Showing posts with label Recipes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Recipes. Show all posts

Thursday, October 6, 2016

October is Pizza Month: Reviewing Our Favorite Pizza Recipes

Making homemade pizza actually is pretty easy, especially if you follow one of the favorite pizza recipes you'll find here.

These days, ordering a pizza is as easy as pulling out your phone and opening an app. But, let's face it, it's hard to beat homemade. Besides, preparing a pizza at home doesn't require waiting for (and paying for) delivery or going out again if you're already at home.

Making homemade pizza actually is pretty easy, especially if you follow one of the favorite pizza recipes that we're going to tell you about, all tried and true. It's a fun activity, too, one that's perfect for involving the kiddos.

Kid-Friendly Pizza Recipes

Quick and Easy Pizza Bun Recipe from Ladymermaid
Photo from Ladymermaid
With just the tiniest bit of planning you'll always have the ingredients on hand to make this Quick and Easy Pizza Bun Recipe from my friend Lorelei aka Ladymermaid.

Pizza sauce from a bottle or jar should be a staple in your house, along with plenty of mozzarella cheese.  A toaster oven is perfect for making these individual pizzas using bread or hamburger or hot dog buns. Kids, especially, love adding the cheese and toppings to the buns and popping them into the toaster oven for a few minutes. Adults enjoy these, too, perhaps with more sophisticated toppings. For a family or a crowd, use a baking sheet and the regular oven to turn out enough pizzas for everyone.

Spider Web Pizza Recipe perfect for October and Pizza Month
Photo from Cooking for the Holidays

Since it's October, I absolutely had to include the recipe for this fun Spider Web pizza from Review This Reviews' own Sylvestermouse. She's absolutely right about families' needing a quick but filling meal before trick-or-treating on Halloween evening. And, as her family has done, making this Spider Web Pizza a tradition for October 31st is a great idea.

Only a few simple ingredients are required to assemble a delicious pizza that your family will love. Adding a creepy spider to the top is optional, but where's the fun in that? Read all about decorating a pizza for Halloween at the link.

Healthy Pizza Recipes

Artichoke Zucchini White Pizza Recipe from RecipesForRealPeople
Photo from Recipes For Real People
If you love pizza but want something a little different from the traditional red sauce topped with pepperoni, try this Artichoke Zucchini white pizza recipe. I call it "A to Z Pizza" for short.

I use packaged crust and jarred Alfredo sauce, along with sliced fresh zucchini, a jar of marinated artichoke hearts, some onion, garlic, and black olives, and top it all off with a combination of mozzarella and Parmesan cheese. Yes, it tastes as good as it sounds! It's good for you, too, if you go easy on the sauce.

Basic Dough Recipe, Perfect for Homemade Pizza Crust, from Sam's Places
Photo from Sam's Place

To turn any of these pizza recipes into true homemade pizza, you'll need a good pizza crust recipe. Get it at Sam's Place! Here's his easy homemade all purpose dough recipe, and he also includes links to his own homemade pizza and pepperoni bread recipes. Prepare to be impressed as Sam is a wonderful cook. (Update: Hot out of the pizza oven is Sam's latest, Fresh Tomato Spinach Pizza. Don't miss this delicious recipe!)

Pizza When It's Too Hot to Cook

Presto Pizzazz Plus Rotating Pizza Oven: Read the Review
Author Photo
Pizza is perfect food around the calendar, but when it's hot outside I don't like to heat up the house by turning on the oven. That's why I'm thrilled with the Presto Pizzazz Plus Rotating Pizza Oven that joined our family several months ago.

Whether I'm in the mood for a quick pizza from the freezer, if I pick up a fresh pizza from the deli, or even if I make my own pizza from scratch, the Pizzazz allows me to prepare it without heating up the house. This awesome appliance also saves time since there's no preheating required. It works for other foods, too, as you'll learn when you read my full Pizzazz Plus review.

So, are you hungry yet? 

These recipes should get you through October's Pizza Month celebration or any month, year, or day of the week that you find yourself in the mood for a slice of one of America's favorite foods. I'd love if you leave a comment to let me know which of these is your favorite pizza recipe.


~Susan Deppner
Read more of my reviews.

Posted by Susan Deppner

Susan Deppner

About the Author

Susan Deppner is a baby boomer, a cancer survivor, and a Southerner who believes in the Golden Rule. She enjoys writing about food, faith, and fitness; health, home, and holidays; people, places, pets, and patriotism, and more. Follow Susan on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Soft Foods: Potatoes Reviewed

Potatoes Are A Perfect Soft Food For Dentures Or Tender Gums From Oral Surgery

I'll be reviewing ideas for serving potatoes to yourself or the family member who has tender gums from prepping for dentures or oral surgery of any kind, today.

There is the obvious idea of mashed potatoes but they do not have to be the traditional serving. Trust me, you begin to want some kind of variety with your soft foods as it takes months for your gums to heal after having your teeth pulled and while you are adjusting to your new dentures.

So, for some variety in those mashed potatoes add different items to the dish. Personally, I love to add some minced garlic from time to time. They are also good with some shredded cheese. Sour cream and chives is another way to spice up those good old mashed potatoes. One evening I cooked some baby spinach leaves until tender and added those with a touch of sour cream and it was absolutely delicious!

One of my favorite potato dishes is creamed peas with red potatoes. This dish is a great source when soft foods are called for.

Creamed Peas With Red Potatoes

1 1/2 pounds of red potatoes 
1 1/2 cups of frozen baby peas
3 tbsp sliced green onions
4 tsp butter
4 tsp all purpose flour
1 cup milk

Scrub potatoes and cut into fourths (smaller if you like). Cook potatoes in boiled salted water for about 15 to 20 minutes or until soft. Drain and set aside.

Cook peas and onions in a small amount of boiling salted water for about 8 to 10 minutes. Drain and set aside. 

Make a thin white sauce by melting the butter, slowly adding the flour while stirring. Add a dash of salt and pepper. Slowly add milk while stirring the sauce. 

Combine the peas and potatoes, add the white sauce and mix together well. 

This is a wonderful addition to any meal whether you need soft foods or not! 

Another choice for potatoes is the traditional baked potato. Just make sure that it is cooked soft enough that you can mash it with your fork and you will be able to eat it without hurting those tender gums. Your choice of toppings are up to you, making sure that the toppings are not going to take too much chewing.

Cheesy Potatoes With Olives

Another potato dish that I fix often and even more while my gums have been tender is a cheesy twist on hash browns. 

1 pkg frozen hash browns
1 cup sour cream
1 1/2 cups shredded cheddar cheese (sharp is really good in this recipe)
10 to 12 Green Olives stuffed with pimento diced
Black Pepper

Allow hash browns to partially thaw enough that you can break them apart easily.

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.

Combine the sour cream, cheese and diced olives in a bowl. Add a dash of salt and black pepper.

Lightly oil a casserole dish. (I actually use butter to coat the sides and bottom). Mix the hash browns with the sour cream and cheese mixture and place into the casserole dish. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes.

I am not sure that I would have ever made this recipe if I had not been served it one evening at a friend's house many years ago. Those olives really add a nice variation to cheesy potatoes! Kind of salty and tangy, it is really scrumptious!

These are just a few ideas for preparing potatoes as a soft food option for tender gums. The wonderful thing is that every single one of these potato ideas are delicious at any time! What is your favorite way to eat potatoes?

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, September 3, 2016

A Bacon Review

Bacon sizzling in a pan
Source: Pixabay
December 30 is designated as Bacon Day and the Saturday before Labor Day is known as  "International Bacon Day!"  There are various sources for who decided that bacon needed to be recognized with its own special day. 

Residents in Bradford, MA claim to have created this day in 2000. A group of Boulder, Colorado graduate students also claim to have created this special day, in 2004. 

Whatever the true source, it's definitely a day to enjoy this tasty treat in your favorite way (breakfast bacon & eggs, a BLT for lunch, or dinner of a bacon cheeseburger or a bacon wrapped steak or scallops).

Today's Motto: Everything tastes better with bacon.


What is Bacon and Why is it so Popular?

Bacon is a pork product that over the years has become one of our most favorite of foods. I'm not sure why this is, but 'Bacon Mania' has certainly taken over in recent years and has spread to more than just a tasty breakfast item eaten plain. 

Bacon dishes have evolved into some crazy creations, such as 'chicken-fried bacon' and chocolate-covered bacon. In a recent survey, 65% of Americans would support bacon as their "national food"!

Bacon Themes

Bacon is the Duct Tape of the  Kitchen Tee Shirt
Funny Gift for Men who love BaconUnicorn Tees on Etsy

Bacon themes can now be found on games and clothing, bandaids and duct tape and more. There is even a 'Bacon-opoly' Monopoly Game!

Bacon Terms in Other Countries

While we in America call it a bacon slice, several other countries have their own terms.

  • Canada: Strip
  • Germany: Speck
  • United Kingdom and Ireland: Rasher

Related Bacon Articles:

Review This contributor Brenda Little has a fun article about Bacon Playing Cards, a unique stocking stuffer for the man or teenager in your life.

And Sam Monoco tells us a funny story about how not paying attention while cooking can 'burn the bacon' in his 'Bacon Epic Failure' blog post. 

Cooking with Bacon

Image of bacon cooking
Image Source: Pixabay

  • My daughter cooks her bacon in the oven. She lays the bacon slices on a cookie sheet and bakes at 400 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes.  This gives her the really crispy bacon she loves, without having to 'watch & turn' the bacon as when it is cooked in a frying pan on the stove.
  • In our family, we have a 'family joke' about my hubby Bob cooking the bacon. He preferred to cook it in a frying pan, BUT each bacon strip had to lay perfectly FLAT to turn out cooked the way he preferred - nice and evenly cooked all over.  Of course bacon likes to 'curl' as it cooks, so this involved lots of turning and flattening each piece using two forks to 'hold' the ends down so they would end up cooking flat. His method also involved a LOT of 'swearing', so the family joke, which my (grown-up) kids like to say today, is that you cannot cook bacon without swearing at it! 
  • It's recommended by cooking shows and website articles to always start cooking your bacon in a cold pan. Lay the bacon strips out in the pan, then turn on the burner to a low to medium temperature. Cook slowly to desired crispness, cook in batches, and drain each batch on a paper towel or brown paper bag. You can also cook bacon in the oven, as my daughter does, or in the microwave (good if only a few slices are needed for a single sandwich or to crumble for bacon bits for a salad).  Line a microwave-safe dish with 4 layers of paper towels, arrange the bacon in a single layer, and cover with 2 more layers of paper towels. Microwave on HIGH for 1 minute per slice of bacon and check for doneness. If not done to your preference, microwave in additional 30 second bursts. 


Bacon Cookbook

101 Things To Do With Bacon cookbook cover
And, finally, every bacon lover needs a Bacon Cookbook for times when just a few strips of bacon with eggs isn't enough for our bacon cravings.

From old favorites to inventive new recipes, the 101 Things To Do With Bacon cookbook will give you plenty of tasty bacon dishes to try.

Bring home the bacon with these delicious recipes from appetizers to salads to dinners.... and even desserts!

Happy Bacon Day and "International Bacon Day"!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Soft Foods: Sweet Potatoes Reviewed

When Cooked Sweet Potatoes Are A Great Option For Soft Foods

sweet potatoes
Image by Llez
Continuing in my series of soft foods for those who are going through the process of getting dentures, today we review the options of the wonderfully nutritious sweet potato. 

I have a couple of ways that I serve the tuber root that is naturally sweet in my home. I will share both ways with you in this article. One is extremely simple while the other takes a little preparation; both are really good!

Before we get to a couple of ways to enjoy the sweet potato, I thought you might be interested in the nutritional values of the sweet potato. It is a good source of simple starches, complex carbohydrates, fiber, protein, vitamin A, several of the B vitamins, vitamin C and vitamin E. It contains the minerals of calcium, iron, potassium and a few others. Did you know that a sweet potato has more potassium than a banana? 

OK, so one of the simplest ways to serve sweet potatoes to your family is to use a can of the item shown below. 

I know the can says "yams" but they actually use sweet potatoes. Many people interchange the words yams and sweet potato incorrectly. They are not really the same thing but that is another topic for another day.

I will tell you these canned sweet potatoes are seasoned so deliciously that all I do is just heat them up. The syrup has cinnamon, nutmeg and brown need for anything else! They are really tasty just as they are.

The darker the color of the pulp of the sweet potato ... the more beta-carotene (vitamin A) it has.

The Sweet Potato Recipe That My Daughters Love The Most

I've been fixing this Sweet Potato Casserole for about 36 years and my daughters just absolutely love it. I didn't make it for Thanksgiving one year and I was just about disowned by my oldest daughter. She now makes it for her family, too.

2 (15 oz) cans of sweet potatoes
1 (14 oz) can pineapple tidbits, (undrained)
4 Tbsp butter
4 Tbsp firmly packed dark brown sugar
1 1/2 cups miniature marshmallows

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.

Drain the sweet potatoes and discard the liquid. Drain the pineapple tidbits, saving the juice from the can. 

Melt the 4 tbsp of butter.

In a medium sized bowl mash the potatoes with a potato masher. Add the melted butter and brown sugar. Stir until it is combined well.

Stir in the pineapple juice until you have the desired consistency. Fold in the pineapple tidbits and the marshmallows.

Butter a 1 1/2 quart casserole dish and spoon in the potato mixture. 

Bake in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes. 

You might not think that pineapple would be good with sweet potatoes but you would be incorrect. This is really a delicious addition to the typical sweet potatoes that have the melted marshmallows we are accustomed to. The pineapple adds a bit of tartness that works well with the sweetness from the brown sugar and marshmallows.

Whether you need soft foods in your diet or not, sweet potatoes are an excellent choice to include with your meals. In fact, the CSPI (Center for Science in the Public Interest) rated the sweet potato the most nutritious vegetable of all to eat.  

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Reviewing Soft Foods: Corn Spoonbread

Soft Foods For Denture Work

whole kernel corn
Corn image from
Today I will review another of the soft foods that I fixed while awaiting my dentures. Corn Spoonbread has been a favorite of mine since I was knee-high to a grasshopper! At any large family gathering we could count on someone bringing spoonbread along for everyone to enjoy.

So, when I needed to eat nothing but soft foods; corn spoonbread was something that I knew I would enjoy eating and I knew it was not a difficult recipe to make. Not only did it meet the criteria of being a soft food but it is also scrumptiously delicious!

The recipe that I am about to share with you is the one that has been passed down from my Grandmother and Mother. We always make ours in a cast iron skillet but if you do not have one, you can always use a baking dish or casserole dish instead.


1 pkg Jiffy Corn Bread Mix
1 15 oz. can cream corn
1 cup frozen corn kernels
1 cup sour cream
1/4 cup melted butter
2 large eggs
2 Tablespoons sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt


Pre-heat your oven to 375 degrees.

Lightly oil your cast iron skillet.

In a large bowl combine the Jiffy mix, sugar and salt. Add both corns, sour cream, butter and eggs. Mix well. (Make sure your butter has cooled before adding or you will cook your eggs!).

Spread the mixture into your cast iron skillet and bake for 20 to 25 minutes.

This is so very good and as you can see very easy to make! What was great for my husband and I was that it made enough that we could have it for a couple of days before we ate it all. It is soft enough that it does not hurt those tender gums, tasty and filling enough that my tummy was sated. The bonus for me was that it had a feeling of nostalgia, too. Remembering watching and helping my Grandma make it in her kitchen, helping Mom make it in hers and enjoying it at all of those family gatherings.

My husband likes this recipe so much that he wants me to make it as a side dish more often. It goes great with any meat: beef, pork or turkey. It looks pretty and cheerful on the plate and it seriously makes your tummy happy! It is one of those wonderful comfort foods that I know your family will enjoy whether soft foods are a necessity or not.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Soft Foods: Refried Beans

Need Soft Foods In Your Diet?

refried beans
Refried Beans Public Domain Image From Wikimedia Commons
This week I will begin reviewing soft foods that can be prepared and eaten while going through the process of getting dentures. Before you receive your denture you will have your teeth removed and the gums are quite tender. Your dentist will recommend that you eat only soft foods for a while. Trust me, you will have no problem complying with his or her recommendation! Your gums are so tender at that point, you will not want to even think about having to chew food of any kind. The dilemma becomes what foods can you eat that are soft enough, yet nutritious enough for you to eat.

The first few days of my denture journey about all I could consume was ice cream and milkshakes. The cold felt really good on my swollen and tender gums. I knew that I could not remain on a strictly dairy diet and began to look at foods that would be easy to eat. Foods that were soft enough that they could be mashed or processed in my blender. I knew that it would be important to have a source of protein and fiber so my mind immediately went to beans. Refried beans became a staple in my diet for the first 2 1/2 months of my journey towards getting my new teeth.

Refried Beans Recipe 


1 tblsp olive oil
1/2 medium onion
2 cloves garlic
1 tsp chili powder
1 16 oz can pinto beans
1/2 cup chicken broth
salt & pepper


Drain the beans in a strainer and rinse thoroughly, set aside. In sauce pan, heat olive oil. Saute the garlic and onion in the heated oil. Add chili powder and chicken broth, bring to a boil. Add beans and cook for 5 minutes until beans are soft. Use a potato masher to mash the beans until the desired consistency. Salt and pepper to taste.

A very easy and quick recipe for a soft food that you can add to your diet when soft foods are required. I would sometimes add a dollop of sour cream and some shredded cheese for extra flavor.

Of course, refried beans can be used in any diet as a substitute for meat. Pinto beans are a great source of protein, fiber, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, potassium and iron.

Join me next week for another suggestion and recipe for soft foods.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, August 8, 2016

Couscous Salad for Summer

My couscous summer raspberry salad
It has been a hot and sultry summer.  A heat wave enveloped us for weeks.  I like to eat. It is safe to say that I like to eat way too much. But in this heat nothing sounded good to me.  Today I have made something that has satisfied my summer craving. I'm not very talented in the kitchen so I am not typically one to share recipes. But I have to share this couscous salad with you. If I made this recipe successfully, I am confident you will do even better. Couscous, raspberries, and feta - a delicious way to beat the heat.


I am not even 100% sure what couscous is. But years ago I had a friend who made a good amount of recipes that included hummus, couscous, and other foods that I might never heard of otherwise. She ate far more healthy than I ever have. 

nutritional information

Lately, I've missed some of those foods. Twice recently, while trying to address my cravings, I've purchased couscous in the deli section at the store. And twice I was very disappointed. Their idea of couscous was pouring huge amounts of vinaigrette over couscous and calling it done. Their version was far too much "dressing" for me. It was almost like sipping directly from the vinaigrette bottle. Yuck.

I bought some couscous and some feta and hoped I'd find a recipe that would satisfy my hunger.

Refreshing Raspberry and Feta Couscous Salad  

I found this Raspberry and Feta Couscous Salad recipe online.  It looked easy and delicious. As soon as I saw it, I knew I wanted it. But I didn't have pine nuts or mixed salad greens.  I thought I'd wing it and make my own version which is a risky proposition in my kitchen!

Fortunately, I had fresh raspberries on hand (for smoothies) as well as some raspberry vinaigrette.  I read the directions above for guidance then made my own version.  

If you need measurements and amounts, you'll want to follow the above recipe. But my version was as follows:
  • Prepare the couscous per instructions on the box.  When finished, fluff with a fork.  Add the smallest squirt of Raspberry Vinaigrette, stir gently, cover and refrigerate.
  • Place the following ingredients in a small bowl - cubed feta, thin slices of cucumber, a few fresh raspberries, a big pinch of very finely chopped onion, a big pinch of thinly sliced yellow pepper, a bit of coarsely chopped spinach. Cover and refrigerate.
  • After the couscous is chilled, add it to the other ingredients - Fluffing and mixing together gently
  • Add another small squirt of raspberry vinaigrette
In hindsight, the only thing I should have also added was mint from my balcony garden. Perhaps I'll make that tomorrow with couscous, watermelon, mint, blueberries, and feta... my version of this recipe.

I have found that I could purchase the same brand of couscous from Amazon at a substantial savings. When I purchased the couscous from the store, I thought it was a bit pricey and thought I'd have to make it as a rare treat. But with the cost savings on the bulk amount on Amazon (same brand) I think I'll have to add this to my regular meal rotation. At least for the remainder of this summer.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, July 23, 2016

The Chocolate Days of July in Review

Image of chocolate candy
Source: Pixabay

The month of July is a chocolate lovers paradise. There are two official chocolate-related days to celebrate.

July 7th is the official Chocolate Day. No one knows the origin of this day, but we wouldn't be surprised if it was created by chocolate confectioners! 

It's a day to enjoy your favorite chocolate all day long.

  • Breakfast could be chocolate cereal or chocolate cream-filled donuts washed down with a little hot chocolate. If you would rather be a bit healthier, but still have your chocolate, check out Buckhawk's Chocolate Smoothies
  • Enjoy a mid-morning snack of a chocolate candy bar.
  • How about a glass of chocolate milk with your lunch.
  • Then you could eat healthy (?) and have chocolate covered raisins for your afternoon snack. This contains both vegetable and fruit. Chocolate is a vegetable. It comes from the Cacao tree found in tropical rain forests. True fact! 

Chocolate covered strawberries
Chocolate Covered Fruit (Source: Pixabay)

For more fruit and chocolate recipes, check out these delicious looking chocolate covered treats by Sylvestermouse, found on her Cooking for the Holidays Site:

  • Dinner would be delicious with chocolate flavored coffee.  Dessert could be your choice of chocolate cake or pie, or chocolate ice cream if you prefer.
Brenda Little (Treasures By Brenda) brings us a special chocolate cake recipe which includes MY favorite chocolate dessert - chocolate pudding.  Check out her Chocolate Pudding Cake recipe for a mouth-watering dessert.

More Chocolate Days

If you missed Chocolate Day on July 7th, never fear.  Another chocolate holiday happens on July 28 - National Milk Chocolate Day. This is not an official holiday, but it is a favorite chocolate of millions of people and is enjoyed in candies and in baking.

Many more chocolate holidays occur throughout the year, including the whole month of February, which is known as National Chocolate Lovers Month.  For a list of more chocolatey holidays, check out the chocolate section on the blog article by Wednesday Elf about National Candy Month.

                                        Happy Chocolate Days!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Reviewing July 4th Appetizers - Part III of Our 4th of July Menu

Ah, appetizers, the food teaser for any fun meal gathering. July 4th, in the heat of the summer brings many families and friends together for some great meals. That naturally includes appetizers. So it's time to review some of these. Be sure to check out Parts I and II in our 4th of July Menu reviews as well. Susan Depner brings us some delicious main courses and Sylvestermouse presents favorite red, white and blue desserts.

A Tasty Dip Appetizer

appetizer dip
Deb Lindsey for the Washington Post

Although I've not enjoyed hot and spicy food, I did enjoy this take on a south-of-the-border favorite. is a tasty dip appetizer that combines pumpkin seeds (pepitas) and a flavorful variation on tomatoes (tomatillos). It's simple to make and can be prepared ahead of time. That's a big help for busy folks who still want to have a great gathering for July 4th.
Pepita-Tomatillo Dip

The Washington Post newspaper published this recipe with it's variation from Food editor Joe Yonan. Be sure to check out his delightful addition of a touch of honey to make this a great addition for your July 4th celebration.

Refreshing July 4th Appetizer

I was delighted to find one of my favorite chefs, Jacques Pepin, has created a delicious and refreshing appetizer to enjoy for any July 4th celebration. His Watermelon with Feta Cheese and Mint adds a bright spot of color to your table. It doubles nicely as a salad, too. And who doesn't love double duty recipes?

This is a simple to make dish. But, fair warning - make on the day of your celebration for the best presentation. Watermelon tends to lose its crispness when stored for very long. The good news is that it takes very little time to make Watermelon with Feta Cheese and Mint. So enjoy this refreshing appetizer.

And Speaking of Watermelon Appetizers 

Deb Lindsey for the Washington Post
As long as we are enjoying watermelon, we can't forget the delightful gazpacho as a July 4th refreshing appetizer. Worldlyvegetarian blogger Visi Tilak has created a delicious gazpacho from watermelon and tomato. 

This is one simple recipe. (Hmm, I guess you might be noticing a theme in these appetizers - simple, easy.) Literally just run everything through a blender and serve. Tilak adds a topping if you want to do that. Frankly, I was just delighted with how delicious the base recipe was. But, you can make a nicer presentation with her basil, avocado, and red onion topping. And yes, this recipe works nicely to make ahead and store in the fridge.

More July 4th Menus from Review This

Be sure to check out more of Review This July 4th menus. Start with main dishes reviewed by Susan Depner. She offers up some fun, interesting and unique options for your celebration.

Then get all the patriotic dessert ideas you want from Sylvestermouse. She presents some of the most beautiful looking and delicious desserts.

Enjoy your 4th of July celebration and keep it safe.

Posted by: BuckHawk

About This Contributor

BuckHawk decribes herself as "Basically a lazy person who prefers the easy things in life." So that's what she writes about. Easy home decorating, easy recipes, easy entertaining. But, she is also a lover of animals, gardening and crafting. You'll find her writing all over the Web, but with Review This Reviews! she has the opportunity to write about all of her loves.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, July 1, 2016

4th of July Desserts Reviewed - Part II of the Review This 4th of July Menu
The 4th of July desserts are not only delicious, but they are quite colorful.  They are a great way to include red, white & blue in your Independence Day menu. 

My family loves desserts and the 4th of July recipes provide a great opportunity to play in the kitchen while preparing unique treats.

Of course, many of the cakes and cupcakes require food coloring, but there are other ways to create beautiful 4th of July desserts using fruit to add the desired colors to the holiday meal.

There are lots of spectacular dessert options created just for the 4th of July celebrations.  Join me today as we explore and review a variety of recipes that we believe you and your family will also enjoy.  Choose the one that best suits your families dietary needs and culinary preferences.  

4th of July Dessert Recipes in Red, White & Blue

Cakes & Cupcakes 

All three of these recipes are delicious and decorative for the 4th of July.  None of these cakes or cupcakes require food coloring to create a colorful presentation.

Fruit Desserts

Sometimes all we really desire is a easy to construct fruit dish to serve for dessert. 

Special Colorful Treats

These colorful treats require a bit of advance planning and preparation, but they are well worth the time and trouble.

More 4th of July Celebration Recipes & Articles from the Contributors of Review This!

Presented by Dawn Rae on July 4th

Additional Recommended Reading

Could You Survive Emigrating to An Untamed Land? A Book Review Written by BarbRad that begs us all to consider what it was really like for immigrants to America in the 1800's. 

Note:  A Special Thank You to Susan Deppner for Creating our 4th of July Celebration Intro Photo Template!

All of the images used in this article are from the original sites of the featured dessert.
The Fourth of July Sprinkles in the intro photo can be purchased by clicking this link

4th of July Desserts Reviewed by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Celebrating an All-American 4th of July - Part I

Our reviewers have teamed up to help you celebrate an All-American 4th of July. Enjoy our menu ideas, recipes, and entertainment.
This July 4th, the United States of America celebrates its 240th birthday.  At Review This!, we're celebrating with good company, great food, and more!

Our group of dedicated reviewers have teamed up once again to provide menu ideas, recipes, and entertainment, this time in honor of Independence Day.

I'll provide main dish ideas and recipes today, then watch for desserts and appetizers the next couple of days, followed by special music and a fireworks show. We've got you covered for the entire 4th of July weekend!

Main Dishes for an All-American 4th of July

When I think 4th of July, I think picnic. And when I think picnic food, I think of hot dogs and hamburgers. I'll admit, those two staples are my favorite picnic main dishes, but these days it's fun to think outside the box a bit, too.

For instance, baby back ribs and brisket smoking on the grill are mainstays for many families around the country, especially here in the mid-South where I live. If you're not sure how to proceed, our good friend (and excellent cook) Sam shares instructions on how to cook ribs on the grill.  Mmmm, looks and sounds delicious!
ribs on the grill
How to Cook Ribs on the Grill
from Sam's Place
Many backyard cooks turn to chicken, from grilled boneless chicken breasts to rotisserie chickens cooked slowly above the coals. Chicken drumsticks are an inexpensive way to feed a crowd and are easy to prepare on the grill. Try Cajun Blackened Chicken on the Grill, as we did. Is your mouth watering yet?
Cajun Blackened Chicken on the Grill Recipe from
Cajun Blackened Chicken on the Grill
from Recipes For Real People
For more out of the box, all-American options, there's a growing list of vegetarian and vegan picnic food. If that sounds like your 4th of July cup of tea, don't miss this Grilling Vegan Style cookbook review, written by our own team member, BuckHawk. The recipes include vegan burgers (portobello, anyone?), hot dogs and sausages, as well as awesome outdoor food such as Summer Bruschettas and Grilled Eggplant and Herb Rounds. I can make a main dish out of these tasty bites any day of the year, can't you?

I hope these Independence Day main dish recipes and menu suggestions have your mouth watering. Check out the links above, then follow the links below as we continue to celebrate an All-American 4th of July!

Join us at the links below as we continue our All-American 4th of July celebration. Next up: 

This installment of "Celebrating an All-American 4th of July" brought to you by
Susan Deppner

Have a Safe and Happy 4th of July!

Posted by Susan Deppner

Susan Deppner

About the Author

Susan Deppner is a baby boomer, a cancer survivor, and a Southerner who believes in the Golden Rule. She enjoys writing about food, faith, and fitness; health, home, and holidays; people, places, pets, and patriotism, and more. Follow Susan on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

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Monday, June 20, 2016

Healthy and Delicious Smoothies

Photo courtesy of D Sharon Pruitt (creative commons)
Last week I shared my excitement about my new NutriBullet Pro 900 series with you.  I have enjoyed green smoothies for some time now but settled with using an inexpensive blender for far too long. Now that I have a NutriBullet juice extractor, smoothies have become even more important to me and even easier to make on a daily basis.

Why Smoothies Have Become Important to Me

Some time ago I began trying to eat healthier foods and cut things from my diet such as soda.  I find that as the years pass, my health is harder to maintain and my weight continues to increase.  I also began making smoothies because store-bought juices are typically too sweet.  I like water with a splash of orange juice or cranberry juice. So it was an easy jump to the Smoothies.  Finally, when I drink smoothies regularly, I feel noticeably better.

Green smoothies are my favorite. Especially green smoothies using the following ingredients: 
Spinach, orange juice, blueberries, banana, water/ice, and a few leaves of fresh mint from my balcony garden.

My plan is to try many different smoothies.  I now have a recipe book to browse and an app to download. And a NutriBullet Pro that pulverizes ingredients. For more information about my new NutriBullet, take a peek at my review

Tempting Smoothie Recipe Suggestions From a Few Friends

Cynthia Sylverstermouse shares her Tropical Fruit Smoothie with us. If you are a fan of mango, strawberry, and papaya you must take a peek at this recipe. She also suggests we take a look at the Ultimate Smoothie Book for more delicious smoothie recipes.

I love peanut butter, and know that it is considered to be very nutritious, but I have never considered having it in a smoothie with berries. On Recipes for Real People you can find the recipe for Peanut Butter Triple Berry Smoothie.

And if your mouth isn't watering yet, this compilation of Chocolate Smoothie recipes by BuckHawk is sure to cause you to crave chocolate. AND rush right out to purchase a smoothie maker if you do not already own one. I think an Almond Joy Smoothie for dessert sounds like a wonderful thing!  But if almonds, coconut, and chocolate isn't your thing, there are several other chocolate smoothies to choose from. 

Photo courtesy of Ralf Kabelitz (creative commons)

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Monday, June 13, 2016

NutriBullet: Why I Waited Too Long!

NutriBullet Pro 900
I am slow to buy the latest thingamajigs and doodads. I'm not sure why, but my tendency is to not buy things when they are new on the market. I recently purchased a NutriBullet Pro 900 and I regret having waited for so long. If you like smoothies or if you are committing to a more healthy diet, I highly recommend the NutriBullet Pro 900. 

Why I chose the NutriBullet Pro 

My inexpensive blender finally gave up. While it was operational, I thought it did a suitable job making smoothies. I didn't feel like it was a big deal when the occasional banana blob got caught in the straw or the chunk of ice crunched between my teeth. I loved the heavy-duty glass pitcher and it worked well to make my smoothies every few days. But then it wore out and was beyond repair.

I had been reading reviews of different "smoothie" makers.  I've listened to friends talk about their wonderful and expensive blenders. I still procrastinated and didn't make a purchase. I didn't want to spend the money. I didn't want another kitchen gadget. And frankly, I thought smoothie makers were over-priced and just a gimmick.  In the meantime, I missed my occasional morning smoothie much more than I thought I would.

So far, my NutriBullet Pro has done a great job.  Not only does it crush ice completely, and mix the bananas into a smooth drink, it transformed carrots, a splash of orange juice, a splash of french vanilla creamer, ice, and water into an "orange" creamsicle drink!  Yes. Carrots pulverized into a smooth and creamy drink.  I believe the NutriBullet folks refer to it as "extracting" but I prefer the word pulverizing. 

While ultimately, there are more pieces with this system (the base, the two cups, the cup ring, lid, and handle attachments, and the blade assembly), somehow this seems easier than using my old blender that only had three pieces.  With the NutriBullet, I just add my ingredients to the cup, screw on the blade assembly, turn it upside-down and press and turn it slightly into the base. Then I watch it pulverize. When finished, I just remove it from the base (easy), remove the blade assembly, and add the cup attachment I prefer (the sippy-lid).

With my beloved blender, I had to choose a variety of settings (the ice setting first, followed by one of the higher settings). I also had to stop the blender and scrape ingredients from the sides. While I thought I'd miss the glass blender jar, the smaller cups are faster and easier to wash.

I regret having waited so long to add this machine to my kitchen and the health benefits to my life.


In addition to the creamsicle flavored smoothie, I like the following about the NutriBullet Pro 900:

  • the NutriBullet Pro 900 is 900 watts - which means little to me except that it is far more powerful than my blender was
  • is able to "breakdown" ingredients like carrots, nuts, flax seeds, and so on.
  • it is very easy to use - no fancy buttons or settings
  • it takes up very little counter space 
  • the cups are dishwasher safe (top shelf)
  • recipe book is included & free app with recipes available
  • nutritional information booklet -the reported health benefits of a variety of fruits, greens, and "boosts"
  • a 133 page booklet of recipes, health information, and testimonials


My only concerns are mild concerns. So mild that I nearly did not mention them here. But I decided to list them in the event someone who designs the future NutriBullet models reads this.  

I am a 51 year old woman with short fingers, weak hands, and apparently with worsening vision. I would still rate my NutriBullet Pro at 5 out of 5 stars. But the following are my concerns:
  • the "max" line on the cups are VERY hard to read with the ingredients in the cups 
  • the attachments (the blade, and the cup ring attachments, etc) are a large size that are nearly too large for my short fingers to grasp while turning
  • the attachments may be difficult for folks with arthritis, or other problems with grasp, to use easily
However, these issues will not cross your mind if you have good vision, average length fingers, and good grip. 

Perhaps the NutriBullet folks will make a NutriBullet Seniors model.

Next week I will explain why smoothies are important to me and I'll share some delicious smoothie recipes from my friends.

NutriBullet Recipe and Information Booklet Included

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