Showing posts with label flower photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flower photography. Show all posts

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Review of Spring Photography

lilacs in springtime photo by mbgphoto
Lilacs in the Springtime

Spring is such a wonderful time for photography.  Flowers are blooming everywhere including my own backyard.  I love to go for walks in the neighborhood each day and see what new flowers and flowering trees and bushes are blooming on that day.  In the area of the country I live ,  midwest USA, the beauty begins to unfold in mid March.  From that time and for the next 2-3 months there are new delights to find each day!  On this page I will share with you, through my photography,  some of my favorite springtime flowers.

Early Bloomers

Tulips are one of my favorite early spring flowers.  There are different types of tulips that will start blooming in our area throughout April and May.  The photographs taken below were captured during the first week of April.

red tulip photo by mbgphoto

pink tulip photo by mbgphoto

This next photo was taken in late April.  This tulip is fully opened and still beautiful.

tulip photo by mbgphoto

Zazzle Cards from my Tulip Photos

I love creating cards to send to friends and family from my photographs.  Here are a couple I made on Zazzle.

Yellow Tulip
Yellow Tulip
by mbgphoto


Flowering Trees and Bushes

In the springtime flowering bushes and trees are a wonderful sight to behold.  I particularly like the Lilac bush as seen in the photo at the beginning of this article.  In addition to being beautiful they have a very fragrant smell and I love cutting some off my lilac bush and bringing them in to my house. They make the whole house smell good.

The red bud tree is another beauty of springtime.  In the spring you can see them all over the hillsides in our part of the country.  Here is a photo of one that I took at a park near our home.

flowering tree photo by Sylvestermouse

One of my favorite trees is the dogwood tree.  They can be found in both pink and white flowers.  Here is a photo of each.

dogwood tree photo by Sylvestermouse

flowering tree photo by Sylvestermouse

Later Spring Flowers

Once spring is well under way, in late April or May, the Iris's start to bloom.  They are such beautiful and stately flowers.  I love to photograph them.  This first  photo is an Iris from my friend's garden.

iris flower photo by Sylvestermouse

I really like the two toned colors.  Here is another two toned Iris, this one was taken on a walk I took at the Missouri Extension garden.

yellow and purple photo by Sylvestermouse

A solid white Iris can be quite striking.  Here is one taken at Missouri Extension garden.

white iris photo by Sylvestermouse

Wildflowers in the Spring

Spring is a wonderful time for wild flowers.  You can see many of these native plants along the sides of roads, in parks and in some peoples gardens.  Here are a few that I found beautiful.

wildflower photo by Sylvestermouse

flowers photo by Sylvestermouse

flowers photo by Sylvestermouse

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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Creative Flower Photography

pink flower photo by mbgphoto

Getting Creative with Flower Photography

Use your Imagination to Create Beautiful Flower Photos

Everybody takes pictures of flowers and it takes minimal effort to take some really nice shots. With just a bit of practice and patience you can take some unique photos that will really stand out.

When you are photographing flowers you need to first remember some basic tips.

1. Look for flowers that are in good shape. That may seem obvious but it is amazing how many times I start to take a photo of a flower only to realize that the weather has gotten the best of it and it is on the downhill side. Take the time to look for the best flowers.
2. Use a tripod to get a steady image.
3. Kneel down to get the best angle.
4. Shoot when there is little or no wind.
5. Early morning or late evening shots are best.

Now that you know some of the basic rules, don't be afraid to break them. Any of the above rules can be changed to fit your creative needs.

I took all the photos on this page with my Sony D57 DSLR camera but I will tell you that I have taken nice flower shots with my point and shoot camera and even with my camera phone. So you see, you are not limited with the equipment you have with you. The big thing is to enjoy what you are doing and try something different. You will be happily surprised by the results.

Happy Photographing

all photos by mbgphoto

Single out One Flower

Single out one flower to photograph

One technique to use in flower photography is to focus in on a single flower within a group of flowers. This geranium is a single bloom within a pot that is sitting on my patio. If I were to photograph the entire pot it would look pretty but rather ordinary. The geranium would blend in with the rest of the pink flowers in the pot. It didn't particularly look interesting until I zoomed in on it and looked at it apart from the other flowers.

To create this photo I used a 50mm lens and set it on aperture priority. I used an f stop of 1.8. By doing this I was able to focus in on the one bloom and put the rest of the flowers in a blur. The background then washed out completely and became a nice green backing.
If you are using a point and shoot camera try putting it on the macro setting (look for the little flower symbol) and it will give you similar setting to capture the individual flower. Be sure to get as close to the flower as the camera will allow.

Learn from Others

One of the best places to get ideas is to look at the works of others. View the photos, imagine what they did to get the image and then try to recreate it. Once you have mastered the techniques it will become increasingly easier to use you imagination to create unique images of your own.

photographing flowers
Click Here to View on Amazon

Try a Closeup Filter

flower photo using closeup filter

A closeup filter on your camera will allow you to get in even closer and pick up the very small details. In this photo I am using a Cokin closeup filter on my 50mm lens. You will note that when I do this I only get a small portion of the flower in focus and the rest is a blur. You will need to have your camera on a tripod to get this type of shot.

This is a great way to get raindrops on a flower petal.

Daisies up Close

daisies up close


If you are looking for a good basic DSLR camera, I highly recommend looking at Sony. I have been shooting with Sony products for the last 8 years and have been very satisfied. When I started I virtually knew nothing about the DSLR cameras and the instructions and books I read with my camera were very helpful. This camera is great for the beginner as well as the more advanced photographer.

Using Props

close up photo - using props

Props can be useful in capturing a unique flower photo. I took this photo for an assignment for my photography class to take an unique flower photo.

To set up for the photo I used a few props. I had a small pot of Gerbera daisies that I sat on a chair in front of our glass patio doors. I then took a black velveteen skirt that I draped over the back of the chair. I set up my tripod in front of the chair and started shooting from various angles. I was using a 70-300 mm zoom lens on my Sony DSLR.

I had taken several shots of the front of the flower and they turned out great but not really anything different so I decided to shoot from just below and behind the flower. I love the way the flower petals are bending down to give just a touch of the peach colored front of the flower. The black skirt gives a great background to make the bloom pop out in the photo.

Capturing a Bouquet

photographing a bouquet

If you receive a special bouquet of flowers it is nice to have a photo to remember the occasion. This is a bouquet that I received for Mothers Day. I took several shots of the whole bouquet with the vase but I think that this shot taken from above the flowers turned out best. I sat the bouquet on the floor and then stood above it to photograph the flowers.

Shooting flowers indoors is a great way to practice different techniques. You don't have to worry about the wind or insects getting in your way. I place my flowers near an open window to capture the outdoor light.

Shooting after the Rain

Shooting after the rain
You can never go wrong shooting flowers right after a rain storm. I love to capture them before the raindrops are gone. When there is no rain for days, try spraying them with a fine mist. It can take the place of the real thing or perhaps you catch some flowers right after the sprinkler goes off.

Favorite Flower Photos

daisy photo by mbgphoto

Photography Techniques

Sometimes I need a nudge to get my creative juices flowing. Reading or looking through photography books usually does the trick. Here is one on flower photography.

photographing flowers
Click Here to View on Amazon

Zazzle Products

I enjoy turning my flower photographs into Zazzle products.  Here are a few of  my Greeting Cards.

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Thursday, June 11, 2015

Photographing on a Rainy Day

maple tree leaves in the rain photo by mbgphoto
If you love to take photographs, a string of rainy days can dampen your spirits.  But have no fear, with a bit of creativity you can get some great shots, even on a rainy day.  The photo above was taken on one of those weeks when the rain just wouldn't quit.  It was shot from my covered front porch using a 70x 300 lens set on aperture priority at 5.6.  I moved around the various sections of leaves on our Japanese Maple tree to capture the raindrops on the leaves and the gentle rain in the background.

Tips for Photography in the Rain

  • Carry a raincoat for your camera ( you can purchase a rain covering for your camera at a camera shop or online)
  • A gallon sized plastic bag...this can work in a pinch, just cut a hole for the lens and put your hand in the back and your camera is safe and dry.
  • Look for porches or awning to stand under and shoot.
  • Shoot from inside your car.  This is a great way to capture scenes when you travel in the rain.
  • Try to get the light behind the raindrops to bring them out.

Objects to Look for on a Rainy Day

  • Food at an outdoor market covered with raindrops
  • Umbrella's as a backdrop
  • Flowers and leaves with raindrops
  • Reflections in puddles
  • Emotions on on children playing in rain...frustration of commuters hurrying about in the weather
  • Raindrops on interesting objects or parts of objects. 
The photo below shows raindrops on a section of the wind sculpture in our front yard.  I shot several pictures of this wind sculpture first taking the whole item and then just sections of it.  I was trying to capture the raindrops as the gathered on the metal.
rain drops on wind sculpture photo by mbgphoto

So the next times you have a rainy day go grab you camera and see how creative you can get!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Reviewing Spring Flowers on Zazzle

tulips and daffodils photo by mbgphoto
I love to photograph spring flowers, actually flowers anytime of the year, but for this article I will stick to spring flowers.  Spring flowers always bring a smile to my face.  The photo above shows some bright colored tulips and daffodils around my neighbors mailbox.

After I have taken all of these photographs, the big question is what to do with them.  I have found Zazzle to be a wonderful venue to use to display my flower photos on a wide array of products.  This way I can enjoy them all year long.

Zazzle Pillows

Purple Iris Reversible Pillows
Purple Iris Reversible Pillows by mbgphoto
View more Purple iris Pillows at
This beautiful Iris photo is one that I took at the Missouri Botanical Garden.  It is a reversible pillow with a different photo on each side.  I like to put a close up on one side and a zoomed out view on the reverse side.  This photo is a 16x16 size but it can also be made in several other sizes.  The Zazzle pillows have a zipper on the side for easy cleaning and are made in the USA and machine washable.  What a wonderful way to display your flower photos!

Greeting Cards

Zazzle greeting cards are a great way to share your photos with others.  They come in three sizes, the standard 5x7 or 7x5, a smaller notecard, or if you prefer a large 8.5 x 11 card.  The card below shows primroses from my garden.

Birthday Greetings Floral Card

Check out other Birthday Cards at
purple flowers photo by mbgphoto

Flower Photography Tips

  • Photograph from Various Angles
  • Get Down at the Same Level as the Flower
  • Try a Closeup Shot and then a zoomed out shot of the same flower
  • Flowers photograph best in the early morning hours or just before or after sunset
  • Cloudy days are also great times to photograph flowers
In addition to the pillows and greeting cards, Zazzle has hundreds of ways to display your flower photos.  Here are a few more that I used on my photographs.

  • Magnets 
  • Prints for your Walls
Lilacs on the Fence Canvas Prints
Lilacs on the Fence Canvas Prints by mbgphoto
View other Lilacs by the fence Canvas Prints at

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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Showcasing Photos on Zazzle

Using Zazzle to Show your Photos

When I first started getting serious about photography, 8 years ago, I took 100's of photos every time I went out on a photo shoot.  I put some in photo books, but as I improved in my skills I decided to try to sell some of my photos. Zazzle has been a great way to showcase my photos on a wide variety of products. 

Selling on Zazzle

After a short time I found that other people purchased my products on Zazzle and my hobby turned into a small business.   With Zazzle I need only to add my photo to any or all of their products and they will be listed on the Zazzle site for sale.  Zazzle takes care of all of the customer needs like producing and shipping the product and then they send me my portion of the money.  It is a great way to make a small profit without outlaying any funds.  Below are links to my three Zazzle shops.  Stop by to see links to my products on hundreds of different products or go to Zazzle to create your own free products from your photos.

Work of Review This Reviews Authors

Follow the links below to find see some of the Zazzle products that Review This authors have created from their photos.


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Creative Flower Photography

Flowers are everywhere and I have seen many pages online  where people include photos of flowers.  It may be a page about gardening, a product for flowers, or perhaps a vacation where you  enjoyed beautiful flowers.  Whatever the occasion you will want to make sure you have some great photos of flowers to include on your page.

Taking photos of flowers is easy and with a bit of creativity you can capture some great images.
pink flower photo by mbgphoto

This week as I was browsing through some of my own flower images I wrote this page on photographing flowers.

Here are some pages where writers online use flower photos 

  • On this page Sylvestermouse shows us the beauty of her own garden Gardens and Trees
  • Dawn Rae writes about travel in the mid atlantic states.  On this page she shares her flower photos on a trip to Longwood Gardens
flower photo by mbgphoto
I am looking forward to seeing even more great flower photos online.  Happy Shooting !
photographs on this page are my own-mbgphoto

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Photography Classes

I try to take at least one photography class or workshop each year.  There is always a wide array of classes available in many different price ranges.  You can even sometimes find free classes online. 

One of the places that I have gone to take photography classes in our local botanical garden.  Each year they come out with 10-12 different classes taught by some very talented photographers. Here are some pages that I wrote on two of these classes.  On these pages I give you some of the tips that I learned in these classes.
  • Garden Photography is a class that I took at Missouri Botanical Garden.  It was late spring and the irises were in full bloom for the class.  Stop by this page to learn how to take close up photos of these flowers.
  • Photographing Wildflowers  is another class I took through the Missouri Botanical Garden, but this one was held at their Shaw Nature Reserve sight.  Here is a photo I took during that session.
    wildflowers photo by mbgphoto
Kim Manley Ort is a Photographer who loves sharing her photography knowledge.  On this page she shares with us what she learned at a photography workshop of Visual Design

I am taking a six week class on nature photography during April and May.  I plan on sharing the tips that I learn each Thursday on this blog.  Stay tuned for more. 

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Photography-Up Close and Personal

Close up photography gives you a different perspective on the world around you.  When I first started to photograph nature close up, I found myself noticing details that I didn't even know existed.  One of my first adventures into up close photography was at The Butterfly House in St. Louis where I worked as a volunteer.   Before my shift each week, I would bring my camera and photograph all of these beautiful insects.  I was fascinated with the details that I saw on each different butterfly.

Monarch butterfly photo by mbgphoto

The photo to the right is one that I took of a Monarch butterfly in the outside garden at The Butterfly House.  The details in the wings really come to life when you see a photo shot up close.  I love the way the white dots outline the wings of this wonderful creature.

In the past week, I have been paying particular attention to writers who publish articles on close up photography.  There are some very talented photographers who write online.  Here are several of the lenses that I thought you would enjoy.
  • On this page amateur photographer takkhis shares with us some of his tips for insect photography Insect Photography.  He has some good basic tips that he has learned through experimenting with insect photography.
  • I have learned a lot from the pages of photographer Steve Kaye.  In this lens he gives us hints on photographing birds up close. Pay particular attention to the eyes of the birds in these photos.  They are truly fascinating.  Birds Up Close  Steve was previously the Nature Photography Contributor on Squidoo.
  • In this lens Rob3 shares with you the joy of close up flower photography. Macro Photography Flowers
Cone Flower photo by mbgphoto

Flowers are always a great subject for a photo.  I don't think I ever really looked at a flower up close till I started to take close up photos of flowers.  They are really amazing.  Here is a close up I took of a Cone Flower in my back yard.  I love the way when you get up close you notice each petal of the flower.

Have you noticed how photos in articles really help to  make your lens more interesting.  Remember the phrase "a picture is worth a 1000 words", I think that  phrase is particularly true in articles on the internet.  Everyone wants to get the message quickly and a good photo can convey that message.  On this page Photos Tell Stories I give you some hints on adding photos to lenses.  You will note in the article I have a photo of a fruit bowl that was taken up close.  When you need to convey details clear, up close photos can really enhance your articles.

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