Sunday, May 18, 2014

Graduation Party Ideas for Your Graduate

graduation cap and diploma
It's May and "graduation season" is just starting. If you have a graduate in the family, you may be in need of graduation party ideas. Luckily, Squidoo can help!

Whether graduating from pre-school, kindergarten, middle school, high school or college, a graduation party is in order. Graduating is a big achievement regardless of the level. Family and friends will love to celebrate with your graduate, so let's get started with some graduation party ideas.

Graduation Time!

This time of year, every time I check my mailbox I get another graduation announcement. Between friends and family, I definitely keep busy during May and June with all the graduations.

At this point, my kids have graduated from everything except college -- and that's coming soon enough. Graduation parties are one of my favorites. It's a time to let the student shine, show accomplishments and revel in the attention for their success.

A few years ago, I noticed there were hardly any lenses about hosting graduation parties. So, I wrote a lens sharing my experiences with the grad parties I have hosted and helped plan. It was and still is a popular reference for parents of graduates.

Today, I started looking around and realized there are a lot more lenses dealing with graduation parties. I decided to visit and maybe get a few new ideas I can pass along to friends and family.

Graduation Party Ideas

Here are a few lenses that should definitely be on your list if you are planning a graduation party.
graduation party memorabilia table
My Daughter's Grad Party Memorabilia Table 

Graduation Centerpieces is an eclectic mix of ideas for table decorations for you party. Everything from very simple to ornate. Lensmaster celebrate has something for everyone.

Another great resource I found was Graduation Party Decorations. Every party needs decorations and lensmaster 3QuartersToday shares some of her ideas. Drawing from her experience hosting parties for her daughter and step-daughter, she has some great grad party decorating ideas.

Lensmaster, DinosaurEgg, has some great suggestions for a graduation cake for the party. In her lens titled, Graduation Cakes -- Hooray!, we find everything from sheet cakes to shaped cakes to candy all appropriate for graduation. 

Check out all that Squidoo has to offer on the subject of graduation parties. Your party will be a resounding success when you use Squidoo for ideas!

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Saturday, May 17, 2014

Babies Can Craft, Too!

When it comes to crafting with small children, there are always lots of ideas out there for toddlers and preschoolers. But what about the babies? 

Believe it or not, it's never to early to start getting arty with the bubs! Once they are of an age where they can sit unaided and grip things, you can start experimenting with them. Most activities will need to wait until they are between 18 months and 2 years old, but there are some things you can do as early as 8-9 months. 

My 9-month-old son LOVES getting his hands dirty. The gooier and stickier, the better! Unlike my now 4-year-old daughter, who hated getting her hands messy as a babe, my little boy has his hands straight in his breakfast, lunch and tea as soon as he possibly can. As he loathes having his hands and face wiped, I encouraged him to dab his messy fingers onto some kitchen roll (paper towels) and showed him the "finger painting" he had done - which made him giggle! 

baby finger painting
(c) Image copyright of the author

Once he got the idea (rinse and repeat until it clicks with baby that he is the one making marks), I whipped up some homemade edible finger paint (made from squished fruit and veg, mainly!) and let him start having fun on paper. You can do this with edible play-dough and sensory materials like rice, pasta and so on, too! Baby can even try stamping with potato stamps using food-based "ink"! 

If baby doesn't mind having food and edible paint on his or her hands, then hand printing is a lovely craft to do! It makes a beautiful keepsake to enjoy for years to come. All you need to do is cover baby's hands with the paint and help them press down onto the paper. We have done this with all the family, printing the hands inside one another according to size (Daddy's first, then mine on top, then my daughter's, then my son's) to create a lovely "our family" picture for the wall. You could make cards for friends and family, too (which older siblings can get involved in making).

I cover this and many other ideas for older babies in Crafts for 1 Year Olds. If you like the hand print idea, then crafting connoisseur Pastiche has lots more of them in her Hand Print Crafts guide.

If you want to have a go at making homemade paint for baby, then you'll find several recipes in Homemade Paint for Kids  (just make sure you pick the ones that are entirely food-based and edible, so it is safe for baby to put in his mouth). As for play dough and clay, homemade recipes are covered in Recipes for Fun - Kids Play Doughs and Clays by jkvkdailey.

Now go and enjoy nurturing your tiny one's creative spark!

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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Your Photography Kit

ducks on the water photo by mbgphoto

This is the 4th in a continuing series on a Nature Photography class I am taking.  For week 4 we talked about equipment and what a photographer should have in their kit.  Our instructor showed us much of his equipment and talked about some good options depending on what type of photography you take.

My primary camera is a Sony DSLR A57.  The list below is what I have in my kit.  The starred items are ones that I'm hoping to get in the future.

  • Lens coverage from 18mm to 300 mm.  I have two zooms to cover this area.  One is a 18-70 and the second is a 75-300 zoom lens.
  • *  I have just ordered a 50mm 1.8 lens
  • * An off camera flash is on my wish list.
  • Extension tubes
  • Polarizing Filter
  • Tripod
  • *Cokin gradient Neutral Denisity filter is on my wish list.
  • Monopod
  • Pop out Reflector set
  • Cable  Release
  • Extra Battery
  • Extra memory cards
I use a lowepro sling backpack type bag to carry my camera equipment.  It is lightweight and carries everything I need when on a photograpy outing.
fountain photo by mbgphoto

The photos on this page are ones I took for our assignment this past week. We were to go to a remote place and carry with us the equipment we would need to take our photos. I used my 75-300 mm zoom telephoto lens.  Since it was evening and the sun was setting, I used my tripod and my cable release to get a clear photo.  
blue irises photo by mbgphoto

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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mod Podge can make miracles happen!

craft idea modpodge
A Dictionary Lamp--just needs some trim!
A few years ago I got the "make over" bug and decided to re-do an old lampshade (that is a link to my DIY page, btw).  I used what I had on hand and you can see the result in the photo to the left. Yes, I did rip up an old dictionary! Do not hate me, because the book was already headed to the recycle bin. Those of you who know me will confirm that I never destroy a book that is still in good shape. I then decoupaged the pages from that torn up book onto the lamp using watered down craft glue. This recycled lampshade project turned out pretty good. 

While I was the The Glue Gun Slinger Contributor on the now defunct website, Squidoo, I  discovered that I could have used ModPodge (by Plaid) for the project instead of that diluted glue! Using a glue + water mixture was successful for me at the time, however. As it turns out, lots of people use a homemade version of ModPodge just as I did on my lampshade project. Tracy Boyer wrote and article and shared a recipe for this economical adhesive mixture for those of us who don't want to guess at proportions.  The Tracy suggests 2 parts glue to 1 part water.

Sometimes using a name brand commercial product will produce consistently good looking results. I have to admit that my own decoupage medium did not look as good after it dried as some other projects that I have seen at craft fairs and such. 

Now, I need to haul out the glue gun and put some trim on that dictionary themed lampshade. Who knows, I just might give it a fresh coat of ModPodge! Stay tuned for the results!

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Monday, May 12, 2014

A Rolling Stone Occasionally Stops to Gather Moss and Other Vegetation

As much as I would like to explore each nook and cranny of the Mid-Atlantic region during my every waking moment, there are times that I need to remain home and get things done. I miss the adventures when I don't wander but the silver lining of staying close to home is that I get to work on some of my other hobbies.

Tomatoes grown indoors after frost
In addition to hiking, camping, and sight-seeing, I dream of living a sustainable and small lifestyle somewhere off-grid.  Currently, that dream feels as though it will always remain a distant and hazy vision. A fantasy.  Then when I spend time “gardening”,  it suddenly feels as though my dream of taking the middleman out of feeding myself is closer to being true than I had thought.

For the past two weekends, I have spent a bit of time preparing my balcony for this season’s vegetable garden.   I moved here in the heat of the summer last year but even so, I started a balcony vegetable garden almost immediately.  

Cold weather came quickly and I moved my tomatoes indoors. Luckily, I had great success with the inexpensive kitchen garden lighting I chose. 

I am so excited that another growing season has arrived and I am working hard to make more space for vegetables by going vertical.

If you are interested in gardening (either in the yard or in containers) I strongly recommend that you search out our gardening experts on Squidoo. I am only listing four links to Squidoo gardening experts here.  However, there are many, many more garden gurus in our writing community.  

  • AnnaMKB has excellent tips about balcony gardening. 
  • JaguarJulie is the backyard garden contributor.    
  • A list of 5 gardening lenses of various Squidoo contributors 
  • A fantastic garden planter idea from angelatvs 

I hope you enjoyed my brief break from wandering across the mid-Atlantic.  I would love to hear from you, how does your garden grow?

Image Credit: Images are mine ©Dawn Rae – All Rights Reserved (Click on photo for larger view)

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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Party Ideas for Mother's Day

Happy Mothers Day heart banner
First of all:  Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!

Now, I realize that today is actually Mother's Day so these ideas for a Mother's Day shindig will probably go on the back burner until next year. Still, it'll give you plenty of time to come up with something to blow mom's socks off with next year!

A Party? For Mother's Day?

Sure! A party is really just two or more people celebrating something -- a holiday, milestone, achievement, success, etc... Mother's Day certain falls in this realm. Mother's are forever planning parties and events for their children, why not plan something in her honor?

I ran over to Squidoo to see what suggestions were available. As always, I was not disappointed. Squidoo really is a fount of information. If you search for "Mother's Day", you will be rewarded with ideas for gifts, crafts, trivia, cards, poems, songs, gift baskets and, of course, food.

Then, I searched for Mother's Day Party and was pointed towards some really cool ideas for celebrating this wonderful person in your life.

A Mother's Day Tea Party

WriterJanis tells us, "This is a chance to get dressed up and give Mom an elegant celebration"  in her lens titled How to Throw a Mother's Day Tea Party. She gives us ideas for invitations, decorations, which teas to serve, food and dessert ideas as well as music and even games.

This lens is truly a one stop shop for inspiration for your Mother's Day celebration. Bookmark it for future reference!

Mother's Day Picnic

A cool and different idea for celebrating mom's day is a picnic. It's May, warmer and people are itching to get outside. The Perfect Mother's Day Picnic by vermontmom has a host of ideas to choose from, even getting the kids involved in the preparations.

As she says in her intro, you'll find some tips and ideas to make your picnic "almost as special as your mom." What a sweet sentiment. 

Do Something for Mom

Moms are great and we should celebrate them more than once a year but doing it up nicely on Mother's Day can't hurt. Take some time to research and plan a wonderful party or get-together for your mom. She'll always remember...

Wishing everyone and their mother a wonderful Mother's Day, 2014!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Crafting is for Life, Not Just the Holidays!

I love how crafts can seep into every area of life. My daughter is an autonomous learner, which means an unstructured home education that is child-led and follows subjects that she is interested in. Right now we are learning about the body, and building a skeleton. This term at forest school is all about minibeasts, and there is a new show on the CBeebies channel all about minibeasts too, so we are learning lots about insects! My daughter has taken a great interest in musical instruments recently, and also wants to learn about the vikings. And, as I mentioned last week, we do weekly crafts and activities based around a picture book of choice. All of these topics can include crafts, so not only are we getting creative and arty, we are learning lots, too!

big rainbow painted onto a large sheet of paper

 At the start of the week, we went on a lovely morning out in the forest for the May Bank Holiday. An author was visiting with her book, Teddy Edward's Rainbow Walk, and along with the storytelling and songs was a "rainbow walk" to find lots of different colored "nature treasures" which the children then glued onto a beautiful big rainbow painted onto a large sheet of paper (above). The collage created from the many shades of leaves, twigs, flowers and pine cones was a sight to behold!

diy trampoline
Yesterday, we made a tambourine (left) and a kazoo. Both were simple to make and used mostly everyday materials, but the process was super fun and produced great results! Whether crafting from nature, junk or actual craft materials, there are so many DIY instruments you can make. My latest lens on how to Make your Own Tambourine shows you just how easy it can be!

Our skeleton crafts have encompassed both literacy (we recently read and had fun with the book Funnybones), art (chalk drawings, glow in the dark paint, moving paper skeletons), puzzles (printing out and piecing back together skeleton bones) and science - we're building a skeleton week by week with a cool partworks series, which comes with a magazine explaining all about how the body works, and to demonstrate how strong our bones are, despite being hollow, we did a fantastic craft where we stuck about 30 drinking straws inside cardstock and rolled them up to make a bone, before placing things on top to see how strong the construction was!

skeleton made out of q-tips
We also made cotton bud skeletons (right) and pasta skeletons, which LeanneChesser explains how to make in her Spooky Skeleton Crafts, along with toilet roll skeletons, skeleton mobiles and more!  

Minibeasts have also brought out the crafters in us - insect nature collages, making up mud minibeasts at forest school, and even creating our own ant farm out of a plastic container. I can't wait to have a go at making the super cute pom pom peg butterflies that Spelloutloud shows us how to make as part of their Butterfly Unit for Young Children.

You don't have to be a home educator to nurture your child with creativity and learning through crafts - taking time to do this one evening a week or at the weekend will create wonderful memories and teach them so much.

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Friday, May 9, 2014

Pride and Prejudice

pride and prejudice starring colin firthThere is one movie and book that stands out in our hearts as an all time favorite for most forever hopeless romantics.  Pride and Prejudice is not only a classic in literature, but it is also a work of art in the movie industry.  

It is truly my own personal all time favorite.  Perhaps, largely owing to the fact that my daughter and I spent countless hours watching the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice throughout her high school years.   Any rainy weekend or holiday break was all the reason we needed to break out the dvds.

As soon as the new version starring Keira Knightley was released in the theaters, we were in attendance for it's debut.  We both now own a copy of that dvd as well. 

Ironically, we each have a different movie version of Pride and Prejudice that we prefer.


I have personally seen 3 of the 4 versions available and I do have my own preference.   Obviously, the story-line is the same, but the actors do play a major part in personal choice, as well as the depth of detail.  I tend to always prefer the movie that most closely aligns with the original book, mainly because I usually watch the movie because I first loved the book.  

I find deviations distracting even when I do appreciate some things simply don't come across as well on the screen.  I completely understand that screenwriters and directors take liberties to make a more entertaining movie.  

I would love to hear your opinions.  Please leave your comments and tell us which version you prefer.  

However, I will warn you in advance, her reviews will send you running to your dvd players and searching for your own copy, or copies, of Pride & Prejudice.  

I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

pride and prejudice comparison of versions

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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Field Photography and Close Ups

yellow flower photo by mbgphoto
This is the third post in my series on the Nature Photography Class I am taking.  Each week we have a homework assignment and the assignment for this past week was to take an artistic photo of a flower.  The photo above is the one I submitted.  It is the backside of a Gerbera daisy.  In order to take the photo I made my own background by draping a black velvet skirt over a chair and sitting the potted plant on the chair.  I used my tripod and zoomed in close to capture this photo.  Here is the photo of the front of that same flower.  The instructor said that although the front flower was a good one he enjoyed the photo of the back since it was a side people usually don't see.  He also said it was good that I did not center the back flower photo.  It gives it more interest.
pink flower photo by mbgphoto

Field Photography

In the class we talked a bit about field photography with an emphasis on what to bring when you go into the field to photograph.  The main point that I got from this was that you should think careful about what you want to photograph and not try to bring all your gear but rather just what will be needed.  Here are some considerations and items to pack in your bag to overcome them.

  • Wet Grass/Mud--carry a folded up heavy duty trash bag to kneel or sit on.
  • Wind- consider carrying an umbrella to use to block the wind
  • Controlling light- reflectors in various colors-black,white, gold, silver
  • Transporting gear- pick a bag that is lightweight and fits what you are wouldn't want a heavy bag for a longer hike

Macro  Photography

We also discussed macro and closeup photography in the class.  The instructor said the difference is that macro photography would be taking a photo  at 1/2 life size or greater.  Less than that it would be close up photography.  He said most macro settings on cameras are really close up photography.  He talked about several options for taking macro photos.
  • Macro Lenses--these are great for getting small details.  The lens come in a variety of size and the instructor said if you were to get just one he would suggest something in the 70-80 mm range.  Macro lenses are a bit on the expensive size so you may want to consider the next less expensive option.
  • Extension tubes--these tubes help you to get macro photos without the expense of the macro lens.  They can be purchased usually in sets of 3 and can be used in combination with any lens...zoom or otherwise.
  • Diopter lenses- these lenses will magnify and help in macro photography.  They DO NOT work well with zoom lenses.
  • Focus Rails--this is a great tool that can be attached to your tripod to move the camera back and forth when you are focusing.  Much easier than trying to move tripod to focus.

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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Handmade Mother's Day Gifts

recycling arrows in the shape of a heart
Happy Mother's Day!

Moms never get too old to enjoy those Made by Hand and Handcrafted with Love gifts from their children. And, children should never get too old to create those one of a kind presents that have so much meaning to their parents.

For our mom's birthday and for Mother's Day, my brother and I crafted together to create a unique and upcycled present for mom. We found ourselves Recycling Memories of Love and Flowers. My brother pressed and dried a bouquet of flowers. I learned how to Recycle a Rusted Metal Picture Frame and Watch It Shine.

This turned out to be an easy project and mom spent hours deciding where to hang her framed work of childhood art. My brother's pressed flowers turned out really well for his first time. Here's how he did it:
  • Place a piece of parchment paper on a hard and flat surface. Select a spot that is cool and shaded.
  • Arrange the cut flowers on the parchment paper. Lay the leaves flat and bend flower stems to "pose" the flowers.
  • Place another piece of parchment paper over the flowers.
  • Cover with a flat board.
  • Evenly stack books or bricks on the board. Start with just a few bricks so that the flowers are not crushed.
  • Check on the flowers every day. Add more bricks to slowly press the flowers.

Recycled flowers and upcycled picture frames aren't the only ways to impress a mom. Most moms love jewelry, too. Here's some crafting talent that is waiting to help you create something special for your mom.
Show your mom some love. Give a present that is handmade from the heart.

Until next time, be safe, be well and Happy Mother's Day!


Posted by Coletta Teske
Coletta Teske

About This Contributor

Coletta Teske writes reviews on books, business management, writing, crafting, cooking, and gardening. She is also an avid recycler and shares her tips on recycling. She delights in upcycling an old object, recycling or transforming discarded items into a new treasure.

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