Showing posts with label Gifts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gifts. Show all posts

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Five Guys Restaurant Review

Five Guys Restaurant near Savannah, Georgia
(c) Wednesday Elf
The holidays brought lots of cooking and baking for holiday guests and celebrations. Now the cook(s) need a day off. Your nearest Five Guys restaurant will provide you with a quick, inexpensive and delicious meal of those good old American standards of hamburgers, hot dogs and French fries.

Five Guys Restaurant is known as a fast casual restaurant as opposed to your typical fast food place. Fast-Casual restaurants typically offer higher quality food at a slightly higher price level. The difference is made-to-order, fresh cooked food. 

Five Guys Beginning

The  restaurant founders, Janie and Jerry Murrell, began Five Guys in Virginia in 1986.  The name "Five Guys" comes from the couples' five sons, Jim, Matt, Chad, Ben and Tyler, who are all involved in the restaurant chain that today includes over 1,000 restaurants throughout the United States and Canada with more than 1500 more planned.  Since 2013, several have opened overseas in England, the Middle East and Europe. 


Example of a Five Guys burger, hamburger photo
Five Guys (restaurant) Cheeseburger. Source: Wikimedia
The Five Guys menu is simple and centers on hamburgers (offered with American cheese or bacon), kosher style hot dogs, grilled cheese and vegetable sandwiches. 

Five Guys uses buns that are sweeter and "eggier" than normal buns. 

Fresh-cut French fries are the sole side item, available "salted only" (in Five Guys style) or seasoned "Cajun style".

The burgers are available as 'single' or 'double' with 15 fresh toppings to choose from. The toppings are available at no extra charge and you can have as many or as few as you want. My favorite is a single burger with mayo and tomato slices.

Five Guys also features Milkshakes in a variety of flavors!

Peanuts Galore

Five Guys offers Complimentary 'while-you-wait' peanuts - image of peanuts
(c) Wednesday Elf
Complimentary roasted in-shell peanuts are offered for on-site consumption while you wait for your order.  Signage is provided alerting customers who may have a peanut allergy.

A Five Guys restaurant typically consists of red-and-white checkered decorations, open kitchens, a single counter for purchasing and picking up food, and tables and chairs for customers.

Five Guys has won numerous awards over the years and signs are posted showing some of them.

Sign in the window at Five Guys Restaurant
(c) Wednesday Elf

Sign in the window at Five Guys Restaurant
(c) Wednesday Elf

Sign in the window at Five Guys Restaurant
(c) Wednesday Elf

So, take a well-deserved break from your kitchen and pick up dinner tonight from Five Guys! My closest one is just 2.4 miles away!

Bonus Idea for Gifts

Five Guys Gift Cards & Christmas Cards for Teen Grandsons
(c) Wednesday Elf

Teenage boys like nothing better than food, so for Christmas for my three teen grandsons I sent Five Guys Gift Certificates. They love Five Guys Burgers as much as I do. These gift cards work equally as well as birthday gifts. 

Pick up a gift card at your local Five Guys while you are waiting for your order.  Or grab a gift card online at the Five Guys website and send either a physical card or an eGift Card to your favorite Five Guys fan! 

A Five Guys app to order your burger & fries
Five Guys (Free) App for Androids

Get the Five Guys App for Android phones and place your order in a minute!  The app is free to download and is a very handy way to have your order ready when you arrive at your favorite Five Guys restaurant! 

Happy Eating! 

*Restaurant Review written by Wednesday Elf

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Elephant Necklace Reviewed

Gift Idea For The Elephant Lover

elephant necklace
Elephant Necklace In Gift Box
In the last few weeks I have talked about my little granddaughter who has a passion for elephants and wants to protect them from poaching. I decided to review an elephant necklace that she will also be getting as a Christmas present this year for today's post. Grandma has made this an elephant themed holiday for this precious little girl.

While searching for an elephant necklace I had a few things that I wanted to find in that necklace. I wanted it to be no longer than 18 inches because it will be worn by a 5 year old little girl. I figured that at that length she will be able to wear it for years to come.

I also wanted for it to be sterling silver so that it would last for years to come and not tarnish with wear. Little girls can be rough on jewelry; so I wanted something of value.

The last item on my list of "it must haves" was that the trunk had to be up on the elephant. We will talk more about  the reason for that choice in a minute.

I found there was quite a nice selection to choose from and it took me a while to find what I think was the perfect one for her. So, here is the necklace that I decided would work well for my little grandchild.

The image above looks large but that is so that you can see the detail of the elephant. The actual size is small and very delicate looking. It will not be too large for her small frame and as she grows it will remain quite feminine looking as she wears it.

Why did I want the trunk up on the elephant? Many say that an elephant with its trunk up will bring good fortune or good luck to people. Some might even say that if the trunk is down it will bring bad luck. That being said, I did find that some people believe the opposite and that an elephant with its trunk down allows good fortune to flow through easily. I am going with the trunk up theory because it makes more sense to me and besides the elephant looks happier and less menacing in my humble opinion.

dainty elephant necklace
Dainty Elephant Necklace
As you can see from my images the elephant necklace comes in a pretty little gift box. I also felt that sharing my own images with you might give a better perspective of how dainty the little pendant is on the chain. The chain, itself, has a nice delicate look to it but appears to be good and sturdy which is also a necessity for a child.

One of the features that sold me on this particular choice was the added little bling. It looks like the pachyderm is wearing a necklace of diamonds. Of course they are not real diamonds but it does give the illusion of them. She is very much a little girl who loves fancy and shiny things! I think she will be delighted when she opens the gift on Christmas morning. I can already hear her saying, "Grandma will you help me put it on?"

Although, I picked this gift for a child; it is a nice gift idea for a girl of any age who happens to love elephants. It is very nicely made and would look great with casual wear or dressy attire. 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Adopting An Elephant

Giving A Unique Gift This Year

Elephant Image from
In my last post I spoke of my granddaughter and her passion to save the elephants. Besides the gift of the stuffed elephant that I plan to give her, I came up with another gift idea. I have adopted an elephant in her name. 

How does one adopt an elephant you may be thinking. It is actually very easy to do. Obviously, one doesn't actually take on an elephant to raise. The adoption is really a creative use of words for a donation to help in the conservation and protection of elephants in Africa and Asia. I chose to donate the money to the World Wildlife Fund as a gift to my precious little 5 year old granddaughter as one of her Christmas gifts. 

This may seem like an unusual gift for a child but she isn't a typical 5 year old. After having visited Disney World this last spring the one thing she came home with was the desire to save the slaughter of elephants for their tusks. It has occurred to me that not only is this the perfect gift for her this year but one that I can continue to give each year. It is a gift that can be given to someone who feels passionately about saving the endangered species of wildlife across the globe. You can choose from several types of animals, not just the elephant through The World Wildlife Fund which has helped protect wildlife for over 50 years. 

Another option for helping elephants is the International Elephant Foundation. Donations to this organization also help to protect the elephants. The IEF operates conservation and education programs in the wild and facilities to protect, manage and perform scientific research. The foundation was formed in 1998 in Fort Worth, Texas when there was a lack of reputable organizations for this very purpose.

We so often think of giving our children and grandchildren toys, books and clothing as a gift. There is nothing wrong with that at all. I just wanted to do something different this year and making a donation for the elephants will really mean something to my sweet little granddaughter. I think it will be a gift that she will remember for many years. 

I also want to clarify that the links that I have provided in this post are not affiliate links which means that there is no monetary gain for me when you visit the sites. If you choose to donate to either of them, all of the donation goes to the organization. This post is just a way to make a suggestion for a unique and different gift that you can give to someone special in your life who is passionate about saving our wildlife whether it is an elephant, rhinoceros, orangutan or any other endangered species.  

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, December 1, 2016

1byone Wireless Driveway Alarm Review

Let me tell you about the 1byone Wireless Driveway Alarm that we own and highly recommend to help keep individuals and families safe.

Give the Gift of Home Security for Less Than $20

A few years ago at Christmas, one of our thoughtful sons gave us the gift of a 1byone Wireless Driveway Alarm. Having lived here with us for most of his life, he was well aware that sometimes visitors made it all the way to the porch before we had any idea there was someone walking or even driving down our long, rather secluded driveway. What a great gift idea!

After using the alarm for just a short time, not only were we glad we had it, we knew that we never wanted to be without it. Let me tell you about this wireless driveway alarm that we still own, use every day, and highly recommend.

The brand name of the unit we own is 1byone (one by one) and the cost for the motion sensor detector and the receiver system is less than twenty dollars (currently $15.99 as I type this, price subject to change). Even adding the cost of the batteries needed to power the unit, the word "cheap" comes to mind, but I don't want to give you the idea that this is an inferior product as it certainly is not.

How Does the 1byone Wireless Driveway Alarm Work?

The driveway alarm's weatherproof motion sensor uses passive-infrared (PIR) technology. |
On the left is a photo of the weatherproof motion sensor with its passive-infrared (PIR) technology mounted on a tree partway down our long driveway. When a car comes down the driveway, the unit senses both a change in temperature and motion, the light on the unit flashes as it sends a signal to the receiver inside the house, and both the alarm and the light on our unit give us a signal that we should take a look outside to see who or what has set off the alarm.

The driveway alarm's receiver with settings on the sides. |
On the right are pictures of the receiver which we keep in a convenient spot on a counter where we can both see it and hear it. The unit is on and, as you can see in the photo on the bottom right, is set in the low volume chime mode. Trust me, "low" is plenty loud enough that we can hear it throughout our entire house. If we used the receiver outdoors, for instance if we moved it to the back porch while we were working in the garden, we might set it to make more noise. In some situations, we might turn off the audible signal altogether and just use the light.

In our situation, one sensor for the driveway and one receiver for the house are all we need. However, the device is expandable so that, if you have more than one driveway or area to cover, you can add on multiple sensors and/or receivers. One reviewer uses a set indoors, with the sensor in a child's bedroom and the receiver in the parents' room, so that they can tell if their toddler gets up during the night. Another reviewer uses a set by the back door so he'll know when the dogs are at the door, ready to come back in for the night. With some creative thinking, perhaps you'll come up with even more great ideas on where to set up your driveway alarm system even if you don't have a driveway!

How Long Will This Inexpensive Alarm System Last?

We received our driveway alarm three years ago and it worked perfectly until about six months ago when, thanks to squirrels (we think), the outside unit became undependable. Rather than replacing just the sensor, I simply ordered an entire new system. As for battery life, we have changed the batteries about once a year.

What About False Alarms From the Motion Detector?

Yes, we occasionally get false alarms. Our sensor is mounted on an oak tree and deer love to eat acorns, so recently, as the acorn crop was plentiful this year, visiting deer set off the alarm on a regular basis. We are aware that deer cross our driveway frequently, so we take that into consideration when checking outside after the alarm sounds. We occasionally notice squirrels in the area, too, and occasionally a neighborhood dog passes by. Neither set off the alarm often enough that we complain. An occasional false alarm from our wildlife neighbors is expected and we're fine with that.

Heat is another factor that affects the sensor and can cause false alarms. It is advised that you don't install the sensor in an area that gets direct sunlight, including near a window that absorbs heat that might set off the alarm.

Occasionally, on a particularly windy day, we turn off the alarm to avoid false alarms from blowing leaves or tree limbs. Living in a wooded area, that is just a factor we have to consider and work around.

Would You Buy This Driveway Alarm Again?

Overall, I'd rather have occasional false alarms than not have the driveway alarm. I've come to depend on it when expecting visitors and, especially, when unexpected visitors or delivery drivers arrive.

I like to know anytime someone is coming or going and since I can't watch outside all the time, and because our trusty watchdog isn't always on duty (lots of naps, you know), I am thankful that the 1byone Wireless Driveway Alarm is always on the job.

So yes, I would buy it again and I definitely recommend it to others who care about keeping themselves and their loved ones safe.

P.S. Just a reminder that a driveway alarm system would make a wonderful gift for someone whose safety you care about. This is one of the most thoughtful gifts we've ever received. 

Read more of my reviews.
Read even more great product reviews at

Posted by Susan Deppner

Susan Deppner

About the Author

Susan Deppner is a baby boomer, a cancer survivor, and a Southerner who believes in the Golden Rule. She enjoys writing about food, faith, and fitness; health, home, and holidays; people, places, pets, and patriotism, and more. Follow Susan on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, November 18, 2016

DC to AC Power Inverter / Adapter for Cars Review

 DC to AC Power Inverter / Adapter for Cars
Many years ago, we purchased an APC DC-to-AC Power Inverter/Adapter for our car.  It has to be one of the single best purchases for car travel that we have ever made.

We were preparing for our annual fall break vacation to Florida and the time of departure was upon us.  Our son was packing his Nintendo GameCube and games so he and his friend could play video games together at night.  Someone commented on how nice it would be if they could play the games on the long drive too.  Thus,  the search was on!  

Never one to dismiss a challenge, my husband was determined to accommodate the boys.  He ran to the local Target store and returned with this awesome inverter.  Honestly, I had no idea such a thing existed.  It worked like a charm and has continued to work for more than 15 years since. 

How to Use the DC-to-AC Power Inverter/Adapter

It is really very simple to use the DC to AC Power Inverter.  You simply plug it into the cigarette lighter receptacle, then plug your electric device into the inverter via the 3 prong AC outlet

 APC Air/Auto TravelPower TeleAdapt DC to AC Power Inverter (75W DC/AC, 120V) (Discontinued by Manufacturer)For many years, the kids have used the inverter adapter to plug in the video game consoles, but it has also been used for other electrical devices.

  1.   Laptops
  2.   Kindles
  3.   iPad
  4.   My Camera's Rechargeable Batteries  (My #1 Use)
  5.   Cell Phone Chargers 
  6.   Media Players
  7.   Electric Throw Blanket
  8.   Rechargable Flashlight
  9.   Coffee Mug Warmer
  10.   My Husband's Tailgating Leg Lamp 
This unit does have an auto shut-off to protect your car battery once the car is turned off and a built-in circuit protector to protect your electronics.  There is also a little green display light that shows when the inverter is powered.  

I have not personally used the APC Power Inverter / Adapter on an airplane, but the airline adapter is also included.

Buying a DC-to-AC Power Inverter/Adapter

Sadly, our unit has been discontinued by the manufacturer.  When the one featured above is sold out, you might want to consider one of the units below.  The are highly rated by consumers and offer USB ports too, which is something that my APC unit does not have.

Airplane or Auto DC to AC Power Inverter / Adapter Review Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Miracle on 34th Street Movie Review

I've never doubted that Santa Claus is real, possibly because when I was a little girl I watched the movie Miracle on 34th Street. Here's my movie review.

Classic Movie Proves Santa Claus is Real

I've never doubted that Santa Claus is real, possibly because many years ago when I was little I watched the movie Miracle on 34th Street. In the movie, proof is offered - and upheld in a court of law - that indeed, Kris Kringle does exist and he is Santa Claus!

Oh, I get excited writing those words and just thinking of the movie that I watch at least once a year between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I love this movie and absolutely adore the characters. And of course the outcome, while maybe somewhat predictable, is exactly the way I would have written it.

In case you're not familiar with the story, Miracle on 34th Street stars a very young Natalie Wood as Susan, a little girl who believes that Santa Claus isn't real because her very well-meaning but pragmatic mother told her so. The movie opens as Susan's mother (played by Maureen O'Hara), who works at Macy's, due to an unfortunate set of circumstances must enlist the help of a very Santa-looking gentleman to portray Santa Claus on the store's float in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. This last-minute Santa, who goes by the name of Kris Kringle, does such a perfect job and goes over so well with the crowd that Macy's hires him to work as Santa during the Christmas shopping season.

As more circumstances unfold (I don't want to reveal too much information) Kris Kringle's true identity is questioned. Susan's new friends, Kris and an attorney neighbor (John Payne), give the little girl reason to question her mother's claim that there's no such thing as Santa Claus. In the end, the truth is played out in an unforgettable courtroom scene and Kris Kringle's true identity is confirmed.

While the movie credits claim that Edmund Gwenn plays Santa aka Kris in the movie, I have to believe that the real Santa Claus was certainly on the scene as coach and wardrobe consultant as no one could have done a better job in that role.

Black and White or Colorized Miracle on 34th Street? Old Version or New?

Personally, I prefer the original black and white version of the movie. Happily, the DVD package linked above includes one disc with B&W, another with color along with other special features.

I also absolutely recommend the original 1947 version with Natalie Wood and Edmund Gwenn. I've watched the 1994 version and was very disappointed in the changes, particularly omissions, made from the original. The original movie is upbeat and magical; the new one is totally uninspired and uninspiring.

The clip below is one of my favorite scenes in the movie, one that brings a tear to my eye every time I watch it. In it, Santa's interaction with a little Dutch girl causes Susan to start questioning her belief that Santa isn't real.

Is Santa Claus real? You know what I believe. How about you? If you're not sure, then you probably should watch the movie and review the legal facts for yourself. The link takes you to the DVD version as well as a rental option so you can stream and watch the movie right this minute!

~ Susan

P.S. This ornament features a Kris Kringle Quote from Miracle on 34th Street.
You might have heard it in the trailer above.

~Susan Deppner
Read more of my reviews.

Posted by Susan Deppner

Susan Deppner

About the Author

Susan Deppner is a baby boomer, a cancer survivor, and a Southerner who believes in the Golden Rule. She enjoys writing about food, faith, and fitness; health, home, and holidays; people, places, pets, and patriotism, and more. Follow Susan on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Reviewing 4 Beautiful, Affordable Scarves for The Women in Your Life!

There isn't a woman around who doesn't love the look and feel of a beautiful scarf around her neck.  

There is something wonderful and enticing about the colorful scarves that just seem to make an outfit go from okay to a Knock Out!

Scarves can take your everyday little black dress and make that dress just "Pop". One black dress can look so different depending on the addition and color of a simple scarf.

Beautiful Scarves for Women

What I love about this accessory is that there are literally hundreds of different styles and colors to choose from. Large squares are great for accessorizing your wardrobe. There are also long rectangular scarves that lend themselves to be knotted in many different ways.

Ways to Wear or Tie a Scarf

They are an inexpensive addition to your wardrobe that can lift your outfit from plain to outstanding. Long scarves can be knotted, draped or just left sitting on your shoulders. Each way you choose to wear it gives it a different look.

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure it all out. But, let me help you with this video and you can try these methods at home. See which way you like to knot your scarf and then try something different on another occasion.

Scarves can be dressy or very casual. I suggest the silk scarves for work or evenings out. Silk scarves just say "special occasion or dressy occasion" to me.

stack of scarves
As you can see from this picture, scarves can be made out of many different fabrics. Each one has its place in your wardrobe. Colors are also so varied that you will have no problem finding the ones that you like the best. Wherever you travel you will find that scarves are one of the hottest items to buy for your friends back home or for yourself.

hanging scarves

A few years ago, Oprah made the Pashminas (light wool and silk scarves) so fashionable that the prices of them became prohibitive for most people. Today you can buy them at much more reasonable prices, but the fiber contents may vary. Let's just say, they were beautiful and extravagant! Scarves can be affordable and still beautiful. One will never ever be enough.

Long cotton scarves can be used for hiking and horseback riding adventures. Going out to the country fair and wanting to look just a little dressy will be so easy with some heavier scarves. Depending on the time of year, even woolen scarves would be appropriate and even very classy. If ever you need a gift that will make a lady happy and smile, I would suggest a beautiful scarf. They are a gift that will be used and enjoyed for many years to come.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, November 7, 2016

Reviewing InkJoy Pens - Popular and Colorful Pens

The factors that make me loyal to certain brands of pens are: low-cost, high quality, and reliability. I'm not asking for much, am  I? I don't think I am and I've found that with the InkJoy retractable, ballpoint pens, all of those needs are met. Recently, I ran out of my own personal stash of pens at work the other day and I realized I should recommend these pens to others. I should spread the joy. InkJoy pens are my first choice of pens for work and personal writing. 

Highly Recommended - InkJoy Ballpoint Pens by Paper Mate 

There are many reasons I love these pens enough to buy my own for work, rather than use the free pens that work provides.  

Reliability - These pens work every single time I pick one up.  There's nothing worse than being in a meeting, or trying to write down a phone number when someone is speaking quickly, and have the pen not work at all, or work only after your hurridley scribble in order to get the ink flow moving again. Annoying!  

No Ink Blobs - I really, really, REALLY hate running my hand through an ink blob on the paper. Smeary ink and blobs are so frustrating.  My InkJoy pens have never left a blob.

InkJoy colors 20 count
Inexpensive - Each time I purchase a pack of InkJoy pens, I compare with the less expensive "stick" pens.  I'm a penny-pincher so I try to remember to compare costs.  The InkJoy pens are usually slightly more expensive than the stick pens. But not by much. The cost tends to even out as I throw away a few of the stick pens that blob or do not work well. Also, my purchase of InkJoy pens is more costly than the free pens the agency supplies to employees. But I'd rather pay a few dollars for the reliability.

Color choices - At work I am limited to black ink.  When I pay bills, I often rebel and use blue ink. But, when I write journal entries, notes in my day planner, and other personal items, I go for the InkJoy color pens.  It is so much fun to use the variety of colors.

Ballpoint or gel pens - I prefer the retractable, medium ballpoint pens. However, InkJoy also makes a gel pen variety that is very popular. I cannot keep the InkJoy gel pens in my office.

InkJoy black ballpoint

Many Uses for InkJoy Color Pens (ballpoint or gel pens)

  • addressing holiday or special occasion envelopes
  • creation of eye-catching and pretty invitations
  • letter writing
  • scrapbooking
  • journaling
  • drawing and doodling
  • making those to-do and grocery lists more fun
  • gifts for artists, children, people who journal, and so on
  • popular school store item and/or children's rewards
  • and so much more - take a peek at the very short video and just imagine what you could do

Related Links

Journals - Technology makes writing and recording things as easy as a tap of a key or a flip of a switch. But I love journaling. There is something that increases my creativity when I use the process of hand-writing. Read about Writing and Remembering the Old-Fashioned Way

Drawing and Coloring - Colored pencils are a fun and popular way to create and color. Our very own Heather has created her own line of high-quality colored pencils. If you are giving art supplies as gifts or are yourself artistic, check out Heather's introduction to Aurora Art Supplies

Poster-Sized Color - In the event you need BIG and bold colors, for posters and such, Sharpies are amazing. Sharpies come in marker-sized "fine point", "chisel tip", and "extra bold marker point". 
Colorful Sharpies for those large creations

introduction graphic design created by the author using FotoJet

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, November 4, 2016

Reviewing Travel Money Belts & Pouches

Best Gift for a Traveler

A Travel Money Belt or Travel Pouch may not be the prettiest gift you will ever give, but it could easily be the most important gift for anyone who travels.

A Travel Money Belt or Travel Pouch may not be the prettiest gift you will ever give, but it could easily be the most important gift for anyone who travels.

A travel money belt or travel pouch is not our first thought when preparing for a trip.  Unfortunately, we might not see the need for a money belt until after we are victimized while traveling.  Having a purse or wallet stolen while traveling can quickly ruin the most anticipated and expensive trips.  Not only are pickpockets everywhere, you simply cannot pack your valuables and expect them to be safe in a hotel room or on a plane.  

A Travel Money Belt really will give you safety and peace of mind.

There are several different styles of travel money belts and pouches.  Over the years, I have traveled extensively and I feel uniquely qualified to recommend the best travel money belts available on the market today.

Image:  Premium Expert Money Travel


Never carry anything in your wallet you cannot afford to lose! 


My Personal Favorite Travel Money Belt

 Eagle Creek Undercover Money Belt DLX 
Choose the Right Size:  Don't look for the smallest money travel belt.  Look for the best size money belt.  You will want to carry the following items in your money belt, so choose a money belt that will hold them all securely.
  • Cash
  • Passport
  • ID ~ Drivers License
  • Credit Cards
  • Insurance Cards
  • A List of Wallet Content
  • Emergency Contract Information
My personal favorite travel money belt is the Eagle Creek Travel Gear Travel Money Belt.  Based on my own personal experience, this is the Travel Money Belt I would most highly recommend. 

  1. Two(2) Pockets are zippered to avoid spilling content when riding amusement park rides or other activities that may turn you upside down. 
  2. Wide enough to hold a passport ~ US Passports measure 3 1/4" x 5" 
  3.  Moisture-wicking, breathable mesh back panel
Also Available in Mocha 

A Gift for the Traveling Couple

Wear Travel Money Belts & Pouches UNDER your blouse or shirt


 Lewis N. Clark Deluxe Neck Stash, Beige

Most Highly Recommended Money Pouch  

Some travelers prefer a Travel Money Pouch. They prefer to wear a pouch around their neck instead of a money belt around their waist. This is especially true for people who do not see well or who don't want to lift their shirts in public should they need to access additional funds or ID.

This Travel Money Pouch has two zippered pockets, two inner compartments and an adjustable neck strap.  I have used this style myself when I know I will definitely need access to my passport, credit card or cash.

Bra Travel Pouch

For a lady who doesn't want to wear a money belt or doesn't like the travel neck pouch, there is a reasonable option.  This Bra Pocket Travel Safe is highly recommended for those who wear a bra.  It secures to your bra straps instead of having a separate neck cord or belt.

You won't be able to carry as much in this travel pouch, but it is definitely sufficient for cash, drivers license and credit cards.  Personally, this is the style I would use for things like my passport that I am not comfortable leaving in a hotel room, but will not need access to when I am sightseeing.


 Travel Money Belts are Essential for Travel Safety!


See More Product Reviews on



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Product Review of Travel Money Belts & Pouches Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Thoughtful Thanksgiving Hostess Gifts

You're invited out to Thanksgiving dinner! Here are five thoughtful gifts your hostess really wants.

Reviewing Gifts Your Hostess Really Wants

You've been invited to a friend or family member's house for Thanksgiving dinner. Lucky you! So now you have a dilemma: what would be the perfect hostess gift to say thank you for the hospitality?

To make your job easier, I've  chosen five different gifts that I'd love to receive if I were serving as your Thanksgiving hostess this year. While your hostess may not have the same tastes that I have, I think there should be an idea or two here that will work to elicit a "Thanks for being so thoughtful!" response from your hostess.

Give the Gift of a Seasonal Spa Treatment

The Gift of a Seasonal Spa Treatment For Your Thanksgiving Hostess | ButterCosmetics on Etsy
ButterCosmetics on Etsy
Who wouldn't need a spa treatment following a busy Thanksgiving day, or even a long weekend, of cooking, eating, and entertaining? This is a first class gift item, handmade with the best, soothing, healing ingredients you'll find anywhere. Honestly, I'm not usually much of a spa gal, but I would love to treat myself with these bath and lip products. A Thanksgiving hostess gift definitely fit for a queen.

A Gift for the Thanksgiving Cook

Premium Vintage Serving Spoon from MilkandHoneyLuxuries on Etsy, a beautiful, thoughtful hostess gift.
Look at this "I'm Thankful For You" serving spoon. Show me a cook who doesn't need another serving spoon and I'll show you . . well, it doesn't matter because any hostess could use an additional big serving spoon at Thanksgiving dinner. And how special is this one? Hand stamped with the words, "I'm thankful for YOU" with a heart, this is beautiful and such a very thoughtful gift! This premium vintage serving spoon is made to order by the creative and well-known folks at Milk and Honey Luxuries. I adore it and bet your hostess will, too.

The Hostess Gift That Keeps on Giving

Pass the blessing along with this Thanksgiving hostess gift, a Giving Platter from DaySpring.
DaySpring Cards and Gifts
Gift your hostess with a plate of your own specialty cookies, candies, or bread presented atop this "Share" Giving Platter. How does it work? The hostess gift arrives on the plate, homemade or even store-bought by you. The printing on the plate says "share," and a simple canvas tag with a verse is included, tied with a ribbon of jute. The verse on the tag begins, "This plate has no real owner, its journey never ends. It travels on a spontaneous path to neighbors... family... friends."

So after Thanksgiving, when life has settled down for a few minutes, your hostess friend can add her own goodies and present the plate to yet another neighbor or friend. Perhaps the plate, eventually, will make its way back with you since, as the verse says, "its journey never ends." Consider this gift idea for a hostess who is known to be a "giver." She'll love passing the blessing along in the future.

A Simple "Thank You" Will Do 

Thank You figurine by Willow Tree and Dayspring, a thoughtful Thanksgiving hostess gift.
Thank You Figurine by Willow Tree
This "Thank You" figurine by Willow Tree on Dayspring would be a beautiful choice for a hostess. She's little, just 5 1/2 inches high, but her message ("So appreciative of all you do!") is a big one that will encourage and lift up your hostess each time her eye catches this thoughtful gift.

Artist and sculptor Susan Lodi creates every figure in her Willow Tree collection with expressions revealed through gestures and absence of facial features, so the recipient can interpret its meaning in a personal way. What a beautiful way to show your appreciation for the kindness your hostess shows you.

Say "Thank You" With Flowers

floral bouquet
Beautiful, Fresh Fall Flowers from FTD and DaySpring
When in doubt, flowers are a tried and true thank-you gift for a hostess. This beautiful, fall-colored Give Thanks Fall Bouquet would make a perfect, seasonal choice for a Thanksgiving hostess. More arrangements are available at the link. Good news is that all you have to do is the ordering; FTD delivers!  

How did I do? I hope you've discovered the perfect gift for your Thanksgiving hostess this year. I'd love to know what you chose, so don't be shy about leaving a comment below. I hope both you and your hostess have a very happy Thanksgiving!

~ Susan

Still looking? Check out these Gift Reviews from our Review This! team.

~Susan Deppner
Read more of my reviews.

Posted by Susan Deppner

Susan Deppner

About the Author

Susan Deppner is a baby boomer, a cancer survivor, and a Southerner who believes in the Golden Rule. She enjoys writing about food, faith, and fitness; health, home, and holidays; people, places, pets, and patriotism, and more. Follow Susan on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

How to Encourage Your Children to Save Money

Children and Money are sometimes contentious issues!  Parents have issues around the getting and spending of money that may have been given to the child as a gift.  So the big question is, "How do you encourage your children to look at money differently?"  "How do you encourage them to Save Money?" or "How do you teach them the value of money?"

collectible cast - $2 dollar bills, half dollars

This very subject has come to light in my family.  Thank God, none of my family is wanting for the necessities of life and that is wonderful, but, it also makes it difficult for Grandparents, and other relatives when it comes to special Gift Giving times of the year. (Birthdays, Christmas, Graduations, Special Honors and such)

Let me give you a suggestion that hopefully will help you out of this quandary.

If Children are taught to look at money differently, they may just find that they will wait before running to the corner store to fill up on candy or "junk".

What do I mean?

Coin collecting has been a hobby and pastime enjoyed by many people all over the world.  It changes the meaning of money for our children too. Let's get our kids looking at their money before they spend it.

Instead of giving them paper money, give them coins.  Collectible coins that will start them on a journey of discovery.

There are many countries including the USA that produce "special" coins for historical, scientific or cultural breakthroughs or events.  These coins are minted in all denominations, from, Pennies, Nickels, Dimes and Quarters, to Half dollars and Dollars.

Can you see how you can get your children interested in something as small as a penny or as big as a Dollar?

Having a book or two on coins and their making, and then starting your children with a set of coins can begin a fascination that will take them through their whole lives.  You just have to look at how much an Indian Head Nickel will cost you today, to know that it's also a great investment.

As the years go by, and the children get older, the denominations of the coins can also get bigger or not!  It is entirely up to you and your circumstances.  One thing is certain, if this sparks an interest for your child, they will be hooked on looking at money from a whole new angle and you will have started them on a hobby that will last through their whole lives.  They will look at their "coin collection" and be able to say Grandma  and Grandpa gave me this coin, or Auntie gave me this one.  Each coin will have a wonderful memory attached to it.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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