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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query aromatherapy. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Why I Love My Aromatherapy Necklace

Aromatherapy necklace set
Buy an Aromatherapy Necklace here!
Disclaimer - this review is being written by a self-confessed aromatherapy junkie!

I do like essential oils and have been thinking of getting myself an aromatherapy necklace, but I never got around to it.  Luckily, my daughter had seen me looking at them every time we saw them at a market or in a shop and she surprised me for one at Christmas.

I did tell her she was my favorite child - she replied that she was my only child, but I think she realized she'd made a great gift choice!

The necklace I've got is a Tree of Life design and is made from stainless steel.  You can find a few different designs around if you prefer a different look.  One thing that I really wanted was an array of different interchangeable pads.   Luckily I had mentioned this before and it's exactly what I got!

Now some people use these pads to color co-ordinate their outfits, but I choose to use different oils on different pads.  For example the blue pad has focus oil on it, the purple pad has harmony oil on it.

So Exactly How Do Aromatherapy Necklaces Work?

Simply put you put the oil onto a pad that fits inside the necklace which means you can inhale the oil while wearing the necklace.

The necklace opens up like a locket.  You add 1-3 drops of an essential oil or essential oil blend to the pad, pop it into the necklace and close it up.   Very easy, the hardest part is which oils to choose!

how to use your aromatherapy necklace

How Much Essential Oil to Use in an Aromatherapy Necklace

One thing that I've noticed is that most aromatherapy necklaces do NOT come with instructions.  The standard answer for how many drops to use is 1 - 3 drops.   I would suggest that you start off with just one drop of an oil for the first time you use it as you can always add another drop if you want to.

Let me give you an example, the first oil I used was my Harmony blend which I love and have used regularly in my diffuser and have even mixed in with my hand cream.  I added 3 drops and it smelled divine.   Two hours later I actually felt it was too strong and sickly so had to take it off. 

Now on the other hand when I used the Warrior Blend 3 drops was perfect and I wore it all day.

Everyone reacts to different oils differently so I would take each oil/oil blend and find out how you feel with them.  So far I have worked out I need 1 drop of one, 2 drops of another and 3 drops of a couple of others and even more experimenting to go!

When Should You Wear Aromatherapy Necklaces?

All the time!  I think that aromatherapy necklaces are something to wear whenever you feel you might need an essential oil.   I love Focus oil for work, especially when I have a busy day ahead, Harmony oil can be very helpful when you have to spend time with a group of people who aren't always the easiest to get on with (for some people this could be a family Christmas!).

I will definitely be using Lemon oil when there are viruses going around the office to keep myself healthy.

There really is an oil for just about everything so why not wear you aromatherapy necklace everywhere?   I only take mine off when I go to bed!

Are Aromatherapy Necklaces the Best Way to Use Essential Oils?

There are lots of ways of using essential oils and it's hard to say the best way because it depends on why you need to use the oil and which oil you're talking about.

An aromatherapy necklace is definitely a good way though and unlike a diffuser you can take it with you wherever you go during the day.

I must admit I wish I hadn't waited so long for my aromatherapy necklace.

Can I Use Fragrant Oils in my Aromatherapy Necklace

I guess technically you could, but please don't.  Fragrant oils are usually synthetic oils and can cause headaches.

I recommend Arbonne essential oils, the only problem is they only have a small range.   My other recommendation is the New Zealand brand Absolute Essential essential oils who have a much wider range of quality essential oils.

Whichever brand you use make sure they are 100% pure essential oils, if they say fragrant or perfumed oils please do not use them.

Which Essential Oils Should I Use in an Aromatherapy Necklace?

This is an impossible question to answer as it really depends on what you need your essential oil to do.

I have a lovely spicy blend called Warrior Blend that I use if I just want a nice warm blend when I go out as it makes me feel good.

If I am getting a bit of a headache and yet I have to go out then I will just add lavender oil.

If I'm going to be around sick people (work when there's germs around, visiting someone in hospital etc) I will use lemon oil.

If I have sinus I would probably use peppermint or a mix of peppermint and lavender.

If I have an exam or a day where I have to concentrate really hard then I would use Focus blend.

Think about what you want to achieve with your aromatherapy necklace and then search our aromatherapy reviews or google best essential oils for xxx .

Of course you can always ask me or even check out my Essential Oil Facebook Group, we'd love to have you join us.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Reviewing How Aromatherapy Can Help Relieve Stress

Lavender oil for stress
Buy Your Lavender Oil Here!
I love using aromatherapy and it's awesome for many different things, but one thing that aromatherapy is often used to help with is stress.

I thought it would be handy to showcase which aromatherapy oils are the best to help relieve stress and how you can incorporate them into your lifestyle to make stress a thing of the past.

The best stress-busting essential oils that aromatherapy has to offer are:
  • Bergamot
  • Lemon
  • Lavender
  • Gerarnium
  • Chamomile
The best thing about these five oils is that they also smell absolutely divine too (a win/win).

Bergamot Oil

Bergamot oil is a very uplifting oil and is great for keeping you feeling positive and avoiding stress.  I love the smell of Bergamot - it always puts me in a 'happy' mood.

Bergamot can help with -
  • depression
  • nervous tension
  • relaxation
  • general well being

Lemon Oil

Lemon oil also has uplifting properties (most of the citrus oils do) and gives you a feeling of positivity.  Lemon oil has the advantage of being anti-bacterial and anti-viral so if your immune system is feeling the effects of too much stress, lemon oil can help.

Lemon oil can help with -
  • relaxation
  • nervous tension
  • general well being

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil has so many properties that it really is the super oil of all oils, often referred to as a first aid kit in a bottle.  Combine that with the fact that the fragrance is just as beautiful you're onto a winner!

Lavender oil can help with -
  • depression
  • headaches
  • high blood pressure
  • migrane
  • insomnia
  • nervous tension

Geranium Oil

Geranium oil is one of the few that can be blended with nearly any other oil.  It goes extremely well with rose, however and all of the citrus oils.

Geranium oil can help with -
  • depression
  • nervous tension
  • nervous pain
  • anxiety

Chamomile Oil

Chamomile oil has a very low toxicity which is why it is often used with children.

Chamomile oil can help with -
  • depression
  • headache
  • insomnia
  • irritability
  • migrane
  • hysteria

Essential oils really are a fantastic way to keep stress levels down.   I managed a shop for a number of years and we had an aromatherapy burner going all day.  My stress levels (especially considering how busy we were) were always kept under control.  My first experience of work stress didn't happen until after leaving this environment.

aromatherapy and stress relief

Common Stress Problems

Common stress problems include headaches, low libido insomnia, high blood pressure, depression, irritability, anxiety and exhaustion.

Headaches - the classic essential oil for stress headaches and migraines is lavender.  Simply put a drop on each middle finger and massage into your temples (lavender is one of the few essential oils you can use neat, usually you should dilute pure essential oils before putting onto the skin)

Insomnia - chamomile is a fantastic essential oil for helping with insomnia, especially when combined with lavender oil.   Leave a diffuser going in the bedroom or have a chamomile and lavender bath before going to bed.   When my daughter was teething she had problems sleeping so (as I didn't have a diffuser at that time) I put a couple of drops of chamomile on a hankerchief and placed this under the mattress in her cot.  It really seemed to help settle her.

Low Libido - when stress starts to affect your sex life then you want to grab some Jasmine oil (this oils has athrodisiac properties) as this works really well in combination with lavender, chamomile, bergamot or geranium.  Add a couple of drops of jasmine along with a couple of drops of one of your stress oils into a carrier oil and try a massage.

High Blood Pressure - this needs to be approached in a holistic manner, but both lavender and lemon oils are fantastic in helping to support other methods of reducing blood pressure.

How Do I Use Essential Oils?

Now that you've worked out what oils you need - what do you do with them?  Essential oils can be used in diffusers, burners, baths, massages, lotions and creams.


Diffusers are wonderful, if you're able to have them going at work it is fantastic.  When you're trying to convince your employer to let you have a diffuser at work point them in the direction of Takasago.  Takasago is a Japanese company who released essential oils into the office air of computer and word processing operators to see if it affected productivity.

The results showed an increase in productivity, reduction in error rates and a reduction in stress levels.  The productivity rates were all increased by between 21% and 54% depending on the oils used.  Take this to your boss and he won't just let you use a diffuser in the office he may even buy one for you!

De-Stress On Your Drive Home

Car Diffusers

Driving home you can use aromatherapy as well and reduce the chance of road rage!  Simply get a car diffuser, they usually plug into the cigarette lighter.  If you If you don't want to use one of these you can put a couple of drops of essential oil on a tissue and leave it over the airvent so that it can diffuse throughout the car. This is also a great tip for long car trips to stay alert when driving - we used a combination of lemon and rosemary on a road trip a few years ago - I'm digressing now. Back to stress!


Regular Aromatherapy massages are fantastic, if you're under a lot of stress then booking in to have a weekly massage is a great idea. A friend of mine finds that once a month is enough for her as her work stress levels aren't really high, but are fairly consistent.

Massage by itself is great for stress, but seeing an Aromatherapist means that you'll have the added benefits of the power of essential oils as well.


Baths are a fantastic way of 'washing away' the stresses of the day. The Romans and Egyptians have long known the benefits of bathing. In our quest for speed and efficiency we have switched to quick showers and have lost the relaxation of a bath along the way. Combine the relaxing properties of a bath with the power of aromatherapy and you will be much happier.

Other ways to incorporate aromatherapy are using burners, candles, body lotions and creams.

Some Helpful Aromatherapy Blends

General Formula for the Workplace

This formula will enable everyone to cope before they get stressed out and it also has the added benefit of keeping their immune systems healthy (always good in an office environment).

Bergamot 7 drops
Lavender 3 drops
Lemon 2 drops

Mix these ratios of oils together and put in a diffuser to keep your workplace happy and healthy.

Anxiety Formula

Lavender 10 drops
Geranium 10 drops
Bergamot 10 drops

This same combination works really well for Depression although in different ratios

Depression Formula (from Valerie Ann Worwood's The Fragrant Pharmacy)

Geranium 15 drops
Lavender 5 drops
Bergamot 10 drops

Geranium is a really good oil to use as an uplifting influence on your emotions and although I have already talked about using chamomile and lavender together for headaches, Geranium can also be used.

Headache Formula

Equal parts lavender , chamomile and geranium

aromatherapy to relieve stress
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Have You Used Aromatherapy to Reduce Stress?

I'd love to know which oils you used and what the results were ...

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Reviewing How Aromatherapy Can Enhance Your Life

how to use essential oils to enhance your life every day
How to use aromatherapy in your life
I think everyone should have a little aromatherapy in their life and it can be enjoyed in so many different ways.

You can use essential oils as air freshner or in cleaners around the home.  You can diffuse them or use them in massage oils.  You can also add them to your skincare and so much more.

Let's have a look at just how you can add them into your life easily, safely and get maximum enjoyment all at the same time.

First you have to think of ways that you would enjoy using them and get an oil that can multi task for you.  I always think that tea tree, lemon and lavender oils are good ones to start with because they can be used in so many different ways.

Once you are used to using essential oils regularly you can start to expand your aromatherapy collection and venture into oils such as Roman chamomile, jasmine, lime, geranium and rosemary to name a few that I love.

Getting Started Using Essential Oils

For anyone getting started with essential oils I highly recommend joining this facebook group - Using & Enjoying Essential Oils with Louanne - as a disclaimer it's one I've just started myself!

The most common use of essential oils in the home seems to be as an air freshner.  I use a difuser that I plug in (I used to use an oil burner that you would use tea light candles in, but I worry about fires these days!).  If you don't want to invest in a difuser in case you don't use it then rice is your friend.

Using Rice in Place of Pot Pourri

You know the little 'bowls' of pot pourri people have around the place, well you can add uncooked rice to a small container and then add a few drops of essential oils and you have the same fragrance carrier.  It should go without saying that you must not cook the rice once you've used it like this!

I'm relatively new to this concept as I only heard about it a few months ago, but it works really well!

Carpet Freshner Too!

If you have carpet you can also freshen up the smell in the room by creating your very own natural version of 'shake n vac'.   All you need is baking soda and your favorite essential oil, I like lavender or one of the citrus oils.

For each cup of baking soda you can add 5-7 drops of essential oils and shake it up really well (it can clump sometimes so I have heard it suggested that you use a whisk to mix it up before adding to a container ... I have never done that!

I use an old carpet freshner (a generic shake n vac powder) container as it already has the holes for you to shake it out of - doesn't get any easier!

While we're talking about carpets - do you have a bag in your vacuum or do you have a bagless one?  I have a bagless vacuum at the moment, but when I had my old bagged vacuum cleaner I would put 2-3 drops of tea tree, lemon or lavender oil into the bag each time I emptied it, you could smell the fragrance every time you turned the vacuum on.

Household Cleaners Using Essential Oils

There are lots of ways you can incorporate essential oils into your cleaning routine besides using it on your carpet.  You can make your own multi purpose cleaner, window cleaner, use it in the toilet cistern and many more.

I love using it in the toilet cistern and have been doing this for years - I add 6-10 drops of tea tree oil into the cistern and every time you flush the toilet you get a faint whiff of tea tree oil, when you stop getting that whiff (or once a week) you add 6-10 drops again.

I am sure that it makes the toilet easier to clean as well, but I may be imagining that!

Years ago where I worked had lino flooring and we would often get black marks left by people's shoes - we simply added a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil to a cloth and wiped it on the mark - gone!

There are lots of recipes for cleaning products to be found online that use lemon or tea tree oils.

Aromatherapy to Help With Sleeping

So many people have problems sleeping and this is something that aromatherapy can really help with from pillow sprays to having a diffuser in the bedroom.

On my facebook group I have a great recipe for a pillow spray that you can use, but you can also just add a few drops of lavender and/or chamomile oil to a hankerchief and take that to bed with you.

Using a diffuser is a great idea to help with sleeping.  Many years ago I worked with a lady who's daughter used to get so stressed out at college that she couldn't sleep (she also suffered from asthma).  She brought her a diffuser and a relaxing oil blend and instructed her to use it at night - not only was she able to sleep better, her asthma also seemed to improve.

Of course a lovely relaxing massage before going to bed is also a great way to help you sleep, you may have to take times with your partner as to who has the massage though!

Beauty Uses for Essential Oils

You can use essential oils to make your own beauty products or add them to your existing beauty products to enhance them.

There's not enough time to go into all of the uses for these, but the more common ones you can use is to add a few drops of lavender oil to a hand cream, add a few drops of tea tree oil to a shampoo and to add a drop of rose oil to a face mask.

Gift Ideas with Essential Oils

If you have essential oils on hand you can find lots of ways to incorporate them into fantastic gift ideas such as -

  • bath bombs
  • facial sprays
  • hand creams
  • cuticle oil
  • lavender eye pillows

Ready to Get Started?

You could buy these essential oils one at a time or if you want to get started right away then we have a special set that is an economical way of getting the three must-have essential oils to start along with another pillar essential oil and some blended essential oils.

Great essential oils starter set
Essential Oil Set

More articles on Aromatherapy which I'm sure you'll enjoy -

Reviewing an Essential Oil Holiday SetReviewing an Essential Oil Holiday Set
Arbonne have just brought out their holiday range for 2018 and this year it includes a gorgeous essential oil set. If you're interested in using essential oils then this is a great way to start your selection.

Reviewing Uses for Tea Tree OilReviewing Uses for Tea Tree Oil
Over the years I have used tea tree oil in many ways, from household uses to medicinal uses and there are lots of other uses that I haven't tried. Tea Tree oil has antiseptic properties and is both a germicide and a fungicide

Reviewing Arbonne's Focus BlendReviewing Arbonne's Focus Blend
This blend of oils contains basil, rosemary, frankincense, bergamot and lemon. The combination of these oils helps to clear the mind and uplift your emotions which is perfect for increasing your focus and productivity

How To Make The Easiest Cuticle Oil EverHow To Make The Easiest Cuticle Oil Ever
There are so many recipes for DIY cuticle oil that they would make your head spin, but many of them used so many ingredients that it just seem such an effort so when I found a simple recipe with only 3 ingredients ..

Reviewing How Aromatherapy Can Help Relieve StressReviewing How Aromatherapy Can Help Relieve Stress
I thought it would be handy to showcase which aromatherapy oils are the best to help relieve stress and how you can incorporate them into your lifestyle to make stress a thing of the past.

Using & Enjoying Essential Oils with LouanneUsing & Enjoying Essential Oils with Louanne
A facebook group where we can talk about essential oils and how to incorporate them into your life.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Reviewing 3 Natural Ways to Relieve a Headache

3 natural ways to ease a headache
Headaches are no fun, but did you know that you don't have to reach for your bottle of asprin or paracetamol/tylenol when you feel one coming on. 

There are a number of natural remedies that you can try first.

I'm going to review 3 different ways to help relieve a headache that I have tried myself and have found successful. 

I have studied aromatherapy and herbology in the past, but I am not a doctor so if you have persistent headaches please consult your medical practitioner.

Using Aromatherapy to Ease a Headache

A very effective way to ease a headache is with lavender oil.   Now if you headache is caused by stress then relieving your stress levels is a great idea so check out this article -

Aromatherapy for StressReviewing How Aromatherapy Can Help Relieve Stress
If stress is getting you down then you need to use a little aromatherapy magic. Let me show you what essential oils you need to use and exactly how to use them to effectively ease stress.

Now back to lavender oil.  This is one of the few pure, essential oils that you can use undiluted.  Simply tip the bottle upside down onto your index finger on one hand and then do the same on the other.  You should end up with a drop on each finger.

You massage your fingers into your temple like the photo below -

relieve headaches by using these massage points
Photo courtesy of Lou's Designs

I used to try this for migraines (which I used to get every month before I had my daughter), it used to reduce the severity of the headache, although it didn't help with the lack of balance and light sensitivity (but you can't have everything!).

When it comes to just a standard headache, if I'm at home with lavender on hand this works really well.

Eating Almonds, Not Asprin for a Headache!

Now when I was told last year that merely eating almonds could help a headache I was a little skeptical, but then I tried it with success.  Initially I wondered if it was just a coincidence, but I have tried it a few times now and it has worked.

I have also looked into why this works and when I saw that almonds are a good source of magnesium I realized that's why they're effective.  Magnesium actually helps to relax your blood vessels and it's often when your blood vessels are tight that you get headaches.

How many almonds to take?  The recommendation is 10-12 almonds, but when I've tried them I've only taken 6-8 each time, then again when I have resorted to taking paracetamol/tylenol I only take 1 not 2.

Hydration is Vital for Keeping Headaches at Bay!

I read somewhere that dehydration is one of the leading causes of headaches, now I don't know exactly how factual that statement is, but it wouldn't surprise me.  Most people I know just do not drink enough water and by consuming more processed foods we are also digesting less water through our meals as well.

When my daughter complains of a headache the first thing I ask her is 'have you drunk much today?' the reply is usually no!  Now when you're dehydrated just drinking water sometimes isn't enough to ease the headache quickly as you need to get electrolytes into your system too.

If you have any watermelon on hand this is an excellent source of natural electrolytes and it has the added bonus that most kids who don't want to drink water will happily consume a slice or two of watermelon!

Another option is to have an electrolyte drink (often marketed as sports drinks).  This will work, but the side effect with most of the ones on the market is that they tend to be really high in sugar.  This is one of the reasons (I believe) that after drinking them you are sometimes left feeling even thirstier.

One drink that I use and also give my teenager is Arbonne's Complete Hydration as it's much lower in sugar and is formulated to hydrate on a cellular level.   This means that it doesn't leave you feeling thirsty.

Have You Tried Natural Ways to Ease A Headache?

I'd love to know if you've tried any of these three ways to ease a headache or if you have a different natural method to help your headaches.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, February 16, 2015

Stress-free Stress Relief

Life is stressful.  In this review, I will share with you an easy and inexpensive way of obtaining some much needed stress-relief. Have your Bath & Body Works Eucalyptus Spearmint Aromatherapy lotion delivered to your door and feel the stress melt away. Relaxation may not be as elusive as you might think.

Bath & Body Works Eucalyptus Spearmint Review 

Eucalyptus Spearmint Stress Relief
I received a bottle of Bath & Body Works Eucalyptus Spearmint Aromatherapy lotion as a gift. Initially, I was a bit tentative about the gift. Fragrances are difficult gifts to give because not everyone likes the same fragrance. In addition to that, as someone who has migraines that are sometimes triggered by fragrances, I am cautious with new scents. However, with the first use of this aromatherapy lotion, all of my reservations disappeared.

The Eucalyptus Spearmint scent combination is aromatic. It is not a subdued scent. For stress relief, the website instructs to smooth the lotion on generously and breathe deeply. This is how I apply the lotion, before bed or after a bath.  I am not sure how much stress is alleviated from the use of this lotion, but the moisturizing and the scent are pleasing. I do feel more relaxed after applying it.

The reasons I like this particular lotion:

  • essential oils provide a genuine, natural scent
  • lightly moisturizing
  • lotion absorbs well and doesn't feel greasy
  • packaged in a nice glass bottle with a pump dispenser
  • some reviewers report that it opens the sinuses (I agree)
  • some reviewers report that it soothes sore muscle or joint pain (I agree)
  • is a great lotion for massage


Easy Bath & Body Works Online Ordering 

We have a wonderful, local, brick and mortar Bath & Body Works store. It's a great little store. However, I don't always enjoy fighting the crowds for a bottle of lotion.  I began using the Bath & Body Works Website to buy my lotions and to order gifts.  I love saving my time and money by shopping online and having my purchases delivered to my door. I explain how I saved 50% on my current order on Treasures, Travel, and Tales.

Orange Ginger Energy

Bath & Body Works Orange Ginger Energy Body Lotion

There is another Bath & Body Works aromatherapy body lotion that I received as a gift and highly recommend.  If you are concerned that the eucalyptus spearmint lotion may be too strong, you will definitely want to try the Orange Ginger Energy Body lotion.  Personally, I love them both equally, but for different reasons.  

The Orange Ginger aromatherapy body lotion is also packaged in the glass bottle with the pump dispenser.  The aroma also is from essential oils but is a softer fragrance.  Again, while I can't quantify how much more energized I feel after using this lotion, I am sure that I feel good after using it and I love the scent.

Bits of Relaxation

Any bit of relaxation and self-care that we can bring into our lives is pretty important to our health and well-being. Pampering ourselves is one way to do that.  These are just two of my favorite items.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, July 28, 2018

How To Make The Easiest Cuticle Oil Ever

How to make the easiest cuticle oil ever
Photo's by Lou16
Today I'm going to review how to make the easiest cuticle oil ever. Once you see how easy it is you'll wonder why you haven't always made your own DIY cuticle oil!

Don't use a cuticle oil? You're not alone, it's a step many people miss out when they do their nails at home. I must admit, but cuticles were in pretty bad shape and I would just rub my hand cream into them and think 'oh well, that's just my cuticles!'

This year I've decided to treat myself my getting my nails done once a month (well it's about every three weeks, but my husband thinks it's a monthly thing LOL!) and I do love it when they pop on the cuticle oil at the end. My cuticles are looking much better, but they would look even better if I used it a little bit more often.

Now I like the idea of using natural products and not having some of the additives that you find in some skincare/personal care products being present. I also know that lemon oil is great for softening cuticles, I just had to look for some cuticle oil recipes ...

There are so many recipes for DIY cuticle oil that they would make your head spin, but many of them used so many ingredients that it just seem such an effort. Using sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, vitamin E oil and about 5 different essential oils just seemed a lot for me to recommend to people, after all we don't have all these ingredients just lying around the house do we?

Well I found a recipe that used olive oil and just two essential oils and I changed the essential oils (based on my own aromatherapy knowledge, and on what I had on hand) and I've come up with the easiest cuticle oil ever -

How to make the easiest DIY cuticle oil ever - every thing ready to begin - olive oil, lemon oil, lavender oil, bottle and funnel

Easy DIY Cuticle Oil That Your Nails Will Love!

4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 drops pure lemon essential oil
2 drops pure lavender essential oil.

Simply mix the ingredients together and keep in a bottle, I recommend seeing if you can find a nail polish style of bottle with a nail polish brush to keep it in (they didn't have any at my local store) or even a roller bottle.

These type of bottles will made it easier to apply, but aren't essential.   As you can see from my photo I just used a test tube style bottle (as I had it on hand) and I use a Q-tip to add the oil around my nails. I will let you know, however, that I have some roller bottles on order.

Lemon oil is fantastic for softening hard skin which is why it's a perfect addition to a cuticle oil. Lavender oil is a very nourishing oil, softening and just great for skin. The combination of these two oils works fantastically to help keep your cuticles looking fabulous and as an added bonus, using a cuticle oil after a manicure actually helps it stay looking beautiful for longer something I've only just found out!

EXTRA TIP - if you take vitamin E capsules then simple pierce one of them and squeeze the contents into the cuticle oil.  It will make the oil even more moisturizing and rich (a much cheaper alternative to adding vitamin E oil!).
It's very important that you use pure essential oils and not synthetic ones when making your own skincare as each essential oil brings it's own benefits and fragrant oils don't have these benefits.

I love to use Arbonne's essential oils when available, if I'm after an oil that they don't have then I make sure that the one I buy is 100% pure essential oil.

Aromatherapy Isn't Just About DIY Skincare!

You can use essential oils for lots of different things, here's a few articles that you might find interesting ...

How Aromatherapy can Help StressHow Aromatherapy Can Help Stress
Aromatherapy has proven to be very successful at helping to relieve stress, simply by using certain essential oils stress and conditions caused by stress can be alleveiated.

Essential Oil Room Humidifier and DiffuserEssential Oil Room Humidifier and Diffuser
Using essential oils in a humidifier or diffuser can add a lovely atmosphere to a room as essential oils can really help to work on your emotions from relaxing you or making you more upbeat.

Reviewing Uses for Tea Tree OilReviewing Uses for Tea Tree Oil
The herbaceous fragrance of tea tree doesn't begin to hint at how many uses there are for this essential oil from medicinal to beauty to household uses this is one very versatile essential oil.

How to make the easiest cuticle oil with only 4 ingredients

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Saturday, May 2, 2020

Reviewing Mother's Day Gift Ideas

Every Mother's Day people are looking to get something special for their mother.   While flowers and chocolates are a common standby, let's look at some other awesome Mother's Day gift ideas.

Flowers aren't the only gift you can give your mum on mothers day

Gifts for the Mum's Who Love to Read

Obviously, if their favorite author has released a book then grab them a copy, or if you've heard of a new author that you think they'd like this is an ideal time to make that introduction!

There are other things that would be good for book lovers though one of our contributors has reviewed an amazing range of gift ideas for people who love big books.

I Like Big Books and I Cannot Lie Gift Ideas

Your mother might be a regular at her local library in which case a library book would definitely not go astray.

Personally, there have been two gifts which I have absolutely loved as a bookworm mum - my kindle was a gift from my husband.  Now I've always loved reading 'real books', but I've found with a kindle I am reading a lot more (and have ventured into a lot more genres).   I tend to read fiction on my kindle and nonfiction (books that I'm likely to refer back to) as actual books.

The other gift is a gift I gave myself - Kindle Unlimited.   It is amazing, in the first week of my Christmas holiday this year I downloaded 13 books through Kindle Unlimited and read them all.   It's like an enormous library of books to choose from.

Gifts for Tea or Coffee Drinking Mothers

Don't all mothers drink at least one of these?   You could buy them some specialty coffees or teas or even a coffee machine.   Another idea that always seems to be a winner is a mug.

Mugs for Mum Ideas

There are lots of different gift ideas for coffee lovers such as these coffee slippers.

Mothers Day gift ideas include these coffee slippers
Women's Coffee Slippers - Perfect for the Coffee Loving Mom

When it comes to the tea-drinking mother then we have some great gift ideas right here -

Gifts for Moms That Enjoy Wine

You can get some beautiful wine glasses including the fun Lolita collection that I'm sure any mom would love.   If they already have wine glasses covered then maybe they need some wine pearls ...

Wine Pearls - Chilling Wine in Style

Of course, some nice wine to go with it is bound to be appreciated!

Spa Gift Ideas for Your Mother

Maybe you want your mother to feel special and a spa day with you just isn't on the cards.   Why not give her some of Arbonne's beautiful spa range so that she can have a spa experience in her own home.

Arbonne's Rescue and Renew products, beautiful for creating a spa experience in your own home
Arbonne's Rescue & Renew Product, perfect for a day spa at home

One of the products in their spa range is the French pink clay face mask which feels absolutely divine, you can read about it here:

Have Fun with this Pink Clay Face Mask

Essential Oils for Your Mum

Following on from the spa idea is essential oils, if your mum loves essential oils then she may have her own selection, but I'm sure she would be happy to get some aromatherapy jewelry or a diffuser.   If she's interested (or you think she would be) in aromatherapy then you could get her a few essential oils.

Some great essential oils for a beginner include lavender, lemon and peppermint (make sure that any you purchase are 100% pure essential oils).

Why I Love My Aromatherapy NecklaceWhy I Love My Aromatherapy Necklace
I love my aromatherapy necklace, it's something I had been thinking of getting for a while, but it was actually my daughter who finally brought me one as a gift. Let me share my review with you and let you know how I wouldn't be without this now.

An Essential Oil Diffuser Lives Up to All the HypeAn Essential Oil Diffuser Lives Up to All the Hype
I received a HoMedics brand of essential oil diffuser as a gift and I love it. It's easy to use. The rotating colored lights gives the room a lovely ambience as well. Read my review to see what my hesitation on getting one was and why I think it lives up to the hype.

Lava Stone Bracelet ReviewLava Stone Bracelet Review
These bracelets are fully adjustable due to the sliding knot and are surprisingly affordable. Lava stones can be used as a wearable oil diffuser. They also make a very attractive fashion accessory.

Gift Ideas for Mothers Who Love a Puzzle

If your mother enjoys jigsaw puzzles or Sudoku then I have a few gift ideas she may enjoy right here:

Wooden Puzzle Compartment BoxesWooden Puzzle Compartment Boxes
The boxes are offered individually with different designs to choose from. The workmanship is beyond outstanding. You would never know just looking at the box that it is also a fabulous puzzle with secret compartments inside.

A Novel Gift for a Sudoku FanA Novel Gift for a Sudoku Fan
I think this novel gift idea for Sudoku fans is even more apt in 2020! It is ideal for a mom that has a sense of humour as well as a love of this numerical puzzle, I know my mum would get a laugh out of it.

Reviewing Ravensburger Puzzles Over 2000 PiecesReviewing Ravensburger Puzzles Over 2000 Pieces
Ravensburger is a brand of puzzle that I can count on for quality. With over 2000 pieces in these puzzles they are ideal for a mother who is serious about her jigsaw puzzles (although you may want to measure her table beforehand to make sure it will fit!

More Gift Ideas that Moms Will Love

Of course, I love a comfy pair of PJs, a dressing gown, or a warm pair of slippers when it comes to comfy and practical gift ideas.  In fact, a gift idea that was a huge hit with this mum was a cow onesie!
Scarves are also a great gift idea and I know I've got a few for my own mother over the last few years.  In 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic, a group of people that I work online with started to show off their scarf selections by way of big hair bows.   I couldn't resist joining in!

Scarves make great gift ideas for Mother's Day, birthdays or other holidays
Me trying out a big hair bow for the first time!

Beautiful Affordable Scarves Make Great Gift Ideas

If you can't be there with your mother this Mother's Day then why not look at getting her lipstick to brighten up her day so that she can smile anyway!

I absolutely love the feel (and look) of Arbonne's Lip Duos which I've reviewed here:

Reviewing Arbonne's Lip Duos

What Will You Be Getting Your Mum This Year?

I've actually gotten my mum something from Arbonne this year (I can't say what in case she reads this) for a couple of reasons.   The first is that I think she'll love it (the most important thing after all).  The second is that I could log into my online account, order something for her and get it shipped straight to her door even though we live in different countries.   That is what I call convenience.

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Saturday, August 11, 2018

Reviewing Arbonne's Focus Blend - An Aromatherapy Blend of Essential Oils

Focus Oil
Purchase here!
I do love using essential oils so when Arbonne released a new blend of essential oils I couldn't wait to see what it smelt like!   Their Focus Oil has a very pleasant fresh & herbacious scent that isn't overpowering or divisive in aroma.

This blend of oils contains basil, rosemary, frankincense, bergamot and lemon.   The combination of these oils helps to clear the mind and uplift your emotions which is perfect for increasing your focus and productivity.

I have been using it in a diffuser while my daughter studies (she's in her last year of high school).  Now I think her attitude has changed as she's been more diligent even before I got the focus blend, however she does seem to be able to concentrate a lot easier since I started using the blend and is really excelling with her assignments.

So why these particular oils?

Basil oil is great for clearing the head as well as being uplifting, let's face it when we're happier we can concentrate better so this is a good start for the blend.  Don't take my word for it though according to Robert Tisserand (The Art of Aromatherapy) basil oil 'clears the head, relieves intellectial fatigue, and gives the mind strength and clarity.'   He goes on to say that the oil is ' uplifting, clarifying and strengthening.'

Now we add Rosemary oil to the blend.  Rosemary has traditionally been used for memory and is also a classic remedy for headaches and migraines.  I think this makes it ideal for use when we need to focus on something as that can lead to headaches so another great addition to this Focus blend.

Frankincense was one of the most highly prized substances of the ancient world hence the offering of frankincense by the Magi to the infant Jesus.  Although in centuries past frankincense has been revered for it's skin care preparations it also has an elevating and soothing effect on the mind and emotions.

Bergamot doesn't really seem to help with focus and concentration as such, but it is one of the more uplifting oils and is regularly used to help with depression and states of anxiety.  I think the inclusion in this blend is because of it's uplifting qualities.   You can concentrate on things a lot easier and your mind stays a lot clearer if you're happier than if you're sad.

Lemon is another oil that is uplifting - all of the citrus oils seem to promote happy feelings.

When to Use the Focus Blend

Anytime you need to focus or concentrate on something you'll find that the Focus Blend is ideal so whether you're writing a blog post, a proposal for work, studying for an exam or trying to balance the books - Focus Oil is the one for you!

Another time when I would be using this blend of oils is on a long car trip.  You can easily buy car diffusers these days and I would definitely advise investing in one if you travel alot.  This blend can keep you focused on long journeys or if driving home from work after a long day.

If you don't have a car diffuser you can still use the oil in a car, back when I first discovered the power of aromatherapy I couldn't find an affordable car diffuser so I simply placed a few drops of oil on a handkerchief (or even a tissue on occasion) and attached it over the air vents of the car.
You can also use this oil in the home when you feel people need more focus or clarity, like if they're suffering from grief, depression, recuperating from sickness.

If you're an anxious person, or you have an important meeting, event and are nervous about it then you could use a few drops of the focus blend in an aromatherapy necklace or on a tissue in your pocket to sniff throughout the day/ before the meeting.

Could You Use Some Focus Blend in Your Life?

I definitely have days when my mind feels like it has about 50 browser windows open and a 100 sticky notes stuck all over it so I really do need to use the focus blend in order to get things done!  I'd love to know if you need this oil or not.

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Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Awesome, Affordable Beauty Gifts to Fill Her Christmas Stocking

Now that the fall season is upon us, it's time to start thinking about what to buy for the friends and family members on our holiday gift lists.

Christmas is a wonderful opportunity to give special things that our gift recipients would love to have but might not treat themselves to. While larger, more expensive Christmas gifts might need to be a bit more practical, stocking stuffers are the perfect vehicle to treat giftees to something a bit more fun and indulgent that won't break the bank.

Affordable Beauty Gift Stocking Stuffers
Image generated using Canva AI tools

Many women and teen girls love and use makeup, skincare, and other beauty-related products, while others who might feel guilty spending money on something so impractical might secretly love to receive beauty gifts to enhance their appearance.

Even women who don't wear much makeup might enjoy some nice skincare, bath, or spa products to make them feel a bit more pampered and special.

Following are some wonderful affordable beauty gift stocking stuffer ideas handpicked to delight the women and teen girls on your Christmas list.

The Best Makeup Stocking Stuffers

Whether your gift recipient wears just a quick swipe of lip balm or enjoys a full face of glam makeup for special occasions, I've got makeup stocking stuffer ideas that your favorite woman or teen will love.

Nearly all of these makeup gifts are priced at $25 or less, and most cost less than $15, so it's easy to put together a nice selection to fill her Christmas stocking without busting your holiday gift budget.

There are so many little-known brands on Amazon (mostly from China) that knock off high-end palettes and other makeup but are of questionable quality and safety. It's hard to know whom you can trust!

The brands I am recommending are excellent quality, established, and trustworthy companies that make products that perform as well as much more expensive brands and offer very similar products at value prices. So, you can order these affordable beauty gifts with confidence.

Lip Balm, Gloss, or Oil

I feel positively undressed without something on my lips, especially since mine tend to be dry and chap easily in winter. I own a large collection of lip balms, glosses, and lip oils ranging from drugstore to high-end, and I'm very picky about quality! Here are some of my most affordable favorites.

Burt's Bees Lip Balm Stocking Stuffers is a 4-pack of Burt's Bees beeswax lip balms available in different flavor combinations, including the Best of Burt's Bees combo of original with vitamin E and peppermint, strawberry, coconut & pear, and vanilla bean. These lip balms are great to keep by the bedside, in a purse, in a coat pocket, etc., so it's great to have a four-pack! There's a reason these have stood the test of time. (I've used them for decades!) Even women and teens who don't wear makeup will appreciate a good set of lip balms, especially in the winter months.

NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP Fat Oil Lip Drip is a real bargain! It has all the moisture, shine, and gorgeous shades of high-end glosses without the premium price tag. 

This lip gloss is also vegan and comes in a range of shades to suit any taste. I own three colors and am tempted to add a few more to my collection. If you're not sure which color your gift recipient might like, the clear version will add a beautiful shine to bare lips or over a favorite lipstick. Or, choose a few different shades to add to her stocking.

NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP Butter Gloss is a cult favorite among beauty influencers and makeup artists, for good reason. This gloss keeps lips soft and smooth, adds a hint of flattering color, and isn't sticky. This set of 3 NYX Butter Glosses in packs of three extremely wearable shades is a winner!

Another extremely affordable gloss that looks and acts like those from more expensive brands is the Rimmel Stay Glossy Lip Gloss. The shades range from neutrals and pinks to reds that are flattering to many different complexions. The formula is long-lasting, moisturizing, and non-sticky while providing lots of shine. This gloss is also cruelty-free, Leaping Bunny-approved (i.e., the company has made a genuine commitment to ending animal testing), and looks beautiful on bare lips or over lipstick or balm. Rimmel is a very popular brand in Europe that more and more beauty editors are recommending in the affordable beauty category.

Makeup Palettes

Makeup palettes are extremely popular beauty gifts for the Christmas holidays. They feel like an indulgence that your recipient might not buy for herself but would love to receive as a gift. They're also great to take on vacations, business trips, etc.

Fortunately, the affordable makeup palette selections are getting better and better, with shades and formulations that rival those of expensive luxury brands. The shades available at any given time may change, but you're sure to find some wonderful options among my top recommendations.

NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP palettes are a fantastic choice. The quality and selection for the price can't be beat. The NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP Ultimate eyeshadow palettes each contain 16 highly pigmented eye shadows that glide onto the lid silky smooth and blend out effortlessly. There is always a wide range of options, from neutrals to brights, with something to suit any taste. Some palettes are all-matte, while most include a mix of matte, satin, shimmer, and/or metallic shades. Your gift recipient will have fun mixing and matching the 16 shades to create a whole wardrobe of eye looks for different moods, outfits, and occasions. Tip: Most teen girls would love the gift of a good eyeshadow palette!

If your gift recipient is really into makeup, she would probably love the NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP Highlight & Contour Pro Palette. It contains eight "creamy" powder highlight and contour shades that are pigmented enough to make a difference, but not so pigmented that they are hard to blend out (one of the keys to effective face contouring). Learning how to contour subtly can help you slim (or shorten) your nose, accentuate (or fake) cheekbones, minimize jowls, and other artistic "magic tricks." This set has a wide enough range of shades to work for many different skin tones, too.

Physicians Formula is another of those affordable beauty brands loved by magazine editors and influencers that looks and acts like formulas costing much more. 

The brand is known for its silky powder formulas, and a Physicians Formula Face Palette is a great way to give a beautiful selection of coordinating powders in a range of finishes. 

For example, the Physicians Formula All-Star Face Palette Holiday Gift Set for 2023 includes six stunning pans of bronzers, highlighters, face powder, and blush to flatter a wide range of complexions, although they are probably best suited to light-to-medium skin tones.

ColourPop "Of Quartz" 9-pan eyeshadow palette
My ColourPop 9-pan "Of Quartz" palette, now discontinued
(but there are always plenty of new choices!)

ColourPop Eyeshadow Palettes are amazing quality for the price. The brand is famous for its stunning palettes and, especially, its fabulous shimmer shades. 

I have one of the 9-pan palettes (called "Of Quartz") and absolutely love it. I love the versatile mix of mattes and shimmers and how easily I can blend out the formula, even on my crepey, hooded lids. 

There are also larger palettes, including "mega" sizes with 30 shades (which won't fit in a stocking)! You can choose from sets that would appeal to women who prefer subtle makeup or colorways with bold, bright hues that fashionistas and teen girls would enjoy.

The Physicians Formula Murumuru Butter Eyeshadow Palette comes in a smaller choice of shades, but these eyeshadows have the same luxe feel as the brand's acclaimed face powders, blushes, highlighters, and bronzers. It's a    wonderfully blendable formula that's extremely easy to apply and manipulate to achieve the desired look.

I also appreciate the mix of matte, satin, shimmer, and metallic shades in these versatile palettes that would flatter all skin tones.

 Like all Physicians Formula makeup products, these eye shadows are clean, cruelty-free, hypoallergenic, safe for sensitive skin and eyes, and dermatologist-tested.

Tips on Choosing Eyeshadow Palettes as Gifts

If you're not sure which palettes your gift recipients might prefer, here are some guidelines to help you choose.

  • Green and hazel eyes are complemented by purple shades, taupes, and earth tones, including bronzes, golds, and burgundies.
  • Blue eyes are flattered by warm, orangey browns, like amber or copper, or gray and silver shades for a smokey eye look.
  • Brown eyes can wear almost any shade, especially warm browns, golds, purples, and blues.
  • When in doubt a neutral color palette is the most versatile and flatters most eye colors and skin tones.

Just remember, there are no hard-and-fast rules when choosing eyeshadow colors, especially for beauty lovers!

Affordable Skincare Stocking Stuffers for Women and Teen Girls

An effective skincare routine makes a huge difference in our skin's appearance and health. A stocking filled with a good quality makeup remover, facial cleanser, micellar water, facial serum, and moisturizer would be a wonderful gift for teens as well as for any woman who still washes her face with soap. (Most soaps are too harsh for facial skin, disrupting the protective skin barrier and causing excessive dryness, oiliness, acne, sensitivity, and other problems!)

A set of sheet masks would be a wonderful treat to encourage someone who's feeling stressed or overextended to squeeze in a few minutes of much-needed, relaxing, self-care and "me time."

While you might want to tailor products to the recipient's skin type, the following recommendations are appropriate for most.

Oil-Based Cleansing Balm/Makeup Remover

Cleansing balms are a great first step to remove sunscreen, makeup, and skincare at the end of the day. One of my favorites, Farmacy Green Clean makeup meltaway cleansing balm, is available on Amazon in a cute 0.4-ounce sample size that's perfect as a beauty gift stocking stuffer.

This popular makeup-removing balm dissolves even stubborn, long-wear makeup, waterproof mascaras, and mineral sunscreens. It's the first step in a two-step cleanse, to be followed by a gentle facial cleanser.

This cleansing balm is effective without stripping the skin of its natural moisture or damaging the protective skin barrier. It leaves the skin feeling soft and smooth, not dry or tight. It's also free of parabens, sulfates, and artificial coloring and is not tested on animals.

Farmacy Green Clean cleansing balm starts to melt into an oil as you massage it into your skin with your fingers, and then it turns into a milky cleanser as you add water and continue to massage. Just rinse with warm water and continue with step two (your gentle facial cleanser). I also recommend following with micellar water on a cotton pad to remove any cleanser residue before applying your nighttime skincare routine.

Facial Masks

The SpaLife Holiday Treats Facial Masks 12-Pack has the cutest, most festive packaging! It's also more wintry than specifically Christmas-y, so it would also make a great gift for other winter holidays and gift-giving occasions.

The set comes with a dozen face mask packets in four yummy holiday scents, so it's easy to split up into multiple gifts to help stuff several stockings.

It includes three of each of the following:

  • Eggnog-scented anti-aging facial masks
  • Peppermint cocoa-scented nourishing facial masks
  • Gingerbread-scented soothing facial masks
  • Candy cane sundae-scented brightening facial masks
 These would make great gifts for anyone who loves a bit of holiday whimsy! 

TONYMOLY is an extremely popular Korean skincare brand that's PETA-certified and 100% cruelty-free (no animal testing).

The TONYMOLY I'm Real Sheet Mask Collection is a fun way to introduce the women or teen girls on your Christmas gift list to sheet masks—skincare-infused paper masks that hold the serum against your skin and let it soak in as you lie back and relax.

This set of 5 different sheet masks focuses on deep hydration and includes one each of the following:

  • I'm Aloe, infused with aloe extract and a water-based essence to hydrate the skin
  • I'm Avocado, an "avocado-infused micro emulsion-based essence" that nourishes the skin
  • I'm Watermelon, infused with watermelon extract to hydrate, refresh, and condition
  • I'm Lavender, with lavender extract to relax, soothe, and deeply hydrate
  • I'm Coconut, with vitamin E and coconut extract to "remove dirt and revitalize skin"

To use them, start with a freshly cleansed and dried face. Lie or lean back, open and unfold the sheet mask carefully, and place it over the face, aligning the cutouts with your eyes, nose, and mouth. Gently smooth the mask against the skin and let the serum soak in for 20–30 minutes. (I recommend listening to music or an audiobook to enhance the relaxation effect.) Then remove the paper and pat/press in any excess serum into the face and neck.

Gift-Worthy Skincare Sets

The e.l.f. SKIN Hydrated Ever After Skincare Mini Kit includes small sizes of everything a woman or teen girl on your gift list will need to keep her face soft, smooth, and hydrated. It includes a makeup melting cleansing balm, facial cleanser, hydrating booster drops, face cream, and eye cream.

These products are infused with hyaluronic acid to help hydrate and plump the skin, ceramides to help strengthen the skin's moisture barrier, and peptides to help smooth fine lines and wrinkles.

While these products would be ideal for someone with dry skin year-round, they are also excellent for all skin types during the cold, dry weather months. (Did you know that even oily skin needs hydration to help regulate oil production?)

Even if your gift recipient already has a skincare routine, she will appreciate this complete set of TSA-approved travel sizes for packing.

All of e.l.f.'s products are 100% vegan, cruelty-free, and Leaping Bunny-certified, and they're very good quality at surprisingly low prices. At less than $20 (at the time of this post's publication) for the entire 5-piece kit, the price for this stocking stuffer can't be beat!

Korean skincare is known for its innovation and high quality at reasonable prices, and COSRX is a popular brand recommended by many dermatologists and beauty influencers. The COSRX All About Snail Kit would make a wonderful gift for women with more mature or sensitive skin.

The hero ingredient, snail mucin, may sound off-putting, but it's a powerhouse skincare ingredient with multiple benefits. In the medically-reviewed EveryDay Health article "Snail Mucin 101: A Detailed Guide," Georgia Smith, a Sydney, Australia-based cosmetic chemist and founder of Skin Sister, described snail mucin as "a complex mix of proteins, enzymes, hyaluronic acid, copper peptides, antimicrobial peptides, iron, zinc, and proteoglycans." It can help strengthen the skin barrier; retain moisture; improve plumpness, smoothness, fine lines, and wrinkles; promote collagen building; enhance wound healing; and improve the appearance of scarring. It is also antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, potentially helping with acne and redness.

The COSRX All About Snail Kit includes TSA-approved travel sizes of four of the brand's most coveted skincare products: Advanced Snail Mucin Gel Cleanser, Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence, Advanced Snail Peptide Eye Cream, and Advanced Snail 92 All In One Cream.

Pampering Body Care Stocking Stuffers

Skincare isn't just for the face, especially during the cold, dry winter months. A gift of a body wash, body scrub, exfoliating gloves, or moisturizing body lotion can soothe and smooth dry, crepey skin all winter long. A moisturizing hand cream, cuticle balm, or foot cream is something every woman or teen girl can use.

Here are some gift-worthy body care stocking stuffer ideas.

Aromatherapy Shower Steamers or Bath Bombs

I only recently learned about shower steamers, which are similar to bath bombs but designed for use during a shower instead of a bath. 

Cleverfy Aromatherapy Shower Steamers are beautifully packaged and are available in several different assortments of different sizes and scents. 

The boxed sets of six Cleverfy Aromatherapy Shower Steamers are the perfect size for stocking stuffers, but you might also consider splitting one of the larger assortments into several gifts.

I really like the set of six aromatherapy shower steamers that includes one each of the following scents:

  • Menthol & eucalyptus
  • Peony & pear
  • Grapefruit
  • Watermelon
  • Cocoa & orange
  • Lemongrass & coconut

Hand and Foot Care

The Burt's Bees Tips and Toes Kit is a boxed, six-piece set that's perfect for gift-giving and costs much less than you might expect. It includes a full-size pomegranate tinted lip balm to soften and smooth lips while adding a hint of color, plus five mini sizes of the following products:

  • A cute little tin of almond & milk hand cream that's perfect to tuck in a purse
  • A tube of honey & grapeseed hand cream
  • A tin of hand salve
  • A tin of lemon butter cuticle cream (a long-time favorite that's perfect for massaging into dry cuticles on the go)
  • A tube of coconut foot cream

These travel-size products would also be great for a frequent traveler.

You could also put together a set of high-quality nail care tools for a woman or teen who either loves having pretty nails or wishes she did. Check out my in-depth guide to The Best Manicure Tools to see my personally curated, tried-and-true picks. Consider adding a bottle or two of nail polish. Essie nail polish kits always include some great holiday gift sets at affordable prices, and the quality is excellent.

Spa Accessories

Consider filling her stocking with one or more spa accessories to up her beauty and skincare game. Check out my in-depth reviews of the best spa headbands for face washing, skincare, and makeup application, the best silicone face cleansing brushes, the best reusable microfiber facial cleansing sponges, and my favorite microfiber face washing wristbands to keep your arms and sleeves dry.

Need an Elegant Christmas Stocking to Stuff?

Check out my recent product reviews of The Most Beautiful Christmas Stockings for Elegant Holiday Decor. You’ll find a selection of festive picks to hold these beauty gift stocking stuffers.

❆❅❄ Wishing you and your loved ones a beauty-filled holiday!

Awesome, Affordable Beauty Gifts to Fill Her Christmas Stocking by Margaret Schindel

Read More Beauty Reviews From Our Contributors

Read More Christmas Reviews From Our Contributors

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