Tuesday, April 4, 2023

A Review Of Geoff Hamiltons Cottage Gardens Book


snapshot of book cover

Here is my review of Geoff Hamilton's book "Cottage Gardens".  Geoff Hamilton was my inspiration and education where gardening was concerned and I have learned an incredible amount from his books, TV series and his gardens.

In this book at approximately 250 pages of text and photographs, he specifically concentrates on Cottage gardens. This happens to be my most loved style of gardening so I was always going to buy and treasure this book. 

In fact, I am rapidly buying up every Geoff Hamilton book I can as I am concerned his books will start to get more difficult to find. He sadly died 4th August 1996 at the age of 59 and of course now there are many other good gardeners on the scene and many other books.

However, for me, Geoff's enthusiasm, knowledge and style of gardening will never go out of fashion. I feel in tune with his methods. His writing seems to speak directly to me as if he were teaching me and I need his ongoing guidance to improve my own gardening. 

 I have written about my admiration and joy when visiting Geoff Hamiltons Barnsdale Gardens near Oakham in UK in A Personal Review Of The Inspirational Gardener Geoff Hamilton

If you are looking for a down to earth, enthusiastic, knowledgeable and practical gardening guide to "Cottage Gardens" please take a look at this book. 

The photos included here are all of my own photographs taken either at Barnsdale Gardens or in my own garden at home. 


Section One History Of The Cottage Garden 

 Section one covers a fascinating history of the cottage garden and the people who tended them. 

Cottage gardens have been in existence in some form since the Middle Ages in UK and the premise for all cottage gardens is that they are there to be used. These gardens were used primarily for food, herbs and some medicinal purposes, plus some flowers to lift the spirits. 

Geoff takes us through the Cottage garden in the UK and how it its use changes and evolves through the Middle Ages ( 500- 1400) to the enlightened era of the  Elizabethan age (1533- 1603) onto the Victorians and beyond and into the twentieth century. 

It includes discussions of gardens and the role of people who were the labouring classes, the craftspeople and the wealthier people.

It discusses the role of medieval medicine and primitive gardening techniques and how over time improvement in living conditions meant more vegetables and fruits were consumed and how gardening developed. 

purple flower photo

He highlights certain influential gardeners over time such as Capability Brown, Humprey Repton and William Robinson. 

 The role of topiary and model villages is discussed along with the effect of social divisions, revolts, reforms and philanthropic movements. He covers the role of Allotments and the evolution of the Cottage Garden into the more modern age. 

flowering pots

Section Two Creating A Cottage Garden 

Section two instructs us on how to create a Cottage Garden and covers two different styles. 

The first is very much a working garden to feed us and be as productive as possible. 

This is the affordable Artisans garden, which is built specifically with low cost and reclaimed or second hand materials in mind. More is handmade and plants grown and raised from young.

This style of garden is much more like the original cottage gardens built and tended by working people, would have looked.  

Entrance to Artisan Cottage Garden Barnsdale. Photo by Raintree Annie

The second garden is more stylized, an idea rather than the reality of the rustic garden, with far more comforts and romance. 

Vegetables would be grown, but were not essential to the gardener for food for the family. 

This is the more expensive Gentleman's garden, where cost is not really an issue. It is altogether more elaborate and uses more costly materials. 

garden photo
Gentlemans Cottage Garden Barnsdale UK. Photo by Raintree Annie 

I had the pleasure of seeing both these gardens in Barnsdale gardens designed and built by Geoff Hamilton, they have stood the test of time and look fantastic. 

Interesting Geoff said that he enjoyed making the more affordable Artisan garden more than the more expensive Gentleman's garden. When you understand more of the man and gardener he was this is not surprising. 

He believed there is creative pleasure in making items, raising plants, developing a personal garden and saving money.

He understood that people can and do buy some ready-made items and grown plants for the garden, but his hope was that gardeners would take ideas from both types of gardens and using our creativity, make them our own. 

So we learn about building these two gardens from principles to the layout. Which important aspects to include, how to consider designing it, what sort of boundaries to consider and what materials to use.

He includes information on arbours and benches, herb tables and love seats, paving, compost bins, containers and cold frames. He details what to consider, how to build and design and gives a very comprehensive overview of both gardens. The photographs and pictures are lovely and bring it all to life.   

cottage garden
Artisan Cottage Garden Barnsdale. Photo By Raintree Annie

Plants In The Cottage Garden

Then the book goes into more detail about the plants to use at the back, middle and front of the border to provide those layers of use and interest in the garden. 

This section includes propagation techniques so we can make more plants for free! This is always a very useful and easy skill to learn for anyone who has a large garden to a window box. 

Geoff's love of plants and trees comes through and he details how to choose and look after trees, climbers, ramblers, border plants, shrubs, herbaceous plants, bulbs, annuals, biannuals and topiary. It details a wealth of plants that we can include according to our situation and needs.

Section Three A Cottage Economy

Section Three covers "A Cottage Economy" and teaches us how to grow and tend a wide variety of vegetables, herbs, tree fruit and soft fruit.

He includes cultivation methods and how to grow vegetables in borders. It is a very useful, practical and interesting guide to growing and tending these plants.

The way Geoff Hamilton approaches the information, it all seems totally achievable and straightforward to learn. 


Cottage Garden Plants Through History. 

Finally the book discusses Cottage Garden Plants Through History where he gives a snapshot of plants that would have been grown through the ages. Although a short section this is quite fascinating to learn what was grown in different eras in history. 

I bought this book in the UK as a hardback copy but it is available via Amazon in hardback and paperback and I imagine it is the same book. 

If you have the smallest interest in gardening or even garden history in terms of cottage gardens and the way people lived with them and how they evolved, this book is very interesting and a worthwhile read.

If you love gardening and want to learn more from a true master I do not hesitate to recommend Geoff Hamilton's Cottage Gardens Book either for yourself or as a beautiful gift.  

Geoff Hamilton died many years ago now but even today, or perhaps more so today, many people grow vegetables and fruit in gardens or allotments to supplement the weekly shop.

With shortages and prices of vegetables, salad and herbs rocketing in the shops, growing food ourselves can make it more accessible and affordable to us. 

I wonder if gardening may again become something we need to know how to do and an essential life skill to pass on to the next generation as it used to be. So maybe the story or history of the Cottage Garden is not yet over. 

More Gardening Articles

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, April 3, 2023

Easter Cactus: Enjoy Early Spring Blooms with this Easy Care Houseplant

I have only just learned that there are beautiful houseplants currently in bloom called Easter (Spring) Cactus. The blooms of this plant can range from white, red, orange, peach, purple, and pink. The one I chose to bring home has delicate, light pink petals with dark pink and light yellow stamens. During this time of year, when forsythia are in bloom and not much else, it is wonderful to have a bright splash of color announcing spring.

Easter Cactus

Easter (Spring) Cactus

The Rhipsalidopsis is a red-flowered native to southeastern forests of Brazil in altitudes of 1,100 - 4,300 feet. It seems that at some point, the Rhipsalidopsis was crossed with the R.rosea which resulted in the popular Rhipsaldopsis gaertneri which created the variety of flower colors. These colors include pink, orange, purple, white, and orange.

Plant Care

The Easter (Spring) Cactus does well in temperatures of around 77 degrees fahrenheit in the summer and around 45 - 55 degrees fahrenheit in the winter (November to January) to help with bud formation.

From their origin in Brazilian forests, they are plants that do not prefer strong sunlight. They prefer partial sunlight. 

Easter (Spring) Cactus does not like over-watering. It is best to allow the soil to dry between waterings then water so that it drains out of the bottom of the planter. It needs loose, nutrient-rich potting mix soil. Soil mixes with coco coir, peat moss, perlite, or orchid bark are preferred.

Easter (Spring) Cactus propagation can be done by removing stem segments in the late spring, allowing the cut surface to dry a bit, and placing the stem in moist soil. Another method of propagation is removing a single leaf from the plant, place the end of the leaf into moist soil, place bags over the plant in order to hold moisture in until the roots begin to sprout.

What I Wanted was a Christmas Cactus but I'm Thrilled with this Easter Cactus

I had the most beautiful, prolifically blooming Christmas Cactus at my previous office.  For the past year, including over the holidays, I watched for a Christmas Cactus to replace the one I left behind when I moved. I did not see any at the usual stores where I usually find a large selection of seasonal plants.

This past week I was at a nursery to look for Crape Myrtle trees and there I spotted a large selection of what appeared to be Christmas Cactus. But they were labeled Spring Cactus. I loved them and brought one home without knowing quite what they were. 

It seems that the Christmas Cactus, a different species than the Easter Cactus, is called Schlumbergera and is also native to Brazil. There are two cultivar groups called Truncata and Buckleyi. And that is about the extent of my new knowledge of the taxonomy of these plants.

I still hope to find a Christmas Cactus to add to my household plants. Blooms during the dreary, cold winter months add something wonderful to a northern indoor space. In the meantime, I will enjoy the gorgeous pink blossoms of my Easter Cactus while I wait for Mother Nature to allow other plants to show off their flowers.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Step Up Your Entryway Game: Tips for a Tidy Front Hall Closet

Tips to help you organize your front closet

Organizing a front hallway closet can be daunting, especially if you're unsure where to start. 

Here are some tips on how to organize your front hallway closet effectively:

  • Start by decluttering: Take everything out of the closet and sort items into four piles: keep, move it to another closet, donate, and toss. Only keep items that you use regularly and are in good condition.

  • Use hanging space wisely: Invest in good-quality hangers that hold multiple items or heavier coats. For lighter items, consider tiered hangers. Hang coats and jackets in order of season and frequency of use, with the most frequently used items at the front. Or, of course, you can store your winter items in another location for spring, summer, and fall.

  • Use bins or shelves for storage (whichever works best for your sized closet): Stacking bins or drawer bins are an excellent solution to store hats, gloves, scarves, and other small items. Clear bins are an excellent choice to see what's inside before opening.

  • Maximize floor space: Use the floor space of the closet for storing shoes and boots. You can use shoe racks or a hanging shoe organizer to keep shoes off the floor.

  • Utilize door space: Over-the-door organizers are perfect for storing items such as umbrellas, purses, and even some pairs of shoes. 

  • Invest in hooks: Hooks are a great way to keep bags, hats, and other items off the floor and organized.

  • Label Bins: Use labels on baskets, bins, and shelves to help keep everything organized and easy to find. This will only work if the people in the house make an effort to put things back in the appropriately labeled bin.

  • Keep seasonal items separate: Store seasonal items, such as winter coats and boots, in a separate closet or in the back of the closet. This will free up space for items that you use more regularly.

  • Maintain the organization: Once you have organized your front hallway closet, it's essential to maintain it. Make sure to put items back in their designated spots and regularly declutter to prevent the closet from becoming cluttered again.

  • Use vertical space: If you have high ceilings in your closet, consider using vertical space by installing additional shelves or hanging rods. This will allow you to store more items without taking up extra floor space.

  • Use slim hangers: Slim hangers are a great way to save space in your closet, as they take up less room than traditional hangers. They also help prevent clothes from slipping off the hanger.

  • Store accessories together: Keep all your accessories in one designated closet area. Stacking storage bins can keep these items organized and easy to find.

By following these tips and utilizing storage items such as hangers, shelving, baskets, bins, and hooks, you can effectively organize your front hallway closet and make room for coats, hats, seasonal outerwear, boots, and shoes.

Some Suggested Product Ideas For You:

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, April 1, 2023

A Holiday Review of Read a Road Map Day

Take a step back in time and use a paper road map to plan a trip. Read a Road Map Day is celebrated on April 5 each year.

Image of a road map

Almost everyone has a GPS these days, even on our cell phones, which gets us to our destinations quickly, in the shortest manner. This works great for finding locations when needed.  But is your trip about a destination, or would you like to go on a journey?

Road maps are more than just directions to a destination.  They help us plot a fun journey and allows us to have a pleasant experience.  By getting off today's superhighways, we can identify and discover small and interesting towns or historic sites. 

How to Celebrate Read a Road Map Day

On April 5th, the designated day for 'Read a Road Map Day', get out your Rand McNally Road Atlas, your state map or a map of your city and take a Day Trip or a weekend trip to someplace you haven't been. 

car on a road map image
Or just use a spinner and let it find you a direction to take, get in your car and begin driving. Your map will show you what is ahead in the direction you are going. Stop in one of the next small towns you go through and see what you can find. Perhaps a local diner that has been there forever will be the perfect place to stop for lunch. Maybe a statue in the town square will give you a bit of history of the place. 

There are many interesting sites (and sights to see) that can be found on road maps. City maps often show the location of art museums, historic sites, and parks & lakes in your own town. Go visit one or more on a weekend. Take the family and expand your children's horizons. Depending on the size of your town, I'll bet there are many places you have never visited. And a state map has a wealth of information for going on a sightseeing road trip. What does your state have to offer? Have you ever visited your State Capital, for instance?


image of a magnifying glass and car keys on a road map

So use April 5 – the date of the holiday Read a Road Map Day – and go get a city, state or national map to decide on an interesting way to have an adventure or simply a fun Daycation.  

Related Link:

+All Images courtesy of Pixabay.com 

*Read a Road Map Day review written by Wednesday Elf


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, March 31, 2023

Potato Salad Recipe - Uses for Dyed Easter Eggs Reviewed

Potato Salad
I love potato salad.  It is one of my favorite side dishes, especially when served with sliced ham.  In fact, I will eat only the potato salad for lunch or dinner.

Because it is so easy to make, I like to use the dyed Easter eggs each year in potato salad.  Plain boiled eggs are likely to sit in our refrigerator and spoil before we eat them.  Therefore, I will make a potato salad with the eggs.  There is no reason to waste them.

While it might seem sad to crack and dispose of the beautifully dyed egg shells, I hate throwing the whole eggs away more several days later.  So, I use them. It is a win-win situation then.  We have the pleasure of dying the eggs, or watching the eggs being dyed, and then making a lovely side dish for Easter dinner with the eggs.

Potato salad is a dish my family has been making for my entire life, throughout several generations.  Both of my grandmothers made potato salad, but it was my own mother that taught me how to make it.  

I have found in cooking, everyone has their own little "signature tweek" to family recipes that sets them apart slightly from others.  One family member may add a touch of sugar, while another might use more or less of a specific ingredient.  What we all have in common with how we make potato salad, we all use boiled eggs and potatoes!


Potato Salad Recipe

I make a very basic potato salad recipe in our home.  Anyone that desires an additional ingredient can simply add it to their own individual serving. 

    Potato Salad
  • 7 boiled red potatoes* (cooled)
  • 8 hard boiled eggs (cooled)
  • 2 Tablespoons Mustard
  • 1/4 Cup Mayonnaise
  • Salt & Pepper

Cut the potatoes and eggs into chucks.  Stir in the mustard, mayonnaise, salt & pepper.  Cover & Refrigerate 

*Boil red potatoes by covering the potatoes with water, bring it to a boil, then turning them down to a low boil and cook for 45 minutes.  You know they are done when a fork will go into them easily.


Optional Ingredients:  bacon pieces, diced celery, chopped dill pickles, sweet pickle relish, diced onion, or garlic salt.  

These are the optional ingredients I have heard of.  How about you?  Have you tried other optional ingredients that could be included in this list?


Deviled Eggs are another great use for dyed Easter Eggs.

See more recipes that use boiled eggs here:
Simple Egg Salad Recipe
Deviled Eggs Recipe
Taste of Home Magazine Recipes

Potato Salad Recipe - Uses for Dyed Easter Eggs Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse

© 2023 Cynthia Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Amazon's Audible Program Reviewed

Reviewing Amazon's Audible Program

Have you heard of Audible?  I have had friends tell me to use this for a few years and I finally decided to download it in January and I have to say I love it.

I was hesitant as I have listened to audiobooks in the past and if you get the wrong narrator they can be hard work to listen to.  I also love actually reading and listening just doesn't feel the same.  After my initial one-month trial I decided that I needed to keep this and have been thoroughly enjoying it.

What is Amazon's Audible Program

Amazon's Audible program is a digital audiobook service that allows users to listen to audiobooks anytime, anywhere. It's a great way to consume books while doing other tasks such as driving, exercising, or cooking.

Here are some reasons why Audible is a great program:

  • Huge selection of audiobooks: Audible offers a vast selection of audiobooks, including bestsellers, classics and new releases. They have over 500,000 titles to choose from, so you're sure to find something that interests you.
  • High-quality audio: Audible provides high-quality audio that's easy to listen to, even in noisy environments. You can adjust the playback speed to suit your listening preferences, and the app will remember where you left off so you can pick up where you left off.
  • Whispersync for Voice: This is a feature I have yet to use, but it lets you switch between reading an ebook and listening to the audiobook seamlessly. You can start reading a book on your Kindle, for example, and then switch to the audiobook version on your phone and pick up right where you left off.
  • Great for multitasking: You can listen to a book while doing other tasks such as driving, exercising, or cooking. It's a great way to make the most of your time.  This is where I have found it to be very useful.
  • Free trial: Audible offers a free trial that lets you try the service for 30 days. You get one credit to use on any audiobook of your choice and you can cancel anytime without being charged.
  • Easy to use: The Audible app is easy to use and navigate. You can download audiobooks for offline listening, and the app will keep track of your listening progress.

How I Use Audible

I listen to personal development books on my Audible, I prefer to read my fiction rather than listen to it.  I have Bluetooth in my car so that as I drive I can listen to these books.  I also listen to them when I'm eating my breakfast. I hate watching morning TV, but listening to something positive while eating my breakfast really helps to set me up for the day.

I have also listened to Audible as I've been cooking; from baking my protein oat cookies to prepping the ingredients for my latest sheet pan recipe, preparing pickled red onions or making my ginger shots.

A Few Thoughts on Audible

I know a few people who love listening to fictional books on their headphones while doing the vacuuming and other household cleaning tasks.  I may become one of these people at some point, but for now, I prefer to read my fiction.

I love being able to listen to personal development books and will also be listening to a few business books as well. These are the types of things I would sometimes listen to on Soundcloud, but that app drops out for me in an area close to my home (Audible doesn't).

I was concerned about the voices and the first book I listened to was actually one of the free ones, not one I brought with my credit, was not a good choice as the voice irritated me.  The next book, however, was amazing.  The author was actually the narrator and he spoke so well that he just sucked you in.  Since this book, I have enjoyed every narrator I've listened to.

On the con side, sometimes I would like to turn back to the previous page or chapter to reread, but I haven't looked into whether that will be easy to do or not.  I sometimes zone out as I'm listening and then zone back in to realise that I missed something!

When I'm reading a business or personal development book I will often stick a sticky note in it for when I want to come back and copy out a quote I like.  I'm not sure if there's a way I can do that with the Audible app - I'm usually driving or doing something so I can't stop and do this anyway.

On the plus side, I love that I'm getting some of my daily 'reading' done as I do other tasks.

Should You Try Audible?

I have to say that if Audible is available for you then you should seriously consider it.  As it comes with a free trial, there's absolutely no downside to giving it a try.

Let me know in the comments if you've tried Audible and what you've found.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Which Queen or King Saatva Solaire Mattress and Adjustable Base to Buy

This month I have published a series of posts about my experience shopping for a Saatva mattress for the first time, including the extensive product research I did so my husband and I could choose the best mattress for our needs and why we chose a Saatva Solaire mattress and Adjustable Base Plus and later exchanged our split-top, “upper-flex” mattress for a solid, standard king Solaire.

To wrap up this series (for now, at least) and help other mattress shopping couples who are considering a Saatva Solaire, I have created a detailed, side-by-side comparison chart of all the options for the queen and king  Solaire mattress, along with their compatibility with Saatva’s two adjustable bases and the options that are best suited to different needs and sleeping preferences.

How to Choose the Best Queen or King Saatva Solaire Mattress & Adjustable Base Options for Your Needs
Disclosure: I have joined the company’s affiliate program, which means that if you choose to make a purchase through one of the links in this post I may be eligible to receive a commission, at no cost to you. I highly recommend the Saatva company and its products for their excellent quality, performance, price and customer service. The opinions, product reviews and recommendations in this post are my own and are based on my personal experiences. The decision to click on those links to learn more about the company’s products or make a purchase is greatly appreciated, but entirely up to you.

Recapping the Key Features and Benefits of Queen and King Size Saatva Solaire Mattress and Adjustable Bases

In a previous post, I shared my in-depth product reviews of  the Saatva Solaire mattress and the Adjustable Base Plus that my husband and I chose. 

Following is a quick recap of some of the highlights of the Solaire’s features and benefits and the differences between the Saatva Adjustable Base and Adjustable Base Plus.

Saatva Solaire Adjustable Firmness Mattress

Here are some of the key reasons you might want to choose a queen or king size Saatva Solaire mattress.

  • Customizable firmness settings (great for couples). Remote controls with precise, incremental adjustments that gradually inflate or deflate a layer of vulcanized air chambers allow sleeping partners to adjust the firmness on their respective sides of the mattress to perfectly suit their individual preferences.
  • Minimal motion transfer. The air chambers on the two sides are separated, so when one person tosses and turns their partner barely feels it.
  • Excellent back support, pressure relief and breathability. The layer of air chambers is topped with layers of contour hugging, gel-infused memory foam, ergonomically zoned, natural latex foam and a cushioned 3-inch Euro pillow top that provides extra lumbar support in the center third of the mattress, covered with a breathable, organic cotton sleep surface.
  • Quiet, hidden air inflator and hoses. These are enclosed in the bottom layer, keeping them out of sight and muffling the sound of the motor.

Saatva Adjustable Base

Pairing a queen or king size Solaire mattress with a Saatva Adjustable Base allows you to use a simple wireless remote (with a handy built-in flashlight) to raise and lower the head and foot of the bed. It is compatible with all queen and king size Solaire mattress options except the upper-flex configuration. It also works with most platform bases, thanks to a zero-clearance design and removable legs.

Saatva Adjustable Base Plus

The Saatva Adjustable Base Plus is compatible with all queen and king Solaire mattress options including the upper-flex configuration. As its name suggests, the “Plus” version comes with additional features including a wall-hugging design in the standard configuration (but not upper-flex king or queen), massage (with three speed options), presets for anti-snore and Zero-G and under-bed lighting.

How to Choose the Best Queen or King Size Saatva Solaire and Adjustable Base Option for Your Needs

When my husband and I were shopping for our king-size Saatva Solaire mattress and adjustable base, we found the many configuration options confusing. So, I put together the following chart to help other mattress shoppers choose the best option for them.

Queen and King Saatva Solaire Mattress and Adjustable Base Options and Configurations

  Standard Queen or King Upper-Flex (Queen or King only) Split King California King Split California King
Solaire Mattress Configuration Solid, one-piece mattress Upper portion has a split down the center Two twin XL mattresses Solid, one-piece mattress Two 36” x 84” mattresses
Best for… Sleep partners who prefer a traditional, solid mattress with no center seam or split. Sleep partners who want to elevate and lower the head of the bed on their side without affecting their partner’s side, but prefer the “connected” feel of a solid mattress with no center separation under their legs. Sleep partners who each want maximum customization options on their respective sides of the bed. Sleep partners who prefer the extra length of a California king. Sleep partners who each want maximum customization and prefer the extra length of a California king.
Adjustability When Paired With a Saatva Adjustable Base (No Upper-Flex Option) or Saatva Adjustable Base Plus An adjustable base allows the sleeper(s) to elevate or lower their head(s) and/or feet. Each sleep partner can elevate or lower the head of the bed on their side only. The foot of both sides of the bed can be raised or lowered in sync (but not independently). Both sleep partners can elevate and lower their own head and/or feet independently, without affecting their partner’s side of the bed. An andjustable base allows the sleeper(s) to elevate or lower their head(s) and/or feet. Both sleep partners can elevate and lower their own head and/or feet independently, without affecting their partner’s side of the bed.
Configuration of Saatva Adjustable Base or Saatva Adjustable Base Plus The standard adjustable base in all sizes except king is a solid, one-piece base.

The king size adjustable base comes as two joined twin XL bases whose remote controls are configured to operate both bases in sync.
The upper-flex king adjustable base consists of two twin XL bases.

The upper-flex queen consists of two narrower bases, each half the width of a standard queen base.

In the upper-flex configuration, each adjustable base has a remote that operates the head of that base independently of the other base, while moving the lower part of both bases in sync.
The split king adjustable base consists of two joined twin XL bases.

In the split king configuration, the remote for each base controls that side of the bed only.
The California king adjustable base comes as two joined 36” x 84” bases. The remote controls are configured to operate both bases in sync. The split California king adjustable base comes as two joined 36” x 84” bases. The remote control for each base controls that side of the bed only.
Sheet Set Compatibility Any standard queen or king size sheet set.

Recommended: Saatva Organic Cotton Sateen, Signature Sateen, Banded Cotton Percale, Belgian Linen, Organic Embroidered Sateen or Cotton Percale sheet sets
Upper-flex queen or king fitted sheet,* standard queen or king size flat sheet and pillowcases.

*Sometimes called split top, top-split, upper split, split-head or head split sheets

Recommended: Saatva upper-flex Organic Cotton Sateen sheet set or Signature Sateen sheet sets
Split king sheet set, consisting of two twin XL fitted sheets, one standard king flat sheet and two king pillowcases.

Recommended: Saatva Organic Cotton Sateen, Signature Sateen, Banded Cotton Percale, Organic Embroidered Sateen or Cotton Percale sheet sets
California king sheet set, consisting of one California king fitted sheet, one California king flat sheet and two king pillowcases. Recommended: Saatva Organic Cotton Sateen, Signature Sateen, Banded Cotton Percale, Belgian Linen, Organic Embroidered Sateen or Cotton Percale sheet sets Split California king sheet set, consisting of two 36” x 84” fitted sheets, one 108" x 114" flat sheet and two king pillowcases.

Recommended: Signature Sateen sheet set
Other Considerations Saatva Adjustable Base and Adjustable Base Plus are final sale. Saatva Adjustable Base Plus is final sale.

The upper-flex configuration does not have the wall-hugger feature.

Limited selection of split-top fitted sheets.
Saatva Adjustable Base and Adjustable Base Plus are final sale. Saatva Adjustable Base and Adjustable Base Plus are final sale. Saatva Adjustable Base and Adjustable Base Plus are final sale.

I hope you find this chart helpful in choosing the best Solaire mattress and adjustable base for your needs. 

If you would like more information about the Saatva Solaire Adjustable Firmness Mattress, the Saatva Adjustable Base or the Saatva Adjustable Base Plus, I encourage you to check out my in-depth Saatva Solaire mattress and Saatva Adjustable Base Plus product reviews and also click on the links to the product pages, which are chock-full of information and helpful tips.

Happy mattress shopping!

Posts in This Series

Confessions of a Saatva Mattress Shopper, Part 1: The Journey Begins

Confessions of a Saatva Mattress Shopper, Part 2: How to Choose the Best Saatva Mattress for Your Needs

Confessions of a Saatva Mattress Shopper, Part 3: Ordering a Saatva Mattress and Adjustable Bed Online — A Candid Review

Confessions of a Saatva Mattress Shopper, Part 4: Saatva Organic Cotton Mattress Pad and Sheet Set Product Reviews

Confessions of a Saatva Mattress Shopper, Part 5: Saatva Mattress and Adjustable Base White Glove Delivery and Setup

Confessions of a Saatva Mattress Shopper, Part 6: Saatva Solaire Mattress and Adjustable Base Plus Product Reviews

Confessions of a Saatva Mattress Shopper, Part 7: Exchanging a Saatva Mattress: My Personal Experience

Confessions of a Saatva Mattress Shopper, Part 8: Which Queen or King Saatva Solaire Mattress and Adjustable Base to Buy

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Tuesday, March 28, 2023

The Great Protein Bar Search

package of great protein bars

As someone who is always looking for ways to maintain a healthy  diet and lose a few pounds, about a year ago I decided to start eating a protein bar and fruit for lunch.  It's quick and also makes it easy to track the calorie count, which is something I always try to do.  Little did I know that deciding on this lunch plan was the easy part.......because finding a good tasting protein bar was anything but easy!

I started out with Premier Protein Bars, which I thought would be good because of the high amount of protein in them.  Unfortunately, they were kind of hard to chew, and the bar size was huge!  They were also over 300 calories, which was higher than I wanted..  

Thus began The Great  Protein Bar Search

 I spent a lot of time and a lot of money looking for a bar that did not taste like sawdust, or be as hard to chew as salt water taffy.  I also did not want to have to spend $5 a piece for them.  I tried so many....some were ok, some were even pretty good and some were so awful I could not understand how they managed to sell them.  The thing they all had in common was they were pricey.  The better they tasted, the more expensive they were.  I did find one bar that was really good, called Built Bars.  The problem was they were super expensive, but the taste and consistency was so far superior that I resigned myself to being forced to spend that, if I wanted a really good protein bar.

I bought Built Bars for about a year, and during that time things went downhill with their company.  They raised their price even higher from 18 bars for $40 to 12 bars for $30.  But the last straw for me was when they changed the recipe of my favorite bar.  It was called Coconut Almond and it used to taste just like an Almond Joy. Then the last time I ordered them they had a horrible chemical after taste.  That, in addition to the fact their shipping times were getting longer and longer, I parted ways with Built Bars.

I swore to myself that this time I was not going to try protein bars that were outrageously expensive.  I started scrolling through Amazon and I ran across a bar that looked almost just like a Little Debbie Nutty Bar....which happens to be one of my most favorite things in the world.  They were called Power Crunch Protein Energy Bars.  They were also only $15 for a box of 12!  So I ordered a box of peanut butter fudge and hoped for the best.

When they arrived, I opened up one and took a bite.  IT WAS BLISSFUL!  I swear I think I saw little birds and butterflies flying around my head when I was chewing.  This protein bar tasted just like a Kit Kat candy bar.  Chocolate covered wafers with peanut butter cream filling.  It was truly yummy.  I had finally found my dream protein bar.....and at a fair price!!

protein bar halved to see inside

They also had pretty good caloric and nutritional statistics:

nutrition facts on power crunch protein bars

Since trying the peanut butter fudge, I have also tried other flavors such as Coconut Chocolate, Strawberry Creme, and S'mores.  There are so many more flavors I want to try, I order one new flavor and two peanut butter fudge bars a month, so I will be trying new flavors for a long time to come.  Here are all the flavors they offer:

an assortment of power crunch protein bars

Needless to say, I am very happy that The Great Protein Bar Search is over, and I have finally found what I was looking for. Power Crunch Protein Bars hit the high bar on everything I wanted:  convenience, taste, price and flavor selection. Eating these protein bars every day has helped me not to crave the sweets that make dieting harder and the protein is good for me and helps me to maintain energy throughout the afternoon.   

I highly recommend Power Crunch bars for everyone from kids to adults to seniors!  You won't be disappointed and people of all ages can use the extra protein!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, March 27, 2023

Mini Silicone Molds Reviewed

Fun, festive and just perfect for the holiday baking season! These silicone molds are the perfect size to make mini desserts and cakes for the season. I was searching on line for mini cake pans and came across the silicone molds which I was intrigued to try.

silicone mini molds


The size was not chosen by accident! I specifically wanted mini size molds to make mini giftable version of a family recipe for a coffee cake.

The molds delivered as promised with a mini size measuring 2 3/4 inches diameter which is a perfect single size serving.Oven-Microwave-Freezer-Dishwasher Safe. 


Six different styles are included from the classic mini tube or bundt design to stars and hearts. A style for every occasion. The molds come in 4 vibrant colors.

silicone moldssilicone molds

Versatile Size

The sizing of the mini molds lends itself to any recipe that is sized to a mini: cheesecake, cake, parfait, muffins and donuts. 

silicone molds

Microwave & Dishwasher

The molds are safe for: Oven-Microwave-Freezer-Dishwasher. I cleaned the molds in the dishwasher and I also hand washed a few and both methods worked well. The directions recommend hand washing.

Baking Sheet Friendly

I do recommend putting the molds on a parchment covered baking sheet just to be safe from any spillage. As I was tweaking a full pan recipe to mini size I was not sure how much to fill each mold. I needed a little trial and error and was very happy I used a parchment covered baking sheet for one mold I definitely over filled.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, March 26, 2023

A Doormat is Essential With the Switch From Winter to Spring

New Spring Doormats

Spring is finally here! The season of renewal and rejuvenation is the perfect time to spruce up your home. With the change in weather, spring brings muddy and wet conditions that can leave your floors dirty and stained. But don't worry; a doormat can help to catch some of that dirt and keep your floors clean.

Changing Weather Demands a Doormat Either Inside or Outside of the Front Door

As the weather changes, protecting your floors from the mud and dirt that can be tracked in is important. A good doormat is essential for keeping your home clean and tidy. Door mats are not only practical, but they can also be stylish and add to the overall aesthetic of your home.

A doormat is the first line of defense against dirt, mud, and other debris that can be tracked in from outside. By placing a doormat at the entrance of your home, you are preventing dirt and mud from being tracked inside. Door mats are essential during spring when the weather is unpredictable and muddy conditions are expected.

There Are A Wide Variety of Styles To Choose From - See Product Suggestions Below

Various door mats are available on the market, ranging from basic and functional to decorative and stylish. Some door mats are made of durable materials like rubber or coir, which can withstand heavy traffic and harsh weather conditions. Other door mats are made of softer materials like cotton or microfiber, which are great for absorbing moisture and dirt.

When choosing a doormat, consider the size and shape of the mat and its material. A larger doormat will be more effective at catching dirt and mud, while a smaller mat may be more appropriate for a smaller entryway. Additionally, a mat with a rubber backing will be more slip-resistant, which is especially important in wet conditions.

Essential, Inexpensive, and Necessary

In conclusion, a doormat is a simple and effective way to keep your home clean and protect your floors from mud, dirt, and debris. As the weather changes and the spring season brings unpredictable conditions, a doormat can be an excellent investment for any homeowner. Whether you opt for a basic and functional mat or a stylish and decorative one, a doormat is a must-have for any entryway.

Doormats to Check Out:

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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