Sunday, January 15, 2023

A Review of The Evolution of Valentine's Day: From Ancient Rome to Modern Times

A Review of the Evolution of Valentine's Day

As we all know, Valentine's Day is a holiday celebrated on February 14th each year. It is a day to express love and affection to those close to us.

Valentine's day has progressed into something almost unrecognizable from the debated time it became a thing.

Roman Festivals?

The history of Valentine's Day is not well-documented, but it is believed to have originated from ancient Roman festivals. 

The Roman festival of Lupercalia, celebrated in mid-February, is thought to have played a role in the development of Valentine's Day. 

This festival honored the gods Juno and Faunus and included the exchange of love notes and the pairing of couples through a lottery.

Christianize a Pagan Festival or to Honor St. Valentine?

However, Valentine's Day as we know it today is thought to have been influenced by the Christian Church. 

One theory is that it was created to Christianize a pagan festival, while another suggests it was designed to honor Saint Valentine, a martyr who was executed on February 14th. 

Saint Valentine was a Catholic priest imprisoned and executed for secretly marrying couples during a time when marriage was banned by the Roman Empire. He was later canonized as a saint, and his feast day was set on February 14th.

Gradually Becoming a Day of Celebrating Love

During the Middle Ages, Valentine's Day was celebrated as a day for exchanging love notes and gifts, similar to how it is celebrated today. 

In the 18th and 19th centuries, Valentine's Day became more commercialized, and it was common for people to exchange gifts such as flowers, chocolates, and cards.

The Modern World Saw the Rise of Valentine's Day as a Day of Love in the Early 20th Century

Valentine's Day February 14th

Valentine's Day became popular in the United States in the early 20th century. During this time, Hallmark began mass-producing Valentine's Day cards, further popularizing the holiday. 

While the history of Valentine's Day is not well-documented and is shrouded in mystery, it is clear that it has evolved over time to become a day for expressing love and affection to those close to us. 

Whether it originated as a pagan festival, a Christian holiday, or a day to honor a martyred saint, it has become a beloved annual tradition celebrated worldwide.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Murder Out of Character by Olivia Matthews – A Book Review

 This is Book 2 in the Peach Coast Library Mystery Series.

Image of library book shelves

Murder Out of Character is a cozy mystery with a librarian as the main character. The story locale is a small town near the coast of Georgia. Book #1 ~ Murder by Page One ~ began this mystery series and apparently the author uses book terms (Page One and Character) in her titles, completely in keeping with the 'library' theme. 

The series is published by Hallmark Publishing and they state on the back cover that “If you love Hallmark mystery movies, you'll love this cozy mystery with humor, intrigue, and a hint of romance.”

Plot of Murder Out of Character

Murder Out of Character Book Cover

Our main character, Marvey Harris, is a small-town librarian, a New York native who recently moved to Georgia with her rescue tabby, Phoenix, to take the job of fundraiser/event coordinator of the Peach Coast Library. 

While cleaning up after the library's first fundraising event, Marvey comes across a scrap of paper with a list of four names. 

  • Hank Figg – the high school basketball coach who recently died. 
  • Nellie Kenton – CFO of the local bank.
  • Brittany Wilson – owner of Coastal Cycles, a bike shop.
  • Spencer Holt – Editor/publisher of the Peach Coast newspaper and Marvey's new best friend. 

Marvey finds the list puzzling, but finally tosses it into the recycling bin. The next morning she reads in the paper that Nellie Kenton has been found dead. Two people on the list of four and both have died. Marvey quickly goes to the library to retrieve the list, then takes it to her friend, Spencer because she is now worried about the fact that his is one of the names on the list. At first, Spencer dismisses the list, but soon admits he may be in danger.

With the help of Spencer and her friends on the library staff, an investigation is launched to determine who wrote the list and the reason why. The four people appear to have nothing in common other than living in Peach Coast. But it is obvious that the other two people left on the list are in danger. 

The police are not thrilled with civilians doing a murder investigation, but Marvey is determined. Even while busy with her job and preparing for a visit from her parents, it soon becomes obvious that Marvey, Spencer and their librarian friends need to find and stop a killer who may just possibly be bent on a long overdue revenge.


Our heroine wants to keep her friends safe and the readers look forward to a happily-ever-after ending. 

Lovers of small-town cozies can while away a pleasant afternoon with this one." -Publishers Weekly

Peach Coast Library Mystery Series Author

Olivia Matthews is actually the cozy mystery pseudonym for Patricia Sargeant, a national best-selling, award-winning author. She writes romance as Patricia Sargeant and mysteries as Olivia Matthews. 

Author Olivia Matthews

Patricia writes romance because she believes that the Power of Love is the greatest motivation. She writes mysteries so ordinary people put in extraordinary situations find the 'Hero Inside'

*Book Review of Murder Out of Character, Book 2 of 2 in the Peach Coast Library Mystery Series written by Wednesday Elf

These first two books in the Peach Coast Library Mystery Series can be found on Amazon at the links below:

Murder By Page One (Book 1 of 2)

Murder Out of Character (Book 2 of 2)

For More Book Reviews, check out

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, January 13, 2023

Lord Blackwell’s Promise: A Regency Romance - Larkhall Letters Book 5

Lord Blackwell’s Promise
Ashtyn Newbold has written & published a delightfully unique and entertaining series with the Larkhall Letters.

I had previously read and reviewed the first 4 books in the series, but had to wait for the 5th book to be released.  As soon as Lord Blackwell's Promise was published, I downloaded it to my Kindle and immediately started reading. 

One of the things I like best about Ashtyn Newbold's writing, is that she develops her characters so well that readers feel like they know them personally. In Lord Blackwells' Promise, both Lord Blackwell and Margaret Lovell have strong personalities, devotion to their families and conflicting emotions, much like a lot of real people.

As expected, it was another excellent book that I can highly recommend to Regency Romance novel lovers of any age. Not only is it a unique story, it is interlaced with witty conversations and funny interactions. 

It is another book by Newbold that I hated to see end, even though I was pleased with the ending!   


Lord Blackwell's Promise Book Synopsis 

 Lord Blackwell’s Promise: A Regency Romance (Larkhall Letters Book 5)Check PriceLord Blackwell is dying.  He is surrounded by his family, his mother and sisters.  They are the people he has spent his life trying to provide for and protect.  His mother is currently the most influential individual in his life.  When she speaks, he considers what she says, not only because he loves her, but because he truly respects her opinions.  When she recommends that he make amends to the people he has harmed, he contemplates her suggestion.  How could he possibly make things right with the family he has so grievously harmed by swindling them and ruining the father's reputation.  When his mother suggests that he marry the daughter and move the family into their home, Peter (Lord Blackwell) thinks why not? After all, he is dying.  Who he marries, doesn't matter.  Plus, by marrying the daughter and financially providing for the Lovell family, he will be restoring their wealth and social standing.

Margaret Lovell is deeply devoted to her family and greatly concerned for her father's health.  When her brother is hurt and needs surgery, she has to seriously consider the proposal from someone she despises: Lord Blackwell.  Her family can't afford doctors.  They barely have enough food.  As she ponders her options, she realizes with the Earl dying, she wouldn't really need to be a wife.  She would simply be married to him.  As his widow, her family would be wealthy again. 

After the ceremony at the dying man's bedside, Margaret's family is moved into Lord Blackwell's castle.  All seems to be going as planned, that is, until Lord Blackwell recovers!

To find out what happens to Lord Blackwell, his new wife and both families, you will need to read the book for yourself.  It is well worth reading!



Read My Other Reviews of Books in the Larkhall Letters Series

 The Ace of Hearts Review The Captain's Confidant Review With Love, Louisa Review

Read More Book Reviews at

House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, January 12, 2023

National Bird Holidays and Awareness Days- First Quarter


male finch on a feeder
Male Finch

Did you know that bird watching is enjoyed by over 73 million Americans?  It is no wonder than that there are many different bird days listed on special days lists.

I count myself as an ardent bird watcher and photographer and on this post, I will share with you some of the national bird days I found interesting.  This post will be part 1 of 4 so I will include bird days in the first quarter of the year.  I will also share photos of birds I have watched and photographed in my backyard. For more information on national bird days check out 

Jan 5 - National Bird Day

National Bird Day is celebrated on January 5th.  Here is some information that I found on the website
  • According to the US Census more American bird watchers (73 million) than baseball and football players.
  • Birders fund the economy, including feed, supplies, traveling and donations by spending $40 billion a year on their hobby.
  • Worldwide there are 9800 species of birds; 850 are in the U.S.
  • The National Bird Day takes place after an annual survey that tracks American wild birds to get an accurate bird population count at the three weeks long December count.
  • According to Born Free USA, nearly 12% of the world's bird population is threatened with extinction.
Here are just a few of the birds I photographed in my backyard.

bird collage

Jan 20- Penguin Awareness Day

Penguins are an interesting bird that we all love.  In my part of the world, we have to go to the zoo to see Penguins, but my sister recently traveled to Antartica where she was delighted to see hundreds of Penguins.  Here is a photo she took.

penguins in the snow

In researching Penguin Day, I found the following interesting Penguin facts.
  1. They kidnap chicks

    When a female emperor penguin's baby dies, she will often "kidnap" an unrelated chick.

  2. They're down south

    There are 17 species of penguins and all of them live in the Southern Hemisphere.

  3. Macaroni penguins rule

    The penguin species with the highest population is the macaroni penguin with 11 million pairs.

  4. The fastest penguin

    The gentoo Penguin is the fastest swimmer — reaching speeds up to 22 mph.

  5. They're all wet (usually)

    An average penguin might spend up to 75 percent of its life in the water — where it also hunts for prey.

Feb- National Wild Bird Feeding Month

I love feeding birds and feed them in my backyard all year long.  In 1994 congressman John Porter announced that February would be National Wild Bird Feeding Month.  This month is one of the hardest for birds to obtain food and the emphasis on this special month encourages people to feed birds and put out water for them.  I encourage you to celebrate this month by helping to feed our wild birds.  They will reward you with many hours of birdwatching and if you are like me, some great models for your photography.   Here are a couple of birdfeeders that I thought look interesting.

Feb 17-20, 2023, Great Backyard Bird Count

Each year in February, bird watchers throughout the world take time to count birds.  Here is a few thoughts on what is involved.

Spend time in your favorite places watching birds–then tell us about them! In as little as 15 minutes notice the birds around you. Identify them, count them, and submit them to help scientists better understand and protect birds around the world.

If you have a few minutes to spare, plan on participating in the Great Backyard Bird Count.

March 20th- World Sparrow Day

Sparrows are everywhere and yet sometimes we fail to appreciate these delightful little birds.  A day was set up to appreciate sparrows and it is celebrated worldwide on March 20th each year.  The Bird Tipper website gives the following tips to celebrate Sparrow Day.

How to Celebrate World Sparrow Day

The best way to celebrate World Sparrow Day is by taking action to help these birds.

One of the biggest threats to sparrow populations is loss of habitat, so consider planting native trees and shrubs in your yard or community garden. You can also put up a birdhouse or two; tree cavities are perfect homes for nesting sparrows.

Also, be sure to keep your cat indoors—birds of all kinds, including sparrows, are killed each year by outdoor cats.

Finally, fill your bird feeder with seeds that sparrows love, such as sunflower seeds and millet, and sit back and enjoy watching these busy little birds at work!

On World Sparrow Day, take a moment to think about one of the most common birds in the world: the humble sparrow. This holiday is a chance for us to learn more about these fascinating birds and take action to help them thrive!

Here are some photos I have taken of sparrows in my backyard. They are all Eurasian Tree Sparrows.

Eurasian Tree Sparrows peeking out from a hole in wood

Eurasian Tree Sparrows perched on a shepherds hook

Eurasian Tree Sparrows perched on decorative wrought iron

These are but a few of the specified bird days in the first quarter of the year.  You can find a larger list online at  Stay tuned for future posts on bird days for the rest of the year.  Happy Birding!!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Aging Gracefully is My Goal for 2023 and Beyond! ~ A Product Review

 Aging is a topic that many people don't want to talk about, but, it's happening to each one of us as each day passes by!  

Today we are going to look at a product review that will help keep you safe as you journey through the days and your years increase.

sunbathing women cartoon

Both my husband and I are well into our retirement years and we are thankful and happy to have made it to this milestone in life!  We are brave souls that don't take too much for granted and try to make the best out of every day we have.  I guess it helps that we have "Older" people around us that we care for!  They unwittingly give us hope that we will make it further as well. 

Aging is not for sissies, you have to be ready for changes!  Lots and lots of changes!  So when the inevitable decline in mobility started, we knew that it was time to do something about it!  No we aren't ostriches with our head in the sand, we know that in order to keep our days moving forward, we had to make some changes.

Aging gracefully is an attitude we have both decided to adopt.  Being old and miserable just doesn't suit us at all and it makes life more difficult in the long run.  No one wants to be around someone who is cranky all the time because life has brought about some changes.  They will happen whether you like them or not.

We accept the changes and work to make it easier to live with those changes.  

One of the most important aspects of this new philosophy of life is to be "SAFE"! 

With my double knee replacement and my husbands neuropathy in his hands and feet, mobility has become one of our major changes.  Standing for us is sometimes difficult, so we needed help in that area.  Not to worry, there are lots of "tools" available to make that easier.

The one room I will focus on today is in the bathroom!  Most accidents in the home happen in this room!  Why?  Well let's just take a quick look and see what the problems can be! 

  • Lots of very hard surfaces.
  • Water and non-permeable surfaces and floors
  • Lots of  very hard edges and corners
  • Tubs with glossy surfaces and water just waiting to be used like an ice skating rink
  • Hard protruding handles and water spouts
  • Confined spaces (once you fall, there is no where else to land)

My husband had a close call in the shower one morning and that was my wake up call.  Thank goodness for Amazon Prime, the problem was fixed in a day!  

While taking his shower, he felt a little lightheaded and dizzy.  We didn't have anything to hold onto in the tub area, so he was grasping the walls as well as he could.  That day we searched out a way to make showering safer for us.

This is what we came up with and it works well, is not too costly!  

We have had this chair now for a few months and can't believe we did without one for as long as we had. It has been a great purchase for us and I can honestly say that I don't worry about him in the shower anymore.  I know he is safe!  The other modifications we made to our bathroom is a grab bar and a hand held shower head!  Both of these were additions that made showering so much easier, safer and better! I must add that there was always a non-slip floor mat in the bathtub.  If you don't have one of these, they are the first and maybe the most important thing to add to your bathroom safety list.  Anyone, not just seniors can slip in the tub.  So a non-slip bath mat is good for any family, no matter how old or young they are!

Stay tuned for more products that should help you be Super Seniors that take their safety seriously!  Be Fabulous, be Great and above all be Safe as we all move through our days!

quote on aging banner

The cartoons on this page are borrowed from ""

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Animals: Pets & Wildlife Reviewed on Review This Reviews!

Pets and Wildlife Reviews
Treasures from the Archives of Review This Reviews!

The contributors of Review This Reviews love animals, especially our pets.  As families with pets, we have found several fabulous products to make our pet's more comfortable for home or travel.  For instance, did you know there are disposable pet bowls?  They make traveling with dogs much easier or make the pet sitters life easier because they can simply throw away the food bowls instead of washing them.  

For pups that don't like to get wet in the rain, there are doggy rain coats. Or, if your dog needs a hair cut and you don't want to pay a professional doggy hair stylist or your pup just needs a trim between stylist visits, then we recommend this cordless clipper for you

Click Here for More Dog Related Reviews!

For cats, why not have a lovely end table that doubles as a comfortable cat house?  That gives the cat privacy while still being in your protective company.  Many cats will run for shelter when company comes in.  The cat house gives them that needed place until they are ready to venture out again.  With a cat cushion inside, the end table becomes a cat bed too.

Click Here for More Cat Related Reviews!

If you don't have a pet yet, or perhaps want to add to your pet family, you may want to consider a hairless guinea pig. This review shares the things you should know before you decide to bring a guinea pig home.  


Of course, none of us wish to think of our beloved pets being lost and unable to find their way home. During the month of July, we celebrate National Lost Pet Prevention Month and focus on learning how to protect our pets and prevent our pets getting lost. 

Wildlife Around Us

Several of the Review This Reviews Contributors enjoy exploring the great outdoors and taking pictures of the wildlife. That leads us to doing research on the animal and writing a review on the wildlife we found interesting or pretty enough to photograph.

We invite you to explore our world of AnimalsPets & Wildlife!

The board below features 30 of our most recent reviews.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, January 9, 2023

Hallmark Wedding Veil Returns: Three Wedding Veil Sequels Reviewed

It is true! Hallmark Wedding Veil Trilogy fans are rejoicing and waiting in anticipation of the 2023 sequels to the very popular Hallmark Wedding Veil trilogy of 2022. The trilogy of movies were in the top of popularity for Hallmark in 2022.

wedding veil

Lacey Chabert announces the Hallmark premiere with her Hallmark fan Jimmy Fallon.

When and Who Stars in The Wedding Veil Sequels

The great news is the cast of the original Hallmark trilogy is returning for the 2023 movies aka as the sequel trilogy of the Wedding Veil. Lacey Chabert, Alison Sweeney and Autumn Reeser will all reprise their roles. Each will be the star of one movie with the support of the other two actresses.

January Debut

Get ready for a fun lineup of Wedding Veil sequels in January 2023. No worries if you have missed any of the movies at the debut date as Hallmark will rerun the movies throughout the month. 

Saturday, January 7th  begins with the first sequel as Lacey Chabert and Kevin McGarry return in The Wedding Veil Expectations. The teaser certainly hints to the key word of Expectations ...

Saturday, January 14th brings the next sequel with Autumn Reeser and Paolo Bernardini in The Wedding Veil Inspiration as they use their inspiration to 'do good'. 

Saturday, January 21st debut The Wedding Veil Journey with Alison Sweeney and Victor Webster as the journey includes retrospection and future choices while stranded on an island.

Wedding Veil Binge Opportunity

Mark your calendar for January 21st for a Wedding Veil viewathon. All six movies will be shown in succession ending with The Wedding Veil Journey. 

The Wedding Veil series with its' A team of Hallmark stars and solid writing is a 2023 fans can look forward to! And it can be Christmas anytime of the year with the replay of Hallmark Christmas movies ...

Hallmark Christmas Movie Reviews

More Hallmark Movie Reviews

Hallmark Christmas Movies 2022 Reviewed by The Savvy Age

Hallmark Christmas Movies 2021 Reviewed by The Savvy Age

Hallmark Christmas Movies 2020 Reviewed by The Savvy Age

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, January 8, 2023

A Review of 20 Ways to Improve Your Life in the New Year

A Review of 20 Ways to Improve Your Life in the New Year

The start of a new year is a time for reflection and resolution. It's a chance to take stock of your life and think about how you'd like to improve. Whether you're looking to get in shape, advance your career, or simply be a better person, there are many good reasons to focus on bettering yourself in the new year. 

In this article, we'll explore 20 ways you can self-improve. 

So if you're ready to make the most of the new year and take your personal development to the next level, read on!

20 Different Ways to Improve Your Life:

  1. Set specific, achievable goals for yourself. This will give you something concrete to work towards, and the sense of accomplishment you'll feel when you reach your goals can be very motivating.

  2. Make time for self-care. This could mean setting aside time for relaxation and hobbies, exercising regularly, or getting enough sleep. Taking care of yourself will help you feel better physically and mentally and give you more energy to tackle your goals.

  3. Seek out new experiences and opportunities. Trying new things can help you learn and grow and can be a lot of fun.

  4. Focus on developing healthy habits. This could include eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, or practicing good hygiene.

  5. Work on building solid relationships. This could mean spending quality time with loved ones, volunteering, or simply being there for others when they need support.

  6. Find ways to reduce stress and manage your time more effectively. This could involve simplifying your schedule, setting boundaries, or learning stress management techniques like meditation or deep breathing.

  7. Reflect on your values and priorities, and make sure that your actions align with them. This can help you feel more fulfilled and purposeful.

  8. Consider seeking out opportunities for personal and professional growth. This could include taking classes, getting a certification, or seeking a new job or career path.

  9. Learn a new skill or hobby. This could be something practical, like cooking or coding, or something creative, like painting or writing.

  10. Practice gratitude. Take a few minutes each day to reflect on the things you are grateful for. This can help you focus on the positive aspects of your life and cultivate a more positive outlook.

  11. Take care of your physical health. This could involve getting regular check-ups, exercising regularly, and eating a healthy diet.

  12. Practice forgiveness. Let go of grudges and try to see things from the perspective of others. This can help you move on from negative experiences and build stronger relationships.

  13. Seek out opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery. This could involve therapy, journaling, or simply reflecting on your thoughts and feelings.

  14. Volunteer your time or resources to help others. This can be a rewarding way to give back and positively impact your community.

  15. Get organized. Take the time to declutter your space and create systems for managing your time and tasks. This can help you feel more in control and reduce stress.

  16. Practice mindfulness. This could involve meditation, yoga, or simply taking a few minutes each day to focus on your breath and the present moment.

  17. Find ways to reduce your environmental impact. This could involve reducing your energy consumption, using reusable bags and containers, or reducing your use of single-use plastics.

  18. Learn a new language or take a course to improve your language skills. This can be a fun and rewarding way to challenge yourself and expand your horizons.

  19. Make an effort to be more present and attentive in your relationships. This could involve putting away your phone when you're with others, actively listening when someone is speaking, and showing appreciation for the people in your life.

  20. Set aside time for relaxation and enjoyment. This could involve hobbies, reading, or simply taking a few minutes each day to do something you enjoy. Taking breaks and relaxing can help you recharge and be more productive in the long run.

In conclusion, focusing on self-improvement in the new year can bring many benefits. It can help you achieve your goals, feel more fulfilled and purposeful, and build stronger relationships. It can also help you reduce stress, improve your physical and mental health, and feel more confident and capable. 

Consider setting specific, achievable goals, seeking new experiences and opportunities, and developing healthy habits. 

With a little effort and commitment, you can make the new year a time of growth and progress.

Happy New Year!

P.S. I've decided to be saucy about this year's resolution. 

My resolution: "Learn how to fold a fitted sheet." That's it. That's all. It's brief and achievable. :)

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Bubble Bath Day – A January Holiday

 Reviewing a bubbly holiday observed every year on January 8th.

Yellow Ducky in the bath

Bubble Bath Day

No one knows who originally decided that January 8th should be a day to celebrate the 'Bubble Bath'. It was probably created by someone who needed to relax after a tough day.

If you are wondering how to celebrate this 'bubbly' day, it depends on how old you are.

  • Kids find it simple - fill the tub with bubbles and some water toys - then hop in and play! 
  • For the ladies, a bubble bath is a time to relax! Fill the tub with your favorite bubbles and just enjoy the soothing waters.  You can also set the mood with candles, some soft music and perhaps a glass of wine. 
  • Guys don't need to feel left out on Bubble Bath day either.  It's a good way to get in touch with your feminine side, as well as relaxing sore muscles! 

*Interesting side note: Bubble Bath Day takes place within the same month (January) that is designated as Bath Safety Month

A Few Bubbly Products

Mr Bubble Bubble Bath
Most kids today know about and have used the original bubble bath for kids. Bath time is more fun with these biggest, longest-lasting bubbles with the original bubblegum scent. Bring back memories of your childhood and create new  memories with your own family.  

 Mr. Bubble was invented in 1961 and has been popular ever since. In fact, it celebrated it's 50th anniversary in 2011.

Bath Bombs for Men

For guys who need to soak in a tub of hot water and use Epson Salts to try and relax their muscles and relieve pain and discomfort, these bath bombs for men are marvelous and so much nicer than just Epson Salts alone. 

Handmade by Natalia and Irina in Florida, these bath bombs for men are made with all natural ingredients using Relaxing Epsom Salt, Moisturizing Apricot Kernel Oil, and Scents for Aromatherapy! Check them out at the Relaxcation Etsy Shop on Etsy.

Cocoa Buttermilk Bubble Bath Powder

And as a self-care gift for HER, this Cocoa Butter Milk Bubble Bath Powder foams, fizzes and bubbles while releasing the benefits of cocoa butter into the water and fragrance into the air. Handmade by Valerie in Kentucky and available in her Etsy Shop SwankOnYa.

Benefits of a Bubble Bath

Most of us never take the time for this relaxing way of pampering ourselves. A quick shower in the morning – and it's off to work or school. Showers may be convenient and quick, but you can't relax standing up! 

There are benefits to taking a bubble bath – or even a long soak in hot water. It relaxes your muscles and refreshes your skin. It can even help with any congestion you might have. 

So allow yourself the luxury of a sudsy soak because everybody deserves a little me-time now and then. 

Oh, and don’t forget your rubber duckie!

rubber duckie

For more Holiday Reviews, Click on ReviewThisReviews: Holidays

*Bubble Bath Day review written by Wednesday Elf

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, January 6, 2023

Easy Cheesecake Recipe Reviewed

A Cheesecake Recipe for Success!

My family loves cheesecake, therefore, it is probably the most frequently baked dessert in my kitchen.  I bake several each month and most recently baked a cheesecake instead of a birthday cake for my mother's birthday. 

This easy cheesecake is most often what I make for dessert when we are entertaining.  I can either make it the day before, or the morning of an event.  It seems everyone loves cheesecake!

The only drawback is that it does take about 2 hours to make, bake & cool.  Plus, it needs to set in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours. 

While it is very easy, it does take time.  However, it is worth the wait!

Easy Cheesecake Recipe by Sylvestermouse

Prep Time Cook Time Cool Time Total Prep Time Fridge Set Ready In Yields
15 min. 50 min. 60 min. 2 hrs. 5 min. Time 4 hrs. 6 hrs. 8 - 10 servings

Cheesecake Ingredients 

     • 2 cups graham crumbs (15 graham cracker sheets) 

cheesecake ingredients

     • 2 tablespoons sugar 

      • ⅔ cup butter melted (11 Tablespoons) 

   For Cheesecake: 

      • 24 ounces cream cheese softened 

     • 1 cup sugar 

     • 1 teaspoon vanilla 

     • 3 eggs 


1. Wrap the springform pan with 2 layers of 18” heavy duty aluminum foil 

2. Preheat oven to 350°F. (Convection Oven 325°F) 

3. By hand, Mix crust ingredients until well combined.  

4. Press into a 9" springform pan. 

5. Beat cream cheese, sugar and vanilla until fluffy. 

6. Add eggs one at a time, beating until incorporated (do not overbeat). 

7. Pour cheesecake mixture into crust. 

8. Place in

   (Pour enough HOT water in the pan to reach half way up the foil covered springform pan.)
   Water Bath Pan is really heavy when filled with water. It is easier to set it in the oven and
   then add the water.  

9.   Bake 50 minutes. 

10. Turn off oven, open oven door slightly and allow the cheesecake to cool in the oven for 1 hour. 

11. Remove from oven and from waterbath 

12. Remove springform pan and cool completely in the fridge at least 4 hours or overnight. 

homemade cheesecake



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Easy Cheesecake Recipe Reviewed Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse

© 2023 Cynthia Sylvestermouse

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