Wednesday, October 19, 2022

An Old Idea Gets New Life ~ A Fitness Product Review

Are you interested in knowing how to increase your bone density, increase your circulation and generally feel better than you do right now?  How about something that will help with weight loss, muscle toning and increased metabolism or help with balance!  Keep on reading.....

Maybe I'm dating myself, but I want to know: How many of you remember the old vibrating belt massagers/exercisers that almost every woman swore by in the 1950's and 60's?

They would stand with a belt that went around the hips and turn on the machine that would then shake them up for 10 to 20 minutes or more.  They were touted as the perfect way to get in shape/stay in shape/and get rid of cellulite for that perfect figure.

Well for years that seemed to be something that women did to keep themselves feeling better about their own looks (or to keep their husbands happy).  Today we are not so inclined to do this for anyone other than ourselves.

Vibration Plates or Full Body Vibration (FBV) are one of the newest fitness trends and this one seems to have many health benefits as well.  Vibration Plates or Platforms are easy to use, don't take a lot of time and the benefits seem to be almost instant.  Even these little ones seem to be benefitting from a ride on the vibration plates.


Now in all seriousness, Vibration Plates are a wonderful way to exercise without having to stress your body beyond what is your normal. Even age is not a barrier to using this platform.  What is important is that we do things to make our bodies work and feel better for ourselves and in turn our families will benefit when we are at our best.

Many doctors are on board with the benefits that these Plates will have on the body.  They consider that with the vibrations our bodies are being toned as the muscles react to being activated by the movements.  Doctors claim that Blood circulation is increased, lymphatic systems drain better and bone density is increased too.  Fitness instructors also seem to love these machines as well.  

We purchased one after reading about increased circulation benefits especially for someone with Peripheral Neuropathy!  This is a condition that my other half has and his abilities to walk are becoming much more difficult.  This condition makes it hard for him to feel his feet as there is very little nerve sensations in both his hands and feet.  We were looking for something that would help him keep his sensations in his feet or even increase his nerve reaction.  Circulation is a big part of this condition.  So we are happy that this Vibrating Platform/Plate, is recommended as part of that process.

It seems that many Doctors, Physiotherapists, Fitness Trainers and Athletes  are all using this new tool to recover, recuperate, exercise and strengthen their bodies.  As you can see in the You Tube below this Doctor explains how these Vibration Platforms work.  Now I'm not a medical doctor and before you buy something like this, you should talk to your own health care professional or do your own research.  

There are many different types and manufacturers of these Vibration Plates and the prices range from $100.00 to many hundreds.  I would highly recommend that you speak to your health care professional or a fitness trainer and get some recommendations for your own specific needs.  You can even go to some gyms and try them out before you decide to buy one for yourself.

We purchased this one as it came recommended by friends and other family members.  It suits our needs and was not too expensive.  Both my husband and I use it for the health benefits and so far it is working well for both of us.  

While we are making the most of this new fitness/health trend, you should check it out and see if it fits into your own lifestyle and see if you would benefit from using this type of physical activity.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Reviewing Baking Irish Soda Bread With A Twist.


Irish Soda Bread

Soda bread is bread but made without yeast and there is no need to wait for it to rise or have resting periods. So it is a very quick and easy delicious bread to make. 

You can find the basic recipe in many places online but I wanted to tell you about the things I do to make it a little extra special.

I first made Irish Soda bread with my Mum and have continued t make it throughout my life. It is a bread I really like and it is easy and fun to make. 

What You Need To Bake Soda Bread

Weighing scales

A large mixing bowl

A normal eating knife

A teaspoon

A clean clear surface 

A measuring jug 

Irish Soda Bread

Basic Ingredients To Bake Soda Bread

Wholemeal strong flour 500g

2 teaspoons of sea salt or ordinary salt if you don't have sea salt

1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda

400ml of milk. Whole milk is recommended but I have found you can use whole milk or semi-skimmed and I also use Almond milk. 

1 lemon or about 4-5 teaspoons of lemon juice if you don't have a lemon to squeeze

2 teaspoons of honey - I have found you can omit this if you don't like or cannot have honey.

Irish Soda Bread cooling

 Baking Method

  • Pre Heat oven to gas mark 6 or 200C/180C fan
  • Mix together in a large bowl the flour, bicarb of soda and salt.
  • This is also the time to add any other optional dry ingredients
  • Mix the milk and lemon juice together in a jug then wait one minute and it turns into buttermilk. Add the honey at this stage if you wish.
  • Pour the milk mixture into the bowl and stir gently ideally using a knife, not your hands, so the dry ingredients and the milk mixture come together in a sticky dough. 
  • Handle the dough as little as possible. This bread is much better the less we handle it. 
  • Take the dough which will feel quite sticky and place it onto a floured surface. I use the same wholemeal flour.  Quickly shape it into a round or oval shape covering all sides with the flour. 
  • The dough should then be placed on a floured baking tray and make a cross on the top with the knife. Then put it straight into the pre heated oven. You do not need to allow any time for rising with this bread recipe, in fact the sooner you get it in the oven at this point the better. 
  • It will need about 40 minutes in the oven. However, we have found in a fan oven it needs a little less. So I generally check it halfway through.
  • After baking leave it to cool on a wire rack. Or eat it warm. 

Additional Ingredients To Make Soda Bread Special

I have experimented with quite a few ingredients and these are my favourites. All of these should be added to the dry flour mix before adding the milk.

If you add a lot more dry ingredients you will need to increase the amount of milk mix accordingly, so that it is not too dry. 

Rosemary Herb

Rosemary- we have lots of rosemary in the garden so I just cut some fresh green tender growth beforehand and wash it then chop it very finely and add it to the mix. It smells amazing and is lovely in this recipe.

I am thinking you could add any herbs you like to this recipe. I have wondered what it would be like with lavender or chives. 

Cinnamon- We both love cinnamon and so add it to this recipe. It smells and tastes gorgeous and an added bonus is the whole house is beautifully scented of cinnamon! 

I would also like to try ginger when I am making more of a bread-cake mix. 


Oats. We just use normal breakfast porridge oats and add about a cupful to the recipe. If you do this you will find you need to increase the amount of milk accordingly or it will be too dry. 

Adding oats gives the bread more body and makes it more into a very tasty and filling healthy cake.  

Fruit. I have tried a lot of different fruits and I think the most successful are dried good quality raisins and cherries either fresh or frozen -ones defrosted beforehand. You could add whatever are your favorite fruits. 

If you are making more of a soda bread - cake you can also sprinkle with icing sugar or decorate the top to your individual taste after baking. This makes it unique and individual for occasions like Halloween or Christmas bread. 

Now you can add all these additional ingredients but it is probably best to exercise some restraint and add one or two extra and see how you like it. 

You can eat it with butter, margarine, cream or jam or it tastes just lovely on its own. We often have the simple bread recipe mix with no extra ingredients with a stew or with chilli. When we add the extra ingredients we like to eat it warm on its own. 


I prefer this soda bread mix warm but If it does cool completely and we want it warm we find it is perfectly fine to warm up again with 5 minutes in the oven without burning or losing its quality. 

I like making this bread as it is very quick, easy and satisfying to make. You can adapt the recipe to suit you, and it can be vegetarian and diabetic-friendly.

I am honestly not sure how long it should last as a loaf is always gone in a maximum of two days here! I imagine perhaps three or four days stored properly would be about right. 

This soda bread is wonderful as a supper snack, with the main meal and also, especially if you add oats as breakfast.

I like baking but I do not get much time these days so this quick recipe is great for me. I am sure the true chefs and avid bakers amongst you can make this even more delicious! 

The whole task takes about an hour and most of that is the oven doing the cooking so maybe 15-20 minutes or less of preparation time so is easy bread making.

We find it is especially lovely to eat home made soda bread warm on an autumn or winter's day and often it does not last long enough to completely cool on the rack!

Find More Recipes 

More Great Recipe Reviews from Contributors on Review This Reviews

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Monday, October 17, 2022

Movie Review: Where the Crawdads Sing

 I enjoy reading more than keeping up with the newest movie releases so I have mixed feelings when one of my very favorite novels is adapted for the big screen. I am often disappointed in the movie version. But not this time. Not with Where the Crawdads Sing. I have enjoyed this movie so much that I've re-watched it several times since purchasing the DVD just a few weeks ago. I think the producers did a phenomenal job bringing Kya to the screen and keeping her story true to the book.

Movie Review: Where the Crawdads Sing

The setting is a small town near the marshlands of North Carolina. The town is shook in the 1960s when the popular young man, Chase Andrews, is found dead at the lookout tower that stands watch over the marsh. But the story begins years before that with the Clark family.

The Clark family lives in a small shack near the water's edge, in the marsh. Mr. Clark is clearly fighting some sort of inner demons and takes it out on those closest to him. Mrs. Clark is a mysterious lady. She lives in that marsh, with an angry man, a handful of children, and a pair of alligator shoes. She is an artist of some sort; painting plein air. She loves her children. Including her youngest, 6 year old Kya.

Over time, the Clark family grows smaller. At one point, young Kya is living alone with the man who physically abused everyone in the family. She trusts no one, has abandonment trauma, and relies on the marsh. Missing her brothers, it is not surprising that she grows to become happy when she sees her youngest brother's friend in his boat. At first, she can only wave and call a greeting to young Tate while her scowling father steers their boat past. 

Living at a level of loneliness that is suffocating, the marsh supports Kya. The townspeople call her "marsh girl". They bully her the one day she attended school as a very young girl. On any rare occasion that a human comes to her home, Kya runs and hides like a wild animal; disappearing into the marsh. 

Kya slowly begins to trust the waterfront shop owners and they grow to love her. As she becomes a beautiful young woman she becomes more interesting to Tate and to Chase Andrews. We see that she has inherited her mother's artistic ability but what else will she inherit?

When Chase Andrews is found dead at the tower that overlooks the marsh, everyone immediately defines it as murder and everyone immediately blames "the marsh girl". Was it murder? Was it an accidental fall?

The marsh knows.

Behind the Scenes

This movie is gorgeous. The scenery is wonderful with birds, tides, water, vast expanses and micro close-ups. In the special features, the producers (Reese Whitherspoon and Hello Sunshine) talk about the setting.

This movie is emotional. You feel the changing moods of the people as clearly as you see the changing times of day on the water.  

The actors and actresses were amazing. Most all of them were new to me and I look forward to seeing them in other roles. 

This movie stayed true to the Kya I met in the novel. Author Delia Owens appears in the features also. It was interesting to see them speak about choosing the actors, setting, and how to get through the timeline of Kya's story in the condensed movie version. I think they pulled it off wonderfully and could only  be improved (and not by much) in a mini-series length. 

Special Features included with the DVD:

  • Adapting a Phenomenon
  • Lyric Video "Carolina" by Taylor Swift
  • Creating the World
  • Women in Focus
If you have never seen this movie, or read the book, I highly recommend both. It may be more interesting to see the movie before you read the book in order to avoid the spoiler of knowing how Chase Andrews came to be dead.

Find Where the Crawdads Sing on Amazon Prime.

The Book Reviews: Where the Crawdads Sing

Where the Crawdads Sing was such a good book that two of us reviewed it here on Review This Reviews. You can read my review of the book (and see a photo of the marsh near where I was living) here and read Treasures by Brenda's review of the book here.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Why I Feel Good Today - A Workbook for Teens and Adults

Why I Feel Great Today Workbook
A Monthly Workbook (in Color) - To Track Good Feelings

As some of you already know, my creative energy has been put toward self-publishing workbook journals this year.

Why Workbooks?

With so much going on in the world, I wanted to put together something that adults or teens could use as a guide to track life moments, feelings, and overall state of mind.

This prompt workbook allows us to write down the good or not-so-good moments about our life in a brief, fun, colorful book to reflect on patterns and trends.

Workbooks give us a chance to retrace our steps and do more of what makes us feel better and hopefully less of the things that don't.

Why This Workbook?

I created this workbook with one main goal: a place for people to quickly record and track their good moments.

Good moments can range from anything small to something significant. For example, a good moment could have been when you prepared a delicious meal, tackled a project, or talked to a friend.

Mark down the good things, no matter how small. 

The book will give you a thirteen-month trend of things that make you feel great.

You'll also be able to reflect on your year and examine trends and memorable moments. If there's something specific that you don't want to forget, write it down in your workbook.

Tracking The Good in Our Life

More than a diary, a specifically targeted prompt workbook brings us directly to the life areas that need noting, remembering, or correcting.

What you get with the Why I Feel Good Workbook:

13 Color Coded Months with Four Workbook Prompt Pages Per Month:
  • Daily Feel Good Quick Notes 
  • Monthly Specific Prompt Questions
  • A Page to Expand Upon Why You Feel Good in Your Own Notes
  • A Monthly Happy Summary with More Prompt Questions
  • A Motivational Quote for Each Month
There's a chart to color in your mood daily so that at the end of the year, with one quick look, you can get an idea of which color mood was most prominent in your life.

You can track any month at any time. You don't have to follow 13 months in a row; pick and choose your tracking months if that works best for you.

Why I Feel Great Today Workbook
Available on Amazon

You can preview the book's interior via StumpedRiddles here or, of course, on Amazon here.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, October 15, 2022

A Review of National Bullying Prevention Month


Image of wooden people

The month of October is designated as National Bullying Prevention Month. It was begun in 2006 by the Pacer Center in Minnesota. The Pacer Center is known as “Parents Helping Parents” and they focus on being Champions for Children with Disabilities. 

Don't Laugh at Me

Children with disabilities seem more prone to bullying than other children, but, sad-to-say, over the years bullying has become more widespread and often affects any child who is 'shy' or 'small for their age' or 'overweight' or just different in some way.  

Don't Call Me Names

I don't remember bullying being a 'thing' when I was a child, although I do remember one particular incident that affected me strongly in second grade; enough that I never forgot it. And not long ago I remember having a discussion with my grown children who worry about bullying affecting their own children. I said that didn't seem to be a problem when they were young and in school and all three related incidents of bullying they had experienced that they never told me about.

Therefore, bullying is not new, but today's awareness is bringing it into the open. So much so, that programs have been, and are being, developed to eliminate bullying ~ which is mean, aggressive and potentially life-threatening. It occurs in schools, on the playground, and now we have 'cyberbullying'. 

Don't Get Your Pleasure From My Pain

Bullying can be as simple as teasing a child because she has freckles or as terrible as calling names or shunning a child for being different. It all has the same impact!

Things to Do to Help Prevent Bullying

  • Students can be taught to practice empathy by befriending someone who is being bullied and report bullying when you see it.
  • Teachers can reward students who show respect for others and who demonstrate thoughtfulness for their classmates, for adults, and for their school. 
  • School administrators can plan bullying prevention programs that help parents, teachers and students understand the problem and how to handle it.

Wear and Share Orange – Unity Day

An orange T-shirt with anti-bullying messages

On the third Wednesday of October (October 19th in 2022), wear orange to show unity for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. It also sends a visible message that no child should ever experience bullying.

*This orange Unity Shirt, and others like it, is available on Amazon.

Operation Respect

In 2000, Peter Yarrow (of Peter, Paul & Mary fame) began Operation Respect (, a nonprofit organization that brings to children, in schools and camps, a curriculum of tolerance and respect for each other's differences. 

In God's Eyes We're All the Same

Someday We'll All Have Perfect Wings.

The idea came about when Peter's children, Bethany and Christopher, heard the song “Don't Laugh at Me”. The song was written by Allen Shamblin and Steve Seskin. The idea for the song came about when Allen's daughter came home from school in tears because her peers were teasing her about her freckles. The song is a ballad about various characters (children and a crippled homeless man) who have been teased and are just asking for acceptance from others. 

You don't have to be my friend, 

But is it Too Much to Ask?

Don't Laugh at Me

I heard Peter Yarrow sing this song at a concert in Savannah, Georgia in October 2013. It made a big impression on me and I can see why Peter uses this song as the theme for his “Operation Respect” organization.


Related Post:

*National Bullying Prevention Month review written by Wednesday Elf

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, October 14, 2022

Bradwell Brothers Book Series by Kasey Stockton Reviewed

Bradwell Brothers Series
I recently read the first two books in the "Bradwell Brothers" book series by Kasey Stockton.  The third book will not be released until April, 2023. 

I have really enjoyed this series, thus far, because the author included unusual or funny circumstances, as well as giving her characters an abundance of humorous wit. I can hardly wait for book three to be available.

The books are in the Regency Romance genre, which means they are historical fiction that takes place during the British Regency (1811–1820) time period.  This series is clean and wholesome, therefore it can be recommended for any age.  It almost seems educational as it peeks into the historical British social classes and what is acceptable behavior for ladies and gentlemen, as well as the family hierarchy of the wealthy class. 

There are 3 Bradwell brothers.  At the beginning of the series, their mother still reigns over the Bradwell home and all 3 bachelor brothers reside there at Chelton most of the time.  Henry, the middle brother, was bequeathed the "hunting box", a separate family home, that is his private getaway when needed.  As with all siblings, the brothers have similarities and shared memories, but each has their own individual personality.  They are so well described that I can easily envision James' concerned & watchful eyes, Benedict's looks of confusion or misunderstanding, and Henry's quiet reserve. I feel like I know these boys.


Synopsis of Sensibly Wed - Bradwell Brothers Book 1
London, 1817  

 Sensibly Wed (Bradwell Brothers Book 1)Check PriceJames Bradwell chose to attend his godmother's ball in hopes of finding a suitable wife.  As the oldest brother, and heir to his father's estate, James is mindful of his family duties. However, he resents the girls in attendance who merely seek his company because of his wealth.  Desiring a brief escape from the marriage mart, he slips into the library, but quickly finds he is not alone.

Felicity Thurston would much rather be reading than attending a ball.  Not only does she suffer with anxiety attacks, but she is certain she will never find someone who loves her "as her father loves her mother" at a superficial social event.  In an attempt to avoid a particularly unappealing man, Felicity slipped into a dark room and closed the door behind her.  To her delight, she realized she was alone in the library. She lite a candle and began pursuing the book shelves.  When she hears the unmistakable creak of the opening door, she blew out her candle, hoping to not be discovered. Unfortunately, hot candle wax dripped on her hand and she yelped.

And, that is how Felicity and James met, and how they were discovered:  alone together in the library during the ball.  How scandalous!  Before they even exited the room, the gossip was spreading quickly throughout the ballroom. 

Felicity and her parents quickly left the ball, but James already knew what was going to be required of him.  He was at their home early the following morning proposing marriage.  Soon after Felicity and her parents accepted his proposal, she found out his last name.  Of all the people in the world, how could she possibly be engaged to the brother of the only man she had ever hoped to marry.

And, that is just the beginning!  You will need to read the book to find out what happens next.


Synopsis of Pleasantly Pursued - Bradwell Brother Book 2  

 Pleasantly Pursued (Bradwell Brothers Book 2)Check PriceDorothea Northcott has escaped her impending doom.  She simply could not be "deposited" at her lecherous chaperone's home, but she couldn't tell her guardian, Lady Edith Bradwell, about her cousin, Lord Claverley, and his despicable desires either.  She felt her only salvation would be to run away and seek employment. While she greatly appreciated her godmother's efforts to see her sponsored and properly introduced to society, Thea would forgo that for a simpler, safe life.  She had found a position working in a kitchen and would be content marrying a humble man.  

Benedict Bradwell had been searching for Thea for months.  He followed her trail of jobs until he finally found her working as a kitchen maid. However, she was not happy to see him and she did not want to be returned to his mother and her home.  When Benedict explained that is mother was worried sick over her disappearance, Thea acquiesced and agreed to return with him, but only if he agreed to her one condition: she would not be forced to go to Lord Claverley's house or forced to remain at Chelton.

Benedict's plan to sneak Thea back to Chelton, was just the beginning of "interesting" situations they faced.  Without a proper chaperone, Thea had to dress as a male servant for the duration of a journey that would take four days, including nights in various inns.  Their verbal sparring made the trip, as well as the entire season, a fun journey for readers.    

Perhaps you have figured out what happens in terms of romance, but the book is worth reading, regardless.

Read More Book Reviews at

House of Sylvestermouse

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Thursday, October 13, 2022

Book Review The Diamond Eye


Diamond Eye book cover
Imagine that you are a young woman in 1940's Russia.  You are a mother raising a young son alone as you work in a library and study to gain your degree.  You are forging along in everyday life when suddenly your country is invaded, and you are facing a world at war.  In this riveting novel, Kate Quinn gives a look into the life of Mila Pavlichenko, a young history student and mother who joins the Russian military and becomes a world-famous sniper.

I found this book to be very intriguing.  Mila is a young woman who married way too young when she found she was pregnant.  She is raising a young son and trying desperately to get a divorce from her older and emotionally abusive husband.  This is not easy in 1940's Russia.  She is a passionate history student and loves her studies.  Then Hitler invades the Ukraine and Russia, and she feels compelled to sign up to protect her homeland.  

Mila is a strong woman who does nothing partway.  When assigned the task as a sniper, she becomes the best and shoots over 300 of the enemy.  Her talents gain her fame, and she is sent on a good will tour of the United States where she befriends Eleanor Roosevelt.  This friendship and the dangers that come with it made this one of the best books I've read in a long time.   

The book is based on a true story and most of the people and many of the events really happened.  In the author's notes at the end of the book she details what parts were true (based on Mila's memoirs) and what parts she fictionalized.  I found this very interesting and would highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a good mystery, historical fiction and intrigue.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

The Best Dentist Approved, Inexpensive, 5-Mode Electric Toothbrush

I have been using Oral-B or Philips Sonicare ultrasonic toothbrushes for many years, at my dentist’s recommendation. In August, I replaced my old, expensive ultrasonic toothbrush with an excellent and surprisingly inexpensive model (from a lesser-known brand), which has smaller brush heads that fit into hard-to-reach areas, soft, rounded bristles that are gentle on my aging gums, and a choice of five brushing modes.

Even though my new sonic electric toothbrush had great customer reviews and was highly recommended by a well-known and respected YouTube influencer whose product recommendations I have come to trust, I was still a bit skeptical about the quality of such an inexpensive product. However, my oral health team was impressed with the state of my teeth and gums during my routine dental cleaning and checkup 10 days ago. I'm delighted that my new brush has been dental hygienist- and dentist-approved.

I'm excited to share my product review of this terrific electric toothbrush set, which comes with seven regular brush heads, an interdental brush head, and a fitted case for storage and travel and costs just $19.99 on Amazon as of October 12, 2023.

Note: The brand I purchased, Dnsly, is no longer available, but the TEETHEORY and Fairywill brands make nearly identical models with the same features.

Sonic Electric Toothbrush With Custom Travel Case, Protective Cover and 8 Brush Heads

Why This Sonic Electric Toothbrush Is a "Best Buy" For Savvy Consumers

Here are some of the key features that make this Sonic Electric Toothbrush Set With 8 Brush Heads and Travel Case a smart purchase.

40,000 VPM for Effective Cleaning and Plaque Removal

Although the American Dental Association says that both manual and electric toothbrushes can clean teeth effectively when using the correct brushing technique, clinical studies have shown that “electric toothbrushes, which combine ultrasonic and sonic (or acoustic and mechanic) actions, may have the most promising effect on good oral health” compared to manual toothbrushes.1 

It vibrates at up to 40,000 VPM (vibrations per minute), which is in the same ballpark as many ultrasonic toothbrush models from Philips Sonicare and Oral-B.

Digel, I., Kern, I., Geenen, E. M., & Akimbekov, N. (2020). Dental plaque removal by ultrasonic toothbrushes. Dentistry Journal, 8(1), 28.

Choice of Five Brushing Modes

There are five tiny LED lights down the front of the handle labeled W, C, S, P,   and M, respectively, that allow you to choose among the following brushing modes to customize your oral health care routine:

  • White mode (W): strong vibration helps whiten and brighten teeth by removing surface stains.
  • Clean mode (C): medium vibration for routine cleaning / twice-daily brushing.
  • Sensitive mode (S): gentle vibration for first-time electric toothbrush users or those with sensitive teeth and gums.
  • Polish mode (P): strong vibration/invert frequency helps polish and brighten teeth.
  • Massage mode (M): gentle vibration/invert frequency for gum massage and increased circulation to improve the health of your gums.
    • Note: I could not find any information on what "invert frequency" means (or does) in the context of electric toothbrushes.

Just press the large Power on/off button (inside the gold circle) repeatedly to cycle through the different modes. The nice thing is that it will remember the mode you used last and return to that setting automatically the next time you press the Power button. 

I have used the Clean, White, and Massage modes so far. I think the White mode is gentle enough for daily use, thanks to the soft, rounded bristles on the brush heads.

2-Minute Smart Timer With 30-Second Quadrant Reminders and Auto Shutoff

Most dentists recommend brushing your teeth for 2–3 minutes, or 30–45 seconds per quadrant. This sonic electric toothbrush pauses after each 30-second interval to let you know it's time to move on to the next quadrant, then shuts off automatically after two minutes.

7 Brush Heads and 1 Interdental Brush

The American Dental Association recommends that you replace toothbrushes, or brush heads for an electric toothbrush, every three to four months (or sooner, if the bristles are visibly frayed).

The brush heads have blue bristles at the top and bottom that, with use, gradually fade from blue to white as a helpful reminder to discard and replace the brush head.

I really like the smaller brush heads and the thin, pointed, interdental brush head with white bristles, since both make it easier to get into tight, hard-to-reach areas. The interdental brush is also great for cleaning around and in between dental braces.

The DuPont bristles with rounded tips are gentle on gums and enamel, which is another reason I decided to try this set.

30-Day Rechargeable Battery Life

A full charge, which takes 4 hours, lasts for about 30 days, based on brushing for two minutes twice a day.

USB Charging (Charging Cable Included)

The included USB cable can be plugged into any socket with a USB interface, such as a car, laptop, or phone charger adapter or power bank socket. You can keep both the cable and an inexpensive USB wall charger/plug adapter in the bathroom for when the battery needs charging (roughly once a month).

This sonic toothbrush has a low battery indicator that lets you know when it's time to recharge it. It also automatically shuts off after the battery has been fully charged to prevent overcharging.

Fitted Travel Case and Protective Brush Head Cover

The hard plastic, fitted toothbrush travel case has molded sections to hold the handle, one brush head, and the interdental brush head. There is also a space-saving clear, hard plastic brush head cover if you want to travel with just the handle and one brush head, rather than the larger, fitted storage case that also holds the interdental brush head.

IPX8 Waterproof

The IPX8 Waterproof rating (an improvement from the IPX7 Waterproof rating on my Dnsly brush) means your electric toothbrush can survive immersion in fresh water up to 1.5 meters deep for 30 minutes without damage.

You can thoroughly clean the entire brush with soap under hot running water and even brush your teeth while you are taking a shower if you wish!


The brush itself weighs just 55g, "less than half of ordinary sonic toothbrushes" according to the manufacturer's product information.

Two Color Choices

I purchased this set in black, but it also comes in pink.

Pink sonic toothbrush set with 8 brush heads and travel case
Purchase the pink toothbrush set on Amazon

Less Than $20 for the Entire Set

At just $19.99 for the black or pink set, with free shipping for Amazon Prime members as of 10/12/23, this set delivers a huge bang for the buck.

2 electric toothbrush sets (one black and one pink) with replacement brushes and travel cases
Available on Amazon

You can also get a set of two sonic toothbrushes, one black and one pink, with 12 color-coordinated brush heads (five of each color), 2 color-coordinated interdental brushes, and 2 color-coordinated fitted travel cases) on Amazon for just $39.98. Having two sets in different colors makes it easy for spouses, partners, siblings, roommates, etc. who use them to tell which toothbrush is theirs.

Features Not Included in This Sonic Electric Toothbrush Set

Even though this set is excellent and a tremendous value, there are a few features that some of my previous Oral-B and Philips Sonicare ultrasonic toothbrushes had that this one does not.

No Charging Base

The only way to charge this sonic brush is with a USB cable (included). While many people prefer this method, some may prefer having a dedicated charging base plugged in near the bathroom sink.

Since hearing several respected medical and dental experts advise "Don't brush where you flush," I have started storing my toothbrush in my bedroom instead of my bathroom anyway, so the USB charging requirement isn't an issue for me.

No Battery Charge Level Indicator

My last Oral-B ultrasonic toothbrush had four stacked LED lights on the handle to indicate how much charge was left. I used to store the toothbrush on its charging base, however, so I never looked at it unless I was traveling for an extended period.

The low battery indicator works fine for my purposes.

No 3-Minute Timer Option

I liked the choice of 2-minute (30-second intervals) or 3-minute (45-second intervals) brushing times on my pricy Oral-B model. However, if I want to spend a bit more time on certain areas, it's easy enough to press the mode button of my choice to resume brushing after the 2-minute automatic shutoff.

Note: None of my Oral-B or Philips Sonicare toothbrushes had Bluetooth connectivity or wireless fast charging, and neither does my new brush. However, one or both of these features are built into many of the newer models from these leading brands.

The Perfect Travel Toothbrush

Even if you don't want to replace your current ultrasonic toothbrush, this very inexpensive sonic set would be great to keep in your carry-on luggage for traveling, thanks to its long battery life, convenient USB charging, toothbrush travel case, and protective brush head cover.

A Great, Affordable Gift Under $20

This electric toothbrush set would make a great gift for anyone who is currently using a manual toothbrush, wears braces, is a college student, or has difficulty getting their current toothbrush into hard-to-reach places.

It also makes a great stocking stuffer. No one would guess that this set, complete with a travel case, brush head cover, seven brush heads with fading bristle replacement indicators, an interdental brush head, and a USB charging cable, costs less than $20!

The Best Dentist Approved, Inexpensive, 5-Mode Electric Toothbrush by Margaret Schindel

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The Best Affordable, Super Sharp Kitchen and Steak Knives Set

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The Best Large, Sturdy, Adjustable, Over-the-Sink Dish Drying Rack

The Best Bone-Conduction Bluetooth Headphones Review: Shokz OpenRun Pro

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The Best Acrylic Fabric Paints for Painting Clothes and Accessories

Best Manicure Tools for Strong, Healthy Nails

Thermos Stainless King Travel Tumblers & Travel Mugs Review

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Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Halloween Pumpkin Carving Kits


Pumpkin Carving
Pumpkin Carving Kits Reviewed

The fall season is certainly upon us, the leaves are turning beautiful colors and beginning to fall from the trees. 

Halloween is right around the corner. I always considered Halloween the kickoff to the Holiday season. Driving around you can see all of the fun and scary outdoor decorations in many of the yards.

After the decorations are up and it gets closer to Halloween night it's time to carve the pumpkins. We always pick a night right before Halloween and have a pumpkin carving party. I call it a party because our daughter and grandsons come over to carve our pumpkins. And if we are lucky our son and daughter-in-law will make the two-hour trip to be here with our granddaughters to join in the fun.

Pumpkin Carving Kit
Our Pumpkin Carving Kit

For making pumpkin carving fun and easy I bought this kit a few years ago and the whole family loves the tools in this kit. 

Halloween Pumpkin Carving Kit Features:

  • High-quality stainless steel tools
  • Double-sided stainless steel detail tools
  • Sharp pumpkin shovel tools with scraper
  • Sturdy saws for accurate cutting
To be honest with you, I don't even know what all of these tools can do but my daughter and grandchildren sure do. This set certainly makes carving fun and easy. Well, I'm not sure that any of it is easy but it sure is fun. 

We always have a fun night carving our pumpkins and admiring everyone's hard work in the end. The pumpkins in the intro photo are last year's creations, and that is only half of them, they carved six pumpkins in total. Then, on Halloween night I line our walkway to the porch with their pumpkin creations.

For more Halloween fun my friend Olivia Morris reviews: Decorations for the Home

For Crafting decorations my friend Cynthia Sylvestermouse reviews: This easy Craft Kit

Don't forget about those delicious pumpkin seeds read my: Air Fryer Pumpkin Seed Recipes

15-Piece Pumpkin Carving Kits for Halloween, 5 Professional Stainless Steel Pumpkin Sculpting Tools, 10 Detail Sculpting Tools for Halloween Jack Pumpkin Lanterns15-Piece Pumpkin Carving Kits for Halloween, 5 Professional Stainless Steel Pumpkin Sculpting Tools, 10 Detail Sculpting Tools for Halloween Jack Pumpkin Lanterns15-Piece Pumpkin Carving Kits for Halloween, 5 Professional Stainless Steel Pumpkin Sculpting Tools, 10 Detail Sculpting Tools for Halloween Jack Pumpkin LanternsNESSTU Pumpkin Carving Kit, 28PCS Halloween Pumpkin Carving Tools Professional Pumpkin Carving Set Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Jack-O-Lanterns Pumpkin Carving KnifeNESSTU Pumpkin Carving Kit, 28PCS Halloween Pumpkin Carving Tools Professional Pumpkin Carving Set Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Jack-O-Lanterns Pumpkin Carving KnifeNESSTU Pumpkin Carving Kit, 28PCS Halloween Pumpkin Carving Tools Professional Pumpkin Carving Set Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Jack-O-Lanterns Pumpkin Carving KnifePumpkin Carving Kit Tools Halloween, CHRYZTAL 13PCS Professional Heavy Duty Carving Set, Stainless Steel Double-side Sculpting Tool Carving Knife for Halloween Decoration Jack-O-LanternsPumpkin Carving Kit Tools Halloween, CHRYZTAL 13PCS Professional Heavy Duty Carving Set, Stainless Steel Double-side Sculpting Tool Carving Knife for Halloween Decoration Jack-O-LanternsPumpkin Carving Kit Tools Halloween, CHRYZTAL 13PCS Professional Heavy Duty Carving Set, Stainless Steel Double-side Sculpting Tool Carving Knife for Halloween Decoration Jack-O-Lanterns


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Monday, October 10, 2022

Hallmark Christmas Movies 2022 Reviewed

 It's time! Hallmark Christmas 2022 Movies have arrived! Time to move aside the pumpkins and bring on the Christmas Hallmark movies.

Hallmark Christmas movie season includes the beloved Hallmark favorites from years past and begins October 21, 2022. Movies will air on both the Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movies and Mysteries channel.

girl with a reindeer

The 2022 Hallmark Christmas Movie Schedule has been released and here are a few to look forward to! There will be 31 new movies on Hallmark and 9 new for Hallmark Movies & Mysteries channel.

A Holiday Spectacular 

The Radio City Rockettes and Radio City Music Hall will be featured! Sounds ... spectacular. Join Ginna Clair Mason, Derek Klena, Ann Margaret and Eve Plumb on this wonderful journey through New York at Christmas with the Rockettes playing a pivotal role.

Jolly Good Christmas

London background with a Hallmark favorite lead! Will Kemp and Reshma Shetty will provide the rom com chemistry as Hallmark fans experience London, shopping, and gift choices at Christmas. Fans will remember Will Kemp from his Hallmark movie Christmas Waltz with Lacey Chabert.

Haul Out The Holly

Lacey Chabert is back for her 12th Hallmark Christmas movie. It wouldn't be with Lacey! In this movie she teams with a Hallmark favorite Wes Brown and Lacey plays abit off type as she is the reluctant Christmas fan and the campaign ensues to bring her on board for Christmas fun.

A Cozy Christmas Inn

Jodie Sweetin (Full House) and David O'Donnell brave Alaska, Bed and Breakfast's and Christmas as exes thrown together ... its' a Hallmark movie, I think we know the rest of the storyline (yeah!)! O'Donnell might also be noticed as the lead in the top ten Hallmark Christmas movie Christmas Under Wraps with Candace Cameron Bure, also in Alaska! Full circle with Hallmark, Full House and Alaska!

Full Hallmark Schedule for Christmas 2022 is >>> Here 

There will be three all new movies each weekend night on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Released for Christmas In July 2022

My Grown Up Christmas List - Kevin McGarry and Kayla Wallace navigate the military and the holidays as their connection grows.

Campfire Christmas - Tori Anderson and Corbin Bleu rekindle a romance as their families reunite for fun, romance and campfires at the families' Christmas In July annual celebration.

Christmas In Toyland -Jesse Hutch and Vanessa Lengies star in this Christmas tale revolving around a toy store and its' importance for a town.

Jesse Hutch you may recall from his pairing with Candace Cameron Bure in the classic Let It Snow Hallmark movie.

More Hallmark Christmas Movies Reviewed

Hallmark Christmas Movies 2021 Reviewed by The Savvy Age

You, Me & The Christmas Trees by The Savvy Age

A New Year's Resolution by Cynthia 

Hallmark Christmas Movies 2020 Reviewed by The Savvy Age

Finding Father Christmas by Cynthia

Christmas Tree Lane by The Savvy Age

Broadcasting Christmas by Cynthia

Top Ten Hallmark Christmas Movies by The Savvy Age

Debbie Macomber's Mr. Miracle Hallmark Movie Review by Cynthia

Where To Find Hallmark Christmas Movies?

If your cable subscription includes Hallmark channels then Hallmark Channel is available with the Hallmark Everywhere App. Your cable subscription username and password will be needed to log in.

 Hallmark Movies Now  is a streaming service for a monthly fee. A seven day free trial is available to give the channel a no obligation spin.

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We may be apart, but
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