The Seasons are Changing and so is everything around us. Leaves are starting to turn their blazing colors or orange and red, gold and crimson, The air is thick with movement. Birds are chattering away and filling themselves up with seeds, butterflies are filling up on nectar and inevitably we know that they will become visions of the past. Let's Review what kind of Migratory Birds we will be seeing in the skies over the next few weeks, or at least until the snow starts to fly. While we are at it, we will also look at some Fall Fun that we can have with our families.
What are Migratory Birds?
In the northern hemisphere, we have changing seasons and with those changing seasons we are also treated to changing wildlife around us. Birds that spend their winter months in Mexico and Central America and further south are moving north in the spring. Likewise when it starts to get cooler here, those same birds are now making plans to head back to their southern feeding grounds. Now not all birds migrate, but many do! In the fall we are treated to some of the nicest color changes that our landscape can offer. Trees are turning colors and seed production is at an all time high. Sunflowers are a favorite feeding stop for many migratory birds. They feed on the oily seeds to give them the strength they will need to make the long trip south.
Oily Sunflower Seeds are a great food source for birds.
What kinds of Birds will you see Migrating?
The list of migratory birds for us is rather long, but you might not see all of these in your area. Some of the most startling ones are the geese, which fly in their never changing "V" pattern. If you listen you will hear them before you see them. All the honking they do to let their own flock know where they are going. Hummingbirds will be visiting all the feeders and emptying them out, they have a long trek in their near future. It's a great time to make sure there is nectar in those feeders. There are hundreds of different birds that will be migrating and depending on where you live you may or may not see them all. If you are into Birdwatching, your chances at recognizing which birds are in the air will be a lot better! A good pair of binoculars and a really good Bird Book will help you become more familiar with the movement in the air.
If you are interested in a list of all the Migratory Birds of North America, click on that link and Wikipedia will list all the birds that are making their moves in the fall. Check on both the Eastern and Western areas as some of them will not be seen on one side or the other.
Family Fun During the Fall
I love watching the birds in the changing seasons. There is a great opportunity to share with our children and grandchildren, the changes that nature goes through when one season moves into the next. There is always something to learn. Family camping trips always highlighted birdwatching and just learning about nature around us. Trees and flowers change too and many children are busy collecting leaves for school projects. There are some wonderful ideas for Fall learning and things for children to do. It's not just the birds that they can learn about, it's the changes in nature from the ground right up to the sky.
Now don't forget, when you see the leaves falling down, it's time to Look up, Look way up, you will probably be treated to some migratory birds in your area. Have you ever seen something so beautiful?
All pictures are from
If you would like to know more about bird watching you can click on these links and learn more about the wonderful world of Birds and Bird Watching.
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I love this time of year.... the changing seasons. And I have noticed the Geese honking overhead. Beautiful.
ReplyDeleteJust got back from Florida and was astounded to see so many lovely birds and flowers and trees. Yes there are geese in Florida. I love this time of year too, so many changes and all of them so pretty. Thanks for your visit Dawn Rae!
DeleteYep, it's that time of year again - the lovely Autumn season. Interesting fact you stated about how hummingbirds empty out backyard feeders in preparation for their journey. Now I understand why the Ace Hardware store I work for has had so many recent sales of hummingbird feeder supplies! :)
ReplyDeleteThose little birds are amazing and they travel so far, they need all the energy that they can get. Don't stop filling those feeders until it's really, really cold. You just might help the last one to get out just in time. Thanks for your visit.
DeleteTime passes so quickly! It seems like we were just welcoming them back yesterday! I am grateful for the sweet creatures that stay here year round.
ReplyDeleteThere are many pretty birds that do stay the winter and it's fun to watch them too. Just remember that food sources are scarce and they will be at the feeders looking for something good to nibble on. Thank you for helping me out and your visit!
DeleteThanks for an interesting and timely article. My favorite time of year. Thanks for including my post .
ReplyDeleteYou are so welcome Mary Beth, one day I might just become as good as you in that department, with lots of effort and patience. Your pictures are the best and I enjoy each and every one of them.
DeleteI love watching the migratory birds, too! I will miss my little hummingbird friends when they leave but as the weather cools and some of my little friends have left, others land in my yard who spend the winter with me.
ReplyDeleteIsn't that just the best feeling, when your old friends come looking for you? I love the changes too! Color never looks quite so amazing as the reds, oranges and yellows of fall.
DeleteLove watching birds as they move through. Here they don't seem to migrate as much. But there are more in the Spring so they must go somewhere. Nice article about the birds.
ReplyDeleteHeather, my children when they were growing up, mentioned more than once that their mom was a bit of a bird brain (in the nicest way of course). I love watching nature from the smallest creatures to the really big ones, there is something mystical, magical, endearing and watching them makes you appreciate the complexities of Nature and the Creator who fashioned all of this. Thanks for your visit.
DeleteChanging seasons is a part of life for us here of course - love it!!! and Fall is my fave - although it's been brutally hot - it's suppose to cool off by next week - I do look forward to the sounds and sites of birds migrating - it's a measurement in time isn't it - very relaxing too
ReplyDeleteI think it's mine too Barbara. The birds are wonderful to see flying south and the honking of the geese, while noisy is beautiful in it's own way. Thanks for your visit with me.