Showing posts with label Brite-Ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brite-Ideas. Show all posts

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Landscaping Solution for Areas Where the Grass Won't Grow

Our Front Yard Fix - My DIY Stepping Stone Solution
When You Want to Keep Your Trees but Can't Keep the Lawn

If you don't have to, don't cut down the trees.

Let me start by saying that I'm not a gardening expert. 

However, I did manage to pull off this DIY. Review the photos featured here to get a good look at the results.

Over 20 years ago we moved into our home in a new tree-less development. Other than the one tree the city provided, the yard was simply grass and a builder's walkway.

Landscaping was a must for us so we got busy planting trees and had a lovely interlocking walkway put in around the home.

My husband picked a tree he liked, a Birch Tree, and I picked a tree I liked, a Blue Spruce. We had both planted in the front yard with the birch tree surrounded by a small island featuring easy to care for Juniper. 

We put Boxwoods along the walkway, cedar trees on each side of the garage doors and a Bristol
A Close Up of Part of the
Front Yard
Ruby Weigela by the porch. On the other side of the driveway we had an English Oak Tree planted, which today, is magnificent.

For the back yard we planted about 50 cedar trees around the fence. You can see pictures of the backyard here with some gardening tips here.

In those early years, the trees were essentially our height or lower so keeping the lawn green and healthy was never an issue, until the trees became very large and as you can well imagine the little bit of exposed lawn in the front yard turned into a disaster.

One Day, I Decided that Was IT! No More

LOL I'm not exaggerating. One day about ten years ago I arrived home from work and solicited the help of my sons to do some Diy landscaping. Off we went to the local Home Depot to purchase the stepping stones you see in the photos. 

I chose bigger irregular stepping stones for most of the what was left of the lawn area, and smaller ones to go in front of the island. 

Not wanting the dirt to show between the stepping stones and not wanting to wait for planted ground cover to grow, I choose small red gardening rocks to fill in the cracks.

The only thing I forgot to do was to line the area with a protection barrier fabric to prevent the weeds from growing through the stones. But that's ok, I just dig out the weeds between the stones from time to time. It's good exercise, in fact I just did it again the other day.

A Closer Look - DIY Stepping Stone Fix
Also, to finish the look I put red cedar wood chips around the bushes and along the walkway. 

Was This a Hard DIY?

No. Since the lawn was mostly gone, there wasn't much digging to do to get the yard ready to receive the stepping stones. We poured the small red colored rock between the stones. Oh, and my sons did the heavy lifting.

Had I Ever Done This Type of Work Before?

No. I was totally inexperienced. The only advantage I may have had was that in my real estate years I had seen a great deal of property, and thus had a lot of visual assistance stored in the back of my mind.

What Tips Would You Give?

The most important aspect, at least for me, was to look carefully at the yard to roughly determine the
A Section of the Backyard Along the Fence where
the Grass doesn't Grow - These stepping stones are NOT
positioned close together on purpose!
size of the stepping stones needed and then do a bit of math to establish how many stones to buy.

It's easier to be as exact as you can than to continuously go back to the store to get additional stepping stones. However, I didn't get it right the first time either; I ended up at the store twice.

Also, install enough stepping stones. In other words, don't try to save money by spacing them too far apart so you won't need as many.

The closer together they are, the better the finished product will look. Plus, having them closer together means fewer red colored rocks.

What Did this Project Cost You?

Ok.... Remember this was done around 2008. My estimated price for the work I personally did was about $1000(ish) Canadian. Of course that doesn't include the trees or the professionally installed walkways. That money includes the stepping stones, cedar red chips, and red colored rocks. No labour costs, as of course, it was a DIY.

Don't be afraid to try this, it's a lot easier than it looks. I am not an expert and managed, so I'm sure you could as well. The photos really don't do this DIY justice :)

This is a recent photo (2018) - Stepping Stones still Holding Up Nicely, 10 Years Later

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, July 8, 2018

How to Bring English Ivy Back to Life - A Review of What Worked

How to Repair English Ivy
Let me start by saying, I'm not a gardening expert.

What you'll find here is something I tried from an online search on how to bring English Ivy back to life … and it sounded too simple, but it freaking worked!

I can't guarantee you'll have as much luck as I did, but considering how easy it was, perhaps you'll be able to restore your Ivy as well? It's worth a try.

I've included a couple of videos, both taken just recently in 2018: One shows the disaster that our Ivy became this year, along with patchy, blotchy lawn.

The other video shows the results of new lawn growth and Ivy growth after using the two products indicated below.

BEFORE: Take a Look at the Disaster of our Ivy this Year. You'll also see the Lawn before the Repairs. What a Mess!

What Killed the Ivy You Ask?

The Ivy that surrounds our back patio has been there, without ever dying, since we had the patio installed in the early 1990s. I've NEVER had to repair it. The Ivy has always been a reliable patio ground-cover support.

We chose Ivy because it's maintenance free and has been so until this year, 2018.

So what took the life out of our Ivy? It could have been the harsh winter we just had, but I doubt that as we've had many harsh winters over the past twenty plus years. Or it could have been dog urine. We recently had a lovely dog visitor over the winter and he enjoyed choosing the Ivy to do his business on. Quite frankly, we suspect it was the doggie urine.

What Did We Do to Repair the Ivy?

The big secret was Miracle Grow. Honestly our Ivy was so bad that I really didn't expect it to work. After searching online for what to use to revive the Ivy, the most consistent response Google kept kicking back was 'Miracle Grow'. So I gave in, and tried it.

AFTER: Take a Look at the Ivy and Lawn After the Repair was Done this Year!

There's a Few HOWEVERS Though

1. However, as mentioned above, each year I repair our lawn with Scotts EZseed Patch and Repair. Scotts EZ is a combination of Mulch, Seed and Fertilizer.
Here's the Ivy fully Repaired - The Lawn Growing Nicely

I highly recommend Scotts EZSeed!

Every year I buy several large bags and spread it along the perimeter of our cedar trees and on the dry dead patches of our lawn.

The cedar trees suck the life out of our lawn, so after replacing our lawn three times over the past several decades, I decided to consistently repair it year after year instead. Best decision.

Also, I  did try another brand of Lawn Repair and Scotts was far superior.

The reason I mention the Lawn repair is because who knows whether the fertilizer in it somehow enhanced the Miracle Grow on the Ivy. Not being a gardener, I have no idea, but thought you should know.

2. That's not the only fertilizer in our yard. Each year I also put 36 Tree Fertilizer Spikes in the ground around the cedars. You can read about how awesome that works for the trees here.

So in summary, our annual routine is normally tree fertilizer spikes and Scotts EZSeed Repair for the lawn, but this year's disaster with the Ivy called for Miracle Grow to repair it, and it worked!

Here's What the Ivy Looked Liked Last Year and Every Year Before that - Before the 'Dead Ivy' Crisis of 2018.

We've restored the Ivy again and it's Well on it's Way to Looking Like it has for over 20 Years

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Sunday, July 1, 2018

A Terrific Upbeat Country Song that Makes You Feel Happy

Listen to "Long Live the Night" by the Reklaws
Great Song! - Available on iTunes
Canada Loves Country Music

To honor Canada Day I wanted to take a minute and introduce you to this brother and sister duo, Jenna and Stuart Walker, known in the Canadian Country Music scene as 'The Reklaws'.

We music fans switch up our favorite songs from time to time, and at the moment this brother and sister duo from Cambridge, Ontario, Canada have me blasting their latest song Long Live the Night.

With the world dishing out stress like skittles right now, sometimes we need a song that makes us jump around and dance like fools.

Long Live the Night by the Reklaws is therapeutic for me; it's that 'release song'.

When the local radio station plays this tune, ask my kids just how nuts their mom gets. Yep, bat*hit bouncing looney. The volume dial gets turned up to 40 and everything else in the world stops. The only thing I hear (and of course the neighbors) is this song. For 3:32 nothing else matters.

We all need a song that reminds us to take a breath and have fun. With all the serious issues that fill our days sometimes the only solution is upbeat, positive music.

The Lyrics Remind Us of the Important Things - These Particular Lyrics Hit Me Like a Ton of Bricks:

Full moon rising
We ain't there yet
Every minute's a memory so drink it in
Before you know it's over, man it flies by fast
Make it last

For those of us who have lived a little longer and who have grown kids, words like 'before you know it's over, man it flies by fast' have an especially poignant meaning.

Oh the power of a song! This young talented duo takes me back to the days when my husband and I were building memories.

The song's upbeat energy reflects my overall happy nature, but most of all it brings me through all those wonderful moments we've lived: Young people dating, fun parties, professional careers that had wonderful moments, weddings, babies, toddlers, new homes, family gatherings, and just loving the journey.

Of course, like everyone else, we've had our share of problems, but when I'm listening to Long Live the Night, it's the good part of our life that surfaces.

That's why I love this song! It brings out the good. It reminds us "Every minute's a memory so drink it in".

Be sure to listen to it - You can find More about The Reklaws at their Website

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Sunday, June 24, 2018

When You Need Ideas on What to Write Inside a Greeting Card, Check Out These Words of Inspiration

Find a Collection of Sayings for Cards Here
When Words Fail You

One of the quirkiest things I've enjoyed doing as a hobby for decades is coming up with sayings to write on the inside of cards.

Since my friend and I were young twenty-somethings, we've been drawn to card shops. You could usually find us in a local card shop pulling the funny cards, laughing as we blurted the creative sentiments to each other.

In those early years, I remember thinking, if I had to do it all over again, I'd go into the advertising business so I could write funny lines for cards and create commercials.

Then came the internet, where I discovered I could put all those useless one liners rolling around in my head to good use.

Thus Was Born My Hobby - Writing Sayings for Cards

You'll find sayings for many types of cards: For a new home, a new driver,
Review These Sayings You Can Write in a Card
engagements, bridal showers, weddings, birthdays, sympathy, friends, to say thank you and much more.

It's a crazy knack to be able to write card sentiments in no time flat.

On a good day I'm able to sit down and pump out 50 to 100 ideas in an hour or less. Sometimes those crazy one-liners just keep coming. Of all the skills, THIS is the one I got??

When You're Stuck, Use These Sayings

For those who struggle with what to write inside a card, don't sit there racking your brain trying to find the best words.

Simply go to one of my card saying pages and choose something to put on the card, or just use a blurb as inspiration to write your own personal note.

Writing funny card sayings is my favorite thing to do, however, I've written just as many that are serious and even somber.

If I had to select, I'd say the sayings I've written for Sympathy Cards are the most useful. When dad passed away we received cards from all over the country with personally written notes and they meant so much to us.

I was completely shocked at how reading those notes eased my pain for a few moments. The thoughtfulness put into a few kind words meant more than I can express. That moment was my inspiration to put together a list of written sayings for sympathy cards.

Personally I always write a note when I give someone a card. You don't have to write long paragraphs either, just one or two lines of thoughtfulness can make all the difference.

Have fun finding the best sayings that fit your special someone. Here's a card already completed with the saying on it. It's oozing sarcasm for that friend who loves sarcasm :)

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Sunday, June 17, 2018

The Best Gift You Can Give Your Dad that Doesn't Cost a Dime

It's Corny. It's Cliché. But if You Can Give it, It's the Best Gift.

The best gift you can give Dad, is your time.

If you're one of the fortunate with a living father, and a father you enjoy a good relationship with, then it's a certainty that your voice or your company ranks highest on his list of wants.

This suggestion is not meant to sound preachy, it merely comes from the heart of a person whose father has passed on.

My dad loved when we visited, he often said to me, "Barb, I love it when you're here". That's exactly how we feel when our children are home as well.

Dad gave us the greatest gift, the gift of love, and we're passing that down from generation to generation. It doesn't get any better than that: Love, compassion and family.

When He Hears Your Voice, I'll Bet Your Father Lights Up

There isn't anything your father wants more than to be with you or to at least talk with you on Father's Day.

When he thinks about you I'll bet dollars to donuts that he reflects upon every aspect of your growing up. I say that because, when I speak to my sons, I see every age and almost every moment of their life in that moment. 

With social media and personal devices, our habit of texting, emailing or posting our sentiment crosses over into expressing ourselves on special occasions. That's OK too. There's nothing wrong with posting a song for dad, or texting a personal note of love to him, but if you're able to, a phone call or a visit ranks at the top.

Although you can get dad a gift, and I'm sure he'll appreciate whatever you choose, when he looks around his kitchen table at his family sharing memories and laughing, that's the gift that beats them all. His heart is your heart.

Written for My Dad in Heaven - He Blessed Us With Love

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Sunday, June 10, 2018

A Gift You Can Give for Graduation that Doesn't Cost Any Money

Make this Cake?
If that's Too Hard,
Photo Via Pixabay
To the future graduate expecting cash, let me start by saying, I'm sorry.

For the gift giver aiming for 'it's the thought that counts', here's a thoughtful, personal and easy way to express your congratulations to the graduate.

Forward a Song by Email or Share it on Social Media with a Lovely Personal Comment to Honor the Graduate

Although it doesn't sound like much, the secret is in choosing a song with lyrics that suit the person receiving the dedication.

It can be incredibly time consuming to find the right song. Below you'll find a video playlist to quickly scroll through that features various songs about moving forward or looking back on life.

The songs featured below have been carefully chosen for their range in tempo and mood, so hopefully you're able to find something that suits the personality of your Graduate.

You can arrow through each of the 24 songs featured in the video below relatively quickly or go here to listen to a short preview of each song.

If I had to choose my favorite song for a graduation celebration or to honor someone who wants to make a difference in life, I would pick "I Was Here" by Lady Antebellum.

The lyrics to 'I Was Here' talk about wanting to make a difference in this world and wanting to do something that matters. Both the music and lyrics are inspirational.

Be sure to listen to 'I Was Here', it's a wonderful song:

You could of course send a graduation card with a lovely personal note inside.

If you need help in finding the right words, here are some sayings to help get those neurons moving. Use the sayings as is, or modify them to suit the graduate.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, June 3, 2018

An Easy Tip to Help Keep the Trees on Your Property Healthy - A Personal Review

Our Backyard Trees - Kept Healthy with this Easy Tip
About ten years ago, while visiting a client, I had to know how in the world they were able to get the massive trees on their property to stay so healthy and look so beautiful.

He pointed to the neighbors trees across the street and said, 'when we first purchased this house, these trees looked just like those'. And 'Those' weren't very nice at all. 

I asked him, 'what did you do?'

Here's the tip he passed along to me, and we've been using it ever since for the trees in our yard.

He said, every spring and fall, we put Evergreen Fertilizer Spikes around all of our trees.

'That's it?' I asked.

He was adamant, 'yep, just put them in and forget it'.

'How long before you saw results?' 

He said it was by next year that the trees had a new life.

Our Home Has so Many Trees, I Had to Try This Product

When we purchased our home over 20 years ago we hand planted over 50 Cedar Trees in our
A Closer Look at the Health of Our Trees
from Implementing this One Tip
backyard, and in the front yard put a Blue Spruce, a Birch Tree and an English Oak Tree, along with shrubs.

As the years went on I noticed that the cedar trees in the backyard were looking a little rough, and knowing that sparse Cedar Trees aren't attractive, an immediate solution was in order.

For some reason my mind believed that caring for trees would be complicated. Wow, was I wrong!

I highly recommend using Fertilizer Spikes to care for your trees. Our experience has been fantastic.

Not being a tree expert in any way shape or form, I simply had to trust that this product would do the job.

You can find Fertilizer Spikes at just about any hardware store or The Home Depot or of course, online. 

I'm not fussy on any particular brand. The only thing I look for, for our trees, are spikes that say 'Evergreen'. There are various fertilizer spikes for different types of trees and shrubs. Just pick the ones you need based on your trees/shrubs.

This year I added another fertilizer spike to the mix, one that was for both Evergreens and Flowering Shrubs.

How Do You Put Fertilizer Spikes in the Ground?

Easy peasy lemon squeezy. That's how :)

The ones I buy come twelve in a pack, with two plastic tops to use to hammer them in the ground.

It's like making Elephant Pudding (tee hee, an old elephant joke) - simply follow the directions on the package.

I use three boxes, that's 36 spikes for the backyard, and this year I used 30 spikes for the front yard. Some of the front yard spikes were for flowering shrubs.

Also, they say to use the spikes for spring and fall and I've only ever put them in the ground in the spring. However, I think this year I'll put them in the ground again in the fall.

I've put some of the product choices below, but as mentioned above, I'm not dedicated to a particular brand. Each year I just grab whatever is on the shelf at the local hardware store. I have used both brands featured below, and both were fine. I don't have a preference.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Blessings on Your Memorial Day Weekend

From the Writers of ReviewThis we would like to send our United States readers best wishes for a lovely Memorial Day Weekend. 

In remembrance, we celebrate by honoring those who have paid the ultimate price to defend our freedoms.

For those outside of the USA, here's a quick summary of what Memorial Day is about: It's origins are from Decoration Day, a day of honor following the US Civil War. By 1971 Memorial Day became an official federal holiday to honor all those who lost their lives serving in the US armed forces.

Honor, Grace and Love - To All Who Lost Their Lives in Defense of Country
Photo: Via Pixabay 
This hauntingly gorgeous song, "When the Angels Came Down" by Kevin Costner (yes that Kevin Costner) and Modern West, remembers history and the Fallen - It's very moving.

If you want to read more about this song, the story behind it's writing and it's meaning, you'll find it explained here at The Heart of Country Music.

For those who have suffered loss and who are remembering their loved ones, we're thinking of you and we thank you and your family. We remember.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, May 20, 2018

How to Use Color on the Walls or Ceiling in an Open Concept Room

Notice the Kitchen Ceiling is in the Same Color Family as the Walls Outside of the Kitchen Area
They've provided Continuity by Bringing the Main Room Colors into the Kitchen Design
Photo Via Pixabay

Most newer homes are designed so the main rooms combine or flow directly into one another. Although popular, deciding how to create a cohesive color scheme can be challenging.

Here are Three Tips to Review:

1. Choose Your "Neutral Color" and Use it On All the Rooms that Open to Each Other

A neutral color shouldn't be white, beige, gray, or tan. We think of ' light ' colors when we think about a neutral color. However, your neutral color can also be bold.

The main tip in choosing your base color is to use it on all the rooms that flow together in an open area.

Once you've established your base neutral, you're free to create separations in the space using elements or furnishings in the room.

For example, if a living room opens up to the kitchen, establish your base color for the walls in both rooms, then define the spaces using color in other décor aspects. The couches could be lighter and more neutral with darker walls, while the countertops could be darker if the kitchen cupboards were lighter.

Once you establish a base color for the walls and floors, the rest of the room becomes an effort to match and bind the elements together.

Notice the Wall Color Between the Two Spaces is the Same
Check out the Ceilings - Because of the Dividing White Beam, a Different Ceiling Color Works
Photo Via Pixabay
2. If You Prefer Different Wall Colors in Each of the Defined Spaces that are Open to Each Other, Choose Colors in the Same Color Family or Color Temperature

If choosing just one color flowing between your open space rooms is not to your liking, consider choosing colors in the same tones.

For example, choose a darker shade of a particular color for one aspect of the room and a lighter shade of the same color for the other open area.

Remember the ceiling. Rather than going with a standard white ceiling, depending on the design of your room, you could use an even lighter shade of your chosen color for the ceiling.
As an example, in a living room kitchen combined space, you could use a dark grey for the living room walls and two shades down for the kitchen color. For the shared ceiling between the two spaces, bring the grey even lighter, perhaps four shades down from the darkest shade you've selected. With this example, you've stayed in the grey family, yet provided distinctive color differences between the two rooms and tied them together using the ceiling.
With a cohesive floor and ceiling flowing through the space, walls in the same tone but different in shade still work nicely without leaving one feeling overwhelmed.

This Design Opens to Several Rooms
They've used Various Shades in the Same Color Temperature
to Create Cohesiveness and Separation - Photo Via Pixabay
3. When You're Not Sure Whether a Room Flows from One to Another

One of the difficult things people find about an open-concept space is that the rooms are available to each other.

In other words, a room is open to another yet not visible from every angle, and thus, you're still determining if it's considered a separate space.

The solution to this is 'Sightlines". Stand in a room, determine what other rooms can be seen when you're in it, and repeat this for all rooms. If there's an open connection to another room, you must be cognizant of color flow.

If you're standing in a room and the only way you can see another room is through a door, that doesn't count as 'open to the other space.' It doesn't mean you should go hog-wild with color differentials; it merely means you're not obligated to consider the flow as carefully as you would with adjoining rooms.

The bottom line is don't be afraid of color. Take your time to determine how your rooms connect, then decide what system works best for your open-concept spaces, such as one color connecting all walls or shades in the same family.

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Sunday, May 13, 2018

I Am Your Child - Happy Mothers Day, We Love You

Photo: Via Pixabay

Happy Mother's Day from the Writers of ReviewThis

To all the moms of the world, thank you.

Whether you're a dad occupying a dual role, a fur baby mom, a step-mom, a guardian, two dads, two moms, or a family member who has had to step in and be that soft place to land for others, a working mom or a stay-at-home mom, know that your contributions and sacrifices are never forgotten.

We've noticed it all:
  • When you handed us the full plate of food, and kept the smaller portion for yourself
  • That time you reached in your pocket to hand us your last few dollars, and said, 'oh that's ok', I don't need it
  • Your picking us up late at night when you were exhausted
  • The trips back and forth as you taxi us to our events for years
  • Planning our birthdays on a shoestring and making it memorable
  • We heard you cry from time to time and watched you pick yourself up every time
  • You laughed at our jokes that weren't funny just so we could smile a little more
  • You held your pain inside so as not to worry our young minds
  • You let us have our childhood and didn't demand we grow up too soon
  • You held us when we were sad or upset, and it always worked
  • We hurt your feelings sometimes, we know we did, and you held yourself with grace, just for us. When we look back, especially as parents, we see where we erred, and how it hurt you.
  • You made us face our weaknesses and when we had to grow a pair, you showed us how
  • You put our needs ahead of your own more often than we can possibly count
  • When we accomplish something we are aiming for, you are proud of us
  • We watch you continue to worry about us as grown-ups, and in that we learn from you how to balance that never ending scale of worry-don't worry
  • Remember when you held our child for the first time, and that tear rolled down your cheek, we felt that too
  • That soft shoulder you have .... we're still trying to figure out how a rock can be so soft
"Whatever I am, you taught me to be, I am your hope, I am your chance, I am your child" (Lyrics)

This Song is for You: "I Am Your Child, by Barry Manilow"

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, May 6, 2018

8 Creative Flower Planter Ideas for Inside or Outside

Have a lot of broken down cars? Or just one?
There it is, a car planter, with the body as Art
Bring out your inner artistic side to display flowers and plants.

If you're stuck in a rut on the way you feature plants in and around the home, this list is designed to trigger an artistic spark so you can break that chain, and try something different this year.

1. Use An Old Wooden Toolbox
Old Shoes as a Planter?
Hmmm Yes? No?

If you have an old wooden, distressed toolbox - the ones with the handle across the top are especially nice - fill it with dirt, flowers, plants or spices. Place it anywhere you choose. Move it around from time to time.

2. Use Window Boxes Indoors

You've seen window boxes on outdoor railings, porches and the exterior of windows, however you can use a window box inside as well.

Find the window box that works best for your space, and simply duplicate what you would do outdoors. You can also spruce it up with decorative rocks and variety of rock garden plants. 

3. Old Tea Cups or Mugs

Old tea cups and coffee mugs are a creative way to display small plants or spices. If your kitchen has an area to display a set of cups or mugs, use them as a decorating accent or a place to hold your kitchen spices. Get each mug in a different color to add a little funk to your plant area.

A Large Cup of Flowers
4. Old Metal Boxes

You can use a new metal box as well. Any metal container in your home, that's the right size for your needs, can be filled with dirt, rocks, flowers, spices or plants. 

5. Ladder Plant Display

There are a number of ways to display plants on a ladder. You can secure the plants to each rung, or rig it so that each rung can hold a planter box. If doing it yourself isn't an option, you can get an already made free standing ladder that's designed to hold planter boxes. 

6. Drawers from Old Furniture

Rather than toss out your old dressers, use a drawer or two or three to plant flowers in.

Put the dirt directly in the drawer and plant what you want, or use it as a holder to place smaller pots already planted.

If you're able, turn it into a family affair by letting the kids paint a drawer and take care of their plants in their drawer.

7. The Top of a Birdhouse

Create edging around the roof of your birdhouse, fill it with dirt, then plant what you want in the area. It will look lovely, and the birds will appreciate it.

8. An Old Bicycle as a Home for Plants and Flowers

Position an old bike against a wall, tree or in a garden and use it as a prop for planting flowers and other plants. If it has a basket, fill it with hanging flowers. Use the wheels to grow flowers and plants that need a support to tie onto.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Most People Are Good by Luke Bryan

Listen on Apple Music
When I first heard "Most People Are Good' on the radio, it reminded me of a poem I wrote nearly 20 years ago based on the same premise called, 'I See Good People'.

If you find yourself frustrated with the negative energy that seems to infect our airways and unfortunately the internet, then you'll want to listen to the bit of hope expressed in the music and lyrics of this Luke Bryan song.

Are Most People Basically Good?

The operative word here is 'most'.

One way to answer that question is through a famous quote in the James Allen (b.1864-d.1912) book, 'As a Man Thinketh':

Mind is the Master power that moulds and makes,
And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes
The tool of thought, and, shaping what he wills,
Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills,
He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass:
Environment is but his looking-glass

James Allen, a British Philosophical Author, is quoted as saying, "A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts".

Another famous quote by Buddha says exactly the same thing, "We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world".

We march through history with lists of famous souls who have repeated this same principle from century to century. I think they're trying to tell us something?

Life's Challenges Can Shade Our Hearts

No matter how much sunshine we allow in our life, there's always some darkness to overcome. However, those dark moments don't have to define us.

Luke Bryan expresses it well in this verse:

(Lyrics) I believe them streets of gold are worth the work
But I still wanna go even if they were paved in dirt
I believe that youth is spent well on the young
'Cause wisdom in your teens would be a lot less fun
I believe if you just go by the nightly news
Your faith in all mankind would be the first thing you lose

Every generation has it's struggles, and progress isn't easy, but basic goodness is something we can only control from within, and as James Allen so eloquently states in the above quote, "The tool of thought, shaping what he wills, brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills".

According to most of the great minds that came long before us, 'we are what we think'. Simple, yet hard to master.

Luke Bryan's song reminds us that it may be as simple as choosing to believe that most people, are in fact, good.

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Sunday, April 22, 2018

3 Easy Ways to Cover Wall Imperfections Without Painting

3 Easy Ways to Cover Wall Imperfections Without Painting

Imperfect walls can be frustrating. We see them where others may not, and they drive us crazy!

When painting isn't an option or something you feel like doing, you can employ several other techniques to solve your flawed wall issues.

Wall Murals & Decals

Today's wall murals come in many materials; most commonly, you'll find vinyl and paper.

You can get full wall coverage with a vinyl wall decal. However, it can be expensive to cover a large wall. In fact, most of the large wall decals approach the five hundred dollar mark. But remember the advantage of a vinyl decal is that it can be easily removed.

If you're renting, vinyl decals are much easier to take down when the rental period is up. Depending upon the quality of vinyl you choose, you may or may not have to repair the paint underneath after removing it. However, higher-quality decals are removable without worrying about wall or paint damage.

If you have an overly flawed wall, another tip is to choose a geometric design in either paper or vinyl. The three-dimensional look helps to hide any obvious boo-boos that might otherwise peek through a plain or solid design.

If a wall has quite a few flaws, wallpaper (not vinyl) may be the wiser choice.

In fact, if the walls have apparent marks or flaws to cover, then a durable wallpaper, like Grass Cloth, should be considered.

You can get any pattern, scenery, or design in vinyl or paper, creating virtually any artistic look you want.

Faux Wall Treatments - Faux Brick, Faux Wood

You don't have to spend a fortune to cover an unattractive wall. Faux vinyl materials exist in various styles, including faux brick and wood. Or, if you're willing, you can put up actual wood panels. Today's decorating choices essentially give you any design, look, or color in faux or real wood.

Creating a feature wall can change the look of a room. A flawed wall gives you the chance to put your inner artist to the test. The wall that was once painful to look at can become your home's Picasso.

Getting started is the hardest part. Look around your room and decide what design would look best on your wall: geometric, bricks, or wood ... and then find the look you want in easy-to-install faux art.

Use Three Dimensional Drapes to Cover a Flawed Wall

When you're not into painting, and you're not into vinyl decals, and you're absolutely not into wallpaper, but you need to do something to fix that eye-sore, then three-dimensional drapes are the way to go. 

You don't need a window to put up drapes!

Put up the drapery rod and add the artistic scenery drapes to cover your wall, floor-to-ceiling, and wall-to-wall, and you've solved your problem! Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. 

Oh, and the best part is that you can get two or three designs in three-dimensional draperies and switch them up when you get tired of them! Go seasonal in your designs: spring, summer, fall, and winter. 

There you have it, three easy ways to fix up your walls without painting; have fun!

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Sunday, April 15, 2018

Supermarket Flowers by Ed Sheeran - A Review of An Incredibily Moving Song that Will Bring You to Tears

More Songs for Mom Here - Photo via Pixabay
Have You Heard Supermarket Flowers by Ed Sheeran?

If you haven't heard this song, and you've lost your mom or a mother figure, you're going to cry.

During my research for a unique list of songs to honor moms, I tripped on 'Supermarket Flowers' by Ed Sheeran, and was shocked by it's incredibly touching mood music and personal story telling lyrics that most of us can relate to.

At least thirty times; that's how much I've listened to this song since yesterday. Being one of the fortunate ones who still has her mother living, it caused me to pick up the phone to call her again today!

The song gets right to the story with painful lyrics that describe clearing out the room of someone loved and recently passed:
  • I took the supermarket flowers from the windowsill
    I threw the day old tea from the cup
    Packed up the photo album Matthew had made
    Memories of a life that's been loved
    Took the get well soon cards and stuffed animals
    Poured the old ginger beer down the sink
    Dad always told me, "don't you cry when you're down"
    But mum, there's a tear every time that I blink
By the second line, "I threw the day old tea from the cup", you know exactly what the song is about, and it hurts in a beautiful way.

If you've ever had to pack up the belongings of someone recently passed on, you know just how incredibly emotional it is. Everything holds a memory, there's a time marker on each of item, and as your hand touches each piece, you remember, and you cry.

Hidden amongst the pain is a hopeful message, "Oh I'm in pieces, it's tearing me up, but I know, a heart that's broke, is a heart that's been loved".

About Supermarket Flowers:

You'll find Supermarket Flowers on Ed Sheeran's 2017 Album, 'Divide'.

In an interview with MTV, Sheeran revealed that the song is about his grandmother.

He said she was in hospital close to the studio and had passed away during it's production. He wrote the song as a personal tribute from the point of view of his mother, and it wasn't initially intended to be included on the album.

However, when he sang the song at this grandmother's funeral, his grandfather encouraged him to include the song; and so it was, as the final track.

Get the Tissues Ready, As Ed Sheeran himself Said, "It Was Written to Make You Cry"

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Sunday, April 1, 2018

Three Unique Kids Bedroom Decor Ideas - Unconventional, Practical and Fun

Glow in the Dark Area Rugs Here
Something for the Wall, the Floors and the Bed - Unique Items that Serve a Useful Purpose and Add a Decorating Element to the Room

For the Floor - A Glow in the Dark Area Rug

A glow in the dark area rug is a fantastic way to add ambient lighting to a child's room without having to use electricity or batteries.

Depending upon the size you choose, add several glow in the dark rugs to a bedroom. If your child's room is quite large, position the rugs so that they safely lead the way out in the dark, or place them at various ends to provide soothing lighting to the entire space.

You could also place the rug in a hallway near a washroom. Again, it's an evening lighting solution without using electricity. 

For the Walls - A Picket Fence Wall Decal 
Picket Fence Wall Decals Here

Adding color and interest to the walls of child's room helps to finish off the space.

Today there are an endless supply of wall decals to choose from. Decorating unconventionally is much easier these days than it was twenty or so years ago. 

Today there's no need to stencil art on the wall, or have murals painted when you can just buy them, ready made, in the form of vinyl. 

A picket fence wall decals can be featured in a number of ways. Install it all the way around the room, on one wall, or even as a faux headboard for a bed. If the room has a number of corners or alcoves, use wall decal picket fences as a way to create areas of interest, such as a gaming or reading corner.

Zip Up Bedding
For the Bed - Zip-Up Bedding

Zip-Up bedding is perfect for kids who don't like to make their beds.

If you're tired of going into a room with a messy bed, then get the kids zip-up bedding. They're easier on mom or dad, as the kids can easily do their own beds.

Zip bedding is also an option for kids who may fall out of bed or who tend to kick the covers off at night.

Hard to make beds like Bunks or Lofts are an ideal choice for zip up bedding. The top sheet and fitted sheet are joined together making them easy to go on and off as one piece. You never have to worry about tucking sheets in, especially hard-to-get-at sides.

Since zip-up bedding comes in many designs and colors you can use them as the main bedding by just adding some decorative pillows, or put a comforter set over top. You could also fold a lovely comforter at the end of the bed making the designs in the zip-up sheets the main decorative print for the room.

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Sunday, March 25, 2018

Five Easter Home Decor Ideas

Easter Home Décor Product Items Here - by
Decorating for Easter can be as simple as changing the centerpiece on the table, to a more dramatic change, such as changing out the art on the wall with a seasonal Easter/Spring piece.

Let's review five Easter home décor ideas that are both traditional and unconventional.

1. Be Unconventional and Decorate a Dollhouse for Easter

Heads-up Grandparents, this is for you! Mom and Dad too of course. It's a great idea for parents (Grand and all) who don't have time to decorate the 'real' house for Easter.

Get a dollhouse and decorate it, it gives the kids something to play with and something to decorate.

Place the dollhouse in a central location, perhaps on a table in the foyer, and decorate it with Easter related characters, eggs, fun dollhouse lights, or have the kids make items for it. Get Easter cut-out books for the kids to decorate with, or just make décor items from scratch.

2. Decorate the Table for Easter

Our dining room table or kitchen table sits ready to be used as the focal point for the special occasions yet we tend to avoid using it.

The problem with using a table to decorate is ensuring it's still usable for eating. But hey, no problem, just keep it simple.

Cover your table(s) with an Easter themed tablecloth or Easter placemats and feature a lovely Easter centerpiece.
More Easter Fun by ReviewThis

3. Place Easter Bouquets or Easter Ornaments in the Main Rooms - Add an Easter Wreath

The easiest way to add a touch of Easter, is to include a bouquet or ornament in the room. You don't have to go with a standard flower bouquet (although that's always lovely) ... try an Easter egg tree or a lighted Easter display ornament.

Add an Easter wreath to the front door or add several inside the house. Place one or two in the foyer and of course find a place for one in the living or dining rooms. Again be sure to scroll down and view some examples.

4. Easter Wall Art - Add Fun Creative Pieces to the Wall for Spring

The nice thing about Easter wall art is that it works for both spring and summer. Get a piece or two and put it up in the foyer, living room or dining room for both seasons. You'll have Easter covered and the fun continues through all the warm weather.

5. Easter Pillows and Throw Blankets

The standard décor pieces for a seasonal change are pillows and blankets. They're easy to display and easy to put away. If you have pillow covers, you can just cover your existing pillows. That's a particularly popular way to change out pillows, as pillow liners are easy to store.

Changing your throws and pillows to pastels or soft tones also helps to lighten up a room giving it that fresh, airy appeal.

See the Products Here

Happy Easter :)

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