Showing posts with label Decor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Decor. Show all posts

Sunday, August 13, 2017

How to Paint an Open Concept Room with High Ceilings

How to Paint An Open Concept Room With High Ceilings
 Photo Via Pixabay

Although high ceilings and open concept décor are what most people want today in a home, these spaces can be challenging to decorate.

Before adding color and scale to a space, open floor plans can make a room feel cold and cavernous.

Although it seems contrary to the point of the room, making the space cozy and comfy means scaling down its vastness.

Using Two Colors to Scale Down Tall Ceilings

Two colors on a tall wall create a natural break in height, allowing you to define the space around the color choice on the bottom. The top color can be used as an accent tone for additional pieces in the room.

The example in the above photo shows the two-color concept in action. The bottom section is a deep, rich sea blue color, with the top of the wall painted white. Although white seems like a non-color, it's used to contrast the white cabinet and other accessories, making it part of the intended feel.

But don't stop at two colors; add a third.
One Large Feature Wall Using Two Colors
Featuring a White Fireplace
Photo Via Pixabay

One of the general decorating rules is to work with three shades in the same color family as your base colors. The photo shows how stark just two colors can be. Introducing a third color automatically softens a space.

An Open Concept Wall that Spans Two Rooms

If you have a completely open space that spans two rooms, such as a living room into a dining room where the wall flows from one to the other, it's best to use one color for the entire wall.

The exception would be if you could divide the space using a textured wall feature between the two, like a brick or wood wall divider.

A Concept Room with One Tall Feature Wall

If you have one wall in your space that spans two storeys or is very tall and is visible from other areas, you can paint that entire wall a darker shade while painting another wall that abuts it a lighter shade in the same color family. Thus, the darker wall becomes your feature wall.

If you have windows or a fireplace on that wall with white trim, that's even better, as the darker color will pop even more. In fact, walls with windows and other light-colored architectural trim are ideal for darker-colored paint.

Other Decorating Tricks to Deal with Tall Walls Featured Below in the Collection of Photos:

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, July 30, 2017

How to Decorate a Room with Purple

Photo Via Pixabay
Last week we covered how to include the color Orange in home décor, so let's talk Purple this week

While orange in home décor is the most misunderstood, purple may be the most feared.

However, there's no need to be shaking in those boots.

Since there's various shades of purple ranging from very soft to royal bold, you can choose what works best for you. Also, don't think purple is just for bedrooms either, you'll be surprised just what you can do with a living room decked out in purple.

Still have doubts? Then, scroll to the bottom of this page to see the collection of rooms decorated in different shades of purple.

Before Decorating with Purple Make One of These Three Decisions:

1. You only want to add a little purple to your space
2. You want a more sophisticated look in your purple room
3. You want the room to have a deep rich look of purple

Let's Discuss How to Use Purple Based Upon Points 1,2, and 3

Just a Little Purple in Your Living Room:

Start by adding a touch of soft yellow. Why soft yellow? Because yellow is a complimentary color to purple and will help the small amounts of purple you add, to pop.

Add the yellow to a feature wall. Then add a lightly pattern neutral drape that contains both the yellow and purple. Keep your couch a neutral color, like white, then add two accent chairs in a medium toned purple (slightly darker).

Finish the space off by adding multiple pillows in a combination of the purples and yellow featured in the space. Mix the pillows up with solids and patterns.

A More Sophisticated Look Using Purple:
Photo Via Pixabay

Start by painting a feature wall in a lighter purple-grey shade.

You can paint more than one wall. If you're color-brave go ahead and paint the whole room in that color.

Next choose a couch in a solid charcoal grey color, and choose accent chairs that are closer to the lighter grey-purple you've painted the walls.

For your drapes, bring in a third neutral color like a light tan or beige.

Finally, end the look with pillow accessories but use darker shades of purple on a few solid color cushions and then choose patterns for the others that have both a mix of light purple-grey and tans.

A Deep Rich Braver Attack of Purple in Your Living Room:

So you're gutsy and ready to go all out purple. First choose a deep rich violet purple for a large feature wall. Or better yet, on a fireplace wall.

Next go with the same or similar rich purple that you chose for the wall for the couch. For the drapes continue with the bold theme by using a deep pink-purple.

For the accent chairs, you'll need a neutral tone, and believe it or not, a lovely burnt orange will work. Lastly, bring all the shades you've included in the room into various plain and patterned pillows.

Check Out This Collection of Rooms Decorated in Purple as Well as Purple Accessories

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Understanding the Color Orange in Home Decor

Orange Home Décor Ideas & Accessories
Most love the color orange, however, think about it ... how many homes have you seen use the color orange in their decorating scheme?

Let's Review T
he Color Orange, and What it Evokes

The most misunderstood color in the paint deck is Orange.

When we think about orange what tends to come to mind is Food, Halloween, or Autumn. However the feeling that orange gives to a space may surprise you.

Orange, especially a child's room can encourage a warm, friendly, youthful, and socially inviting space. Don't hesitate to add orange accessories to the room, such as pillows, book shelves, a rug, drapes or go ahead and create a focal point and pop of color by painting one wall a bright and inviting orange hue.

Spaces and Ways to Include Orange

1. Since an outdoor space is meant to be socially inviting, cheerful and a positive space to gather,
orange makes an excellent choice when decorating a deck or patio.

2. If your room has a lot of light, adding orange can help to further brighten the room and even help to make the space seem larger. Pops of orange add positivity and energy.

3. Pair orange with a color on the opposite side of the spectrum such as a deep blue. Pairing these two colors together can lead you down the path of creating a Moroccan theme. By combining opposite colors you balance the space.

4. How about a tropical theme? If you're a brave decorator you can take an orange room to the beach by combining orange with hot pink and yellow. Since all of these colors are positioned close together on the color wheel, your space will have an analogous theme.

Try a couch in yellow, a loveseat with orange, yellow and pink stripes, and a solid dark pink chair! Lighten the space up with a pale multi colored small patterned floral rug and then go all out with one wall painted in deep orange. 

Characteristics Associated with Orange
  • Cheerful
  • Self Confident
  • Flamboyant 
  • Warm Hearted
  • Adventurous
  • Comical
  • Able to handle what life dishes out
  • Sociable
  • Enjoy being part of a group or team
For those who lived through the 1970's, you'll recall Orange being a popular color in home décor. My baby brothers room was decorated with orange and white furnishings and an orange shag rug! Cheerful, fun, inviting...yes, that was his space.

Orange is fun, put your brave on and go for it. 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Review of Home Decor Gift Ideas for Those Born Under the Sign of Cancer

We've all struggled over what gift to get that special someone.

People shopping for an astrology gift tend to choose personal items such as jewelry. That's perfectly fine, however, when you give a home décor astrology gift, you're giving something that's both personal and practical.

Understanding Cancerian traits will help you choose the right gift item. There are a number of ways to choose an astrology gift:
  • Understanding the sign's personality
  • Choosing a gift from the symbol of their sign
  • Choosing a gift from other factors of their sign such as color, element, the sign's planet, lucky numbers, lucky day or birthstone
If you have a Cancerian in your family, you already know they're very sensitive, sentimental, intuitive, and for the most part a homebody.

One of their most notable characteristics is their loyalty to those they love. They're committed to their obligations and can be counted on in a relationship to be there one hundred percent. Compassion and empathy for those who suffer is also a noble part of their personality. Their heart is big.

If you're close to a Cancerian, you may have discovered that they can also be quite vengeful, so try not to get on their bad side! That saying ... 'hurt people hurt people' can easily apply to astrological cancer!

Cancer Astrology Facts:
  • Birthday falls June 21st and July 22nd
  • Their Element is Water
  • Their Symbol is the Crab
  • Their Planet is the Moon
  • Their Birthstone is Ruby
  • Their Lucky Number is 2, 7, 11, 16, 20, 25
  • Their Colors are Blues, Whites and Pale Colors
  • Their Day of the Week is Monday
With the above Cancer Astrology Facts, You're Ready for Some Gift Ideas:
  • Bedding with the Crab symbol on it
  • A crab's and coral end table (that's different, you need to check it out)
  • Crab themed lamps or night lights
  • Gorgeous canvas art of the moon
  • Pillows in blue, white and other pale colors featuring the lucky numbers
  • A ruby colored area rug
  • A table-top waterfall

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, July 9, 2017

How to Create a Light and Airy Room with a Pop of Color

How to Create a Light and Airy Room with a Pop of Color

The Walls & Floors:

Choose light colors for the floors and walls for a light and airy room design.

The base of the room should be neutral. The very light grey/tan walls and the light hardwood floor provide the foundation to start. You don't have to choose the colors featured above; just remember that whatever you decide, they should be neutral.

The Furniture:

If the wall is further away from your couch, it's best to place an end table on each side of the couch.

By the way, you don't have to use end tables that are precisely the same; in fact, different tables on each side of the couch can look fantastic. Remember to create a common denominator between them, like the color, the material, or the lamps.

When the color of the couch is neutral, use accessories to add pops of color. If your wall color is a different neutral, just use a darker shade or darker for your couch and chairs. By staying in the neutral family with your furniture, you can use accessories and art as the basis for your true funky pop of color.

Wall Art:

In a neutral, airy space, wall art is where you choose the pop of color you want, and from there, you pull out one, two, or three colors to use as the room's accessory colors.

So go ahead and find the art you want to use for your light, airy room first. Once you have the art and know the neutral tones you want to work with, the rest is fun.

The Accessories:

Add texture with accessories. Even knick-knacks can have cloth textured items with pops of color that have been pulled from art and pillows.

Another subtle, yet not so subtle, accessory that contributes to the room's airy, calm feeling is the wooden word 'Happy' placed on the tray on the coffee table. The designer was smart - by choosing the word you want people to feel when they enter, you're encouraging them to feel the mood of your intended design. A light and airy room does make you feel happy!

Let's Summarize:
  1. Choose the neutral colors you want for the walls and flooring
  2. Choose the couch in a shade or two darker than the walls (but still light in color, of course)
  3. Select the Wall Art you want for the space - but choose ones with pops of color you want to pull out to use as your accessory colors (You could also choose the art first)
  4. Accessorize the space using the color you choose from the art, along with other neutrals
  5. Use a variety of textures when you select your accessories: cloth, wood, ceramic, glass,
  6. Finish off the room with a funky wooden word ornament that defines your space: words like happy, calming, peaceful, love, relax
The next time you decorate a room, put your funk on and try it.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, July 2, 2017

How to Decorate a Small Space Using Color

How to Decorate a Small Space Using Color

Looking at a small space, we think, 'How will I get everything into it.'

If you've ever watched the TV show 'Tiny Homes,' you've seen how small spaces can be maximized and that, yes, it's totally possible to decorate a little room successfully and practically.

But What About Color in a Small Space?

You don't have to settle for bland colors because the room is small. You can make it funky and bright without shrinking its overall feel.

The Walls & Ceiling:

A good choice is a white-trimmed window to soften the darker wall. Also, having a light window on a darker background lets you introduce a pop of color using draperies. 

Yes, you can paint a ceiling a dark color and make it work. However, a dark ceiling can be challenging when a  room is small, and you're already putting darker colors on two walls.

The Wall Unit, Bed and Desk:

If the interior of a wall unit has dark shelves and a dark background, the room would feel and look more closed in. 

By putting color only on the front of the cabinet and leaving the rest white, you get storage and color without overpowering the space.

The primary reason a storage cabinet reaches the ceiling is the feeling of height it gives to the space, and storage of course. It gives a  sleek, streamlined appearance and lets you draw your eye upward, giving the illusion that the ceiling is high.

The Room's Accessories:

Other than the bedding, choose color. 

With solid-colored walls, floors, and bedding, the rug is a perfect place to feature funkiness. In fact, if you can find the rug first, you can draw colors from the carpet to determine the room's overall palette.

Use color in the lights, pillows,  drapes, bean bag chairs, photo frames, or a shelf or two as featured in the photo.

Texture - that's right, texture adds depth, even to a small room. Use texture in pillows, rugs, chair covers, and drapes. Without it, the room would feel stark. So go ahead and choose a bright textured rcarpet- you could even select a thicker shag rug.

Lastly, Your Color Palette:

That's easier than you think. If you're pulling colors from a rug, stay in the family of colors featured in that rug.

Another way to choose color is to select two colors, then allow the walls and floor to act as the neutral base, and always add a third and/or fourth color in the rest of the accessories. That helps to soften the feeling of the room. When you only select two primary colors, a space can feel more monochromatic and cold.

Don't let small spaces hold you back - let your funky side out.

Happy Decorating!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, June 25, 2017

It's Easy to Combine Rustic and Modern Decor - A Decorating Review You Can Try

Add a Brick Wall to Warm Up a Contemporary Space
It's not an exaggeration to say young people today tend to prefer a cleaner, slick, modern décor theme.

In fact, if you've recently visited renovated or new homes currently for sale, you've probably noticed that Staged homes are geared toward a contemporary look.

What about People who Prefer the Combination of Two Types of Decorating Schemes? Tying a Little Old with a Lot of New?

Let's take a look at the above featured photo as a how-to guideline for combining rustic with modern.

The obvious focal point and the one that adds the rustic aspect to the space is the brick-wall treatment. The exposed brick contributes an old world tradition to an otherwise modern youthful space.

With exposed brick, you're essentially decorating one (or two) walls to add a cozy, warm, inviting feeling to the space.

Contemporary décor, void of softer tones, texture and color, can come across as cold and uninviting. Texture is especially critical when you want to add warmth. With walls and floors being the two largest most impactful parts of a room, put-your-brave-on and go for it - add texture.

But Exposed Brick is Too Hard to Do Right?

Wrong. Most people avoid it because they're not ready to hire a craftsman to install the brick. However, if you're wearing-your-brave, take that leap, do it! The professional install will only add
Dress-up Your Brick Wall with Canvas Art
and Creative Lighting
value (in most cases) to your home.

But guess what, you can DIY this project. That's right. Yes you can. Faux brick is something you can find and order online, and depending on the type of brick you choose, most go up with a peel and stick backing.

DIY faux brick walls are the easiest and least expensive way to add texture to your space. If you're too nervous to try a large wall, order just enough to do a small feature wall in your home. Once it's up, then decide if it's a look you're interested in pursuing further.

In terms of accents against an exposed brick wall, incorporate furniture with wood and rod iron. Rod iron in particular looks outstanding against exposed brick. Closely check the above photo and you'll see that the chairs have rod-iron legs on them.

Another point of interest in the above photo, is the mix of wood tones. Since the wood flooring, painted walls and kitchen area are completed in light colors within the same family and the exposed brick is in a darker shade in the tan/light brown family, the wood table set works perfectly.

So although you're looking at a space with white/grey/blonde wood floors and a darker wood table, it flows beautifully because the exposed brick wall ties the entire space together.

Give it a try!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, June 4, 2017

3 Decorating Choices for a Love Themed Bedroom

All You Need is Love - A Bedroom Theme Based on What the Worlds Need Now

Well, these grand sentiments may be a little too big for bedroom décor, however, decorating because love is love, family is love, children mean love, or you love to inspire how to love, makes all the sense in the world.

From deciding upon a nursery theme to decorating a master bedroom, love works. Love fits all ages, all sizes, and all families and best of all, we never outgrow love. We can re-use and re-purpose all things love.

Love Rugs - The One Time You Can Walk all Over Love to Feel Good

The above handcrafted, stain resistant Love Rug is like love itself; it works for all ages. Whether you're decorating a child's room or planning to add loveable funk to your master bedroom, this four foot by six foot, one inch thick rug makes a creative addition.

For the nursery, put it front of the crib, for a grown-up space, add it to the side or end of the bed, in the middle of the room, or depending upon the size of the space, in front of a corner reading chair.

If this rug isn't just right, be sure to visit the link under the above Love-Rug photo to view a wider selection of colors, styles and designs.

Light Up the Room with Love - LED Love Signs

This particular Love Sign features 16 LED white lights and measures 20.8" by 9.25" by 1.56". It's a cordless accessory that operates with two AA batteries. It has an on off switch as well.

Place it in a bedroom above a dresser or over each bedroom side table as a form of ambient lighting. Better yet, for those who get up in the middle of the night to feed baby, it makes the ideal soft lighted guide.

When rocking baby, feeling tired, the word of love helps to remind us about what's important in life.

When you visit the link under the LED Love Sign photo, you'll find additional LED sign choices.

Wrap Love Around You in Bed with Love Themed Bedding

One of the easiest ways to bring a little love into the bedroom is by redoing your bedding set with one that features hearts, or roses, or words

Love Themed Bedding Here - Additional Designs As Well
Surprisingly, artistic bedding sets can be quite affordable making them an excellent choice for a seasonal or emotional re-do.

We tend to think our bedding has to remain the same, when in truth, purchasing various duvet sets allows us to interchange our room's décor without much added expense or fuss.

Use a love themed duvet set for your love themed bedroom and interchange it from time to time if hearts and roses get a little too much for constant use.

Changing up duvet sets simply means choosing colors and themes to match the fundamental design of the room. Find duvets that tie into your existing floors and walls and you'll be able to give your space hassle-free-pick-me-ups whenever you're in the mood for it.

Lead with love, it's the only road that takes us home - happy decorating.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Two Creative Decorating Ideas for Book Lovers

Featured on
Add these Unique Pieces to a Book Themed Space

You don't have to spend a fortune building book shelves or adding expensive wood to a room in order to create your book themed space. Instead, add these artistic reading inspirations.

A Staircase Bookshelf Wall Decal

If you've ever wanted to make a statement with your décor, a faux book shelf on your staircase is the way to do it. Hey, money permitting, take it to the next level and create real bookshelves on the backs of the steps. However, if that kind of investment isn't in the cards, be sure to check out how affordable stair art decals are.

If you love color, books and decorating in a non-traditional way, this stair decal is calling your name. It's easy to put up; simply peel and stick. However be sure the surface is clean, dry and smooth. Count your steps first as it comes with 13 pieces. If you have more than 13 stairs, you'll have to order two sets. Also, another nice feature is it's retro nostalgic paper style verses a more modern high definition effect. If you're looking for a more traditional book-shelf art, this works.

A Uniquely Designed Book Side Table

This handcrafted Design Toscano Lord Byron Wooden End Table is stunning in it's craftsmanship and artistic elegance.

If you're not familiar with Design Toscano pieces, you'll be pleasantly surprised with their exclusive home décor sculptures, statues, wall art and furniture. This unique book side table is merely one of over 6000 items available through Design Toscano.

The book side table has a two door opening and a pull out drawer on the bottom. The two-book look on top finishes the overall appearance and gives the piece it's elegance.

It's surprisingly affordable when you consider that each piece is individually handcrafted by Artisans.

Take your love of books to the next level, the easy way.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Happy Birthday Taurus - Decorate Your Bedroom Around Your Birth Sign

Taurus the Bull, Let's Agree, You're Awesome - Celebrate by Decorating Your Bedroom Around Your Sign's Theme

Taurus, this is why you're too fabulous for your shorts:

"You're sensual, hard to resist, ambitious, dependable, good with finances, have an eye for beauty, absolutely reliable, practical, and most of the time patient"

Since this is all about how wonderful you are, let's leave it at that and not mention any of your negative traits today. We'll focus on the good for the sake of good decorating :)

There are multiple ways to decorate with your astrological sign as your theme. If you're not keen on using a Bull as your decorating base, you can pick other aspects of the sign.

Here's a Few Key Elements Associated with Taurus the Bull that You Can Choose to Center Your Décor Around:

Ruling Planet: Venus
Lucky Numbers: 5 and 6
Birthstone: Emerald
Element: Earth
Colors: Earth Tones, Orange, Yellow, Green
Symbol: Bull

Choosing your bedding is the easiest place to start. If you're not into having the sketch of a Bull on
Taurus Bedding Set Here
your comforter, choose your ruling planet or your colors as your bedding theme.

In fact, you can easily find bright colored bedding that features all of your colors and then some. Your candy colored bedding can then become the base by which you govern all other choices in the room.

If you're in need of an area rug, like your bedding choice, a rug can be anything you want that ties into your bedding.

As an example, if you're a fan of orange, pull out the orange color from your multi-colored bedding and choose an area rug to match. You're only limited by your imagination. Start with your own personal favorite color and then go from the there. If your favorite color isn't one of the colors associated with your sign, that's ok too; simply add your favorite colors to other design elements, such as ornaments, pillows, and throw blankets.

If you're inclined to keep your sign's symbol subtle within your space, feature a Bull Statue or Bull Wall Decal: When you visit the link under the Taurus Bedding Photo featured above, you'll not only find that bedding set, but also a number of additional Taurus décor items, including decals and ornaments.

So have fun Taurus, after-all you're hard to resist, so odds are, your room will be as well!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Two Ways to Add a Rustic Look to a Room Without Treating the Walls

Two Ways to Add a Rustic Look to a Room Without Treating the Walls

Create a Rustic Theme in Your Space Without Painting or Treating the Walls

Painting isn't a big deal. Unfortunately, most people think a rustic look is created by adding barn wood or other wood treatments to the wall. While it's true that barn wood walls make a stunning addition to a country theme, it's not the only way to achieve a rustic effect.

Barn Wood Draperies - A Wood Look With Cloth

Barnwood drapes come in a variety of styles and designs. You can see additional choices when you visit the barn wood drapery photo.

If your room has a large picture window or a sliding door, the drapes will add an impactful rustic feel when closed.

However, you don't need a window to put drapes up. By putting drapes on a feature wall that doesn't have a window, you create the illusion of more space while adding to the country feel.

In fact, you can have something behind those drapes: Behind the drapes, go ahead and feature a faux window or 3D country scenic wall decal. Open the drapes, and you've created a third dimension.

Faux Wood Area Rugs - Rugs that Look Like Hardwood

Did you get an area rug that looks like a hardwood floor? Of course, most of us know about the typical bamboo floor rugs, but the ones that surprise people are rugs explicitly designed with fabric/cloth to look like a wood floors.

The above rug has a rubber backing and thus may not have the feel of a traditional area rug. Think of it as a giant mouse-pad. However, you can put a piece of carpet foam underneath to increase the low pile. However, to be aware, it is pretty soft to begin with.

A good spot for this rug is under a coffee table. With the light barn wood drapes and a matching area rug, you only need to add rustic accessories: pillows, throw blankets, trinkets, and rustic lamps. You've completed the theme without opening a can of paint.

Have fun with your paint-free redesign.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Three Ways to Hide Clutter

Yep. It's that Time of the Year ... We Look at all our 'Stuff' and Think, "It's Time for a Tidy"

Of course, half the battle is admitting there's a problem! After that it's twenty five percent action and twenty five percent organizational and creative storage solutions.

Even though our clutter is organized, most of the time we're just sick of seeing the neatly stacked piles of life that take away from the overall look of our room.

The solution is equal to the mess you're dealing with: Simple mess, simple solutions, horrendous gut wrenching disaster ... major project.

If you're dealing with a relatively simple mess, here are three ways you can hide clutter:


Today's room dividers are inventive and artistic. They not only give you a practical way to hide clutter, they also double as art.

When you check out the choices of room dividers available you'll notice the wide range of art scenes featured on them. They come in designs from landscapes to cartoon characters, making them ideal for any room in the home or office.

These are particularly useful in a bedroom that doesn't have a closet. As an example, if you're using a standing hanging rod to hold clothes, put it behind a room divider and it doubles as a place to privately change clothes and it hides the clutter.

Storage Bench Featured on Funkthishouse

If your clutter problem is more about the miscellaneous items that never seem to find a home, use a bench as the main gathering place for them.

Whether it's shoes, school books, extra blankets and pillows, seasonal clothing, or photograph albums, a storage bench is a magnificent piece to tuck them away into.

Not only is it a place to hide the mess it's also an extra spot to sit. There are many places you can use a storage bench; the master suite, a child's bedroom, the front foyer, the family room, in your home office or even in the garage.

There are numerous storage bench designs to choose from, so be sure to check them out. You'll find additional styles when you visit the page featuring the above storage bench.


What? Yes, that's right, they really do exist. Of course this solution is certainly more involved and will require at least intermediate DIY skills, or you'll have to have someone put it in for you ... BUT it's worth it, they're super cool!

They really are as described, an actual bookcase that either swings inwards or outwards leading to a secret room or other space in the home.

If you have a small office in the corner of room and would like to hide important or private papers from prying eyes, then put one of these James Bond creations in .... I mean how many people do you know that have one?

There are a number of designs to choose from. They vary in style, color, features, size and type of wood. You'll see more bookshelf doors when you visit the above featured Hidden Door Bookshelf.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Area Rugs that Can Bring an Inspirational Message into a Room

Find Rugs with Words via
Inspiration in the Most Unconventional Places

The area rugs of today aren't the area rugs you used to see at your grandma's house. Nope. Today the choices are wide ranging and absolutely unexpected.

When we think of motivational and educational messages, we normally add them to a space by using prints or wall decals. However, today you can find area rugs featuring inspiring words ranging from spiritual to comical.

An Original Gift Idea

Choose an inspirational rug with words for a gift. There's a solid chance the recipient won't already have one. In fact, they've probably never seen one.

Inspiration doesn't have to always be serious and tutorial in nature. It can also be light and fun and still deliver a profound message.

Best of all, you're giving a practical gift that will actually be used to enhance the décor in a room.

A Motivational Area Rug featuring Virtues to Live By

Find inspirational words featured on rugs that speak to the positive traits we should work towards.

Feature a motivational rug in an office, den, teenagers room or even a foyer. Greet those who enter with words that reflect what you believe in and who you are.

Best of all, you can teach without speaking. Those who enter your space won't be left guessing about what you believe in or what you're motivated by.

Whether we speak words of goodness or just display them, they make an impact.

So the next time you're looking for an original gift, think about giving an inspirational carpet .... they don't fly, but they can help spread words of love, which can help the spirit fly, so in that sense, they're magic.

Put love on the floor to complete your décor.

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Monday, April 10, 2017

Reviewing Picture Frames for Photos of Grandchildren

Grandchildren are special blessings. And they grow so fast. As a long-distance Gramma, I am amazed at how quickly they grow between visits.  I have many photos of my grandchildren but those photos are all digital. There is nothing wrong with that at all. After all, it's fun to be able to change the desktop photo from favorite photo to the next favorite photo.  However, recently I've had a desire to have printed photographs in frames on display. I've started to narrow down the frame choices and I am sharing a couple of these wonderful picture frames with you.

Desktop Photograph Frame for Grandchildren

This desktop photograph frame has good reviews. It is simple yet unique.  It visually displays exactly how I feel about my grandbabies - a metallic word "Grandkids" followed by a heart. 

I like that this desktop frame isn't a typical frame with four sides. And that it has a base.  I think it is a perfect frame for the office. An interesting way to display photos on my desk or file cabinet.

wood and metal picture frame

Photograph and Frame Gift for Grandparent

A wonderful gift idea is a photograph of the baby in a "Best Gramma" frame. Or, even better, in a personalized frame. These wooden frames are handmade.  

This is the "natural wood" color choice, but there are several color options. You can also specify the name - "Grandma", "Gramma", "Nana" or something else. And note the personalized "love, Raven" on the bottom right corner. How much fun is that? Each grandchild can send their own framed photograph to grandparent. 

personalized handmade wood frame for grandma

During my next visit with the grandbabies, I am sure to take many photographs. That is a given. But this time I will print some and display them in frames. 

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Sunday, April 9, 2017

A Unique and Easy Way to Add Art to a Room Without Painting, Art Prints or Wall Decals

Scenery Art Drapes Available on Amazon - Plus Additional Drapes Can Be Found Here
If you're looking for a quick and easy way to add art to a room without having to hire someone to paint wall murals or to go through the work of putting up vinyl wall decals, then try this; draperies that feature art on them.

When it comes to giving a room a facelift, we rarely think to use draperies ... Our minds normally gravitate to paint color and furnishings and the drapes are either omitted or an after thought; it's as though we're trying to do things the hard way.

If the window in your room is a fairly good size, you can use that full space to feature lovely scenic or artistic draperies. In fact, 3D Drapes are a stunning way to not only add art, but to add depth to a space. Because patio doors normally have to be kept clear, they're a good place to feature 3D scenery drapes.

Don't worry if the window is smaller either because you'll find artistic drapes in just about any size to fit: And hey, go ahead and use longer drapes on shorter windows, that way, when they're closed you get the benefit of a larger scenic display to look at.

The ease of interchanging draperies make them an excellent redecorating choice. With several artsy drape styles ready to go in your linen closet, you can change your room for any occasion or season. How about spring flowered drapes, then beached themed drapes, then autumn trees and leaves, and lastly, a gorgeous snow scene on drapes to end the season.

A major drapery change can absolutely alter the look and feel of the space. Since there are practically endless amounts of artistic styles to choose from, you can plan to use several season changes in just about any color combination to match your room.

Go ahead, give it a try ... When you're itching to redecorate but can't stomach the idea of all the work it entails, painlessly scratch that itch by putting up 3D scenery drapes.

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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Feature Family Photos in a Unique and Decorative Way

Do You Have a Wall that's Been Waiting for Just the Right Photo or Photos but are Unsure What to Feature on it?

If you do, you're in the club of just about everyone. Resorting to old habits usually wins the day when it comes to decorating. However, if you're feeling creative and have the time for a worthy family project, you have to look at the idea of featuring a large family tree wall graphic.

Putting up a family tree wall decal isn't an instant project, so you'll have to put aside time to get it finished. Also, there are several informative how-to videos on YouTube that you can review before you take the leap. Even though manufacturers vary, the videos give you a first hand account of what to expect when putting up large wall graphics.

This Popular YouTube How To Video is One I Personally Like Best - However there are more:

This particular video shows you how to put up a large wall tree decal versus an actual family tree graphic, however the process is essentially the same. For the purpose of gaining an understanding of what's involved, it's helpful.

Taking the Family Tree Leap

In terms of creating a visible display of your family and for your family, it goes without saying that this project is worth every cuss word you may utter while tackling it.

Imagine your family and friends entering your home to see a wall that not only features your clan, but does it in an incredibly artistic way.

There are numerous designs, colors and styles to choose from. The decal featured at the very top gives you an example of one designed for staircases; truly a gorgeous way to utilize the often empty wall space you see on a staircase.

You'll want to allow yourself lots of time to do this, but if you're handy, go for it!

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Sunday, March 19, 2017

Add this Unexpected Piece to Complete a Dollhouse Themed Room

Momeni Lil Mo Whimsy Dollhouse Rug
Personally, a Dollhouse Themed Bedroom would be My Second Favorite Theme for a Little Girls Room (The First Being a Barbie Theme)

Being a little girl in the 60's and 70's may be the reason I grew up to love Dollhouses and Barbies, however my independent nature tells me the real reason is .. I simply loved both.

I look back and remember how fortunate I was to have a mom who decorated my room in a way I wanted; It was a purple, pink and white room with hand painted purple and pink furnishings and best of all, a purple shag rug! For the 1970's where shag rugs were the thing, a purple shag rug went against the grain of the colors of the day which were Avocado Green and Harvest Gold.

Best of all, I had a fabulous collection of Barbies; and mom even knit clothes for them! Next to Barbies, dolls and dollhouses were my fave - In fact, anything dolls; dollhouses for Barbies, life size dollhouses, clothes for dolls, furniture for dolls, and paperdolls - especially paperdolls!

Time marched on, and being the mom of four sons, I never had the chance to create a dollhouse themed space for a daughter.

Seriously, I could go nuts today creating a dollhouse themed space - the décor choices are almost endless! However in dollhouse décor one of the most unique pieces to add is a dollhouse area rug. Why? because it's unexpected, and not often incorporated into a room.

Floor Décor Grounds a Space, Literally and Figuratively

Most of the time we consider a dollhouse rug for a child's playroom or play corner, and of course, that works, however, imagine the impact if used as the focal point in a bedroom.

Depending upon the dollhouse rug, most come in a variety of sizes. With the average bedroom size tending to be 10ft by 12ft, a dollhouse rug of at least 5ft by 7ft can anchor the space and provide enough detail and color to draw out from to complete the room.

The impression of a busy, colorful artistic rug defines the space. The additional dollhouse themed items complete the room, but the rug serves multiple purposes; it adds warmth, texture, color, playful interest, and most of all is a functional piece of art.

We all know that floors, walls and windows are the fundamental space definers, however, choosing pieces that also double as art, or make a stylistic contribution, takes a space from 'eh to wow.

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Sunday, March 12, 2017

Outdoor Swinging Egg Chairs - Comfort Beyond Belief!

Featured by
This past Saturday we enjoyed an afternoon of walking through all the displays and home decor and design options presented at the National Home Show.

Unlike our visits to Home Shows in the past, this one involved constant searches for places to rest. In other words, where there was a chair, I was there.

However, my faulty knees turned out to be very helpful; they gave me an opportunity to be Goldilocks on the hunt for the comfiest place to rest my weary bones.

AND this was just right!

Of all the chairs we (my son and I) parked our buns in, the Swinging Egg Chair, in our opinion, was absolutely the most comfortable chair ever!

It wasn't just my son and me who were in awe at how comfortable these chairs were, it was everyone sitting in them in the booth! The seller had about 5 or six of them on display and they were being tried by passers-by on a constant basis. I found myself chatting with the testers of two other chairs on each side of me, and we agreed we could sit here all day and never get up.

I couldn't put my finger on what made these chairs so comfortable. At first I thought it was the swinging, and of course, it was, but it was that and more. Perhaps the sense of floating? Maybe that was it? Whatever makes these work, I was thinking I could easily spend a day in one of these just reading a book and swinging to nice light background music.

There are many other designs available in swinging chairs. In the display at The Home Show, there were single chairs like the one above, just enough for one person. There were double swinging egg chairs for two, and there was a swinging lounge chair as well. I tried them all, and WOW, is all I can say! I really like the swinging double egg chair too as it would enable you to put your feet up if you wanted.

These can also be used inside the home. In fact, depending on the manufacturer, you can find them in other colors. They'd be great in a bedroom, office or even a large family room. You would have to be sure there was enough space in the room, as the base is quite large, and the egg chair itself is a good size as well.

The measurement of the Swinging Egg Chair in the photo is 37.5 inches in diameter by 75 inches high. The chairs are also quite heavy and sturdy; this one weighs about 60 pounds.

I have to say, if I find a place inside the home to include this comfy egg chair in my décor, I'm going to do it.

Happy Decorating!

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Sunday, March 5, 2017

Add 'Greenery' to Your Decor This Year - Pantone's Color of the Year for 2017

Mug Here - Featuring Greenery
Each Year Pantone Assigns a Color for the Year - Happy Renewal to You, Because it's Greenery!

You may be wondering how Pantone selects the color and you're correct if you've concluded that it's a reflection of the current mood and expression of the time.

On Pantone's website you'll read words like 'rejuvinate' and 'revitalize' appropriately used to describe why Greenery was selected.

It's safe to say, the need for reconnection during these stressful times makes almost ridiculous sense! The calming rebirth of nature and our need to make our way back to it, is offered up through Greenery's yellow/green soothing reassuring combination.

Redecorating and Choosing Colors

If we're planning a redecorating project or are starting from scratch, choosing colors can be challenging. However, the color palette is the first best place to start, with the exception being when we're using colors from an existing piece of furniture or accessory as the base.

When we're decorating a room from the beginning and need guidance choosing a color palate to work with 2017's color Greenery, Pantone's 2017 page is a time saver; check out their suggested pairings. When there, scroll down and you'll see the ten palates by name with color suggestions for each.

Each palate shows colors along with color numbers, making them easy to find when shopping for matching paint, furniture and accessories.

For 2017 the named Pantones Palates Are:

Ethereal Material
Grand Canyon
Forest Floor
Rev It Up
Moody Blooms
Deep Rooted
Calm it Down

Be sure to check out these palates; why struggle trying to choose colors ... Pantone is a very helpful resource.

Greenery is nature's neutral, so take a deep breath and enjoy your spring decorating projects as you create a space that reflects vitality, beauty and renewal.

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Sunday, February 26, 2017

Spring Cleaning of the Soul or Soles or Both

Creative Shoe Bench! See This & More Here
When spring is springing we get the urge to neatly place, organize and tuck

Things around the home that didn't bother us over the winter months, like piles of shoes and boots in the closet and the front door, start to get under our skin.

So we spring into action.

Typical Scenes Across the Country...

With hands on our hips, crookedly we stand in the foyer evaluating our winter clutter, thinking ... 'how did I stand this for so long' !

And before we know it, the itch to organize turns into a full blown rash and we're looking around the house trying to reshuffle pieces of furniture, repurpose dressers, and re-do closets.

Freeing ourselves of the unnecessary, we start with the basics ... we bag'em and tag'em.

We only mean to clean the house, but our soul gets spit and polished too.


We don't plan for this to happen, in fact we never do. But year after year, without fail, we feel lighter.

Closets Come First...

We've jammed our closets with extra sweaters, bulky coats, mitts, hats, boots, and too many pairs of shoes. It's not right.

We know it's not right. Guilty.

But, during the holiday season we really did have bigger fish to fry ... Like cozying up to a warm fire. Overflowing closets somehow made the fire feel better. It's winter ... we're not all there. There's a name for our condition: Cabin Feveritis.

But the frequent appearance of the sun along with the disappearing biting cold begins to wake us from our tolerant coma and we're ready to make tough choices ... But where do we start? ....

We figure it out.

To clean our soul, we start with soles.

The stinky invaders come first.

Ahhhh, we've lightened up just thinking about it ....

Sorted shoes; who'da'thunk that all it took was 'sorted shoes'?

All this time we thought life was complicated. Sole ... Soul? Well my gawd, life's greatest mystery has been solved.

Moral of the story - clean your closets, organize your soles, and the future is yours! ... Not really, but at least your closets will look great while your soul floats.

Don't Stop with Shoes, Here are additional Ways You Can Organize Your Life:

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