Hey, BananaBrain! Real men DON'T wear aprons. Doesn't matter how many fantastic men's aprons you find, Brenda. I'm not going to put one on, no way, no how!
This page is meant as a bit of fun and has been moved from where it originally was posted on another website. Therefore, the names of the commenters have been changed to protect their real identities.
Anonymous: They do.
VLC: Yes.
SJ: "Just" an apron? :) My wife wouldn't care if I wore newspaper as long as I cooked!
WV3: Hmm, I think it's fine, I just don't know any who do!
Anonymous: Unless they are cooking something extremely messy. Or they're wearing nice clothes.
LM24: The only aprons we have in our house are for the kids. My husband does most of the cooking.
QS: A real man would just get in there and take care of business, apron or not. Especially if he could get a little dirty and the wife is the one doing laundry!
J: I thought that ties provide enough protection while cooking.
MPA: Well, if you are using apron as a metaphor for cooking then yes, but I have never worn an apron in my life!
HLM: I don't wear an apron. Neither does my wife.
KT: Real men can't find an apron!
Anonymous: No, Real men do not wear aprons!
JI: Yes!
SD: Unless the apron is to be used as a giant bib it would be useless! LOL
EK13: I don't even know any men who can cook, let alone wear an apron. =P
Anonymous: Well, my man doesn't wear an apron, just like he doesn't know how to "clear as you go" when he cooks. But at least he cooks!
L22: I don't but never thought about it either so I just figure no you don’t see it every day.
CSM: Well, my husband does not wear an apron, but I sure wish he would. I do the laundry!
Anonymous: Aprons are for wimps - cook, get dirty and then get your lady to clean you up!
MRE: Mine doesn't but then he only makes toast.
Mrs: I don't even own an apron so I don't think the hubby is likely to wear one!
Anonymous: Aprons are protective apparel; nothing more, nothing less. If you are doing "dirty" stuff, cooking, washing dishes, etc. whilst wearing good clothes wear an apron! If you are going to work in the garden, wash the car, paint the house; dress appropriately - ie wear old clothes, no apron needed.
Anonymous: Chefs, meat cutters, welders, bike mechanics wear aprons. Real men wear whatever they want 'cuz they are men and are not afraid of what others might think.
ViJ: Real men don't care what others say. Real men are confident in any skill they've got and comfortable in their own skin.
NV: Ouch, dahling.
Anonymous: Bobby Flay wears aprons.
Anonymous: Part of the grill experience is having beer, meat and the smell of flesh on the grill. You can choose to wear an apron or you can choose to carry a towel around or you could take part in the third option and wipe your hands on your shirt and walk around the party with grease stains on your shirt. While you’re at the third option, you may as well put on a half shirt with your beer belly hanging out the bottom. If wearing an apron takes your man hood, I don't think you had much to take. Of course, this all said is intended for a manly apron wearer not the flowery apron you stole from your wife before the divorce.
Anonymous: Real men wear aprons, when and only when I want them to. Otherwise, they're kept starkers. ;D
Anonymous: Why not? Nothing is wrong with a nice PVC apron. It keeps you clean when cooking and is easy to clean after you finish.
E L S: I wear my apron for all the fellas who can't or won't and I'm quite OK with that!
Anonymous: No problem - pinafore or smock style, but no frills and certainly no stupid half aprons.
SE: Real men are sexy men and sexy men cook :-) They have to be able to throw together a good meal, or the ladies will find someone who can!
KTC: Men definitely do wear aprons. How about when doing a BBQ? There are some great BBQ aprons out there. Make sure the BBQ-er has a beer in hand at all times and that's manly! (Find a great selection of Sizzlin' Hot BBQ Aprons here.)
MR: If women can wear tight jeans, men can wear sexy aprons!
LH: Oh yes, they do. My very best-selling Zazzle product is the King of the Grill BBQ apron but hubby only wears a leather apron and that's only for when he's welding. Hmmmmmmm. (I couldn't find LH's apron but I found a fun selection of King of the Grill aprons on Etsy here.)
Anonymous: "Real Men" Any man that has anything worth protecting down there would be wise to wear an apron when working with hot food. Taking a bath in hot caramel is never fun.
Anonymous: Of course, they should wear aprons. Full length. PVC.
CRLM: Real men are totally sexy in aprons. (It has to be a manly apron though.)
Anonymous: Real men wear aprons - PVC when dishwashing
Anonymous: They do.
Anonymous: At a church supper, you want to be able to mingle, without being covered in slop! Working under different, sometimes rushed conditions, with a new crew - stuff happens, and the resulting "decorations" are not always pretty.
Anonymous: Yes, absolutely they do! Real men do AND look pretty good in them as well. (I know I do.)
Anonymous: This idea, that wearing an apron makes you less manly is silly. My carpenter and butcher wear aprons... does that mean they are any less manly than anyone else. Real men can and do wear aprons! RTV LM: My hubby loves his apron I had custom made for him when he grills and, LOL, I can attest he's a real man ;)
VS: I started wearing aprons in 1975 when I went to work for Howard Johnson's. As a manager, we had to run the line in the kitchen most of the time but be presentable for the front of the house as well. I kept an extra set of clothing in the office for emergencies like bending over a deep fryer and dipping in your tie but aprons saved me many, many times! I've kept the habit.
RW: My husband wears the apron in our family -- and it is sexy!
PI: Yeah, they do but only if there is something really stupid written on it.
TG: I never wear an apron myself and neither does my husband, but that's just because I don't like to put them on and off again, but I don't truly see why men can't wear an apron if he wants to. I always wear trousers, does that make me less feminine? And yes, if a man likes to cook and keep his clothes clean, he should wear an apron of some sort.
Anonymous: I love to see my men folk in aprons
Anonymous: It takes a real man, secure in himself, and no need to prove his "machismo" to wear an apron.
Jack: Chefs wear aprons. Men that aren't chefs wear them when they cook, if they're not girlie aprons.
IM: I have met a REAL man, a manly man and he uses an apron now and then.
Anonymous: Sure they do, sometimes.
Anonymous: Yes, some do wear aprons 24/7.
GW: Real men can do anything!
Anonymous: Well, as long as they are not girlie aprons, LOL.
EW: Real men can really wear aprons!
Anonymous: Men who know that the healthiest foods are home cooked are the 'smarter' men. What makes them even smarter is that they choose to wear aprons because they know that aprons keep their clothes clean while they cook those healthy meals. Eat that ! ;)
TAWA: Lots of men wear aprons and can still be manly. (Sure a frilly pinafore isn’t making anyone feel THAT masculine but DANG FLABBIT ITS AN APRON!!) MY POINT IS MEN JUST WEAR A DANG APRON! Sheesh this is like saying real women don’t wear pants!
Anonymous: To say men do not wear aprons does not make sense really. All kinds of professional men wear aprons. In Freemasonry, we give aprons as awards.
JC: I worked for several years as a cook in restaurants and residences. You better believe men wear aprons when they cook for a living. As for around the house, well, they do it they barbecue, I think. Anonymous: Dirty apron = clean clothes PL: Yes, he does, well, maybe not all of the time. In fact, this just gave me the idea to write a page about my man in his apron. I'm sure he won't mind, will he? This is a fun debate, deserving of 5 aprons.
EJA: My husband is all man and he's more likely to wear an apron than I am.
AG LM: When I meet a REAL man, I’ll let you know. I’ll know he is real as he WILL be wearing his apron and not hanging onto my apron strings, he he he.
Anonymous: Real men can and do wear aprons
HB: Chefs wear them and many of them are "real men."
KTBTEN: Real men fry tofu -- it can be wise to wear an apron when stir-frying tofu in a wok over very high heat.
Anonymous: Real men DO wear aprons. They do.
WWH: We don't own any aprons but they seem to be really fashionable!
R7: I know one man who DOES wear an apron occasionally but to be honest I haven't seen many people in aprons period. Men or women.
BD: Real men aren't afraid to wear aprons and I like my man in nothing but an apron.
LK: My real men wear footie PJs! Aprons, too!
TD: Real men don’t care what other think... :)
SD: Mine should and I wouldn't mind as long as he's doing the cooking!
SLM: Well, let's just put it this way. Before I ever did any cooking apart from a braai (barbeque), I wouldn't have been caught dead in an apron. However, lots of men wear funny aprons at a braai. Now, however being forced to cook, I'll put on the wife's apron. Handy to wipe your hands on.
K: They wear aprons, but they never tie them in the back - just hang them over their neck and go.
Phew! If you made it this far, now is the time. It is your turn to add your voice to the debate. Please don't let the previous comments change your opinion but do add your thoughts. What do you think? Do real men wear aprons or not?
MY man wore aprons when BBQing or cooking a messy meal. A Real Man image can be easily obtained with a MANLY apron. No shame there! Funny comments from men 'for and against'. Clever poll, Brenda!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Elf and I agree.
DeleteFirst, I have to say, I love the Masonic apron! What a cool design!!! As for whether the men around me wear an apron, not often, but I have known of them to wear an apron if needed to protect clothing (just not jeans and t-shirts) This was definitely a fun post to read. The witty comments made me smile, and that is always a good thing.
ReplyDeleteThere were some funny moments in that long list, Miss Mouse. Kudos to you for reading them and I am glad they gave you a smile!
DeleteThese comments are hilarious, Brenda! I have always disliked the expressions “a real man” and “a real woman” (are some of us fake men and women, lol?), and I don’t view apron wearing as gender-specific. So, I can’t vote “yes” or no.” “Real people” may choose to wear aprons or not. 😊
ReplyDeleteBoth my husband and I cook. Neither of us wears an apron, but we do change into comfortable, old clothes reserved for messy chores if we’re doing something messy like deep-frying.
I used to wear cooking aprons more often when I was younger, but I confess that my favorite apron was actually a beautiful, handmade lace “serving apron” that I received as a gift. It was utterly impractical and entirely decorative, designed to be worn after all the cooking was done, replacing the protective food-stained cooking apron worn behind the scenes while preparing a meal for guests.
Certainly many people do this, Margaret. That is, wear protective, comfortable old clothes when they are working in the kitchen! Aprons reserved for especially messy jobs or for covering up good clothes when finishing up in the kitchen.
DeleteLOL! I have a few comments I can add here; I'll try to keep it clean - but first I need clarification, "with clothes, or just the apron" - most of my boys cook, but I've never seen them in an apron, but honestly I think this would make a good fun gift for one of them! I like it!
ReplyDeleteIt would make a fun gift for your boys and I love that there are so many aprons that a choice can be made based on the personality of the recipient!
DeleteFor the last two years my husband has been doing the cooking. He told me that I did the first 45 years for him, now it's his turn to do it for me....I don't expect another 45 years, but he's a pretty good cook. Does he wear an apron, well, NO. Expect for backyard parties then he will don his "David" apron just for a good laugh. Yes, that "David!" Hahaha!
ReplyDeleteMy husband new immediately which David you were talking about. It took be a bit longer to clue in, LOL! Your husband sounds like fun!
DeleteThank you for a fun review! Brilliant comments :) As for us, my hubby does most of the cooking these days and he is an excellent chef! Sometimes he wears an apron, sometimes he doesn't, makes no difference to the delicious food!:)
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely - good food is the end goal, no matter whether you choose to apron or not to apron!