Thursday, January 14, 2016

Photographing Beautiful Sunrises

Photograph Beautiful Sunrises

sunrise in jupiter, florida photo by mbgphoto
Sunrise in Jupiter Florida
Source: Mary Beth Granger
During March of 2009, we were fortunate to be able to stay in a condo with the balcony overlooking the ocean in Jupiter, Florida. I was delighted to be able to photograph the sunrise each morning. The first morning when I awoke I was amazed at the beauty of the sunrise, I thought "it can't get any better than this!", but then each morning I discovered a new glory awaited me.

I was amazed at how the variation in the clouds and weather made each sunrise a little different from the one the day before. It reminded me of a phrase my father-in-law always said This is the Day the Lord hath Made!

On this page I will review the photos taken from that balcony. I will also show some sunrise photos that I have taken on other trips and add a few tips that I used to photograph these scenes. I hope you enjoy these spectacular views!

The photo in this introduction was taken from the same balcony on a return visit in March 2014. I enjoy using the skills I have learned each year to take more sunrise photos from this balcony. I can set up my tripod, jump out of bed just before sunrise, and shoot these dramatic views!

photos by Mary Beth Granger

Before the Dawn - Colors before the Sun Rises

Before Dawn photo by mbgphoto

For about an hour before sunrise each day I was able to photograph some beautiful colors in the sky. The trick here is rising early and having your tripod and camera set up and ready to take the photos. I then take a series of photos starting before the sunrises and then every 5 minutes or so until the sun becomes too bright. On these first photos I was still at the point in learning photography where I relied on the auto settings on my camera. These photos were taken using the nighttime setting on my Sony DSLR.

This series of photos is taken from the same spot each day over a ten day period.

Pink Sky before Sun Rise - predawn light

predawn light by mggphoto

We returned to the same place in Jupiter in 2010. Here is a photo from the same vantage point.

If you wait till sunrise to start photographing you will miss beautiful scenes such as this one. This photo was taken about 30 minutes before sun rise. The brilliant pink colors were there for only about 10 minutes. Amazing beauty!!

Let There be Light - inspirational photo

Let There Be Light photo by mbgphoto

If there are clouds low in the sky you can continue shooting well after the sun rises.

On this day the sun rose and then went into a cloud bank. The rays of sun coming out of the clouds reminded me of photos you often see of the creation. And God said "Let There be Light"

Sunrise in Paradise - Ocean Sunrise

ocean sunrise photo by mbgphoto

Sun through the Clouds

sun through the clouds photo by mbgphoto

On this morning there was a heavy cloud bank right on the horizon. I had to wait a bit before I could catch the was worth the wait!

Sunrise with Scattered Clouds - Yellow colors in the sunrise

sunrise with scattered clouds by mpgphoto

On this morning there were scattered clouds that the sun went in and out of as it rose. You can see a bird taking an early morning flight.

First Light on Cloudy Day

first light on a cloudy day photo by mbgphoto

On a very cloudy day the sunrise gives another different look. You can see the pinks in the sky as the sun emerges on the horizon and then slips into a bank of clouds.

Sunrise-Heavy Clouds

sunrise-heavy clouds photo by mbgphoto

On this morning the clouds were so heavy that you never really saw the sun, just glimpses of light through the clouds.

Fall Sunrise in Destin, Florida

The next group of photos were taken in the fall of 2007 at Destin, Florida. We were staying by the ocean and I was able to capture the sun rising on the ocean from our balcony. This was the first time I had witnessed the sun rising over the ocean. The reflection of the rising sun on the ocean appears as if it is melting out of the water. It is an incredible site. I was later able to witness the same site at sunset and it was equally amazing.


Fall Florida Sunrise - Sunrise over the ocean

fall florida sunrise photo by mpgphoto

Sunrise in Mazatlan

Sunrise in Mazatlan

This photo was taken from a cruise ship as we were arriving in Mazatlan, Mexico.

Sunrise in Port Washington, Wisconsin

Sunrise in Port Washington, Wisconsin

This photo was taken while we were visiting Port Washington, Wisconsin. I love the way the sky takes on a dark orange cast.

Here are some of my photographs of sunrises and sunsets on Zazzle products.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Reviewing An Ergonomic Handle Snow Shovel

A Good Shovel Is Important For Snow Removal

snow covered ground
Well, I just spent the last couple of hours removing the snow from my driveway. It is the first time that I have had to do so for this winter but I know it won't be the last. It is not my favorite activity but it does have to be done. Our driveway has a rather steep incline and if the snow gets packed down it is difficult to get up the drive when you return home. So, let me tell you what I use to remove said snow.

First, I should tell you that over the course of several decades I have used several types of snow shovels. Some were just fine while others were horrible. I learned a long time ago that buying a cheap shovel is just a huge waste of time. They usually break before the season is over so they actually end up costing you more money because you have to replace them. Anyway, I digress.

A few years ago, my husband brought home a shovel with an ergonomic handle and at first I wasn't sure that I was going to like it but it is now my favorite shovel to grab when the snow is ready to be removed from our drive.

What I love about this shovel is that I can push the snow across the drive instead of having to pick it up and toss it. I'm not exactly a "spring chicken" anymore and lifting the snow is more than I can tolerate for any length of time. So, pushing it across and packing it up on the sides works most of the time. It is not too difficult to heave the snow at the end of my run but if I had to heave all of it, I wouldn't be able to get very far. A younger, stronger person could use this same shovel and lift all day but when you are past your 6th decade and a little woman to boot; it probably is not the wisest thing to try to do.

My daughters yell at me for taking care of the snow in the first place and with a different shovel I might not be able to do it. It is actually pretty darned good exercise and depending on the snowfall I sometimes have to pace myself but I get the job done. There are no young boys coming around to see if they can do it for you for a price. So, I take care of it. Now, if we get a few feet of snow my husband will get the trusty snow blower out but for those little snowfalls less than 6 inches, I do it.

I have this thing about being able to get out of the drive if I need to. The problem isn't so much getting out it is the getting back up the drive that becomes the problem in winter. My husband doesn't have any trouble with his jeep, he just slings it into 4 wheel drive and up he goes. My car is a rear wheel drive and doesn't do so well. I could wait until my husband gets home and have him do it but he is usually so tired after a day's work that it hardly seems fair to ask him to do it when I'm home all day. Besides, it keeps me in shape!

I highly recommend a snow shovel with an ergonomic handle and one with an aluminum blade if you have a snow removal job in your future. The plastic blades often crack in colder temperatures (at least that has been my experience) so their lighter weight doesn't help much if they are split or only half there. 

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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Tuesday Jan 12/16 Pharmacist Day!

RX sign

They say that there is a day for everyone and everything and sometimes that day is shared by several different "jobs".  Today according to the "Day of Years" is Pharmacist Day!  Great Timing too!  In the middle of the winter, chances are that you have had to visit your local Drug Store at least once or twice.

So what makes those guys and gals so special?  I guess part of it has to come from the fact that they can dispense drugs to us, who are weary of being sick.

Today we are confronted with not only drugs that will help us to feel better, but we are also confronted by "holistic" or naturally based chemicals that do the same thing.  Truth be known, I stand in the Over the Counter Drug area, with a look of complete awe and frustration on my face, because, the variety of pills available is mind staggering.  Unless you have a PhD in drug identification, you have no idea what you are taking and the possible side effects that are going to be unleashed.

So I for one, am very happy to speak to the pharmacist to make sure that what I am taking is not going to bring about some unpleasant reaction or even some harm.  After all I want to feel better not worse.

I trust in their education and experience to point me in the right direction and to purchase the medication that is going to make me feel human again.

After all the pharmacist has had many years of education and experience dealing with people and their medical/drug needs.  Along with continuing education and courses dealing with specific illnesses, they are the first line of defense, when you are starting to feel ill.

Now if there are other medical issues, of course you are going to deal with your family doctor as well as your pharmacist.  The two go hand in hand.  But for simple illness, like coughs, colds and just general malaise, going to the pharmacist first is quite acceptable.  He/she will point you to the family doctor if they feel there is a need for more investigation into why you are feeling ill.

What many people forget to do, is to tell the pharmacist all of the medications that they are taking, including ones that are deemed "holistic" or "natural" as these can interact with whatever you are going to purchase from the over the counter, area.

Drugs and drug interactions are something that can cause more grief due to lack of disclosure.  So do yourself a favor and keep a list of all medications you are taking on a daily basis, so that when and if you need a prescription filled or something in the "over the counter area", the pharmacist is giving you the best drug advice available for your symptoms.  That way you will be on the road to mend, before you can say "dextromethorphan" fast three times.

Happy Pharmacist's Day, here's to your health!

pharmacy grocery aisle

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Monday, January 11, 2016

A Treasury of the World's Greatest Fairy Tales Vintage Book Review

A Treasury of the World's Greatest Fairy Tales Vintage Book Review
Adapted by Helen Hyman, A Treasury of the World's Greatest Fairy Tales and A Second Treasury of the World's Greatest Fairy Tales are both beautiful hardcover books filled with some of the best fairy tales. Both the text and the pictures were created by three brothers and their publishing company in Italy under the name of Fratelli Fabbri Editori.

The stories are closer to the original story lines than they are the Disney versions. If you want to expose your children to fairy tales that are not defined by Disney, these books are worth considering.

Possibly more important to some individuals than the actual stories in this case are the detailed pictures. The images were so important to people who grew up with them that these books defined the way those fairy tales look in their minds. One reviewer says that for her they defined exactly what fairy tale princes, princesses, dwarves, ogres, and even some animals looked like.  Another says that the pictures in the book are more like paintings than they are pen-and-ink cartoons. 

Both of these treasuries are suitable for both girls and boys. They are not just princess stories but also include stories where the young male character is the hero.

Published in the 1970s and held dear by many adults who owned them when they were young, these treasuries are now out of print and in demand as people search for copies to share with their own families and with which to replace worn out volumes that they own. Unfortunately, the fact that they are vintage and out-of-print makes them slightly more expensive than the average new, modern fairy tale book.

A Second Treasury of the World's Greatest Fairy Tales Vintage Book ReviewThe following fairy tales are included in the first volume of the World's Greatest Fairy Tales treasury:
  • The Ugly Duckling
  • Puss-in-Boots
  • Hansel and Gretel
  • The Wild Swans
  • Seven in One Blow
  • Snow White and Rose Red
  • The Frog Prince
  • The Three Little Pigs
  • Rapunzel
  • Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
  • The Three Dwarfs in the Wood
  • Prince Kamar and Princess Budur
  • Hans in Luck
  • The Three Musicians
The stories included in the second book, A Second Treasury of the World's Greatest Fairy Tales, are:
  • Cinderella
  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
  • Aladdin and the Magic Lamp
  • Sleeping Beauty
  • Little Red Riding hood
  • The Lion and the Carpenter
  • Beauty and the Beast
  • The Seven Ravens
  • The Little Goldfish
  • The Little Tin Soldier
  • The Emperor's Nightingale
  • Thumbelina
  • The Three Hairs of the Ogre
  • The Pied Piper

A Few Closing Thoughts from Readers

One fond reader says that the stories in these books are full of food for you and your child's imagination and that the words will stretch it farther. Another reader says that this was one of two things that he really loved when he was growing up. 

The Poisoned Martini says these books "have got to be the best illustrated collection of fairy tales." 

If you are searching for a copy of one or both of these books, you will find both of them on eBay by clicking right here.

Do you have a children's book that you remember fondly? Perhaps one that defined forever how a character looks in your mind?

Happy Reading!

Quick Links:

New, used and vintage children's books in my eBay store.
The Pink Dress by Anne Alexander.
Controversial Anne of Green Gables book cover.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, January 10, 2016

An Easy Way to Organize Your Linen Closet

Photo by
If Opening Your Linen Closet Causes Heart Palpitations, It's Time for a Spring Sort!

If you have a big family, and many different sizes of beds, as we do, then this practical linen-sorting tip can help.

Here's How I Solved the Problem of Mixing Up the Various Sizes of Linens for each Room in the Home:

In our washroom we have a closet we're currently using as a Linen Closet. It doesn't matter where your linen closet is located, so long as it's large enough to use sorting bins.

We have five bedrooms and four sons. Each bedroom has a different sized bed; double, queen, single, king ... so my linen closet was ALWAYS a disaster! Plus I also found myself unfolding and re-folding sheets after grabbing the wrong sized sheets for a bed!

One Day, I HAD Enough and decided to find a way to organize the closet so that finding the right sheets for the right bed wouldn't be such a hassle!

NOW Each room has it's own storage bucket with the respective sized Bedding in it. You could also put their bedding in their bin in their bedroom closet, but that doesn't work for us.
First of all, I know the sheets would end up in a heap, and second there wasn't any more space to do it that way.

You can see by the photo that each child has it's own storage container with their linens in it, with the second shelf reserved for towels.

The extra containers have pillow cases in them, divided up by size - One container has 'double/queen sized pillow cases' and one of container has 'king sized pillow cases'.

Our master bedroom actually has two containers - one container holds the 'flannel sheets' and the other holds the summer 'cotton sheets'. Also, on the very bottom of the closet I keep a laundry basket for the boys to put their dirty clothes in.

I've lightly written the boys names on each of their respective containers so that I can quickly find the sheets for the bedroom I need.

It's working out very well. Although, sometimes I do put the wrong sheets in a bucket and have to correct it.

It is a bit of a pain to take the buckets out that are on the very top, but they're the ones I use less frequently. Plus I prefer it this way over the mess that it once was.

This was easy to do; just measure the width and depth of the shelves, decide how many containers you need and then be sure you pick containers that will fit nicely on the shelves.

PS: Keep the containers OPEN to easily reach in and grab bedding without having to open and close them each time

by Barbara Tremblay Cipak
Owner -

Added Bonus: Check out creative laundry room sorting tips for a small space here !

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Appreciate a Dragon Day – January 16

Reviewing Dragons for 'Dragon Day'

Plush toy dragon

In 2004, a school teacher named Donita K. Paul, decided to retire.  Shortly afterwards,  Mrs. Paul began a new career as a writer.  She created “Appreciate a Dragon Day” to celebrate the release of her first book, Dragon Spell, and as a way to celebrate literacy.  We now celebrate this day every year on January 16.

Dragon Spell is Book 1 of the Dragon Keepers Chronicles, a fantasy fiction series for children in grades 4 through 8.  Mrs. Paul went on to write a total of 6 books in this series, then moved on to write a 10-book series of the Dragon Chronicles.  

Today she is an award-winning novelist writing Christian Romance and Fantasy, but it looks like the mythical creature we call the dragon has become her favorite.

Things to do for Dragon Day

Since Mrs. Paul's dragon books are designed for children, she has a number of suggestions for kids to celebrate her 'Appreciate a Dragon Day'.  

  • Take Pictures!
    • One idea is to see how many pictures you can take of your favorite stuffed dragon in funny places.  
      • How about reading a dragon book with your plush dragon at the library?  
        • Picture the two of you eating a hamburger at McDonalds 
        • Or, you and your dragon could play in the park and have fun sliding down the slide.

        • Be Creative!

        Draw a dragon or write a story about a dragon or put on a dragon puppet show. 

        How to Draw Dragons art lesson

        Check out How to Draw Dragons, a cute art lesson for children found on Emily Gravett's web site.  Emily is an illustrator and author of darling children's books, including  Cedric the Dragon.

        • Sing a Dragon Song 

        The most famous dragon of modern times has been immortalized in song.  Puff, the Magic Dragon was written by Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary folk group fame more than 50 years ago… and is still beloved by children (and their parents and grandparents) today.

        Peter and Christopher Yarrow in concert in Savannah, GA
        Peter Yarrow
        I got to see Peter Yarrow in person in Savannah, GA three years ago when he was one of the performers of our annual  music festival.  Before singing “Puff”, he called a couple dozen small children up on the stage with him and had them help sing the song.  

        Peter Yarrow held his microphone down to a 5-year-old singing “Puff”.  She knew all the words, though even her parents had yet to be born when the song was written in 1963. Peter Yarrow told the audience that day that he had no idea the song would become so well known and beloved by generations of children.  He said he finds this very moving.

        Personal Note:  Speaking of feeling moved, after the concert I stood in line to tell Peter Yarrow I had been a fan for almost all of his career and, really feeling overwhelmed, tearfully thanked him for the beautiful music and the 50 years of special memories.  He gave me a hug as I left, giving this folk music fan another wonderful memory.

        Puff the Magic Dragon Book, CD & Plush Dragon Gift Set

        Puff the Magic Dragon book cover
        Puff the Magic Dragon Book & CD

        This children's book is based on the fabulous children's song written by Peter Yarrow and Lenny Lipton with beautiful illustrations by artist
        Eric Puybaret.

        The book comes with a CD featuring not only Puff, but several other songs performed by Yarrow, his daughter Bethany, and cellist Rufus Cappadocia and a Puff, the Magic Dragon Plush Toy.

        An adorable 3-piece gift set for all fans of "Puff", young and old.

        Stuffed Dragon Toy

        Kids love stuffed toys and a plush dragon is a perfect toy for those who love dragons.

        Green dragon by Aurora plush dragon toy

        Vollenth the green dragon from Aurora is an adorable example of a plush dragon for children. Measuring 18" long, this toy dragon is a fun toy to have running around the house. 

        Get Ready to Celebrate "Appreciate a Dragon Day"

        So, whatever you choose to do to celebrate “Appreciate a Dragon Day” you are sure to have a wonderful time with this favorite of mythical creatures. 

        Related Link:

        Delightful Dragon Gift Ideas

        (c) Article written by Wednesday Elf on 1/9/16.  Updated on 1/16/2024

        Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

        Friday, January 8, 2016

        Star Wars: The Force Awakens Movie Review

        Expect the Unexpected!

        Star Wars: The Force Awakens
        We recently went to see "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" and I was actually very surprised by how much I enjoyed the movie.  You see, I am a huge Star Wars fan.  The very first "Star Wars" movie came out when I was a teenager so you could say that I have grown up with "Star Wars".   Almost 40 years of Star Wars influence and I was not ready to let go of the original characters and embrace a new generation.

        Daily, I am surrounded by Star Wars characters.  Yoda sits at my kitchen sink overseeing all my activities.  Darth Vader hovers by my the coffee pot and frequently speaks to me. Well when I push his little button, he speaks to me.  I also own a Ewok plush.  And to this day, Jabba the Hut totally grosses me out.  Oh, yes!  I even have Star Wars Christmas decorations.  Wanna see Yoda in a Santa suit?  Just come to my home next Christmas.

        Star Wars: The Force Awakens - My Biggest Surprise

         Star Wars: The Force Awakens Deluxe Figure Play SetBased on the trailers I had seen, It appeared that the new Disney made Star Wars movie was moving beyond my favorite things and characters.  I didn't think I could stand watching that happen.  When my son wanted me to go see the movie with him,  I decided spending time with him was more important than hanging on to the past.  However, I was in for a huge surprise!

        Harrison Ford (Han Solo), Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker), Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia) were back and even Peter Mayhew returned to play everyone's favorite Wookiee, Chewbacca.  I do want to make one note here.  There were actually two actors who played the part of Chewbacca in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens".  Joonas Suotamo stepped in to cover the action scenes for Peter Mayhew. 

        In addition to these fabulous actors who made the characters come to life in the original "Star Wars" movie nearly 40 years ago, "The Force Awakens" also included C-3PO and R2-D2. 

        Plus, the Millennium Falcon is back!

        I missed Yoda, but otherwise it seemed like a wonderful reunion until the unthinkable happened.

        Star Wars: The Force Awakens Movie Review for Original Star Wars Fans

        If you are an old Star Wars fan, by now you already know that this movie takes place decades after the original confrontation with Darth Vader, but there is a new Dark Side, just as there is a new generation that is strong with the "Force" fighting for the Republic. 

        Sadly, just as Darth Vader was Leia and Luke's father, Kylo Ren is Leia and Han's son, Ben.  It seems to be a family trait to betray the Republic and move to the dark side. 

        We were never meant to like Darth Vader, and we most certainly do not like Kylo Ren.  The atrocity he commits to "prove" himself will forever define him as the greatest villain in the "Star Wars" series of movies. 

        If you are a huge original "Star Wars" fan, prepare yourself!  Things will never be the same again.

        This Reviewers Opinion of Star Wars: The Force Awakens Movie Review


         Star Wars: The Force Awakens Visual DictionaryMuch to my surprise, I really liked the way they tied the old with the new.  There does come a time in life to pass the gauntlet to the young.  To let them have their own generation of heroes and villains.  I have no doubt there are more revelations and surprises for the "Star Wars" future films.

        I also really liked the new characters.  I look forward to seeing Rey, Finn and Poe Dameron take on this new generation of the dark side.  Plus, it appears as if we will be seeing a lot more of Luke Skywalker as he assumes the tasks of Jeti mentor and instructor.  I anticipate really liking the mature Mark Hamill, perhaps even more than I did when he was oh, so very young.

        I assure you, I will cheer wildly when they finally take down Kylo Ren.  I await the day when his empty helmet sits next to the disfigured Darth Vader headpiece in a lineup that demonstrates that good will conquer evil even if evil rules for a day.   

        May The Force Be With You!

        Star Wars: The Force Awakens Movie Review by:
        House of Sylvestermouse

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        Thursday, January 7, 2016

        Improve Your Health With a Simple Rebounder Workout

        When you use a mini trampoline for exercise, every cell in your body benefits from each brief, simple rebounder workout, making you healthy and stronger.

        Several years ago when I was recovering from cancer treatments, a friend recommended that I start using a rebounder for exercise. That way, every cell in my body could be oxygenated in one brief, simple rebounder workout, helping rebuild my strength quickly. She was right. With just a few minutes a day of gentle bouncing, I began feeling better quickly and, in no time, my strength and endurance were back to normal.  I'm well now, but I still enjoy my mini-trampoline workouts. Not only are they good for body and soul, they're lots and lots of fun!

        You don't have to be recovering from an illness to reap the benefits of using a rebounder for exercise. It's a great workout for just about anyone who can stand upright and maintain a fair amount of balance. If you're not sure that's you, check with your doctor first!

        Advantages of Rebounder Exercise

        The advantages of rebounder exercise are many. First, you can exercise by yourself, in the comfort of your own home. No gym membership necessary which brings us to our second point: it's cheap exercise. The only piece of equipment that you need is the rebounder or mini-trampoline (the names are used interchangeably). I'll give you some recommendations about that below.

        Next advantage, rebounding is a great choice whether you're totally out of shape, in perfect shape and want an additional cardio/oxygenizing workout, or anywhere in between. If you fall into the first category, your workouts will start out short, just a few minutes as your body tolerates.  If you fall into the totally-fit category, you'll just bounce for a longer period of time and add plenty of upper body movement to your workout.

        One of the most important advantages of exercising using a rebounder is the oxygenation aspect that I mentioned above. What that means is that as you work out, breathing faster and deeper, your respiratory system absorbs more oxygen and your cardiovascular system pumps that oxygen-rich blood through every cell in your body. You know that oxygen is essential if you're a living, breathing human being, but what you might not know is that high levels of oxygen have been shown to fight disease, including cancer. In fact, it has been proven that cancer cells can't exist in the presence of oxygen. While we obtain oxygen from drinking lots of water and eating the right foods, exercise that makes us breathe more deeply also provides our bodies with a live-giving fresh supply of oxygen. That's why, simply put, exercise is so important in maintaining, or rebuilding, a healthy body. Breast cancer patients and others with lymphatic system issues, consult your doctor about using a trampoline to help rid your body of those toxins.

        There's one more important advantage of rebounder exercise and that is the effect the workout has on your overall well being. While your body is getting its workout, your mind is having the time of its life! It is so much fun to exercise using a lively workout music playlist. As you bounce, dance, and jump to the music, you can't help but be in a better mood when it's all said and done!

        Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article.

        Workout Music for Rebounding

        Choose something moderately fast with a steady beat. Most importantly, pick music that you like.  My current favorite is Motor City Hits, a workout mix from The Biggest Loser.

        How to Use a Rebounder

        Wear comfortable, sturdy shoes or go barefoot if you prefer. If you're a beginner, place the rebounder within reach of a counter or sturdy chair to grab just in case you start feeling a little unstable (or choose a rebounder with a stability bar). Start by stretching, then bounce "slow and low," keeping your feet on the deck of the trampoline. Personally, I like to just do my own thing, walking, marching, or jumping to the music, adding arm movements as I pick up the pace. If you've never done any rebounding at all, I'd recommend starting with a video such as the excellent one below in order to learn some basic moves. Stick with your comfort level, pushing yourself only when you feel ready, and you'll do fine.

        Reviewing Mini-Trampolines: Which Rebounder to Buy

        The price range for rebounders is wide, starting at less than $30 and going up to over $300. The choice is yours and I'd recommend starting on this page at for a quick overview of what's available. The more expensive fitness trampolines are generally very highly rated, but then so are many of the cheaper models. 

        Besides your budget, keep in mind your state of health. A stability bar is a feature that you'll find helpful if you have an issue with balance. When I was sick, having the bar to hold onto while I bounced was very important. These days I'm comfortable going without the bar and leaving more space around me. 

        I've never used resistance bands like the ones included on this inexpensive but well-reviewed Gold's Gym Mini Rebounder, but customers seem to love this model. 

        My bottom line advice? Read the reviews and choose the best model you can afford. As many reviewers say, you get what you pay for. As for me, I'm fine with my 36-inch, non-folding model with elastic bands (not springs) and no stamina bar. Your mileage may vary. 

        So, should you rebound? 

        The answer is a resounding, "Yes!" unless your doctor tells you otherwise. It's simple, cheap to get started, it will improve your health, and it's the most fun exercise to do day or night, rain or shine, in the privacy of your own home.  What's not to like about that!

        Like the idea of improving your health by using a rebounder for exercise? I'd love if you'd share your thoughts on the subject in the comment section below.

        QUICK LINKS:

        Posted by Susan Deppner

        Susan Deppner

        About the Author

        Susan Deppner is a baby boomer, a cancer survivor, and a Southerner who believes in the Golden Rule. She enjoys writing about food, faith, and fitness; health, home, and holidays; people, places, pets, and patriotism, and more. Follow Susan on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

        Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

        Wednesday, January 6, 2016

        Reviewing Into The Wild Book One in a Cat Series

        A Series For Cat Lovers

        I just finished reading the book Into The Wild which is book number 1 in the Warriors: The Prophecies Begin series of books. These books are actually written for 8 to 12 year olds but I have to tell you they are just as enjoyable for us old adults to read, too; especially if you happen to love cats.

        I plan to read through the rest of the series and then the additional series that were written after this one began in 2009. Erin Hunter intrigued me with her descriptions of cat behavior throughout this book. She made me giggle, saw "Ahhh" and become attached to several of the cats in the story.

        The story begins with Rusty a pet cat in an undetermined neighborhood. Rusty is dreaming of catching a mouse in the woods and then is disappointed when he awakes to find that he is still in the home of his owners and is forced to eat the dry kibble and drink the bitter tasting water in his food and water bowl. He much prefers the taste of the water found outdoors in the puddles and has never caught a mouse in his young life.

        Rusty goes through the cat door and visits with the neighbor cat, Smudge. They sit on the fence and look toward the woods and wonder what life would be like out there. Smudge has no desire to go to those woods because he has heard there are wild cats out there that would just as soon beat you up as to look at you. Rusty is yearning for adventure, though. He jumps from the fence and walks toward the woods and there is where the adventure begins.

        He sees something moving in the darkness and begins to stalk it. He knows it is too big for a mouse and it has a red tail. As he goes further into the forest, he gets attacked by a very large and very strong cat. Rusty holds his own in the fight and finally the fight stops. He discovers that he is surrounded by a group of wild cats. One voices his distaste for the stench of "kittypet" he is throwing off while another makes fun of his small size. The cat who fought with him tells Rusty that he should be proud of his fighting skills, although they are still undeveloped he did have some interesting moves. In the course of the conversation, Rusty is invited to come join the ThunderClan of wild cats and has until the next day at noon to give his answer.

        As you might have already guessed from the title, Rusty decides to leave his comfortable home with the Twolegs (what the wild cats call humans) and live with the forest cats and become a warrior.

        This is a book that I would recommend for a child to read along with my adult friends who love to read. What I love about it is that there are such wonderful messages given to children about courage and social skills. Just as with humans, the cats have a system of authority which is sometimes not respected very well. There are bullies and there are heroes. There is even one part where the message is that we should respect the wisdom of our elders and that just because one is old does not mean that they can't offer valuable assistance to the group. The messages are disguised in the adventures of the cats but they are there just the same.

        I love how Erin Hunter describes the body language of the cats in such perfect detail. She has obviously lived with more than one cat in her lifetime!

        This was a sweet book, an exciting read and an enjoyable way to spend a few days of my time. I think that any child would love to have it read to them or to read it themselves. It is a book that I would have loved to read to my daughters at our nightly reading ritual when they were small. It is a book that I will most certainly give to my oldest grandchild and will enjoy reading to my youngest. 

        Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

        Tuesday, January 5, 2016

        Review of Handi-Reacher 50-1140 Reacher Grabber

        Sometimes People Need Some Helping in Reaching Things

        Review of Handi-Reacher 50-1140 Reacher Grabber
        My husband is picking up a container of foot powder he dropped.
        That's why our house has always had a reacher in almost every room for the past twenty years. We inherited a few from my in-laws, who had used them after hip surgery. My husband purchased more of them when he had his own hip surgery. I never thought I'd need another one until we inherited a second home from my mom and we started to live there for months at a time. It only had two reachers and my husband claimed both. When my knees started to make bending over hard to do, I decided I needed one I could lay claim to. I had an old one in my room,  but discovered it did not work well. My husband's did, so I decided to search Amazon to find one just like his. Since  all reacher-grabbers do not work equally well, I decided I should review the Handi-Reacher 50-1140 because I know it works well. I'd hate to see people who need the help get a reacher like my old one that doesn't work.

        Why the Handi-Reacher is the Best Reacher-Grabber

        Review of Handi-Reacher 50-1140 Reacher Grabber
        Handi-Reacher Picking up Pill
        The Handi-Reacher will pick up anything solid that is three inches wide or smaller. It will pick up a can of soup on a kitchen shelf above your head or grab the edge of a pan or casserole dish at the back of a bottom cupboard. My husband uses it to pick up the newspaper - even when the delivery person has thrown it under a car.You only have to pull the trigger handle with your hand to grab the item and bring it up or down. In my opinion it is the best reacher for disabled people.

        At the end of the grabber claw is a small magnet that helps attract metal screws, tacks, nails, and other small metal objects so you can pick them up easily. The lower part of the claw also has grooves on the surface to keep objects from slipping. In the photo above Hubby is picking up a small pill he dropped on the floor. Below is photo of this action from a different angle. Do you see the little knob at the top of the reacher? That is to aid in dressing. I haven't used that yet because I've not yet needed it.

        Review of Handi-Reacher 50-1140 Reacher Grabber
        Handi-Reacher Grasping Pill

        Don't Get a Reacher Like My Old One

        I know there are some cheaper reachers available, and one of them may suit you better than the Handi-Reacher. I knew my husband's worked and I kept looking until I found it. I hadn't tested the other ones. I can tell you which one not to get, though. Don't get one that looks like my old one pictured below.

        Review of Handi-Reacher 50-1140 Reacher Grabber
        Old Reacher that Doesn't Work

        After a while, it just stopped working. See that space at the end of the
        Review of Handi-Reacher 50-1140 Reacher Grabber
        Old Reacher's Bent Handle
        jaw? I can no longer squeeze it shut. The flimsy handle is bent out of shape (see right) and won't work anymore. The shape of the handle also makes it harder to squeeze than the trigger handle on my Handi-Reacher. The whole-hand trigger handle is a must for those of us who have arthritis in our hands, since it easily pulls back instead of needing a hard squeeze.

        Review of Handi-Reacher 50-1140 Reacher Grabber
        Frozen Jaw of Old Reacher
        Another major difference between this old reacher and the Handi-Reacher is the metal rod that connects the handle to the spring mechanism that opens and shuts the jaw. On the right of this photo you can see it hooked into the nearest point of the mechanism nearest the spring, which is hidden here by the hook.

        In the Handi-Reacher, all of these parts that can bend and break so easily are protected by hard plastic or what appears to be a strong aluminum tube. Don't buy anything with an exposed wire and parts like you see in my photos of my old reacher. In this picture to the left you will also see that the inside of the old reacher's jaw is smooth instead of grooved like the Handi-Reacher. The groves help the object you are grabbing stay intact in the jaw until you can get it.

        Handi-Reacher 50-1140 Handi-Reacher, Standard 24Handi-Reacher 50-1140 Handi-Reacher, Standard 24Check Price

        This is kit is another option with high customer ratings for those of you who may need additional help after a hip replacement. It's especially designed to help you. It includes not only a reacher, but also aids for putting on socks and shoes, a long-handled bath sponge, and a dressing tool. Check it out before hip surgery. My husband still uses a long shoe horn and a sock tool when dressing, and it's been over ten years since his surgery.

        Sammons Preston 49850 Complete Hip Replacement Kit, 24Sammons Preston 49850 Complete Hip Replacement Kit, 24Check Price

        If your knees or back make it hard for you to bend to pick up objects, the Handi-Reacher or the Hip Replacement Recovery Kit may be just the friend you need. If you have trouble reaching a shelf above your head, you will also find these reaching tools useful. Why wait another day to get your Handi-Reacher to start making your life easier?

        Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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