Showing posts with label grammie Olivia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grammie Olivia. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Summertime is a Great Time to Learn Something New ~ A Product Review

Many times families find that the summer months are not that easy to get through as the rest of the year!  But summertime is when the living is supposed to be easy (or so the song lyrics say!).  Oh it may be easier in that the kids are getting dressed in whatever they want to wear without worry.  Usually swim suits or shorts and a T!  There is no mad dash to get out the door for school and prepare your book bag and lunch, so that truly does make it easier.  But there are many hours in the day to fill with some kind of activity.

My youngest grandson has just turned the big 10 years old.  So toys are no longer the go to thing for him to wish for.  So what happened?  Well, he, in his 10 year old wisdom decided that this would be a good year to learn how to tell time (the old fashioned way) and to learn how to play the guitar.  His mom and dad got him an analog watch for his birthday.  So now he is learning all about the different ways to tell time.  Digital watches have made those lessons obsolete, but he wanted to know what it meant when it was quarter to ten and what that looked like.  Next thing you know he'll be wanting to learn about telling time on a 24 hours watch.  Oh well, learning is learning and when they want to do that, it is much easier.  I'm sure he'll have it worked out before too long.

So what are grandparents left to get this youngster to mark his 10th birthday?  Well let's just say that it was pretty easy for us this year.  The guitar was already in place (his uncle left one at the cottage the last time they visited), so that was taken care of already.  What he doesn't have is a good book and some guitar accessories to make playing this instrument a better experience than just plucking at the strings.

We are so thankful for Amazon Prime, where you can get just about anything you want or need.  That's where we found our little gift for him!

This kit has everything that he will need for the first little while. It's really hard to learn how to tune an instrument when you have never done it before. Having an electronic tuner will make it that much easier for him. I don't know about you, but if an instrument is out of tune, there is little joy in playing it. Even an untrained ear can hear that the guitar is not in tune.  Once he knows the sound of a properly tuned instrument, he can choose to tune by ear or by use of the tuner in this kit.

Contained in the kit are all the things he will need, a guitar strap, picks, tuner, kapo, and a cleaning cloth.  And it comes in a nice case to keep all those little parts in one safe and neat place.  It's a win-win situation for sure.  

The beauty is that he can even share this with his sisters and mom and dad.  Music is a wonderful way to enjoy the time and it's a great time to learn when the pressures of school are not pressing down on him.  And the other beauty is that he can pick it up whenever the need arises.  Oh this will be such a good time summer for my grandson Blake!

Happy Birthday and Rock On!

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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Unique and Beautiful Watering Options for your Gardens

There are two reasons for this REVIEW TODAY! 

1. According to the Calendar of Days,  it is "Water a Plant Day" 

2.  Summer seems to be off to a fine start and I know my garden is in need of a daily drink!

Gardens are a place to rest and relax, to get your hands just a little dirty and to find something beautiful to enjoy!  Some of us have large gardens and others may have a small garden, but one thing is certain, everybody enjoys to see flowers blooming!  The garden doesn't have to do too much to make a weary soul smile. The hardiest of flowers can be enjoyed by everyone.  There is no need to be intimidated by thoughts of exotic plants (unless you want to be).  A pot full of marigolds is a beautiful sight.

Since the time of Adam and Eve, we have nurtured gardens and tried to bring some of them under our control.  With trying to control their growth, we also need to control their watering and feeding.  You can't have one without the other.

watering cans with flowers painted on the sides

Water a plant day brings up some interesting points about watering options for our gardens.  Let's for right now focus on watering cans and manual ways to keep our plants from dying of thirst!  I will leave drip irrigation methods to gardeners who really need that kind of extended watering options.  (Leave me a comment and I'll gladly discuss this with you!)

Water can be heavy, so when you are deciding on a watering can for your needs remember that you will need to carry it!  To that end, I will suggest that a watering can should hold around 2 gallons of water.  Any more than this and the weight becomes difficult to handle.  With my arthritis, I would not want to carry more than this personally.  It's also a good size when it comes to adding fertilizers to enhance the blooming of your flowers.

Now I'm going to show you one that gets a 5 Star rating and tell you why it's a good choice.

This watering can holds 2 Gallons so it's the perfect size. It has a fairly large opening to fill it and also to add any fertilizers. It is made of a light weight resin material that can be left out in the great outdoors without any problems.  It has a nozzle that makes the water fall like a shower on your plants.  The only down side to this watering can is that the nozzle is NOT removable.  This watering can is practical, but not very pretty.  If you are looking for function, this watering can will do the trick quite nicely and it's very affordable.

Now if you are looking for a watering can that does the job, but looks pretty too, there are many more options.  You can find watering cans that your children or grandchildren would love to use.  Any gardener that loves their hobby, loves to share that hobby with their loved ones too!  These watering cans would make playing and working in the garden a really fun time! Check out these lovely options in watering cans and see if one doesn't make you smile too!

Little hands would enjoy the animals that could help them, help you! This is just a little sample of the many watering cans that you can get. I just happen to love the colors and the shapes of these ones. The child in me has never really grown up!

Now here are a few practical things to remember when using a watering can to give your plants a drink.  Plants don't like to be watered with ice cold water, especially on really hot days.  It is a shock to their tender roots.  Fill your watering can and let it stand outdoors for an hour or so before subjecting your plants/planters to their daily drink.  Water your plants early in the morning rather than at high noon.  The plants will be able to drink more and be able to cope with the midday sun easier when they are well hydrated.  If you are using the watering cans to water your planters, you might also look at a schedule for fertilizing these planters.  Check out the labels and directions for your favorite types of fertilizers and use them accordingly.

girl and dog

A closing bit of advice, when you are watering your plants, talk to them too!  Plants do respond by growing much better when they are coddled!  Ask any gardener and they will agree that Watering, Talking, Primping and Pruning will do wonders for anything you are trying to grow!

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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Outstanding Gifts for First Communions and Confirmations

April and May are the typical months for many "spiritual" exercises in the Roman Catholic Church, so let's review some appropriate and outstanding gifts for these special occasions!

Holy Communion
Spring is that time of renewal and rebirth!  Everything seems to be coming to life again and so with Easter behind us, it's time to help our youngsters grow in their faith too!

Along with the profession of their First Communions and/or Confirmations, many families opt to host a small party for the child who is taking this big step.  Often times if you are invited to this kind of celebration, it is difficult to know what an appropriate gift would be for the child. As the parent and grandparent of a few children that have made this testament to their faith,  I can help you out!

Holy Communions and Confirmations are religious events,  unlike birthdays or other celebrations.  Gifts should be in keeping with the tone of the event.  For parents and grandparents, they may choose to give the child a Prayer Book and/or Rosary.  A nice cross on a chain for them to wear would also be appropriate.  Other invited guests may choose monetary gifts because they have no idea what an appropriate gift would be.

I like to give books and believe firmly that a child will enjoy a book given for a special occasion and maybe even treasure that book well into their adult life.  To that end, I'm going to suggest a  book that I really like and would be lovely for either First Communion or Confirmation

Brother Sun and Sister Moon is an adaptation from St. Francis of Assisi's song to God, by Katherine Paterson!  The original version was written in 1227!  This particular book has beautiful illustrations that are actually hand cut outs of paper by Pamela Dalton.  Each picture is a marvel in and of itself. This book is wonderful in both content and design.  The gorgeous pictures and beautiful words,  will be a nice reminder for any child of that special day in their lives. The illustrations are just so well done and an art form that we don't see too much of.  I had seen this book at the library, and I was taken by surprise at the beauty of the illustrations.  Mind you, I also happen to love St. Francis of Assisi!  He is the patron saint of gardeners (my other passion) and naturalists. 

The Bible Made Easy - for Kids,  is a great starting point for dialogue about faith.  When the children read what is happening in the Bible stories,  in language that they understand, discussion about faith topics is so much easier!  The Bible (while wonderful in its original form) is not a book that is easily understood.  Giving children the opportunity to read the stories and understand their meanings is a great way to start some interesting discussions about the life and faith lessons that we need to learn.

Encouraging children to read and ask questions makes their faith life come alive.  It's not just something they do on Sundays anymore. 

So let me see if I can make it even easier for you to decide on the appropriate gift!  Here's a list that works for me:

Holy Communion or Confirmation Gifts:

1.  Faith based books! (Geared to the age of the child)
2.  Cross for Child's room
3.  Bookmarks with spiritual sayings
4.  Picture frame for the "Special Day Photo"
5.  Rosary (if they are Catholics, you can never have just one!)
6.  Necklace or charm with a religious tone (angels, wings, crosses etc.)
7.  Small statue of their favorite saint or namesake.
8.  Donation to a favorite charity in the name of the child.
9.  Child friendly Bible
10.Gratitude Journal

These are just my suggestions, I'm sure that you can come up with more! Teaching and passing on the faith we believe in is part of our duty as parents.  Milestones in that faith formation should be celebrated with loved ones.  Truly, it is home where our sense of faith begins and it is home where milestones should be celebrated too.
Holy Communion

You can read more about these sacraments and appropriate gifts in another review I did a few years ago.  Click Right Here and read some more if you feel so inclined!  Bless you all!

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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Reviewing 4 Beautiful, Affordable Scarves for The Women in Your Life!

There isn't a woman around who doesn't love the look and feel of a beautiful scarf around her neck.  

There is something wonderful and enticing about the colorful scarves that just seem to make an outfit go from okay to a Knock Out!

Scarves can take your everyday little black dress and make that dress just "Pop". One black dress can look so different depending on the addition and color of a simple scarf.

Beautiful Scarves for Women

What I love about this accessory is that there are literally hundreds of different styles and colors to choose from. Large squares are great for accessorizing your wardrobe. There are also long rectangular scarves that lend themselves to be knotted in many different ways.

Ways to Wear or Tie a Scarf

They are an inexpensive addition to your wardrobe that can lift your outfit from plain to outstanding. Long scarves can be knotted, draped or just left sitting on your shoulders. Each way you choose to wear it gives it a different look.

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure it all out. But, let me help you with this video and you can try these methods at home. See which way you like to knot your scarf and then try something different on another occasion.

Scarves can be dressy or very casual. I suggest the silk scarves for work or evenings out. Silk scarves just say "special occasion or dressy occasion" to me.

stack of scarves
As you can see from this picture, scarves can be made out of many different fabrics. Each one has its place in your wardrobe. Colors are also so varied that you will have no problem finding the ones that you like the best. Wherever you travel you will find that scarves are one of the hottest items to buy for your friends back home or for yourself.

hanging scarves

A few years ago, Oprah made the Pashminas (light wool and silk scarves) so fashionable that the prices of them became prohibitive for most people. Today you can buy them at much more reasonable prices, but the fiber contents may vary. Let's just say, they were beautiful and extravagant! Scarves can be affordable and still beautiful. One will never ever be enough.

Long cotton scarves can be used for hiking and horseback riding adventures. Going out to the country fair and wanting to look just a little dressy will be so easy with some heavier scarves. Depending on the time of year, even woolen scarves would be appropriate and even very classy. If ever you need a gift that will make a lady happy and smile, I would suggest a beautiful scarf. They are a gift that will be used and enjoyed for many years to come.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Review This! Curious George and the Man in the Yellow Hat

I don't know whether to say Happy Birthday or Happy Anniversary, because each one of them would be correct. Curious George is still looking really good and he's only 75 years old! 

Curious George books have been making children happy for a long time.  They have been favorites of children since 1941.  Margret and Hans Augusto Rey were the author and illustrator of the books. They fled France, on home made bicycles, carrying the manuscripts for the first Curious George book with them. In those times, only H.A. Rey was credited with the work on Curious George because there were already a large number of children's books written by female authors.  Even then, marketing was everything and giving the credit to Hans, seemed to give Curious George more "attention".  As he (Curious George) became well known in the literature world of children, credit was given back to Margret and Hans was cast as the illustrator.


The original book started with George's capture in Africa by the man with the Yellow Hat. He takes George on a voyage to the 'Big City" where he will live in the zoo.

Much to George's dismay, zoo life was not for him and he escapes.  But George and the Man in the Yellow Hat (who never has a name) are reunited and thus begins all of George's adventures.

In 1947 George gets a job.  In 1952 he learns to ride a bike, in 1957 he get a medal and so his adventures are all about things that would interest and garner the attention of post war children.  Three more books would follow, George Flies a Kite (1958) Curious George Learns the Alphabet (1963) and Curious George goes to the Hospital (1966).  The years were full of changes and prosperity and relative peacefulness.  So the world as a whole was much more relaxed.  Stories of George and his antics were welcomed stories, read to children everywhere.

George and his "man in the yellow hat" are really almost like a father and son.  The man,  as he is referred to in many of the tales, takes George into situations where he will learn something new.  While the original Curious George was only made into 7 different stories, the publishing company adapted several of the Telefilm series into books edited by Margret Rey.  Most of these are out of print, but had been re-released with some new cover art. (For you collectors, keep your eyes open for these 1984-1993.)

A third series called the New Adventures of Curious George appeared in 1998, and still continues to the present day.  New illustrators continue the art work in the same vein as was started by Hans Rey. Children all over the world still seem to love Curious George.

Since his original release, Curious George stories have been made into  two  movie shorts.  He has been featured at water-parks, a Christmas film, and video games.  In 2010 Curious George was still being used for a live-action/computer-animated series.  Public Broadcasting Systems loves Curious George and you can still see him on their PBS channels.   To this day, there is still one toy store that carries everything "Curious George" and that is in Cambridge Mass.  If you get a chance, go for a visit, I'm sure that some childhood memories will be rekindled.

The Only Curious George Store , Cambridge Mass.
curious george store sign
Photo credit:

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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

What do an Electric Snow Shovel and a Deep Fryer have in common?

A while ago, while the snow was still flying in the sky and falling to the ground faster than running water, my other half and I decided that now would be a great time to own our own Electric Snow Shovel. 

What actually happened, though, was not what I expected.

My husband likes to research anything that we are going to purchase to make sure that we are getting value for our dollars.  One of his favorite mottos is "Getting the  Biggest Bang for Your Buck!"  So with that in mind, I knew that I was going to be shoveling whatever white stuff the clouds were going to dump on me,  that day and probably the next.

Fast forward about three days: low and behold, my sweetie's favorite truck comes by with a delivery.  I was sure that it was my new and improved Electric Snow Shovel and my back, arms and legs were all doing the happy dance.

One big problem,  the size of the box and the dimensions of that same said box, were no where near what I would have expected for an Electric Snow Shovel!

Now we have a rule in our house,  that if the delivery truck comes, only the person that it is addressed to, is allowed to open whatever is in the box.

Well wouldn't you know it, he was out and I was in!  Darn,  I couldn't break our long standing house rule, even though my fingers, hands, arms and legs all said......."DO IT!"

A few hours go by and my sweetie finally makes it home.  I am waiting like a kid, who has the biggest secret and can't wait to tell the next person who crosses his path.

He enters the home and sees the  box in the middle of the living room and I with a great big grin on my face, look at him with great big puppy dog eyes and ask, "What's in the box?"

He grabs the box and takes it into his "man-cave" leaving me with this goofy grin on my face.  "I'll be right back" he says ever so coyly.

Well up the stair he comes in short order carrying not my new Electric Snow Shovel, but rather this lovely looking T-Fal Deep Fryer!

In my state of excitement and anticipation, we could now add total confusion.  Because I love this man, and he loves me, I let him explain.

Honey he says very coquetishly,  I got us something that both of us could use and neither one of us has,  I got us this lovely T-Fal Deep Fryer! 

T-Fal Deep Fryer

I just looked at him with total uncomprehension and said, "but I thought we were getting an Electric Snow Shovel?"  

He says ever so quickly, "honey, the Electric Snow Shovel isn't on sale yet, but the Deep Fryer was!

So I spent the rest of March and April of this year, shoveling by hand, while my sweetie was busy in the kitchen making Home made Fish and Chips.  Guess I will wait until the Snow Shovels are no longer needed to get mine.

Snow Joe, Electric Snow Shovel

Right now though,  I am thoroughly enjoying summer and the snow can wait until December at which time I am sure that I will be the owner of my very own Snow Joe Electric Snow Shovel.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Exotic Nejiri Kama

Nejiri Kama, Japanese Sickle

By Olivia
Nejiri Kama, Japanese Sickle

It doesn't look too sharp, but it is one of the sharpest blades for the garden that you will ever need.

I have garden tools that I use and use and use and use.......and this is one of them that is High on my list of must have garden tools. The Nejiri Kama not only sounds exotic, it is exotic. Coming from the master gardeners in Japan, it and my Hori Hori blade are by far the best tools any gardener could ask for.

Right now I'm going to tell you why I love the Nejiri Kama too! This tool is multi purpose to the extreme. You have to be careful with it, because the blade is sharp. This tool makes weeding a breeze, but it can also be used to dig furrows in the garden and uproot young weeds before they become a mangled mess of roots. The blade is not as large as a regular sickle that farmers would have used, but it is just as impressive when it is used to wipe out an area that has become overgrown, or just needs major tidying up.

The blade drawn against the top layer of soil will cut off anything growing that shouldn't be and because the blade is only about 5 inches long, there is no danger of removing a limb. That gives the gardener in question a more focused swath when weeding. Care still needs to be used whenever sharp tools are being handled, and this one is no exception to that rule.

The other part I love about this tool, is that using the tip, you can weed quite nicely around bedded plants without disturbing their root structure. The sickle being fashioned from one piece of metal will not break at the bend and with a little care, can be sharpened as you would any other tool in your arsenal of gardening weapons. The wooden handle is comfortable in your grip, and even with arthritic hands, holding this tool will not cause strain or pain in your joints.

The description here speaks about weeding raised beds, and I agree that it is great for that, but I would also say that you can use it in a regular garden bed too! It will require that you bend a little, but that can be good exercise too! Give this tool a try, and I'm sure that it will soon become one of your favorite tools too!
tomita japanese gardening tool
Another wonderful tool for the garden.

The Tomita is also handy.
This tool is on my "to buy" list. With the good things that have happened with my other Japanese inspired gardening tools, I'm sure that this one will be a hit as well.
This is my Hori, Hori and I love it!
My absolute favorite tool ever! Might I suggest you splurge and get one for yourself!
You already know that I love this tool. It is so useful when planting, preparing soil mixes, and all other little jobs in the garden.

Spear & Jackson P818 Traditional English Style Stainless Steel Dibber

This old fashioned tool has probably been around for centuries, but it is another favorite of mine.

I love the way this tool is able to do many things, from weeding to aerating the ground around your plants to top dressing your garden.....all with one tool.....

You can read more about Grammie Olivia's Gardening at her website:

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