Friday, April 13, 2018

Navigating The Heart Movie Review

Navigating the Heart Movie Review
The movie Navigating The Heart starring Jaclyn Smith and Tim Matheson was actually released in 2000.  However, I only discovered it this week.   I love it when I find two of my favorite actors in a old movie that I have never seen before.  I know I am guaranteed a wonderful movie experience.  I was certainly not disappointed with this one. 

Navigating The Heart is a great romantic movie where two people from completely different backgrounds fall in love.  What makes this movie even better is that it is based on a true story.   The book entitled "Fishing with John" was written by Edith Iglauer, the main female character in the story.  She tells the story of their love and sadly brief life together in this bestselling memoir.   The movie only captures the story of how they met and fell in love.  For the details of their subsequent life on the boat, you would need to read the book.

To be completely honest, if it were not based on a true story I would have a hard time believing a beautiful, sophisticated city woman would fall in love with a small town fisherman.  Normally, we would have to suspend reality to embrace this story, but not with Edith Iglauer (Jaclyn Smith) and John Daly (Tim Matheson).

Navigating The Heart Synopsis

Navigating the Heart Movie Review
Edith Iglauer  is a somewhat arrogant, although justifiably so, writer for Manhattan magazine, which has just been taken over by a new owner with very different ideas about how a magazine should run.  Previously the "literary journalists" were allowed to choose their own article subjects.  Now, they will be assigned.  

This decision to assign subjects and articles burns right to the core of Edith's literary heart.  She is not happy about the idea and doesn't hesitate to express her opinion.  She feels her 15 years of dedication, as well as her contribution to the popularity of Manhattan magazine, should be rewarded and praised.  It is beneath her to be treated like an upstart that needs to be spoon-fed or assigned specific boring subjects to cover.  
Her first assignment is to write a piece about the excessive price of salmon.  Needless to say, Edith is outraged at the idea.  After all, her expertise is in covering politics.  Interestingly enough, when she investigates the industry for her assignment, she does find a huge political influence.  But she doesn't know that will be the case as she reluctantly heads to British Columbia, Canada to get background for her article.

I had to laugh out loud when Edith arrived at the fishing pier dressed for the office, wearing toeless heels and pulling her luggage on wheels.  It really is the perfect illustration of how out of place she was in a fishing town.

Navigating the Heart Movie Review
After learning that John Daly is the best source of information for her article, Edith asks a local female fisherman to take her out to John's boat.  He is no happier to see her there than she was to have been assigned the article.  However, after some persuasion, he allows her onto his boat and proceeds with the business of catching, cleaning and icing fish.  Needless to say, Edith is sickened by what she sees and smells.  Again, I had to laugh when she quoted Mark Twain, "fishing is a jerk at one end of the line waiting for a jerk at the other end".

Determined to write a story and not be beaten by this assignment, Edith ends up back on a John Daly's boat in spite of how much she really dislikes him.  At constant odds with each other, while exchanging hateful barbs, Edith makes bad matters worse by accidentally starting a fire on the stove.  Later that night, in the midst of a storm, they hit a log and the boat starts taking on water.  Declaring "mayday" and requesting assistance, John does his best to seal of up holes, and then they wait.  Ironically, it is during that time of waiting for help, possibly facing death, that they talk and a friendship is forged. 

Edith does write her story, but her whole life is changed after visiting BC, Canada, where she finds so much more than just content for a story.

Watch Navigating the Heart or Read the Book

House of Sylvestermouse

Check Out More Movie Reviews at

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Review of Photographing and Identifying Birds in Florida Wilderness Reserve

egrets and ibis photo by mbgphoto

I enjoy watching and photographing birds and most of the year I do that in my own backyard in Missouri.  During  March we travel to Florida and this year we stayed in Palm Beach Gardens where there was a nature reserve just steps away from our condo.  Every day I would walk back to the reserve and was rewarded with some wonderful sights.  There were a wide variety of birds and ducks and I saw several turtles and an alligator. 

Identifying Birds

I like to know the kinds of birds I am photographing so I spend a bit of time online finding the names and species of the different birds.  I find the website for Florida Audubon at  to be very helpful in identifying the birds I photograph.  Here are the varieties I have photographed in the nature reserve.
  • Great Egret
  • Snowy Egret
  • Red-winged blackbirds
  • Doves
  • White Ibis
  • Glossy Ibis
  • Anhinga
  • Blue Heron
  • Little Blue Heron
  • Tri-colored Heron
  • Sandhill Crane
  • Roseta Spoonbill
  • Whistling Duck
  • Wood Duck
  • Cormorant
  • Wood Stork


Ducks in the Wilderness Reserve

The first day I walked into the reserve I noticed some interesting looking ducks.  They stood tall and had rather long necks for a duck.  I found out that these were called Whistling Ducks.

Whistling Ducks Flameless Candle

During the next weeks, I observed these ducks each time I visited the reserve.  Sometimes they would sit very still, but one day I heard them making a loud racket and then a pair of them would fly up off the ground.  This scenario would be repeated by several different pairs of ducks.  I'm not sure what they were doing but it was sure interesting to watch.

ducks in florida wilderness photo by mbgphoto
I also saw some Wood Ducks at the reserve.  They are such colorful ducks.
wood duck photo by mbgphoto


Roseate Spoonbill

One bird that I had never seen before was the Roseate Spoonbill.  This bird is easily identified by it's rosy color and flat spoon-like bill.  It stood still often so it was easy for me to photograph.

Roseate Spoonbill photo by mbgphoto

Roseate Spoonbill perched on a tree branch photo by mbgphoto


Wood Stork

One day I noticed these rather large white birds in the distance.  When they flew the underside of their wings were lined in black.  They were quite impressive in flight, but when they settled down they looked quite unusual.  I took a photo and went back to my computer to identify them.  I easily found a photo and determined them to be a Wood Stork, they are the only stork that breeds in the USA.

Wood Stork photo by mbgphoto
Wood Stork photo by mbgphoto


anhinga photo by mbgphoto

The Anhinga is a large water bird found in the warmer waters of the southern Americas.  It is sometimes called by several other names: snakebird, darter and water turkey.  

I found these birds to be very interesting.  They are able to stay underwater for quite some time and I observed them diving for their prey and then resurfacing quite a ways down the stream.  At that time only their head and neck would appear above the water before they took another dive into the water.  After a while I would see them on the bank drying out their feathers as in the photo above.

I believe the bird in the photo above to be a male anhinga and the one in the photo below to be a female.  Males have a black neck and white at the tip of the tail and the female has a beige colored neck and breast.

anhinga photo by mbgphoto

Sandhill Crane

Sandhill Crane photo by mbgphoto
I saw several sandhill cranes during my visits to the reserve and I even saw one walking down the center of the roadway near our condo.  They are tall birds and quite tame.  They were easy to take photos of since they did not frighten easily.
Sandhill Crane photo by mbgphoto

Close-up photo of the head of a Sandhill Crane photo by mbgphoto

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Book Review: That's Weird! Awesome Science Mysteries

Science Mysteries Motivate Kids to Learn!

I will confess that when I was in school, I didn't like science. I hated memorizing science voabulary, scientific facts, names of scientists, and dates of inventions. I hated experiments, dissecting dead creatures, and watching test tubes. I was more interested in plants and how they grew, but not so much in listing and memorizing the names of their parts. I wish my teachers in middle school or high school had been using That's Weird! Awesome Science Mysteries as a teaching resource instead of tiresome textbooks. I've always liked trying to solve mysteries!

Book Review: That's Weird! Awesome Science Mysteries
Photo Courtesy of Pixabay. Text added on PicMonkey

Science Doesn't Have All the Answers Yet

Author Kendall Haven states in his introduction to this book that "science is the process of turning mystery into knowledge." This is done through observations in the field and in laboratory experiments. Scientists form hypotheses from these observations and then test them as theories until time finally gives these tested theories the status of facts.

But not all theories have been proven yet. There are still some mysteries science hasn't been able to explain and the theories surrounding them haven't been verified. Instead these mysteries feed our imaginations and inspire fiction and movies. That's Weird! motivates and helps students in middle school and above use science research to explore sixteen of these mysteries:

  • The Sunken City of Atlantis
  • The Bermuda Triangle
  • Black Holes
  • What Really Killed the Dinosaurs
  • Easter Island and its Stone Giants
  • Surviving Firewalks and Beds of Nails
  • Ghosts: Real or Not
  • Lightening: Killer or Resource
  • Lock Ness Nessie: Real or Myth
  • Life on Mars or Not
  • The Birth of the Universe
  • Sea Serpents
  • The Origin and Mystery of Stonehenge
  • Will We Ever Travel Through Time?
  • What Exactly Are UFO's?
  • Will Humans Ever Be Able to Travel Faster than Light?

That's Weird!: Awesome Science MysteriesThat's Weird!: Awesome Science MysteriesCheck Price

How That's Weird! Is Organized

Each mystery in this book is presented in seven different parts

  1. At a Glance: This creates a historical context for the mystery by introducing major players and historical events that play an important part in the story. Information in this section is as factually reliable as it can be, as far as it goes. 
  2. The Mystery: This is an actual story that engages the reader by drawing him into a scenario related to the mystery. I'm much older than the target age and I still very much enjoyed the stories. The subjects were all ones I've often wondered about. Some of the events in the stories actually happened, but many have not been verified. The author has given many his own interpretations based on known facts and tells you that up front. 
  3. About this Story: The author deals with the likelihood of whether the story may be true or not.
  4. The Science: Since this book was designed to help science teachers hook their students on science through mysteries, he explains any known evidence, hypothesis, or theory scientists use to evaluate the truth of the mystery. He explores some of the controversies that surround the subject of the story. 
  5. Fact or Fiction: A presentation of the evidence for and against the truth of the mystery. Students will see the conclusions scientists have drawn from their current knowledge. 
  6. Follow-up Questions to Explore: These interesting questions help students explore the science concepts that relate to the mystery and encourage them to see how the opinions they've formed stack up against the known evidence. They are much more fun than the questions at the end of science textbook chapters I had to write out answers for when I was a student.
  7. Follow on Activities: These activities help bring the themes of the stories to life with discussions and demonstrations. They serve as starting points for teachers to run with. There is also a list of references for further reading related to the mystery. 

Who Would Find this Book Useful?

It is recommended for for students in grades four and up. I would say that it's more appropriate for teaching classes of gifted students at that age. For regular classes I'd not introduce this until grade six or seven. Homeschooling parents should also find this a wonderful resource they can use in a number of ways. Once they read it, they can determine when and how to use it with their own children. I'm guessing if it's left around where children can see it, older children will pick it up on their own. 

That being said, I thoroughly enjoyed the book even though science has never been my favorite subject. The stories really grabbed my attention and made me want to read the evidence for and against their being true. I considered it recreational reading. I think anyone who enjoys mysteries might enjoy reading this book. 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Pinto Beans Latin Style Reviewed

A Little Spice Is Nice

pinto beans
Pinto Beans image from public domain
A discovery at the grocery store of pinto beans Latin style is what I would like to review with you today. I had asked my husband to pick up a brand of pinto beans that I had seen on a television commercial. He called to tell me that they did not have that brand in stock but they had Bush's Cocina Latina and they looked pretty good. I told him to go ahead and get some and we would try them. Oh my goodness! These beans are really good!

As I mentioned a while back in an article about soft foods, I really like to eat pinto beans. They are a wonderful source of fiber and protein and a good substitute for meat. They are low in saturated fats and offer a source of manganese and folate along with being helpful in lowering HDL and LDL cholesterol. Besides the health benefits, they just taste good!

So, my husband brings home his little discovery and I decide that they might be good as a topping for a loaded potato. I baked a couple of potatoes, heated up the can of pinto beans and voila we had a meal!

We sprinkled just a little bit of cheese on top and the results were absolutely delicious! The pinto beans are in a tomato sauce with onion, garlic, serrano peppers and just a touch of bacon. The flavor on top of the potato was really awesome!

I have decided that a can or two of these beans will now be a staple on my pantry shelves. There are so many ways that they can be served. Alone as a side dish is an obvious choice. I plan to add a can the next time I make chili because I think they will add a little kick to the dish. I also, think they might be really good if I make them into refried beans.

You might worry that the serrano pepper will make these pinto beans pretty hot. It is true that the serrano is hotter than the jalapeno but to be honest I didn't think these beans were too hot. I like spicy foods but I don't like the heat level to be much more than medium. Honestly, these beans had just the right amount of heat for my palate. They were a little hot but not so much that I had to grab water or wipe tears from my eyes. I wouldn't like that.

So, if you are looking for something new to add to your menu I suggest you give these pinto beans with a Latin style of flavoring a try. We liked them so much that we plan to try the other flavors that the company offers in this line called Cocina Latina.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, April 9, 2018

Reviewing the Winsor & Newton Cotman Water Colour Compact

Reviewing the Cotman Water Colours Compact.
Are your friends or family members artistic? Do you need a gift idea for that artist? The Winsor & Newton Cotman Water Colour Compact set is an appreciated gift.

The Winsor & Newton Cotman Water Colour Compact set comes complete with 14 “half pans” of watercolor, a small field brush, and a detachable water cup. Winsor & Newton is a respected name in the world of art supplies and paints. The half pans can be removed and replaced when a frequently used color runs out. Or exchanged for other colors that are needed for the current painting.  The case closes and is slim - easy to slip into a backpack, bag, or purse.

Over the years, I have found that it is difficult to buy gifts for the artists in my family. I would love to be artistic, but I’m just not. So I love to nurture the creativity of the artists who surround me and live vicariously through them. The only problem has been that artists usually have very strong opinions of the supplies they prefer to use. I have found it so intimidating to purchase art gifts over the years that I have usually stuck with the “safe” things. Gift cards. Or the pad of paper that they use the most frequently. Blah. Boring.

Artists are often very particular about certain brushes for certain projects. It’s so overwhelming that I tend to stick with the gift card safety net. However, I occasionally want to purchase something that, over time, he can think, “I remember when Dawn gave this to me”. That would mean that I’ve chosen something useful to him, something he likes, and of good quality.

Apparently, one year, I managed to do that. Time has gone by so I can’t recall what the occasion was. But, I gifted an artistic friend a Cotman Watercolor Compact. 

He is often outdoors; taking long scenic drives, camping, fishing, and hiking on a regular basis. When he goes out he often takes the Cotman Watercolor Compact along. If he sees something that interests him, he does a quick sketch or painting.

I asked him why he likes this item and he went on a long explanation about why certain paints (i.e Windsor Newton Cotman) are of such high quality due to the pigments and how they are made. My eyes glazed over. So he started over and summarized with the following:

“It’s high quality”

“It’s durable. I’ve sat on it and it’s fine”

“Any brand of half pan paint will fit”

“I love the portability”

“It doesn’t become stained except for the creases where you would expect some staining”

“I do prefer Cotman pigments”

“Although the Van Gogh pigments are good too”

“I really have no complaints about it” but then went on to say “the little brush was okay, not the best, but I take my own along anyway”.

Of course he does.

If you have an artist/painter on your gift list, consider the Cotman Watercolor Compact. I think your artist will love it too. I bought this gift years ago (in 2013 if I recall correctly) and have seen first hand that it is still in use and is appreciated. 

A riverside plein air painting (photo taken in 2013)

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Sunday, April 8, 2018

The Tales of Beedle the Bard Collector's Edition Book Review

The Tales of Beedle the Bard Collector's Edition Book Review
The book The Tales of Beedle the Bard is a spin off from J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter world. Using words translated by Hermione Granger, a thin volume was created. It includes text and pictures from J.K. Rowling and commentary from Professor Albus Dumbledore. Packed between the covers are five stories, fairy tales called The Wizard and the Hopping Pot, The Fountain of Fair Fortune, The Warlock's Hairy Heart, Babbitty Rabbitty and Her Cackling Stump, and The Tale of the Three Brothers. These stories share glimpses into the wizards of Harry Potter’s world.

J.K. Rowling created an affordable ‘ordinary’ copy of the book that mere mortals like you and I could afford. You can read my review of that book here. Interestingly, it was created with a wide variety of covers and even re-released in 2017 with a new U.S. cover.

Rowling also created seven magnificent copies of this story by hand. Those amazing books were given to people closely related to the series and one of them was auctioned for charity. Take a look at those amazing books here in this Youtube video and see what those that have been sold fetched at auction.

I do wonder what one of those original handcrafted books would sell for now. Anyway, Rowling also released a collector’s edition of the book as shown in the pictures on this page. This version was more readily available though still much more expensive than the 'ordinary' hardcover book.

This limited printing collector's edition of The Tales of Beedle the Bard is a beautiful set that was produced exclusively for sale on Amazon and released on December 4, 2008. I do not know what it originally sold for but as I write this page today in the spring of 2018, I see that it is available on Amazon at prices over $200 and on eBay where it appears to be more affordable, selling at prices starting around $100 and ending at about $230.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard Collector's Edition Book Review
Included in the collector's edition are the five fairy tales that you find in all of the versions of this book. However, they are packaged in a handsome case that looks like a wizarding textbook straight from the library at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry making it a wonderful addition to a Harry Potter fan's collection.

Inside the case you will find ten prints that can be framed, a reproduction of J.K. Rowling's introduction, ten pictures that are not found in the standard version of the book and, packed inside a velvet bag, the copy of the book itself, which is embellished with a metal skull, corners and clasp as well as replica gemstones and a green ribbon.

All profits from the original sale of the book in 2008 originally went to the Children's High Level Group. Of course, that is not likely the case today. Click here to read more about the Collector's Edition of the Tales of Beedle the Bard on Amazon.

See you
at the bookstore!

Quick Links:

Buy your copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard on eBay.
Find a great selection of Harry Potter gifts here.
Add a Harry Potter coffee mug to your collection.
Follow my Harry Potter board on Pinterest!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Lego Creator Holiday Bakery Set #10216

Lego Creator Holiday Bakery Set 10216
Purchase your franchise here!
I was going to review the Lego Creator Holiday Bakery Set for you today, but I decided to let an alter-ego of mine tell you all about this gorgeous Lego set.

I hope you enjoy his story  review ...

Reviewing the Lego Creator Holiday Bakery

"Have you heard of the Lego Creator Holiday Bakery? Apparently there are lots of different ones around, but the Lego Creator Holiday Bakery that I know is located just outside of Lego City and is very popular at the holidays because a lot of Lego City residents buy their Christmas trees just outside and pop into the Lego Creator Holiday Bakery to purchase some of their delicious cupcakes.

My name is Leo G Brick and I'm actually what is known as a Lego Minifigure, I don't think I'm that different to you, the reader though in that I absolutely love bakeries. I love the smell of fresh bread and the taste of cakes, biscuits, muffins, croissants - just about anything you can find in a bakery! I was so excited when I heard that the Lego Creator Holiday Bakery was coming to the outskirts of Lego City, I must admit I ate far too many baked goods on the opening day!

The Lego Creator Holiday Bakery is actually available as a franchise that is quite affordable for anyone to purchase, click the link to find out more -

Get the Lego Creator Holiday Bakery to Your Lego City!

Now it’s called the Holiday Bakery because the original one opened before Christmas and it had Christmas decorations up ... the baker (pictured below) ‘forgot’ to take the decorations down and so the name stuck! In our Lego City we all go there when we’re getting our Christmas trees which further perpetuates the name, but the cupcakes, croissants and baguettes taste good all the time.

I love to visit on birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine’s Day and any other special occasion when I can ‘pretend’ I need to eat some delicious food. After all we don’t want the Baker to have to close because his trade only visits once a year!

Winter is great there though because there is a pond that ices over so you can ice skate which means you burn off calories that can ‘allow’ you to eat more cake – that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!"

Lego Creator Holiday Bakery - a collectors set

LEGO Creator Holiday Bakery 10216 

Set Details

The Lego Creator Holiday Bakery set comes with 7 1/2 minifigures – which sounds strange!

Basically the minifigures are as follows -
  • Baker 
  • Horse Carriage Driver 
  • Christmas Tree Seller 
  • 2 females 
  • 2 children 
  • 1 lower half of a body stuck in snow!
As well as these minifigures this Lego set also contains a horse and a snow owl.

According to the official product description the set -
  • Features LEGO Power Functions lightup brick which lights the interior of the bakery when you push it! 
  • Includes lots of fun winter accessories like a dark blue minifigure hood with new fur print! 
  • Prepare holiday treats and ring up sales at the cash register! 
  • Skate on the frozen pond made of 8×8 transparent blue plates! 
  • Interesting elements include a camera, tan baguettes, croissants, green apple, 8×8 transparent blue plates, medium blue tiles and even a new caramel color for several brick and arch elements outside the bakery! 
  • Features an evergreen tree for decorating, tree sellers stand and even a horsedrawn cart! 
  • Bakery measures 7 (18 cm) wide! 
  • Completed model (depending on space allocated between the individual parts) measures 16 (40 cm) wide, 12 (30 cm) deep and 7 (18 cm) high!

What Do You Think of This Lego Creator Set?

I hope you enjoyed Leo's review of this fun Lego set, if you already have the Creator Holiday Bakery set then you might be happy to know that there are a range of Lego Creator houses available too.

Not sure if this set is the one for you?  Well then why not check out some of the other Lego reviews here on Review This (they aren't reviewed by Leo, but by human reviewers including a couple by me!) -

Reviewing 2004 Lego X PodsReviewing 2004 Lego X Pods
A fun Lego on the go toy - the 2004 Lego X Pod range - perfect for any Lego loving child ... and for any parent who has to wait with them anywhere!

Reviewing Lego Off Road Power Set - Lego #5893Reviewing Lego Off Road Power Set - Lego #5893
I love Lego's Creator range of sets and this Off Road Power set is no exception.   3 Fun vehicles to make and play with, what more can you ask for.

Reviewing a Set of Basic Classic LegosReviewing a Set of Basic Classic Legos
A Review of the Lego Classic Creative Supplement Set.   This set is called classic for a reason, they will always be welcomed in anyone's Lego collection.

Lego Big Bang Theory ReviewedLego Big Bang Theory Reviewed
A set for grown ups and kids to enjoy, the Lego Big Bang Theory set is a fun piece to build and display

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, April 6, 2018

At Home in Mitford - Hallmark Movie Review

At Home in Mitford - Hallmark Movie Review
At Home in Mitford is a sweet, romantic movie based on the novel by Jan Karon.  I read the book several years ago and was quite delighted when I found that the Hallmark Channel had released the movie.   I always trust Hallmark movies to be appropriate for family viewing.  Since I knew the plot of the book, I anticipated an excellent movie.  I was not disappointed!   It was truly an enjoyable way to spend my Sunday afternoon.

Jan Karon's books are easy reads which may well explain why they are so popular and why she is on the New York Time's bestselling author list.  At Home in Mitford is the first book in the Mitford series.

The Mitford book series is absolutely perfect for a Hallmark movie.   

At Home in Mitford Movie & Book Plot

 At Home In MitfordCheck PriceMitford is a fictional town set in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains.  It resembles hundreds of small towns in America where people live slower paced lives, plant backyard gardens and look out for each other.  

Andie MacDowell plays the part of Cynthia Coppersmith, a burnt out, uninspired, recently divorced children's book author who returns to her childhood refuge in Mitford.  Even though her uncle has died, he left his home to Cynthia and she desperately needs the solace of his safe-haven.  With her book deadline approaching, Cynthia and her cat, Violet, take off for Mitford and hopefully renewed inspiration.

As the new woman in town, Cynthia immediately starts attracting attention from the bachelors, but she isn't looking for a relationship.  When the realtor asks her to dinner, at first she declines his offer, but eventually reconsiders.  

Father Tim is her next door neighbor who has recently adopted a big dog that can't be held by mere fences.  Therefore, Father Tim and Barnabas also burst unexpectedly into Cynthia's life.  Father Tim, an Episcopal priest and Cynthia quickly become friends in spite of her original anger over being disturbed and having a portion of her fence knocked down. 

I'm not going to tell you which bachelor Cynthia selects.  To find that out, you will have to watch the movie.   But, what I will tell you is that At Home in Mitford is a delightful movie (and book) about a woman who finally finds where she truly belongs.

House of Sylvestermouse

Check Out More Movie Reviews at

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, April 5, 2018

The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah - Book Review

The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah - Book Review
The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah
Kristin Hannah, author of the runaway bestseller, The Nightingale, has yet another instant New York Times Bestseller in her new novel, The Great Alone.

It's 1974.  Turmoil abounds.  Think Watergate, the Munich Olympics massacre, Patty Hearst's kidnapping, and Vietnam.  Despite the great uneasiness of the times, our country's immense angst is no match for that which churns within Ernt Allbright, recently returned prisoner of war.

In search of escape from what Allbright perceives as external madness, he loads up the VW van and moves his family off-grid to Alaska's remote wilderness.  For a few idyllic weeks of summer, there is bliss in the Allbright's ramshackle cabin.  Just as Alaskan summers are the most fleeting of seasons, the much-needed respite known by Ernt's wife, Cora, and teen daughter, Leni, will disintegrate with the eternal darkness of the Arctic winter.  It is in the midst of Ernt's downward spiral that the women in his life will learn the truest lessons about what it means to survive, to love, and to find yourself.

Hannah's descriptions of Alaska's raw beauty are breathtaking.  It is here that her writing soars.  Having spent significant time immersed in the splendor of the last frontier (her family owns an adventure lodge there), the author has an intimacy that draws the reader into her own authentic wilderness experience.  Even when the circumstances in the story were bleak, or daunting, I found myself wanting to pack up and leave for the Great Alone.

The book's title comes from a poem by Robert W. Service:
"Were you ever out in the Great Alone, when the moon was awful clear, and the icy mountains hemmed you in with a silence you most could hear... "
It is that awful clarity, and the many different kinds of alone, that make this a powerful story of forging the only kind of connectedness that really matters.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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Review This Reviews is Dedicated to the Memory of Our Beloved Friend and Fellow Contributor

Susan DeppnerSusan Deppner

We may be apart, but
You Are Not Forgotten

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