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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query hallmark movie. Sort by date Show all posts

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Hallmark Gifts for Mom


Discover five fun, fabulous and affordable gift ideas for mom on Mother's Day or any day of the year!

No doubt your Mom raised as Hallmark says, "Good, kind kids who are a great gift to the world." Who better then to offer up a special gift idea for your Mom than Hallmark, whether it be for Mother's Day or on any day of the year? 

On this page you will find gathered together six wonderful Hallmark gift ideas including the Blooming Expressions flowers; the Mom and Me Recordable Conversations To Keep book; a shadow box picture frame; the There is No One Like Mom CD; the movie Soldier Love Story; and, a fun Mom-themed coffee mug series.

I am sure that you will find something here that is within your budget and perfect for your Mom.


Hallmark's Blooming Expressions flowers will bloom every year for mom!

There are an assortment of Hallmark Blooming Expressions flowers available, including pink and red rose versions. Each vase features a variety of expressions like, "I Love You" and "You Are the Heart of Our Family." I like the idea that this item is an everlasting gift that mom can use to decorate her table, dresser or desk. They will bloom for mom forever!  Find your Blooming Expressions flower on Amazon by clicking right here.

Hallmark Mom and Me Conversations to Keep Recordable Storybook records Mom and her little one talking.


Some of the most beloved gifts given to Moms are those that are personal in one way or another. A Hallmark Mom and Me recordable book fits that bill very nicely. With a Mom and Me recordable storybook, a young Mom records the voices of herself and her children having an informal and fun chat.

The book provides fun, open-ended questions like, "If you and your mom had a super power, what would it be?" and "What do you want to be when you grow up?" With this special memory book, mom records their thoughts NOW so that she will have them as a treasured keepsake when they are grown up. I sure wish that I had done something similar when my boys were young.

A Hallmark's Mom and Me Recordable Storybook is the perfect gift idea for any mother with young children. You can find the Hallmark Mom and Me Recordable storybooks on eBay by clicking right here


This Hallmark Shadow Box is filled with treasures from Treasures By Brenda on eBay but your mom can of course personalize it with her own momentos!

With Hallmark's personalized shadow boxes, you can frame pictures of your family along with small mementoes and quotes. Whether you choose to do the decorating or you leave it up to mom, there are a variety of frames available. See the Hallmark Shadow Box frames on eBay by clicking right here.


Hallmark's lovely music CD for mom features music by assorted artists.

Hallmark's There Is No One Like Mom CD features music by various artists including Sheryl Crow, Elvis Costello, Elton John, Diana Ross and Sting and is an appropriate and affordable gift for moms everywhere. Find it on eBay by clicking here.


Faith and Family's Soldier Love Story launched the 2009 Countdown to Mother's Day on the Hallmark Channel, thus feeding the confusion as to whether or not it is a Hallmark movie.

In Soldier Love Story, a ten-year old boy named Jared's life fell apart when his parents divorced. His Dad seems to put his job ahead of him and his mother makes him move in with his Grandma in California so that his mom can take a job there. When the boy's classroom writes letters to U.S. troops who are posted in Afghanistan, a sergeant named Vince who himself had no father takes a shine to the boy and corresponds with him in a fatherly manner. When Vince returns from Afghanistan, he is warmly welcomed and becomes a boyfriend to the boy's mother, with the understanding that there can be no commitment because he will likely be sent back to Afghanistan.

Soldier Love Story was originally called Meet My Mom. It is a lovely story and would make a wonderful Mother's Day gift for any Mom who loves Hallmark movies and in particular for any Mom with a connection to the Armed Forces. It is a hugely popular Hallmark movie with viewers praising it because it combines a bit of romance and family with a lot of respect for soldiers.

Please note that this is not actually a Hallmark movie. Rather, it is a made-for-tv movie that first aired as the lead movie for the Hallmark Channel's Countdown to Mother's Day in 2009. That's good enough for me. It is still a great movie choice for mom. Find  Soldier Love Story on Amazon by clicking right here.


This is one of a series of Hallmark mugs featuring Ken Sheldon and a mom theme.

Of course, there's nothing quite like a mug for Mom, especially if she loves her cup of tea or coffee. If she does, she will appreciate using a mug every single day that you chose with her in mind. I enjoy the sentiments on these Ken Sheldon mugs, of which there is a series that includes various pieces, not just coffee mugs, and pieces for dad, too. Find all of Hallmark's Ken Sheldon items on eBay by clicking right here.

What will you be giving your mom for Mother’s Day this year?

See you 
next time!
Treasures By Brenda

More Gift Ideas for Moms:

Vintage Taylor and Ng Coffee Mugs

A Clowder of Black Cat Coffee Mugs

Note from Author: This page previously published in part elsewhere.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, January 28, 2022

Snowkissed - Hallmark Movie Review

As autumn has turned to winter in our area, the trees and grounds have already been kissed by snow several times. When I saw the movie entitled "Snowkissed", I immediately thought it was a rather romantic way to describe a light snow.  

When it is below freezing outside, I tend to stay inside with a cup of hot cocoa, a warm blanket, and a romantic Hallmark movie.  When the title caught my attention, I decided to check it out.

Setting my first thoughts aside, I read the movie description and thought it might be a nice love story, but I watched it because the title evoked lovely mental imagery.  

Because I prefer clean and wholesome movies, I most often scan Hallmark movies first for a new film to watch when I just want to relax, not have to think too deeply, and simply be entertained by beautiful settings and likable people.

When a movie makes me smile, or even laugh, I know I have discovered a  cinematic gem.  As it turned out, the love story was sweet, I laughed several times, the scenery was fabulous and was definitely snow kissed.

This movie clearly has it all and was a wonderful escape for an hour and a half.


"Snowkissed" Movie Synopsis 

 SnowkissedCheck Price Kate (Jen Lilley) is really excited when she is offered an interview with a popular author, but her excitement is quickly diminished when she finds out she will have to travel to conduct the interview.  She hates to travel.  She likes her well organized, clutter-free life in Manhattan and she has no desire to change anything. However, with the prospect of becoming a staff member instead of a freelance writer, and a lot of encouragement from her photographer friend who will go with her, she decides to face her travel fears and take the assignment.

They arrive at the B&B in Canada to find a struggling business run by two single men who are desperate to get the endorsement of an international travel company that will send a lot of business their way.  As the only two guests for the week, the guys ask Kelly & Jane to go through their 3 day tour and give them honest critiques and suggestions.  However, constructive criticism is not always easy to take, even when it is given by request.

While the set-up of two single men and two single women may seem like the perfect situation, it isn't always a guarantee that they will end up as friends, much less anything more to each other. After all, they live in different countries, all have jobs and responsiblities, and at least one definitely does not like change.


If you enjoy a romantic movie with a touch of humor and a lot of gorgeous scenery, then you will love Snowkissed

Click Here to Watch on Amazon Prime or Buy a Hallmark DVD that includes Snowkissed.

More Great Movies Reviewed

Check Out More Movie Reviews at

Snowkissed - Hallmark Movie Review by:
House of Sylvestermouse


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, January 22, 2024

Hallmark Movie Review A Scottish Love Scheme

Hallmark begins the year with an original movie A Scottish Love Scheme set in Scotland. Viewers whom are not fans of romance with a dash of cold, ice and snow will enjoy a change of scenery for this winter premiere. Two moms will attempt their best Hallmark magic to help their son and daughter find romance in Scotland as they navigate midlife.

Scotland scene

Old Family Friends & Romance

Erica Durance and Jordan Young play Lily and Logan who are two old family friends who reconnect in Scotland after Lily's divorce and career reorganization (which seems to very much resemble a traditional and sterotypcal midlife crisis.) While a Hallmark type  "crisis" is a theme of most  Hallmark movies, this movie adds the Hallmark touch to love, midlife crisis and career relocation (all in a night's work for Hallmark!) The movie was filmed in Scotland and the lush greenery and scenery does not disappoint.

Midlife Crisis In Scotland

Divorce, midlife crisis and two committed mom's are the drivers of the why and how Lily and Logan meet in Scotland. Mom's who believe they know best for their children for future romance and put a plan into action. The Mom's are a definite key part of the charm of the plot; hence Scheme in the title. They are cute, amusing and have a definite twinkle in their eyes as they attempt matchmaking.

Admittedly the Mom's, supporting actors and even the scenery are more consistently entertaining than the main actors. All of which combines to leave this Hallmark movie lacking a smidge in the Hallmark romance area.

Hallmark movie Christmas fans will recognize Erica Durance from Hallmark movies such as 2023's Ms. Christmas Comes To Town, We Need A Little Christmas and Open By Christmas.

Fans of River City will recognize Jordan Young. He is the actor who plays Alex Murdoch in the long running Scottish television series River City.

More Hallmark Movies featuring Scotland

Review A Merry Scottish Christmas by The Savvy Age

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Hallmark's A Century of Caring Book Review

Hallmark: A Century of Caring is truly a magnificent book about a company which was shaped by and which helped shape America. Learn more.

Hallmark's History: Celebrate A Hundred Years With Hallmark

Hallmark: A Century of Caring by Patrick Regan is truly a magnificent book about a company which was shaped by and which helped shape America. It covers everything from the very beginnings of the company with a young man and some picture postcards in a box to the third generation, which runs this company today. This ample-sized coffee table-style book features plenty of interesting information, is packed with amazing photographs and features a bonus DVD with a full length Hallmark Hall of Fame movie, The Magic of Ordinary Days.

Any fan or collector of Hallmark would thoroughly enjoy this beautiful book as would those with a simple curiosity of how Hallmark came to be the company that it is today. On this page, you will find more information about the book and a quick video peek into Hallmark's 100 year history.

Hallmark: A Century of Caring is truly a magnificent book about a company which was shaped by and which helped shape America. Learn more.

The Hallmark family were really the Halls and a hundred years ago, they lived in poverty and tried to eek out a living in a small town in Nebraska. Move forward a hundred years and you find the family has created a once truly unique company. The book, Hallmark: A Century of Caring, tells the story of this American institution and how it came to life because of dedication to hard work, good values and caring for employees and customers.

It features a lovely introduction from poet Maya Angelou and takes you on a trip from Norfolk, Nebraska to Kansas City, Missouri, the town in which Hallmark finally settled. Learn about the company in good times and in bad, with the bad times including both war and depression through which the company continued to grow.

A hundred years after its inception, the company looks forward to a different future. This book celebrates what is an "iconic American company."


This short video is an interesting one minute of Hallmark history with the company's founder, J.C. Hall.


Hallmark: A Century of Caring marked Hallmark's 100 years and shares the history of the company including the Hall family and its employees and how they created a brand with world-wide renown. It is broken down into ten sections or chapters, each of which tells how Hallmark was a reflection on what was happening in America at certain time periods, how those events helped Hallmark become what it has become and the effect that Hallmark had on the country. It is a large hardcover book and it is beautiful. The chapters include:

Starting From Scratch (1891-1909)
That Kansas City Spirit (1910-1915)
Building Business and Breaking Ground (1915-1932)
Hanging Tough in Hard Times (1933-1951)
The Power of Association
Coming of Age (1951-1966)
The Hallmark Hall of Fame
The Modernist (1966-1980)
Traditions, Transitions, Expansion and Explorations (1981-2002)
A Second Century, A Third Generation (2002 and Beyond)


Dr. Maya Angelou said, "I have read few biographies that have moved me as much as the Hall family saga."

It comes HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by buyers and also by me.  There's nothing to object to in this book, in terms of sex and violence anyway, and it is a peek into an iconic American company.

It is my understanding that this book was initially given as a gift to the employees of Hallmark on the company's 100th birthday but that some of these books were also made available through Hallmark Gold Crown stores and Andrews McMeel Publishing. Fortunately for Hallmark fans and collectors, it is now available here from Amazon, too.

The Magic of Ordinary Days, Keri Russell Hallmark Hall of Fame Movie

The Magic Of Ordinary Days

The Magic of Ordinary Days caught me off guard. That is, I found it in the back of this book and put it in the DVD player when I was expecting to putter around and get a few other jobs done. Unfortunately, that was not the case as I was quickly absorbed into this beautiful story of a man who takes in a woman from a faraway town in order to have a wife and provide a stable home for both the woman and her unborn child.

When I looked at the Amazon customer reviews, I discovered that I was not the only one who enjoyed this movie. If you enjoy Hallmark movies, you will, no doubt, enjoy this one and, if you buy the book Hallmark: A Century of Caring, you receive a free copy of this excellent movie, too.

You can order your copy of Hallmark's A Century of Caring by clicking right here.

How has Hallmark touched your life?

See you at the bookstore!

More Hallmark Reading

Christmas in Conway (2013) 
Remember Sunday (2013)

Author's Note: Originally published elsewhere in 2010.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, October 11, 2021

Hallmark Christmas Movies 2021 Reviewed

It's time! Hallmark Christmas 2021 Movies are ready to roll out! This unabashed Hallmark Christmas Movie fan is excited to take a break from everything pumpkin and enjoy the new, old, classic and fan favorite Hallmark Christmas movies.

Hallmark Christmas movie season includes the beloved Hallmark favorites from years past and begins October 23, 2021. Movies will air on the Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movies and Mysteries channel.

The 2021 Hallmark Christmas Movie Schedule has been released and here are a few to look forward to!

Candace Cameron Bure

Two Sisters - Two Hallmark Christmas Movies

Kimberly Williams-Paisley and Ashley Williams, sisters in real life, are pairing up in two Hallmark Christmas Movies for 2021

Sister Swap: A Hometown Holiday

Sister Swap: Christmas in the City

santa and polar bear

Looking For More Hallmark Christmas Movies?


Hallmark Christmas Movies 2020 Reviewed by The Savvy Age

Finding Father Christmas by Cynthia

Christmas Tree Lane by The Savvy Age

Broadcasting Christmas by Cynthia

Top Ten Hallmark Christmas Movies by The Savvy Age

Favorite Hallmark Christmas Movies 2019

  • Christmas In Rome with Lacey Chabert and Sam Page
  • Christmas At The Plaza with Ryan Paevey
  • Christmas Town with Candace Cameron Bure and Tim Rozon
  • Christmas at Dollywood with Danica McKellar and Niall Matter

Where To Find Hallmark Christmas Movies?

If your cable subscription includes Hallmark, Hallmark Channel is available with the Hallmark Everywhere App by logging in with your cable subscription username and password.

A monthly plan is also available with the Hallmark Movies Now service for $4.99 a month. A seven day free trial is available to give the channel a no obligation spin.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, August 11, 2023

Friend Request aka Chance at Romance (2014) Movie Review

Friend Request aka Chance of Romance Hallmark Movie Review
Before the horror movie that bears the same name was filmed, this delightfully fun and uplifting movie was released in 2014.  

To make it more confusing, this movie has two different names.  If you watch it on the Hallmark channel, it is "Chance at Romance".  However, if you watch it on the PixL channel, like I did, it is "Friend Request", which was the original title.  

There are some slight editing differences in the the Hallmark version, but it is unlikely a viewer would notice, or even care about them.  

Erin Krakow and Ryan McPartlin are both well known current day actors which each have a huge fan base.  The movie name change could easily have your thinking you missed one, only to discover that you had previously seen the movie, just under a different name.

Regardless of the title, it is a great movie that I would highly recommend to anyone who enjoys romantic comedy movies.

Friend Request Synopsis

While walking home after another failed blind date, Samantha Hart (Erin Krakow) slips into an art show featuring the photographer, Heath Madson (Ryan McPartlin).  

 Friend RequestCheck PriceWhen Heath makes eye contact with Samantha during his short speech about seeing "something that just takes your breath away", she is immediately enamored with the man, as well as his photos.  Because she misses the opportunity to speak to Heath at the show, she decides to write to him through his contact link on his website.  When he answers, she is encouraged and continues to correspond with him.  After several emails, he offers to send her a ticket and book a hotel for his next show.  

When she arrives, his 12 year old son meets her at the train depot and takes her to their home.  When Heath arrives, there is a very awkward greeting between the two.  Heath has no idea who she is.

Can you guess who Sam has been communicating with, how she got a train ticket, and why Heath didn't recognize her even though everyone else around knows who she is?  

Things get really distressing for Sam when there is no hotel room available and her suitcase is stolen.  Then she meets "the woman" who already has designs on the photographer.

 Chance at Romance is one of the movies included on this DVDCheck Price
I watched "Friend Request" on the PixL channel on Frndly TV.  I no longer subscribe to the Hallmark channel, but "Chance at Romance" can sometimes be seen in their lineup of movies.  

It is not currently available on Amazon even though they do have the place holder for it (linked above) and you can add it to your watchlist.  

Hallmark has released a DVD which includes "Chance at Romance" as one of the three movies.  

I recommend searching both movie names in your own favorite streaming service to see if it is currently available.  Just be sure you click on the movie that stars Erin Krakow and Ryan McPartlin.  Otherwise, what you will see will not be funny, or romantic!


Personal Note

In the movie, Heath's photography is referred to as "High Dynamic Range Photography".  He accomplished this technique by making computer enhancements to his photos.  

His technique reminded me of our own fellow contributor Mary Beth Granger, photographer mbgphoto, who has shown us how to enhance our own photos with Photoshop.  She has perfected the art of removing or adding to the photos, eliminating or changing unwanted backgrounds, plus shows us how to take photos with dramatic elements like rain drops, snow, or even adding an overlay of music scores over a musicians fingers on their instrument.

I can see proof of Mary Beth's training through her articles in my own photos.  She has encouraged me to step out of the "point and shot" mode and look more closely at focus, technique and editing.  

I believe my own interest in photography made this movie more relevant to me personally, especially when I kept thinking of my friend and co-contributor here on Review This Reviews.


Here are the links to mbgphoto's articles that I referenced above:

Check Out More Movie Reviews at

Friend Request aka Chance at Romance (2014) Movie Review by:
House of Sylvestermouse


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, March 11, 2024

Hallmark Movie Review As Luck Would Have It

Celebrate St. Paddy's Day with this Hallmark's As Luck Would Have It filmed in Ireland with stars Joanna Swisher and Allen Leech in this delighful movie. Downton Abbey fans will immediately recognize Leech aka as Tom Branson, a beloved Downton Abbey character.

Hallmark fans will enjoy the traditional storyline which is enhanced by the chemistry between the lead actors and authentic Irish scenery. Filmed In Kilabbey, Ireland and Howth Castle and add in the Cliffs of Mohr and viewers will not be disappointed.

Hallmark movie banner

The storyline is not new (and that is OK! for a movie which works so well) as an American is dispatched to turn the Irish family castle into a hotel. The struggle to keep the castle and town financially afloat is the why and the heart behind the castle is the why the behind saving the castle and town!

With names such as Brennan, Seamus, Fiana, Siobhan, and Maebh the authenticity shines through of the supporting cast. The Hallmark chemistry hits the bullseye with Joanna and Allen, the supporting characters and the scenery is so beautiful - let's call the scenery a major supporting character too!

Of course love is in the air as the main characters work as opposities and then join forces to save the family hotel as only Hallmark can...

Deer Park Hotel

Ever want to stay at a Hallmark movie castle? This castle may be your chance. In August 2023 plans have been approved to construct a hotel on the Howth property. The current Deep Park will be demolished to build a destination hotel with all the amenties. The project's estimated completion is 2025 to welcome guests.

Howth Castle Cookery School

Who knew cooking classes are held at the infamous Howth Castle 18th Century Georgian kitchen! Professional chefs provide hands on instruction for foodies of all levels in the cooking shcool which has operated since 2008 in the castle.


Highly recommend As Luck Would Have It! Ireland fans and Hallmark romcom fans will not be disappointed and in fact, this is a movie which left many viewers asking, "When is the sequel?"

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, December 25, 2023

Most Popular Hallmark Christmas Movies 2023

All good things must come to an end for Hallmark Christmas movie fans. The beginning of a New Year signals the end of Hallmark Christmas movies 24/7, but Hallmark Christmas In July is just a few months and a few snowflakes away.

Hallmark Christmas movies banner

Hallmark Christmas remains very popular with viewers and the 2023 season was no exception. For the 2023 Christmas movie season Hallmark debuted 31 original movies for the Hallmark Channel and an additional 9 for its' sister channel, Hallmark Movies & Mysteries. Between both channels fans has a huge selection of Christmas movies new and old anytime of the day or night and the ratings reflect the popularity of Hallmark Christmas programming.

Most Popular 2023 Hallmark Christmas Movie

The winner is A Merry Scottish Christmas with Lacey Chabert and Scott Wolfe debuted with 3.3 million viewers beating out 

A Biltmore Christmas, Christmas Island and Haul Out The Holly: Lit Up are next in line for Hallmark Christmas movies ratings. Two of the four star Lacey Chabert part of the Hallmark A team of actors year round.

In October Hallmark was ranked sixth amongst cable network shows. Enter the Christmas line up and Christmas movies 24/7 beginning in late October and viewership substantially increased.  In November Hallmark had the third highest rating for cable shows because of Christmas 24/7.

What's New For 2024 ?

Hallmark's streaming service will debut an unscripted 10 episode series with Lacey Chabert titled Celebrations. The series will follow Chabert as she celebrates real life heroes. Chabert has starred in 38 Hallmark movies including the highly rated Wedding Veil six movie series. 

More Hallmark Christmas Movies Reviewed

Hallmark Christmas Movies 2023 Reviewed by The Savvy Age

Hallmark Christmas Movies 2022 Reviewed by The Savvy Age

Hallmark Christmas Movies 2021 Reviewed by The Savvy Age

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, June 17, 2022

It Was Always You Movie Review

It Was Always You
The only thing better than a clean, romantic movie is a romantic movie that makes us laugh. 

Erin Krakow shares her geeky side in the movie, "It Was Always You". When she hits the dance floor, she is downright funny as she demonstrates how this attractive, successful woman clearly doesn't know how to dance.  At least, that is true in the movie.  She is awkward, yet adorable because she can laugh at herself. Perhaps, all she really needs is the right partner.

Krakow is probably best known for her long lasting role as the main character in the current Hallmark series, "When Calls the Heart". However, she has proven many times that she is not just a "one hit wonder" in movies. Several movies starring Erin Krakow have already been reviewed and recommended here on Review This Reviews!  

Each time I see her in a new movie, I think "this one is my favorite". As of today, "It Was Always You" is my favorite Erin Krakow movie. I look forward to seeing how Hallmark tops this one. Frankly, I think that is a difficult challenge.

"It Was Always You" Hallmark Movie Synopsis

 It Was Always YouCheck Price & Viewing OptionsDr. Elizabeth Hall has achieved everything she set out to accomplish. She has a successful dental practice that she shares with her long time friend and fiance, George Belling.  But something is still missing. 

As a child, Elizabeth looked upon her neighbors as the perfect family and that is what she wants most. The Belling family welcomed Elizabeth into their home and she shared many happy occasions with them. Her best memories are of times spent in the Belling home and with the Belling children. Just like any close family, she shared their hurts, pains, loses, and love. It seemed only fitting that she should marry George Belling and secure her future with their family.

When Elizabeth and George joined the whole family for a weekend of celebrations, Elizabeth found herself searching for something she had not realized she was missing.  Her own real happiness.


More Great Movies Reviewed

Check Out More Movie Reviews at

It Was Always You - Hallmark Movie Review by:
House of Sylvestermouse


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, June 28, 2021

Hallmark Christmas In July 2021 Reviewed

 Hallmark fan alert! Hallmark Christmas in July movies make a long awaited appearance this year.  The fun begins Friday, July 9, 2021 and continues through July 31st. The favorites are back along with a few Hallmark surprises.

santa in a snowglobe

Here are a few of my favorite Hallmark Christmas movies showing this July. 

Crown for Christmas  - Danica McKellar and Rupert Penry-Jones

One of the top Hallmark Christmas movies of all time (in my humble Hallmark opinion!)

Danica McKellar is transported from her job as a maid in a swanky hotel to a nanny to a princess and all the foibles in between. Great chemistry between the leads and the palace staff make this a modern day romantic comedy many will enjoy all year long.

Christmas at Graceland - Kellie Pickler and Wes Brown

Love, romance, country music against the backdrop of the beautiful Graceland makes you want to book a Graceland visit on your next vacation.

Christmas Under Wraps - Candace Cameron Bure, David O'Donnell

A career driven city doctor finds herself unexpectedly in Alaska to take care of the residents of this small Christmas town. Of course romance ensues with a resident who have a very Christmas family. One of the A team female leads at Hallmark, Candace does not disappoint nor does the male lead David O'Donnell to make one almost 'believe' Santa does exist...

Time for Us to Come Home for Christmas  - Lacey Chabert, Stephen Huszar

Mystery, romance and five degrees of separation? as five strangers find themselves drawn to a country inn for Christmas and find their lives intertwined as the mystery unfolds.

Our Christmas Love Song - Alicia Witt, Brendan Hines

Fans are in for a treat with these two stars who can sing and act. Country music is the backdrop along with an original song by Alicia Witt.

Soap Sunday 

New this year is an all day marathon of Hallmark Christmas movies with your favorite soap stars! 


New 2021 Christmas Movie

Hallmark fans will be delighted that Christmas In July this year will include a brand new Christmas movie - albeit early. Crashing Through The Snow premieres this July starring Amy Acker and Warren Christie. 


Hallmark Christmas Movie Reviews

Hallmark Christmas Movies 2020 Reviewed by The Savvy Age

Finding Father Christmas by Cynthia

Christmas Tree Lane by The Savvy Age

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, March 31, 2017

Midnight Masquerade Hallmark Movie Reviewed

Midnight Masquerade Hallmark Movie Reviewed
Midnight Masquerade offers a new, modern day twist to the timeless Cinderella story.  Instead of a female Cinderella, one of the main characters is Rob, the "prince" who has to leave the masquerade party before midnight.  His crown is accidentally knocked off as he is leaving, but he doesn't have time to retrieve it in his mad dash out.  Elyse Samford, his princess, finds the crown when she searches for Rob who simply disappeared from the party.

This is a very sweet, romantic movie that I can easily recommend to anyone who enjoys a simple love story that ends with "happily ever after".

Midnight Masquerade Synopsis

Rob Carelli is a lawyer who is employed at the law firm of Higgins Attorneys and Sons.  Since I compared the movie to Cinderella earlier, you may have already guessed that Higgins is the father who owns the law firm and he has two sons who also work for the firm.  The two sons have been given positions of authority and both men shove their work off on Rob, who then has to spend countless hours basically doing the work of three attorneys.  Mr. Higgins frequently takes the opportunity to deride Rob telling him he should strive to be as productive as his sons and chastising him when he is late for work.

 Midnight Masquerade
Buy the DVD
Elyse Samford has just been made the CEO of her father's successful candy company.  Samford Candy is a client of Higgins Attorneys and Sons.  When Elyse needs their legal assistance, she meets all of them in the office, but she recognizes Rob, whom she has previously met at the bowling alley.  Rob is immediately attracted to Elyse, but she has the stress of her newly acquired responsibilities pressing on her mind.  She isn't really looking for romance.

When Elyse invites every employee of Higgins Attorneys and Sons to their companies annual Halloween masquerade party, Rob asks his sister and niece for help with costume ideas.  His sister makes him a gorgeous Prince costume.  Both his sister and his niece step in to help him learn the basic steps of waltzing too so he will be able to dance at the party.  

However, when Halloween arrives, he is told that he cannot attend the party.  That he has to work all night.  When his niece hears that he will have to miss the party, she brings him a mask so he can slip into the party incognito.  When Rob overhears Higgins tell one of the sons that he needs to go back to the office for something, Rob has to leave immediately to beat him back.  He would lose his job if it was discovered that he had left his work and come to the party.  That is when he loses his crown that is subsequently found by Elyse.

Determined to find her prince, Elyse calls Higgins to ask his identity.  Higgins says his own son was the man dressed as the prince.  Elyse calls his son, who confirms that he was dressed as the prince and they agree to meet for a date.  

The Higgins law firm is also plotting to help a competitor candy company buyout Samford Candy Co. from Elyse.  That competing company has already been causing problems for Elyse by imitating their advertising and packaging.  

Between the duplicity of the law firm, the intrigue surrounding the real identity of the prince, and of course the romance, this Hallmark movie is an entertaining way to spend 82 minutes. 
By the way, they do make a really sweet couple.

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Midnight Masquerade Movie Review Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse

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Friday, March 4, 2022

Appetite for Love Hallmark Movie Review

Appetite for Love movie dvd cover

When searching for a new movie to watch, I came across "Appetite for Love".  It was released in 2016, but somehow I have missed seeing it. 

As a huge Hallmark fan, I didn't feel I needed to look further. I felt confident this would be a good movie and one I would enjoy watching. 

I had seen Andrew Walker (Clay Hart) in several Hallmark movies, but Taylor Cole (Mina Jones) was new to me even though she has starred in several Hallmark movies previously.

From the very beginning, I liked Taylor Cole.  She was easily believable as a current day business executive from a small rural town in Tennessee.  Andrew Walker seems almost born to play the part of Clay Hart, a country boy committed to seeing his home town prosper in spite of outside forces that he must take seriously.  

With the typical feel-good Hallmark theme of romance & fun, and even with the challenges of big city interference, "Appetite for Love" leaves viewers happy and with an appetite for more.     


Appetite for Love

 Appetite for LoveCheck PriceMina loves her job, her career.  She is definitely headed in the right direction with the company. She has a great boyfriend, who happens to be a co-worker and their life together is headed in the right direction. Her life seems perfect.  It is exactly what she wanted when she left small town USA to carve out her career.  Since her parents have moved, there is really no reason for her to return to Sycamore Springs, Tennessee.  Well, that is true until her company sends her there to force their newly acquired franchised restaurant into compliance with the company rules, menus, and suppliers.  Her promotion depends on her successfully implementing the required changes at Hart's Restaurant, which happens to be owned by her high school sweetheart's family.

Since his father's recent death, Clay Hart is the operator of the towns popular Hart's Restaurant.  The chef knows what the customers want and he prepares the food accordingly.  Hart's uses locally grown products and the food is cooked fresh daily.  However, that is not in compliance with the company requirements since they are not serving food from the company menu supplied by the chosen vendors.  What's more, Clay is not interested in making those changes.  He knows what his town prefers. Unfortunately, his restaurant is no longer owned by his family.

As you can see, Mina and Clay are about to knock heads. The past has a way of interfering when old hurts become part of the present. Things get even more difficult when Mina's co-worker boyfriend shows up to "help" and report back to corporate.  After all, the people of Sycamore Springs are important to Mina too, even though she tried to forget those friends and her childhood there.


2 Ways to Watch "Appetite for Love"

 Appetite for Love - AMAZON PRIMECheck Price Appetite for Love - DVDCheck Price




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Appetite for Love Hallmark Movie Review by:
House of Sylvestermouse


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