Saturday, September 19, 2020

Reviewing the Joie Yogurt on the Go

I love my little yogurt on the go container, although sometimes it's got something different in it!

Easy lunch on the go with the Joie Yogurt on the go container
My yogurt on the go container complete with today's lunch!
Photo by Lou16

I first say the Joie Yogurt on the go in a shop at a time when I was doing the 30 days to healthy living and I thought it might be a really handy container.   Now I have only ever seen the red and white container, but having a look on Amazon you have a choice, check them out -

Different colors of Joie Yogurt on the Go Containers
Purchase from Amazon

Now obviously this is designed to have a yogurt in the main part and some toppings in the dome part of the container which is kept completely separate.   The first time I used it I left the dome empty and filled the container with some overnight oats - having a spoon attached meant I had everything I needed to eat wherever and whenever I wanted and it was great.

The next time I added some toppings in the dome and I have to be honest - I could screw the dome container off to eat my yogurt, but I couldn't open the dome.   Finally I had found the downside of this product.   I took it home and went to demonstrate to my husband how the top couldn't be opened and what do you know - it worked!

I have no idea what my issue was the first time because I have not had a problem since!

It is very easy to clean and the spoon really does stay easily attached which makes it so easy for me to take a snack or even a meal out with me for the day.   

Sometimes when I'm working and on the plan I really don't feel like a shake for lunch and I don't have the facilities to make pancakes or waffles at work so I'll make up either a thick smoothie that I can eat in a smoothie bowl with toppings or I make some overnight oats.   I put the overnight oats in this container and also add a few nuts and seeds in the dome part to add a little crunch to my lunch.

If we're travelling and I know I'm going to feel like a snack I will sometimes put coconut yogurt in the container along with some fresh berries and I may or may not add something to the dome - this can then be safely put in our cooler and I don't have to worry about remembering to add a spoon.

I have also added coconut yogurt in the container and put some protein powder in the dome container so that when travelling if we don't find anything that I feel like eating which is on plan I can simply have something little like sweet potato fries or a salad and then add the protein powder to the yogurt for 'dessert' and to make sure I get some quality protein to keep me from feeling hungry.

I do recommend this container, if I'd come across it when my daughter was younger I would've sent her to school with yogurt and toppings (she always wanted those yogurts in the supermarket with yogurt on one side and toppings on the other that you open and mix together.   This would've been right up her alley!

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Friday, September 18, 2020

Otherwise Engaged by Joanna Barker - Book Reviewed

otherwise engaged book cover
Otherwise Engaged is a fabulous book!  It is a clean and wholesome romance for those of us who do not like explicit content.  It is also a historical fiction which is one of my favorite genres.  

This is the first book I have read by Joanna Barker, but it will not be the last!   She is a phenomenal writer who includes vivid descriptions of people and surroundings.  I was barely into the first chapter of Otherwise Engaged when I noted how much I loved this author’s captivating descriptions. I could easily envision the people and places in my mind’s eye. 

I also enjoy the touches of humor Barker includes throughout the book.  Several times I laughed out loud at the witty repartee between characters. 

All of these exceptional elements made this a thoroughly enjoyable book which I would highly recommend.   

Synopsis of Otherwise Engaged
England - 1822

Rebecca Rowley has just returned home from Brighton.  She has a big announcement to share with her family.  One that she knows her family will not be excited to hear.  Rebecca is engaged to Edward Bainbridge, whom she just met while in Brighton.  
She had heard the Bainbridge name before.  Their fathers had been business partners years before.  The reasons for the dissolution of that partnership had always been a secret that the parents never shared with their children.  Neither Rebecca nor Edward knew why they couldn't be together.  They agreed to find out the secret and, together, try to get their families to leave the past in the past, forgive and forget whatever was necessary, so they could be married with the acceptance and support of both families.  
 Otherwise EngagedCheck PriceRebecca had another secret.  She loved to ride her horse, Stella, but she enjoyed riding bareback.  She knew her family would disapprove of her riding in such an unladylike and dangerous way.  So, she would leave the estate with Stella saddled, then remove the saddle when they reached a secluded meadow.  Together, they would run like the wind, free and unencumbered by restraints. 
After one of their unconventional rides, Stella heard someone crying for help.  She and Stella immediately responded.  A child was drowning.  Rebecca ran into the water and swam to the girl, whose dress was caught on an underwater tree branch.  Once Rebecca freed her, she pulled her to safety on shore where they were joined by the child's very angry adult half-brother, Lieutenant Nicholas Avery.  This was definitely not the best way to meet new neighbors, especially since Rebecca was soaking wet and anyone could see that her nearby horse was not wearing a saddle.  This stranger now knew one of her best-kept secrets.  
Rebecca soon learned that Nicholas Avery was his sister, Olivia's, guardian.  Her mother had recently died and their father had died a few years before.  Nicholas barely knew Olivia since she was a much younger step-sister.  He had been in the navy all of her life and had only seen her a few times.  He wasn't always sure how to handle Olivia.  As a navy lieutenant, he knew how to make men obey his orders, but was clueless about how to deal with his little sister.  Rebecca stepped in to try to help.
Over the next few weeks, Rebecca and Nicholas became friends.  She confided in him and he kept her secrets, plus he enabled her to pursue activities that were otherwise not considered acceptable for a lady in society.   Rebecca's mother thought Nicholas would make the perfect suitor for her, but Nicholas knew Rebecca was otherwise engaged.


I immediately adored the free-spirited Miss Rebecca Rowley.  I applauded her desire to take on difficult tasks and live life on her own terms, not by wealthy society rules that stifled women.  I was tickled by Lieutenant Nicholas Avery’s independent little sister, Olivia, who clearly had a mind of her own.  I loved the witty quips of Rebecca’s family, as well as her conversations with Nicholas, and the jocular repartee they shared with each other.   
There are some authors who leave me wondering how they do it. How they write so well that they capture my attention.  How they describe their characters with such detail that I feel as if I know them, that they are close friends who have shared every confidence. How they weave a story that captivates me to the point of tears, laughter and even anger. 
Joanna Barker has done just that, and more, in “Otherwise Engaged”.  I have no doubt that I will miss Rebecca, Nicholas, and even Olivia in the upcoming weeks.

 Otherwise EngagedCheck Price

I received an advance copy of "Otherwise Engaged" to review from NetGalley. I would like to express my appreciation to Netgalley, the author, Joanna Barker, and the publisher, Covenant Communications, for this opportunity.

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House of Sylvestermouse

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Wednesday, September 16, 2020

When is the Best Time to Learn Something New? September Sewing Month

September is Sewing Month and a Great Time to Learn Something New!

Fall Season has arrived and the evenings are getting so much cooler that spending lots of time outdoors isn't quite as appealing as it was in July.  So what are you going to do with all those evening hours?

If Television isn't your thing, then learning a new craft just might be.  I know I love to keep my hands busy and sewing is one of the ways I do just that.
stuffed animals in a wicker basket
Image by Larisa Koshkina from Pixabay

Now, I must admit to you that sewing had been a big part of my life.  Before my retirement I was a designer/dressmaker for many, many years.

I was taught the craft by my mother, and by several courses taken from my early teens and beyond.  Each course building on what was taught previously.  

My grandfather used to say, "Learn something that you can do with your hands so that if need be, you would have a "job" using your talents. No one can take that away from you."    I think he was pretty wise with those thoughts.

Sewing is a talent that everyone can develop if they have the will to do so.  I know my very first attempts at learning how to sew, were used to make my room, mine.  I loved pillows and crazy colors.  So with my need to personalize, my mother wisely let me choose some fabrics that I loved and encouraged me to experiment with her sewing machine.  Of course I had her help (I was only seven or eight years old at the time). 

My point is that if a child shows a willingness to learn something, we as parents or grandparents can help them along by imparting our knowledge to them.  Arts of any kind require an inquisitive mind.  Children are always curious about all kinds of things.  It's a great time to teach and have fun without pressure!  At the same time, our kids learn that originality and creativity can go hand in hand in many different ways.  

While sewing and sewing skills are geared more for girls, I think that boys should have the ability to learn too, if they are so predisposed to do so.  Many of our esteemed fashion designers are men!

To help with this avenue for creativity, there are several kits available that girls and boys may find interesting.  I like these two for a starting point.  Pictures feature both girls and boys making and sewing their own creations.

The first book is geared to teaching some hand sewing techniques, while the second book includes the use of a sewing machine as well.  Depending on your children's motor skills and how well they can handle each task, you may like one better than the other.  **I will add a caution hereParents and/or Grandparents should be able to sit with the children while they are making these items.  There are sharp instruments involved and extra precautions should also be in place.**

If they are new to sewing, start with the first book and then when they have mastered or expressed that they really like this kind of craft, you can move to the second in the series.

Who knows if you will be the one to spark a new hobby, that could lead to much bigger and more beautiful creations.  

What started out as a pillow in my case ended up with me designing and executing some beautiful gowns, dresses, suits and so much more.  I made a nice living doing something that I enjoyed and also gave pleasure to my many customers over the years.

You never know the power you have to guide and form a new designer, they could end up on Making the Cut! (Our own Tracey, did a review on this show and it is quite a revelation in how many got started in the sewing and tailoring business)

Children love to learn new concepts and this is one that they can take with them into adulthood.  Mending and remaking clothes for the budget conscious may just become a "vogue" idea again.  Our days of "throw away everything" have got to stop.  Who knows where and when these skills will be put into practice as our children grow.  One thing is certain, there will always be a need for clothes and if you learn how, you can become quite a master!

I went from Pillows and Bedroom Decor to making beautiful gowns like this one!  Just one gown from my archives!  This was for a graduation and it's still one of my favorites.
yellow formal dress

Whatever you do, don't underestimate the joy that spending quality time with your children and grandchildren can have.  It will be memories for you and for them and teach them a really important life skill.  

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Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Catherine Cookson Riley Book Review

Catherine Cookson Riley (1998) Book Review

Many years ago, I parted with most of my Catherine Cookson books, retaining only the few that I had not read, like the one shown here called Riley. It had been decades since I had picked up any of Cookson's books but I remember fondly having loved the stories, which are set in the 19th century in and around what was then at least a heavily industrialized area of northeast England called Tyneside. 

With the arrival in 2020 of the virus that would lock down most of the world, I set to reading through some of my old piles of books and hence returned to the works of Catherine Cookson via this novel, Riley. 


Riley was indeed very good and it did not in any way fail my memories of Cookson’s books. It is the story of a young lad with no direction who was surely bound for trouble but was indirectly 'rescued’ by a few heated comments from a caring teacher. The result of those comments was a tumultuous but successful life on the stage and marriage to a woman 20 years his elder. 

Riley is Highly Recommended by me for anyone who loves historical fiction.


Author Catherine Cookson, despite being from an extremely poor, working class home in Tyneside, England, went on to become one of the richest women in Britain. More importantly in my mind at least, she also went on to become Britain’s most read author in the mid-1990s and remains on the list of the twenty most read British novelists. She wrote a remarkable two books a year in many years and, when she died in 1998, she left behind 103 novels and a fortune for charity. 


Catherine Cookson's novels were often categorized as romance despite the fact that, as Cookson said herself, there was nothing romantic about the times or the situations in her books. Her stories offered up more than historical romance and are extremely well done in terms of depicting a time period in history, which would surely make them qualify as historical fiction today. 

I do not want to stop with recommending Riley, however. I want to make my post a call for people to pick up Catherine Cookson’s books whether they knew her before they arrived here on this page or not. It doesn’t matter which book you start with whether it be Riley or another, they are all sure to please. Just be careful if you start with a series like Mary Ann Shaughnessy, Tilly Trotter or the Bailey Chronicles that you pick the first one.  You will find Riley on Amazon by clicking right here.

See you
At the bookstore!

Quick Links

Buy Riley on Amazon.

Discover the new, used and vintage books in my eBay store by clicking here but be warned that unfortunately there are no Catherine Cookson novels!
The Alice Network by Kate Quinn reviewed. 
Fast Girls by Elise Hooper reviewed. 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, September 14, 2020

Garlic Expressions Vinaigrette Reviewed

Garlic Expressions Vinaigrette Dressing has become a favorite in this household. A flexible dressing which can be used for fresh vegetables, chicken or shrimp marinade or a dressing for submarine sandwiches. Flexible is its' middle name!

garlic head

A Marinade

One of my favorite uses for Garlic Expressions is to use as a marinade for chicken or shrimp. Shrimp only needs a few hours in the marinade to dress up fresh shrimp and add a garlic twist.

Submarine Sandwich Dressing

Garlic Expressions makes an excellent dressing for a submarine sandwich! We use it regularly for the dressing instead of the dressing which comes with the sandwich. Perfect addition for homemade subs too.

Garlic Expressions vinaigrette

Vegetable Dressing

Asparagus spears or fresh broccoli lightly drizzled with this vinaigrette are absolutely yummy!

Salad Dressing

If you are a fan of garlic then using Garlic Expressions as a healthy salad dressing is for you!

Where To Find Garlic Expressions

If you are close to a Whole Foods store or have Amazon Prime/Whole Foods option Garlic Expressions is available to order. I have found the vinaigrette at the local grocery store or independent grocery store. The prices online tend to vary, but normal pricing in my area is $3.99-$4.99 a bottle.

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Sunday, September 13, 2020

Craft Reviews, DIY & Craft Tutorials on Review This Reviews!

Craft and DIY Tutorials reviewed
Treasures from the Archives of Review This Reviews! 

We are blessed to have several experienced crafters on Review This Reviews!  Not only are we home to a few crocheters & stitchers, but we are quite proud of our contributors who make their own DIY craft projects.  We all get pretty excited when a new and original craft tutorial is published here.   It is awesome to be surrounded by such creative talent.

If you would like to make an original cat bed, Renaissance Woman shared her very own creation and tutorial.  She has also taught us how to make a gorgeous birdbath and bird-feeder for our gardens.

If you prefer creating beautiful crafts from kits, our contributors have reviewed some pretty awesome kits that make crafting easier for anyone.  Some are made just for kids, while others will appeal more to adults.  Children can enjoy painting rocks or make a water globe, to name a few, while adults may prefer the challenge of a Quilt Magic kit or beaded ornament kits.  Plus, Bev reviewed a paper flower kit that is recommended for children, but adults would also enjoy.

If you don't wish to be confined to the contents of a kit and would rather select your own fabrics & embellishments, you will find multiple tutorials for creating a craft using your own materials & supplies.  Dawn shared a very popular detailed tutorial for making easy Christmas ornaments, while Mickie shared how to make a mosaic flower pot with tiles, broken dishes or pottery.

In addition to kits and tutorials, a few of our contributors have opened Etsy stores and sell their own handmade items.  They make awesome gifts and home decor.

Plus, there are many craft books, patterns, craft supplies, and featured offsite craft projects reviewed right here on Review This Reviews.  

Join us in our creative world of Crafts, DIY & Tutorials!

A Review This Reviews Pinterest Board - Craft Reviews, DIY & Craft Tutorials

The board below features 30 of our most recent reviews.

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Saturday, September 12, 2020

Living Accents Rectangular Folding Table Review

Living Accents Rectangular Folding Table

I participate in a local Farmers Market as a craft vendor.  I have a 4 foot by 2 foot folding table that fits nicely in my small car for transportation to Market. 

Several years ago, in South Carolina, I took part in another Farmers Market using my folding table and a card table for displaying my crafts. The card table broke and, since my move to Iowa, I haven't needed it.  Now, with the opportunity to join in at an Iowa Farmers Market, I find my single table does not give me enough display room. Therefore, this week I purchased a second folding table.

Living Accents Folding 4 ft. Rectangular Table

The table I chose is by Living Accents.  It measures 48 inches long x 24 inches wide x 29.5 inches high. It is lightweight and easy to carry, plus fits just fine on top of my first table in the car. It is on a steel frame and the legs fold in for easy storage and transportation. 

The polyethylene top is resistant to water, stains, scratch and impacts, which is handy since hauling the table in and out of the car and back & forth to my space at the park where the Farmers Market is held outside would be very hard on any 'indoor' type table. 

Ace is the Place

I purchased my new folding table at Ace Hardware, my favorite local 'go-to' place for many things I need. Other places one can find this folding table by Living Accents is Walmart and Target.  Other brands of similar folding tables can be found at a variety of Big Box Stores and on Amazon


The current Farmers Market will run weekly through October.  Once the winter snows blanket my Iowa landscape, I will use my folding craft tables for my craft room as I create more inventory for my Etsy Store and for next season's Farmer's Market! 

My new folding table at the Farmers Market

Folding table being used at a Farmers Market

Table filled with my crafts on Market Day

Folding Table filled with crafts at the Farmers Market

Elf and her Crocheted Critters at the Farmers Market

folding table used for  my crafts at the Farmers Market

Related Links:

*Review written by (c) Wednesday Elf  (9/12/2020)

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Friday, September 11, 2020

Spider-Man Far From Home Lego Set #76130 Reviewed

Spiderman Far From Home Lego Set
When my son recently showed me the latest Lego set he had built, I was surprised by how many things were included in this Lego masterpiece.  It is not unusual for Lego to create an impressive building set, but I am always amazed by how they have moving parts and hidden features.

We are huge Lego fans! I know a Lego set is the perfect gift to give our son, as well as several other males in the family. Normally, he tells me what new sets he wants most for Christmas or his birthday.  That is always helpful. Not just for me, but for other family members who wish to give a desired gift.  Honestly, it would be impossible for me to remember which sets our son already owns, unless they are displayed on his shelves.  After all, I am not the only person who gives him Legos, plus he buys for himself.  But, regardless of how many he has, he knows exactly which ones he owns and which sets he would like to have. 

We like to give him the Lego sets with significance to all of us.  Since we saw the movie "Spider-Man Far From Home" together, this particular set has special meaning with related memories.  

The Spider-Man Far From Home Lego set was a gift we gave him for Christmas 2019.  You can see for yourself that he waited over a year to actually built this particular set.  I have said many times in the past that, to our son, Legos are like my craft kits.  We want them immediately so they will be on hand when we are ready to create!  It is also wise to purchase Lego sets before they are retired and you have to pay a premium to second-hand dealers to get one.

This set is currently available and not yet retired.

Spider-Man Far From Home Lego Set #76130

As I previously noted, this Spider-man set has several really neat features.  Some, like the colored pieces for lights or the engine exhaust plume, are always attractive features.  My favorite feature of interest in this set is that Spider-man drops from the belly of the plane and hangs by a "thread".

I also love the mini-figures that are included.  In addition to Spider-man, Happy Hogan, Nick Fury, and Mysterio are all part of this set.  As always, the mini-figures can be seated in the planes cockpit or "attached" wherever desired.  

 LEGO Marvel Spider Man Far From HomeCheck Price

More Specifications & Included Pieces

  • 504 pieces
  • Stark Jet with dual passenger cockpit, opening hatch for Spiderman & adjustable wings
  • 6" high x 9" long
  • Mini-figures:  Spider-man, Mysterio, Nick Furry & Happy Hogan
  • 2 Drones
  • The hero weapons include energy bombs, gun & shooter


This set is recommend for ages 8 years and up.  I sure am glad they don't put a top age limit on Lego sets.  After all, building Legos is not limited to children.

Check Out More Lego Reviews Here On

Review This Reviews!

Spider-Man Far From Home Lego Set #76130 Reviewed by:
House of Sylvestermouse

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Thursday, September 10, 2020

Review of Across the Winding River

a winding river bordered by trees
Across the Winding River was another one of those books I couldn't put down once I started reading it.  The author did a wonderful job of intertwining a story from World War II Germany and present day San Diego.  When Beth is helping her father go through his WWII mementos she discovers a photo of him and a mysterious women in Germany who is obviously pregnant. Who is this woman and what if any part did she play in her father's life. 

Link to Book through Amazon


Main Characters

  • Max-  Max is a dentist, who served as a medic in World War II.  He met several German resistance members whom he helped whenever he could.
  • Beth-  Max's daughter.  We meet her in the present day after her mother has died and she is taking care of her invalid father.  She wants to spend as much time as she can with him and engages him in talking about his time in the war.
  • Johanna- We first meet Johanna just before the war when Hitler is just starting to rise to power.  Johanna and her family have been able to hide the fact that she is one quarter Jewish through a grandfather who has since passed away.
  • Harald- Harald is a professor who marries Johanna.  During the war he is  pressed into service for a cause he does not believe in.
  • Margarethe (Metta) - Metta is a younger sister who marries a strict Nazi, before she realizes his true character.  She sneaks away whenever she can to work for the resistance.
  • Ansel- Ansel is Metta's husband and a very cruel person who is loyal to the Nazi cause.
  • Jonas and Heide- They belong to the German resistance.  When Jonas is wounded, Metta meets an American medic in the forest and brings him to help Jonas.

My Thought on the Book

I really loved the book.  It was easy to read and clearly marked whether you were in the present day or the World War II era.  Each chapter completed a section on one of the times.  There were several side stories on Beth, that endeared her to me.  She was a very likable character as was her father Max.  I found myself really routing for them and hoping they could solve the mystery that had lasted for over 50 years.

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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Shish Kabob Grilling Baskets


Shish Kabob Grilling Baskets
Shish Kabob Grilling Baskets Reviewed

We like to take advantage of the grilling season here in Western New York because around here the snow will be flying before you know it. Fran saw an advertisement for these shish kabob grilling baskets and she knew we had to have them.

Fran bought two sets of four of the grilling baskets. We had them for about three weeks, and I just couldn't wait any longer to give them a try.

I picked up two 10oz. steaks, one Rib Eye, and one Strip steak along with three boneless chicken breasts. For the vegetables, we used one green and one red bell pepper, one large onion, and fresh mushrooms.

Kabob Grilling Baskets:

Kabob Baskets

I cut the steak and chicken breasts into cubes to fit the baskets, about 2-inch cubes. I marinated the steak and chicken overnight in Chiavetta's Barbeque Marinade. This is a perfect marinade for chicken and beef, we use this faithfully.  After marinating, I sprayed the kabob baskets with cooking spray and filled the baskets with the meat. We used six out of the eight baskets we bought.

 The cooking spray makes for easy clean up of the baskets.  Then, I seasoned them with Penzeys Chicago Steak Seasoning.  

Close the top of the basket slide the ring up to lock in place and you're ready to grill. I choose to load the baskets with all meat. But you can alternate meat and vegetables if you like. 

Kabob Basket Grilling

 I cleaned the mushrooms and removed the stems, cut the peppers, and onion. I marinated the vegetables for about 30 minutes with an 8oz. bottle  Wegmans Basting Oil. Then, I grilled the vegetables in a separate grilling basket.  

bbq Kabob Baskets

This is the end result right out of the kabob baskets. The steak grilled to an internal temperature of 125 degrees for a perfect medium-rare, and the chicken grilled to 165 degrees internal temperature. The vegetables were grilled until they were nice and tender but still a bit crispy.

In my opinion, the Kabob Baskets are amazing, I'll never use skewers again. As long as you spray them with cooking spray before grilling clean up is fairly easy.

Tip: The kabob baskets have wooden handles which makes it difficult to close the grill lid. I used a mini bread pan to stop the grill lid from touching the handles. This kept the grill lid about 3-inches from the handles and allowed me to keep some heat as they grilled.

Find more product reviews here:

Find more recipes here:

Set of 4 Kabob Basket, BlackSet of 4 Kabob Basket, BlackSet of 4 Kabob Basket, Black


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