Friday, December 31, 2021

A New Year's Resolution Hallmark Movie Review

A New Year's Resolution Movie Review
This is a delightfully uplifting movie to watch for New Years!

I have previously bypassed this movie several times because the trailers simply did not appeal to me.  This has taught me that I should never solely rely on the trailers to give me a real representation of whether I will like a movie or not.

True to Hallmark style, this romantic movie is somewhat predictable when Kelly Leone meets Tom Malone, but the story is unique.  

It is clear from the beginning that they are attracted to each other.  However, due to Kelly's New Year's resolution to say "yes" to more social event invitations, their relationship doesn't start with Tom asking her out.  He doesn't want her to feel forced to accept.  Of course, nothing says Kelly can't pursue Tom.  After all, Tom is not bound by any resolution.  Plus, they have several upcoming social events in common. 

Not only did I enjoy the romantic story, I also found myself laughing over several of the scenes.  Truly a nice break and a great way for Hallmark lovers to start the new year.


A New Year's Resolution Movie Synopsis

 A New Year's ResolutionCheck PriceKelly Leone is a dedicated morning show producer who has spent the last year working long hours and focusing on getting better ratings for her show.  Now that she has finally gotten the show in a safe zone, she decides it is time for her to focus on her personal life.  While her friends have been extremely understanding and patient with her busy work life, they do express how much they have missed her and want her back.  Kelly recognizes that she has really missed out on some of the changes in their lives, plus the combination of "small moments that makes up the big important stuff in life". 

Because of these revelations, Kelly decides to change her standard New Year's resolution.  She commits herself to her friends and vows that she will accept any social invitation offered to her until her birthday in February.  Her friends don't hesitate to start offering those social invitations, starting with a cold New Year's Day Polar Plunge into Lake Michigan.  Other social invitations include the Blizzard Obstacle Course, speed dating, curling, and facing her greatest fear, a magician.   

When the morning show cast hears of her resolution, they decide to make her the "star" of their new story.  They follow her through her events and film her experiences for the show.  Kelly prefers to be in the background, off camera, but she makes an adorable focus for the new series, as well as for this fun Hallmark movie.

Don't let the trailers keep your from watching this movie!  Why not join me and make it your New Year's resolution to ignore the trailers and watch the movie for yourself. 

Currently, "A New Year's Resolution" is also available on Amazon with a subscription to the Hallmark Channel.  

Hallmark Channel Subscription on Amazon

Available with Subscription to the Hallmark Channel

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A New Year's Resolution Hallmark Movie Review Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse


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  1. You can't go wrong with a Hallmark movie, even if the trailer doesn't hold your attention. And since hubby spent his working life in broadcasting, Kelly's working background sounds very familiar and appealing to me. Thanks for your delightful review and recommendation, Sylvestermouse.

  2. I'll be on the lookout for this one, as you know Fran and I are "Hallmark Junkies". We are still trying to catch up on all of the Hallmark movies that we have recorded. Thanks for the recommendation!

  3. I find myself watching trailers a lot more lately - We've been on a big movie kick here. Thanks for the tip about the trailers, and to not necessarily go by them. Hallmark movies are ideal for those evenings we need something light, and positive. I've watched them for that reason alone. Thanks for the heads-up on this new years Hallmark movie.

  4. Well you had me at Hallmark! I love their movies because you know you will be entertained and will have enjoyed the time spent in front of the TV. This movie sounds like it would be another enjoyable way to spend some down time. I love starting the New Year on a positive note and smiling, so, Happy New Year to all!

  5. This sounds like a delightful escape, Sylvestermouse! I, too, really appreciate your letting us know that the trailer isn’t a good representation of the movie. I’m surprised at how often that is the case! Wishing you and your family a wonderful, blessed 2022! ❤️

  6. I like romantic films and this one sounds lovely with some humour as well. Sounds like a good film to watch this winter. Thank you for your review and recommendation. Happy New Year!!


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