Thursday, May 12, 2016

Review of Tips on Photographing Backyard Birds

American Goldfinch photo by mbgphoto
American Goldfinch
My husband and I both enjoy watching the birds in our backyard.  Our kitchen table sits in front of our sliding patio doors and gives us a great view of everything in our backyard.  I also enjoy photographing the birds and in this article I will give you some tips for photographing birds in your backyard.

Attracting Birds to Your Backyard

In order to photograph birds in  your backyard you first want to attract the birds to the area where you want to photograph.  Last week Review This contributor Susan wrote a great article on attracting birds to your backyard in her article Backyard Garden Birds: Springtime Review .  In order to attract birds you need to have things birds will enjoy like feeding stations, birdbaths and perches.

When you are wanting to photograph birds, you need to go a step further and analyze where you have placed the places where birds will land.  For example, you will want to look at what is behind the bird feeder that might also get into your photo.  Do you have an unattractive trash can or some other distracting article in the background that you will want to make sure is not in your photograph?  In my case I had my finch birdfeeder on a shepherds hook that I thought looked great, but when I looked through the viewfinder on my camera I realized the top of the hook went just over our back fence.  What I captured when I zoomed in on a bird perched on top of the hook was an ugly pipe sticking out of my neighbors roof.  With a little rearranging I was able to move the feeder a little closer in and now I have just the white fence as the background.

fuscia in a hanging basket photo by mbgphoto
Fuscia Basket
I have found that adding some colorful floral baskets around the area where the birds perch also makes for some attractive photos.  I have a fuscia plant hanging near my hummingbird feeder and it helps to attract the hummingbirds. Hummingbirds are just starting to come to our area, so I'm anxiously awaiting to find a hummingbird on one of this beautiful flowers. 

Getting Ready to Photograph

In order to get good bird photographs on a regular basis you need to

  •  Be Prepared
  • Be Patient 
 We have a table near our sliding camera and I make sure I always have my camera sitting there and ready to shoot.  One of the best times to photograph birds is in the early morning hours.  They are most active the first few hours after sunrise, so in the evening I set up my tripod in front of our sliding doors so that I am ready to shoot in the morning.  You can photograph birds with a hand held camera, but if you want to capture those birds in flight or get a great closeup a tripod and a remote shutter release are very helpful.  I had both on when I captured the photo below.
American Goldfinch photo by mbgphoto
To capture birds in flight, set you camera on a tripod and focus the camera just off the feeder.  This way you will be able to photograph the birds as the fly to the feeder or when they are leaving the feeder. Now comes the second part, you sit quietly and wait for the birds to fly into your focus area.  I often click the shutter several times before I get a bird all the way in the photo.

Look  for Interesting Habits

I have found the bright yellow Finch that come to our feeders to be especially interesting.  Sometimes we have as many as eight on our feeder with several more perched on a nearby hanger or on the fence waiting their turn.  I like the birds in this photo, note how the one on the feeder seems to be warning the approaching bird to stay away.
Goldfinch on birdfeeder photo by mbgphoto
Backyard Goldfinch

Best Time of Year to Photograph Birds

Although you can photograph birds all year long, I find the springtime and winter to be two of the times when I am able to capture my best bird photos. 
cardinals on birdfeeder photo by mbgphoto

    female cardinal photo by mbgphoto
  •  In the spring the bright yellow finches are in abundance in our area and are very enjoyable to watch and photograph. 
  •  A bit later in the spring and summer the hummingbirds will start to flock to the area.  They always make for some great photos
  • In the winter, my favorite birds to photograph are the Cardinals.  I love the way their colors stand out on a drab winters day and when it snows they puff up and look so majestic.

Pair of Cardinals at Icy BirdFeeder Card
Pair of Cardinals at Icy BirdFeeder Card by mbgphoto
Create unique personalized photo note cards from

I enjoyed making cards out of my bird photo's.  The one above is of a male and a female Cardinal sitting on an icy birdfeeder.  The card below depicts the American Goldfinch photos.
American Goldfinch Card
American Goldfinch Card by mbgphoto
View Goldfinch Cards online at zazzle

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

BlogJob in Transition: A Review

A Review of the BlogJob Blogging Community in a Period of Transition 

When I first joined BlogJob in October of 2015, I was very excited about the community. I believed BlogJob was the writing community that had it all. It not only provided free WordPress hosting and a ready-made audience, but also issued points just for posting blogs. The points could be redeemed for gift cards or deposits of cash into PayPal. What was not to love?

I immediately set up six new blogs. I started to earn points. One could earn the most points for a blog post, because it was important to keep people writing on the site. One could also earn points for interaction with others in forums and groups, for making a new friend, and for commenting and answering on blog posts. Hosting was free, the community was active, and the sky was the limit.

BlogJob in Transition: A Review

Well, not quite. New members who hadn't completed any projects yet could only earn 150 points per day. If one posted three blogs, that used the point limit. No more points for interaction that might normally be earned would be issued. If you had earned your daily limit, your point pot for the day was full. If you had 125 points already and posted a blog post, 25 of your fifty points would just be overflow that would not help you in any way. It would be like pouring water into a full bottle. The rest would run over the sides and be lost. Nevertheless, members just tried to be careful not to earn above their daily limits and most people were quite content.

BlogJob in Transition: A Review
Photo Courtesy of Pixabay
We were disappointed when BlogJob stopped accepting new members shortly after I joined. Referring new members was an important step in completing the first project. Finally the administration removed that requirement and we were OK with that. They said the reason was that referrals weren't being credited properly and they needed time to fix it. I saw that as a tiny red flag. By May, 2016, the door opened to new members again. More of my friends joined.

Then, on April 26, BlogJob members logged in to discover their daily point limit had decreased. Suddenly, I could only earn 100 points a day, not 150. This didn't trouble me too much, since I had enough to do on my own sites that I never reached my limit anyway. Those who depended on BlogJob most for earnings were hurt much more than I. But I began to worry a bit. I had formerly been a happy member of Bubblews, a site that showed similar signs that it might be in financial trouble and later closed, denying payments that members had earned. But they tried to keep members in the dark.

The adminstration of BlogJob has been upfront about what's happening, and membership has closed once more. The site had just been migrated to a new server and had been down more than up for several days. Once it was back up and new members started arriving, the loss in traffic white the site was migrating had affected the advertising rates. It takes time for traffic to build again.

On May 4, 2016, just as everyone was in gear again, the administration said they would have to stop issuing points until enough traffic returned to generate enough income to start the earning process again. The administrator said those who had enough points to redeem would be paid. Many people were paid if they were eligible. But no one is earning points again yet.

Image photo courtesy of  Pixabay, text added on PicMonkey

What's Next for BlogJob Members?

Current members find themselves in a dilemma. Do they stay, and wait? Or do they stay and participate as usual, even without earning points? Or do they take their work and move it elsewhere? Almost everyone at BlogJob had once been on Bubblews and was wondering if BlogJob would also go under. Do you cash out and leave? Or stay and hope the site will come back and do all you can to help make that happen? Different members have chosen different paths.

I have six blogs on BlogJob that I worked hard on. I was planning to move more there from other sites. Now I'm not sure that's wise. Although those with BlogJob blogs are allowed to monetize them, it's not as easy as it is on a self-hosted site. An affiliate marketer will do better with a self-hosted site for reasons I explain here. It's also true that one depending on third-party hosting never knows when she will wake up one morning and discover the site is gone. I don't think BlogJob will close its doors without warning, since it has been upfront with us so far.

It seems some of the traffic loss was due to an attack from Romania, and that it has now been dealt with. The site is faster now. Hope is building that points will start being issued again soon. I believe it's too early to tell. Who knows? Maybe the very act of my posting this will get the ball rolling, as per Murphy's Law.

Most BlogJob members who are still posting in forums are taking an optimistic view, believing problems will be resolved and the giving of points will return. No one has had their point balance erased. Payout requests from those with enough points are being honored and paid. I don't think this is Bubblews II. People who monetize their blogs will still be able to earn independently of BlogJob points. They can still enjoy socializing with each other as they do on other sites for free. Many members are putting in more time on myLot, which most of them also belong to and which does pay for participation.

Hope Springs Eternal Mug
Hope Springs Eternal Mug
Browse more Boomspress Mugs

Like other BlogJob members, I sincerely hope the site will soon  be issuing points again. I think maybe those points should not be given as freely for actions like creating groups and making friends, since that rewards actions that are often abused on the site. I'm looking forward to the next act in this drama. I hope it all ends happily for the BlogJob members who depend on this site for income. I do believe the site owner will do all in his power to keep members informed and start letting them earn again. I believe his intentions are good. I hope he has the skills and the knowledge it takes to carry out those good intentions.

Update, March 1, 2019

I closed my BlogJob account several months ago. More and more bugs appeared that made posting hard. My ads were not formatting properly, and I was tired of fighting with the editor with no real hope left the site would ever pay again. I have backups of all my work and will gradually be moving it to other sites. I do not expect BlogJob to last much longer. I talked to a still active member today and she shares that opinion. She is also beginning to move work to other sites. 

When something seems too good to be true, it often can't last. That's why I advise bloggers, especially affiliate marketers, to self-host. There's no such thing as a free lunch. 

web hosting banner
See Why It's Important for Affiliate Marketers to Self-Host WordPress Sites

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Reviewing Jellycat Stuffed Cats

Toy Cats That You Just Can't Help Cuddling

For the last couple of years I have become quite fond of the stuffed animals made by Jellycat. I especially like the different cats that they have started producing because in real life I love cats and have shared my life with several throughout the decades. As with all of the stuffed animal toys that this UK based company makes they have a nice variety of kitty cats for our children and grandchildren to cuddle with. I purchased one of them a few years ago for my youngest granddaughter and it has become one of her constant companions.

There are other styles of cats that the company offers to suit just about any taste in an individual’s love for felines. One of the things that I love about Jellycat, the company, is that they keep their inventory fresh. They may introduce a new line and have it available for a while and then they will stop manufacturing it. That may seem a little aggravating at first thought but I rather like the idea. To me, it makes the choice that you made for your special child a little more unique. With the limited production of different lines and animals the one your child loves becomes more precious because not every kid on the planet has one just like it.

When it comes to quality, I don't think that I have ever in my 60 decades seen a better quality of stuffed animal. They are so well made! The company states that they pay extra attention to meeting all of the standards of the UK and the US for making safe toys, too. Every single one of their toys is soft both in body and in the "fur" or material used for the animal. Heck, even I like to snuggle with them!

Most of the kitty cats have a soft fur like material but you can also find them in materials like corduroy. It just depends on what is in production at the time you start looking. I have found that when I see one that I particularly like, I best get on the ball and go ahead and get it. Those sweet things sell out quickly! I don't mean just the cats but most of the stuffed animals. I think part of that can be attributed to the "cuteness" factor but mostly I think it is because of how well they are made and how well they stand up to all those hugs a child will give them.

For the current selection of Jellycat cats check out this page on Amazon.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, May 9, 2016

What is a Crossover Mini Hipster?!

It sounds like some sort of riddle, doesn't it? What is a crossover mini hipster?  One of those vehicles that is a cross between an SUV and a car? No. What is a hipster? A trendy and unconventional young person? No. Or slacks that hang low on your hips?  Nope. None of the above. The riddle is solved. What is black and white and cool all over? My adorable Crossover Mini Hipster bag by Vera Bradley.

Why I Ordered a Mini Hipster Bag

I just received my mini hipster bag and I love it. Since I hate purses, it seems strange to be so excited about this little bag.  But I am excited and I love it so much that I have to tell you about it right away.

I hate purses. I always have.  As an adult, I have carried my driver's license, bank card, and a few dollars in a small ID case.  I carry that case in one pocket and my cell phone in another pocket. As years go by, my cell phones have gotten larger and I find it difficult to carry them in my pocket. 

Recently, I always feel as though I am always juggling; keys, cell phone, and wallet. To solve this problem, I decided to purchase a small bag.  Because I have been so pleased with my tote bags over the years, I browsed the Vera Bradley site first. 

Vera Bradley Crossover Mini Hipster Review

This Vera Bradley Crossover Mini Hipster is made with that same high quality workmanship as their other bags. All of their bags come in an astonishing large variety of colors. I chose the Baroque pattern for my hipster.

My mini hipster has the solid color interior and a snap closure for the flap. The other compartments close with zippers. Please note that some of the mini hipsters have velcro closures rather than snaps. I believe these are the older versions of the mini hipster - perhaps the discontinued colors. 

Crossover denotes the long length of the shoulder strap, so that the bag can be hung across the body, in a hands-free manner.  I am not the biggest fan of crossovers for daily use. Fortunately, this strap is adjustable. I carry it as a small shoulder bag.

I wanted an extremely small bag. While this bag is very small, it is large enough to carry my keys, my ID and bank cards, a few small personal items, and my Samsung 7 inch tablet.  

I have an older version Kindle (the paperwhite) with a lighted leather case. The Kindle fits into the bag, but not completely. The zipper just wouldn't quite close.

If you are looking for a small, convenient, high quality bag for your small items, take a look at the Crossover Mini Hipster by Vera Bradley. You may ending up loving it as much as I love mine.

Vera Bradley demonstrates the mini hipster bag in rosewood color - a variety of photographs and a short video in the crossover bag category on their company website. The video shows the inside pockets and gives a good look at how much space there is (and isn't) in this mini bag.

For new releases, current sales, and other Vera Bradley news, check out their Facebook page.  It is an easy way to stay up-to-date with the new prints and to have access to exclusive online sales.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, May 8, 2016

4 Country Songs to Celebrate Mom

Mom Loves You No Matter What, but She May Love You A Little Extra If You Dedicate Just the Right Country Song to Her...

Whether you want to thank Mom, honor Mom or just express how she inspires you, there's a country song for that. Below are four popular songs with descriptions about the story regarding Mom.
Where we're unable to express just how we feel about mom, a song can step in and describe, in just the right way, what's in our heart.

Don't Forget to Remember Me, by Carrie Underwood

This is such a pretty song; it really does bring you back to a time in your life. It was written by Morgane Hayes, Kelley Lovelace and Ashley Gorley and made it's release in March of 2006. It reached number 2 on the Billboard Country Charts and number 49 on the Hot 100. Carrie Underwood's mother is in the video as well.

This song is gut wrenching. For all of us who recall the anticipation and heartache we felt the day we moved out of our parent's home, the lyrics in this song tell the story of this marker in our life. 
Personally I've never forgotten my own moving day, way back in 1979....heading into my first apartment in the city; just mom and I cleaning the place together and setting up what would become my new home for several years.
I'll never forget the feelings I had the day she had to leave to go back home...I was a bit afraid, a little bit anxious to begin my new life, but mostly it just hurt for a while - The song says it well :
'Eighteen years had come and goneFor Momma they flew by, But for me they drug on and on, We were loadin' up that Chevy, Both tryin' not to cry, Momma kept on talkin', puttin' off goodbye, Then she took my hand and said, Baby don't forget to remember me'
As a daughter I can say this particular lyric in the song hits home the most; "I called Mama up last night, And even when it's not, I tell her everything's all right". Doesn't matter how old we get, we always want to spare mom unnecessary worry.

Somebody's Hero, by Jamie O'Neal

This song is so moving that I dedicated a full page review about it.

If your a grown woman and Mom is on in her years, then you'll appreciate this song and the incredible message of a lifetime of gratitude between mother and daughter.

The video is equally moving. It expresses the lyrics by telling the story of a young girl who grows with the love of her mother, and how that relationship goes full circle from a Mom caring for her daughter to a daughter caring for her mother.

When you hear and watch the last verse in the video, especially if your mom is a senior citizen, be ready to shed a tear:
'She's somebody's hero, A hero to her mother in a rockin' chair, She runs a brush through her silver hair, The envy of the nursing home, She drops by every afternoon, Feeds her mama with a spoon, And that smile lets her know, Her mother's smile lets her know, She's somebody's hero'
The song was written by Jamie O'Neal, Shaye Smith and Ed Hill. It was released as the second single from her Album 'Brave'. On the Hot Country Charts it reached number 3 and thus provided Ms. O'Neal with her sixth top 40 country hit and her third top ten.

The Baby, by Blake Shelton

Blake Shelton was quite young when he recorded this song.

Get ready to cry, you won't be able to hold back the tears on this song, especially if you're the youngest child or Mom.

I can personally relate to the theme of this song - I'm a mom of four sons, and my 4th boy arrived quite unexpectedly when I was 40 years old. So to hear Blake Shelton sing the lyrics about the youngest always being referred to as the baby touches me deeply.

In fact my youngest, who at the time of me writing this page, is soon to be 16 years old and yes, is still referred to as 'my baby'. Although he gets mad when I say it now, so I can only say it to his father when I'm talking about him - I love that! Now I call him 'my angel' in french until he grows back into me calling him his baby again...and he will.

This song, in perfect country style, tells the story of the youngest son growing up as 'the baby' all the way to the time when mom is on her deathbed where he's rushing to be by her side.

Honestly, it's hard to listen to; from the perspective of mom, just thinking about any of my sons hurting when it's my time to leave bothers me; just never want to see them hurt (no matter how unrealistic that is, us mommies feel that way).

Written by Michael White and Harley Allen, this song was included on Blake Shelton's album 'The Dreamer' and was released as the first single for it in 2002. It reached and stayed at number for three weeks.

Angels, By Randy Travis

Narrated as a Story to Remind Men Who've Forgotten Where They Can Find an Angel

The beauty of this song, along with the lyrics, is the way the story of where to find an angel is narrated by Randy Travis. The video shows a group of men gathered for a night of relaxation and conversation talking about many subjects in life when the talk of 'Angels' comes up. Most of them say they've never seen a real angel, or wouldn't know one if they did. That's when Randy Travis points out that to see an angel they only need to look in their mother's eyes.
"Are you telling me you've never seen an angel,  never felt the presence of one standing by, No robe of white, no halo in site, Well you missed the most obvious thing, Man, are you blind? Just look in your mothers eyes" 
The song goes on to ask the men... who has been there for them from birth and through life, who stands by their side no matter what, and who came running every time they cried out, taught you wrong from right, waited up at night and prayed that you'd be alright.

If you'de like to add one of the above songs to your playlist, you can find them here, along with several other country songs for Mom.

Note: 'OMG Mom Was Right Pillow Can be Found Here, along with several other Pillows and Throw Blankets to Honor Mom.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Backyard Garden Birds: Springtime Review

cardinal on white gazebo bird feeder
Backyard Bird World
With the arrival of Spring, many of us see charming birds return to our backyard gardens. So, it's time to review what these birds need to encourage them. Besides Robins, which nearly everyone of us sees as heralding Spring, there are many regional birds. Like the Eastern Bluebird. OK, that's one of my personal favorites. And I found an article on Easy Backyard Gardening that highlights these delightful little birds.

Great Photo Opportunities

The author of Best Wooden Birdhouses shares photos of the Eastern Bluebirds that occupy her own backyard garden. She has a wooden birdhouse for them that blends well with her wooden fence. A nice security features for the birds themselves.

Anytime you add bird-friendly features to your own backyard gardens you get great photo opportunities. I can attest to that. I have been able to get photos of baby Swifts in the nest, brilliant Northern Cardinals on my window feeder and Yellow Finches hanging out in my Cedar trees.

The simple addition of a good wooden birdhouse will give you plenty of photo opps. Just make sure to stop and see the birds.

Hummingbirds in Backyard Gardens

Most everyone can enjoy the return of the tiny hummingbird. With a few-well placed feeders (, these
hummingbirds at hummingbird feeder
Care of Hummingbird Feeders
birds will return to your backyard garden year after year. Hummingbird feeders take a little bit of care, but are definitely worth the time. Seeing the hovering little birds around your yard is a site worth enjoying.

So make sure to add feeders that will encourage hummingbirds to share your garden space with you. For those of you who enjoy planting flowers, add some bright red ones. That will also help hummingbirds be attracted to your backyard gardens. The beauty of the flowers will be enhanced by the presence of charming birds.

Get Your Backyard Garden Ready

Make sure to take a little time and get your own backyard garden ready to welcome back the springtime birds. Whether it's a new wooden birdhouse or a hummingbird feeder, the birds will appreciate it. And you will appreciate seeing the birds in your garden.

Posted by: BuckHawk

About This Contributor

BuckHawk decribes herself as "Basically a lazy person who prefers the easy things in life." So that's what she writes about. Easy home decorating, easy recipes, easy entertaining. But, she is also a lover of animals, gardening and crafting. You'll find her writing all over the Web, but with Review This Reviews! she has the opportunity to write about all of her loves.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, May 6, 2016

Clever Travel Companion Women's Leggings with Secret Pockets Reviewed

Leggings with Secret Pockets
Example Contents Shown but
Pocket Zippers do Zip Closed
to Conceal Content
Security is my #1 concern when I shop, travel, hike, bike, or just walk around the block.  When we walk our dogs, I don't want my attention on anything other than taking care of our pups.  When we hike, I want to watch my footpath and the surrounding area.  I don't want to be distracted or to be encumbered with anything.  When I am taking photographs, the last thing I want to do is worry about fighting a purse or if my wallet is secure.  I stopped carrying a purse decades ago and started wearing clothes with pockets.  Even though I hated the bulge my wallet or cell phone made, I still refused to go back to dragging around a purse.

Over the years, the clothes styles have changed and I have made a few changes too, but I have not gone back to toting a purse.  I recently discovered the Clever Travel Companion Leggings with Secret Pockets and I think they are the best solution yet!

The Clever Travel Companion Leggings with Secret Pockets

 Clever Travel Companion Women's Leggings with Secret Pockets, Black, MediumI don't really have the body shape that looks fabulous in leggings.  I am short and rounded.  Hardly the long, lanky figure of a model, but I love these leggings.  Paired with a oversized shirt or tunic top, I am quite comfortable wearing them out in public.

During the winter months, or colder days, I wear them under my dress or  slacks.  I still have my hidden pockets, plus the added warmth usually associated with thermal underclothes.  

Benefits of the Clever Travel Leggings 

  • Two Hidden Pockets with Zippers
  • Extremely Comfortable to Wear 
  • Extremely Comfortable when Walking
  • Extremely Comfortable when Sitting
  • Extremely Comfortable on Planes, in Cars, or even climbing around in jeeps
  • Cool and breathable fabric, yet added warmth under other slacks 
  • Easy Care - Machine Washable (I hang mine dry)

Security Pockets and Comfort

Clearly the security pockets with zippers were the main draw for me when I decided to test these pants.  After wearing the pants during a variety of activities, I can tell you, they are the most comfortable, best pocket pants I have ever worn.

The pockets will easily hold my drivers license, credit card, and cell phone.  I can zip the pocket over them to keep them secure from falling out or from thieves.  

Pickpockets and thieves are always a concern when traveling, but so is comfort.   These leggings have proven to be the perfect combination for travel!  

I frequently sit Indian style, with my legs criss-crossed.   That is not always a comfortable style when wearing jeans or dress slacks, but it is effortless with these leggings due to the stretchy fabric.  This is truly an added plus for me since my feet often won't touch the ground if I sit completely back in most chairs or seats. 

I love the waistband on these leggings!  The waistband is wide enough to prevent rolling, but soft and stretchy enough to be extremely comfortable on the waist when sitting, standing, walking or bending.  You never notice the waistband is there except that it is holding up your leggings.

 Heshe Fashion Leather Key Case 6 Key HolderCheck Price


Keys do require a bit more consideration.  You aren't going to want to stick a single key in the pocket of these leggings.  The key could easily injure you and would most certainly poke through the fabric.  

Clearly, this is not an issue if your car uses a key fob, but most of us still carry a house key with us when we go out.  

I use, and would recommend, a key case.  One like the one on right works nicely.

Read More Product Reviews On

Review of the Clever Travel Companion Women's Leggings with Secret Pockets Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, May 5, 2016

How to Store Your Passwords

How do you store your passwords? Let's review three choices to consider as we celebrate World Password Day.
Happy World Password Day! This is a holiday that everyone within the sound of my written voice can celebrate; if you're on a computer, you almost positively have at least one password. Or a hundred of them, and therein lies the problem. How do you store all those passwords? Better yet, how do you remember them? Let's review some of the best ways to store the passwords that you use online.

But first, let's talk a little bit about why there is a World Password Day. Cybercrime is huge in the news these days. Rarely a week goes by that we don't learn of another hack by some group of unknown criminals on the computer records of yet another well-known large company, bank, or perhaps worse, government agency.

It is said that there are two groups of people online, those who've been hacked and those who don't yet know they've been hacked. It's hard to imagine how much personal information, often including account numbers and passwords, is in the hands of criminals who have nothing but bad things in mind. Likely they plan to sell all the compromised information they can get their hands on to the highest bidder with no regard at all to how their illegal deeds might adversely affect the average computer user.

While there's little we as individuals can do to stop this widespread criminal behavior, the best thing we can do to keep our own online information safe is to protect access to it by using good, strong passwords and storing them properly.

Care to guess what the two most-used passwords in the world are? At the top of the list is the numeric sequence 123456 while second is the word "password." If you use either of those on any of your online accounts, I have three words for you: No! No! No! It takes mere seconds to create a strong password, one that even the worst bad guy's password-stealing robot can't easily hack. For some simple tips to follow when creating a password, both do's and don't's, visit the World Password Day website. It's a fun and informative site where you'll probably learn a thing or two.

Once you've created your new long, strong passwords, one for each and every account you use, you'll need to figure out how to safely store them. Here are three choices to consider.

Kaspersky Password Manager is a great way to keep your personal passwords safe!
1. Hire a manager. The easiest way is to store all of your passwords with the help of a password manager such as the highly-recommended Kaspersky Password Manager (available in both a free and a paid version). This program syncs your passwords across devices, which is very handy. It will also help you develop strong passwords that are hard to crack, always a good thing. Learn more then download the free version or buy the paid version (just $14.99, price subject to change) at the link.

2. Write them down. If you're old fashioned, as I tend to be, you might want to keep track of your passwords yourself by writing them down on paper. Or use a simple Rolodex. The one in the picture above is mine. The alphabetical tabs make it easy to file the cards by site name or URL and it doesn't take much room on your desk top. This is a good solution for a home office, but I wouldn't use it in a public work space where anyone who walks by could take a peek or, worse, grab it and take off with it. Also, it isn't easy to pack in my purse when I travel. That's where the next option comes in.

This personal password logbook is a great way to store all the passwords you use online.
3.  Use a password journal. I really like this personal password logbook or journal! It's designed specifically for recording internet addresses and their passwords as well as other useful information about your computer, your software, your ISP, your email addresses, and more. The front label is removable, so the contents are stored discretely. The elastic band helps by keeping the book closed until you want to open it. I really like the cover design, too, which is just one of several available for this line of password journals or logbooks. (You'll see them at the link.) While I keep a short list of passwords with me in my purse, it's barely sufficient and not nearly as efficient as this pretty book which right now costs less than $7 (price subject to change).

A word of caution: House fires happen. I know first hand. So if you depend on a Rolodex, sticky notes, or just a simple notebook for storing passwords, make sure you have a backup somewhere (and not on an external hard drive in your home; they burn, too). The Kaspersky system is probably the best choice for storing passwords or, if you still want to do it yourself, just make sure you've set up a file in the cloud somewhere that you can retrieve from anywhere in case of emergency. The price is very reasonable and very worth it when you consider the time it takes to retrieve and/or change every password you have. Again, I know.

So, how do you store your passwords? Do they need updating? How will you celebrate World Password Day? While it officially falls on the first Thursday of May (May 4, 2017), this information is important every day of the year. I hope you'll use it to keep both your data and your passwords safe!

~ Susan
Read more of my reviews.

Posted by Susan Deppner

Susan Deppner

About the Author

Susan Deppner is a baby boomer, a cancer survivor, and a Southerner who believes in the Golden Rule. She enjoys writing about food, faith, and fitness; health, home, and holidays; people, places, pets, and patriotism, and more. Follow Susan on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

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Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Star Wars Fans It's May the 4th be with you Day!

May 4th has become known as Star Wars Day!

I bet that doesn't surprise most of you as it's a play on the much quoted line "May the Force Be with You!"  Whether you are a Star Wars Movies fan or not, I'm sure that today you will hear this phrase more than once.

Star Wars has had a cult following since it's original movie premiered in 1977.  Almost 40 years of old fans, and new fans being added every time a new episode comes out. The latest addition to the Star Wars phenomenon is "The Force Awakens".  While it can be a stand alone movie, it can also be taken as a prequel to all the other Star Wars Movies out there.  I know my sons have been having ongoing arguments about many points, in the movies and how they are interrelated.   One thing is certain, it has people taking about Star Wars again, and revisiting the older movies.

stormtrooper legos
May the 4th is celebrated not just in North America, but,  worldwide!  It is a celebration of the Star War Movies and all the characters that people have come to love.  In 2001 the Toronto Underground Cinema launched the first official Star Wars Day Festivities which included a costume contest and Movie Marathon.  Since then, the festivities have been ramped up and are available to fans all over the world.  I'm sure if you look you will find some kind of Star Wars Celebration happening in your corner of the world.  Better yet, you can start your own traditions and celebrations, as most of the Star Wars Movies are available on Blu-Ray or DVD.  

Who is your most admired character?  Han Solo, Luke, Leia, Chewbaka, or maybe some other minor character.  Can you make a costume to make you look like your favorite character?  Sewing a costume is not too difficult and it will be fun for you and your family to create a whole wardrobe of characters for today and maybe for a second showing at Halloween.  Check out this pattern!   With a few minor changes you can have a whole family of Jedi Knights.

Since the Star Wars epidemic started there are literally thousands of different ways you can celebrate the day.  If you don't want to dress up, or watch hours of endless Star Wars movies, you can get out your Lego and build another version of the Death Star, X-winged fighter or the Millenium Falcon.   Better yet, you can also get out the "Lego" versions of the characters and have them do their own light saber dance.  I love that you can get these character Lego's, they are so much fun to play with.  Grab your favorite board game and play it with Lego characters instead of the little pieces that came with the game originally.

My sons love to play Monopoly and believe it or not there is a Star Wars Version too.  Now Monopoly has it's own cult following, so there are many versions of the same game with modifications to the names of the properties and the player pieces. The basic game remains the same, but the fun comes from landing on some really cool "outer space" properties.  The Star Wars Monopoly Game is a collectors item.  Each one is numbered and dated.  Instead of adding houses to your properties, you add Star Ships.  Will the Rebels or the Imperials win the race around the galaxy and control the properties?  That depends on you!

All I know right now is that with the release of the latest Star Wars movie, "The Force Awakens", interest in the 4th of May, just may be at an all time high.

So may I take this opportunity to offer "MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!" today and always.

stormtrooper lego figures

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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Reviewing The Acu-Rite Alarm Clock

Replacing An Old Alarm Clock

alarm clock on a night stand
We just purchased the Acu-Rite Alarm clock shown in the image at the left. We needed to replace our old alarm clock/radio because it no longer had a good digital display of the numbers and some of the buttons to change the time or alarm settings no longer worked. Now in all fairness to the old model that we replaced it was about 31 years old. (No one could ever accuse my husband and I of not getting our monies worth out of our stuff!) Suffice it to say, it was past time for our old alarm clock to take a journey to the big electronics shop in the sky. It had a good life and served us well;  may the odds forever be in it's favor and the force be with it. It was after all a faithful and loyal player in our life's game and stood by us like a faithful Jedi for so very long. 

Out with the old and in with the new

Wowsers! Technology in alarm clocks has grown in the last 30 years! When I saw the features of our new Acu-Rite alarm clock;I was duly impressed and did not hesitate to order one for us.

I decided that we did not really need a combination alarm clock and radio, since we rarely listen to the radio in the bedroom anymore. What first caught my eye with the Acu-Rite alarm clock was the large digital display of the numbers. The old one had small numbers and if I didn't have my glasses on the result was just a red blur. Who wants to grab their glasses in the middle of the night to see what time it is? Well, I am embarrassed to admit that I did that very thing for years (years I tell you!) and now that I have this one with the large read-out; I have to wonder why it took me so long to switch. Could I be old and set in my ways? My kids would say a resounding yes to that! Besides it is really difficult for me to part with something when it still works. Shoot, it still took me a couple of months to come to my senses and decide to just replace that old faithful clock. I get attached to things is my only defense.

Besides that large read-out that I don't need my glasses to see there are other features that I just love! The alarm is a nice beeping sound that doesn't make me shoot up out of the bed, startled half out of my mind. (I'm sorry old alarm clock your obnoxious buzz was enough to wake the dead and I never got used to it - even over the course of 30+ years!) The snooze button is right in the front and big enough that I do not have to grapple my hand all over the place to touch it.

Now for the feature that surprised me and I just love it! The alarm clock has a feature for DST. When you set the time it allows you to put the date in and on the bottom of the clock there are settings to pick what time zone you are in and to turn DST on or off. Glory hallelujah! No more worrying about changing the clock forward or back when the time changes!  One less clock to deal with in the house! Awesome-sauce!

There is also a battery back-up in the alarm clock; so when the power goes out the clock still keeps time. I love that feature! We get short little power surges every once in a while and they always resulted in me having to reset the time and alarm on the old model. When those storms roll through and cause a power outage, I won't have to worry my old little head about resetting my alarm clock anymore. I am delighted!

So, if you are in the need of getting a new alarm clock or perhaps you are looking for one as a graduation gift for someone who will be going on to college in the fall or moving into their own apartment after college; I highly recommend the Acu-Rite alarm clock. It is relatively inexpensive and does the job pretty darned well.

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