classic Creative Supplement SetReviewing a Set of Basic Classic Legos
The LEGO Classic Creative Supplement Set is a set of basic Legos to create whatever you can imagine. Review written by Wednesday Elf.


The final touch to your Lego Hobby is to have the perfect place to display your completed creations. Sylvestermouse gives you this lovely home decor piece.

Lego Display ShelvesLego Display Shelves
When you complete your Lego Sets, especially the large ones, you will need a place to display them. The display shelves reviewed here by Sylvestermouse are the perfect solution.


This quick resource guide to reviews of Lego Sets will hopefully guide you toward the exact set(s) you are looking for. More reviews will be added as they appear, so come back anytime to see the latest. 

Happy Lego Day! 

Check Out More Toy Reviews at
Reviews on Lego Sets
Right Here On Review This Reviews!

Holiday Reviews on Review This Reviews!

*Lego Day Holiday Review written by Wednesday Elf

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, January 15, 2022

The Krewe of Hunters Book Series Review


Krewe of Hunters Book Series

By Heather Graham

Series Synopsis

FBI agent Adam Harrison had been involved in mysterious searches and situations so often that the government had asked him to put together a group of special teams who became known as the Krewe of Hunters. Jackson Crow, the only member chosen straight from the ranks of the  FBI behavioral Sciences Department, became the leader of the original team. The other members were carefully selected by Adam Harrison and Jackson Crow for their unique talents; some from other branches of law enforcement and some who had other skills needed for investigations (computer skills, audio & visual skills, etc.). Once the teams were formed, they all went through the rigorous FBI training at Quantico.

These teams are called upon to investigate and solve strange and unusual cases. What makes these teams special is more than their skills and FBI training; it is their paranormal abilities. Each team member is able to talk to the dead. You might call these 'ghost stories' and the 'ghosts' are as interesting as the crime-fighting characters. In fact, quite often a ghost is able to help in solving a crime. 

The other interesting thing about this series of books is the various locations where the investigations take place. The author adds in a bit of past history each location is famous (or infamous) for.  For instance, one story takes place in Salem, Massachusetts at Halloween time. The reader gets a history lesson about the area and the Salem witch trials that occurred there in the 1700s. Another story takes us to San Antonio and the Alamo. 

The book I found most interesting to date (#11 - The Night is Alive) is the one that takes place in Savannah, Georgia, because I lived in that area for almost 20 years. The restaurant & bar where the main part of the story action takes place is fictional, but all the other places mentioned are real. It was a fun trip down memory lane to read this particular mystery. 

The Krewe of Hunters Series

Phantom Evil book cover
Book 1 in the Krewe Series

There are currently 37 books in the Krewe of Hunters series. Each book features primarily one crime to be solved and while quite often several team members are sent to investigate, the focus is on one member of the team each time. That way you get to know the background of that member. That member also seems to 'meet' just the right person to fall in love with. You also get to see the relationships and working dynamics between everyone.

The series begins with the formation of the first team and by book six a second team is formed. Six members seems to be optimal for their working relationships for each team.  In Book One, when the first team is formed, their first crime is located in New Orleans where the name Krewe of Hunters becomes the teams' name. And in several books there seems to be another unique person found who will be perfect for a team. 


So, we have a murder mystery, a ghost story, a history lesson, and a love story in each book.  

I am approximately one-third of my way through the entire series and I find each book so fascinating I don't want it to end ~ and I can hardly wait to get to the next one. 

At the end of several of the books, in addition to the history of the area, the author gives us a history of the foods indigenous to the area, along with a couple recipes. An interesting and varied series of books for sure. 

Aura of Night book cover
Book 37 in the Krewe of Hunter Series
Released on July 26, 2022.

Book List of the Krewe of Hunters

Book 1: Phantom Evil

Book 2: Heart of Evil

Book 3: Sacred Evil

Book 4: The Evil Inside

Book 5: The Unseen

Book 6: The Unholy

Book 7: The Unspoken

Book 8: The Uninvited

Book 9: The Night Is Watching

Book 10: The Night Is Alive


Book 12: The Cursed

Book 13: The Hexed

Book 14: The Betrayed

Book 15: The Silenced

Book 16: The Forgotten

Book 17: The Hidden

Book 18: Haunted Destiny

Book 19: Deadly Fate

Book 20: Darkest Journey

Book 21: Dying Breath

Book 22: Dark Rites

Book 23: Wicked Deeds

Book 24: Fade to Black

Book 25: Pale as Death

Book 26: Echoes of Evil

Book 27: The Summoning

Book 28: The Seekers

Book 29: The Stalking

Book 30: Seeing Darkness

Book 31: Deadly Touch

Book 32: Dreaming Death

Book 33: The Unforgiven

Book 34: The Forbidden

Book 35: The Unknown

Book 36: Sound of Darkness

Book 37: Aura of Night

Book 38: Voice of Fear (latest book in the series published in October 2022).

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Review of the Krewe of Hunters mystery book series was written by Wednesday Elf

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Susan DeppnerSusan Deppner

We may be apart, but
You Are Not Forgotten

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