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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query food storage. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Recipes & Food Reviewed on Review This Reviews!

Recipes and Food

Treasures from the Archives of Review This Reviews! 

The one thing we all have in common is that we all must eat to survive.   Beyond that one commonality, our choices greatly vary based on diet restrictions, ingredient availability, or simply on food preferences. 

Whether the focus is breakfast, lunch or dinner, we have reviewed food for every mealtime of the day.  Some of us prefer to start a meal with dessert, while others will mainly focus on protein, vegetables, fruit or fiber.  There is something here for everyone!

Since cookbooks are often a fabulous source of recipes, we frequently review cookbooks as well as individual recipes.

With over a dozen contributors, you are sure to find a new recipe, food, or cookbook recommendation reviewed on Review This Reviews that you will love.  We even have drinks! Enjoy our smoothie recipes, plus, our tea and coffee reviews.  

Small Appliances & More Reviewed

In addition to food itself, several of our contributors have tested and reviewed small appliances that help any cook prepare a delicious meal.  Rice makers, air fryers, Instant Pots, food dehydrators, and more small appliance reviews can be found in our Home Appliances section.  Why not make your life a little easier with the right appliance that takes some of the work out of cooking.

Presentation, cooking utensilsserving dishes and food storage are also reviewed here. We even have few hostess gift recommendations for those cooks who treat us with a special meal.

We may not eat together, but we can certainly enjoy the same delicious meal. 

A Review This Pinterest Board - Recipes Reviewed 

There are dozens of Recipes, Food, & Cookbooks
Reviewed by our Contributors!
The board below features 30 of our most recent reviews.

Click through to Pinterest to see all of the Recipes that have been Reviewed by Review This Reviews Contributors! 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, April 24, 2023

Ziploc Variety Pac Review

 Does your storage bag drawer need SOS? Drowning in quart size bags, but you need pint or sandwich size bags! May all of our kitchen issues be so easy to solve! Ziploc Variety Pac and Amazon Brand to the rescue to replenish your kitchen storage bags with ease and convenience.

ziploc variety pac

This year is the first time I have come across (and it has certainly been a kitchen want for quite awhile!) plastic storage and freezer bags in a package which includes multiple sizes of bags. Having multiple sizes on hand makes food preparation, storage and freezing so much easier.

What Bags Are Included In The Ziploc Variety Pac?

  • 54 Freezer Quart Size Bags
  • 38 Freezer Gallon Bags
  • 52 Storage Gallon Bags
  • 125 Sandwich Bags

Note: Both Freezer and Storage Gallon Size Bags are included.

Slider Storage Bags Variety

If you prefer the slider storage aka zipper storage bags, Amazon brand offers a few varieties of sizes. 

Variety One offers quite a selection including a few 2 gallon size bags:

  • 50 pint bags
  • 50 quart bags
  • 25 gallon bags
  • 25 2 gallon bags

I have found quite a few non food uses for the two gallon bags. They are indeed quite large, but nice to have a few on hand. 


I have ordered and used both brands. I do find the ziploc brand to be slightly stronger. It is a trade off between a higher priced brand and the online store brand. The use determines my need; I do prefer a very sturdy and strong bag if using to freeze foods.

I have tried the brands at the local dollar store and those bags  I have found over priced (over a dollar for a very small box) for a very low quality bag - disappointing because I usually love the dollar store, but as with all stores and brands there are preferences. Stocking a new kitchen is always expensive and the variety pac serves the purpose quickly and conveniently.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Prepare Your Family For Survival: A Book Review

Is your family prepared for a disaster or an emergency? If you aren't sure, don't miss Prepare Your Family for Survival. Here's a book review.

Recently I've been reading about and giving a lot of thought to emergency preparedness. Survival. Planning in case of a natural disaster or man-made emergency.

As a wife and mom, the person in the household who plans daily meals and re-stocks the pantry once or twice a week, how would I feed and otherwise care for my family if I couldn't get out to buy food?

What if the power went out and the blackout lasted for several days or even weeks. How would we cook? Would we have enough water to drink? To use in cooking? To wash with or flush the toilet?

I've asked myself, "Is our family prepared for an emergency situation?"

Is yours?

Meet Author Linda Loosli

As I sought out answers, I came across a helpful book called Prepare Your Family for Survival, written by Linda Loosli, founder of Food Storage Moms. Linda has been schooling herself (and others) for decades and she knows the topic of emergency preparation inside and out.

Linda first became interested in preparedness when she was a teenager and thrust into a situation that included a serious snowstorm, an empty pantry, and several mouths to feed. Due to extenuating circumstances, she and a cousin were put in a position of having to find food for the family. Quite a task at age 16. And, really, at any age!

Linda vowed to herself after the snowstorm disaster that when she grew up and had a family, she would see to it that they were always prepared to face an emergency, that she would always have enough food and other supplies stored, just in case. After she was married, she put her thoughts into action. She began with a garden, advanced to canning food, then eventually began reaching out to neighbors and church friends, teaching classes to help other women learn how to prepare their families, too.

Prepare Your Family For Survival by Linda Loosli, Book Review from ReviewThisReviews
Prepare Your Family For Survival
Click the book cover for a peek inside.

This is Not a Doomsday Book

Often when people think of preparing for survival, the term "doomsday" finds its way into the conversation. Linda doesn't use fear to motivate. Having lived through emergencies, she knows very well what we all should know: power outages and other unexpected scenarios can and do occur with little or no warning, anytime, anywhere. And it's up to each family to prepare. While her practical methods and advice speak mainly to women, the steps to becoming prepared to survive apply to the entire family.

What You'll Learn From The Book

Most of Prepare Your Family For Survival addresses how to prepare to brave an emergency at home, though there also is a very helpful section on "bugging out," deciding when it's best to leave your home and what to take when you do. Linda has done the math for her readers, providing lists, charts, and check-off sheets based on family size. She even includes sections on the special needs that young children and pets present.

I like that the author makes it clear that water is first and foremost when it comes to what individuals need to survive. She also writes about storing food and how to choose which food to store, emergency cooking situations, what to do when the power is out, family first aid and medical preparedness, personal hygiene, and laundry. Her advice is concise and helpful even to the point of recommending particular products that work. And since Linda has tested literally just about every survival product ever invented, she definitely knows what works and what doesn't.

Who Needs This Book

The book addresses the basics of preparedness and survival, but even those with prior experience in the field may learn a thing or two. If you're a beginner and need to finally get started storing survival essentials, this is a perfect book for you.

To me, the introduction of the book is worth its price for the peace of mind that it offers. Understanding that it's important to treat preparedness as part of a lifestyle takes the "scary and overwhelming" out of the topic. And, let's face it, many of us only think about how prepared we really are when the tornado sirens start or the first forecast of just where the next hurricane might make landfall appears on the nightly news.

Despite my well-known affinity for ebooks and my beloved Kindle, I bought this book in the paperback version. There are lots of charts and lists inside and I've been flipping back and forth through the chapters since I got my copy. In this case paper is convenient and besides, charging your tablet might not be a big priority when the power's been out for days.

Make your choice (paper or ebook) at this link. Then please come back and leave a comment to let me and other readers know what you learned from the book that you didn't already know, and how the book helped motivate you to Prepare Your Family For Survival.

~Susan Deppner
Read more of my reviews.

Posted by Susan Deppner

Susan Deppner

About the Author

Susan Deppner is a baby boomer, a cancer survivor, and a Southerner who believes in the Golden Rule. She enjoys writing about food, faith, and fitness; health, home, and holidays; people, places, pets, and patriotism, and more. Follow Susan on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, August 21, 2023

Reviewing iLIDS - Mason Jar Lids (Not for Canning Use)

I  have used iLIDS for Mason Jars for several years now and have noticed that when I go to the cupboard for a drink container, I am reaching for a glass jar and an iLID the vast majority of the time.  I find that making my drinks in a jar is cost-saving, environmentally friendlier, and visually pleasing.


Colorful iLIDS for Mason Jars on Amazon


iLIDS Mason Jar Drink Lids

Mason jars are a glass jar that are most known for canning. Households over the generations have depended on these jars for food storage. The jars are durable and withstand boiling temperatures in the canner, are dishwasher safe, and store food in the refrigerator after opening. While I have not tried it myself, I am aware that some people use their jars in the freezer. 

Many kitchens, including mine, have a supply of these jars. So it is not a stretch to begin using jars for drinks and the storage of drinks. I began making teas and ice coffee in the jars, then pouring the drinks into a glass. Before too long, I discovered iLIDS drink lids and began drinking right from the jar.  Insulated steel tumblers have many benefits, but I have found that I prefer the versatility of canning jars with iLIDS.

iLIDS drinking lids come in many colors. The underside has a gasket which creates a good seal when screwed on to the jar and helps prevent the lid from becoming hard to unscrew. The drinking lid has a sliding closure to protect your drink from unwanted items. When the slider is opened, you can drink directly from the lid or insert a straw. 

Note: the slider is not sealed and will allow a small spill when the jar is knocked over. It is not leak-proof.

While quart jars are large and bulky, I find that my liquid intake is higher when using a quart jar. I can visually see how much (or how little) I've drank.  Glass jars are not insulated. But I find that I enjoy the visual aspect of infused waters or iced coffee. 

Quart jars and iLIDS are perfect for making sun tea. When finished steeping, the jar and lid can move to the refrigerator and be used for storing and pouring out one glass at a time. Or, once chilled, insert a straw and voila a super-sized ice tea for those hot days.

iLIDS come in wide mouth and regular mouth sizes. I prefer the wide mouth because it's so much easier to drop in ice cubes or fruit. I have also found that these lids fit on many of the spaghetti jars that can be purchased at the grocery. The taller, thinner Classico jars are a great size for drink jars. 

While preparing to write this review, I have learned that in addition to the drink lids with the sliding opening, iLIDS offer storage lids and sports drink lids! 

I began using jars for drinks around the time I began making my own iced coffee to reduce the cost of buying my daily ice coffee at a drive-thru. I also prefer to reduce trash waste by avoiding the use of single-serving items (such as Kcups) when I can.

To recap:

downside of iLIDS and Mason Jars for drinks

  • not insulated
  • bulky; they don't fit in car cup carriers
  • glass is breakable (although I've not broken one yet)

upside of iLIDS and Mason Jars for drinks

  • easy to screw on and off jars
  • wide mouth and regular mouth size
  • visually pleasing; for iced drinks, fruit-infused drinks, and coffees
  • monitor liquid intake; can see how much you've drank (or still need to drink)
  • making sun tea
  • resistant to staining (I'm not sure how but my oldest iLIDS have zero tea, coffee, or berry juice stains)
  • reduces costs of buying drinks outside the home and reducing waste of single serving drinks
  • many colors to choose from
  • different styles of iLIDS to choose from (drink, storage, and sports drink)

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

The Best Affordable, Super Sharp Kitchen and Steak Knives Set

Sharp knives are the most important tools in any kitchen. A good chef’s knife, slicer (AKA carving knife), santoku, utility or prep, paring, and serrated bread knife (along with a boning knife, if you frequently debone bone-in meat or poultry) can help you accomplish any food cutting, slicing or chopping task faster and more efficiently.

Using only very sharp kitchen knives is extremely important, not just because they enable you to make faster, easier, more precise cuts but also because they’re safer. A dull blade that doesn’t slide easily into the food you are slicing, paring, etc., requires more force and is much more likely to slide off the food and slice into your finger or hand instead.

Fortunately, with a little effort, it is possible to find good quality kitchen knives that retain their sharpness well with just simple, routine maintenance. In this product review, I’ll share the well-made, affordable, super sharp kitchen and steak knives set I bought last month that also includes a wood storage block.

Photo of Astercook 15-piece knives and knife block set

True confession: I held onto our 30+-year-old Chicago Cutlery stainless steel kitchen knives for way too long. I received the set as a gift when I was too young to know that kitchen knives shouldn't go through the dishwasher (regardless of "dishwasher safe" marketing claims that benefit manufacturers and retailers by increasing both short-term and long-term sales, since blades with ruined edges needs to be replaced more often). The riveted wood handles had become loose and wobbly thanks to swelling and shrinking during dishwasher cycles, and the blades had become so nicked and dull that they couldn't hold an edge even with routine honing and sharpening. This made slicing, dicing, chopping and cutting slow and laborious and caused more frequent cut fingers. I don't know why I waited so long to replace them.

Not All High-Carbon Stainless Steel Knives Are Alike

Several years ago, I took advantage of an Amazon Prime Day deal for a kitchen and steak knife set with sharp blades and molded plastic handles. It also included kitchen shears and a wood storage block with a built-in blade sharpener instead of a honing rod (before I knew that frequent sharpening was a bad idea!).

I explained to my husband that, unlike our previous, beat-up set that had been through the dishwasher countless times (and had the beat-up, dull edges to prove it), our new one had high-carbon stainless steel blades that would need to be hand washed and towel dried thoroughly immediately after use to avoid rust. John is a wonderful cook who makes dinner on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights (I am so blessed!). However, whereas I try to clean as I go when I'm cooking, he prefers to focus on the food and leave the clean-up until after dessert. Old habits are hard to break, and despite his best efforts, he often forgot to wash and dry the new kitchen knives right away. Predictably, the blades routinely developed light rust spots. Eventually, we gave the set to a young relative who was moving into his first apartment.

I bought a Victorinox Fibrox Pro 8-Inch Chef's Knife (model 45520), the winner of Cook's Illustrated favorite chef's knives under $75, which my husband and I really enjoy using. It has a molded, ergonomic, thermoplastic handle for a comfortable grip and sharpens very nicely. Best of all, it can be hand washed and left to drip dry in our awesome over-the-sink dish drying rack without developing rust stains, which makes both of us happy, and cost less than $40 on Amazon (as of this post's publication date). We love it so much that I gifted one to my brother when he started teaching himself to cook. It's still my husband's go-to kitchen knife.

We already owned an excellent handcrafted, serrated bread knife with a beautiful handle that I had purchased long ago at an upscale art and craft fair from the man who made it. Between it and our Victorinox Fibrox Pro, we made do just fine for a year or two. However, while a chef's knife is the single most useful size, shape and style, it isn't optimal for tasks like paring, carving, or making precision cuts or paper-thin slices. So, a few months ago I started looking for a new kitchen knife set that we could use without having to worry about rust spots developing if they weren't washed and dried as soon as we finished using them.

My first step was to check out Cook's Illustrated's knife block set reviews. None of the preconfigured sets they tested met their criteria for top picks. Instead, they put together two highly recommended sets that buyers could assemble but purchasing specific, individual kitchen knives and the testers' favorite knife block. The total cost of these two assemble-your-own "knife block sets" came to $440 and $224, respectively, well above my target price range.

Next, since I really wanted the sharpness and more refined edges of high-carbon stainless steel blades, I decided to look at moderately-priced high-carbon stainless steel kitchen knife sets with "dishwasher safe" marketing claims. Even though I would never put mine in the dishwasher, I reasoned that a set that claimed to be dishwasher safe might be less prone to rust or corrosion than our previous set.

After copious research and reading products reviews to see what customers experienced in terms of both performance and ease of maintenance, I found an affordable set with good reviews on Amazon and decided to buy it.

Astercook 15-piece kitchen knife block set
My Astercook 15-piece knife set with storage block includes kitchen shears, an excellent honing rod and six serrated seak knives (one of which is shown below the honing steel).

Astercook 15-Piece German High-Carbon Stainless Steel Knife Set with Storage Block

Our new Astercook 15-piece German high-carbon stainless steel kitchen knife block set has performed admirably since I bought it nearly two months ago. It is serviceable rather than fancy, which is exactly what we need, and it has not only the essentials but also several nice-to-have and bonus tools.

The Essentials

  • 8" chef's knife
A Western-style chef's knife, with its curved tip, is the most versatile and efficient tool for many tasks, especially those requiring a rocking motion. It's the one we use most often.

    • 8" serrated bread knife
    This versatile blade has many uses beyond just slicing bread. We like using it to cut through fruits that have a thick skin or rind (e.g., pineapple, watermelon) and delicate foods (e.g., slicing cake horizontally into layers).

      • 3.5” paring knife
      The blade is a great length for tasks like peeling, quartering and coring apples, while the sharp, pointed tip makes hulling strawberries a breeze.

        The Nice-to-Haves

        • 7" santoku
        This smaller, lighter, sharper Japanese-style chef's knife was designed for the more precise cuts used to prepare Japanese food and is nearly as versatile as its Western counterpart. I love it for cutting very thin slices of cucumber and other vegetables and prefer it to a serrated bread blade (which also works) for slicing tomatoes cleanly with minimal loss of the interior jelly and seeds. (Did you know that most of a tomato's flavor is in the "guts," i.e., the jelly and seeds?)

          • 8" slicer
          The long, straight blade makes this our tool of choice for carving large, even slices of meat, poultry or fish.

            • 5” utility knife
            Shorter than the chef's but longer than the paring, we love using this versatile midsize, mid-weight blade for slicing hard cheese or salami, mincing parsley, breaking down or deboning poultry and many other tasks.

              Bonus Items

              • Six serrated steak knives
              The 4.5" serrated blades slice effortlessly through cooked meats and stay sharp longer than blades with straight edges.They definitely add to our enjoyment of a good steak!

                • Honing rod (AKA honing steel)
                Like all blades, the ones in this high-carbon stainless steel kitchen knife set require frequent honing to keep them sharp and prolong the need for sharpening. The honing rod that comes with this set does a fabulous job and is far superior to the one from my 30+-year-old set. Just a quick pass or two lets me restore the edges from somewhat sharp to razor-sharp.

                Note: This stainless steel blade honing tool is often referred to as a "sharpening steel" or "sharpening rod." See "What's the Difference Between Honing and Sharpening?" (below) to understand why that's a misnomer.

                  • Kitchen shears
                  These have so many uses! I find it quicker and easier to use kitchen shears for things like making a chiffonade of fresh basil leaves (i.e., stacking, rolling and cutting them into thin strips), snipping fresh chives or scallions into small pieces, cutting up sticky dried fruits (oil the blades first to minimize sticking), and trimming excess pie dough, green beans, fat, etc. As a bonus, this thoughtfully designed pair also has a handy built-in bottle opener!

                  Tip: To help keep the blades sharp, reserve these kitchen shears for food use only and keep a pair of utility scissors in your kitchen drawer for non-food tasks, such as cutting open bags and boxes or cutting baking parchment paper to size.

                    • Acacia wood storage block
                    The wood knife block is not as well made or nicely finished as the tools it holds, which was a bit disappointing but definitely not a deal-breaker. The one we received is darker and has a less attractive wood grain pattern than those in the Amazon listing photos (but is very similar to the one in the product video) and the edges around the slots are a bit rough.

                    That said, it does its job of protecting the knives, kitchen shears and honing rod when not in use and, as you can see, it looks fine on our kitchen counter.

                      Excellent Value, Affordable Price

                      Here are some of the attributes that make this Astercook 15-piece knife set with storage block my pick for the best affordable, super sharp kitchen and steak knives set.

                      • 15-piece set includes everything a home cook needs to choose the best cutting tool for any task
                      • Comfortable in the hand, with enough clearance under the handles to wrap your fingers around them
                      • Forged (vs. stamped), seamless construction
                      • Extremely sharp, German high-carbon stainless steel blades that hold their edge well with frequent honing
                      • Rust-resistant (not rustproof)
                        • Even though the Amazon product listing claims this set is "dishwasher safe", that claim (for any knife set, not just this one) is a marketing gimmick. Believe the Astercook user manual that comes with the set, which clearly states that blades should never go into the dishwasher. That said, if you really don't want to wash and dry them by hand, you can run them through the dishwasher as long as you are willing to have them sharpened frequently and accept that they will need to be replaced much sooner than if you care for them properly.
                      • Lifetime warranty (note that a few Amazon reviewers had difficulty reaching the manufacturer)
                      • Impressive value—a full set of six good quality kitchen knives, six serrated steak knives, a honing steel, a pair of kitchen shears and an acacia wood knife block, all for less than $40 with free Amazon Prime shipping (at the time of this post’s publication)

                      How to Keep Your New Kitchen Knives Sharp

                      Frequent honing will maintain a blade's sharp edge(s) and prolong the its useful life, since most can only be re-sharpened a limited number of times.

                      What's the Difference Between Honing and Sharpening?

                      Honing realigns and smooths the metal along a blade's existing cutting edge to restore its sharpness. Since no metal is removed, you can hone a blade as often as you wish (some people do it either before or after each use) without damaging the edge, as long as you maintain the correct angle as you are sliding it across the honing rod. However, honing won't sharpen a dull blade, which is why it's important to hone frequently to maintain the sharp edge as long as possible.

                      Sharpening removes metal (with abrasives such as a whetstone, diamond sharpening block or manual or electric knife sharpener) to create a new cutting edge. Even with routine maintenance, a blade that gets a lot of use will dull eventually and will need sharpening. Creating the original cutting edge and sharpening the blade correctly when it becomes dull requires precision. For example, different types of blades have cutting edges at different angles, and some are beveled on both sides while others are beveled on only one side. A professional knife sharpening service will deliver the best results at a very reasonable price. However, it's also possible to do a creditable job yourself if you are willing to invest in a high quality knife sharpener, such as Cook's Illustrated's top picks, the three-stage Chef's Choice Trizor 15XV Knife Sharpener and the more affordable, two-stage Chef's Choice 315XV Knife Sharpener.

                      Side view of Astercook 15-piece knife block set
                      This attractive, well-appointed set would make a wonderful gift!

                      A Thoughtful Gift

                      This 15-piece set of high-carbon stainless steel kitchen and steak knives, kitchen shears, honing rod and knife block makes a great gift under $40! Here are just a few ideas for potential gift recipients:

                      • Engaged couples or newlyweds
                      • Cooking enthusiasts
                      • High school graduates headed to college away from home
                      • Anyone who is moving into their first apartment or house and needs to outfit their first kitchen
                      • A would-be home cook who wants to improve their knife skills
                      • Grandparents who haven't replaced their kitchen knives in many years
                      • Anyone with old, dull, or low-quality kitchen knives
                      • Someone who frequently cuts their fingers while prepping food

                      I'll bet there's someone on your gift list who would be thrilled to receive this set as a wedding, engagement, graduation, housewarming or "just because" present.

                      Also, if your current tools aren't as comfortable, well-balanced and sharp as you would like and prepping ingredients takes more time and effort than it should, consider this affordable, super sharp kitchen and steak knives set as a gift to yourself. Remember, dull blades are more likely to skip, slip and accidentally cut you instead of your food. A set that can maintain a very sharp edge with just routine honing makes food prep not just faster, easier and more enjoyable but also safer! 

                      The Best Affordable, Super Sharp Kitchen and Steak Knives Set by Margaret Schindel

                      Read More of My Kitchen Product Reviews

                      The Best Powerful, Lightweight Stick Blender With Versatile Attachments

                      The Best Large, Sturdy, Adjustable, Over-the-Sink Dish Drying Rack

                      The Best Affordable Programmable Large- and Small-Batch Coffee Maker

                      The Best Loud, Easy to Read Multi-Event Digital Timers

                      How to Choose the Best Fine Mesh Kitchen Strainers

                      Open Jars Easily With Jar Heads Rubber Jar Opener Gripper Pads

                      OXO Good Grips Non-Stick Pro Loaf Pan Review

                      Copper Chef Black Diamond Nonstick Cookware Review

                      Puracy Natural Dish Soap: Eco-Friendly, Effective, Made in the USA

                      Reviews of Silicone Kitchen Tools and Accessories for Cooking and Baking Enthusiasts

                      Thermos Stainless King Travel Tumblers & Travel Mugs Review

                      Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

                      Wednesday, January 4, 2023

                      My 10 Best Product Reviews of 2022 Revisited

                      Last year I published 18 in-depth, personal product reviews here on Review This Reviews. As I was looking back at them recently, I decided to revisit and share my 10 favorite products that I reviewed in 2022.

                      My 10 Best Product Reviews of 2022 Revisited
                      Check out the best products I reviewed in 2022 to find some great buys in 2023!

                      My Top 10 Product Reviews From 2022

                      I hope the reviews I've chosen to highlight in this "best of 2022" collection will help you find some new favorites of your own, as well as some terrific gift ideas for others to enjoy.

                      My Favorite Fashion Product Review

                      VIKIDEER Microfleece Lined, Ultra Soft Lambskin Leather Touchscreen Gloves

                      Winter here in New England is long and extremely cold. These VIKIDEER microfleece-lined, ultra soft lambskin leather touchscreen gloves keep my always-chilly hands and arms warm and cozy, even when I need to pull out my mobile phone, Kindle or other touchscreen device.

                      VIKIDEER long, warm, lined, lambskin leather touchscreen  gloves
                      VIKIDEER Elegant Winter Black Long Leather Full Touchscreen Gloves for Women

                      They're also long enough to prevent any gap below the hem of my coat sleeves when I bend or raise my arms, so they stay nice and toasty even in the chilliest weather. Any woman who lives in a cold climate would love to receive these as a gift!

                      Check out my in-depth review of these Long, Lined Leather Gloves - A Luxurious, Affordable Gift She'll Love.

                      My Best Gift Review for Music, Audiobook and Podcast Lovers

                      SHOKZ OpenRun Pro Bone Conduction Bluetooth Headphones

                      My husband and I love listening to audiobooks or music while we are doing chores, relaxing, traveling, etc. We both love our SHOKZ bone conduction Bluetooth headphones and wear them all the time.

                      Man wearing SHOKZ OpenRun Pro bone conduction Bluetooth headphones
                      SHOKZ OpenRun Pro Open-Ear Bluetooth Bone Conduction Sport Headphones

                      He first introduced me to bone-conduction Bluetooth headphones several years ago, and I've never looked back! Bone-conduction headphones use a technology that transmits sound vibrations along your cheekbones instead of through the air into your ears. It's great for someone like me, who has difficulty with ear buds, and for my husband, who has itchy ears and doesn't like anything in or against them. 

                      SHOKZ is the undisputed leader in bone conduction headphones. They make a variety of styles, but our favorites by far are the OpenRun and OpenRun Pro, which are both ultra lightweight. In fact, I often tease my husband about his SHOKZ bone conduction headphones being permanently grafted onto his head, since they are so comfortable that he forgets he's wearing them and almost never takes them off during the day, even when he's not listening to anything through them.

                      Learn more about why we're such hugs fans in The Best Bone-Conduction Bluetooth Headphones Review: Shokz OpenRun Pro.

                      My Best Gift Review Pick for Recipients Who Are Hard to Buy For

                      DuraTech Tool Roll Organizer With 21 Pockets

                      My husband enjoys working on cars, scale models, and model trains. As a result, he has several collections of prized hand tools for both automotive and hobby use. Keeping not only his wrenches and sockets but also his fine precision tools organized and well protected is a high priority for him. 

                      DuraTech tool storage organizer - rolled up and latched

                      After considerable product research, I chose this attractive, durable, well-designed and well-made DuraTech tool roll organizer as a Christmas gift for him and he absolutely loves it. 

                      Here's a view of the interior, filled with his precision hand tools, including fine nippers, needle nose pliers, precision tweezers and X-ACTO knives:

                      DuraTech tool roll organizer, unrolled to show tools stored inside
                      DURATECH Tool Roll Organizer, 21 Pockets Tool Bag Roll

                      I'm planning to buy one for myself for my most-often-used jewelry making and crafting tools.

                      Find out more about why this makes such a terrific gift for anyone who relies on hand tools for hobbies, models, automotive repairs, etc. in my review of The Best Tool Roll Organizer To Store & Protect Your Tools.

                      My Best Health Product Review

                      Dnsly Ultrasonic Toothbrush Set With Travel Case and Extra Brush Heads

                      I've been using top name brand ultrasonic toothbrushes with fancy features from Oral-B and Philips Sonicare for most of my life. A few months ago, however, I switched to this much more affordable and equally effective Dnsly ultrasonic toothbrush set with a choice of five brushing modes (White, Clean, Sensitive, Polish and Massage). It also has ultra soft bristles that protect my gums from erosion as well as compact brush heads and an interdental brush that make it easier to get into hard-to-reach spots. 

                      Dnsly electric toothbrush with travel case
                      Dnsly Sonic Electric Toothbrush with 5 Modes, 2-Minute Smart Timer, 8 Brush Heads, 1 Travel Case

                      The set I purchased includes a hard, fitted travel case, a clear plastic brush head cover (so you can toss it in your purse or briefcase without carrying the travel case) and seven brush heads, in addition to the tiny, pointed interdental brush. You can brush twice a day for 30 days on a single 4-hour charge, which makes it perfect for travel! 

                      Check out this affordable, high quality set in my product review of The Best Dentist Approved, Inexpensive, 5-Mode Electric Toothbrush.

                      My Top 3 Kitchen Product Reviews

                      I enjoy cooking and baking, but not washing dishes. Three of my favorite product purchases for 2022 were kitchen items that have made our time spent prepping, making good food and cleaning up more efficient and enjoyable.

                      Adjustable Stainless Steel 3-Tier Over Sink Dish Drying Rack

                      The first was this fabulous three-tier 304 stainless steel dish drying rack that has gotten all our nonstick cookware, bakeware, oversized items (like the Vitamix blender jar and the large cake storage box in the photo) and other hand washable items off our countertops. (This large-capacity drying rack also comes in a smaller, two-tier version.)

                      Boosiny stainless steel, 3-tier over sink dish drying rack
                      BOOSINY Adjustable 3-Tier Over Sink Dish Drying Rack, 304 Stainless Steel

                      We love the adjustable-height shelves and moveable accessories, such as the hanging hooks, utensil holder, cup hooks, soap/sponge tray and cutting board holder, that we can configure to our needs and preferences. With the limited counter space in our old galley kitchen, this over-the-sink dish drying rack has been a godsend! And the convenience of being able to simply hang items to drip dry after hand washing them means we save electricity by running our dishwasher less often.

                      Read my full review of The Best Large, Sturdy, Adjustable, Over-the-Sink Dish Drying Rack to learn more about why it is one of my favorite product purchases of the past year.

                      Mueller Ultra-Stick 500 Watt 9-Speed Immersion Blender, Electric Whisk and Frother

                      My second favorite kitchen purchase from 2022 is this awesome Müeller Ultra-Stickmulti-purpose hand blender with a heavy-duty 500-watt copper motor and brushed stainless steel body. The comfortable handle with an ergonomic, non-slip grip makes this hand blender a pleasure to use, and the powerful motor offers 9 speeds and a Turbo Mode for a burst of extra power when needed.

                      Müeller Multi-Purpose Ultra-Stick Hand Blender model MU-HB-02
                      Mueller Ultra-Stick 500 Watt 9-Speed Immersion Multi-Purpose Hand Blender

                      The three attachments make this three, high-quality, small kitchen appliances in one: an immersion blender, an electric whisk and a milk frother. We use ours all the time for blending soups, making fresh whipped cream and frothing milk for our coffee (or making frothy bulletproof coffee or silky-smooth hot cocoa).

                      Read my detailed review of The Best Powerful, Lightweight Stick Blender With Versatile Attachments.

                      Astercook 15-piece German Stainless Steel Kitchen and Steak Knives Set With Wooden Storage Block

                      My third kitchen product purchase from last year that my husband and I have really been enjoying is our Astercook kitchen and steak knives set.

                      Astercook 15-piece stainless steel kitchen and steak knives set in a wood storage block
                      Asktercook 15-piece German high-carbon stainless steel kitchen & steak knives set with storage block

                      This 15-piece set includes an acacia wood knife block fitted with a full set of the most useful kitchen knives, including an 8" chef knife, 8" slicing knife, 7" santoku knife, 8" serrated bread knife, 5" utility knife and a 3.5" paring knife; a set of six 4.5" serrated steak knives; a pair of kitchen shears with a handy built-in bottle opener; and a sturdy sharpening steel for honing the sharp, German stainless steel blades to keep them "in good nick." 

                      My husband and I have been extremely pleased with the quality of these knives, especially considering the extremely low price (less than $45 as of this post's publication date)!

                      Learn more about this excellent, inexpensive knife set that would be a great addition to any kitchen, and a welcome gift for anyone outfitting their first kitchen, in my in-depth review of The Best Affordable, Super Sharp Kitchen and Steak Knives Set.

                      My Favorite Low Carb and Keto Food Reviews

                      Scotty's Everyday Keto Pizza Crust Mix With 0 Net Carbs Per Slice

                      My husband and I both love high-carbohydrate foods like breads, rolls, cookies, cakes and pizza. We have chosen to cut back substantially on both carbs and highly processed foods because of the health benefits we have both noticed when we eat a very low carb, largely whole food diet. Even though my husband is quite slim and has to make sure he eats enough calories to avoid losing weight, we both have experienced significant improvements in mental clarity and focus, reduction in joint pain and inflammation, and other health benefits by eating this way. However, neither of us is willing to give up our favorite foods, so I invest time and effort researching, trying out and evaluating healthy, low carb alternatives for foods like pizza crusts and burger buns.

                      I have tried several low carb pizza crust mix products and recipes, and one of my favorites so far is Scotty's Everyday Keto Pizza Crust Mix. 

                      Pizza made with Scotty's Everyday Keto Pizza Crust Mix

                      One of the reasons is convenience, since this mix calls for only olive oil and water, both of which we always have on hand. Others include speed (just mix, roll and bake), fairly clean, healthy ingredients), high in dietary fiber, low in calories and 0 net carbs per slice, and a surprisingly good taste and texture considering the nutritional profile.

                      This mix makes a pizza crust that, unlike some low carb options, is crisp on the outside, slightly chewy on the inside, and sturdy enough to pick up and eat with your hands. We love being able to eat pizza for dinner once a week again and have fun changing up the toppings to keep things interesting.

                      Check out my full review of The Best Keto Pizza Crust Mix With 0 Net Carbs including some of our favorite low carb, keto friendly pizza toppings.

                      KetoBakes Best EVER Sandwich Buns Keto Bake Mix

                      Update July 2023: Sadly, KetoBakes has gone out of business. 

                      My husband makes the best burgers and, for many years, we have had a tradition of him making his special Friday night burgers (or, as we like to call them, Friday night "burglars") to celebrate the end of the work week and kick off the weekend. Although some people enjoy using lettuce as a burger wrap, we much prefer ours on a nice, soft, lightly toasted bun. And, although we love Natural Ovens Bakery Keto-Friendly Buns and often keep a few bags in our freezer, they contain a few ingredients that aren't strictly "clean keto" and are not gluten-free.

                      So, unless I'm pressed for time, I prefer baking fresh burger buns using KetoBakes Best EVER Sandwich Buns Keto Bake Mix, which lives up to its name as far as keto-friendly buns are concerned.

                      KetoBakes Best Ever Sandwich Bun Mix
                      KetoBakes Best EVER Sandwich Buns Keto Bake Mix

                      This mix has clean ingredients, the same ones I would use if I were baking keto buns from scratch, and makes soft, pillowy, yummy buns that are perfect for burgers or sandwiches. They also freeze beautifully, which I do in my favorite Stasher reusable silicone 1/2 gallon food storage bags, which open and seal incredibly quickly and easily (I love them!). 

                      Get the 411 on this excellent baking mix in my product review of The Best Low Carb Keto Sandwich and Burger Buns Mix.

                      ChocZero Regular and Dark Cocoa Hazelnut Keto Spreads and Livlo Zello Keto-Friendly Chocolate Hazelnut Spread

                      These low-carb chocolate hazelnut spreads with no added sugars offer three excellent, healthy (and keto-friendly) alternatives for people who love Nutella.

                      ChocZero and Livlo ZELLO keto chocolate hazelnut spreads
                      ChocZero Dark Cocoa Hazelnut Keto Spread, Livlo Zello Keto-Friendly Chocolate Hazelnut Spread and ChocZero Cocoa Hazelnut Keto Spread

                      I've provided a detailed side-by-side comparison of the flavor, size, price, nutrition facts, ingredients, dietary restriction / special diets information and other considerations in my review Comparing the Best Keto-Friendly Chocolate Hazelnut Spreads - No Added Sugars.

                      I hope this recap of my 10 favorite products that I reviewed in 2022 helps you find some gift ideas or new favorites of your own for the coming year.

                      Wishing all our Review This Reviews readers and my fellow contributors a healthy, happy, peaceful and prosperous 2023!

                      My 10 Best Product Reviews of 2022 Revisited 

                      by Margaret Schindel

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                      Read More Health Reviews From Our Contributors

                      Read More Kitchen Product Reviews From Our Contributors

                      Read More Low Carb & Keto Diet Reviews From Our Contributors

                      Read More Food Product Reviews From Our Contributors

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                      Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

                      Wednesday, July 20, 2022

                      The Best Low Carb Keto Sandwich and Burger Buns Mix

                      One of the hardest things about sticking to a keto diet or low carb lifestyle is finding good, grain-free alternatives to conventional wheat bread, rolls, buns, etc. The same is true for people with food allergies or other medical conditions that require following a dairy-free, sugar-free, grain-free (or wheat-free) or gluten-free diet.

                      While a burger wrapped in lettuce or sandwiched between pieces of low carb, keto-friendly bread (or whatever wrapper meets your dietary restrictions) is fine, sometimes you just want to eat a burger inside a real hamburger bun. The challenge is finding one with a good enough taste and texture that also fits within your preferred (or medically necessary) healthy eating lifestyle.

                      Today, I'll share my product review of KetoBakes Best EVER Sandwich Buns Keto Bake Mix, the best low carb keto sandwich and burger buns mix I have found since 2019, when I started my keto weight loss diet that helped me lose nearly 60 pounds and then continued to follow a healthy low carb lifestyle.

                      UPDATE:  July, 2023 KetoBakes has announced that it is going out of business. I will try to find a good replacement for their wonderful keto sandwich and burger buns mix.

                      Main Image - KetoBakes Best EVER Sandwich Buns Mix

                      Low Carb, Keto Friendly Burger Buns With a Great Taste and Texture

                      I have tried quite a few commercial low carb burger buns that claimed to be keto friendly. My favorite from a taste and texture perspective are the Sola Golden Wheat Hamburger Buns, which have a taste and texture that resemble their high-carb counterparts more than most. They're soft, sturdy enough to hold up well as a "hamburger holder" or sandwich bun, and both the taste and texture are improved after a minute or two in a toaster oven. They are baked fresh weekly, are shipped frozen and defrost in transit, and the company recommends freezing them upon receipt and thawing them as needed. 

                      They contain 14g of protein, which is great, and 11g of dietary fiber. They also contain 19g total carbs and 6g net carbs after you subtract the 11g of fiber and 2g of sugar alcohol (erythritol), which can be a bit high for someone who is trying to lose weight on a ketogenic diet and has a low daily net carb limit. 

                      Even though they are marketed as "keto-friendly," they contain ingredients such as wheat that are fine for people who are doing so-called "dirty keto" or "lazy keto" but don't fit the requirements for a "clean keto" or strict keto diet. They also contain some ingredients that are food allergens and, therefore, make them off-limits to my friends and family members who need to eat gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, grain-free or even just wheat-free. So, while I really like the Sola Golden Wheat Hamburger Buns, I also wanted to find some low carb burger buns that had not only a satisfying taste and texture but also fewer net carbs and only "clean keto" ingredients. 

                      I have tried a couple of very good low carb recipes for keto burger buns for when I have the time, energy and inclination to bake from scratch, but since we eat burgers twice a week, I wanted low carb burger buns that were either ready-to-use or quick and easy to prepare, especially during the hot summer months. Ideally, they would also be wheat-free, grain-free, sugar-free, soy-free and gluten-free, so all my friends and family members could enjoy them, and a less expensive option than the Sola burger buns would be a bonus.   

                      I tried several keto baking mixes for burger and sandwich buns. Unfortunately, most were disappointing in their taste, texture, or both. Recently, however, I tried a mix from a company I had not heard of before but that had great product reviews: KetoBakes Best EVER Sandwich Buns Keto Bake Mix. My expectations weren't very high, based on my experiences with other keto sandwich bun mixes. Frankly, as someone with a professional background in product marketing, I also was skeptical of a product name that made such a bold marketing claim.

                      To my surprise (and delight), the KetoBakes Best EVER Sandwich Buns Keto Bake Mix really does live up to its name, based on my experience so far with burger bun mixes from competing keto baking mix brands. (I'm always trying new products that fit my low carb lifestyle, so if another challenger de-thrones the KetoBakes low carb sandwich buns mix, I'll update this product review.) 

                      Why KetoBakes Sandwich Buns Baking Mix Really Is the "Best EVER" Keto Burger Buns Mix

                      Why do I think KetoBakes Best EVER Sandwich Buns Keto Bake Mix lives up to its name?

                      Sliced open burger bun made from KetoBakes Best EVER Sandwich Buns Keto Bake Mix
                      This bun made with KetoBakesBest EVER Sandwich Buns Keto Bake Mix is large (and tall) enough for a burger. You can see how nicely the tops brown and the airy texture that keeps these low carb buns from being dense or heavy, like so many keto baked goods.

                      Superior Taste and Texture

                      This mix produces low carb sandwich buns that aren't overly dense, bland, tough or spongy, unlike many other keto-friendly buns. The dough contains yeast, so the buns are light and full of tiny air pockets, while being sturdy enough for a burger or sandwich that you can pick up and eat with your hands without worrying about it crumbling, tearing or sagging. 

                      I find them similar in texture to sandwich buns from a good artisan bakery!

                      High Protein, Moderate Fat, High Fiber, 0g Net Carbs

                      Dividing the prepared dough into 8 portions makes buns that are a good size for a burger or sandwich.

                      Nutrition Facts

                      8 servings per container
                      Serving size: 1/8 (31g)


                      Per 1/8 dry mix

                      Per baked bun (1/8 prepared dough)




                      Total Fat



                        Sat. Fat



                        Trans Fat









                      Total Carbohydrate



                        Dietary Fiber



                        Total Sugars



                          Added Sugars



                        Sugar Alcohol (Erythritol)






                      Net Carbs
                      9g total carbs-8g dietary fiber-1g sugar alcohols = 0 net carbs

                      0g net carbs

                      0g net carbs

                      Non-GMO, Wholesome, Clean Keto Ingredients

                      KetoBakes Best EVER Sandwich Buns Keto Bake Mix contains the same wholesome, "clean" ingredients I use when I bake low carb, grain-free sandwich buns from scratch: 

                      • Non-GMO blanched almond flour
                      • Organic psyllium husk
                      • Certified gluten-free oat fiber
                      • Non-GMO erythritol
                      • Himalayan pink salt
                      • Baking yeast
                      • Aluminum-free baking powder
                      • Xanthan gum
                      • Pure stevia extract powder

                      There's nothing that I can't pronounce or am not familiar with from baking keto recipes and no chemical preservatives.

                      Quick and Easy to Prepare

                      Just mix 1 cup of egg whites, 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 cup of water in a mixing bowl, add in the mix and stir by hand or with an electric mixer for 1 minute (batter will be thick and have a "porridge-like" consistency). Let it rest for 5 minutes to thicken further, then portion the dough with a measuring scoop into 8 portions, either on a parchment-lined baking sheet or a mesh silicone hamburger bun mold. (Note: If baking the buns in this type of mold, increase the egg whites to 1.5 cups.)

                      Bake in a preheated 350 ℉ oven for approximately 55 minutes (covering with foil after 35–40 minutes if the tops are browning too quickly). Allow the baked buns to cool for 10 minutes before slicing or freezing.

                      I love that, even though this baking mix contains yeast, you don't have to wait for the prepared dough to rise!

                      Plate with BBQ pork tenderloin sandwich on a bun made from KetoBakes Best EVER Sandwich Buns Keto Bake Mix

                      Gluten-Free, Wheat-Free, Grain-Free, Soy-Free, Dairy-Free

                      The mix is manufactured in a dedicated gluten-free facility, and both the mix and the prepared buns can accommodate a wide range of dietary preferences and food allergy restrictions. 

                      The Baked Buns Freeze Beautifully and Thaw Quickly

                      Since the mix contains no chemical preservatives, KetoBakes says the baked buns will keep at room temperature for one day, in the refrigerator for one week, or in zippered food storage bags in the freezer for up to four weeks. However, I have stored them successfully in the freezer for significantly longer inside my favorite Stasher Stand-Up Mega Sized Silicone Reusable Storage Bag, which has an innovative air-tight, PINCH-LOC seal that's a cinch to zip and unzip (unlike most zippered food storage bags).

                      The frozen buns thaw quickly and taste even better lightly toasted!

                      Less Expensive Than My Favorite Ready-to-Eat Low Carb Sandwich and Burger Buns

                      High quality keto and low carb baked goods and baking mixes are, of necessity more expensive to produce than their conventional, big brand name counterparts, thanks to the higher cost of cleaner, more nutritious ingredients (e.g., almond flour and natural sweeteners vs. wheat flour and cane sugar). The best quality mixes made with wholesome, less processed, healthier ingredients are also often made by smaller companies. Both these factors contribute to the higher retail price of good quality of high quality, healthy, low carb, keto-friendly baked goods and baking mixes.

                      The Sola Golden Wheat Hamburger Buns are already baked and ready to eat. Naturally, that convenience costs more. I always order six packages of four, since the price per bun for a single package of four is cost-prohibitive. As of this post's publication date, a two-pack of 4 Sola hamburger buns (8 buns) costs $13.99, or $3.50 per bun(!), whereas a six-pack (24 buns) costs $32.10, or $1.33 per bun.

                      A single bag of KetoBakes Best EVER Sandwich Buns Keto Bake Mix makes 8 large buns and sells on Amazon for $9.99 as of this writing, or $1.25 per bun plus the cost of the added egg whites and apple cider vinegar. The price for a 3-pack of the mix (24 buns) is $29.99, which comes out to the same price per bun as the single bag of mix. You can also buy a 6-pack of the mix (48 buns) for $55.23, bringing down the cost to $1.15 per bun (plus the cost of the egg whites and vinegar).

                      Versatile Keto-Friendly Baking Mix for Sandwich Buns, Burger Buns, Dinner Rolls or Baguettes

                      In addition to making delicious sandwich buns, the prepared KetoBakes Best EVER Sandwich Buns Keto Bake Mix dough can be portioned out with a 1/3-cup scoop to make 10–11 dinner rolls or shaped into baguettes no wider than 3" in diameter. The package directions provide the adjusted baking times for these variations.

                      Family-Owned Small Business

                      I love to find great products from small, family-owned businesses, especially when the quality is superior to what is available from the big-name brands and huge, multinational corporations that dominate the food industry and sacrifice quality for profits.

                      Note from KetoBakes small business owners on back of sandwich buns baking mix package

                      I also trust small, family-owned companies like KetoJoy and its KetoBakes brand low carb baking mixes, whose owners put their faces, names, personal stories and passion for their mission on their products and marketing.

                      If you've been looking for great-tasting, healthy, low carb, keto-friendly sandwich and burger buns with wholesome, non-GMO, clean ingredients, I'm confident that you'll love KetoBakes Best EVER Sandwich Buns Keto Bake Mix as much as I do!

                      The Best Low Carb Keto Sandwich and Burger Buns Mix by Margaret Schindel

                      Posts About My Keto Diet Journey

                      My First Year on The Keto Diet

                      Preparing to Succeed on the Keto Diet, Part One

                      Preparing to Succeed on the Keto Diet, Part Two

                      Low Carb Muffins & Cupcakes: Treats to Enjoy on a Keto Diet

                      Low Carb Keto Chocolate Yogurt Granola Chip Pudding Recipe

                      Good Dee’s Keto Cookie Low Carb Baking Mix Review

                      Hamama Microgreens Growing Kit Review & Success Tips

                      My Favorite Hamama Microgreens Seed Quilt Accessories

                      Keto Cheddar Cheese Biscuits With Chives Recipe

                      The Ultimate Keto Hot Chocolate Recipe

                      The Best Low Carb Keto Gift Ideas: Keto Gift Guide

                      The Best Low Carb Keto Cinnamon Muffins

                      Wholesome Yum Keto Bread Mix and Yeast Bread Recipe

                      The Good Chocolate 100% Organic No Sugar Dark Chocolate Review

                      The Best Advice to Maintain Your Keto Diet Weight Loss

                      My New Irresistibly Delicious Keto Cheese Crackers Recipe

                      Luscious Low Carb Keto Triple Peppermint Cheesecake Brownies Recipe

                      Quick & Easy Livlo Blueberry Scones Keto Baking Mix Review

                      Snack Better With The Best Healthy Keto Cookie Dough Bites

                      The Best Quick and Easy Low Carb Keto Pizza Recipe

                      The Best Quick and Easy Low Carb Keto Shortcake Cupcakes Recipe

                      Comparing the Best Keto-Friendly Chocolate Hazelnut Spreads - No Added Sugars

                      The Best Low Carb Keto Sandwich and Burger Buns Mix

                      Blueberry Biscuit Scones — New, Easy, Low Carb Keto Recipe

                      The Best Keto Pizza Crust Mix With 0 Net Carbs

                      An Unusual, Delicious Strawberry Chocolate Tea With 0 Calories

                      Delicious Sugar-Free Keto Cookies That OREO Fans Will Love

                      Healthy Pistachio Cherry Chocolate Chip Marshmallow Cereal Treats Recipe

                      Easy, Decadent, High Protein, Sugar-Free Rocky Road Cottage Cheese Ice Cream

                      The Best Quick & Easy Low Carb Sausage and Ricotta Calzones

                      How to Make Refreshing Vanilla Italian Soda (With or Without Cream)

                      Reviews of the Keto Diet by Barbara C. (aka Brite-Ideas)

                      My Personal Keto Testimonial

                      How I Stayed Committed to the Ketogenic Way of Eating

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