Thursday, July 14, 2022

Sparring Partners by John Grisham


St Louis Gateway Arch and Old Courthouse
Gateway Arch and Old Courthouse

Sometimes, especially if I've just finished a rather long book, I am in the mood for a shorter story.  In his latest book, John Grisham, delivers three interesting short stories that can each be read in one or two afternoons.  I downloaded the book when I saw a photo of the Gateway Arch on the front cover.  Since I am from the St. Louis area, I always find it interesting to read stories about my hometown.  It is fun to read about places I recognize and to see the St. Louis sports teams mentioned. I am also a fan of John Grisham's thrillers, so I know I will always find an interesting read when I pick up one of his books.

I really enjoyed all three of the novellas in the book.  Below is a brief synopsis of each of the stories.


This story brings back a familiar Grisham character in Jake Brigance and returns to Ford County the scene of other Grisham books.  In this story however, Brigance is no longer in the courtroom but is contacted by a former lawyer in town in a mysterious way.  The lawyer, Mark Stafford left town three years earlier in the middle of the night without letting anyone know.  It was discovered he had stolen money from his clients and then disappeared.  Why is he back and what does he want with Jake Brigance?  You will want to read this story to find the answers.

Strawberry Moon

In the second story in the book, we meet Cody Wallace, a death row inmate with only three hours to live.  When all appeals have ended and the last chance for clemency from the governor has gone by, Cody has one final request.  It is a very unusual request that you will have to read the story to discover.

Sparring Partners

Sparring Partners is the third story in the book and the one that takes place in St. Louis.  I enjoyed the St. Louis references and the story was intriguing.  In this book we meet two brothers who are partners in a major law firm that they inherited from their father.  The firm had been very successful under the father's watch, but he is now in prison charged with the murder of his wife, the boys' mother.  The firm is now in a financial turmoil and the brothers do not know how to work together.

In fact, the brothers will not even talk to each other except through the only person they both trust, another attorney in the firm named Diantha Bradshaw.  

From here the story takes several twists and turns and keeps you engrossed until the very end.

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Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Hairless Guinea Pigs Review - Are They The Right Pet For You?


hairless guinea pig pet

Guinea pigs have been popular pets for centuries.  It is believed that the first guinea pigs were imported to North America in the 16th century, from Europe.  However it is only in the last 30 years have hairless guinea pigs have been on the piggie pet scene!  There are two distinct types of hairless guinea pigs, the Skinny and the Balwin and though each were brought about by a spontaneous mutation, the reasons for their hairless nature is totally different.  Let's look at both types:

Two Types of Hairless Guinea Pigs

Skinny Pigs are mostly hairless due to a recessive gene.  Some of them have small tufts of hair on their head, shoulders or feet and some of them have a bit of "peach fuzz" down their back.  They are born hairless and the bits of hair grow in as they grow older.  Skinnies are quite wrinkled and also quite chatty, frequently squeaking to other pigs or to its human owners.  Skinnies have been available as pets since the 1990's, and are quite popular, especially to people with fur allergies.

skinny pig - a type of hairless guinea pig

Baldwin Guinea Pigs came about because of a genetic mutation and are born looking like a regular furry type pig.  However during the first week after birth, they begin to lose their hair.  They are completely hairless by two months of age other than their whiskers and a bit of fur on their feet.  When grown, these guinea pigs will have rubbery feeling skin with lots of wrinkles and big, droopy ears, which give them a comical look.  Baldwin is a fairly new breed, but is growing more popular because of its uniqueness. 

baldwin guinea pig - a type of hairless guinea pig

Temperment and Coloration

Temperament of hairless guinea pigs is quite different than that of furred guinea pigs. They are usually more social with their humans. It is common for them to come out of their sleep sack looking to be petted and picked up. They really love cuddling with their humans and snuggling in your neck or hair. They are very sweet and lovable. They are also very curious and love to explore new places. They learn very quickly and can be taught simple tasks with food rewards.

Skinnies come in a variety of colors from solid black or white to brown. brindle and spotted or patterned.  Baldwins can be multicolored and patterned, tortoiseshell, Dutch or Himalayan.

What Do Hairless Pigs Eat ?   How Much and How Often ?

Hairless pigs eat the same things as furred guinea pigs: high quality pellet food, timothy hay and fresh vegetables. Try to stay away from gas producing veggies, such as cauliflower and cabbage, as they might invite gastric distress. Kale, broccoli, carrots and spinach are good choices.

Hairless varieties usually eat more than furred pigs because they have a faster metabolism to help keep them warm. Because they eat more, they will also poop more, so cage cleaning will have to be more frequent, probably twice a week or every five days at the most.

It is very important to have plenty of fresh clean water available at all times!

How Long Do Hairless Pigs Live?  How Much Do They Cost?

Skinnies and Baldwins live about as long as a furred guinea pig, about 5 to 7 years.  They can be neutered or spayed, a good idea if you plan to have more than one.  It is important that you see that they have regular veterinary care as hairless animals of any variety many times a little more delicate constitution and need regular check ups to keep them in prime heath.

The cost of a hairless pig is quite high compared to its furry counterpart, usually between $100 and $200.  It is not suggested that hairless pigs be bred by people who are not knowledgable about the breed.  Amateur breeders many times end up with unhealthy babies, many of which are not hairless at all.

Can Hairless Guinea Pigs Spend Time Outside?

Important Do's and Don'ts:

You can enjoy taking your pig outdoors, as long as you take a few precautions. If you do, then your time together outside can be fun and productive.

  1. Make sure it is warm enough. The outside temperature should be between 72 and 78 degrees.
  2. Do not place your pig in direct sunlight. Without hair, their skin can burn quickly. Never put sunscreen on your pig, it can be toxic.  Always make sure you pig is in the shade.
  3. Get a play pen, or use a harness. Never let your pig roam around loose, as they are a very tempting treat for hawks or other predatory birds.
  4. Make sure that the grass that your piggies are walking on has not been treated with any kind of fertilizer or pesticide. These can cause skin rashes from contact or illness or death if ingested.
  5. If you use a harness and leash, let he or she lead you around. Do not try to make them follow you like a dog walks on a leash.
  6. The most important thing to remember when taking your pig outside is to never leave them unattended, even in a fenced enclosure. If left alone they are easy prey for dogs, cats, and birds.

Please Remember...

Guinea Pigs are very social animals that love to spend time with you. If you don't have time to spend with them, please get them a companion pig, so they can keep each other company. Don't let them be sad and lonely!

hairless guinea pigs

Image Credits:  Wikipedia

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

A Review Of Blackout Curtain Liners

Blackout Curtain Liners

About two months ago we bought a pair of blackout curtain liners. Our bedroom faces full west and especially in summer, we get the sun shining in the room all afternoon and well into the evening. In some ways this is lovely, however, it does mean that this room gets very hot for sleeping. 

I need a cool room to sleep in these days or I simply cannot sleep. It never used to bother me but now it is essential to be cool! Without a good night's sleep, I simply can't function very well the day after. Deep peaceful restful sleep is essential for our good health and I was just not getting enough sleep week after week. 

We do not have air conditioning, it is not a routine thing to have in the UK and would be really expensive to install for the sake of one room.

My original solution was to have a fan going pretty much all night but now with rising energy costs, I am not keen to spend money on an electric fan going all night for months every summer. 

We had a beautiful curtain up but it is not thick and so even when drawn the sun and the heat still got through. Also, the sun has the ability to fade some furniture and fabrics so it is useful to keep the sun off those items of home decor. The added problem was that we were routinely woken up very early with the dawn as the light comes in.

We did not want to change the curtains as we love them and it is expensive to buy new curtains as it is a large window. Equally, we do not want to spend a lot of money on installed fitted blackout blinds or shutters. So I wanted to find a quick and easy solution.

Blackout Curtain Liners
Curtains with blackout liner attached

Blackout Liners For Curtains

I knew about blackout blinds but we did not want blinds up at that window. I then discovered that you can buy blackout curtain liners. These fix into your existing curtains on the inside and provide a layer of material that blocks out the light and the sun. 

We have pencil pleat top curtains and so I looked for blackout liners that would fix to them. I found some, ordered them and hoped they would do the job. 

When they arrived neatly packed I unpacked them and proceeded to fix to our curtains. While there were a few creases I did not feel they needed ironing and since they have been hung a few days the creases dropped out anyway. 

I found the best way is to take the curtains down and lay on the bed. Then lay the liner on top of the curtain 

You simply use the curtain hooks to fix the two curtains together. Once I got the hang of it it took only a few minutes per curtain. 

Then we rehung the curtains. One or two of the fixing hooks did come off during the hanging process but it was an easy fix to simply re-hook them and they have since stayed on with no issues. 

I would say I could have done with a few more joining hooks than I had as they were a bit too spaced apart, so it is perhaps a good idea to buy a few more to give a better closer fit. 

Fixing liner to curtain
Fixing liner to curtain with hooks on pencil pleat curtains


Material For Blackout Curtain Liners

Our curtain liners are truly blackout. When up against the curtain they do not let any sunlight in. They do block and reflect sunlight very well. I have noticed on a hot sunny day if I put my hand behind the curtain and onto the liner that the liners are very warm but the curtain is not. 

Our blackout curtain liners by  Hachette Ltd are made from deluxe polyester and it does feel very smooth and soft to the touch with a slight sheen. They are also quite substantial and heavy for a liner. 

Although there were some creases when first hung up they did drop out quite quickly. I did not feel the need to iron them and in fact would consider that a waste of time and effort. We decided to go for a light grey colour and are happy with it. 

Liner material
Curtain blackout liner material

Tips For Buying Blackout Curtain Liners

1. Measure your curtains and choose liners that are the same size width-wise as your curtains. However, for the length, you need only buy the drop of a few inches below your window. The reason for this is that you only need the liner to cover the actual window pane so if you have full-length curtains that drop well below the frame you can if you wish only buy the drop for the window itself and save some money. 

2. Choose the best quality blackout liners you can afford. They do vary in quality and the ability to actually blackout the room. Not all are made equal so do check the materials and reviews so that you do get what you need.   

3. Choose liners that are washable. I always think it is a good idea to wash curtains and liners and dry cleaning is more expensive. 

4. Have a few more joining hooks that you think you need as this will give a better fit. 

5. Don't try to fit them while the curtains are up, it is so much harder that way. Lay the curtain on a flat surface and lay the liner on top then once fixed together hang both. 

6. Do be careful to buy the correct liners for the style of your curtains whether they are pencil pleat or another fitting. 

blackout lining
Sunlight through curtains with and without blackout liners

Were Blackout Liners The Solution?  

The outcome is much better than I hoped! You can see the difference easily in the photo above. Part of the curtain liner is drawn back and you can see the light easily coming through while on the other side it is very dark. This photo was taken at midday midsummer with full sunlight flooding in the window. 

When the curtains are drawn the sunlight does not get through at all and it is now so dark in there so we are no longer woken at 4am. Even better the heat in the room is reduced. 

It is the height of summer now so it is not cold in the room, but now is a more comfortable temperature and I no longer have to keep the fan going for hours. 

The curtains still draw well and although heavier, do now look better. 

While no substitute for full-on air conditioning, for when you want to keep your existing curtains and do not want to spend a lot of money on having blackout blinds or shutters installed, blackout liners are in my opinion a great solution for keeping the sun out of a room.   

Another real bonus to these curtains is that while they certainly do block summer sun and heat, I am advised they also keep the heat in the house during winter. This is wonderful news in a time of rising energy bills, anything that will conserve heat in winter is excellent. As I have not yet used the liners during winter I cannot say from my own experience but will report back.  

Curtain blackout lining
Showing the blackout liner behind the normal curtain 

So in my experience blackout curtain liners are a simple and easy relatively inexpensive solution to the problem of too much sun in any room. 

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Monday, July 11, 2022

Hallmark Christmas In July Movies 2022

Ready, set and go! Hot and humid weather can only mean a little air conditioning and cueing up the Hallmark Christmas in July movies! The favorite Hallmark Christmas movies are back from all years plus a few new Hallmark surprises.

santa in a snowglobe

Here are a few of my favorite Hallmark Christmas movies showing this July. 

Crown for Christmas  - Danica McKellar and Rupert Penry-Jones

One of the top if not at the very top Hallmark Christmas Movies of all time ! Danica McKellar is transported from her job as a maid in a swanky hotel to a nanny for an extremely adorable prince with an equally cute and trouble making princess. Great chemistry between all three leads and the palace staff make this a modern day romcom Hallmarkies will watch again... and again.

Christmas at Graceland - Kellie Pickler and Wes Brown

Enjoy a trip to Graceland via Hallmark which provides the love, romance, and country music. You haven't seen Graceland until you have seen Graceland decked out for Christmas.

Christmas Under Wraps - Candace Cameron Bure, David O'Donnell

In the top of Hallmark Christmas movies I can and do watch multiple times in a year. There I said it!  Bure is a career only focused doctor transplanted for a residency in a small Alaska town. A little Christmas romance percolates with the local Christmas family which happens to have a Christmas themed business with its' CEO who happens to look very Santa like. Hmmm. No disappoints here  and the leads do not disappoint.

Our Christmas Love Song - Alicia Witt, Brendan Hines

Fans of both Hallmark stars are in for a treat as these actors sing, act and dance their way through a Hallmark movie country style. Country music is the backdrop along with an original song by Alicia Witt.

New 2022 Christmas Movies

Hallmark fans will be delighted that Christmas In July this year will include  brand new Christmas movies - albeit early.

My Grown Up Christmas List with Kayla Wallace and Kevin McGarry

Campfire Christmas with Tori Anderson and Corbin Bleu

Christmas In Toyland with Vanessa Lengies and Jesse Hutch

Hallmark Christmas Movie Reviews

Hallmark Christmas Movies 2020 Reviewed by The Savvy Age

Finding Father Christmas by Cynthia

Christmas Tree Lane by The Savvy Age

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Sunday, July 10, 2022

Review of a Mini Sound Bar for TV with an HDMI ARC Connection

Sound Bar with HDMI Arc Connection
Sound Bar with HDMI Arc Connection

So, we bought a new smart tv for our bedroom. 

We put the old one in our make-shift hippie bedroom in the unfinished basement.

The Smart TV we purchased was not that expensive, and I think we discovered why; the sound wasn't perfect. 

We like the TV and the Smart Remote, so we decided to keep it and improve the sound with a Sound Bar.

Let Me Save You Some Time Before You Buy a Sound Bar for a TV

1. HDMI(Arc) Connection - ARC Stands for "Audio Return Channel"

The first Sound Bar we purchased had to be returned. 

It didn't have an HDMI(Arc) connection. 

You can still hook up the Sound Bar and get it working with an "Optical" connection, or standard audio connectors, but to get your volume control to work on your other remotes, you must connect the Sound Bar using the HDMI(Arc) connection. After googling my brains out, I found that out!

Most TVs have an HDMI(Arc) connection, but double-check that your TV has one! 

Our TV's HDMI(Arc) connection is located in the first HDMI port, or as most of us know from our TV screens, HDMI 1.

2. This Sound Bar Did Not Include an HDMI Cable

No matter the Sound Bar you decide to purchase, check to see if it includes an HDMI cable. 

Most Sound Bars come with an Optical connection cable, standard audio connectors, and sometimes USB connectors. However, the Sound Bars I purchased did not have a USB cable.

3. Which Connection is Best

Based on what I've read, the best connection for a Sound Bar to a TV is the HDMI(Arc) connection. 

The Optical connection is good too, but like I mentioned above, you can't get your other remotes to control the sound from your Sound Bar unless you use the HDMI(Arc).

4. Can You Use a Standard HDMI Cable, Being that it's going into an HDMI(Arc) port?

Yes. Just use a standard HDMI cable. Here is the type of HDMI cable we purchased; it works fine.

5. Do You Have to Change Settings in Your TV Menu to Hook Up a Sound Bar?

Yes, you do. 

Our TV is a new current Smart TV, so it was easy to figure out. There's an option to switch the Audio Output in your TV menu to Arc or Optical. 

Follow the instructions for your TV. 

On our TV, we had to select another option called "PCM" in the output audio section. 

Another option in the Settings section on our TV made the Sound Bar sync to our other remotes so that when we power down the tv, the Sound Bar switches off as well.

6. Another Tip to Get Your Sound Bar to Work

At first, I couldn't get the darn thing to work! 

Sheesh, I knew I had it hooked up correctly. 

I discovered that the Sound Bar remote control has input options; Arc, Opt (for Optical), and Aux for standard audio cables

I forgot to change the input on the Sound Bar's remote to Arc


7. Does the Sound Bar Come with a Remote?

Yes, it does. 

There are other sound options on the remote; 3D, Surround Sound, Music, etc. 

We simply selected one and operated the sound from our other remotes. 

But yes, you can use the Sound Bar remote to adjust the volume and the type of sound you want.

The Sound Bar unit has controls on the side should you misplace the remote.

Mini Soundbar with HDMI Arc Connector
Mini Sound Bar with HDMI(Arc) Connection

Here's the Mini Sound Bar with an HDMI(Arc) connection we selected from Amazon.

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Saturday, July 9, 2022

Nothing to Lose by J.A. Jance - Book Review

Bestselling author J.A. Jance has written four different series in the Mystery genre. Her Joanna Brady Mysteries and the Ali Reynolds Novels have both been previously reviewed here on ReviewThisReviews!

Wintertime in Alaska scene

The third series is the J.P. Beaumont Novels. My review today is of the newest Beaumont suspense novel titled Nothing to Lose


Nothing to Lose book cover
Years ago, J.P. Beaumont was a homicide detective with the Seattle PD. His partner, Sue Danielson, was murdered by her ex-husband when he came after her in her home. Terrified, Sue's teenage son frantically called Beaumont for help. Beau urged Jared to grab his younger brother and leave the house. As a result, Beau's plea and Jared's quick action saved the two boys from their father's murderous rage. 

Twenty years later, Jared reappears in Beau's life seeking help again. His younger brother, Chris, is missing. Beau, who is now a retired cop working as a private investigator, and still haunted by the events of that tragic night, doesn't hesitate to take the case. 

Beaumont follows a lead to the wilds of wintertime Alaska where he finds a tangled web of family secrets and where a killer with nothing to lose is waiting to kill again.


The entire J.P. Beaumont Mystery series by J.A. Jance is excellent, as are all her books. I am a huge fan of her writings. The Beaumont series is a continuing one, but each story in the series can stand alone as well. Therefore, you do not need to begin with Book #1 to enjoy the story in Nothing to Lose. But, that said, I do highly recommend reading the entire series in order to follow the adventures of Beau from the first book to this latest one. 

Book review of Nothing to Lose by J.A. (Judith Ann) Jance 

by Wednesday Elf

This book (Number 23 of 23 in the J.P. Beaumont series) is an Amazon Editor's pick for Best Mystery, Thriller & Suspense:

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Friday, July 8, 2022

Telephone & Address Books Are Not Outdated

old personal phone book
I recently heard an adult say they did not know their spouses cell phone number because it was saved on their cell phone. They had never bothered to memorize it and had no clue where or how to find it without their cell phone.  I found that very interesting.

In many cases, children can no longer tell you their home phone number (if they have one) or their parent's cell phone number.  I find that frightening.

I remember a time when I could rattle off my home phone number, my closest friends phone numbers, family member's phone numbers, work phone numbers, and even the local theater's phone number. I can't do that now, but I do have my husband's cell phone number memorized, as well as our children's number.  Frankly, the rest are saved on my cell phone.  However, I am still a firm believer in keeping my physical address book up to date.

In the past, when I carried a purse, my address/telephone book was always part of my handbag contents and I carried it with me everywhere.  Since I no longer carry a purse, I do rely on my cell phone for friend's numbers if I am away from home, but my physical address book is still safe and available at home.

Times have certainly changed. The phone company no longer prints phone books for us. Therefore, keeping a personal telephone & address book should not be outdated

Let's face it!  If you lose your cell phone, or if the phone simply dies, you literally lose the ability to call anyone even if you can borrow a phone.


Telephone & Address Books

Having a specific place for phone numbers & addresses is extremely helpful.  Just the other day, I watched my own husband frantically search scraps of paper and notes for a friends phone number.  He did find it, but it would have been so much easier for him if he had it written in an address & phone book.

For me, having a telephone & address book is a necessity. Most likely, I would be bald if I frequently had to search for a specific slip of paper.

If you don't already have a telephone & address book, perhaps you should consider purchasing one and writing important numbers in it. After all, you don't want to lose contact information along with a cell phone.


 Iconikal Address and Telephone Book, Black, 8 x 5 inchesCheck Price Address Book with Alphabetical Tabs - Telephone & Address Book with Address Contacts, Special Date, Phone, Birthday & Internet Login Password for Home and Office, 4.3Check Price Small Address Book Large Print - Address and Phone Book with Alphabet Tabs - Contact Book Spiral Bound Hardcover - Cute Address Book Design - OrganizerCheck Price Large Print Jar Address Book by Susan Winget - Large Print Address Book, 56 Pages, Big 7 inch by 8-1/2 inch, Spiral-Bound, Easy Reading Legible Print FormsCheck Price


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Thursday, July 7, 2022

Thunder Dog Book Review


yellow lab thunder dog book cover

8:46 a.m. Michael Hingson, along with his faithful guide dog, Roselle, had been experiencing a normal morning at work. And then, suddenly and violently, their building was rocked by a massive explosion. Everything began to sway and tilt at a severe angle. Debris rained down on them. What was happening? 

No one knew yet that American Airlines Flight 11 had just slammed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center at 500 miles per hour. With 10,000 gallons of fuel on board, everything was soon engulfed by flames, smoke, shattering glass, and dangerous fuel mist. Michael, blind since infancy, knew something was very wrong, but he took comfort in the fact that Roselle was completely calm. 

Though surrounded by chaos, and screaming, panicked people, Roselle did not act afraid. Michael knew they needed to head to the staircase and make their way out. It would be no simple thing, as they were on the 78th floor of Tower One. Safety was 1,463 steps away. There was only one thing to do: Give Roselle her command. Forward.

It would ultimately take an hour to get to Ground Zero and out the door to what they hoped would be their escape. As they took step after step after step, burn victims passed them in a hurry to get the medical help they needed. Firemen, and other emergency personnel, though rushing up the stairs to help other victims, paused to see if Michael and Roselle needed assistance. 

Shortly after exiting the first twin tower, the second tower, just 100 yards from them, began to collapse. Michael and Roselle ran for their lives, choking desperately for air, as an atom bomb-like cloud of dust surrounded them. The nightmare seemed never-ending. It would be hours before survivors could even begin to make their way to loved ones.

Lives were forever changed on 9/11. Because this day will always be one of our nation's most memorable, and important days, Michael Hingson and Roselle's story, as told in Thunder Dog, is one that needs to be heard. Not only is there healing in telling our stories, but their story is much more than an account of making the descent out of the World Trade Center. 

The real story is the ascent story: How Hingson and Roselle rose to be there in the first place. How does a blind man and a yellow lab end up living successfully in a world that is not always set up to support a thriving life? What are the lessons we can learn from them? Michael shares with us the vital messages of trust, of faith, of the importance of working together. These themes are especially timely as our nation continues to be in crisis.

Thunder Dog helped me gain a greater perspective and understanding of what it means to be disabled. In some ways, we are all disabled. It was incredibly enlightening for me to learn more about how differently abled individuals navigate through the challenges, and opportunities, presented every single day. I was astounded by Michael Hingson's adaptability (especially his use of echolocation) and full of admiration for how his family supported Michael's growth and actualization into his current fullness of being.

And, of course, I so respect those who pour themselves into the nurturing and training of guide dogs. What an amazing journey that is. Roselle, rightfully, has earned numerous awards and accolades for her exceptional service to humanity. Well done, Roselle. Good girl!

I will end with one of Michael's quotes that spoke to me: Don't let your sight get in the way of your vision. May we all take that to heart as we learn to see with the kind of wisdom that makes a true difference for others. We are all in this together.

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Wednesday, July 6, 2022

The Best Keto-Friendly Chocolate Hazelnut Spreads With No Added Sugars

The original Nutella is a luscious, thick, milk chocolate hazelnut spread manufactured by Ferrero. It has been beloved by chocolate and hazelnut lovers worldwide since it was introduced in 1964. Unfortunately, it's also packed with refined cane sugar and carbohydrates! That means it's unsuitable for anyone who is trying to avoid added sugars, following a keto diet or embracing a healthy, low carb lifestyle.

After trying many different keto-friendly chocolate hazelnut spreads over the past three years, I can highly recommend my three favorites as excellent Nutella alternatives for chocolate lovers who are watching their carbs, trying to cut back on sugar or just trying to eat healthier without feeling deprived.

Today, I'll be comparing and reviewing these top three product picks, which also fit a variety of other dietary restrictions and special diets, such as gluten-free and soy-free:

Low Carb Keto-Friendly Chocolate Hazelnut Spreads No Added Sugar
These luscious keto-friendly chocolate hazelnut spreads are so good, you'll never miss the sugar!

Before I embarked on a keto diet in 2019 and decided to make the switch to a low carb lifestyle long term, I was a huge fan of the original Nutella chocolate hazelnut spread from Ferrero for many years. Unfortunately, Nutella has 22g of carbohydrates and 21g of net carbs, of which 19g are added sugars (cane sugar), according to the Nutella nutrition information on the manufacturer's website.

My favorite low carb Nutella alternatives with no added sugars are Livlō Zellō Keto-Friendly Chocolate Hazelnut Spread (2g net carbs), ChocZero Cocoa Hazelnut Keto Spread (1g net carbs) and ChocZero Dark Cocoa Hazelnut Keto Spread (1g net carbs). All three of these spreads are delicious, high-quality products. Which one(s) you choose will come down to personal preferences, price and dietary requirements.

For example, Livlō Zellō has the most pronounced hazelnut flavor and a somewhat sweeter taste than the ChocZero spreads. It has a thinner consistency and can be refrigerated to firm it up, if desired. It's also more expensive per ounce. Another difference is that you can purchase Livlō Zellō in a choice of jars or a 10-pack of convenient, portable, single-serving packets that you can pop in your purse, backpack, bag or lunch box to take on the go.

The ChocZero Cocoa Hazelnut Spreads (both regular and dark cocoa) have a more chocolate/cocoa-forward flavor and are a bit less sweet than the Livlō Zellō, especially the dark cocoa hazelnut spread. Both these ChocZero spreads have a thicker consistency that's more similar to Nutella, and refrigeration is not recommended. They are also significantly less expensive per ounce.

Although all three spreads contain no added sugars, the Livlō Zellō contains 1g of sugar, so it isn't considered "sugar-free" based on USDA nutrition information product labeling requirements. The ChocZero Dark Cocoa Hazelnut Keto Spread and the Livlō Zellō are both vegan and dairy free, whereas the regular ChocZero Cocoa Hazelnut Keto Spread contains milk.

Side-by-Side Comparison of Livlō Zellō and ChocZero Keto-Friendly Chocolate Hazelnut Spreads With No Added Sugars

Flavor, Size and Price


Livlō Zellō Keto-Friendly Chocolate Hazelnut Spread

ChocZero Cocoa Hazelnut Keto Spread

ChocZero Dark Cocoa Hazelnut Keto Spread

Flavor, Sweetness & Consistency

Milk chocolate hazelnut flavor, hazelnut flavor is stronger than in the two ChocZero spreads, the sweetest of the three, thinner consistency (can refrigerate to thicken, if desired)

Milk chocolate hazelnut, nice balance of cocoa and hazelnut, medium sweetness, medium-thick consistency

Dark chocolate hazelnut, leans more toward cocoa than hazelnut, a bit deeper and less sweet than the other two spreads, thickest consistency


10-ounce jar OR 10 single-serving packets

12-ounce jar

12-ounce jar

Amazon price (at publication date)

$12.55 OR $15.90



Amazon price per ounce (at publication date)

$1.26 OR $1.41



Free Amazon Prime delivery




Nutrition Facts


Livlō Zellō Keto-Friendly Chocolate Hazelnut Spread

ChocZero Cocoa Hazelnut Keto Spread

ChocZero Dark Cocoa Hazelnut Keto Spread

Serving size

2 Tbsp

2 Tbsp

2 Tbsp





Total Fat




  Sat. Fat




  Trans Fat












Total Carbohydrate




  Dietary Fiber




  Total Sugars




    Added Sugars




  Sugar Alcohol (Erythritol)








Net Carbs (Total carbs-dietary fiber-sugar alcohols=net carbs)

2g net carbs

1g net carbs

1g net carbs


Livlō Zellō Keto-Friendly Chocolate Hazelnut Spread

ChocZero Cocoa Hazelnut Keto Spread

ChocZero Dark Cocoa Hazelnut Keto Spread

Hazelnuts, Almonds, Erythritol, Cocoa Powder (processed with alkali), Dark Chocolate Chips (unsweetened chocolate, erythritol, cocoa butter, stevia extract, sunflower lecithin), Sunflower Oil, Sunflower Lecithin, Natural Flavors, Sea Salt, Monk Fruit Extract

Fiber Mix (non-GMO resistant dextrin, allulose, fructooligosaccharide), Vegetable Oils and Fats (sustainable palm fruit oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter), Roasted Hazelnuts, Skim Milk Powder, Cocoa Powder, Sunflower Lecithin, Monk Fruit Extract, Natural Vanilla Flavor

Fiber Mix (non-GMO resistant dextrin, fructooligosaccharide), Vegetable Oils and Fats (sustainable palm fruit oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter), Roasted Hazelnut, Cocoa Powder, Sunflower Lecithin, Monk Fruit Extract, Natural Vanilla Flavor

Dietary Restrictions / Special Diets

One of the great things about these three chocolate hazelnut spreads with no added sugars is that they can accommodate a variety of dietary restrictions for people on special diets.


Livlō Zellō Keto-Friendly Chocolate Hazelnut Spread

ChocZero Cocoa Hazelnut Keto Spread

ChocZero Dark Cocoa Hazelnut Keto Spread


Low Carb




No Added Sugars

No Sugar Alcohols

Contains erythritol

Uses Only Plant-Based Sweeteners

Erythritol, stevia extract and monk fruit extract

Monk fruit extract, prebiotic fiber and allulose * **

Monk fruit extract and prebiotic fiber *






Food Allergy Awareness Info

Contains hazelnuts, almonds

May contain a trace amount of peanuts and other tree nuts because of processing on shared equipment.

Contains coconut, hazelnut, milk. Produced in a facility that processes peanuts and tree nuts.

Contains coconut, hazelnut. Produced in a facility that processes milk and peanuts.

* Check out ChocZero’s answer to the FAQ, "Is ChocZero keto friendly?" to learn why monk fruit extract and prebiotic fiber can be considered healthy, keto-friendly sweeteners.

** Read the Healthline article “Is Allulose Keto-Friendly?” to understand why allulose can be an excellent sweetener for someone following a low carb or ketogenic diet when used in moderation.

Jars of Livlo Zello and ChocZero regular and dark cacao chocolate hazelnut spreads with swooshes of each
The ChocZero Dark Cocoa Hazelnut Keto Spread (left) is the thickest; the original ChocZero Cocoa Hazelnut Keto Spread (right) is slightly thinner; the Livlō Zellō Keto-Friendly Chocolate Hazelnut Spread (middle) is more fluid and spreads out more (unless you refrigerate it after stirring well).

Additional Considerations

Here are a few other considerations to help inform your product choices.


Livlō Zellō Keto-Friendly Chocolate Hazelnut Spread

ChocZero Cocoa Hazelnut Keto Spread

ChocZero Dark Cocoa Hazelnut Keto Spread


Also Available in Single-Serving Packets



Small business brand

Recommended Storage

Can be stored at room temperature, May be refrigerated (after stirring well) for a firmer texture, if desired.

Store in a cool, dry place, preferably at 63-68 °F (17-20 °C).

For best results, do not refrigerate or microwave.

Store in a cool, dry place, preferably at 63-68 °F (17-20 °C).

For best results, do not refrigerate or microwave.

Note: In my experience, refrigerating the original or dark cocoa ChocZero Cocoa Hazelnut Keto Spread makes it quite stiff and hard to mix or spread. However, during the cold winter months, I often scoop out a tablespoon or two into a custard cup and microwave it for a few seconds to gently warm it slightly and thin it out, and then drizzle it over keto-friendly berries, ice cream or other low carb desserts.

Comparing the Best Keto-Friendly Chocolate Hazelnut Spreads - No Added Sugars by Margaret Schindel

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Preparing to Succeed on the Keto Diet, Part One

Preparing to Succeed on the Keto Diet, Part Two

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