Saturday, May 7, 2016

Backyard Garden Birds: Springtime Review

cardinal on white gazebo bird feeder
Backyard Bird World
With the arrival of Spring, many of us see charming birds return to our backyard gardens. So, it's time to review what these birds need to encourage them. Besides Robins, which nearly everyone of us sees as heralding Spring, there are many regional birds. Like the Eastern Bluebird. OK, that's one of my personal favorites. And I found an article on Easy Backyard Gardening that highlights these delightful little birds.

Great Photo Opportunities

The author of Best Wooden Birdhouses shares photos of the Eastern Bluebirds that occupy her own backyard garden. She has a wooden birdhouse for them that blends well with her wooden fence. A nice security features for the birds themselves.

Anytime you add bird-friendly features to your own backyard gardens you get great photo opportunities. I can attest to that. I have been able to get photos of baby Swifts in the nest, brilliant Northern Cardinals on my window feeder and Yellow Finches hanging out in my Cedar trees.

The simple addition of a good wooden birdhouse will give you plenty of photo opps. Just make sure to stop and see the birds.

Hummingbirds in Backyard Gardens

Most everyone can enjoy the return of the tiny hummingbird. With a few-well placed feeders (, these
hummingbirds at hummingbird feeder
Care of Hummingbird Feeders
birds will return to your backyard garden year after year. Hummingbird feeders take a little bit of care, but are definitely worth the time. Seeing the hovering little birds around your yard is a site worth enjoying.

So make sure to add feeders that will encourage hummingbirds to share your garden space with you. For those of you who enjoy planting flowers, add some bright red ones. That will also help hummingbirds be attracted to your backyard gardens. The beauty of the flowers will be enhanced by the presence of charming birds.

Get Your Backyard Garden Ready

Make sure to take a little time and get your own backyard garden ready to welcome back the springtime birds. Whether it's a new wooden birdhouse or a hummingbird feeder, the birds will appreciate it. And you will appreciate seeing the birds in your garden.

Posted by: BuckHawk

About This Contributor

BuckHawk decribes herself as "Basically a lazy person who prefers the easy things in life." So that's what she writes about. Easy home decorating, easy recipes, easy entertaining. But, she is also a lover of animals, gardening and crafting. You'll find her writing all over the Web, but with Review This Reviews! she has the opportunity to write about all of her loves.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”


  1. Providing housing and feeders for our 'feathered friends' will not only help them, but will provide many hours of enjoyment for us. My brother & sister-in-law were just saying this week how much they enjoy Springtime in their backyard watching the many species of birds who come to their bird feeders each day.

    Delightful article, Susan. Fun to see you here this Saturday.

  2. I really enjoy watching and photographing birdsvin our backyard. Thanks for the tips.

  3. I love to watch the birds in our backyard. Just this past week, the hummingbirds returned for another delightful season. For the first time since I have lived here, we also have a lovely little Eastern Bluebird coming to the yard. I call him the Bluebird of happiness. Providing feeders and housing for our avian friends reaps rewards every year.

  4. We had an early spring this year, so we've been enjoying our springtime backyard (and front yard) birds for several weeks already. My favorites (they're all my favorites) include the mockingbird pair who are always ready with a song and often serenade us as we enjoy reading the paper on the back porch. This year we've actually seen a quail ("bob white!") in the yard and hear him daily. I'm hoping to see a bobwhite family parading through the yard as we head into summer and the eggs hatch as I'm certain there's a nest somewhere in our fence row or along the creek. I do love springtime bird-watching!

  5. We had an early spring this year, so we've been enjoying our springtime backyard (and front yard) birds for several weeks already. My favorites (they're all my favorites) include the mockingbird pair who are always ready with a song and often serenade us as we enjoy reading the paper on the back porch. This year we've actually seen a quail ("bob white!") in the yard and hear him daily. I'm hoping to see a bobwhite family parading through the yard as we head into summer and the eggs hatch as I'm certain there's a nest somewhere in our fence row or along the creek. I do love springtime bird-watching!

  6. I really enjoy watching the birds in our backyard and you are quite right! We all need to prepare a place for them if we want them to hang around. I have a flicker family that I just love in my yard. That family has had a nest for years in my juniper. One of them always fusses at me when I trim the juniper bush. They have gotten so accustomed to my presence in the yard, this years flicker guard was literally on a branch right over my head (within a foot of my ear) reminding me not to trim too close. It was really quite funny because I kept telling him he didn't have to worry. I knew his babies eggs were there and I wouldn't hurt them. At one point, I looked over at him and he tilted his head. It seriously looked like he was listening to me talk just like I listen to them. I do love those birds! My blue birds won't let me get that close.

  7. I definitely need to get more bird houses!


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