Showing posts with label Gardening tools. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gardening tools. Show all posts

Thursday, October 17, 2024

My Favorite Gardening Tools, Review

I have been gardening, off and on, for forty plus years. Over the years, I have come to know some gardening tools as my favorite.

The first one is one I happen to find just last year, in 2023. I had been searching the local warehouse stores to replace my trusty forked prong garden tool. No one had any! What happened to them I wondered.

Then low and behold, the last store I checked, I found a different version of my old trusty tool. The blade part wasn't as long or as sturdy as the old version, but it had some new features. Instead of the long round barrel with a forked prong at the end, it had a flattened out and curved blade part, a more pointy prong at the end, and a saw tooth edge along the lower left edge. Hmmm, I thought. I'll give this a try.

weed puller

I was hoping for a longer barreled tool, but overall it seemed to reach a pretty decent depth. And that little more point forked prong seem to grab hold of the weeds, and more easily pull them up. Whoa! I was impressed.

The saw toothed edge also came in handy in sawing off some thicker roots and thick stems. I was beginning to love its versatility.

Then I moved some of my cement garden edgers and needed to channel out a somewhat narrow channel for their new location. This little trusty pronged tool was the answer. It was just wide enough and it allowed me to saw off hardened dirt along the sides which gave me a straighter channel to fit the cement edger in to. I was doubly impressed.

This is the link for it on Amazon: I did see other brands on Amazon that had the sawtooth edge on the opposite side, if you prefer those.

I have since found the other prong tool that I had been looking for on Amazon. Some companies call it a dandelion weed puller

Another tool that has become a favorite, is a spade shovel. Since I now have a prong tool that does narrow type digging and prying, I prefer to have a wider type spade shovel. Whether I'm digging up a minor patch of weeds, or having to dig around the roots of larger plants, I really like having a wider spade shovel.
spade shovel

The Fiskars model is pretty heavy duty and has been holding up well. It has an ergonomic type handle, which is much easier to hold than wooden handled spades that I have owned.

The model that I purchased and use is found on Amazon through this link.

Sometimes my gardening ventures require some more heavy duty digging. Although I like the general rounded type shovel, I use those to dig up large plants, I have really come to appreciate the flat edge shovel.

flat edge shovel

When I want a larger shovel to help define an edge, or when I want to remove top layers of soil that turn out more even, I reach for the flat edge shovel. It helps to create the desired finish that I want.

The closest one that I could find on Amazon is made by Hantop. The one that I have does not have a brand name on it; other than it says USA tempered 2 on it. Mine has a totally flat straight edge on the shovel part, and this one has a sawtooth edge. The saw tooth edge appears to be on the top part of the blade, as customers have commented about it giving a straight edge. This would be my recommendation; it has a 4.9 star rating with 27 reviews. Here is the link on Amazon:

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Review Of Wolf Garten Shears For The Garden

Garden shears

Good quality tools are necessary when working in the garden. I prefer to use manual tools whenever possible in our garden. I find it more peaceful to use manual tools, better for wildlife and much quieter for ourselves and our neighbours. I also feel more connected somehow to our garden plants. 

Sometimes power tools are necessary for the garden, but using manual tools rather than electric ones is an even greater consideration now for us that electricity prices are so high. 

We find these Wolf Garten Shears easy to use with no energy costs at all, apart from your own physical power. 

We do like tools that are easy to use and do not require too much effort. I would also rather buy quality tools that suit our needs and aim to buy tools that are longer lasting.  

Wolf Garten Shears

Wolf Garten Shears

Wolf is one of the brands I trust for gardening tools and are one of the brand of tools I use on a regular basis to keep our garden looking at its best. We also have secateurs of the Wolf brand and you can read my Review Of Wolf Garden By Pass Secateurs here. They have also proved a really great purchase. 

The shears are used in our garden for cutting back shrubs, perennials and herbs such as lavender and geraniums where we need to cut a larger area of foliage. We use them to cut back annual flowers and any straggly growth as well. 

Important aspects of garden shears are that they are sharp and cut cleanly. That it is easy to use with an ergonomic grip, a buffer to reduce jarring and pressure on our hands and wrists and it has a smooth action. In my experience, the Wolf Garten shears excel in all these areas. 

Wolf Garten Shears

I do think for the price and the quality that Wolf Garten Shears are excellent shears.

Cutting Back And Pruning Plants With Shears

 Perennials require cutting back in late autumn after flowering has finished and when they are dying back. Equally, we can leave them until the following Spring. A Spring cutting back means that we leave the hollow stems and cover for our wildlife.


Daisy flowers

 Lavender is best cut back after flowering but it is important to not cut back into old wood as it may not regrow. We need to cut so you can still see green shoots. This cutting back ensures a more compact shrub that will have the best chance of flowering well the following year and we can also use the cut flower stems as decoration in the home. 

Hebes can be cut back lightly or some can be shaped into topiary-like balls as you prefer. 

Our Laurel hedge gets cut back a few times a year to keep it looking neat and manageable. 

Geraniums need cutting back after flowering. If we do this it tidies it up and also there is an opportunity that it may flower again. It will look bare for a week or two but the new regrowth is fresh green and lovely. 


Blue Geraniums

 For any perennial you are cutting back it is important to cut close to the crown of the plant but above any new growth. We need a tool that will cut cleanly and not tear the plant.  

I love the way that these shears cleanly and easily slice through our thick lavender borders and cut our small conifers cleanly. In my experience, they do not pull or injure the plants. We do not want to be tearing or pulling on plants that need cutting back and these shears just make this job so much easier and quicker to complete. 

Using garden shears

For a long time, I used my Grandads shears for these cutting jobs. While I love them because they were my Grandad's and are a link to a wonderful man I never knew as he died shortly after I was born, they are not easy shears to use for a long time. 

I will always love and treasure my Grandad's shears, when I hold them I feel a part of history and closeness to my Grandad. In addition, all these decades on they are still in great working order. However, I do believe these Wolf Garten shears offer an added level of comfort and features that I do appreciate these days! 


Garden Flowers and shrubs.

Good Qualities Of Wolf Garten Shears

  • When I use my Wolf Garten Shears I find they are so much easier on my hands and arms and are of good solid quality. I find they are the nearest shears to the robust, quality and feel of my Grandad's shears but with the added level of modern comfort!

  • Nonstick coated blades mean they rust a lot less and are much better when using them to cut plants with sticky sap. I clean them with a damp cloth and sometimes WD40 and a cloth. 

  • In my experience, they cut stems cleanly and sharply which is much better for the plants. 

  • Comfortable handles make the task of cutting back so much easier. They are simple to use and not hard on the hands or arms. 

  • They have a solid quality comfortable feel to the product which is important to me.  

  •  Good bright points of orange-red colour mean they are not easily lost in the garden. This is essential for me as I am always putting down tools in the garden, getting distracted and forgetting where I left them! 

Wolf Garten Shears

There is a range of Wolf Garten shears, some normal sized for general cutting jobs, others about half the size developed for topiary hedging and smaller work, it all depends on your garden and what you need your shears for. 

Here Is A Selection Of Wolf Garten Shears

I personally would not attempt to cut a very large hedge with these shears but for tasks such as cutting back herbs and perennials, smaller hedges, smaller conifers, some topiary, annual flowers and general everyday pruning these manual Wolf Garten Shears are a great tool to purchase and wonderful quality addition to a useful garden tool collection.  


More Gardening Articles

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Monday, July 25, 2022

2022 Favorite Garden Tools

Oh garden tools! I have known quite a few in my amateur garden career. But there are some tools that become staples in the gardening collection. The tried and true. 

Some new, some old and all valued. So here are my top five cannot do without garden tools - helpers-accessories!

1. Container Gardening City Pickers Raised Garden Bed

container gardening

Love, love this rolling cart for container gardening. After the loading up the cart with dirt, the cart still rolls easily. This is a very nice feature for not just moving the cart around a deck or patio, but if you have plants that can do well inside in the winter. Just roll the cart inside! Review here >> City Pickers

The raised bed is available in different colors to suit your landscape. I have only had to fill the bed once with dirt and each year a successful harvest. 

2. Ironclad Gloves

New entry for this year. Purchased in 2021 to replace a pair of garden gloves and the Ironclad Utility gloves have quickly become a favorite. Review here >> Favorite Utility Gloves Review: Ironclad Gloves

The gloves fit very well to allow easy maneuvering of garden tools of all types.

3. B Hive Smart Hose Timer Wifi

hose timer

Purchased in 2021 this WIFI timer for your sprinkler quickly headed to the top of my list. So convenient to use and easy to program. Mobile App included to trigger gardening from your phone. Review here>> B Hive Hose Timer

Set the timer up for your vacation and no worries. The watering schedule can be as varied as you'd like (time with projected weather) or as simple and straight forward. I prefer the later and since the weather is so incredibly variable here, I check weather first, then program the timer or trigger it manually.

4. Solar Light

solar light

Loving this solar light! I purchased it a few years back and the lights have worked flawlessly all year round. A combination garden and security light that has not disappointed. In the warmer months I have a few nestled in the garden to light a path and in the winter the lights are moved and used as security lights. Review here >> Aootek Solar Light

5. Blue Shoes Disposable

disposable shoe covers

Soggy yard, but need access in spring or during rainy season. These little booties are great to save your shoes or gardening shoes in inclimate weather. Review here >> Blue Shoe Guys 

The shoes are also great to have on hand for contractors visiting your home. While many will bring their own disposable booties it is always nice to have spares on hand for when they may forget - especially in winter or spring.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, July 18, 2022

Reviewing the Fiskars Clearing Machete

Why on earth would I be reviewing a machete? There are many good reasons to own a machete. Personally, I live on a piece of land with difficult terrain. While I intentionally allow some of the lot to grow wild, hopefully as welcoming habitat for the birds, butterfly, and wildlife, these weeds quickly take over areas I do not want them in. Lawn mowers and weeders (both wired and manually operated blade) do not suffice. I am very pleased with the Fiskars Clearing Machete.

The Fiskars 15" Blade Clearing Machete

After watching many machete reviews, I chose the Fiskars. To be honest, I mostly chose the Fiskars due to price point and availability (it was available here locally and I purchased it on the day I wanted to use it for the first time). While I honestly wanted to purchase some of the other machetes that were recommended, I did not feel I could spend $100 at the time. For something that I didn't know whether or not I'd be able to use it productively. I am very pleased with my purchase.

The Fiskars Clearing Machete Official Information:

  • 15" blade (24" total length)
  • curved steel blade
  • cushioned, composite, comfortable grip
  • weighs 2 lbs
  • Full lifetime guarantee
  • Nylon sheath included
Additional things I have noted, the blade is steel and reportedly can rust, however, it comes new with what appears to me to be some heavy, protective paint. I have not yet chipped or worn down that paint and I am very pleased with the blade. I am aware that tools made of steel should be stored in a dry place and benefit from being cleaned with appropriate oils.

I purchased an axe sharpener in order to sharpen my blade. While a few online reviewers complain of a dull blade, I was aware that I'd need to do some sharpening (as you need to do with axes and such) and I have only good experience with the blade sharpening and retaining the edge while using this in my yard/woods.

I LOVE the handle. It is a longer handle so I can choke up near the blade or hold on near the very end of the handle (my usual choice due to wanting distance from the thistles I'm cutting).  The handle is comfortable and I feel protected from the blade with the shape of the handle and that "bumper" between the handle and the blade.  I like that the handle also has a hole where I can insert a rope handle.

This machete is heavier than some. Two pounds is quite a bit for a woman in her late 50s to be swinging around. Two pounds is quite a bit for a younger active person to swing for an all-day job. But.... I only use it in small bursts of time. And I believe that the weight adds power to my wimpy swings. 

Yard Care

My yard is on a small mountain ridge. The slope is steep and the ground is rocky shale - from a sandy texture to very large rocks scattered everywhere. Mowing is difficult to impossible.  I have been advised to use weed control chemicals to eradicate these weeds. I do intentionally allow the weeds to grow because the monarch butterflies love the thistle, the birds love the mullein flowers, the pollinators love the assorted wild flowers, and the deer use the cover to hide in.  The problem is that all of these invasive plants, thistle, and wildflowers grow up quickly and are a nuisance where I don't want them. 

For example, the thistle grew to 6 - 7' tall behind my house (where the meter-reader needs to walk). 

The first area I cleared with the machete (the meter is to the left)
I was impressed with being able to clear out a significant portion of that thistle patch

The thistle has also grown around the back and sides of the chicken coop (allowing more cover for predators and more scratches on me when trying to herd a naughty chicken to the coop).

A manual weed cutter is very helpful for the grass-like plants that grow up to around 6 - 
10" tall in open areas.  But it does nothing for the mullein and thistle plants. And those plants got away from me.

The Fiskars machete is perfect for the larger weeds; especially the thistle. It cuts through them like cutting through warm butter.  

Outdoor Adventuring, Overlanding, and Off-Roading

When I had my Jeep and did ORV (off-road) trails and primitive camping, this machete would have been perfect! I regret not having purchased on during that time in my life.  I could have bush-whacked through brush on overgrown trails or areas where I needed to turn around but didn't have room.  I could have cleared the green brier thorny vines in areas where I needed to pass through on foot.

Hunting and Fishing

People who hunt and fish often use trails that become overgrown. In my opinion, this is a perfect tool to attach to a backpack and have along for clearing trails or sitting spots. I'm thinking of all the times I fought the thorny vines to get to my catfish spot at North Point. This machete would have been so helpful. 

Recreational Hiking Trails 

Whether trails are very remote or fairly well-used and maintained, the thorny vines often grow across very quickly. This machete is a good choice for people whose jobs it is to maintain these trails as well as people like me, back in the day, who preferred to strap on a back pack and walk the trails where others rarely walk. I am a short woman of only 5'4" so this machete hanging from my waist is not practical. But it would have been perfect tucked into the area of my Osprey pack between my back and the pack. 

Agricultural - Crop Harvesting and Brush Clearing

I cannot speak much to agricultural harvesting and machetes. I believe I have seen plenty of clips of pineapple harvesting with machetes but I may be mistaken.  I am sure that this machete would be an excellent choice for clearing fence rows of brush and plants.  I look forward to having an extra tool (non-chemical) to try to clear away some of my rampant poison ivy vines. 

I am quite sure that I am not covering most of the uses for a good machete in agriculture and forestry industries. 

Related Links:

Our Wednesday Elf previously reviewed the Fiskars Long-Handled Swivel Grass Shears. Those shears allowed her to remain in a standing position while trimming grass along sidewalks and around the mailbox post. They swivel to cut in a horizontal or vertical position. Great for folks with actual lawns and sidewalks!!  See her review here for more information.

And don't overlook that Review This has a Gardening section. You can find the tab at the top of the page or click here and start scrolling down to see the wonderful variety of reviews related to gardening. 

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Friday, May 8, 2015

I Love My Garden Kneeler

Don't Wait Like I Did to Get Yourself a Garden Kneeler

My Garden Kneeler, photo © B. Radisavljevic
I love gardening. I like taking a neglected flower bed and bringing it to life with color. That's why I decided to redo the flower beds at the house I inherited from my mother. This Garden Kneeler has made it possible for me to work on this transformation more safely and with less pain than I was able to before I bought it.
Let's face it. If you are going to pull weeds and plant flowers, you will be either bending over or kneeling. Kneeling is more efficient. It never used to be a problem for me, but I'm seventy now. When I kneel, it hurts my knees. 
At Work on My Garden Kneeler, photo © B. Radisavljevic
I'm resting my arm on the kneeler as I work on this bull thistle plant that had babies in my herb garden.

The Step 2 Garden Kneeler, however, has a foam pad that keeps my knees from hard surfaces like the ground and the concrete sidewalk.
Notice the Foam Pad and Handles on My Garden Kneeler, photo © B. Radisavljevic
I was planting and weeding in this bed and wanted you to see the kneeler without me inside it. I need to get that bucket with the caddy.

Another problem one has at my age is getting back up from that kneeling position. The body just doesn't want to move up. It needs some help. The handles on this kneeler are sturdy enough to support me when I start to rise. This makes a lot of difference in how much I enjoy my gardening.
Before I bought the Step 2 Garden Kneeler, I tried two other brands available in a local store. One was a folding kneeler, but it wasn't very sturdy. I have a neck problem that makes falls especially dangerous for me, so I didn't want to take chances on something flimsy just to save a few dollars. Another brand I tried just wasn't roomy enough to get in and out of comfortably.
The Step 2 Garden Kneeler has made me look forward to my work in the garden again. It's light enough to easily move where I need it. Although it had a handy hole in the top that acts as a handle when it's standing up, I normally transport it upside down as the kneeler. It makes cleanup easier, since I can fit a wastebasket for weeds and a small box with gardening utensils on the pad, pick up the kneeler by the handles, and carry it all to the garage. That saves me some extra trips.
Sitting on My Garden Kneeler, photo © B. Radisavljevic
Taking a rest on my overturned kneeler in bench mode in front of the rosemary, black sage, and butterfly bush

One great feature I didn't mention yet is that if you are tired and need to get off your knees and rest for a bit, you can turn the kneeler over and use it as a bench. It was sturdy enough to hold my husband, who weighs close to 260 pounds.
I really love this kneeler. I don't know how I managed without it all these years. It would have made my life more comfortable even when I was younger. After all, no one enjoys having one's knees on a hard surface.
I tried to get along with just a cheap green pad before, but it was of poor quality in comparison to this one, and it wasn't as thick. The pad on this kneeler rests on a thick hard surface that won't let you feel the rocks and thorns you can feel through the stand-alone foam pads. And I still had to get up and down to and from ground level with no help. This product solves all the mobility problems and saves my knees. I highly recommend this Garden Kneeler to anyone who spends much time working on the ground.

OK. I'll Admit it. I'm Showing Off

garden kneeler beside a flower bed

This is my garden kneeler in bench form so you can see the details without me covering them up. But the real reason I'm displaying it is to show off. It's sitting in front of a flower bed I completely transformed, as I did the other flower beds in the front yard of this home in Paso Robles. This used to be a bunch of nothing with some scattered gazanias, mostly close to the house, between two juniper bushes.
I left the gazanias at the very back, where they continue to spread. I planted one calendula and all the others in this bed are its babies. If you have a good eye, you can see the opal basil next to the pot of catmint in bloom. Behind the catmint is some African Blue Basil in bloom with a tall borage in bloom behind it. I also added some petunias, mums, and pansies for seasonal color. There is a large hyssop behind the carnations that has finished blooming, leaving only its rust-colored spikes. What you can't see are the chocolate cosmos and the monarda which are hidden by the borage.
My garden kneeler has made it possible to do this job faster and in more comfort than I ever could have managed without it. I use it most while pulling the weeds and planting, but at least I can sit and rest when I'm tired without leaving the yard.

Get Your Garden Kneeler Now to Save Your Knees

While You're Already Shopping, Why Not Add These?

The kneeler makes gardening more comfortable, but nothing is more frustrating than having to get up and go back to the shed or garage to get a tool you forgot to bring with you. The bucket caddy, which attaches to a five-gallon bucket (not included) will help you organize all that stuff and you can sit it beside your kneeler within reach. As you can see in one of my photos above, I need one.
Since I write a lot about gardening, I also like to keep my digital camera with me to photograph interesting things I find as I work. I'm sure one of the pockets would accommodate that, and my cell phone would fit in another.
This is on my wish list, since I'm currently just throwing my tools in a small cardboard box and using a small plastic waste basket to throw the weeds in as I work. I would prefer to keep my tools in a more organized fashion. This caddy even has a special place for seed packets, which don't fare very well tossed in the box with my tools.
The garden cart I have is slightly different than the one pictured here. This is the closest I could find to it. Mine is green and does not have telescoping handles as this one does. What they have in common is their shape and their maneuverability. Mine is light and easy to move, even when full of dirt or compost. I can stick packages of fertilizers on top of the dirt I'm moving so they get to the garden with me. The bucket caddy could also ride along on top.
Together, all these items will supplement your kneeler to make your gardening life easier. If you are in need of hand tools for your gardening activities, you might want to look at the Japanese Sickle my friend reviewed elsewhere on this site.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Exotic Nejiri Kama

Nejiri Kama, Japanese Sickle

By Olivia
Nejiri Kama, Japanese Sickle

It doesn't look too sharp, but it is one of the sharpest blades for the garden that you will ever need.

I have garden tools that I use and use and use and use.......and this is one of them that is High on my list of must have garden tools. The Nejiri Kama not only sounds exotic, it is exotic. Coming from the master gardeners in Japan, it and my Hori Hori blade are by far the best tools any gardener could ask for.

Right now I'm going to tell you why I love the Nejiri Kama too! This tool is multi purpose to the extreme. You have to be careful with it, because the blade is sharp. This tool makes weeding a breeze, but it can also be used to dig furrows in the garden and uproot young weeds before they become a mangled mess of roots. The blade is not as large as a regular sickle that farmers would have used, but it is just as impressive when it is used to wipe out an area that has become overgrown, or just needs major tidying up.

The blade drawn against the top layer of soil will cut off anything growing that shouldn't be and because the blade is only about 5 inches long, there is no danger of removing a limb. That gives the gardener in question a more focused swath when weeding. Care still needs to be used whenever sharp tools are being handled, and this one is no exception to that rule.

The other part I love about this tool, is that using the tip, you can weed quite nicely around bedded plants without disturbing their root structure. The sickle being fashioned from one piece of metal will not break at the bend and with a little care, can be sharpened as you would any other tool in your arsenal of gardening weapons. The wooden handle is comfortable in your grip, and even with arthritic hands, holding this tool will not cause strain or pain in your joints.

The description here speaks about weeding raised beds, and I agree that it is great for that, but I would also say that you can use it in a regular garden bed too! It will require that you bend a little, but that can be good exercise too! Give this tool a try, and I'm sure that it will soon become one of your favorite tools too!
tomita japanese gardening tool
Another wonderful tool for the garden.

The Tomita is also handy.
This tool is on my "to buy" list. With the good things that have happened with my other Japanese inspired gardening tools, I'm sure that this one will be a hit as well.
This is my Hori, Hori and I love it!
My absolute favorite tool ever! Might I suggest you splurge and get one for yourself!
You already know that I love this tool. It is so useful when planting, preparing soil mixes, and all other little jobs in the garden.

Spear & Jackson P818 Traditional English Style Stainless Steel Dibber

This old fashioned tool has probably been around for centuries, but it is another favorite of mine.

I love the way this tool is able to do many things, from weeding to aerating the ground around your plants to top dressing your garden.....all with one tool.....

You can read more about Grammie Olivia's Gardening at her website:

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, July 21, 2014

Gardeners not only Know all the Dirt, they have the Best Tools to spread it around too!

olivia morris
The first set of garden tools ever created are right at the end of each of your arms.   I don't know a gardener anywhere,  who hasn't made use of those ten fingers to dig, pull, make rows, and then plant seeds.

Unfortunately, those ten fingers will only get you so far and then you need to bring in the big tools. Every Gardener that I know also has his or her own set of favorite tools that help in their task of creating beauty in the space they call home. If you are new to gardening, acquiring your first tools might just be a little easier if you do some reading right here!

Charlino knows how to get rid of weeds in a non-harmful to the environment way!   Check out her posting right here:  The Best Chemical Free Method Of Ridding Your Yard Of Weeds

If that's not a good enough start there is always some tools from other countries that might help you with any gardening chores you might have.  Check out Nejiri Kama, Japanese Sickle  or the other favorite Japanese gardening tool, one that I happen to really love and use daily:  Sharp Tools are Required, Sometimes

Among other things to do in the garden with your tools is to set up your space.  This of all things can be the most daunting.  It's not enough to have some dirt,  you do need to keep in mind what your plants are going to need as far as sunlight, watering and other needs to get you growing in the right direction.  Having a plan sometimes helps!  Books are a great resource and can help to kindle the desire to help nature be everything it can be.  Planning and executing can be the most interesting part of your new garden and can be done in the months that aren't quite spring or summer yet! Or if you have tried and weren't quite happy with the results, then some books can help you make it better next year.  Gardeners are the eternal optimists.  Whatever didn't work this year, will work next year for sure........

There is a host of good reading available at the Weekend Gardener's Contributor page Weekend Gardeners/Weekend Warriors

When you think you are ready,  it's time to move on to the real joy of gardening and literally reaping the fruits of your labor.  Here are some great tips for having the best tomatoes you could ever dream of.   13 Tips for Growing Better Tomatoes

Hopefully you will find something here that will make your time in the garden productive and pleasurable too!

Happy Growing!

p.s.  there is a ton of information for gardeners of all skill levels at the Weekend Gardener's page on Facebook, come and like us there or visit Pinterest  for even more!

Weekend Gardener on Pinterest

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Gardening is Therapeutic

Gardening is a wonderful way to spend time in nature without anyone or anything there to undo your sense of calm and contentedness.   Gardening is Therapeutic in so many ways!  Not only is it therapeutic,  but you get to create and enjoy the labors of your work.  Now that could be sitting by the garden and admiring all the beautiful flowers or it could mean having a nice fresh salad with vegetables that you helped to grow!

I can't think of a better way to have beauty and bounty all in one place at the same time.  Oh how wonderful it is to garden.

a line of ladybugs

In order to get that garden to that state though requires some work, and work requires tools.  Oh of course we have our two hands,  but there are tools that Gardeners just must have and to that end I would like to make some suggestions, gently pointing you to some of the tools that we just can't live without!

Review these tools and if there is something that you really need, read on and put them on your "Gardening Bucket List"  who knows, there just might be a new tool to make your gardening chores easier and more rewarding than it already is......

No home should be without at least one of these. I have a couple, one for me and one for my other half, that way we aren't fighting for the same tool at the same time.......he has his and I have mine and we will battle the weeds together....The Best Chemical Free Method Of Ridding Your Yard Of Weeds

Having a Garden also means that sometimes you will need to dig. Nothing makes that job easier than a good Garden Fork. See for yourself how this tool will make some job easier.....A garden fork does many jobs

Those tools are for some of the harder work,  but there are tools that will help you to enjoy the beauty in the garden too.  Just see what a good pair of garden nippers can do:
Ratchet Secateurs

Then there are the tools that are used in other parts of the world, that have found a home here too!  One of my personal favorites is a Japanese Sickle.  I love this tool!
Nejiri Kama Japanese Sickle

This is a short list of tools that will make gardening a real pleasure.  If you have a favorite tool that you would like to see featured, then write about it and let me know so that after all is said and done, we will have a great list of wonderful tools for every garden everywhere.

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