Friday, March 16, 2018

Clever Travel Companion Hoodie Jacket With Multiple Concealed Pockets

Clever Travel Companion Hoodie Jacket with Concealed Secret Pockets Review
With winter turning to spring, I recently found myself seeking a light-weight jacket to wear instead of a heavy coat.   Imagine my surprise when I discovered that my favorite apparel company, Clever Travel Companion, is now making a hoodie jacket with tons of secret pockets.  Since I love my CTC pants/leggings and shirts, I bought the Clever Travel Companion jacket immediately!  

I have been so thrilled with my secret pocket shirts that I am really not shocked by how much I love this hoodie jacket.  While it seems unnecessary to have both a shirt and a jacket with hidden pockets, there are occasions that call for one or the other.  When I wear the jacket, it is no longer necessary to wear the tank top as an undershirt or to wear the t-shirt.  But, I know summer is coming and I will once again grab those tank tops and t-shirts first.  However, for the next few months, I choose my Clever Travel Companion Hoodie Jacket.  When summer is over and fall arrives, I will once again be seeking out this fabulous jacket with secret pockets.

Features of the Clever Travel Companion Hoodie Jacket

 Unisex Travel Hoodie with 4 Secret Hidden Pockets,
Smart Jacket for 100% Pickpocket and Loss Proof
Check Price
This jacket is well made and serves the normal purpose of any jacket in spring, fall or on a cool night by keeping you warm.  Since it has a hood, it is also wonderful when those spring showers pop up and catch you outside without an umbrella.  Of course, the hood also provides additional warmth.   The jacket has the traditional hand-warming pockets on the front too.  But, what makes this jacket better than most are the 4 hidden zippered pockets

  • Zipper Front Jacket with Hood
  • 2 Front Hand Pockets 
  • 2 Interior Chest Pockets (large enough for credit cards or phone)
  • 2 Larger Interior Pockets (large enough for an Ipad or Kindle)
  • Unisex
  • Available in Navy Or Grey

Honestly, the only downside to this jacket is that it is only available in Navy.   Personally, I would have preferred black, but the navy does go well with blue jeans.

Replace a Purse, Tote Bag or Backpack with this Jacket

Clever Travel Companion Hoodie Jacket with Multiple Concealed Secret Pockets Reviewed
I haven't carried a purse in years, but I do carry a small backpack when I go out to take pictures.  On my last trip to the zoo, I left my backpack at home and slipped my extra camera battery in the small interior pocket.  Since I also had my cell phone and my wallet in my interior pocket, I really was able to completely focus on taking my pictures and not worry about pickpockets or dropping anything.

While it may look odd to others due to the weight of the lens, I can also carry my smaller camera lens in the larger inside zipper pocket.  Very nice indeed!

More Travel Related Articles of Interest

Security is my #1 concern when I shop, travel, hike, bike, or just walk around the block. These leggings give me the safety of 2 hidden pockets and allow me to retire my purses completely.

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Tips from an Experienced Traveler! In this article, I will share my best travel advice and tips for traveling to help reduce the stress related to travel, which will help ensure a successful vacation.

The Clever Travel Companion tank tops and t-shirts with secret pockets are perfect for everyday wear as well as travel.


House of Sylvestermouse

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Thursday, March 15, 2018

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Over the years, we have reviewed kitchen appliances, select home decor or renovation products, electronics, clothing items & accessories, pet products, and so much more. You can even find home & auto cleaning products, plus oral hygiene products reviewed on Review This Reviews!

Because our contributors vary in home styles and size, as well as age and stages of life, we offer quite a variety of products that have previously been reviewed.  As we test new products (not necessarily new to the market, just new to us), we will review those here as well, so be sure to check back often.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Nature's Everyday Mysteries: A Book Review

The Mysteries of Nature

I've always loved learning more about nature. My library is full of field guides and other references to help me learn all I can about the natural world I see in my yard and in the wider area around where I live. That's why I couldn't resist picking up Nature's Everyday Mysteries: A field guide to the world in your backyard when I found it at a thrift store. It's part of The Curious Naturalist Series, and I'd like to get the rest of the series because I enjoyed this book so much. Let me tell you why.

Nature's Everyday Mysteries: A Book Review

Let's Consider Porcupines

I have never personally seen a porcupine up close. I've never seen one at all except in a zoo. Most of my information on this interesting animal came from reading The Adventures of Prickly Porky by Thornton Burgess when I was a child. Learn How I Learned to Love Thornton Burgess Books . That work of fiction was written by another naturalist. In his animal stories, the animals were dressed in human clothes and talked to each other, but their animal habits were accurately portrayed. Usually the animals interacted only with each other, with an occasional human encounter.

Sy Montgomery, in her Curious Naturalist Series, shares her own research and animal interactions. She says we can tell individual porcupines apart by their faces, just as we tell humans apart by theirs. This makes them easy to study because it's easy to follow individuals. Also, they won't run away from you unless you seem to threaten them.

Nature's Everyday Mysteries: A Book Review
Photo Courtesy of Pixabay

Ever wonder how porcupines mate? Montgomery reveals that mystery. Did you know that porcupines can not only quill other species, but also themselves and other porcupines. They can quill themselves when they fall out of trees. And, yes, they do occasionally fall out of  trees. God protects the porcupines from such incidents by putting a natural antibiotic in their quills so their injuries won't get infected. This also helps people who get quilled, not that you want to experience that. Montgomery tells you how to safely remove a quill if you need to.

Porcupine quills can kill. They do it by working their way farther under the skin by means of microscopic barbs until they puncture vital organs. Some African porcupines have quills a foot long.  One naturalist found 600-pound tigers that porcupines had killed this way. These are just some of the things I learned about these creatures from this book.

The Curious Naturalist: Nature's Everyday MysteriesThe Curious Naturalist: Nature's Everyday MysteriesCheck Price

How the Book is Arranged

This book is arranged by season. The chapter "A Porcupine's Private Life" was in the spring section, where one can also learn about bird courtship, ferns, frogs' mating rituals, and the life that can survive in various types of dry mud that come to life when rains liquify them to wet mud again. The author also discusses various kinds of edible wild plants here

One of my favorite chapters in the summer section was "Messages in Spiders' Webs." It seems that E.B. White wasn't as far off as we thought when he wrote Charlotte's Web, but it's only garden spiders that leave these messages in their webs. I didn't know all the other ways spiders use their webs until I read this book.

Nature's Everyday Mysteries: A Book Review
Spider Catching Fly, © B. Radisavljevic

Another fun summer chapter was "Never Sleep with a Skunk." This section also suggested activities kids can do with fireflies. In addition I discovered a lot I didn't know about tide pools, mosquitoes, fossils and rocks, invasive plants, and lightning.

The autumn section actually has a chapter "In Praise of Flies." As I wrote in another post here, I'm more interested in How To Trap Those Flies That Drive You Crazy than I am in observing them, but I still learned some interesting information. I enjoyed the chapters on mushrooms, animal migration, fall flowers, beavers, chipmunks and squirrels, and wild turkeys more.

Nature's Everyday Mysteries: A Book Review
Squirrel at San Miguel Mission

The winter section features many subjects I'd not thought much about before. Did you know that you can discern the history of some regions by looking at the trees in the landscape? I didn't. I was more familiar with what I read in "Tidal Treasures: Exploring the off-season beach." What I learned about the crow and the snowy owl was fascinating to me. I've never seen a snowy owl, but I have certainly seen crows. I didn't know how intelligent they really are.

The winter section finishes off with information on reading animal tracks and sign, how small mammals like the shrew survive winter, and the life below pond ice. I've never lived with ice and snow, so these chapters were all new to me.

My Review of Nature's Everyday Mysteries

Although the book calls itself a field guide to the world in your backyard, its illustrations are sparse -- only eight pen and ink drawings in its 152 pages. The drawings are detailed and of high quality. Since no other illustrator is credited, I'm assuming Montgomery illustrated the book herself. The book is actually a compilation of a series of nature journal columns Montgomery wrote for the Boston Globe

Rather than being an actual field guide in the usual sense of the word, the book is actually an aid to understanding the sights we normally don't think much about as we pass them. In the Introduction, Montgomery explains how she came to write the chapter on mud (originally a monthly column). One March the sights outside seemed boring. It would appear almost nothing interesting was happening to write about. Everywhere she turned she only seemed to see mud. She thought of visiting her friend's farm in the next town, but then she remembered that her friend's steep driveway was probably all mud. It was then she remembered how full of life dried mud became when water was added and got the idea for her column. When you read it, you will  never look at mud season the same way again. 

I recommend this book to anyone who loves nature and wants to look beyond the surface one sees. Its short chapters were just right for entertaining reading when I only had short amounts of time to spend. Like most nature books, it helped me better understand the intricacies of God's creation. I plan to read as many other books by this author as I can afford. 

You can find these books by this best-selling nature writer at Amazon.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Irish Mug Reviewed

For St. Patricks Day Or Any Day

irish scene of green book
Irish Scene image courtesy of
I have been looking for an Irish mug to add to my cupboard for a couple of reasons. As I write this we are fast approaching St. Patricks Day so there is one reason that I would like to have one. The other reason is that I have been working on my genealogy in the last few months and it turns out that I have several Irish ancestors. 

When I got my DNA testing results back the report indicated that about 22% of my DNA is from Ireland, Scotland and Wales. To be honest, I was a little surprised by those results. Now, that I have spent so much time looking for ancestors; I am a little surprised that the numbers aren't higher than that 22%. The chart did show the entire area of Ireland but then it was also quite specific for Ulster, Munster and Connaught. As I plodded through the hints of possible people who belonged in my family tree at first I was only finding people who came from Ireland but their origin was not very specific. Then one day I found it! Well, eventually I found several "its". It may seem silly but I got really excited to find family from those areas that were specifically mentioned. I am still amazed that the DNA results could be so exact especially since those connections go way back in time.  I am not talking a couple of hundred years, folks. Those family members go way back to the 200's, 300's, 400's and 500s in the Common Era! My ancestors came from those areas of Ireland when Ulster, Munster and Connaught were kingdoms in and of themselves. 

So, I have become quite fascinated with Ireland and its history. That is why I have been looking for things pertaining to Ireland which led me to wanting an Irish mug to drink my coffee in. I found one that I particularly like. 

As I continue to work on my genealogy, I can enjoy my coffee in a colorful cup that reminds me of where many of my people came from. I also like that the Irish blessing can inspire my day:

May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind always be at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
and rains fall soft upon your fields
and until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of His hand. 

I am thrilled that I took the DNA test and am finding ancestors from several countries, not just Ireland. It has been quite an interesting journey into my family's past. How about you? Do you know for sure that you have Irish ancestry?

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, March 12, 2018

Reviewing Skinny One-Pan Recipes

Skinny One-Pan Recipes.
I like food. A lot. Unfortunately, I'm not very talented in the kitchen. I need easy, fool-proof recipes. Cleaning up in the kitchen after making a big meal is not my favorite thing to do. While some one-pan or few-ingredient recipes are bland, the recipes contained in this year's issue of Skinny One-Pan Recipes by Better Homes & Gardens look both easy and delicious!

Skinny One-Pan Recipes on Newsstands Now

The 2018 issue of Skinny One-Pan Recipes is 96 colorful pages of one-pan recipes - all 400 calories or less. The editors of the magazine summarize this issue of skinny one-pan as:

"Each dish was created with busy families in mind- using only one pan for easy prep and cleanup."

"Plus, each fresh-tasting recipe is slimmed down to help keep you fit and feeling good. This means cutting calories, fat, and sodium."

This year's special interest publication is at newsstands now and will be displayed until May 14. During my last "quick" trip to the grocery the two check out lanes that were open were both stalled. The blinking "help" lights were monotonously blinking over each cashier. Yay.  But the silver lining to that extended wait in line was that I impulse bought a Skinny One-Pan Recipes (after having had time to flip through and preview each recipe).

The recipes sounded so easy and delicious that I nearly turned around to add a few ingredients to my cart. But I wasn't willing to risk another long wait in line. 

Better Homes & Gardens is a respected name in the cookbook world. Their first cookbook was published in 1930. We know we can trust their recipes. That was another reason I felt fine with this impulse purchase.

With the ease of the internet, why would I bother to buy a recipe book?  I find it hard to follow an online recipe.  I tend to end up writing it down. Having it on a printed page eliminates that step. Also, even though there are 11 categories of recipes, they all have the common thread of being one-pan and healthier than high calorie recipes.

The categories are:
  • Power-up Breakfasts
  • Savory Bakes
  • Cast-Iron Cakes & Breads
  • Roast and Boast
  • 4-Ingredient Sides
  • One-Pan Vegetarian
  • Stove-Top Sautes
  • Stir-Fry Suppers
  • Simmer and Steam
  • Big-Batch White Bean Chili
  • Snack Central

Here is a little look inside at one of the recipes that caught my eye. I use cast-iron and have a favorite skillet. I've never tried making Focaccia bread but I have become better at successfully making breads in general.  Doesn't this No-Knead Focaccia look delicious?!

No-Knead Focaccia
Don't worry if you can't find a copy at newsstands near you. Or if you are reading this after the "display until" date has passed. Simply click the link to have a copy delivered to your home via Amazon. 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, March 11, 2018

20 Easy Ways to Get Your Home Ready for Spring

Photo via Pixabay - Flowers, Gardening - Clearing the Yard for Spring
Winter and hibernation tend to go hand in hand. However, we've 'sprung forward' and it's time for another change in our predictable routines.

For many of us, spring brings on an itch that's not allergy related; the itch for change. Even if you're nodding your head in the negative right now, think about it ..... you've more than likely made small changes at the start of spring without knowing it; cleaning closets, washing bedding ... you know, our automatic routine that's inspired by fresh air and open windows. There's something healing about spring changes.

Here are 20 Changes You Can Make (or have made) to Brighten Your Home for Spring - Most Don't Cost a Dime (See them below the photo)
Photo Via Pixabay - Minimalism for Spring

  1. Wash and freshen up the bedsheets, bedspreads and or curtains
  2. Change the bedsheets from flannel to cotton
  3. Clear out your closets
  4. Put away the winter clothes and pull out your summer wear
  5. Clear out your yard and garden - tidy it up
  6. Wash your windows
  7. Open your windows to do an air exchange
  8. Lighten up the room by removing area rugs to expose the wood floors. This simple technique will give you that fresh open feeling for the spring.
  9. Remove your usual accessories and replace them with simple fresh spring accents
  10. Think Green - add an abundance of plants - not just one - put multiple plants in multiple areas
  11. Freshen the home with new scents - replace winter cinnamon candles with lemon, citrus and laundry candles
  12. Dress up your table (kitchen, sunroom) - Bring out a bright and cheerful table cloth and feature a lovely arrangement of spring flowers, vases and candles
    Photo via Pixabay - Add Fresh Flowers
  13. Cover your existing pillows with spring themed pillow covers
  14. If changing your bedding set to a spring theme is possible, go for it
  15. Add one new spring themed fun focal point piece to a room for the spring - a light fixture, a piece of art, new pillows, an oversized floor plant
  16. If you're planning to re-do a room, go lighter in textures, wall colors and furnishings
  17. If you're a lover of color, find a small room (an entry way or a washroom) and paint it in a bright lacquered color. Be sure you know how powerful this will be before tackling the project. If you have a room with high ceilings - even better! Also, in a larger room you could paint one wall in a bright lacquered paint. However, if your wall has a lot of flaws, stay away from this kind of paint, it tends to show every flaw!
  18. Paint a small area in your kitchen with chalkboard paint to help create an outdoor café feel
  19. Add floral prints! Don't be afraid of floral - it's not just your grandmother's favorite. Floral prints can work in moderation, especially as an accent
  20. Work to make your rooms more open and inviting - move your furniture around - a tip to remember - ensure there's a clear pathway through the room, to the doorways. With that in mind, you'll consider the rooms flow without thinking about it.
We seem to go into cleaning-clearing mode as soon as the weather gifts us with fresher, warmer air.

Breathing in the spring air gives us a cleanse inside and out but most of all, is motivating. So don't miss the moment and the mood - make those changes while you still have that itch!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Reviewing 2004 Lego X Pods

Reviewing the 2004 Lego X-Pods
Available on Amazon
The first of the range of Lego X-PodsLego X-Pods were released in 2004, in total Lego released 5 different sets of X-pods during this year. The premise behind this Lego range was that the Lego came inside of a pod, essentially this was 'Lego on the go.'

The pods that these small Lego kits came in were designed to fit in a pocket so that no matter where you were you could pull out your Lego pod and start to build.

This Lego X-Pod range was like a sub-range of the Lego Creator series and each kit could create a number of different things limited only by your child'simagination.

The X-Pods released in 2004 were -
  • Black Robot Pod
  • Robo Pod
  • Auto Pod
  • Aero Pod
  • Wild Pod

Black Robot Pod - 4335

Black Robot Pod - Lego 4335
As you can see from the picture the Black Robot Pod comes in a clear container with two black lids. This set contains 50 pieces and is recommended for the age 6+.

This is a hard to find Lego product with the following features -

* Idea Book with instructions and inspiration for 6 robot models — quick to build and rebuild for           hours of fun!
* Handy carry case with studs — build it right into your models!
* Unique assortment of LEGO elements — great shapes and awesome colors!
* Fits into backpacks, pockets and more for on-the-go play!
* Combine with other X-Pods to build cool combo models!

An interesting snippet for you is that this Black Robot Pod was released for Halloween which might explain the color scheme of black and orange!

Robo Pod - 4346

Robo Pod - Lego 4346
This Lego set contains 65 pieces as well as step by step instructions to build 3 models.

Of course, as with all of the Lego x-pods there is no limit to the number of different models you can actually build!

This green set comes in a clear ‘pod’ with green lids to match the robots you can make with the set.

Auto Pod - 4347

Auto Pod 4347
This 67 piece x-pod set comes in a clear ‘pod’ with blue lids.

There are also instructions for building different Lego models – a bulldozer, truck, and rolling robot.

These models however are only for inspiration because the key to all of the x-pod sets is that your imagination is the only thing that will stop the number of different models you’ll be able to create.

Aero Pod - 4348

Aero Pod 4348
This 36 piece Lego X-Pod set is sometimes referred to as the X-Pod Planes as there is a later model also called X-Pod Aero so be aware that this is the 2004 set, model number 4348.

The pod as you can see is one of the transparent ones and comes with yellow lids, the bricks inside are also predominately yellow as you can see from the picture.

I actually can’t tell you much about this particular set as I haven’t seen it myself and there aren’t as many reviews available as I would like, but if it’s like the other X-Pod sets then I’m sure it’s fantastic and no doubt will come with instructions for a few models.

Lego Wild Pod - 4349

Lego Wild Pod
The Lego Wild Pod set contains 44 pieces and comes in a transparent pod with red lids.

The instuctions that come with this Lego pod show you how to make seven different creatures from a crawling bug to a flying dragonfly, but as with all of these sets the instructions are only the start.

I haven’t actually seen the instruction book or played with this pod, but I have seen a dragon made from just this set and I was very impressed!

Lego X-Pods Are An Awesome Idea!

When I was a child I absolutely loved Lego and assumed that when I had kids there would be Legos strewn across the house.  Of course life never works out quite as you imagine and when I had my only child she didn't like Lego so I never got to purchase these X-Pods for her.

I have been lucky to have a goddaughter who is Lego mad and plenty of friend's children to give me an excuse to 'hang out' in the Lego section of department stores and I still think that these X-Pods are an inspired idea.

They are an ideal size to fit in a child's pocket and perfect to take on road trips, plane trips etc to keep your child happy when they have to stay in one place.

Not only are they ideal for your child to carry they are also a perfect size to pop into your handbag.  Hands up moms who have bulging bags trying to be Mary Poppins when they go out with their children!  I used to have snacks stowed away, along with things to entertain my daughter in case we were stuck waiting somewhere - these Lego X-pods don't take up much room so can be a godsend for moms.

Even though they weren't something I used I wholeheartedly recommend them for anyone with a Lego loving child (I'd even love them for myself now!).

Most of this particular range are unavailable through many outlets so I recommend looking on ebay for them, if there's a particular one you're after be sure to search with the set number.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, March 9, 2018

KitchenAid Smooth Glide Ice Cream Scoop Reviewed

KitchenAid Smooth Glide Ice Cream Scoop Reviewed
For decades I have fought the battle with scooping ice cream.  Recently, I purchased the KitchenAid Smooth Glide Scoop and I am here to tell you, it actually works!  Scooping ice cream or sherbet just got a whole lot easier for me.

I can't even begin to guess how many spoons I have bent trying to scoop ice cream without letting it thaw on the kitchen counter first.  I hate leaving the ice cream out on the counter to thaw for several reasons.  For one thing, if I want ice cream, I'm not very patient.  I want it right then.  Second, I hate having to wipe off the condensation ring the container leaves on my kitchen counter before I can enjoy my dessert.  Plus, I hate the "frost" coating on the top of my ice cream that is created when it has to refreeze.

I have tried several ice cream scoops over the years.  While they won't bend like a spoon, they have been laborious to use.  Sometimes even painful.  I simply don't have the gorilla strength required to scoop hardened ice cream with a half moon bowl shaped scooper.  However, the KitchenAid Smooth Glide Scoop makes me feel a lot stronger because I can immediately dish up a bowl of ice cream without doing any permanent damage to my silverware, my hand, my wrist, my arm or my shoulder.

KitchenAid Smooth Glide Scoop

 KitchenAid Smooth Glide Scoop, BlackCheck PriceIt is all in the design!  The handle is thick enough for me to grip without being too wide for me to hold.  In the picture, it looks like that is a flat handle, but it is only flat on the top.  It is curved underneath and fits perfectly in my hand, allowing me to firmly grip the scoop.

The scoop itself is slightly curved and easily glides through frozen ice cream.  I admit, I don't really care if the ice cream has a pretty shape.  It doesn't have to be a perfectly shaped ball for me to enjoy devouring it.  Obviously, if you plan to serve ice cream on a cone, you would need the old-fashioned half-moon bowl shaped ice cream scoop.  Me?  I would rather never eat ice cream on a cone again now that I can scoop my ice cream without hurting myself, or someone else.

Oh, and another great feature:  It is dishwasher safe and I do, indeed, wash mine in the dishwasher. 

I will keep my old bowl shaped ice cream scoop to use with batter for cupcakes, cookies, etc., but for ice cream, I choose the KitchenAid Smooth Glide Ice Cream Scoop!

Read More Product Reviews On

House of Sylvestermouse

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Thursday, March 8, 2018

Kerrygold Butter Review

Butter? Yes, please! Make it a triple! As you can surmise I am a fan of real butter and not the imitation. Butter fans will absolutely enjoy Kerrygold butter which I enthusiastically recommend; your potatoes, vegetables, muffins and baking dishes will thank you!
A new memorable find! Kerrygold Butter for your eating and baking pleasure!

Kerrygold Butter Review

Grass fed cows throughout Ireland contribute to a golden, creamy butter that deserves its' place among premium butters whether in the United States or United Kingdom.  I have found a huge difference in taste between brand name and store brand butters and now I must add a third comparison category for the premium butter.

The butter is premium in taste, but I was pleasantly surprised the price is not at a premium. The cost of Kerrygold butter is comparable to brand name sticks and tubs of butter! Kerrygold has also entered the big box stores and grocery stores and the prices can be even less expensive than brand name butter.  Kerrygold is also available online as are other Kerrygold dairy products.
Kerrygold Butter

The fat content of Kerrygold is slightly higher than comparable butters which contributes to the creamy, melt in your mouth taste and golden color. A quick nutritional comparison finds Kerrygold butter slightly less in salt and slightly higher in fat content. The remaining nutritional comparisons do not differ. A non salt version of Kerrygold butter is also available for those who prefer to bake with unsalted butter or are watching their sodium intake.

Kerrygold Products

I have long been a fan of Kerrygold Dubliner cheese and was pleased to see more products offered by this brand in my store. Just as I recommend Kerrygold butter I enthusiastically recommend Kerrygold Dubliner cheese.

This is a white cheese with a wonderful texture that tends toward the hard side, but is mild in flavor with a very slight nutty flavor. Dubliner cheese is a nice twist for your mac n cheese dishes and melts wonderfully for any dish that needs a cheese that melts well. I always include Dubliner on the cheese and cracker appetizer plate and time after time this is the cheese that disappears first.

I am obviously a fan of the Kerrygold line of dairy products and love a product that is grass fed!

My Favorite Recipes To Use Kerrygold Butter

Grandma's Irish Soda Bread Recipe
Old Fashioned Bread Pudding
Grandma's Mac N Cheese Recipe

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The Babel Trilogy Reviewed

Fiction For Geeks And History Nerds

babel revisited
Tower of Babel? Image courtesy of
An interesting trilogy of books that I have discovered, The Babel Trilogy. Besides being a captivating story that I found quite difficult to stop reading, I am in awe of the author Richard Farr's ability to incorporate so many genres in his writing of these three books. There is quite literally something for just about every type of reader.

Science geeks will find the books fascinating, I think. Most of the characters are involved in some form of science. Many are archaeologists, falling into various forms of digging into the past. There are technology experts and language experts. Bill and Morag are considered Babblers, people who are capable of learning many languages in a very quick manner. Their specialty is in ancient languages and what they discover is quite fascinating!

Suffice it to say, one can't delve into the languages of the past without also getting involved in the history of humanity. So, the reader who enjoys historical lines in a plot get a nice dose of history mixed into the plot. One doesn't just get a refresher in ancient history but also some of the myths of ancient cultures. Bill has a theory that most of the myths of various peoples were based on something that actually happened. 

The books have a bit of Sci-fi and fantasy wrapped into the plot, as well. For those who like a good adventure story, well I don't think they will be disappointed and there is even a bit of romance thrown in. 

I think that most people are familiar with the Tower of Babel story. You know, humans tried to build a tower up to the heavens, God was angry and destroyed the tower along with giving the humans many languages so that they could no longer understand each other. Mr. Farr creates an alternative to this story, something much more sinister.

I found this series of books quite fascinating and as I said above, I could not put them down. If you enjoy a book or set of books that make you think, make you look things up to understand them better and keep you guessing as to what is actually happening; I believe you will enjoy these books as much as I did.

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