Monday, July 19, 2021

Reviewing Care Of Anthurium Or Flamingo Flower House Plants


anthurium or flamingo flower houseplant
Stunning Anthurium Or Flamingo Flower Houseplant. 

I do love Anthurium. This beautiful house plant has a special place in my heart as the stems and red flowers of this plant were given as a gift as a gorgeous bouquet of stunning flowers to my husband and me as we came to the end of our honeymoon.

We kept these stems and flowers for weeks. So when we were all settled in our home, we decided to buy ourselves an Anthurium plant so that we could keep it always. 

I have to admit I was a little concerned about how I would look after this Flamingo Flower plant as it looks so exotic. I was sure it would need so much looking after!

However, while it does need a little care I was wrong that it needed a lot. 

I commonly knew this plant as a Flamingo Flower but it also has the common names Laceleaf, Painted Tongue Plant and Tail Flower.

Ours has bright red "flowers" although they are not technically flowering, as I will explain later. 

These Flamingo flower plants would grow in a very tropical environment in nature. They have no scent, just their stunning good looks! It is a lush, stunningly beautiful plant that graces any house with a subtle yet distinctly tropical look. Yet I feel most people could care for this plant with relative ease and just a little knowledge and have a gorgeous display in the home. 

anthurium houseplant with lush leaves
Gorgeous Lush Leaves Of Anthurium Houseplant

Where To Site An Anthurium Houseplant

Where we position this plant in the house is vitally important and like with many houseplants, if you get that right the rest is really easy. 

We need to grow this plant in a bright position. If it is in direct sunlight it will scorch the leaves. If it is in constant dull light or too much shade, it may slow growth and stop producing its gorgeous flowers.  

The Flamingo plant benefits from a consistent temperature. We will know if the room you have it in is too hot as it will wilt. We need to remove it from the environment and try somewhere a bit cooler to give it a chance to survive. 

The ideal temperature is around 70-90 degrees but in my experience, the average house temperature is perfectly fine. Our house temperature is significantly lower than 90 degrees and our plant does well in our living room where it is generally warm and constant. Ours is positioned where it is not near an open window in case of drafts or cold chills in winter but it does have lots of light.

If your house goes from extreme heat to extreme cold that this plant will suffer badly, but I doubt many of us will do that intentionally in our homes for our own comfort! 

In a warm summer, we can take them outside for a while in daylight hours only but must keep them in a lightly shaded spot and bring them in before dusk.

I sometimes do this during June and July for a couple of hours a couple of times a week if we get a warm dry summer! 

flamingo flower bloom
Heart-Shaped Flower Or Spathe
 On Anthurium

Anthurium House Plant Flowers

Now to explain the "flowers" of this plant. They are very beautiful and shaped like a heart which is rather lovely! The bright red heart shaped structures on our plant do look like flowers but they are not. 

They are in fact waxy leaves and are called spathes. They can come in a gorgeous range of colours from pink, purple, white or red like ours. So if you have one in your home you can usually find one to suit your decor.  However, during this article, we will just call them flowers. 

In order to get those gorgeous waxy leaves that look like flowers, we need to feed the plant a feed with high prosperous content. This is only required about once every month and only during Spring and summer when actively growing. There is no need to use fertiliser in Autumn or winter at all.  

I find the flowers last quite a long time up to several weeks then they gradually dry up and my red one turns a dark brown. I like to trim them off before they start looking unsightly. However, do not just snip them off below the flower head. You need to feel right down the base and cut off low down with a pair of secateurs like these Wolf By Pass Secateurs or a strong pair of scissors. More flowers will soon appear! 

anthurium flower bloom
Anthurium Flower

Soil Conditions For Anthurium Houseplant

They grow naturally either in rich soil humus or on the surface of other plants.

For our purposes of growing this as a house plant, it is best and easiest to pot into a soil that is free draining but not as light as pure cactus soil. It is best in soil that has some water retention but is free draining which means the water will quickly pour through drainage holes. A blend of cactus soil with richer compost and grit would be good. 

However, as I could not get any cactus soil at the time, mine is potted into an ordinary multi-purpose compost that is sifted and mixed with fine grit and it seems to do just fine. 

As with most houseplants if the plant starts to look overcrowded and fills the pot that is the time to re-pot into a larger container. I do try to do this before it starts into new growth in early spring, though with this plant you may only need to do it only every few years.

anthurium or flamingo flower houseplant displayed
Anthurium Flower Houseplant With Other Houseplants

Watering The Flamingo Flower

I only water when the soil is dry. To test this easily simply pop your finger in the soil and if the first part up to your first knuckle joint feels dry,  give it a good watering until the water pours out of the drainage holes. Allow it to drain off completely then place it back into its outer pot.

Ideally, you do not want Flamingo flower houseplants in any standing water. They like a humid atmosphere but from my experience no more humid than is comfortable for us.

 If you want to make it more humid without changing your comfort levels then a saucer with pebbles covered in water underneath the plant will help. We can also grow it together with other houseplants who like similar conditions or are not fussy about conditions and that will also increase humidity for all of them. I have our Anthurium keeping company with our spider plant and I like the contrasting forms and habit. 

We can mist these houseplants lightly as they like humidity but do not overdo it as they will respond badly to being soaked. I only mist once every couple of weeks in warm weather. Bathrooms often have natural humidity but you would also need to make sure the light levels were good for the plant. 

flamingo flower houseplant
Beautiful Flamingo Flower Houseplant

Safety Around the Anthurium Plant And Health Benefits.

It is important to note that these plants are poisonous if eaten or tasted. They can cause swelling of the mouth and organs of the digestive system and severe pain. If you buy one do keep it well out of reach of children and pets. 

The sap can also be an irritant and can irritate your eyes quite badly so I am careful as I have very sensitive skin but it's probably best for anyone to wear gloves when handling a lot or especially when taking cuttings.  Do not rub or touch your eyes or mouth with gloves or your hands until you have washed them.

We have ours on top of a tall cupboard where you can see it and admire it but there is no danger to any visiting children or pets.

For these reasons, I try to keep handling this plant to a minimum. I have not yet taken any cuttings as that means much more contact with the plant and I have super sensitive skin. So far I have just repotted it probably every 3 years.

If you are ever lucky enough to see this plant in the wild, best to admire it visually and do not touch it. 

However, they are also good for our health being excellent plants for helping to purify the air in our homes and offices and can help rid the air of many toxic chemicals such as formaldehyde and ammonia. They are also particularly good to help the air quality if you use technology like printers or photocopiers.  

So to summarize, Anthuriums or Flamingo flower plants are beautiful, stunning looking and will grace any home with a touch of the exotic. They are toxic if eaten and we do need to be careful when handling them due to the sap, but they are good for our health too in helping to purify our air. For such a tropical-looking plant the care is surprisingly easy. As with most houseplants, if you get the position, soil and watering correct the plant will be a gorgeous addition to your home for years to come. 

More Gardening And Houseplant Articles

Reviewing The Growing And Care Of Dracaena As A Houseplant

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Sunday, July 18, 2021

Radio Red Flyer Wagon - Reviewed


Radio Red Flyer Wagon Reviewed

Four wheels, a box, and a handle, what could be simpler. What I’ve just described is a whole bunch of fun with your kids or your grandchildren. 

The Radio Flyer Red Wagon, we bought one when our grandson Bobby was almost 2 years old. We have had such wonderful times taking walks around the neighborhood, to the local playground, and to parks with all of our grandchildren.


Are you thinking about joining the gym to get yourself in shape? Save your money, just take the kids for a stroll in the red wagon, and you’ll get plenty of exercise, especially if you take on some hills, and I mean going up the hills not down.

Every ride we used as a time to learn new things with our grandchildren. In the spring when everything is blooming we would point out the different flowers and trees in bloom. In the fall when the leaves were turning all of the vibrant colors, we would collect them and talk about what makes them change colors.

Bobby is going to be 16 years old now, so he is a little too big to fit in the wagon. His little brother Tyler also had so much fun with this wagon, Tyler is now 10 years old.

Now the fun is with our two granddaughters Giada and Guiles. Every time they visit they enjoy the wagon rides just as much.

Radio Red Flyer Wagon

A few years ago we decorated our wagon for the local village, July 4th celebration. The village held a contest and a parade for the best-decorated bikes. So, we decorated the wagon, we didn't win but we sure had a lot of fun.

Red Flyer Wagon Features:

The wagon is made of sturdy plastic; it has 2-fold up seats, and seat belts to hold your precious cargo securely. There are four molded cup holders so you can bring along the kids’ favorite drinks. The wagon has the National Parenting Center’s Seal of Approval.

If you have kids or grandchildren the Radio Red Flyer Wagon makes a perfect gift. Our wagon is now 14 years old and still in great shape. We have made memories for a lifetime with our wagon.

This is the wagon we have but they make so many different styles. Check them out and find one that's right for you.

Radio Flyer Pathfinder Wagon, Base Red, 39Radio Flyer Pathfinder Wagon, Base Red, 39Radio Flyer Pathfinder Wagon, Base Red, 39


Find more Product Reviews on Review This Here:

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Saturday, July 17, 2021

The Scholastic Book Fair Birthday Gift – A Gift Review


Book gifts from the Scholastic Book Fair

My youngest grandson, Tyler, just had his 7th birthday. He's outgrowing the younger toys and books I've given him on baby, toddler and kindergarten birthdays and I have been trying to find something appropriate for a boy who will soon be ready for the 2nd grade.

Scholastic Book Fair

Every year, Scholastic holds 120,000 book fairs at schools across the US and abroad. They have been putting on regional fairs since the 1970s and nationwide fairs since the ’80s. Schools host them in school libraries – or gyms or cafeterias – wherever they have room. The book fair is usually held for a week, with the school receiving either a percentage of sales or some remaining stock for hosting the event.

Some of  these book fairs are held at local libraries, if a school does not have room.

These Scholastic Book Fairs are very popular with children and adults alike.  

A Birthday Gift for Tyler

Now that Tyler has learned to read (just finished first grade), age-appropriate books seem to be a good gift choice.

Tyler is currently interested in the DC Comics Super Heros and Legos. While attending a variety of garage sales in a nearby small town last weekend, I discovered that a Scholastic Book Fair was being held at the local elementary school. I think I spent an hour browsing, since there were so many terrific choices. I finally decided on the Lego series and narrowed it down to two selections.

My Book Choices for Tyler

Lego DC Comics Super Heroes Handbook

LEGO Super Heroes Handbook
(c) Elf

This handbook is the perfect introduction to a child's favorite LEGO heroes and villains.  From Batman to Superman, Catwoman to Wonder Woman, to their arch-enemies like Joker and Lex Luthor, this official guidebook describes each Super Hero and their histories, all the villains, their vehicles and their locations. 

From the pages of the long-favorite and famous DC Comics, these Super Heroes have been popular for years. They have even starred in movies. And now these amazing fighters for justice have become LEGO Minifigures. This handbook gives an overview of them all. 

Lego - Batman Night Patrol! - Activity Book with Free Batman Minifigure

Batman Activity Book
(c) Elf

Batman LEGO minifigure
(c) Elf

This is a Batman themed activity book with pages of comics telling a story, plus mazes, drawing pages, dot-to-dot, pages to color and more. The book comes with a free Batman Lego minifigure.


Favorite Superhero Words
(c) Elf

These LEGO Super Hero books are geared to ages 6 – 8, so should be just right for 7-year-old Tyler. 

If you don't have a Scholastic Book Fair being held soon near you, these LEGO Super Heroes books – and other similar ones – can be ordered online from The Scholastic Store. Many are also available on Amazon.

Quick Links to Scholastic Fair Books:

A Gift Ideas Review written by

Wednesday Elf

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, July 16, 2021

The Hallmark Aurora Teagarden Mystery Series Reviewed

Aurora Teagarden Review
Several years ago, our contributor, Bev Owens, reviewed the Aurora Teagarden book series by Charlaine Harris. I was immediately interested in the great cozy mystery books. I love a series that allows us to follow the main character through multiple intriguing mysteries.  Since this series has 11 books, and because Bev highly recommended them, I knew I was in for a real treat that would last for perhaps a few weeks of great reading.

I recently discovered the Hallmark Aurora Teagarden mystery movie series based on the books and immediately started watching them.  I enjoyed the first movie so much, that I watched the second movie as soon as the first one ended.  By the time I turned off the videos, I had watched the first 4 movies back to back.  I only stopped there because I had to get some sleep!  Honestly, I can hardly wait to have another evening to dedicate to more of the movie series.

I decided it would be more economical for me to buy the complete series instead of paying for each movie individually.  I want to see all 15 of them that are currently available on dvd!  I expect to watch them more than once, plus I plan to share them with my mother, who also loves Hallmark movies.  Therefore, the seasonal box sets were my best option.  You can see the box sets I selected at the bottom of this article.  I tried to get the most movies for the least investment, but I did have to purchase 2 sets to get all 15 movies.

While the books do give a lot more background and details, I found the movies felt "complete" and I love the actors!


Meet Aurora Teagarden!  

In many mystery movies, we follow detectives as they investigate murders, but Aurora is not a police officer or detective.  She is simply a librarian with an penchant for solving murder mysteries.  She is a member of the local Real Murders club that consists of armchair sleuths who enjoy studying real murder cases and known murderers. Give them a real murder mystery to solve, and they are all in!

In each of the episodes, Aurora discovers evidence of a murder, or finds the actual victim. She calls on her amateur detective fellow club members to help her solve the case, much to the distress and disapproval of the local police.  But, the detectives tolerate her because she does seem to have a natural aptitude for ferreting out information from people and evidence that the police would never be allowed to find.

 Aurora Teagarden: 6-Movie CollectionCheck PriceIn the first movie episode, A Bone to Pick, Aurora finds a hidden skull in the window seat of a home she inherits. Instead of contacting the police, she starts her own investigation based on what else she can find around the house and on her knowledge of the deceased homeowner.  It is interesting, and sometimes comical to watch Aurora "work".  If she were my neighbor, I would consider her way too nosy, but that is how she solves cases.  She asks a lot of questions and does a lot of snooping.

The second movie, Real Murders, focuses on her Real Murder club when one of their own members is murdered and the club members are the main suspects. Aurora is joined by one of her favorite fictional crime book authors in this investigation, but there are times when it is hard to know if he is an ally, a romantic interest, a suspect or all of the above.  

In Three Bedrooms, One Corpse, which is the third movie, Aurora is helping her mother by showing one of her real estate properties to a new client.  Sadly, they discover the body of one of the real estate agents working for her mother's agency.  While in the home, Aurora notices that something doesn't look right.  She can't quite figure out what detail is off until she compares current pictures to old pictures. Her keen observation and attention to detail points the detectives in the right direction, but also puts her in great danger.   

The Julius House is the fourth movie in the series and happened to be my favorite thus far.  In addition to being an excellent cozy mystery with a surprising end, there is a touch of romance developing between Aurora and Martin, her mother's client from the previous episode.  The mystery revolves around the disappearance of the entire Julius family.  It was believed that the family was probably victims of a car accident that simply hasn't been discovered. Or, perhaps, they decided to leave for unknown reasons. Aurora's "detective" sense is aroused when she buys the family home and meets the heir, Melba Totino (the wife's mother), who sold her the home.  Conversations with Mrs. Totino, coupled with Aurora's natural inquisitive mind, set off a chain of events that finally lead to discovering what really happened to the Julius family. 


Each of these movies would be enjoyable alone, but as a series, the characters become more developed as they move along, and as I said in the introduction, I really like the actors who were selected to play the parts.  Candace Cameron Bure is a very believable Aurora Teagarden.


These are the two box sets that I purchased!

 The Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: Collections 1-3Check Price Aurora Teagarden Mysteries - Collection FourCheck Price


More Great Movies Reviewed

Check Out More Movie Reviews at

The Hallmark Aurora Teagarden Mystery Series Reviewed by:
House of Sylvestermouse


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Thursday, July 15, 2021

Catching Dawn - Book Review

Catching Dawn book cover
To what lengths would you go to keep a promise to a stranger?  To whom would you turn when fulfilling that promise proved to be beyond the scope of what you alone could do?

Catching Dawn starts as a rescue story that becomes a story, within a story, within a story.  There is the story of what it means to rewrite your own story as you do everything within your power to help the ones barely surviving.

And then there is the story of how the strays of the world find their belonging, their purpose, their peace.

Nested within those stories are the circular beginnings and endings where the lines blur between having rescued and having been the one most in need of saving.

When Melissa Armstrong is approached by a stranger about helping a litter of newborn puppies born to a dog living on the streets, she is quick to take on the mission.  After all, how hard could it be to gather up a nursing dog and her babies?

It turns out that a highly traumatized dog is one of the hardest things anyone could ever attempt to catch.  Six months of failures could have been the end of that story (and the end of those frail puppies).  Instead, this book reveals how both humans and animals in desperate need helped one another rise above those initial failures.

As a young girl, Armstrong grew up feeling there was something wrong with her that made her unlovable.  She felt out of place and knew great loneliness.  Her inner stray could relate to the fear and lack of trust displayed by dogs that felt a need to hide and avoid the kind of pain associated with people.

While going to great lengths to catch a dog that did not want to be caught, Armstrong simultaneously found herself catching the things that had proven so elusive during her earlier years: feeling loved, being needed, and discovering the embrace of a real family.

Having been immersed in challenging dog rescue scenarios, there was much that resonated for me in these embedded stories of transformation, friendship, and healing.  The writing revealed the beauty and wonder of the truest of relationships.  This book reminded me to never take for granted the many gifts offered up by my animals every single day.  It deepened my gratitude for how my rescue dogs have helped me rewrite my story.  

There are no small promises when lives are hanging in the balance.  There are no lengths too great when it comes to living out our promises.  Catching Dawn inspires us to be the promise needed in this world.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

How to Make an Apron Resource Page

A page full of ideas of aprons to craft. If you love aprons and sewing, you will be inspired, for sure!


This page is packed with resources for anyone wanting to make an apron. Whether you want to make one for yourself or for someone else, you've come to the right spot. It will point you in the direction of some wonderful resources that are available online for making your very own aprons.

I have included a few Youtube videos that show you how to make aprons, including one from Angel Fleece Aprons and one from the Missouri Star Quilt Company. I have also included links to pages with great apron how-tos an interesting apron-making book from Amazon.

The aprons shown above are from a vintage 1950s Simplicity pattern, number 4492. I love the turquoise blue one and the big pockets! You can find it on eBay by clicking here.

I hope this page inspires you to make an apron.


This first video is inspired by the Baking Outside the Box cookbook. Angel of Fleece steps you through the creation of an elegant apron.



Cindy Taylor Oates has written a few retro-themed pattern books in this series that offers well written instructions and excellent illustrations. The patterns need to be traced because they are printed on two-sided paper but doing so is, according to reviewers, worth the effort. The author includes ways to make the apron look retro and ways to make it look contemporary so no matter your style, the aprons in this book can be adopted to suit. Click here to find these Retro Aprons books on eBay.





His and Her Aprons
Blogger Make it and Love It shares, His and Her Aprons.

Romantic Cottage or Shabby Chic Style Apron
Blogger Sew4Home shares how to make a romantic cottage or shabby-chic style apron.

How to Make an Apron on
This page at eHow will step you through ow to make a simple bib-style apron. It is a good project for beginners.

Make A Make Do Apron
Mary Jane shows you how to make an apron out of a shirt. That reminds me of the aprons my great grandmother crafted from a worn out dress.

How to make an apron with one yard of fabric. 

An easy-to-make pattern.

An awesome project for a new sewer.

No pattern needed for this kitchen apron.

Martha Stewart shows you how.


Previous polls on this page when it appeared elsewhere online showed that 40 percent of the people who visited owned an apron and that 43 percent were looking for a new project or an apron inspiration. Only 19 percent of the visitors said that they ALWAYS don an apron when they're in the kitchen but 30 percent of them said that they should but only do so when cooking a particularly messy item. That is where I fit, in that last 30 percent. How about you? Do you usually wear an apron? Are you looking to craft a new one?

See you in the kitchen.
Hopefully, with your apron on!


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Weather Tech Floor Liner Cleaner and Protector - Reviewed


Weather Tech Floor Liner Cleaner and Protector - Reviewed

We had our Kia Sorento about a year before we decided to make the investment into our Weather Tech floor liners. I am sure you have all seen the advertisements on television.

Weather Tech floor liners are laser cut to your specific vehicle and are always a perfect fit. I have to say that these floor liners are well worth the money. But this post is not about the floor liners, it is about keeping them looking like new.

The winter months here in Western New York can be brutal on your vehicle, especially the floor mats. After the first winter with our new Weather Tech floor liners, it was time to clean up the car.

I removed the floor liners and scrubbed them with soap and water using a scrub brush. They were clean, but they did not look clean. The winter dirt and scuff marks seemed to be permanent.

So, I did what anyone else would do, I searched online to see what was recommended to clean and make my floor liners look new again. What I found was the Weather Tech Floor Liner and Floor Mat Cleaner, and the Weather Tech Floor Liner and Floor Mat Protector.

Weather Tech Floor Mat Cleaner:

“Exclusive foam formula immediately works to remove dirt, sand, and stains. Biodegradable and contains no phosphates.”

Weather Tech Floor Mat Protector:

“Provide long-lasting “Like New” appearance. Creates a slip-resistant and stain-reducing finish that helps extend the life of the mats and liners.”

The above are the statements on the product labels, and I must tell you they are true statements. The Weather Tech Cleaner and Protector have my floor liners looking like new with truly little effort from me.

This is a before photo of my Weather Tech Floor liner. Keep in mind that this photo is after I had already scrubbed it with soap and water.

Here is the photo after I used the Weather Tech cleaner and Protector, it looks brand new just like it came out of the box.

If you do not have Weather Tech Floor Liners, you can buy them here.

If you do have Weather Tech Floor Liners and want them looking like new, I highly recommend the cleaner and protector. I am so pleased with the new look of my floor liners.

Weathertech TechCare FloorLiner and FloorMat Cleaner/Protector KitWeathertech TechCare FloorLiner and FloorMat Cleaner/Protector KitWeathertech TechCare FloorLiner and FloorMat Cleaner/Protector Kit


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, July 12, 2021

Petcakes Birthday Kit Reviewed

 Every pup deserves a Birthday cake! This year I decided to try the Pupcakes Birthday Kit to make a dog bone shaped cake for the big day. So easy for those who don't cook, do not like to cook or are in a time crunch. A few minutes in the microwave and a fun bone shaped cake is made with no muss, no fuss.

petcakes birthday kit

What's In The Box?

The petcakes are so easy to prepare!  The Petcakes box contains 1 package of cake mix, 1 package of frosting mix, 1 bone shaped pan and a Birthday Candle.

petcake mold

petcake bone shaped mold

All you need is water plus a small amount of greek yogurt or peanut butter to make the cake. 

The frosting requires a small amount of water and yogurt. Honey is optional. 

Microwave is required.

Anyone Can Make This Pupcake

A few common ingredients and a microwave is all that is required to make this Pupcake in under an hour (and most of the hour is waiting for the cake to cool so it can be frosted.)

Or skip the frosting and the cake is ready to go after cooling. The directions state 15 minutes cool time after removing from microwave. I found a half hour is a better timeframe to ensure the cake is cooled.

Decorate the Pupcake

Keeping in the edible theme of cake decorations I used dog food nuggets as a cake decoration. The cake can be kept in the refrigerator up to a week after it is made. The ingredients are dog friendly: Organic oat flour, brown rice flour, flax seed powder, carob, cinnamon. 

fluffy dog eating petcake

The cake was a win for my furball. (Admittedly this furball is not a picky eater)

Reusable Cake Pan

The dog bone shaped cake pan is reusable so save it for the next healthy Pupcake for your favorite furball or pass it along to a friend for their birthday pup!

decorated petcake

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Reviewing Pretty and Versatile Headbands For Great Hair

pretty floral headband

I love my versatile headbands "Sea Team 6-Pack Wide Hairbands" which come in different colours and patterns to suit the activity and my mood. I feel these headbands are very suitable for anyone of any age from a young person to a more mature person who likes the style and look of wearing a headband and perhaps needs one to keep hair out of the way while still looking lovely!

 Why I Like To Wear Headbands. 

I have medium length quite fine wavy hair but a lot of it and I often end up tieing it up when working in the garden and certainly for doing fitness activities. I love having long hair but on hot days I simply have to keep it off my face or I get too hot and uncomfortable. Before I got these hairbands I used to tie my hair up in an elastic band and that resulted in damaged hair and splitting, which is not a good look and not healthy for the hair. 

I think these hairbands would also work for thick hair, curly or straight hair and I do feel that any age can wear these if you like the colours and patterns. I initially thought these would be best for long hair but I do think they would look very cute on shorter hair too. 

headbands in a variety of colors
My Three Fave Headbands

 When Can You Wear Headbands

These headbands are very comfortable, soft and stretchy enough to easily be worn for hours. I wear mine for every pilates and rebounder workout and my new dance exercise video classes. I think it would be great to wear at any age if you do yoga or play tennis, badminton or any other sports.

I also wear mine when out gardening so that my hair doesn't get in my eyes so much and pick up all the burrs and pollen from the plants!

They are great for when decorating too. You would just need to have one you sacrificed for decorating as if you are anything like me it will end up with paint all over it!  

Apart from wearing them for activities, I do feel that they are pretty enough to wear when out and about and I love the colours and patterns to go with or contrast with clothes.

If a new wardrobe or new dresses or jeans are not affordable right now you can easily update your look with these pretty and funky headbands!

I have to say they really came into their own during the time when we could not get to hairdressers for months and my hair was certainly doing its own thing!! Wearing one of these headbands just made it look a more put-together look. 

In addition, I am not happy about my hair going grey and it seems to be going more grey at the front than the back! I do use natural colourants but I cannot use any with chemicals. I find the natural ones do not last very long and if I have not had the time or the inclination to colour again the grey comes back! However, if I wear one of these headbands it nicely covers up the grey at the front and you just cannot tell !! 

wide turquoise floral headband on model
Turquoise Headband Worn Wide

I also wear one when doing my make-up. Day to day I don't wear much makeup but I do wear SPF factor foundation powder every day to protect my skin and I find it easier to apply if I keep my hair out of the way. Then of course if I am doing full makeup for going out,  it is just neater and easier to wear a headband and sort everything. 

These hair bands are also great if you have a day when you should really have washed your hair but did not and then find that you do need to go out! Pop one of these on and the problem is largely sorted as you will look like you make an effort and covered up much of the problem!

Also, headbands are very useful if you are growing your hair from a shorter to a longer style or growing out bangs or a fringe. It keeps hair looking good and not getting in your eyes all the time or looking too messy when going through that difficult stage! 

I do feel that these suit anyone from younger girls to more mature ladies depending on your personal style and activities.

headband width being measured
Width Of Headband At Narrow Point

About Headbands, Measurements And Materials.

I strongly recommend that whichever headbands you choose you carefully check the measurements both of your own head and of the headband. 

In addition, check or ask the seller how stretchy the headbands actually are and what the material is made from. You will likely want a quite stretchy and soft material so that you can easily put the headband over your head and that it is comfortable. Also, look for ones that are easily washable as you will want to wash them fairly often.   

The headbands I own are made from a stretchy material that is very soft. Enough stretch in it to be easily worn but not too much to be tight. If you wear one a lot it can feel a little loose after time but I found generally after washing they go back to shape. I have only hand-washed mine as really it is so easy and quick to do. 

handband stretch ability being demonstrated
Stretchy Soft Headband
They are often sold as one size fits most. The ones I own are on average around eight and a half inches long measuring one side as per the photo below on the red headband and about two inches wide at the smallest point. The widest point can stretch to significantly more.

I find these measurements are about right for my head. Some headbands in the past have given me a headache as they were way too tight, but these I find are just comfortable.

I would always recommend that you measure your own head or your child's head first then check the measurements on the listings carefully. If the headband is too tight it will hurt and if too loose will fall down and not hold the hair in place.

The ones I have are quite wide but I personally like that as I can then have them wide on my head or simply fold it over to make it a thinner band which is still comfortable for me. 

I can also wear them with the widest part at the front or flip them over and have the narrow part where the long edges join as the top piece which gives a different look. 
length of headband being measured
Length of Headband Folded

If you have hair you need to keep out of the way while doing an activity, be it sports or other physical work, they are very useful and you can look great as well!

If you wish to wear them as a fashion accessory, to style your own fashion, then that works too. The colours and patterns are varied and lovely.

My favourites from my "Sea Team 6-Pack Wide Hairbands" are dark blue, turquoise blue and red as shown below. 

a variety of headbands in different colors and patterns
Beautiful Colours And Patterns On Headbands

I think if you bought the pack and did not like one or more of the colours or patterns then they would make a lovely little additional birthday, thank you gift or stocking filler. Or of course, you may wish to buy the whole pack as a gift.

There are many variations of these headbands. I just have this set Sea Team 6-Pack Wide Hairbands but there are many more you may wish to take a look at in the selection below.


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