Showing posts with label Brite-Ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brite-Ideas. Show all posts

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Should I Use a Knee Brace Support for My Arthritis

When it comes to physical aids, I'm a bit stubborn. After suffering long enough, I finally broke down and answered the above question honestly. Yes, the answer is yes.

On a really bad day, technically I need a walker when I'm out and about, and there's no way I'm ready to consider something like that. No way. On an average bad day, I would say I could use a cane, and yep, you guessed it, no way am I using one. Well, at least at this stage.

I'm a few years into my ailment now and refuse to jump into these mobility aids at this point. On a good day I do pretty well without any aids whatsoever.

The question of whether I should use a knee brace is about those really bad and just plain bad days.

I Finally Gave In and Said Yes to a Knee Support Brace

I had tried stretchable cloth type wraps that you slip on, but found them too tight. So I opted for an actual brace support.

I went to a popular drugstore chain here in Canada called Shoppers Drug Mart. After trying on several, I ended up choosing the Formedica Adjustable Knee Support. It's important to know your knee measurements to ensure you have the right size.
In-Store Purchase from
Shoppers Drug Mart
in Canada

The price was reasonable, less than $30 Canadian. They're manufactured in Quebec, Canada. It's designed to stabilize and protect the patella (knee cap). It gives weak knee muscles and ligaments stress support.

The knee brace sat in the box until a 'really bad knee day' occurred and grocery shopping was on that to-do-list.

So off I went with my knee wrapped nice and snug.

Wowza! Was I ever wrong about holding off to get one.

On a bad knee day, grocery shopping is brutal. With the knee wrap, it's 50 percent better than without it. Of course I still have pain, but the knee brace wrap provides the support needed to walk confidently without feeling I'm damaging it further, or that I'll fall.

EXOUS Knee Brace Support Protector - Relieves Patella Tendonitis - Jumpers Knee Mensicus Tear - ACL Lateral & Medial Ligament Sprains Comfort Design True Non-Slip FIT for Arthritis - Sport - RunningEXOUS Knee Brace Support Protector - Relieves Patella Tendonitis - Jumpers Knee Mensicus Tear - ACL Lateral & Medial Ligament Sprains Comfort Design True Non-Slip FIT for Arthritis - Sport - RunningMy Online Store Choice Would Have Been EXOUS Knee Support Protector

If you're in the market to get a knee wrap via online shopping, this brand is quite popular.

It's available on Amazon and best of all when you visit the product page, you'll see a handy video that tells you everything you need to know about the product, including how to measure for the right size.

Although I haven't tried this product, after doing some research, it was my online pick based on features and price.

If you have bum knees, don't hold off getting a knee brace support. Personally speaking, they've really helped me on those not so perfect days.

The Obvious Statement:

I'm not a doctor, so of course, anything medical related you should seek the advice of a professional. There I said it.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, September 30, 2018

An Alternative to a Double Oven when Cooking for a Crowd

Counter-Top Roaster Ovens - "Very handy to have on hand"
Counter-Top Oven Roasters are a Practical and Affordable Solution

If you don't own a double oven it can be tricky to cook for a large crowd. 

For most of our life our homes have had one oven. Our family is quite large and cooking for family events, particularly Thanksgiving and Christmas, takes creative planning.

It's certainly possible to plan a large dinner with one oven, but having an extra oven makes the job so much easier. 

For 20 years or more we've owned a counter-top roaster oven. It's stored away for most of the year, but come the Fall the oven gets hauled out and used.

I Didn't Want One!

Not being one for a lot of kitchen appliance clutter, I was against getting another kitchen gadget. Clutter is not my thing.

However, I was absolutely wrong.

Our counter-top oven roaster has been one of the best choices in kitchenware we've ever made. Big family meals would be impossible for me without it now! Don't take my oven-roaster away.

The Brand We Use is 'Nesco'

I've featured a few 18 quart Nesco oven roasters below.

An 18 quart oven roaster typically fits a turkey up to 22 pounds. The non-stick cookwell is also removable which makes it easy to clean. If you use it to cook a large chilli for a party, put the entire oven on the table and keep the temperature on low. You can also remove the cookwell and bring it to the table.

In terms of the temperature gage, it operates like a standard oven. As an example, for our Turkeys, I start cooking the Turkey at 400 and then after about an hour turn it down to 350 to 375.

I'll also put oil and butter on the top of the Turkey and it does brown enough for our taste. However, if the top isn't brown enough for you, just lift the cookwell out and place it in the oven to broil the top to the color you like. The roaster also comes with a rack with handles allowing you to safely remove your Turkey.

It's over 20 years later, and I'm still using our Nesco Oven Roaster. Come to think of it, we've never had one single problem with it. That's rare. Hopefully the newer models last as long as my older model has. As far as my own experience, 'reviewed and recommended'.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Song Lists to Help Find the Best Songs for Family Dedications and Special Occasions

Song Lists for Families
Finding songs for special occasions, to fit a mood or to tell a story is a passion of mine.

Searching for the right song can soak up countless hours online, and unless you like listening to the lyrics of mountains of songs, it can cost you several days to find the right one.

Sure, there are a lot of topic based song lists online, however I've discovered that a lot of these lists repeat the same songs from one search to another.

I've taken it many steps forward and actually listened to every word of every song to determine if it works for a person, event or mood. You will find some of the songs I recommend mentioned on other lists online, but that's only because I've listened to it and determined it belongs there.

Many of the song lists provided by others online, in my opinion, include songs that either shouldn't be on the list and rarely include newly found gems.

That's where I come in.

I've spent countless hours listening to songs and categorizing them as per their message and what event they would be suitable for. Much of that work can be found on my country music website,

However, I wanted to introduce you to another place where I compile song lists: On HubPages.

Below is summary of several of my additional song lists to help you find the right song for your needs. I'm always adding new songs, so be sure to check back there from time to time.

When you visit the page listed below, you'll see a list of suggested songs, a short review of it, and a video to watch it.

If you need a song for a mother-son wedding dance or to celebrate another mother son special occasion, be sure to check out these 14 recommended songs.

Father and Son Songs

Here you'll find 12 suggested songs. The twelve songs are selected based on a variety of different types of relationships that can be had between father and son. Not all relationships are good, and you'll even find a song for that.

Father and Daughter Songs

This list features 10 choice songs. Again, they'll fit multiple types of relationships and occasions. However there's one song you absolutely have to listen to regarding a broken relationship between father and daughter; it's gut wrenching.

Mother and Daughter Songs

We've all heard that a mother and daughter can have a complicated relationship, however in my experience most I know have been good. The songs featured here reflect the positive side, however there's one song about a mother, sung by a famous American Idol contestant, that will make you cry.

Grandparent Songs

These ten songs range from topics of aging, loss, and living life to the fullest. If you need a song to celebrate grandma or grandpa, be sure to check out this list. There's a beautiful song by Ed Sheeran wrote for his grandmother that you'll want to hear.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, September 16, 2018

5 Items for the Home to Ward off Evil Spirits

Halloween is on the Way! Time to think Protection, Protection, Protection

O.k. not really, but just in case here's a review of items for the home that are said to protect your humble abode from all things evil.

1. Horseshoe Home Décor Accessories

When it comes to protecting your home, the best place to put a horseshoe is on your front door as a door knocker. However, if you're unable to place it on the door, go ahead and place them inside your home. A horseshoe in the home is said to attract good fortune, and in doing so, evil gets knocked on it's butt. Some people believe it's better luck to hang the horseshoe with the ends pointing up so that all the good energy has a place to pool inside the horseshoe.

2. Use Cinnamon Scents in Home

Did you know that Cinnamon is associated with prosperity. Besides baking, you can incorporate cinnamon in your home using cinnamon oil or cinnamon sticks. During the holiday season include cinnamon scented pine cones in a center piece, or decorate using cinnamon sticks in wreaths. Place cinnamon Crystal Allies Materials: 1lb Bulk Rough Black Tourmaline Crystals from Brazil - Large Raw Natural Stones Reiki Crystal HealingWholesale LotCrystal Allies Materials: 1lb Bulk Rough Black Tourmaline Crystals from Brazil - Large Raw Natural Stones Reiki Crystal sticks in all your wreaths. If you don't want to see the sticks, simply tuck them in so they're not visible.

3. Feature a Rosemary Wreath

For those who enjoy the history of witches, witches believed that hanging rosemary on your front door would ward off burglars and intruders. It was also used as a way to rid a room of illness during the time of the plague. If nothing else at all, between the rosemary and cinnamon in your wreaths, your home will smell lovely.

4. Display Gemstones Throughout Your Home

The topic of gemstones is a rather in-depth one. Feature in a centerpiece or in a lovely decorative bowl the following gemstones to ward off bad energy: Tourmaline, Agate, Emerald, Labradorite, Black Onyx, Peridot and Emerald. If you need to pick one, choose Tourmaline as it's said to be the most effective for dark energy.

5. Smudge Your Home With Sage

I know a few people who do this in their home. It's derived from the Native American belief that the smoke from sage will cleanse a space and clear negative stagnant energy. Spread the sage clockwise around your home and while doing so, visualize positive intentions as you clear every room. Reiki Practitioners are known to clear the energy in their home or office with Sage after a session with a client. It clears the energy for the next client so their treatment can begin anew from a cleansed room.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, September 9, 2018

3 Items to Help Get the Kids Moving Faster in the Morning

Review of Specific Products to Help Speed Up the Kids in the Morning

There are numerous blogging tips on things you can do to speed up the little ones.

However, rather than rehash the standard suggestions, below are physical items you can include in your day.

1. Getting The Kids Out of Bed with Clocky

Those little sleepy heads can be a handful to wake-up. Take your troubles, and hand them over to a fun alarm clock. Clocky turns waking up in the morning into an annoyingly laughable event.

The kids get one chance to hit snooze, then Clocky jumps off the dresser making fun noises while it rolls around the bedroom. With Clocky, the days of multiple snooze button taps are over.

The kids have to get out of bed to shut it off.

2. Make the Beds with Zip-Up Bedding

Professional bed making doesn't come close to making the list when you and the kids have to be out the door by a certain time. However, there is a way to get them to make their beds without taking forever.

Try Zip-Up Bedding. It will speed up the bed making process while teaching the kids responsibility. Zip-Up bedding is exactly what it says; it zips up. There are no sheets to tuck in and no blankets to pull wrinkles out of.

The kids just get-up and zip-up.

3. Set a Deadline Using a Calendar with Reward/Completion Stickers

Stickers alone won't do it. Having the kids put a completion sticker on a calendar isn't enough incentive: You need to give them a deadline. In other words, the sticker needs to be placed on the calendar by "x time" in the morning.

Only when the tasks are completed, can they put their sticker on the calendar.

Here are some items for the kids 'getting-ready' list (Things to do before putting that sticker on the calendar):
  • Got out of bed
  • Got dressed and cleaned
  • Made the bed
  • School bag packed (if applicable)
Depending on your child's age, you can add more or less to the list.
Chore Chart for Kids - Magnetic Reward Calendar Board - Dry Erase Schedule Responsibility Charts - Toddler Behavior - Wall Sticker Rewards Magnets - Multiple Toddlers Family - Potty Training PlannerChore Chart for Kids - Magnetic Reward Calendar Board - Dry Erase Schedule Responsibility Charts - Toddler Behavior - Wall Sticker Rewards Magnets - Multiple Toddlers Family - Potty Training Planner
By giving the kids a time that the completion stickers are to be placed on the calendar, you're teaching them about deadlines.

If they don't get downstairs in time to put the sticker on the calendar as per your schedule, then stand firm and don't permit them to place their sticker for that day.

The calendar becomes a way of tallying how they're meeting the morning deadlines.

Don't make it a competition between siblings. The goal is for each child to improve their own habits, not to make them feel bad if their sibling is faster than they are. 

At the end of the month count up the stickers and give them a prize for their effort. That prize could be whatever works for your family; a trip to the park, a movie, an evening out to eat, pizza ordered in and so on. You decide.

Here's to your family getting out the door on time!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, September 2, 2018

How to Position Twin Beds to Create Separate Areas in a Room

Reviewing How to Layout Twin Beds So They're Separate from Each Other

The standard room layout for twin beds, is to place them side by side with a nightstand in-between.

However, there are creative ways to define areas in a shared room.

Below are three typical bedroom shapes you'll find in most homes: Rectangular, Square and L-Shaped.

Furnishings for a room with twin beds tend to be two beds, two nightstands, two desks, one or two dressers and or storage trunks and accessories.

Tip: If the room has a decent sized walk-in closet, put the dressers inside of it. You can place dressers under a section of clothes, and use the area above the dresser to hang smaller items.

1. Suggested Layout for Twin Beds in an L-Shaped Bedroom:

An L-Shaped room is the easiest floor plan to distinguish separate sleeping areas.

This floor plan makes the twin beds appear almost hidden to each other. Both areas have a nightstand, a desk and in this design a shared dresser. Again, if possible, put the dresser in the closet.

Floor Plan Layout by Funkthishouse

2. Suggested Layout for Twin Beds in a Rectangular Shaped Bedroom:

With a rectangular shaped room the tendency is to assume the beds have to be positioned side-by-side. That's absolutely not the case.

If the room is narrow, and doesn't allow for a lot of furniture, then use twin sized beds with drawers built in the bottom. That way you've eliminated the need for a dresser. Or again, if there's a walk-in closet, put the dresser in the closet.

When space is very tight, choose beds with built-in drawers. Here are a few examples:

Remember, if you decide to get beds with drawers, a nightstand positioned incorrectly can block the opening of those drawers. Twin beds with storage can also come in a large number of designs including some with storage in the headboard. If the headboard doesn't offer built-in lights, add creative strip lighting.

Floor Plan Layout by

3. Suggested Layout for Twin Beds in a Square Shaped Room:

This layout will depend upon where the doors and windows are positioned in the room. However, you can still create defined areas by thinking outside the box.

In a square room, our design instinct is to place twin beds side-by-side. But don't let that thinking stop you from setting up defined areas. Even square rooms can have separate areas for twin beds.

In the floor plan below you'll notice the room was split in half. The position of the main door allowed for that. Essentially one half of the room is allocated to one twin bed area and the other half for the second bed.

In this design there wasn't room for a dresser, but as mentioned above, there are multiple ways to accommodate storage. Here you'll see a storage trunk at the end of each of the beds. The beds can have drawers, or a dresser can go inside of a large closet.

Floor Plan Layout by

BONUS TIP: Small Bedrooms and Selling Your Home

During my real estate years frequent comments were about bedroom size. Most people feel that an empty room is larger than a furnished room. It isn't.

An empty room looks small.

People tend to need a visual to gage what will fit into a space. If the room is small, use bed and wall storage to illustrate how efficient the space can be.

Measurements to give you a sense of bed sizes and space:
  1. Standard king size beds measure 76 inches wide by 80 inches long. (6.33ft by 6.66ft)
  2. California king size beds measure 72 inches wide by 84 inches long. (6ft by 7ft)
  3. Standard queen size beds measure 60 inches wide by 80 inches long. (5ft by 6.66ft)
  4. California queen size beds measure 60 inches wide by 84 inches long. (5ft by 7ft)
  5. Standard double size beds measure 54 inches wide by 75 inches long. (4ft by 6.25ft)
  6. Standard twin size beds measure 39 inches wide by 75 inches long (3.29ft by 6.25ft)
  7. Extra long twin size beds measure 39 inches wide by 80 inches long. (3.29ft by 6.66ft)
Next, learn how to affordably convert twin sized beds into a king bed...

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, August 26, 2018

10 Small Gifts that Fit in an Envelope

Gift Ideas that Will fit Inside of an Envelope by
Photos: Via Pixabay
The recipient of your card might say, cash, insert cash! But when cash isn't an option, the next best thing is something personal and thoughtful.

Go Directly to a List of Product Ideas Here

This list of small gifts that fit in an envelope includes physical products versus those typical insertions; gift cards, money, or tickets.

Below is a list of items you can insert inside of a card and then into an envelope for mailing or personal delivery:

1. Personalized Magnets

At Zazzle, make your own magnets with your own message or photo. Or, if you'd rather, you can choose a pre-made design. Depending on who the card is for, at Zazzle, you'll find magnets in various sizes with a multitude of messages or designs to choose from.

If the card is for mom from daughter, this magnet says it well. "I Am My Mother's Daughter." It was designed based on the title and lyrics to a song I wrote decades ago. 

You could also send a magnet that delivers a message of reassurance. The fridge magnet 'Angels on Duty' with its blue sky background was designed to give comfort that angels are watching over. It, too, was based on a poem I wrote decades ago.

2. Key Chains

Key chains can also be personalized. You can find them pre-made with a thoughtful message or photo, or as in point number one, customize them yourself. Key chains make a practical and long-lasting keepsake.

3. Pocket Tokens

Pocket Tokens come in various shapes and sizes and carry messages of love, remembrance, memorial, and even good luck. They'll easily fit inside an envelope. Include several if you can't decide on one.

4. A Necklace

Don't send an expensive necklace in the mail via an envelope without checking whether your local post office offers an insurance option. If you're hand-delivering the envelope, go for it. If you've been given strict instructions to not bring a gift, then this is one way to get around it! After all, it's just a card that happens to have a gift inside.

5. Flower Seeds

A package or two of flower seeds makes a lovely insert into a card. However, mailing seeds internationally could be an issue, so double check before you make this choice. Of course, you can order them online to be delivered directly to your recipient.

6. Guitar Picks

For the guitarist, guitar picks are the perfect token gift to add to a card. You can even get them personalized. Have your own words engraved on the pick(s), and you've gifted a lovely keepsake.

7.  A Small RFID Wallet (Keeps Credit Cards Safe from Electronic Thieves)

These make a unique gift idea when you want to send something more substantial than a token gift. They come in choices for men and women, are thin, and are small enough to fit into a card. You may need a larger card depending on the one you choose, but they're thin enough to fit in an envelope. Because there's more substance to this gift, add extra tape on the envelope to ensure it stays sealed in the mail.

8. For Kids, Temporary Tattoos

Temporary tattoos are a gift-givers gift. In other words, mom and dad may roll their eyes at the body art on their little one, but the little one will love you. You can also get candy or gum that includes temporary tattoos.

9. Old Time or Current Day Candy

There are so many vintage and current candy items to choose from! But you'll need the flat ones that fit inside an envelope; Lik-M-Aid Fun Dip, Airheads, Bottle Caps, Chicklets, Laffy Taffy, Razzles, and Skittles. Essentially if it fits in the envelope, go for it.

10. Personalized Stamps

Send a sheet of personalized stamps that say what you'd like to say, or have a personal photo of the person, couple, or event put on the stamp. The process for creating these stamps are thorough and professional, so your friends or family members are sure to be surprised and impressed with your thoughtful gift. It makes a lovely added gift for wedding showers. The couple can use their postage for thank you cards, invitations, or as a way to advertise their just married status.

Additional Reminders:
  • Remember to weigh your card to ensure you've put enough postage on it for mailing.
  • Add extra tape on the envelope if you think the envelope could accidentally open in the mail.
  • Don't mail food or garden products internationally without checking; otherwise, they could get stuck at a border!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, August 19, 2018

How to Make the Best Chocolate Icing

Review By
Photos: Via Pixabay
My parents moved away from their home town in Manitoba, Canada when I was about five years old. We lived in many places throughout our country, but no matter where we lived, my dad would fly his mother out (our Memere) for visits. Oh wait a minute! She would take the train, she was terrified of flying!

I sure hope Memere knew how much I loved it when she would visit.

On one visit, while sitting in the kitchen doing homework, Memere had just finished making a cake. She was about to make the icing, when I decided I had to know how she made such delicious chocolate icing. So being an inquisitive 15 year old, I stood beside her while she explained her secrets.

"What this recipe is about, isn't the ingredients, it's in the mixing, texture and general understanding of what to add and not to add to get the best chocolate icing."

Lets start with the ingredients - They're fairly standard and well known:
Added Note: 

Below 'Sylvestermouse Cynthia' asked what Icing Sugar was. In Canada we (most everyone I know) call Powdered Sugar, 'Icing Sugar'. The only brand I use is Redpath Icing Sugar.

Turns out, Redpath Sugar is a Canadian Company as well. According to it's website it's been a part of Canadian kitchens since 1854.

Being Canadian I admit I should have known that, however in my defense Redpath Sugar and Fry's Cocoa have been a part of my family's kitchen since before I was born. That's a long time ago!

Redpath Sugar carries many sugar products, including Icing Sugar. You can find Redpath Icing Sugar at (not .com), and of course, learn about their products via their website.

What makes chocolate icing awesome:

To no surprise, Memere never measured any ingredients, and to this day, neither do I. 

I learned to make chocolate icing just the way she taught me; by understanding how to get the right texture.

Here's the most important tip from my Memere:
When you need to thin out the icing, do it by adding more softened butter, not more milk
She explained this further: "Because adding too much milk will quickly make the icing mixture too runny, then to fix it you'll have to add more icing sugar to recover the texture from liquid mud to icing. So to avoid this, add more butter first, not more milk"

Putting the Ingredients Together:

Although I never measure, I'll try to put some measurements to the above ingredients
  • In a deeper mixing bowl, put in about two cups of icing sugar
  • Add about half a cup of Fry's Cocoa (add more for a richer chocolate taste)
  • Butter .. hmmm.. I can't give you a measurement - maybe start with 1/4 cup of softened butter, that's 'softened', not melted, not runny, not too soft either. Ensure it maintains it's thick butter texture.
  • Add a teaspoon of pure Vanilla Extract
  • Add a teaspoon of milk, or two teaspoons if the icing is too thick to mix
  • How to know when you've nailed it - For me, I like it when the Icing is spreadable but can hold swirl peaks on the cake, in other words, not too hard, not too soft, just right. 
With a hand-mixer, mix the ingredients together. It won't be the right texture for spreading yet.

This is where the Grandma touch comes in:

If your mixture is too thin and runny, add more Icing Sugar to correct the texture. Keep mixing it with the hand mixer. If you've had to add more icing sugar, you'll need more Cocoa so add a couple of tablespoons at a time. More icing sugar dilutes the chocolate, that's the reason for adding more cocoa.

However, it's more likely the texture will be too thick.

To thin out the texture, add another heaping tablespoon of butter, a couple of drops of milk, a half teaspoon at the most! Then stop completely with adding milk.

At this point, it should be getting to the right texture. If it happens to become too runny again, then add more icing sugar. Sorry I can't give you a measurement for that, just add a tablespoon at a time.

However if it's too THICK, then keep adding softened butter, one tablespoon at a time.

Thanks to Memere, I've never used store bought icing. I always make it from scratch.

If I had to choose the key ingredient (other than butter) it would be Fry's Cocoa. That's also the cocoa we use to make the chocolate cake recipe passed down from my grandmother on my mother's side.

My kids have grown up on our homemade chocolate cake and homemade icing thanks to our grandmas on both sides - and it's the only birthday cake they want. Store bought is a no-no.

Added Tip: You CANNOT put icing on a cake until the cake is COMPLETELY cooled. I'll usually put the cake in the fridge to fully cool it off if time is an issue.

Happy Baking!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, August 12, 2018

How to Get Your Bed to Look Like a Professional Decorator Made It

Photo Design by
photos via Pixabay
The problem for most of us is that our bedding lacks style, quality and most probably, fluffiness!

If we're being honest, we tend to keep our Comforter/Duvet Sets for much too long without changing them. When we're stuck with the same bedding, we're stuck with the same drab look.

Beyond the bedding color, pattern and design, there are certain items that can give your bedroom a pick-me-up.

Below are a list of basic items or variations of them that you'll need in order for your bed to look like a high priced decorator assembled it.

Duvets Versus Comforters - Which One is Better?

With a Duvet, you buy the fluffy insert separately and it's the quality fluffiness that gives your bed it's professional look. The benefit of buying an insert separately is that you can choose one that's long lasting and of higher quality: The higher the quality the longer it will stay fluffy.

Since it's an insert, you can change the actual duvet cover, and thus the look of your room, anytime you want.

Next you'll want duvet clips to secure the Insert to the Cover so it's free of lumps, bumps and wrinkles.

Comforters are all-in-ones, in that the comforter and insert are one piece thus eliminating the need to buy an insert or duvet clips. Also, they usually come with pillowcases, a comforter, a bed skirt and sometimes bed sheets.

However, the downside to a comforter is that if the quality is lower (and many times they can be), it will lose it's fluffiness and start to look flat on the bed (like a bed sheet does).
Here's an 8 Piece COMFORTER Set (Not a Duvet Set) Rochelle Pinched Pleat Gray Comforter Set QueenHere's an 8 Piece COMFORTER Set (Not a Duvet Set) Rochelle Pinched Pleat Gray Comforter Set Queen
A flat comforter will take away from that professional look you're going for, unless of course you're aiming for a simple almost Japanese look to your room.

Pillows Finish the Bed's Look:

Have you noticed that a bed with a duvet or comforter looks decoratively unfinished with only two pillows on the bed? Especially on a king size bed.

To give a bed that professional decorator look, you'll want to have at least four standard or king size pillows, and then finish the pillow-look with a few decorator pillows.

Bolsters also work. They're a long oval pillow you can use against the bed frame or the wall for the other pillows to lean against.

They do exactly what their name says, 'they bolster' the pillows in front so you have a fuller look of pillows on the bed. If you don't have a bed frame, they're also a way to get pillows off the wall. However, even if I have a bolster, and I do, I still use 4 pillows.

Make sure the pillows are fluffy as well. Flat, over-used pillows will make the bed look drab. So if your pillows aren't fluffy and you can't go out and buy more, put two old pillows, or even three old pillows inside one pillowcase. I've done this several times and it works well.

I've overstuffed the pillowcases at the back, and put two new fluffy pillows at the front. That way I only had to buy two new pillows instead of four, saving a bit of cash while still maintaining that fluffy full look.

Pillowcases, Don't be Afraid to Mix and Match:
With pillowcases you can go two ways. 
Either they can exactly match the duvet or they can be complimentary in pattern and color to the duvet. 
If you have a lot of extra pillow cases, you may already have some that are complimentary with your new duvet thus saving you the expense of having to purchase extra pillowcases. 

Bed Skirts for Duvet and Comforter Sets:
Some people like bed skirts, and some don't. 

My mom isn't a fan of bed skirts, so rather than a duvet or comforter, her bed has a bedspread. A bedspread goes right to the floor to hide the box spring, thus removing the need for a bed skirt. 

However, if you don't like to see any part of the box spring when the bed is unmade, then even with a comforter, you'll want a bed skirt.

Bed Sheets - They Don't Have to Match the Duvet or Comforter
This is misunderstood by many bed makers.

If you already own bedsheets that are complimentary to the duvet/comforter set you purchased, then use them!

That way you can focus on buying the most important elements to making your bed look professional: A high quality duvet insert, duvet clips and at least four pillows, decorator cushions and a bed skirt if you don't already have one.

Use an existing bed skirt if you have one that's complimentary! Again, it doesn't have to match exactly.

Pull it All Together:
  1. You have your fluffy bedding - either a comforter set or a duvet set with a quality insert and duvet clips
  2. You've got a bed skirt to hide the box spring
  3. You've got at least four standard (or King) pillows and a couple of decorative pillows.

However, Making the Bed is Where it Will Get that Final Professional Look:
  1. Fold down the top part of the duvet so the reverse side is showing by about six to twelve inches. You can even fold it down a couple of feet if you have a lot of pillows and you want some of the bed sheets exposed because of their design and quality. However, the standard fold down of the top portion of the duvet/comforter is about one foot.
  2. Pull the wrinkles out of the comforter/duvet
  3. Make sure the comforter/duvet is even all the way around
  4. Details matter, don't let the bed sheets hang past the duvet cover/comforter on the sides or ends. If they're too long, tuck them in

There you have it! Think fluffy and you'll nail it.

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Sunday, August 5, 2018

Magnetic Therapy for Relief and General Wellness

For More Than Twenty Years, Before It Was Even Fashionable, Our Family Has Been Using Magnetic Relief Products

What seems like ions ago, my brother introduced me to magnetic therapy. My first thought was, what in the heck is that, followed by, laughter.

But my Bro had the last laugh after he demonstrated what magnetic energy could do for my body.
He repeatedly spun the magnetics on a small handheld item called a MagDuo for about ten minutes, in the air, around my body, and up and down my arms.
But before doing that he had me stand with my arms out and asked me to reach my arm back as far as I could. After the air around my body had increased magnetic energy, he asked me to try to reach my arm back again, and I couldn't believe that my arm went further back by what seemed like an entire foot! Essentially it increased my range of motion. I can see why golfers love it!

Thus began my learning about the benefits of magnetic therapy.

Of course, I'm not a doctor, and the research I undertook was from reading and talking to others who used the products. What I learned about magnetic therapy was amazing.

What Magnetic Therapy is and What it Isn't
  1. It's not a cure for anything
  2. It's wellness therapy
  3. It provides relief to an area, or the body in general
  4. The results are similar to Acupuncture
  5. Magnetic energy apparently clears your Meridians
  6. It's said to increases blood flow to an area
  7. It's considered prevention as well
  8. Don't put magnets on a fresh injury (As an example, a sprain), Ice is always best first to draw blood away from the area, then about 24 to 48 hours later you could consider applying magnetics. Remember magnetics draw blood to an area, and you don't want blood drawn to an area that has a fresh injury. 
  9. All Magnetic Products are not created equal. The Magnetic Gauss (the measurement of magnetic flux density - magnetic induction) matters. Be sure to research the company selling the product to ensure they're not fly-by-night. We use Nikken magnetic products and have never used another brand or type. Nikken has been in business since about 1989.
Dr. Oz Explains Magnetics Much Better than I Can:

What I find hilarious about all of this is that we've been using Magnets since the late 1990's and back then I remember receiving many snarky-giggling comments from nay-sayers, and today it's basically accepted.

Ha figures.

To understand how magnetics work on our body, it's best to watch the above video.

I LOVE My Magnetic Necklace! Nikken Perfect Link II Magnetic Necklace, Perfect for All Occasion (Silver)I LOVE My Magnetic Necklace! Nikken Perfect Link II Magnetic Necklace, Perfect for All Occasion (Silver)
The Magnetic Products We've Used for Over 20 Years
  1. Magnetic Insoles for shoes
  2. Every bedroom in our home has a Magnetic Mattress Pad or Magnetic Blanket, or a Ceramic Reflecting Blanket on the bed
  3. We have magnetic wraps for elbows, wrists and knees
  4. I've worn a magnetic necklace for over 20 years (I've gone through 3 of them - it relieves my neck tension)
There are many additional magnetic relief products available that I couldn't possibly list here. Some are, bracelets, pet pads, sleeping masks (that mask is awesome!)… there's so many more. If you do a search you'll see the list is practically endless.

For me, I feel as though magnetics slowed down the onset of an auto-immune condition that I was diagnosed with in 2016. By slowed down, I mean, it's quite possible I could have had this condition show up ten years earlier based on the extensive history of auto-immune diseases in my family.

So many of my family members have been struggling with a variety of auto-immune diseases for decades, long before I had the issue show up. My problems didn't show until my late 50's, so in that sense I was lucky. But I want to stress that there's no hard proof to support my belief that magnetics slowed the onset, it's just something I feel.

There's a saying I heard about using magnets: "May you never know what you prevented".

Of course, you should always consult a doctor before starting a new therapy. However, don't be surprised if your doctor isn't into magnetic therapy. Many aren't, although I do believe there's a paradigm shift coming.

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Sunday, July 29, 2018

Egyptian Cotton Sheets Really Are THAT Awesome!

Photo by - A Personal Review
100% Egyptian Cotton Sheets are Incredible to Sleep In

I've never been one to fuss about the quality of our bed sheets. If the sheet set was on sale, then it likely made it's way into our home.

However this past weekend my mother gifted me a set of 100% Egyptian Cotton Sheets and my husband and I are shocked at how amazingly comfortable they are.

The thread count on these sheets is quite high: If I had to guess I'd say approaching 1000tc.

If you've ever stayed in a quality hotel with those Hotel Bed Sheets, these sheets fall into the same category.

Mom purchased the sheets a few years ago, but because she didn't like the way they wrinkled after washing, she never used them. In fact, she had them dry cleaned and kept them hanging in her closet unused.

When I arrived home from my visit with Mom, I washed and dried the sheets, and yes they did wrinkle, but once on the bed, they were fine.

The wrinkles really don't bother me. Of course I googled how to get the wrinkles out, but have no intention of doing any of the suggestions. For my taste, they really don't wrinkle enough to worry about it.

Crisp and Cozy

That's how I'd describe these sheets. In my opinion they're worth every penny. 
Thread Spread True Luxury 100% Egyptian Cotton 1000 Thread Count 4 Piece Sheet Set Dark Grey QueenThread Spread True Luxury 100% Egyptian Cotton 1000 Thread Count 4 Piece Sheet Set Dark Grey Queen, King, & California King
The crisp feeling of the sheets make you want to stay in bed and never get out. Even my husband who could care less about bed sheets has been going on about how comfortable they are.

Apparently the sheets will get softer as they go through additional wash and dry cycles. However, I prefer their new and 'crisp' feeling on my skin. 

If you want to soften them quicker, you can always try these suggested tips from WikiHow.

Flannel and Jersey Bed Sheets - Also Awesome

Although we're not terribly fussy about our sheets (until the Egyptian Cotton Sheets!), we have always liked Flannel Sheets and Jersey Sheets for the winter months. 

There's nothing more comfy cozy than crawling into a bed with flannel sheets on a cold winters night.

Jersey sheets are similar to flannel, just a little thinner. Their bonus feature is how the fitted sheet easily stretches over the mattress ends. If you've never tried jersey sheets, you should, they're pretty awesome, and not that expensive.

So in summary, all the hype you've heard about 1000 Thread Count Egyptian Sheets, in my opinion, is justified; total comfort!

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Sunday, July 22, 2018

Choosing Flowers for an East West Facing Home

A Popular Easy to Maintain Full Sun Flower Basket
featuring Bell Flowers, Petunias, and Verbena
A Review of Flowers for a House Where the Afternoon Sun is in the Front Yard and the Morning Sun is in the Backyard
Or the reverse.

Our home faces directly East-West and over twenty years ago when we purchased our home, I wasn't experienced enough with flower planting to understand how the sun floated around our home to keep the poor things alive for an extended period of time.

I'm not a gardening or flower expert by any stretch of the imagination, however I have, via trial and error, found some easy to choose flowers that will survive the daily trip around the sun.

Climbing Rose Bush in Front Island

Our Front Yard is Fully Treed - Easy Care, However Not Flower Friendly

Ha! That solves it. Little room for flower errors.

After filling our yard with greenery, it became difficult to get annual flowers to grow. So other than a few select potted plants, there are few flowers to care for in the front.

As you can see in the featured photo, we have a small front island, however, after trying and retrying a variety of flowers in it, nothing seemed to grow. So we placed easy to grow juniper as ground filler to contrast with the stepping stones, and stuck with one climbing rose bush.

However, it's not just a rose bush, it has a spiritual connection.

A friend of our family was sadly diagnosed with cancer, and before he passed away we were able to purchase this rose bush from his store, and it's thrived for about twenty years now.

More freakishly, these are the ONLY perennial flowers to have survived our front yard for over twenty years. Divine intervention? We think of him every time we look at the rose bush, so we like to think so.

Begonias on the Table - They Like the Shade
Backyard Flowers - Morning Sun that Floats Away from the House by 11:00am and Finally Leaves the Yard by 5:00pm

I've essentially stayed with three or four types of flowers.

The flowers closest to the house that only feel sun til 11:00am, are 'Sun Impatiens' also known as New Guinea Impatiens.

Unlike regular shade impatiens, New Guinea Impatiens can tolerate about a half a day of sun. Morning sun is best.

To add color to the patio table, we used Begonias. They like the shade, and since the umbrella is up most of the time, they work in that spot.

For the flower planter which gets sun all day, we selected a mixed arrangement featuring three of my favorite flowers, Verbena, Bellflowers (Campanula family), and Petunias. However, skip the Petunias for a mostly maintenance free bouquet.

Popular New Guinea Impatiens - Easy to Care For
they can handle about 3 or 4 hours of a sun a day,
morning sun is best

The Complete Story of How We Landscaped this Challenging Yard, More Here:

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