Sunday, December 29, 2019

2020 is Body, Mind, and Spirit - Complete Life Balance, A Personal Commitment

2020 - Body, Mind, Spirit

Have you decided upon a new year's resolution for 2020? Do you prefer to avoid making one? When you review 2019 for you or your family, how does it rate?

2019 has been a challenging year for our family, and I know for many others. I'm looking forward to putting this year behind me.

I've made a resolution that I'd like to share here. It's about balance, but it's not about work-play balance. The balance I'm seeking is to nurse all three of these aspects in my life carefully.

Body, Mind, Spirit
Sounds corny right?

Not to me, not at this stage in my life. I've neglected my spirit. Even though it seems like I'm in a state of constant prayer, I still feel I haven't been feeding my soul properly.

The section on Spirit isn't meant to be about religion; I'm simply sharing what I do to expand my soul. However, whether you believe in God, a higher power, regardless of faith, or are a non-believer, we can all connect with our inner self, and free our minds with a little spiritual exercise.

I'm not an overtly religious person, but I do feel connected to a world beyond this one. It doesn't matter whether we feel that or not, what matters is that we make an effort to deepen our connection with humanity.

How I Personally Exercise Mind, Body & Spirit

The Mind

This one is pretty easy for most of us.

Chances are if you're reading this, you spend time online and probably have a blog, website, work for a company, or go to school. Just the amount of reading and learning we do to stay up-to-date with the above can give our mind a workout.

Most of my mind exercise comes from online reading. It seems I'm in a constant state of learning. If you're not online enough to be learning that way, then, of course, there are the usual, crosswords,  puzzle books, reading actual books and best of all, stimulating, productive and positive conversations with friends.

The Body

We all know that respecting our bodies can be pretty tough at times.

Eating healthy, exercise, and keeping ourselves free of substances not prescribed by a doctor are the common areas to focus on.

Personally, for health reasons, I made significant changes with my body in 2019. I decided to try the Keto Diet. I hate calling it a diet because, for me, it's not - it's a way of eating. I started May 4, 2019, and to date have lost 50 pounds; another 25, and I'm at my goal.  Anyway, I won't get into all the details of Keto; that isn't my point, taking control of my health is.

Sometimes caring for our body means relaxing more, enjoying ourselves more, and if we're healthy, merely being happy with the body we have.

The Spirit

In 2019 I did focus fairly successfully on Mind and Body, but I neglected spirit.

I started around December 12th, 2019, to do the soul work I should have been doing all year. The work I do is more than prayer. You can use the general concepts I use and convert them to fit your belief system. It's never my intention to push religion on anyone. I'm merely sharing the way I personally enhance inner-peace.

At night, a lot of people listen to meditation tapes, music, and audiobooks to fall asleep. If what you're doing is feeding your soul, keep doing that.

What I Do to Personally Feed My Soul

I was seeking a greater connection.

Six years ago, I came across a YouTube video Channel called Off The Left Eye. I had listened and followed them for several years, then life got in the way, and I drifted.

Off The Left Eye examines life through spirituality and faith, through the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1668-1772 - Theologian, Scientist, Philosopher) personal experience with the afterlife.

Swedenborg was a famous scientist. After his otherworldly experience, he wrote ten thousand pages on his journey through the veil. Consequently, he was shunned by the scientific community of his day.

When I'm tucked in for bed, I listen to the videos featured by Off the Left Eye. Despite all of life's challenges, I do consider myself a peace-filled person. However, watching these videos expands my horizon and brings me to an even deeper level of understanding. Also, when I'm having a bad day, they're a must for rejuvenation.

These videos are erasing that persistent horrible feeling that another shoe is about to drop. I hate that feeling! I'm mastering its eradication with the help of these videos.

I love the metaphors that the Host, Curtis Childs uses; he has such a fun way of getting you to understand a concept that may seem too complex to grasp through Swedenborg's writing alone.

At any rate, for me, understanding the bigger picture is grounding. Letting God in, blocking out dark energy, and constantly praying (lol) makes for a happier me.

Whether you use music, quotes, other religious teachings, yoga, or meditation, it doesn't matter as all of it will feed the inner you.

Here's the very first video, from six years ago I tripped on by Off The Left Eye (It's a short inspirational summary of humanity):

Here's to a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2020. Happy New Year!

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Saturday, December 28, 2019

Reviewing The Forgotten Village by Lorna Cook

Today I'm reviewing The Forgotten Village, a novel by Lorna Cook, if you're thinking that you haven't heard from this author before then I'm not surprised as this is her first novel, but she has a new novel that will be released in March 2020.

Book Review of The Forgotten Village by Lorna Cook
The Forgotten Village by Lorna Cook

I picked up this book as it is set in Dorset, England where I grew up and I was intrigued by the snippet on the back as it is set in the village of Tyneham where I was never able to visit, but my mother finally got to see it last year. 

This novel has two stories interweaved throughout: that of Lady Veronica in 1943 and that of Melissa set in 2018.   Tyneham is actually the 'forgotten village' mentioned in the title - although it is apparently titled The Forgotten Wife in Canada and the US which isn't as compelling a title in my opinion.

Tyneham - Real World History

Post Office Row, Tyneham, Dorset - the forgotten village requisitioned by the MoD during the second World War
Photo © David Dixon (cc-by-sa/2.0)
In 1943 the villagers of Tyneham were given a month to pack up and leave their village.   The 225 residents at the time were led to believe that they would be able to return after the war had ended.   Being a village on the coast the Ministry of Defence wanted to use the village in it's war efforts and the villagers left as patriots.

When the war ended, however, the requisitioned village was not returned to the original owners and is in fact still owned by the Ministry of Defence.   It has now been made accessible on some weekends when the Ministry of Defence isn't using it for training purposes.

Surprisingly there are several villages in the UK that suffered similar fates (I had always believed Tyneham was the only one).

Fictional Tyneham

In the book Melissa is on holiday in Dorset when she sees that the forgotten village of Tyneham is having it's grand re-opening (this never actually happened).   She visits and comes across a photograph of Lady Veronica and Sir Albert Standish (this family and the people are all fictional) which intrigues her.   She also meets a television historian (yes there is a romantic angle to the book) and they both try and find out what happened to the Standish couple as they appear to have disappeared.

The Two Stories in the Novel The Forgotten Village

This book weaves through Lady Veronica's life in 1943 as they prepare to leave the village as well as Melissa's life as she tries to find out what happened to Lady Veronica (and falls in love at the same time).

If you enjoy a little romance, glimpses of Dorset and historical novels then you will enjoy this book.   I found that although I put it down to go to bed I was lying awake wondering what had happened so much I ended up getting up again and finishing the book before going back to bed at some ungodly hour!

The only bit that I didn't really enjoy was when Melissa refers to her parent's relationship which I feel was an unnecessary aspect to the book, although I can see why the author thought it needed to be there.   Personally I got aggravated by her contemplating her parent's relationship especially as they weren't actual characters in the book.

I would definitely recommend reading this and I can't wait to see what the new book is about.

The author says this about her book -

"The Forgotten Village doesn’t attempt to delve too deeply into the intricacies of the requisition of Tyneham. I’m not sure I wanted to give readers a history lesson. Instead I hope I’ve written a well-paced story of love both lost and found, great sacrifice and how all is not forgotten even though it often appears to be. "

Meanwhile before heading to your local library or bookstore be sure to check out all of our book reviews (we do love to read on Review This Reviews!).

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Friday, December 27, 2019

The Patriot Bride Book Reviewed

Daughters of the Mayflower - Book 4 in the Series

The Patriot Bride Book Reviewed
It is unusual to find a series where every book in the series deserves an individual review!  However, that is the case with the Daughters of the Mayflower historical series.

As I have read each book, I have thought it was my favorite.  At this point, I must declare that this is clearly a series of favorites for me.

Because these books are historically accurate, simply written with fictional characters included, I have felt I was walking the path alongside these women.  There are real places, real historical individuals, real historical events that are the foundation of each story.  It is easy to believe these "Daughters of the Mayflower" could have been real people.

In The Patriot Bride, both George Washington and Benjamin Franklin are important characters in the book.  Not one word cast these real men in a negative light.  Nor does the author take liberties with their integrity, as some fictional books are prone to do.  I appreciate her for being true to the character, wisdom and extreme sacrifice of these esteemed men of our real American history.  

This book made me sit back and really consider the price of America's freedom.  It isn't the first time in my life that I recognized the dedication and sacrifices of our patriots, but the book served as an excellent reminder that we owe them, at the very least, a debt of gratitude. 

I've seen the dates and years written in ink before, but until I read this book, I had not considered how long 8 years is, in reality.  I had not realized that George Washington had not been back even for a visit, to his beloved Mount Vernon for that entire 8 years.  Personally, I don't like being away from home for 8 hrs, or 8 days.  I can't imagine the enormous dedication required to endure 8 years.

The Patriot Bride

1774 Philadelphia - American Revolutionary War

 The Patriot Bride: Daughters of the Mayflower
Book 4
Check Price
Faith Jackson is a mere child whose parents were killed in a home fire.  Her neighbor, a young George Washington, becomes Faith's guardian.  Being an only child, Faith has always looked up to George, like an older brother.  Now, she depends on him for everything.  

Because George is a single, young man with a job, he places Faith with friends, a wealthy childless married couple in Boston, but he maintains frequent correspondence with Faith.  When her adoptive parents die, once again George is the only constant in her life.

George introduces her to a soldier, whom she marries.  Sadly, her new husband dies in battle within a week.  Now, Faith is an extremely wealthy young widow.  

As a prominent member of Boston society with plenty of free time, Faith, along with a group of friends, provides aid and volunteers frequently to community service.  These activities, along with her long standing relationship to George Washington, make Faith the perfect messenger for the patriots.  She is assigned a permanent contact, whom she meets regularly to exchange information.

It is necessary to trust messengers completely.  It doesn't take long for Faith to form a strong attachment to Matthew Weber.  When he doesn't show for "meetings", Faith worries something has happened to him.  Likewise, if Faith does not make a meeting, Matthew worries about her.  After all, no one understands better than Faith, how anything can happen in wartime and both sides would seek to eliminate spies or intercept inportant messages. 

A Few of My Personal Thoughts About The Patriot Bride

If I had previously read a review that told me about the personal tragedies in Faith's life, I might have thought it would be a very sad book to read.  That was not the case.  We were told of the deaths and difficulties, but we were not forced to read chapters of details or suffer with Faith as they happened.

The Patriot Bride Book Reviewed
Also, her fondness of George Washington, followed by their continued alliance, actually made perfect sense.  At no time did the author try to make their relationship inappropriate or unfitting of the father of our country.

I thoroughly enjoyed the intrigue, including the stressful uncertainties,  in this book.  Although, I must admit, my favorite part included Benjamin Franklin wearing a dress, which made me laugh out loud in the middle of the night.

Just as the previous books in this series, The Patriot Bride would not easily release me for sleep.  I literally had to find peaceful moments in the middle of chapters to decide to set it down so I could get needed rest.  But, be assured, I awoke with a desire to continue reading instead of attending to my daily work.

I give this book my highest recommendation!

The Daughters of the Mayflower Book Series

While this is a series, the books do not focus on one character.  They are based on a family lineage, descendants of one original Mayflower couple.  Furthermore, the books are written by different authors, which gives each story a unique quality.

Each stand-alone book is most excellent and deserving of individual praise for being outstanding literature. 

Previously Reviewed Book from the Daughters of the Mayflower Series

The Mayflower Bride Book ReviewThe Mayflower Bride Book 1 Reviewed

True American History woven into the fabric of fiction! An excellent historical romantic fiction about the Mayflower voyagers: Separatists & Strangers..

The Pirate Bride Book ReviewThe Pirate Bride Book Review

At the innocent age of 12, Maribel Cordoba's life changes forever. Her formative years & education are guided by nuns, but she never truly forgets the pirate who stole her heart.

The Captured Bride Book ReviewThe Captured Bride Book Review

An unlikely team is assigned a mission that is fraught with danger. It becomes necessary to trust a previously perceived enemy. I highly recommend this historical Christian fiction.

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Thursday, December 26, 2019

Explore St Louis - Visit Missouri- Review of Zoo Lights

The St. Louis area has many beautiful light displays during the month of December and one of my favorites is the Zoo Lights.

St. Louis Zoo Lights Swan photo by mbgphoto

On a chilly night in mid December my friend and I spent an evening at the St. Louis Zoo enjoying the lights and taking photographs.  We had never been there before and wasn't sure what to expect, but we were pleasantly surprised.  We spent about 1 1/2 hours out in the park enjoying the lights before we went inside to warm up with some hot chocolate.  In that time we didn't even begin to see all the beautiful lights.  The displays were wonderful and all focused around the animals in each particular area.  

Information about Zoo Lights

The Zoo Lights display is open from Thanksgiving through December 30th.  It starts at 5:30 each night and there is a nominal fee for entrance which includes free parking.  What a wonderful way to celebrate the holidays with family and friends.  Besides enjoying the lights you can was a 3D movie of Rudolph the Reindeer, roast marshmallows over fire pits, enjoy hot chocolate and other snacks at several stands around the park and have your photo taken at several different displays.

Photographic Tour

I enjoy taking photographs and shooting the zoo lights was a real pleasure.  I found that I was able to get wonderful shots without a flash.  I hope you enjoy my photographic tour.

St. Louis Zoo Lights Christmas Ornament  photo by mbgphoto

St. Louis Zoo Lights Flowers photo by mbgphoto

St. Louis Zoo Lights Giraffe photo by mbgphoto

St. Louis Zoo Lights photo by mbgphoto

St. Louis Zoo Lights Love photo by mbgphoto

St. Louis Zoo Lights Direction Sign photo by mbgphoto

St. Louis Zoo Lights photo by mbgphoto

St. Louis Zoo Lights photo by mbgphoto

St. Louis Zoo Lights Blue Christmas tree photo by mbgphoto

Zazzle Poster from my Photos

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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas and Blessings for a Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and Blessings for a Happy New Year
Christmas morning has arrived and before all the hustle and bustle begins, I would love for you to take just a moment for you!

Close your eyes, and remember the first time you held your baby.  If you don't have children, the first time you felt that spark of love.

Hold that feeling in your heart for the day and really, really enjoy those around you!

May your Christmas be Blessed, by the Child Jesus in whose name we celebrate Family, Friends and the love we should have for all of our human family.

God Bless you all!

May music fill your heart and soul with the love and peace of the Season!

 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Christmas Wishes from Our Contributors

Christmas Teddy Bear holding a candy cane - Christmas greeting from the contributors of Review This Reviews

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Monday, December 23, 2019

Feast Of The Seven Fishes Book Review

Is your family archive of recipes full of recipes tucked away in notebooks, on napkins, folded pieces of paper and the old school recipe cards? And haven't you always wanted to turn those treasured recipes into a book along with the family memories?

Book cover of Feast Of The Seven Fishes with old family photos and fish on the cover.

In Feast Of The Seven Fishes a families' authentic Italian recipes are shared in combination with the stories of each recipe and the neighborhood which shaped this family and its' traditions.

Memoir + Cookbook

Feast Of The Seven Fishes: A Brooklyn Italian's Recipes Celebrating Food & Family by Daniel Paterna is a combination memoir and cookbook. This is the story of the community of Bensonhurst in Brooklyn and the impact the community had upon the author and his family through the generations. Food, family and community are interwoven with delightful neighborhood anecdotes with the impact of remembering history for those who grew up in Bensonhurst and to preserve it for future generations.

The story of Bensonhurst will resonate if your Grandma, food, family dinners and family owned neighborhood shops were apart of your community. It is rare for a cookbook to read as a memoir and vice versa which is what makes this combination so unique and enjoyable.

The Recipes

Do you have a treasure trove of family recipes written or typed on the old school index recipe cards? I suspect you do and the photos of this families' recipes handwritten on index cards certainly evoke fond memories of my Grandma and Mom's favorite recipes! And of course there are the personalized "notes" on the cards ...

The authentic Italian recipes are detailed throughout the journey of the neighborhood as the author recalls the family food shops which were an integral and historical part of the family recipes. 

Take a journey through each major holiday and the traditional Italian recipes which accompany each holiday.  The chapter with a compilation of Feast Of The Seven Fishes recipes is amazing and slightly intimidating (due to the number of dishes) for one who has never cooked such a feast! However, the recipes are inspiring to all cooks to either compare your family recipe or for those seeking authentic Italian recipes.

I am excited to cook these recipes and up my cooking game with authentic Italian recipes! Memoir fans and cookbook fans are sure to enjoy this book. This is a perfect gift for those who want real Italian recipes - old school - and aren't those recipes usually the best!

I received this book from the Publisher in exchange for an unbiased review.

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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Happy Birthday Capricorn! Let's Review How Wonderful You Are

Happy Birthday, Capricorn - Dec 22 to January 20
The Goat

For the proud Capricorn, the Goat is not an acronym lol (greatest of all time - sorry!). If your birthday falls between December 22nd and January 20th, you were born under the sign of Capricorn. 

Since I'm a fan of astrology and often on the hunt for funky home decorating ideas, I've added a section on Funkthishouse called 'Astrology Home Decor.' Each astrology sign is featured with suggested home decor items for creating a zodiac-themed bedroom. 

When decorating a bedroom to reflect your astrology sign, don't restrict yourself to just the sign name and symbol. Each sign has several other aspects; lucky numbers, birthstone, your sign's lucky days, your ruling planet, your sign's element, and more. Here are some suggestions for Capricorn's room.

Capricorn: Practical, Realistic, Persistent, Disciplined, Intelligent, Caring, Analytical, and Organized.

Traits: Capricorns tend to be rule-followers and prefer systems and boundaries that are clearly defined. If you're looking for a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants type, it's likely you won't find that trait in a Capricorn. 

Work: Preferring structure makes them ideal candidates to climb the corporate ladder. Whether they climb that ladder or not, they approach their profession seriously and with dedication.

Home: Capricorns are a bit fussy about their home and how it's presented. Hey, there's nothing wrong with that is there? 

Responsibilty: If your significant other is a Capricorn, they might be the banker of the family. Since they can be counted on to abide by structure and are detailed, the family finances are probably in good hands with a Capricorn. 

Love: In relationships, they're committed and will focus on doing what it takes with a partner they can count on. Since they prefer structure, a stable relationship that offers that has value to them.

Capricorn 2020

As one year ends and another begins, I visit my favorite Astrologer on YouTube, Kelly Rosano. She offers up fun and interesting videos for each sign. Her presentations are broken down in an easy to follow format. 

She's completed an annual 2020 summary for all twelve signs and also features a monthly summary for each. I'm a Leo, and I found her projections for 2020 to match almost everything I had been planning and thinking. Interesting!

Capricorn, if you're wondering how 2020 may look for you, check out Kelly Rosano's video below:

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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Card Playing Day - Reviewing a Winter Entertainment Holiday

A hand of playing cards displayed for National Card Playing Day
Playing cards any time of year is fun, but it's an especially entertaining activity in inclement weather.  Thus it is the perfect indoor wintertime activity. This unofficial holiday is held on December 28 each year right after winter officially begins.

There are literally hundreds of different kinds of card games that can be played using a standard pack of cards.  Some of the top favorites include  Spades, Poker, Solitaire, Spite and Malice, Hearts, Spoons, Gin Rummy, Black Jack and Texas Hold’em. 

With a Deck of 52 …

A Poker Hand of Cards
Source: Pixabay

You'll Have Hours of Entertainment

From the 9th century to modern day, people have been entertained with playing cards. A simple deck of 52 provides us with hours of fun in a wide variety of card games, either by yourself (solitaire) or with groups of 2 or 4 or more. It's an activity that will never go out of style!

Cards are Popular at Any Time

Four Aces in a deck of cards
Source: Pixabay

No matter what the seasonal time of year or time of day, this is a very popular form of entertainment. From simple 'matching cards' for very young children to intricate ones for adults to the ageless variations of Solitaire, cards hold our interest in many forms:

  • UNO is the Number One card game for kids (in my opinion) -- it is just as much fun for us grown up parents and grandparents to play, especially with the kids.
  • GIN RUMMY (or Gin) is a popular 2-player game that has been around since 1909. It is one of several variants of Rummy, which has been played worldwide for centuries. 
  • POKER and Texas Hold'em are both a popular choice with men
  • PINOCHLE - A game we played for several years with our best friends.
  • SOLITAIRE - Now it's Everyone's Favorite Card Game on the Computer!

The game of solitaire as seen on a computer screen

Solitaire is also called Patience and refers to single-player card games involving a layout of cards with a goal of sorting them in some manner. Anyone who enjoys card games likes Solitaire. There are more variations than you can 'shake a stick at' and in today's computer age the standard Solitaire game on computer has really increased it's popularity and is irresistible when sitting in front of your computer. (My favorite version is 'Spider Solitaire)

  • THREE-THIRTEEN - a Fun 'Rummy-Style' Card Game

Hand holding all 3s in a deck of playing cards
Source: Wikipedia

A couple years ago I learned a new card game called "Three Thirteen" that is such fun. It's a form of Rummy and is an eleven-round game played with two or more players. The Rules can be found on Wikipedia. I've played it with just two players, with three players and with 6 players and each way is enjoyable. My favorite part of the game is the fact that the wild cards change with each hand! 

*Two Years Ago: My son & I have been playing 3-13 once or twice a week all year. We have been keeping a running score sheet of each person's score, with the prize being dinner at a restaurant for the winner (paid for by the loser) at the end of the year. At the moment, I am 199 points ahead and have my choice of restaurant picked out!

*This Year: Son & I have continued our weekly 3-13 games and THIS year son is ahead in the 'free dinner' race by over 400 points. I don't think I have time to 'catch up' before the end of this year! LOL. HE already has his favorite restaurant picked out. :) 

My Love of Card Games

Two decks of playing cards and a card deck holder decorated with card symbols
Personal Photo (c) Wednesday Elf

I've enjoyed card games all my life, from childhood hours of Canasta with my grandmother to teaching MY grandchildren "War" and "Uno". I grew up in a card-playing family.  My parents seemed to learn some of the most unusual card games over the years, having a "new" one to try every visit. 

My favorites are Pinochle, Kings-on-the-Corner and 3-13. And the most fun card game ever I learned by the name of "Dwindle". It may be known by other names. You can't beat a deck of cards to give you or you-and-a-group hours of entertainment

The Most Fun of All...

Playing cards were found in China as early as the 9th Century, and it's popularity has continued to grow ever since. I can't imagine not having a deck of cards around. It is fun entertainment for all ages.

Grandson Tyler (age 5) playing the  Card Game  War.
Grandson Tyler (age 5) playing the  Card Game  War.

December 28 is "Card Playing Day"

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The Playing Card Version of the Classic Monopoly Board Game

(c) Wednesday Elf 12/21/2019. Updated 12/28/2021

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Friday, December 20, 2019

A Gift Wrapped Christmas Movie Review

A Gift Wrapped Christmas Movie Review
Most people would say that a review of "A Gift Wrapped Christmas" could be summed up with one word.  I can hear the men in the house saying words like cheesy, sappy, predictable, mush, but the women would say, adorable, sweet, loving, and romantic.  While I doubt very many males would sit down and watch this movie, I do think women will enjoy it.  It provides a nice escape for 87 minutes.

Before I watched this movie, I was not familiar with any of the actors, but I thought I would give it a chance. I was seeking a Christmas movie that didn't require me to be heavily invested. Because I was physically tired and emotional exhausted, I simply wanted a reprieve from reality for just a bit.  That is exactly what I got with A Gift Wrapped Christmas!

A Gift Wrapped Christmas Movie Synopsis

 A GIFT WRAPPED CHRISTMASCheck PriceGwen is a personal shopper that has a unique talent.  She knows what style and colors would look best on her clients at first glance. Matching their personalities requires more individual interaction, but her vivacious personality endears her to them quickly.  

When she is assigned as Charlie Baker's personal shopper, he is not particularly happy with her clothing choices for him.  However, he learns to trust her opinions and gift selections for the people on his Christmas shopping list.  

Because Gwen researches the gift recipient, she is able to buy relevant gifts that are perfect for everyone.  When Charlie reaps the benefits from the gifts she has sent to others in his name, he begins to reconsider his initial opinion of Gwen and her advice. 

In addition to Gwen's ability to delight Charlie's associates with gifts, she also seems to have a knack for making his 8 year old son happy.  

Even though both Charlie and his son, Owen, enjoy having Gwen around, his girlfriend, Victoria, does not.  As a matter of fact, Victoria has her own plans for a special Christmas gift she expects Charlie to give to her.  She is happy to give Gwen a precise description of the engagement ring she should purchase for Charley to give to her.  However, Gwen is not too happy to take her instructions from Victoria.  

I'm sure you can imagine what happens next, but imagining is not as much fun as watching.  I recommend you find a hour this holiday season to gift yourself with the time to watch this delightful Christmas movie.  It will put a lovely smile back on your own face!  

A Gift Wrapped Christmas Movie Review

Check Out More Movie Reviews at

A Gift Wrapped Christmas Movie Review by:
House of Sylvestermouse

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