Showing posts with label organization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label organization. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

How to Organize Your Messy Linen Closet With Pop-up Storage Bins

A cluttered linen closet can be a source of frustration, especially when you're searching for that elusive missing pillowcase from a set of sheets or the washcloth from a particular set of towels. Fear not! In this guide, I’ll review an easy and efficient way to organize your linen closet using pop-up fabric storage bins labeled with index cards inside clear plastic pockets. Say goodbye to the linen closet chaos and hello to a well-organized and visually pleasing storage space for your sheets, towels, tablecloths, napkins, spare blankets and pillows, out-of-season comforters, and holiday table runners.

It's time for spring cleaning!

Easy linen closet makeover

I am not neat and well-organized by nature. However, I dislike living in a cluttered environment, as does my husband. So, periodically, we tackle an area of particular irritation to de-clutter and organize. Our most recent project was our overstuffed and extremely messy linen closet.

Our easy linen closet makeover was a smashing success, so I put together a step-by-step guide to decluttering and organizing a messy linen closet. (My fellow Review This Reviews contributor Barbara also wrote a linen closet organization guide several years ago that you might want to check out.)

Photograph Your Messy Linen Closet Before You Begin Organizing

I encourage you to take before-and-after photos to document the transformation. Our “before” closet was so bad that I didn’t photograph it and now I wish I had! The "before" photo you see above was taken in the middle of the process, after we had pulled everything out, sorted it into piles, discarded items we no longer need or use, and organized the linens we're keeping. It would have been far more impactful to show our real "before" linen closet next to our finished, organized "after" result, as well as a feel-good reminder of all we accomplished during this DIY home organization project.

Step 1: Assess, Sort, and Weed

Decluttering is the first step towards achieving an organized and functional space. Before diving into the organization process, take a moment to assess your linen closet's contents.

We pulled everything out of our closet, dumped them on our king-size bed, and then sorted all our sheets, pillowcases, towels, blankets, tablecloths, napkins, and other miscellaneous items into piles by category. Then came the hard part: deciding what to let go of or store elsewhere (such as the rarely used sheets for our sofa bed).

Set aside any worn-out, torn, stained, or mismatched linens, towels, or items you no longer need. Be as ruthless as you can. Decide what to discard or recycle and what to donate, then put those items into the trash, bags, or boxes, as appropriate, labeling the containers for recycling or donation.

Step 2: Group, Arrange, and Label Your Remaining Linens

Next, put everything else back in the closet, grouping related items and arranging them in whatever way you prefer to maximize shelf space and optimize organization. Be sure to leave some shelf space open to accommodate future purchases or gifts.

Tip: I suggest putting the linens you use most frequently on the most easily accessible shelves and reserving the highest and lowest shelves for the items you need to remove or put back less often ( such as comforters, extra blankets, guest linens, and holiday tablecloths).

Using scrap paper, make a temporary label for each pile on the shelves (e.g., blue towels, pink towels, striped flannel sheets). Personalize these labels in any way that makes sense to you (e.g., Mom’s Quaker lace tablecloth and napkins). Then place these temporary labels on top of each pile until you have your storage bins and labeling materials.

Messy linen closet without storage bins or labels
Our linen closet after we weeded out what we didn't need to keep.
It's organized, but still messy and the linens don't fit the space well.

Step 3: Measure, Then Select Fabric Storage Bins or Baskets

Pop-up fabric storage bins or baskets are a game-changer for maximizing space and bringing order to your closet both functionally and visually. These collapsible fabric bins make it easy to group similar items and access them effortlessly. Choose appropriate size bins to accommodate different types of linens, from large king-size sheet sets to small dish towels.

Measure your piles of linens, the width of your linen closet shelves, and the space between each shelf, then select a variety of coordinated bins in different sizes to fit. This allows you to customize your storage solution without investing in a custom closet makeover solution. The pop-up storage bins we selected are inexpensive and the workmanship is not perfect, but the price was right and they come in a wide range of sizes and shapes. It was also important to us to have bins that fold down when not in use because we wanted to keep some extras to allow for future expansion of our linen closet's contents. However, if you don't mind spending more, you can find a wide array of attractive storage bins to suit a variety of tastes and home decor styles.

If you have large, bulky items like comforters that won't fit inside even the largest pop-up storage bins, you may want to put them in airtight vacuum compression storage bags designed for this purpose, which will not only keep these items clean but also compress them to fit more easily on your closet shelves and save space.

Step 4: Unfold and Label the Bins

To make it easy to find what you need at a glance, you will want to label your pop-up storage bins. We decided to use self-adhesive clear plastic 3” x 5” pockets and index cards for labeling the fronts of our bins and ordered them from Amazon along with our bins. We chose the 3”x5” size because they matched the width of our smallest bins but were still large enough to accommodate labels with several lines of text when needed.

When your bins, plastic pockets, and index cards arrive, unfold the bins and press against the sides to prop them open. (The sides won’t stay completely straight until you fill the bins.)

Attach a clear plastic pocket to the front of each bin. We ordered self-stick plastic pockets but discovered that they didn’t adhere well to the fabric bins over time, so you will want to stitch, glue, or rivet the pockets to the bins. We've ordered a rivet tool and some rivets for attaching ours more securely. We will use the rest of the self-adhesive pockets and index cards to label storage cartons, where the adhesive will work perfectly. 

Using a permanent marker and index cards, write a new, permanent label for each pile of linens on your closet shelf to replace the temporary label.

This simple and effective labeling system allows for quick identification without having to rummage through each bin, and the clear plastic pockets protect the index card labels from becoming worn or dog-eared.

Step 5: Arrange Your Linens in the Labeled Bins

Take one pile of related linens and place it into the appropriately sized bin. Insert the index card label into the clear plastic pocket and return it to the closet shelf. Repeat with the remaining piles, bins, and labels.

This systematic approach not only keeps everything organized but also makes it easier to find what you need when you need it.

Then take a photo of your newly neat and organized linen closet and savor the contrast vs. your "before" picture.

Organized linen closet with labeled storage bins
Our formerly crammed, messy linen closet is organized and labeled,
so everything is easy to find and accessible. Now we just need to
remove the old, frilly, decorative pink shelf edging we inherited!

Step 6: Maintain Regularly

To keep your linen closet organized and efficient, commit to regular maintenance. Fortunately, this system makes it easy to maintain because, as my grandmother used to say, there’s “a place for everything and everything in its place.”

Periodically review the contents of each bin, refreshing, replacing, or rearranging items as needed. This ongoing effort will prevent the return of clutter and keep your linen closet in top-notch shape.

Messy Linen Closet Makeover Supplies

My husband chose a tailored storage bin style for this project, but the pretty baskets with the quatrefoil pattern would be a lovely, more feminine choice.

Enjoy Using Your Neat, Organized Linen Closet!

Transforming your linen closet into an organized storage space is a satisfying and easily achievable DIY project. With the help of pop-up storage bins labeled with index cards inside clear plastic pockets, you can create a system that not only streamlines your storage but also adds visual appeal. Enjoy the benefits of a tidy, accessible linen closet, where finding the perfect set of sheets or towels or your favorite tablecloth and napkins is a breeze.

Happy organizing!

How to Organize Your Messy Linen Closet With Pop-up Storage Bins by Margaret Schindel

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Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Review Of Slim Non Slip Space Saving Clothes Hangers


Slim Non Slip Clothes Hangers

I have used these slim, non-slip space saving clothes hangers for years in our wardrobes and find them a joy! I am not the best at organising clothes and these hangers really do help me to maintain a more organised and neater, more useable, pleasing space in the wardrobes. 

I used to have quite a mix of hangers in our wardrobes, anything from bulky yellow plastic and lovely thick wooden hangers which did the job but took up space themselves. I even used those that came with clothes bought from shops which were often black shiny plastic.

I disliked the clattering noise the black plastic hangers make and the way they all got caught up with each other often snapping in the process. All the hangers were different colours, clothes were difficult to find and get out of the wardrobe and the wardrobes themselves just looked messy.

 Also, my silkier clothes were always falling off the hangers onto the floor to my regular annoyance. They became creased and needed washing again, so could not be worn when I needed them. 

It may sound silly, but going into the wardrobes each day and facing that disorganization became a source of a sort of mild stress in my life I did not need! 

These slim, non slip, space saving clothes hangers have made a huge difference to the organisation of our wardrobes and made it a pleasure to pick out clothes to wear in the morning. 

Slim Non Slip Clothes Hangers
Slim non slip hanger for shirts, dresses and tops  Photo By Raintree Annie

Advantages And What I Love About The Slim Non-Slip Hangers

  • Being so slim they make a huge difference in the number of clothes you can hang in a wardrobe space. The profile is so slim, really just a few millimeters, the only real width it takes up is the type of clothes you hang on it. 
  • As they are covered with velvet or velvet like material, it crucially prevents clothes from slipping off onto the floor. It also keeps clothes looking nice without ugly hanging marks. 
  • If you buy enough of one colour to hang all your clothes on it can make your wardrobe look quite beautifully designer colour coordinated and extremely organised without much effort. 
  • Or you can colour coordinate your clothes for example shirts on one colour hanger, dresses on another colour and so on. 
  • What we do is to have all my clothes on one colour hanger and my husband's clothes on a different colour.
  • If you have children you can choose a different colour for each child or let them choose. 
  • Even very silky or lightweight floaty clothes do not slip off these hangers which is a wonderful plus as I used to find my silky tops at the bottom of the wardrobe all the time, but now they remain firmly on the hanger. 
  • All clothes are now hanging at the same level which looks pleasing to the eye and makes finding clothes much quicker.
  • Clothes do not get crushed so easily and I find stay looking good for much longer even if you don't regularly wear them. 
  • These slim hangers with velvet or velvet like material coverings are quiet, they do not clatter like the plastic ones and so are much calmer to use. 
  • I find the hangers reasonably sturdy especially if you buy the heavy duty ones. Depending on what quality you buy they may not always last as long as good quality wooden ones but they are at a price point where it is not too much to replace any that do break after a few years. 
  • You can hang shirts, dresses, cardigans, trousers, leggings, jeans, skirts and jackets to name a few on these hangers. You will need the hangers with a bar across to hang trousers and jeans. 

Slim Non Slip Clothes Hangers
Slim Non Slip Hanger with bar for trousers and jeans Photo By Raintree Annie

  • These hangers come in a wide range of lovely colours to suit different members of the family or different uses. A single colour of the Slim Hangers looks very chic and efficient in a wardrobe. You can buy them in white, black, grey, pastel colours and bold colours to suit everyone in the family and your wardrobe! 
  • If you do not have a wardrobe and rely on a hanging space or freestanding hanger then having all the hangers in one colour and one type just makes the clothes hanging space look so organised and neat in a room. 
  • Some of the hangers come with a small hook as in the photograph below. With these types of hangers, you can hang your clothes on them, then use the hooks to stack the hangers using the hook to make them even more space saving. I usually hang no more than two or three hangers together to achieve this as clearly it will make clothes hang lower in the wardrobe and puts more pressure on the top hook. However, especially for light shirts and tops, it is a wonderful space saving tip.


Slim Non Slip Clothes Hangers
Slim Non Slip Hangers with hooks Photo By Raintree Annie

Disadvantages Of The Hangers

  • The weak point I have found on pretty much all these hangers is where the metal hook meets the hanger. You do need to watch for signs of wear in that area. However, I have found ours do last many years and many have not shown any wear. 
  • Never try to jam them into an overfilled wardrobe. If you do they may break. Rather make sure there is a clear space, which there now should be as these are so space saving!  
  • I have found it is not good to pile many clothes on one hanger, for these hangers one normal clothing item or two light items is enough. Personally, I do not hang really heavy clothes like coats and heavy jackets on these types of hangers, I use thicker and broader hangers for these items. 
  • I do not feel they are really suitable for hanging damp or wet clothes after washing. So we keep plastic or wooden hangers for laundry purposes and these slim non-slip ones for dry clothes.

The Joy Of An Organised Wardrobe Of Clothes!

Our wooden hangers and my special pretty padded hangers are still used for some heavier clothes or those that require a wide hanger or if they are on display, but they are reserved for these few items and do not form the majority of our wardrobe hangers.

Now the majority of our clothes are hung using slim, non slip, space saving hangers. We feel more organised and can find the clothes we are looking for so much more easily. 

There is certainly more space in our wardrobes, our clothes look better, and it all just feels so much clearer and neater. It is an altogether quieter, calmer and happier experience choosing clothes to wear in the morning!

We always try to clear out our clothes and wardrobes in late Winter or early Spring and it feels so good to have it all lovely and tidy with our clothes hung on these slim, non slip, space saving hangers.

The wardrobe looks organised, calm and tidy and in a sometimes chaotic and stressful world, this small change makes one aspect of daily life a bit easier. 

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Monday, November 5, 2018

Reviewing the Teamoy Tunisian Crochet Hook Case

The Teamoy Tunisian Crochet Hook Case
Organization is not my strong suit. So I'm really happy when I find something that helps me to be more organized. I have found the Teamoy Tunisian Crochet Hook Case and I'm thrilled about how roomy, well-made, and helpful this little case is. Not only does it hold my brand new Tunisian Crochet Hooks, there is plenty of room for my other crochet hooks and other small supplies. 

Teamoy Tunisian Crochet Hook Case

This case is tall and thin; made to hold Tunisian crochet hooks (crochet hooks that are very similar in length and size to a single knitting needle). 

This little soft-sided case has two main zippered sections, Within each of those sections there is a variety of pockets and elastic bands that can organize longer crochet hooks (or knitting needles), traditional crochet hooks, as well as smaller supplies such as my locking stitch markers.

Not only are the crochet hooks held in by elasticized straps, the ends tuck in under flaps. This awesome design is going to prevent my clumsy self from accidentally dumping the contents out onto the floor each time I open the case. At this point, I can't imagine anything falling out accidentally. The zippers seem like quality zippers; not those cheapo zippers that are on many items.

This case is made from a "high quality and durable material, water-resistant and easy to clean up". There are also several colors/prints to choose from. I chose the cute cat print. 

The BEST feature about this case was the small price tag. It cost only $16.99 ! 

The only small complaint I have about this case, and it may be a complaint specifically to me, is the smell of the case when it arrived. It was wrapped in a sealed plastic bag. The smell of the "durable material" was strong when I opened that sealed packaging. It had an oily, "plastic" smell that bothered me (I am very sensitive to some chemical smells). I wiped off the case with a damp, slightly soapy cloth and then let the case air out before I spent time checking out all of the little pockets. There is no lingering odor.

If you crochet (or knit) and are in need of some organization, Teamoy may have a case for you.

If you'd like to see my first Tunisian crochet project (with gorgeous DK Colors yarn) check out my post here

my first Tunisian Crochet on Treasures, Travel, and Tales 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, March 11, 2018

20 Easy Ways to Get Your Home Ready for Spring

Photo via Pixabay - Flowers, Gardening - Clearing the Yard for Spring
Winter and hibernation tend to go hand in hand. However, we've 'sprung forward' and it's time for another change in our predictable routines.

For many of us, spring brings on an itch that's not allergy related; the itch for change. Even if you're nodding your head in the negative right now, think about it ..... you've more than likely made small changes at the start of spring without knowing it; cleaning closets, washing bedding ... you know, our automatic routine that's inspired by fresh air and open windows. There's something healing about spring changes.

Here are 20 Changes You Can Make (or have made) to Brighten Your Home for Spring - Most Don't Cost a Dime (See them below the photo)
Photo Via Pixabay - Minimalism for Spring

  1. Wash and freshen up the bedsheets, bedspreads and or curtains
  2. Change the bedsheets from flannel to cotton
  3. Clear out your closets
  4. Put away the winter clothes and pull out your summer wear
  5. Clear out your yard and garden - tidy it up
  6. Wash your windows
  7. Open your windows to do an air exchange
  8. Lighten up the room by removing area rugs to expose the wood floors. This simple technique will give you that fresh open feeling for the spring.
  9. Remove your usual accessories and replace them with simple fresh spring accents
  10. Think Green - add an abundance of plants - not just one - put multiple plants in multiple areas
  11. Freshen the home with new scents - replace winter cinnamon candles with lemon, citrus and laundry candles
  12. Dress up your table (kitchen, sunroom) - Bring out a bright and cheerful table cloth and feature a lovely arrangement of spring flowers, vases and candles
    Photo via Pixabay - Add Fresh Flowers
  13. Cover your existing pillows with spring themed pillow covers
  14. If changing your bedding set to a spring theme is possible, go for it
  15. Add one new spring themed fun focal point piece to a room for the spring - a light fixture, a piece of art, new pillows, an oversized floor plant
  16. If you're planning to re-do a room, go lighter in textures, wall colors and furnishings
  17. If you're a lover of color, find a small room (an entry way or a washroom) and paint it in a bright lacquered color. Be sure you know how powerful this will be before tackling the project. If you have a room with high ceilings - even better! Also, in a larger room you could paint one wall in a bright lacquered paint. However, if your wall has a lot of flaws, stay away from this kind of paint, it tends to show every flaw!
  18. Paint a small area in your kitchen with chalkboard paint to help create an outdoor café feel
  19. Add floral prints! Don't be afraid of floral - it's not just your grandmother's favorite. Floral prints can work in moderation, especially as an accent
  20. Work to make your rooms more open and inviting - move your furniture around - a tip to remember - ensure there's a clear pathway through the room, to the doorways. With that in mind, you'll consider the rooms flow without thinking about it.
We seem to go into cleaning-clearing mode as soon as the weather gifts us with fresher, warmer air.

Breathing in the spring air gives us a cleanse inside and out but most of all, is motivating. So don't miss the moment and the mood - make those changes while you still have that itch!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Organizing Your Kitchen Cupboards - Where to Start?

organizing kitchen cabinets
Organizing your kitchen cabinets!
I don't know about you, but my kitchen cupboards get messy (and we won't even talk about the odds 'n ends drawer!).  I think in my mind I believe I should have a walk in pantry, but in reality I don't which means that it's not big enough!  Back in the real world I'm sure that my pantry is big enough for my household, I just need to review how to organize it better!

I did buy an expandable metal shelf for the cupboard that houses my mugs and teas and this was fantastic, but I didn't think it would work the best for my pantry.

Problem number one is herbs and spices.  Now the old spice racks that I used to have would be great except I have no where to put them and also I have a couple of herbs and spices that I buy in larger containers as I use more of them.

Problem number two is cans.  I buy quite a few canned goods especially when they're on special, but I have to stack them on top of each other to see what I have and if I want to use something it can no longer be stacked so it sits behind something else and get's doubled up.

A solution?  I came across a three tier cabinet organizer and thought yes, this could be it!  I tested it out with my herbs and spices and then with my cans and went back to get a second one.

Now I know you can get can organizers that you can fit lots of cans in and they just roll out, but I just didn't think that would work very well in my home.  With this three tier organizer I can pop on my cans and see at a glance what I have.  Now you might look at the image and think well I can't read what the label says, but I pretty much know what the cans I buy look like so I can see enough to know exactly what's there.

three tier organizer for kitchen cabinets
Click image to go to Amazon and check the price of this awesome organizer (and buy it if you want to!)

As far as my herbs and spices go I find it works well, but it may not be the best organization solution for you as you don't really see the names on the spices.

three tier organizer for spices
Photo by Lou16
Check out my image to see what I mean.  Now this is fine by me because I keep my herbs and spices in alphabetical order except for the the larger containers which aren't showing (they're to the right if I had a better photo to show you).

If that sounds a little OCD - it's not, I just worked retail for a decade and in my mind alphabetical for herbs is the way to go!

I also know exactly what herbs and spices I have - someone coming into my kitchen may have problems using my organizer, but you know what?  I don't care, I just want to have it organized for me (and my husband as he's a great cook)!

I have a few other problem areas that need to be organized and I'm working on them.   I need to organize my cake decorating stuff - I have an idea on how to do that so stay tuned!

Another problem area is all of the bulk foods that I have especially since my daughter turned vegan.  I also think I have a solution for this problem too so there will definitely be a follow up post on organizing your kitchen cupboards.

Do you use anything special to organize your pantry?

One thing that my entire home lacks is enough storage so I've tried lots of different ways to keeping things organized, I hope to share more with you in the future.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Reviewing My Favorite Hand Held Labelling Machine

My Favorite Hand Held Labelling Machine - The Dymo Letratag
Get Your Own Dymo!
I own a pink (yes I said pink!) Dymo Letratag label printer and it really is my favorite hand held labelling machine and not just because the color brightens up my day! I brought my Dymo Letratag when my daughter started pre-school which means it's about a decade old and it's still doing it's job really well so this is an investment that will last.

Now I'll be honest when I went to the shops to purchase a label printer I wasn't planning on getting this one, I didn't think I needed a hand held one, I was looking at one that would sit on my desk.

The reason that I got the Letratag was because it was marked down and the couple of pink ones that were available were marked down further (apparently no one likes brighter colors, they want a subdued label printer!). I'm so glad of my decision because a hand held one is awesome and the only sort I now recommend.

Not only is it a wireless, hand held label printer (it runs off batteries) which means it's portable it also fits comfortably in my hand. The way Dymo have shaped their Letratag allows it to nestle nicely in one hand as you type the label with your other hand. It is also a nice weight, altogether the most comfortable label printer I've ever held.

Dymo certainly know their business as they've been producing label makers for years - can anyone else remember the vintage Dymo label maker that had a dial on it and you had to click on each letter (or number)? My mum had a red one from memory. As kids we thought it was great fun!

Features of the Dymo Letratag label printer

The Dymo Letratag printer is super easy to use with no messy ink to worry about or hard to thread tape for labels, let's have a look at the components....

Dymo hand held label maker
The batteries are located in the back, you simply push down on the bottom of the machine (where there's an indent) to release and the back comes off.

As you can see it takes 6 AA batteries which I thought seemed a lot at first, but I've only changed them twice in about 10 years so in my mind that is pretty good!

I do use my label maker quite a bit so I'm glad that it's economical to run.

If you can change the batteries in your television remote then you can change these!

Now what are the labels printed on?  Well unlike some other machines you don't need to add ink and tape as Dymo have combined the two in a little cartridge.

Dymo Letratag Labels
At the top of the machine there's a flap that you simply flip up to reveal the cartridge.  When one is finished you simply pull it out and put another one in.

There's no threading or anything it just pops in - not quite as easy as popping a pop tart into the toaster, but not much harder!

Now I've always used the plastic labels as I use them to label containers that are going into the freezer and I'm not sure that paper labels would work that well for this job.

There are a range of different types of labels available from plastic to paper and metallic to polyester.   There are also different colors that you can choose from.  I've only ever used the plastic black print on white labels.

I have read that people use different types of labels for different jobs - I'm too lazy for that I pop my cartridge in and leave it until it runs out!

If you're looking to get organized and need a tool like this the Dymo Letratag is hands down my favorite hand held labelling machine and I can't recommend it enough.

Now I can't find a pink Dymo Letratag available anywhere at the moment, but I have found a few in other colors which I'm sure will work equally well for you.   These other colors just may not cause you to smile as you pick them up!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Three Ways to Hide Clutter

Yep. It's that Time of the Year ... We Look at all our 'Stuff' and Think, "It's Time for a Tidy"

Of course, half the battle is admitting there's a problem! After that it's twenty five percent action and twenty five percent organizational and creative storage solutions.

Even though our clutter is organized, most of the time we're just sick of seeing the neatly stacked piles of life that take away from the overall look of our room.

The solution is equal to the mess you're dealing with: Simple mess, simple solutions, horrendous gut wrenching disaster ... major project.

If you're dealing with a relatively simple mess, here are three ways you can hide clutter:


Today's room dividers are inventive and artistic. They not only give you a practical way to hide clutter, they also double as art.

When you check out the choices of room dividers available you'll notice the wide range of art scenes featured on them. They come in designs from landscapes to cartoon characters, making them ideal for any room in the home or office.

These are particularly useful in a bedroom that doesn't have a closet. As an example, if you're using a standing hanging rod to hold clothes, put it behind a room divider and it doubles as a place to privately change clothes and it hides the clutter.

Storage Bench Featured on Funkthishouse

If your clutter problem is more about the miscellaneous items that never seem to find a home, use a bench as the main gathering place for them.

Whether it's shoes, school books, extra blankets and pillows, seasonal clothing, or photograph albums, a storage bench is a magnificent piece to tuck them away into.

Not only is it a place to hide the mess it's also an extra spot to sit. There are many places you can use a storage bench; the master suite, a child's bedroom, the front foyer, the family room, in your home office or even in the garage.

There are numerous storage bench designs to choose from, so be sure to check them out. You'll find additional styles when you visit the page featuring the above storage bench.


What? Yes, that's right, they really do exist. Of course this solution is certainly more involved and will require at least intermediate DIY skills, or you'll have to have someone put it in for you ... BUT it's worth it, they're super cool!

They really are as described, an actual bookcase that either swings inwards or outwards leading to a secret room or other space in the home.

If you have a small office in the corner of room and would like to hide important or private papers from prying eyes, then put one of these James Bond creations in .... I mean how many people do you know that have one?

There are a number of designs to choose from. They vary in style, color, features, size and type of wood. You'll see more bookshelf doors when you visit the above featured Hidden Door Bookshelf.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Spring Cleaning of the Soul or Soles or Both

Creative Shoe Bench! See This & More Here
When spring is springing we get the urge to neatly place, organize and tuck

Things around the home that didn't bother us over the winter months, like piles of shoes and boots in the closet and the front door, start to get under our skin.

So we spring into action.

Typical Scenes Across the Country...

With hands on our hips, crookedly we stand in the foyer evaluating our winter clutter, thinking ... 'how did I stand this for so long' !

And before we know it, the itch to organize turns into a full blown rash and we're looking around the house trying to reshuffle pieces of furniture, repurpose dressers, and re-do closets.

Freeing ourselves of the unnecessary, we start with the basics ... we bag'em and tag'em.

We only mean to clean the house, but our soul gets spit and polished too.


We don't plan for this to happen, in fact we never do. But year after year, without fail, we feel lighter.

Closets Come First...

We've jammed our closets with extra sweaters, bulky coats, mitts, hats, boots, and too many pairs of shoes. It's not right.

We know it's not right. Guilty.

But, during the holiday season we really did have bigger fish to fry ... Like cozying up to a warm fire. Overflowing closets somehow made the fire feel better. It's winter ... we're not all there. There's a name for our condition: Cabin Feveritis.

But the frequent appearance of the sun along with the disappearing biting cold begins to wake us from our tolerant coma and we're ready to make tough choices ... But where do we start? ....

We figure it out.

To clean our soul, we start with soles.

The stinky invaders come first.

Ahhhh, we've lightened up just thinking about it ....

Sorted shoes; who'da'thunk that all it took was 'sorted shoes'?

All this time we thought life was complicated. Sole ... Soul? Well my gawd, life's greatest mystery has been solved.

Moral of the story - clean your closets, organize your soles, and the future is yours! ... Not really, but at least your closets will look great while your soul floats.

Don't Stop with Shoes, Here are additional Ways You Can Organize Your Life:

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Sunday, February 14, 2016

Creative Storage Solutions for the Bathroom

creative storage solution for a bathroom
Creative Toilet Paper Storage Idea
With the newer, more modern designs of Bathrooms, storage space for toiletries can be at a premium.

Even when, at first glance, there is quite a bit of storage in the washroom, once we start filling the cupboards, there never seems to be enough.

Creative storage solutions for the bathroom mean thinking outside of the box.

Toilet Paper Storage for a Small 2 Piece Washroom

In a small 2-piece washroom, there may be a cupboard space, or if there's a pedestal sink, no cupboard space. Hmmmm...What to do????

When storage is limited, I've come up with a creative
Creative storage container for toilet paper
Inside View - Neat & Tidy
I had an old standing vase from way-back-when, that I decided to use in my main washroom to store toilet paper. 
We do have a cupboard in the washroom under the sink, but that's being used for other items. By having the toilet paper in the vase, the cupboard has room for many other items instead.
If you don't have an old vase to use, you can always pick one up at a flea-market or via online or local shopping. 
However, don't limit yourself to just a vase, any type of decorative storage container about 2 feet tall, that's quite narrow, will work.

Additional Storage Ideas for the Washroom

You can also acquire a bathroom floor storage cupboard system. As you'll see here, there are numerous designs, colors, and styles to choose from. Be sure to check them out.

Some come in extremely narrow designs (approximately 6" wide), so they can fit in that small space beside the toilet. 

Other style options are slightly larger and are being designed for corners. If your washroom has unused corner space, consider a corner storage cabinet. Most offer a small counter surface enabling you to put something decorative (or practical) on top of it.

When you're doing this year's spring cleaning, remember to think creatively when it comes to storage. In fact, if you're getting the itch to sell your home, try re-organizing a room before you jump through that very large hoop! It may even scratch that itch for change.

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Sunday, January 31, 2016

How to Visually Increase the Size of a Windowless Room

How to Visually Increase the Size of a Windowless Room

Last week, we talked about three affordable ways to increase the size of a room, and today, we'll talk about how to trick the mind so you won't feel caged in a windowless room.

The three previous suggestions were to use a faux window, 3D Scenery Drapes, or Mirrors. Today, we'll add three new ideas to the mix. 

Although your first choice should be a faux window, here are a few other ideas to consider:

Faux French Doors

Yes, you can easily feature double French doors in your space without so much as picking up a hammer and banging a nail into the wall!

Faux door wall graphics, usually made of easy-to-put-up vinyl or a pre-pasted material, are very effective. You'll have to read the directions and patiently approach the project, but the overall completed look makes it all worthwhile.
Suggested Tip: If you paint the walls to coincide with the actual faux doors you're putting up, you can easily create a seamless visual effect by choosing a wall color that will blend or compliment the doors. 

Animals Bursting Through Your Walls

These are so creative! Do you know anyone who has 3D animal art on their wall? Probably not, so get ready; you will make an impression when your guests see this!

By using 3D wall art to create the illusion of something busting into the room, you automatically trick the mind into believing the room has been opened to the outdoors.

This unique approach provides a decorating foundation for adding accessories; add animal pillows, throws, or rugs, and suddenly, you have a theme going!
Where a real bookshelf takes up too much space in a small room, a faux bookshelf needs more space! 

If an actual faux shelf isn't your cup of tea, there are many other book wall decals you can choose from, and most have a three-dimensional look: Some feature a dog with a stack of books, others just a stack of books that look so real you'll reach out to touch them, and some are designed as sketches. Visit the link above to see examples of these.

There you have it, three more creative ideas you can use to visually increase the size of a windowless room. 

Stay Open!

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