Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts

Sunday, May 13, 2018

I Am Your Child - Happy Mothers Day, We Love You

Photo: Via Pixabay

Happy Mother's Day from the Writers of ReviewThis

To all the moms of the world, thank you.

Whether you're a dad occupying a dual role, a fur baby mom, a step-mom, a guardian, two dads, two moms, or a family member who has had to step in and be that soft place to land for others, a working mom or a stay-at-home mom, know that your contributions and sacrifices are never forgotten.

We've noticed it all:
  • When you handed us the full plate of food, and kept the smaller portion for yourself
  • That time you reached in your pocket to hand us your last few dollars, and said, 'oh that's ok', I don't need it
  • Your picking us up late at night when you were exhausted
  • The trips back and forth as you taxi us to our events for years
  • Planning our birthdays on a shoestring and making it memorable
  • We heard you cry from time to time and watched you pick yourself up every time
  • You laughed at our jokes that weren't funny just so we could smile a little more
  • You held your pain inside so as not to worry our young minds
  • You let us have our childhood and didn't demand we grow up too soon
  • You held us when we were sad or upset, and it always worked
  • We hurt your feelings sometimes, we know we did, and you held yourself with grace, just for us. When we look back, especially as parents, we see where we erred, and how it hurt you.
  • You made us face our weaknesses and when we had to grow a pair, you showed us how
  • You put our needs ahead of your own more often than we can possibly count
  • When we accomplish something we are aiming for, you are proud of us
  • We watch you continue to worry about us as grown-ups, and in that we learn from you how to balance that never ending scale of worry-don't worry
  • Remember when you held our child for the first time, and that tear rolled down your cheek, we felt that too
  • That soft shoulder you have .... we're still trying to figure out how a rock can be so soft
"Whatever I am, you taught me to be, I am your hope, I am your chance, I am your child" (Lyrics)

This Song is for You: "I Am Your Child, by Barry Manilow"

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Dolphin Review for National Dolphin Day

Dolphin photo
Dolphin Photo - Pixabay
National Dolphin Day is celebrated each year on April 14th, an unofficial holiday that mainly focuses on bringing awareness to the ban on the hunting of dolphins. 

Dolphins are mammals and are related to whales and porpoises.  They range in size from 4 feet up to 30 feet and are found all over the world in the shallow seas around the continental shelves.  I have even seen them in the inland waterway between Savannah, Georgia and Beaufort, South Carolina and in the Savannah River, both of which have access to the ocean. 

Dolphins are very social animals and live in groups called 'Pods'.  

No one knows who originally started National Dolphin Day, but many organizations promote it, including conservation groups, zoos and aquariums.

Things to do on National Dolphin Day

  • Visit a zoo or an aquarium near you.
  • Go on a Dolphin Tour if you live near the ocean. My son & grandson took such a tour on the Savannah River in Savannah, Georgia last summer. 

  • Watch this amazing video about dolphins

  • Read a storybook about dolphins to a child.
  • Watch a movie about dolphins.  Remember Flipper?

Pink Dolphin in Plush crochet
Pink Dolphin in Plush

Toy Dolphins

A pod of plush dolphins in crochet
An Etsy Dolphin Pod in Plush Handmade Crochet

I am a crochet crafter who has lived near the sea for many years and toy dolphins in plush crochet are my favorite animals to create.  I have them in many colors in my Etsy Shop Coastal Crochet Crafts

Dolphins are usually gray or bluish gray with a lighter gray or white underbelly.  But cute crochet dolphins are toy stuffed animals, so they can be any color you can imagine! 

For more crochet dolphins, visit Crocheted Handmade Toy Dolphins by Wednesday Elf on Crochet, Crafts and Cute Critters. 

National Dolphin Day

So enjoy this magical of creatures, the wonderful sea animal known as the dolphin.

An image of a row of crocheted plush dolphins
Plush Dolphins on Etsy at Coastal Crochet Crafts

National Dolphin Day

Every April 14th

The Month of March is 

Dolphin Awareness Month

(c) Wednesday Elf. Article written on 4/4/2018. Updated 3/29/2019.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Five Easter Home Decor Ideas

Easter Home Décor Product Items Here - by
Decorating for Easter can be as simple as changing the centerpiece on the table, to a more dramatic change, such as changing out the art on the wall with a seasonal Easter/Spring piece.

Let's review five Easter home décor ideas that are both traditional and unconventional.

1. Be Unconventional and Decorate a Dollhouse for Easter

Heads-up Grandparents, this is for you! Mom and Dad too of course. It's a great idea for parents (Grand and all) who don't have time to decorate the 'real' house for Easter.

Get a dollhouse and decorate it, it gives the kids something to play with and something to decorate.

Place the dollhouse in a central location, perhaps on a table in the foyer, and decorate it with Easter related characters, eggs, fun dollhouse lights, or have the kids make items for it. Get Easter cut-out books for the kids to decorate with, or just make décor items from scratch.

2. Decorate the Table for Easter

Our dining room table or kitchen table sits ready to be used as the focal point for the special occasions yet we tend to avoid using it.

The problem with using a table to decorate is ensuring it's still usable for eating. But hey, no problem, just keep it simple.

Cover your table(s) with an Easter themed tablecloth or Easter placemats and feature a lovely Easter centerpiece.
More Easter Fun by ReviewThis

3. Place Easter Bouquets or Easter Ornaments in the Main Rooms - Add an Easter Wreath

The easiest way to add a touch of Easter, is to include a bouquet or ornament in the room. You don't have to go with a standard flower bouquet (although that's always lovely) ... try an Easter egg tree or a lighted Easter display ornament.

Add an Easter wreath to the front door or add several inside the house. Place one or two in the foyer and of course find a place for one in the living or dining rooms. Again be sure to scroll down and view some examples.

4. Easter Wall Art - Add Fun Creative Pieces to the Wall for Spring

The nice thing about Easter wall art is that it works for both spring and summer. Get a piece or two and put it up in the foyer, living room or dining room for both seasons. You'll have Easter covered and the fun continues through all the warm weather.

5. Easter Pillows and Throw Blankets

The standard décor pieces for a seasonal change are pillows and blankets. They're easy to display and easy to put away. If you have pillow covers, you can just cover your existing pillows. That's a particularly popular way to change out pillows, as pillow liners are easy to store.

Changing your throws and pillows to pastels or soft tones also helps to lighten up a room giving it that fresh, airy appeal.

See the Products Here

Happy Easter :)

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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Hobby Time from the Review This! Contributors

A collage of Hobby articles from ReviewThisReviews

hob·by - an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure. 

January is known as National Hobby Month.   The contributing writers here on Review This! each have their favorite ways to enjoy a relaxing pursuit and have written many reviews of various how-to books, crafting supplies and DIY tutorials, gardening tips, recipes & kitchen aids for the cook, photography lessons, reading or listening to music, sports, and a host of other hobbies. 

These are but a few of the hobbies enjoyed by the Review This crew. The list of hobbies is almost endless.  If you are interested in looking for what we writers here have reviewed, type in the name of your 'hobby' either in the box in the top left-hand corner of any Review This page, or in the search box down the right-hand side. By looking at the author's name, you won't have any problem figuring out which HOBBY is each writers' favorite! For instance, mine  (Wednesday Elf) is crochet and my hobby is shared by several other contributors here, so we learn and share with each other. A more comprehensive list is shown below.

National Hobby Month

A collage of hobbies

Begun by the Hobby Guild of America in 1955,  National Hobby Month was celebrated in April until 1976, then in October until 1986.  Since then, it has been celebrated during the month of January. 

January was most likely chosen for National Hobby Month as it is the beginning of a new year and a good time to start a new hobby.  Many people have never had hobbies during their working years or while raising a family and begin one in their retirement or after the children are grown.  Others try many hobbies throughout their life before finding one or two that gives them the most enjoyment. 

Hobby Examples on Review This!

A collection of Hobby words

Hobbies can be passive (such as crafting, reading, writing, listening to music or watching a movie) or an activity such as gardening, cooking or participating in sports. Many people have more than one hobby and often combine them, such as listening to music while crafting. 

In addition to writing reviews here on Review This!, most of the contributing writers here write for their own blogs and websites.  Writers consider writing to be more work than hobby, so time away from writing is important. That's where the activities done in our leisure time become such a pleasure. It is also interesting to note that the passion we feel for our hobbies is shown in many of the subjects we write about.

  • Barbara Tremblay Cipak (Brite-Ideas) is crazy about country music and frequently writes about the artists and their music she is so passionate about.  She is also loves to experiment with color in home décor. 
  • Dawn Rae does crochet and participates in a group of fellow jeep owners.  She also enjoys gardening and lately 'learning about homesteading'.
  • Cynthia Sylvestermouse is a freelance writer and photographer who loves all different kinds of crafts, including crafting in the kitchen, creating fancy cakes and cupcakes. 
  • Barbara (BarbRad) is an expert on books and loves to read.  She is also a nature photographer who most enjoys photographing her central California area. 
  • Mary Beth Granger (MBGphoto) is a fabulous photographer who continually takes photography classes to learn more.  Photography has become her passion in her retirement, along with traveling.  Lighthouses and beaches are her favorite subjects. 
  • Wednesday Elf loves crochet and needlework, watching baseball and reading. 
  • Beverly Owens is busy researching her Native American Indian heritage and loves to write about spirit animals and the wisdom of her ancestors. She also enjoys crocheting. 
  • Olivia Morris loves gardening and following the fashion world.
  • Brenda Little (Treasures By Brenda) collects coffee mugs and researches the history of vintage cups and other vintage items which she shares in her eBay store.  She also loves reading, great movies, cooking, and pop culture. 
  • Diana Wenzel (Renaissance Woman2010) enjoys an off-the-grid lifestyle where she pursues her interests in animal rescue, wonderful nature photography, and DIY projects. She also loves to read. 
  • Louanne Cox (Lou16) loves reading, 80s music, zombies and dolls, among a host of other interests. 
  • Heather Burns (Heather426) is an artist, illustrator and graphic designer. Her hobby is her artistic accomplishments, including the colored pencils she has created for coloring pages and coloring books. 
  • Coletta Teske is a published book author and loves to sew. 
  • Sam Monaco enjoys cooking and he has a passion for preserving old family recipes. These can be found on his blog Sam's Place. He also loves history.
  • Jasmine Ann Marie Annie (Raintree Annie) loves gardening and nature. Her favorite hobby is photography and photographing the wildlife, animals and birds in nature.

These are just the highlights of hobbies and interests I have observed from the articles they publish and the interaction we have as a team here on the staff of Review This!.  I am sure there are other interests each of them have.  

Quick View Home Page

Review This Reviews website Quick View Home Page

By clicking on the Quick View Home Page button at the top of any Review This! page, you will have weekly examples of many of the articles your hobbyists here enjoy (plus many non-hobby reviews).  

Stop by the comments section and tell us your favorite hobby or activity. The Review This! staff would love to hear about what gives you pleasure in your leisure time.

(c) Written by Wednesday Elf on 1/20/2018

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, January 1, 2018

We Wish You the Best This New Year

All the world welcomes a new calendar year today.

This time of year is a time to reflect on things passed. Whether or not you set New Year's resolutions, the beginning of the new year is often viewed as a fresh start with feelings of rejuvenation. A time to plan for the coming year.

A Year in Review at Review This!

Thanks to our beloved readers, 2017 was a good year for our site. We continued to grow this year and over time have welcomed 795,884 of you to our site. Your visits, comments, and shares are greatly appreciated. 

2017 also brought us grief and loss with the passing of one of our writers - Susan Deppner. She was (and is) loved by so many. 

As we look ahead to 2018, our goal is to continue to provide heartfelt and honest reviews. We plan to continue to share those things that make us happy; those things that make our lives easier and more enjoyable. Our hope is that you continue to find our reviews helpful. 

On behalf of the writers at Review This! we wish you all the best. May your 2018 be filled with joy, peace, health, and success. 

Best Wishes,
Dawn Rae
on behalf of the Review This! writers

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Loading 2018 - Happy New Years Eve from ReviewThis

May you face 2018 with an unstoppable, focussed and determined attitude that brings you peace, success, and a ton of love.

As you celebrate, stay safe .... oh, and don't forget to keep climbing!

For a little motivation, listen to Rascal Flatt's 'Unstoppable' - And Remember it's Winter Olympic Season coming up, so whether you're watching the Olympics or participating, go for your dreams this year!

"You find your faith has been lost and shaken
You take back what's been taken
Get on your knees and dig down deep
You can do what you think is impossible
Keep on believing, don't give in
It'll come and make you whole again
It always will, it always does
Love is unstoppable"

Read More: Unstoppable by Rascal Flatts - And don't let anyone ever stop you from reaching your potential!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Amazing Things to Do Between Christmas and New Years Day

One of my Favorite times of year is Christmas, but once it's over you can feel let down.  So let's Review Ways to keep that after Christmas Depression at bay!

If your family is anything like mine, the days leading up to Christmas have been full of all kinds of trips, errands to run, parties to attend and a host of other fun and time consuming activities.  Depending on the ages of your children or grandchildren, there will also be more than one Christmas recital to attend as well.
This is not a complaint, but, it is a reality.  We get so wound up with places to go and people to see, that when it stops, we feel lost!  Some of us will only feel that way after the New Year because we are still in the middle of all the partying still.  Others, who do not go "all out" for New Years will feel that way sooner.
The bottom line is, it doesn't have to be this way at all!

Part of your planning for the holidays should include that time between the holidays, so that holiday let down is minimized or completely obliterated.  No one really wants to be depressed at the best time of the year. 
christmas party decorationsSo let's make those plans now!  If the plan is in place,  you will actually follow through.  

So let's get down to some concrete ways to stave off any negative feelings.

First of all, if you have family visiting, make arrangements to go somewhere on an outing.
  • visit the downtown area and look over the lights and Christmas Displays
  • Go sledding or skating, if your body allows that kind of seasonal fun.
  • Make Snow Angels (with the above caveat)
  • Go to a park with a handful of bird seed, for those birds who don't have a feeder close by
  • Pick up some small gift cards for a coffee shop and give them to "Street People" to enjoy
  • Visit a local church and see their Nativity Displays
  • take lots of pictures while out and about
  • when you come home, make some Hot Chocolate and watch a favorite movie
  • Be Thankful for the Blessing of Family and Friends.
Between Christmas and New Years is a great time to make some plans for the next year too!  Many a lively conversation could be had over those plans.  Will you make resolutions for 2018?  Will you decide to travel more or less?  How about making a resolution to get together with friends more often?  It is a great idea to look forward, but also take some time to look back and be thankful for all the good things that happened in the year just past.  

silhouette of family walking
When the hustle and bustle has come to a standstill, it's no longer a dreaded fear, rather it's a time to take stock.  Look ahead at what might be coming your way, and look back to see where you have been.  If things weren't the greatest, find ways to make this year to come, better.  If the year past was wonderful all around then celebrate this wholeheartedly, and pray that the year to come will be as blessed as the one just past.  Gratitude for everything is a great way to live.  You don't become nearly as disappointed and you really don't let yourself become engrossed in the things you have no control over either.  

Start taking note of things you are thankful for and try to do something new in the coming year.

If you need help thinking of all the things to be grateful for, there are several different types of journals that can give you some coaching either in pictures or scriptures.  One of my favorites is the one:

If you don't have a gratitude journal, a blank book works well too. Sometimes though in our busy lives, we need a hint of encouragement and for that a true gratitude journal is a bonus. Each page will give you a little inspiration to get you started with the right attitude. If you are not a particularly spiritual person, there are journals that remind you of gratitude without scriptural readings. Whichever one is to your liking, will be a good choice and they are inexpensive.  Maybe Santa brought you one, but if not that's okay too.  You can always get your own when you feel the need for it.  It will be an investment in yourself, for your mental and physical and spiritual well being.

May I take this opportunity to wish you and all your family a most Beautiful, Blessed and Wonderful New Year!
happy new year banner

pictures courtesy of

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Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas Wishes

To our readers,

We wish you peace during this holiday season.

We wish you safe travels. 

We wish you warm homes -

And hearts filled with warm experiences.

We wish you contentedness - 

And joyous times with belly laughs.

We wish you good health.

And we wish you the best gift of all - love.

Merry Christmas,

From Dawn Rae 
and the Contributors of Review This!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, December 24, 2017

T'WAS the Night Before Christmas

When all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse

Relax and enjoy the Classic 'Twas the Night Before Christmas Cartoon' with the family tonight:

To your family from ReviewThis, ... Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight. <3 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Fun December Review of a Few Christmas and Santa Memories

A collection of personal Christmas stories....

Coal in the Christmas Stocking … and Baseball Cole

Handmade Lump of Coal Soap
Handmade Lump of Coal soap by SEAandCLEAN on Etsy
The old-fashioned custom of children who misbehave finding a lump of coal from 'Santa' in their Christmas Stocking instead of presents has many origins, mostly cultural.

In Italy gifts at Christmas began with the birth of Jesus and is where La Befana (a witch who delivers presents) instead of Santa Claus leaves toys for good children, and coal for bad ones. Today, Italians use a candy, called Carbone Dolce, (dark, rock-like candy that looks just like lumps of coal), as a joke.

In Holland, the coal legend began around the 16th century. Dutch children would put their clogs by the fireplace before stockings were used and got a lump of coal if they were bad and a small toy, cookies or candy if they were good.

Other countries have their own legends or stories to tell.

Interesting to note that in Scotland and Northern England it is considered lucky to receive a lump of coal as a gift on New Year's Day. It's part of their 'First-Footer' celebration and represents warmth for the year to come.

Being a baseball fan (and the baseball fan contributor here on Review This!), I tend to relate 'everything' to baseball.  A December 2014 headline in MLB news is what brought this whole story about.  It stated “Which Club will get Cole in its Stocking?”  The story goes on to state that there are a number of 'Cole diggers' (baseball teams) vying for  the acquisition of the Philadelphia Phillies pitcher Cole Hamels.  We didn't  know for awhile which team ended up with Cole as their new pitcher, but the Boston Red Sox seemed the most interested at that moment. (Red Sox ~ Stockings ~ Hmmm!)

*Editor's Note: Cole Hamels actually ended up with the Texas Rangers in 2014.  Today he is pitching for the Atlanta Braves.

Christmas stocking Coal or Baseball pitcher Cole.  The stocking lump-of-coal seems appropriate for this time of year. Baseball is appropriate ANY time of year (to me, the baseball nut). :-)

Santa, I Can Explain...

Image of cat & Christmas Tree ornament in a cross stitch pattern kit
eBay Cross Stitch Pattern
I sell craft supplies and patterns on eBay and it is always delightful to receive a note from a customer about a particular item.

I sold this cross stitch pattern shown in the photo of a cat sitting next to a tree ornament lying on the floor and the words “Santa, I can explain!” 

The buyer sent a note saying she couldn't wait to cross stitch this design as her cat takes all the stuff off the tree and hides it.  Then takes the branches and gets rid of them.  So this picture is for her cat. :-).

Personalized stories like this make my eBay selling most enjoyable and gives me such a nice feeling that something I've listed is exactly what someone wanted or fits a situation perfectly.

Handmade by Santa?

Santa Christmas coaster
Handmade Christmas Coasters Available on Etsy

Since early childhood, we've known that Santa, with the help of his elves, makes all the Christmas toys for good little girls and boys. As we grow up, we begin to doubt that Santa Claus actually made everything by hand.

I confess I had some doubts myself, until last month when someone bought a batch of yarn I had for sale in my eBay store.  You see, the shipping address for the yarn purchase was – wait for it – NORTH POLE, AK.

I'm now totally convinced that 'Santa's Workshop' actually exists.  

Handmade Santa Humpty Dumpty
Santa Humpty Dumpty

Merry Christmas, Everyone!


(c) A collection of stories originally written by me (Wednesday Elf) on a former online site.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Unconventional Christmas Decor to Serve Your Inner Wackiness

You're not conventional. Everybody knows that about you. So don't disappoint them, go ahead and add these three odd-ball Christmas décor items this holiday season.

Elf Leg Covers for Your Chairs or End Tables

If your goal is hearing your guests let out a belly laugh when they see what crazy décor idea you've come up with, then Elf Leg Covers should do the trick.

The set comes with four leg covers - enough to do one chair. However, they're not expensive so budget permitting, get enough to do several chairs.

If the budget allows for only one set, then you could plan to use them on a hallway end-table or an end-table that's clearly visible in a room.

When a Full Blown Santa Suit isn't in the Cards, Greet Your
A Santa Sweatshirt for the Hostess
Guests Wearing a Santa Sweatshirt

If two of you are hosting a Christmas gathering or party, greet your guests wearing these festive borderline ugly sweaters. They don't qualify as full blown ugly because, after all, they do honor the big guy.

You won't have a problem finding your size, as they range from Small to Triple X.

This sweater is a standard pullover with a round neck and cotton liner. Also, there are two convenient pockets on the side. Double check the size chart because sometimes it's better to order a size up.

A Santa Sweatshirt also makes an excellent hostess gift. It's original, funny and best of all, useful for the season.

Decorate the Toilet - Show Off Your Goofy Side
Turn the Toilet into a Snowman

Why not? Go ahead. When else do you get to decorate the toilet? Go full-on-tacky with your washroom décor. Forget classy, go for the laugh.

This funny snowman toilet accessory is just what's needed when your guests open the washroom door to do their business - snowman eyes looking right at them. A relaxed bathroom-goer is a happy bathroom-goer.

Less tension, more smiles helps to ensure everything comes out ok.

The set comes as seen in the photo: With the mat, the toilet seat cover and the tank cover. It doesn't list washing instructions, but if it were me, after the party's over, I would wash on delicate and hang to dry.

Have fun, get silly for the season!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, November 27, 2017

How to Make Easy Christmas Tree Ornaments

Ornaments made with love. 
Today I am reviewing an easy way to make beautiful Christmas tree ornaments using tri-beads. This is a great project to make with children. 

The best ornaments I've ever placed on my Christmas tree over the years were these ornaments made by my children made in school and given to me as gifts. The ornaments were special because they were made by my children. They were beautiful then because they were made by children's hands. They are beautiful still today because of the sparkling colors.

Yes, I wrote that they are beautiful still today. These ornaments are durable. I still have those ornaments from years ago. I loved these ornaments so much that I have replicated the project with the students at work. Over the years, I've sent many children home with these ornaments as gifts for their caregivers.

Now I'm sharing the step-by-step instructions how to make these incredibly simple ornaments with the children in your life. Or perhaps you want to make your own ornaments. I have to admit that sometimes I make these ornaments when I'm alone and have used them for decorations when wrapping gifts. There are many ways to enjoy these easy-to-make decorations. 

Finally, remember that the best gift you can give this season is the gift of your time and attention. Especially when you are spending time with a children. 

plastic tri-beads 
pipe cleaners (either tinsel or chenille)
1/8" wide ribbons (optional)

heavy-duty scissors

Gather your beads and pipe cleaners. Ribbon is options (but preferred by the children).

Gather your tools. Heavy-duty scissors or wire cutters are needed to cut the pipe cleaners. And pliers to bend the wire tips are optional but highly recommended.

Be aware: Take care when cutting pipe cleaners. This project is extremely easy, with the exception of trimming the pipe cleaners. The wire is sometimes difficult to cut and the tips of the pipe cleaners are "pokey". Younger children may need to be supervised closely to ensure they don't poke or scratch themselves.

Candy Cane Ornament Instructions:

1. To make the candy cane bead ornament, knot the end of the pipe cleaner and pull the knot tight.

2. Carefully cut the end off; just below the knot. If a sharp end remains, bend it with the pliers or your fingers toward the knot, tucking it into the bulk of the knot (in order to be safe for little fingers)

3. Allow the child to slide beads onto the pipe cleaner; snugging the beads up against the knot. The tri-beads fit together beautifully and create a "round" shape. Some children like the traditional red and white candy cane stripes. Some children prefer psychedelic colors. Have fun with it.

4. Fill the pipe cleaner to the desired length; making sure to leave enough material to make a knot.( make the knot shape loosely then work to snug the knot up toward the last bead in order to hold the design together snugly).

5. Note the knot is snugged up to the last bead. Check the end for any sharp points and bend it up, out of the way, if needed (a point is visible in the photos. It is probably not unsafe to leave it, but I prefer to  bend it out of the way - just to be safe.

Finish the candy cane with a bow if desired. The ornament can be hung in the tree by the hook of the cane. Or traditional ornament hooks can be purchased and added. Occasionally, the children choose to use the ribbon for a loop at the top of the candy cane for hanging. 

Wreath Ornament Instructions:

1. Making a wreath is similar to making the candy cane except, Do Not knot either end. Thread the beads onto the pipe cleaner and gather them in the middle of the pipe cleaner.

2. Leave approximately 2" or more of empty pipe cleaner at each end. Bend the ornament into a round shape and begin to tie a know at the top (as though you are tying the first portion of a shoelace knot).

3. Pull the ends together, twisting lightly to form a single pipe cleaner from the two ends.

4. Bend the end down to form a loop; wrapping the very end around the portion of the pipe cleaner that is holding the bead. If there is a point piece remaining (as shown) use the pliers, or your fingers, to carefully wrap it more tightly around in order to hide the end.

5. Add ribbons as desired.

And with that, you have the finished products. Happy Holidays to you and yours. And remember to give the gift of your time and attention.

Note: This article was previously published elsewhere. The instructions and photographs are by the author.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Perfect Mugs for Your Christmas Hot Chocolate

 Christmas Elements Mugchristmas elements mug
I love drinking hot chocolate while we decorate the Christmas tree and it has become a bit of a tradition in our house. I do think that if we had Christmas mugs it would make it even better though so I'm on the hunt for some cool Christmas mugs!

So let's review some festive mugs that will help make our holidays jolly and bright!

I fell in love with the featured mug a few years ago when I first saw it on the site Zazzle. I have designed a few of my own Christmas mugs on Zazzle as well and I love recommending them because I have had a Zazzle mug since 2014.

My Zazzle mug has been used constantly and still looks like new, the print hasn't faded and the inside has been easy to keep clean despite the amount of tannin that it's held!

I personally love the weight of the mug and it's a perfect feel for a festive hot chocolate.

Everyone Needs a Christmas Mug!

Even if you don't drink hot chocolate you need a Christmas mug - you can add coffee, egg nog, tea, just about anything you enjoy over the festive season.

If you don't like the Christmas Elements mug above then you might like to check out one of the Christmas mugs from my Zazzle store that features Santa himself...

I do think that this mug is pretty cute as well and you know even if you already have a Christmas mug for yourself they also make great gift ideas for people. You can add lots of things to a mug to make it a perfect gift.

Now I've already told you my favorite mug is the elements one and that's because it combines lots of things about the holidays on one mug.  I think Santa mugs are probably the most popular of the Chrismtas mugs, but if you don't like the one I've added then feel free to check out a great selection of some of the best Christmas mugs available which includes snowmen, Christmas trees, reindeer and more.

Find the perfect mug for your Christmas hot chocolate!

Let me know if you have your own Christmas mug or not and if you do is it from Zazzle or somewhere else?

Now hot to make your hot chocolate?  You can use a coffee machine - my moms coffee machine makes a great hot chocolate - or you can use this delicious homemade hot chocolate recipe.

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