Friday, February 2, 2018

The Open House Movie Review (2018)

The Open House Movie Review (2018)
If you love a horror movie, the kind that will invade your dreams with nightmares, The Open House is for you. 

I know we have readers who enjoy safely having their wits scared out of them.  To be honest, I am not that person.   But, I did watch this movie from beginning to end.  I selected The Open House myself believing it would be a great mystery movie.  I expected suspense, but I was certainly in for quite a shock.  Not to mention the days of terror filled moments that followed.   I watched it nearly a week ago, and I still can't look into a dark room without feeling the chills run down my spine.  And, don't even suggest I take a shower when I am alone in the house.  Trust me!   If my shower water suddenly turns cold, I am not going to investigate.   I am locking myself in the bathroom with all the lights on until the sun rises the next day. 

Now, I hope if you decide to watch The Open House, you will be better prepared than I was for the movie.

The Open House Movie Synopsis 

The movie begins with a happy couple and their Olympic hopeful son, Logan.  It is very clear the parents support their only child's dream.  However, the movie turns tragic when Logan's father is hit by a car when he is crossing the street.  Logan helplessly witnesses his father's death. Those are images that will haunt him for the rest of his life.

The Open House Movie Review (2018)
Logan and his mother, Naomi,  find themselves thrown into a desperate financial situation.  They are forced to move from their home.  It seems fortunate that Naomi's sister has a furnished house in the mountains that is for sale.  She offers to let them stay there for free noting that the mansion is better lived in than left vacant and they can look after the house for her.  The only consideration is that she needs them to vacate the house every Sunday so the real estate agent can host an open house.  A mere inconvenience when you get to live free right?  I am certain Naomi and Logan would never have considered moving into that house, whether it was free or not, if they had any idea what would happen to them there.

Who checks the house carefully after an open house?  Do you believe the realtor has kept a close eye on everyone who visits your home during an open house?  I would certainly hope so.  But, what if there are several people visiting the open house?  Or, if someone comes through the back door instead of the front door and the realtor never even sees them?  What if you are not really familiar with the house yourself?  Would you feel comfortable laying down to sleep in an unfamiliar home after an open house?  I admit, I never really thought about it before.  We see open house signs in surrounding neighborhoods weekly.  It is a commonplace event.

One thing that is now for sure, if I ever decide to sell our house, we will NOT host an open house! 

Where to Watch The Open House (2018) by Netflix 

Currently, the movie is only available on Netflix.   A subscription to Netflix is required to view their movies.  Normally, Netflix will make their movies available to purchase on DVD after a year or two.  Unfortunately, when I checked recently (Sept 2021), The Open House is still not available on DVD.      

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The Open House Movie Review (2018) Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse

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  1. You are telling me that if I watch this movie, it will invade my dreams in the form of nightmares??? Sounds absolutely delightful, Cynthia, LOL! I used to watch horror movies but have not in a long time unless I know they are suspenseful and not gory. I do like a good psychological thriller.

    1. Exactly Brenda! Nightmares for days!!! I wouldn't call this movie "gory" even though there are some tough scenes. It is the blood that bothered me. It was the pure evil of the killer.

  2. I know I won't be watching this movie! Horrors! Thanks for warning me. :-)

    1. It is definitely a warning review. Unless you really enjoy horror, I don't recommend it. Some things are better left not seen.

  3. Glad to have the 'warning'. I don't do 'horror', thank you very much. But maybe you could tell me privately how the movie ends. I'm curious, but not enough to watch it myself.... LOL. Maybe I'll tell my daughter and son-in-law about this 'Open House' movie. They are big movie fans and love 'horror' movies.

    1. If they love horror, they will probably like this movie. It does give you much food for thought. And, like I said above, it would prevent me from ever having an open house in my own home. We don't have a basement, but we do have an attic. Now that I think about it, I think I might add a lock on the outside of the attic door today!

  4. Well OMG I can't believe you watched that!!! I boycott all horror movies because mainly, I'm a suck! The borderline heart attack prevents me from getting in a situation where I'm going to jump out of my skin, lol!! I still can't believe you watched it - and what a movie for a realtor too watch (since that's my background, *shivers) - and you're still having fears over it a week later, ok, it must be 'good' horror movie - your review had me laughing at the first few paragraphs (I know you didn't intend that, but couldn't help it)

    1. Funny you should mention your realtor background Barbara. I actually picked the movie with you in mind, thinking what a hoot it would be to review a movie just for you. Well, it is not for you! It is not for me, lol! I suspect people who love a good horror thriller would tell you it is an excellent show. Me, I'm sitting in my dark kitchen with only the light of the laptop to see by and thinking, dang it! Time to turn on a house full of lights!!! I swear I see silhouettes in every room.

    2. lol! still laughing at the visual of you peeking over your shoulder after watching this! and it's a great review, but I'll never watch it!! hahaha

  5. This sounds like something I would love, but I can't see my husband enjoying it (as he get's older he doesn't 'do' horror movies any more!) and as much as I would like it, I can't watch horror movies on my own!

    1. This is definitely one you don't want to watch alone. I am sorry that your husband no longer likes to watch them since you love horror movies. My husband doesn't like watching romantic movies, yet they are my favorite, so I completely understand how it affects what you watch.

  6. I LOVE scary movies.... the kind that could really happen - you know, neighbors gone bad. This sounds exactly my cup of tea! Thank you for the review.

    1. Guess I know what you will be watching this weekend Dawn!

  7. Thanks for warning me. I never knowingly read horror, let alone watch it. I'm still having occasional nightmares from a movie I saw as a child that was a second feature to a movie the family wanted to see. I'm sure it was tame compared to this one.


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