Showing posts with label Movie Reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Movie Reviews. Show all posts

Friday, February 2, 2018

The Open House Movie Review (2018)

The Open House Movie Review (2018)
If you love a horror movie, the kind that will invade your dreams with nightmares, The Open House is for you. 

I know we have readers who enjoy safely having their wits scared out of them.  To be honest, I am not that person.   But, I did watch this movie from beginning to end.  I selected The Open House myself believing it would be a great mystery movie.  I expected suspense, but I was certainly in for quite a shock.  Not to mention the days of terror filled moments that followed.   I watched it nearly a week ago, and I still can't look into a dark room without feeling the chills run down my spine.  And, don't even suggest I take a shower when I am alone in the house.  Trust me!   If my shower water suddenly turns cold, I am not going to investigate.   I am locking myself in the bathroom with all the lights on until the sun rises the next day. 

Now, I hope if you decide to watch The Open House, you will be better prepared than I was for the movie.

The Open House Movie Synopsis 

The movie begins with a happy couple and their Olympic hopeful son, Logan.  It is very clear the parents support their only child's dream.  However, the movie turns tragic when Logan's father is hit by a car when he is crossing the street.  Logan helplessly witnesses his father's death. Those are images that will haunt him for the rest of his life.

The Open House Movie Review (2018)
Logan and his mother, Naomi,  find themselves thrown into a desperate financial situation.  They are forced to move from their home.  It seems fortunate that Naomi's sister has a furnished house in the mountains that is for sale.  She offers to let them stay there for free noting that the mansion is better lived in than left vacant and they can look after the house for her.  The only consideration is that she needs them to vacate the house every Sunday so the real estate agent can host an open house.  A mere inconvenience when you get to live free right?  I am certain Naomi and Logan would never have considered moving into that house, whether it was free or not, if they had any idea what would happen to them there.

Who checks the house carefully after an open house?  Do you believe the realtor has kept a close eye on everyone who visits your home during an open house?  I would certainly hope so.  But, what if there are several people visiting the open house?  Or, if someone comes through the back door instead of the front door and the realtor never even sees them?  What if you are not really familiar with the house yourself?  Would you feel comfortable laying down to sleep in an unfamiliar home after an open house?  I admit, I never really thought about it before.  We see open house signs in surrounding neighborhoods weekly.  It is a commonplace event.

One thing that is now for sure, if I ever decide to sell our house, we will NOT host an open house! 

Where to Watch The Open House (2018) by Netflix 

Currently, the movie is only available on Netflix.   A subscription to Netflix is required to view their movies.  Normally, Netflix will make their movies available to purchase on DVD after a year or two.  Unfortunately, when I checked recently (Sept 2021), The Open House is still not available on DVD.      

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The Open House Movie Review (2018) Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, December 22, 2017

The Santa Clause Movie Collection Review

The Santa Clause Movie Collection Reviewed
A few days ago, I was looking for a movie to watch so I could take a break from work.  I wanted a movie that would be easy to watch.  Not one that required a lot of thought or emotional investment.   Comedy preferred.  After scrolling past dozens of Christmas movies, my husband recommended "The Santa Clause".   My first reaction was negative simply because I am not really a big Santa fan, however I am a Tim Allen fan.  Since nothing else appealed, I thought why not!  It turned out to be a really good choice and I ended up watching all 3 movies in the Santa Clause collection.  The movies were lighthearted and funny.  Perhaps, even enchanting and magical.  That was the perfect combination for my movie day. 

Tim Allen never ceases to entertain!  I highly recommend spending a day in his company and watching Tim magically become Santa.

Plot of The Santa Clause Movies

Scott Calvin (Tim Allen) is a divorced father who spends most of his life working. He is pressed for time as he is rushing home on Christmas Eve to meet his ex-wife who is dropping their son off to spend the night. As was obviously the norm during their marriage, Scott and his wife's conversation turned into an argument when Scott discovered his ex-wife and husband told his son, Charlie, that Santa was a myth.  He felt that was a decision that he should have been consulted about beforehand and not just informed of after the fact.

 The Santa Clause DVD
(Full Screen Special Edition)
Scott wishes to make his son's Christmas Eve perfect.  He tried to make the perfect dinner, but burned the turkey.  They ended up having to eat dinner at a restaurant.  He read "Twas the Night Before Christmas" to his son, but Charley fall asleep while he was reading, or at least it appeared he was asleep.

After Scott had gone to bed himself, Charley heard a noise on the roof and ran to his father's bedroom.  Scott immediately ran outside without getting dressed to investigate and saw Santa on his roof.  He yelled up at the man on his roof and startled him so bad that Santa fell off and onto the snow covered ground in front of him.  Searching him for identification, Scott found a business card inside the coat that simply identified the man as Santa Claus.

When Charley came running out, he saw the reindeer on the roof and wanted to climb the ladder that mysteriously appeared.  Of course, Scott followed, but he was freezing.  When he looked back at the spot where Santa had landed, the man had disappeared but his clothes were still laying there on the ground.  He grabbed the suit and started up the ladder.

Charley and Scott climbed into the sleigh and at Charley's insistence, Scott put on the Santa outfit.  The reindeer took off!  They delivered gifts miraculously appeared in the Santa bag at each house where the reindeer stopped.  Then, Scott said "let's go home" and the reindeer took them to the North Pole.  It was there that he discovered that by putting on the Santa coat, he had agreed to become Santa as stated on the card inside the Santa suit.  Of course, as with many legally binding contracts, the clause was written so small on the card, that Scott could not read it without a huge magnifying glass.  They were "returned" home the next morning, but Scott immediately started noticing a difference in his appearance.  He gained a lot of weight and even after he had shaved, a beard would immediately start growing back.  He was becoming Santa whether it wanted it or not.

The ending was expected, but still cute.  The story was fun and easy to watch.  When I noted that was a "Santa Clause 2", I wanted to continue watching.

I actually liked the second movie even better.

The Santa Clause 2 Movie Plot

In this movie, Scott, who is now Santa, is informed that he must marry if he wishes to remain Santa Claus.  The story is mostly about him seeking a wife and how he met the woman who would end up becoming Mrs. Claus.  However, my favorite part of this movie had to be Comet, the reindeer.  I also liked that they included a council of other fictional characters like mother nature, father time, the Easter bunny, the tooth fairy, and more.  Those characters made this movie truly delightful.

Between the dialog of the fictional figures, the animated reindeer and Tim Allen, I found myself laughing out loud several times during this movie. Plus, it is truly amazing how much Tim Allen looks like a plump, rosy cheeked Santa.

The Santa Clause 3:  The Escape Clause Movie Plot

In this final movie, we are introduced to "Jack Frost" who wants equal status with Santa, mother nature, father time and the rest.  When Frost discovers the secret of the "escape clause" for a serving Santa, he devises a way to trick Santa into returning to his former life so Frost himself can become Santa Claus.

All of these movies were filmed and released over a decade ago, but I just discovered them.  Since I enjoyed watching them so much, I decided the collection should be reviewed and recommended to anyone else who may have missed seeing them in the past.  I can tell you based on my own experience, that even those of us who do not fully embrace Santa Claus, will still enjoy these delightful movies.

 The Santa Clause 3-Movie CollectionCheck Price The Santa ClauseCheck Price The Santa Clause 2Check Price The Santa Clause 3: The Escape ClauseCheck Price


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The Santa Clause Movie Collection Review Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Movie Review - Wonder

wonder dvd box cover
If you are looking for an inspirational, feel-good movie the whole family can enjoy this holiday season, look no further than Wonder.  This film has everything that leaves a moviegoer satisfied—characters you actually care about, themes that matter, and a happy ending.  You might shed a few tears, like I did, but they will be the kind of tears that make you feel something beautiful.

Based on the runaway best-selling book by R.J. Palacio, Wonder takes us into the life and times of August Pullman, a ten-year-old boy born with the kind of severe facial deformities that cause most everyone he meets to respond to him in ways that are very painful.  The movie follows Auggie as he makes his grand entry into the public life of a fifth-grader after previously being home-schooled.  Anyone who has ever been the new kid at school will be able to relate to Auggie's experiences with bullies and the extreme distress of not fitting in.

The movie's storyline is revealed to us as the main characters take turns presenting their perspectives.  I don't always like this cinematic or literary technique, but it works well in this movie.  It is a very effective way of telling the stories within the story and it helped me form bonds with each character.  Getting to briefly run around inside the heads of the supporting characters fleshed out the movie's themes and made them multi-dimensional.

Choose Kind

We are introduced to Wonder's guiding principles through the precepts of Auggie's English teacher, Mr. Browne.  Choosing kindness, a major theme, is unveiled early in Mr. Browne's classroom via this quotation by Dr. Wayne Dyer:
"When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind."
The mark of an exceptional movie, at least for me, is what happens when I step out of the theater after the closing credits.  Last night, upon arriving home, I found myself spending hours online learning more about Treacher Collins Syndrome (Auggie's condition), the Choose Kind movement inspired by Wonder, watching video interviews with families affected by this syndrome, and reading up on how R.J. Palacio came to write Wonder.

Nurture Kindness

This movie is one that will impact me for a very long time.  As a former teen who was bullied for merely being the new kid at my middle school, I have never forgotten the misery and deep pain caused by that experience.  It shaped who I became as a teacher and continues to remind me that we each have an awesome responsibility to nurture kindness in young people.  If I leave no other legacy as a teacher and human being than that of planting seeds of kindness and compassion, I will feel as though I did something meaningful with my life.

I encourage you to take a child or grandchild to see Wonder.  My gifts to young people this Christmas will include the book Wonder, along with related journals and t-shirts that promote the Choose Kind message.  It is just one of the many ways I intend to celebrate the hope and wonder of the season.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, December 8, 2017

Murder on the Orient Express (2017) Movie Review

Murder on the Orient Express (2017) Movie Review
Even though I have seen several previous versions of "Murder on the Orient Express" and was very familiar with the plot, I loved this new adaptation and can highly recommend it!  

I am a huge Hercule Poirot fan!  In my heart, David Suchet will always be Poirot.   His image is the one my mind's eye will see when I hear or think of the fabulous Agatha Christie detective.  However, since I am reviewing the newly released "Murder on the Orient Express" movie, I need to start by critiquing the actor that played the part of Hercule. 

I was quite impressed with Kenneth Branagh who was cast as Hercule Poirot.  He also co-produced this latest version of "Murder on the Orient Express" which most likely gave him more freedom to develop the character to suit his own style and personality.  He is not an actor I was previously acquainted with, so there was no other character I had to toss to the back of my mind to enjoy his performance. 

When the movie first started, I wasn't sure I was going to be able to embrace Branagh as Poirot, even for a few hours.  But, after the first 20 minutes, I was fine with him playing the part.   By the end of the movie, I was singing his praises for taking on a role that was "owned" by another actor and doing a supreme job of becoming Poirot.  I certainly wouldn't mind seeing him continue as Poirot in future movies.

The Plot of "Murder on the Orient Express"

 Murder On The Orient ExpressCheck PriceI was recently reminded that not everyone is familiar with the plot or knows the story of "Murder on the Orient Express".  Frankly, I was rather shocked to learn that one of my family members that attended the movie with me had neither seen the movie, nor read the book.  Therefore, for those of you who are unfamiliar with the story, I will provide a brief synopsis.

The Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot, is precise in his every deed and action.  He would even be considered fastidious.  This is an endearing quality to those of us who believe everything should be "just so".  He is highly intelligent and uses his "little grey cells" to examine every minute detail of a case.  As Poirot himself would tell you, he is "probably the greatest detective in the world".  

At the insistence of an old friend, Poirot boards the Orient Express train seeking a bit of a holiday.  What he actually got was a case of murder.  When an avalanche of snow stopped the train dead in it's tracks, one of his fellow passengers was found dead in his bed.  He had been murdered and Hercule Poirot was certain the murderer was also a fellow passenger.  He immediately started investigating the case, forcing those world famous "little grey cells" to work quickly lest another passenger should fall victim to the murderer.

He quickly deduces that the murder is somehow related to the previous murder of a child.  The abduction and subsequent murder of the child will remind you of a real case in history, the Lindbergh baby.  In fact, Agatha Christie's novel, "Murder on the Orient Express" was based on that real life murder.

Every passenger on the train is considered a suspect!
I'm not going to tell more of the plot simply because I don't wish to spoil the movie for anyone who is not already familiar with the plot.  What I will tell you, is that Poirot's own sense of justice is challenged by what he uncovers in this case.

The Actors Make the Movie

While there are a few deviations in this movie from the original novel, overall the characters were familiar enough that I don't believe it was neither a hindrance nor an improvement to the plot.  What did really matter is the cast of stars who played the parts.  These faces have long entertained us and they were all excellent choices for their respective parts.

  • Michelle Pfeiffer - the widow
  • Johnny Depp - the gangster
  • Willem Dafoe - the professor
  • Penelope Cruz - the missionary
  • Judi Dench - the princess

In addition to the award winning actors and actresses, you will recognize several other faces even if you don't know their names, yet!

The Scenery in Murder on the Orient Express (2017)

The scenery is stunningly gorgeous!   In addition to an unbelievably outstanding studio set of Longcross Studios in London, some of the landscape shots were made at the border between Switzerland and Italy.  The fantastic, out of this world mountains were filmed in New Zealand. 
Murder on the Orient Express - Watch on Amazon or choose to purchase the DVD, the book, or the David Suchet movie version

 Murder on the Orient Express(2017)
Prime Video
Check Price
 Murder On The Orient Express
Check Price
 Murder on the Orient Express: A Hercule Poirot Mystery BookCheck Price Agatha Christie's Poirot: Murder on the Orient Express -David SuchetCheck Price


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Murder on the Orient Express (2017) Movie Review Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Have You Ever Wondered About "The Young Messiah" : A Review

The Young Messiah : A Movie Review

Many Christians know their Bible and the stories that are told!   From Old Testament stories of Adam and Eve in the Garden to Moses and the Red Sea, Christians everywhere will have no trouble recounting the stories. 

Songs  and movies have been written about these stories so that we can teach our children through visual means.  Heroes of the Bible is made for parents to share with their children.  It is a wonderful way to connect with the Christian heritage we wish to impart to our children and a great way to spend a Sunday evening too!

There is a movie out in 2016 that just might make a great fodder for some debates!  The Young Messiah screenplay is adapted from the original novel titled: Christ the Lord:  Out of Egypt, by Anne Rice.  

the young messiah dvd cover
If you are wanting to read the book just use the link in blue above, I have not read the book yet, but I am really interested in making the comparisons.
the young messiah

The Young Messiah is a work of fiction, but it does make a Christian think about the ramifications of the whole Nativity Story and the unknown life of the young child named "Jesus".   I'm sure many of you have asked yourself these questions about Jesus:
1.  What happened during Jesus's young life?  Why do we know nothing until his Baptism in the Jordan?
2.  How did his earthly parents explain Jesus or their understanding of the Messiah, to their young son?
3.  When did Jesus become aware of who He was?
4.  How do Mary and Joseph protect the child, that should have been killed in Bethlehem?
5.  How many atrocities has the young Jesus seen and been subject to during their time in exile and their return to their homeland?
6.  What happened during those years that we know nothing about?7.  Is there anywhere to find out about those years between his birth and His public life? And is it important for us to know?

There are a few things that we know from History and that is that Jerusalem and the Surrounding areas of Nazareth, Bethlehem and Galilee, at the time of Jesus' birth were all under the rule of Herod the Great.  When they returned from Egypt, Herod Antipas (the Great Herod's son) was the ruler in Galilee.  He was as vile and dangerous as his father before him.  So Israel, the promised land was not a safe nor an easy place to live.  Romans still held power to do as they pleased.  It was a brutal time in history especially for the Jewish people.

Let me be clear, in this adaptation of the Early Life of Jesus, there are many parts that are imagination and drama.  There are no written words that give us the truth of His early life.  In this adaptation, the screenplay uses the devil Satan to tempt others into playing a part in the attempts to kill Jesus.  Herod's son is aware that Jesus lives, but has no idea who this Jesus is.  They always seem to get close to getting their hands on the child, but something always thwarts their efforts.  Mary and Joseph as his earthly parents show their undivided love and loyalty to the promises made to both of them in the Old Testament.  Mary his mother and Joseph his step-father, are keenly aware that Jesus is different from the other children.  That he is "special" and neither of them knows just how to explain or accept that their lives are even more difficult because of Jesus and His relationship with God.  Yet they also know and accept with totality that God will in every case look after His Son.  But what happens when the Boy Jesus starts to ask questions that every child asks?

the young messiahThis is a great movie to start some dialogue with your family or your faith group.  It leaves you asking a lot of questions and faith grows with asking those questions and seeking the answers too!

I hope this season leading up to Thanksgiving and Christmas, you will find time to watch this movie or read the book, either way I'm sure that you will be asking lots of questions when you are finished.  The last line in the movie says it all....Father I am Your Child.  And we can say the same thing too! If you believe.

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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Hidden Figures Movie Reviewed

Historically Based Movie Worth Watching

John Glenn astronaut
Astronaut John Glenn image from Public Domain
My husband and I enjoy watching movies together, I thought that I would review Hidden Figures for you today because we really enjoyed it.

The movie appealed to me on so many levels. I have mentioned before that I am a bit of a history nerd. What was exciting about this movie based on the early space race between the US and Russia was that my husband and I actually lived during this era of history. I was ten when John Glenn orbited the earth for the first time. I remember how nervous and excited we all were. We were glued to the television or radio awaiting the news of the event.

If you are old enough to remember the late 1950s and early 1960s, you will recall that we of the female gender were looked at very differently. Girls weren't supposed to be good in the sciences. Math was not something that we should even try to excel in. Girls should learn to cook, clean and look attractive. Not many would encourage a girl to aspire to a career in any field. Our job was to be a good wife and mother, sad but accurate. 

So, to have a movie based on a true story about the women who secretly worked at NASA was thrilling to watch. To find out that there were women, smart women working on getting the US into space was uplifting to me. For those ladies to not only be female but to also be African-American well it was incredible. 

The movie, Hidden Figures, did an excellent job of showing what life was like in the US during that time. Without taking away from what was happening at NASA, it also touched on the civil rights movement that was growing across the nation. It shows how difficult it was for a person of color to work in an environment that was segregated. As I watched the movie, I remember being appalled at what poor Katherine (a most brilliant mathematician) had to endure just to go to the bathroom. There was not a restroom in her building that was to be used by "Coloreds" so she had to run something like a mile to the nearest one. Appalling, disgusting and shameful; unfortunately it is also accurate in its portrayal. Thank goodness our country is no longer like that.

I truly loved this movie and think that if you have not already seen it, you will too. After watching it, I called both of my daughters and recommended that they watch it. It is moving and inspirational and I think important for women, especially, to watch. I think that it is important for women who are too young to have lived during this time in history to see where we have been so that they can appreciate where we have come and most importantly that there are still miles to go before we are where we should be as women.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, September 15, 2017

Leap Year (2010) Movie Review

Leap Year (2010) Movie Review
Leap Year is such a delightfully adorable story about a young woman who has everything she wants, but not what she needs. 

I'm not sure how I have missed this movie until now, but on the chance that you have never seen it either, I want to tell you about it. If you have viewed it before, then perhaps you need to take a break and watch it again.  It is sure to make you smile, even laugh out loud.   But, mostly it is simply enchanting, which is totally appropriate since it takes place in Ireland. 

Oh, did someone mention leprechauns?  Well, I have to say, Declan reminds me a great deal of a leprechaun.   He even jumps and clicks his heels.   But most of all, he brings good fortune into Anna's life. 

Yes, this is a sweet love story that is a little predictable, yet it is so charming you won't care that you know what to expect.  You'll simply be glad you are along for the ride and listening to the witty banter between these two hearts speaking the language of love. 

I have always been a hopeless romantic.  I was once even dubbed the Forever Hopeless Romantic Contributor.  Here on Review This Reviews, we have broken the bounds of those niche walls, but that doesn't change who I am.  A great romantic movie still appeals to me more than any other genre.

Leap Year (2010) Movie Review

Leap Year - The Movie

Anna Brady (Amy Adams) and Dr. Jeremy Sloane (Adam Scott) have been in a committed relationship with each other for 4 years.  However, they are not married and Anna wants to get married.  When she thinks Jeremy is about to propose over dinner one evening, she is greatly disappointed to discover diamond earrings in the small jewelry box instead of a diamond engagement ring.  Jeremy is oblivious to Anna's feelings and doesn't hesitate to excuse himself from dinner early when called away for a medical emergency.  

 Leap Year - Amazon Video RentalCheck PriceWhen Jeremy leaves to attend a cardiology convention in Ireland, Anna is reminded of an old Irish tradition.  Each Leap Year, on February 29th, the woman can propose to the man.  After all, that is what her own grandmother did decades ago.  She decides it is time for her to act!  Otherwise, who knows how long it will be before she is engaged, much less married.

Anna's flight to Dublin, Ireland is diverted due to weather.  They are forced to land in Cardiff, Wales.  Because she is determined to get to Dublin, she hires a boat.  Then, the boat is forced to dock in Dingle because the storm is simply too dangerous to continue.  It is in Dingle that she meets her cheeky, tall, dark and handsome leprechaun.  Because Declan (Matthew Goode) needs the money, he agrees to drive her to Dublin and that is where all the fun begins.

Watch Leap Year for Yourself!  

If you find yourself searching for a great romantic comedy, Leap Year will be the perfect choice.  If you are also a hopeless romantic, be sure you pay close attention to the brides speech during the wedding in the movie.  You will love it!

You may even find yourself wondering if you only had 60 seconds to get out of a burning house, what would you grab?

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Leap Year (2010) Movie Review Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, September 1, 2017

Thirteen (2016 TV Mini-Series) Reviewed

Thirteen (2016 TV Mini-series) Reviewed
This is one of the best mistakes I have ever made!  

I was searching Amazon Prime Video for a show I could watch while working on mundane site code.  I quickly clicked on the second season of a different tv series and the show started.  Not realizing I had inadvertently started a new miniseries, I keep thinking, who are these people?  But, soon it didn't matter because I was totally hooked on Thirteen.  

Thirteen would not have been a series I would have selected intentionally.  Child abduction is a subject I try to completely avoid on tv, in movies, or even in books.  It is a parent's worst nightmare and even though my own children are grown, not knowing where my child is, not hearing their voice on a regular basis, or not knowing they are safe, still sends me into panic mode.  

I said all of that because I want you to know that in spite of my own worst fears and horrors, Thirteen in one of the most riveting miniseries I have ever watched and I highly recommend it.

How "Thirteen" Begins

 Episode 1 of ThirteenThe miniseries begins with a young woman, 26 years old, running from a house, finding a pay phone and calling the police.  She claims to be Ivy Moxam, an abduction victim who hasn't been seen in 13 years.  The police are skeptical because over the years two others have claimed to be Ivy.  However, after DNA tests, it is confirmed that this woman is in fact the girl who was kidnapped when she was 13.  

It is immediately clear that Ivy is overwhelmed, insecure, scared, resistant to talk, and easily confused by too many people with too many questions.  This is understandable because she had been chained in a cellar for 13 years without any communication with the outside world.  Plus, her formal education had ended.  In many ways, she was still 13 years old.  

Her stress and anxiety are only heightened when the police find the house where she was held all those years.  Because her clothes are found in her abductors' bedroom, the police don't know what to believe.  They question the validity of her story and press her for answers she can't give.  After all, the kidnapper is still at large and the police would really like to arrest him.

In the first episode of the series, we discover that several people's lives suffered collateral damage.  Her parents are separated, her father has a mistress, her best friend, Eloise, left town, and her boyfriend, Tim, has married, but is still haunted by the past.  

The family strives for normalcy in order to give Ivy a secure, familiar home.  They are elated to have Ivy back home, but it is a time of readjustment for all.  Her father moves back in, hiding his secret from Ivy.  Her mother hurries to put things in the house back the way it was 13 years ago.  Ivy's sister was initially skeptical, but once the DNA test confirm her identity, she wants to help her sister.  She puts Ivy's needs above everything else, including her fiance.  

In an effort to reclaim her life, Ivy contacts her old boyfriend and invites him over.  He doesn't have the heart to tell her he is married now.  His own confusion is clear as he struggles to choose between the past and his present.   Neither Tim, nor her family, want to do or say the wrong thing.  They simply want to protect her.

Ivy has only been home for a few days.  She is struggling to find her place, remember who she is or is supposed to be, reestablish relationships and survive the constant pressure from the police to help them capture Leonard, aka Mark White, her kidnapper.  That pressure intensifies exponentially when Mark abducts a 10 year old.

My Opinion and Recommendation of "Thirteen"  

As I said in the the introduction, in only a few scenes, I was completely hooked on Thirteen.  Instead of having a tv show as background noise while I worked, I ended up setting aside my work and watching the miniseries.  I did not break between episodes.  I was so ingrained in the plot, that I watched all five episodes (5 hours) that night.  

The girl who played the part of Ivy did such an extraordinary job that I found myself siding with her completely.  Her facial expressions alone conveyed a world of anguish and uncertainty.  I could easily believe she was Ivy Moxam, a child who had been abducted, mentally and physically abused for 13 years.

This miniseries does an excellent job of showing how people can be trapped in the past, yet somehow manage to live on.  How so many things change because we can't just stop the progression of time, but how we can instantly be thrown back into time by simply having someone from our past return to us. 

From the very beginning, I was on Ivy's side.  I believed her and I believed in her strength of survival.  I was not disappointed in her final actions at the end of the 5th episode.  I believe you will definitely want to see this miniseries for yourself.

 Thirteen - Complete Mini-Series
on DVD
Check Price
 Episode 1 of Thirteen - Amazon Prime Video
Free with Prime Membership
Check Price


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Thirteen (2016 TV Mini-Series) Reviewed Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, August 25, 2017

Perfect Plan (2010) Movie Review - Emily Rose & Lucas Bryant

Perfect Plan (2010) Movie Review - Emily Rose & Lucas Bryant
Perfect Plan is not in my normal genre of movies to watch, but surprisingly I liked this thriller mystery movie. It was fairly predictable, but that was mostly because of the written movie description. It revealed too much of the plot in my opinion. When it comes to a mystery movie, I prefer that the "mystery" be left to be discovered when watching, not in the movie description that should be labeled spoiler alert.  Nevertheless, the actors still make the movie worth watching.

Some of you may already be familiar with the actress, Emily Rose.  This was the first movie I have ever seen her star in and it made me look her up to see her other tv films.  I did see several TV films listed that I plan to watch soon.  Frankly, I liked her better than many of the current day major movie actresses in Hollywood.  

The Perfect Plan Movie Plot

The movie opens with two campers being murdered one night.  Their identities are not revealed until later in the film when their brother starts searching for them.  Within minutes of the first scenes, we are moved from the Appalachian Trail to Chicago city where we meet Lauren Baker.
 Perfect Plan (2010) Movie Review
Emily Rose & Lucas Bryant
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Lauren (Emily Rose) is co-owner of In the Loop Realtors.  She and her best friend, Maddie, are struggling to keep the company open in the depressed real estate market.  When Lauren lists a mansion in an exclusive area, they see an opportunity for things to financially turn around for them.  

The mansion is owned by a brother and sister who inherited it when their parents died in a car accident.  Since neither of the siblings live there, they want to sell fast.  When Lauren quickly finds a cash buyer, everyone is happy.  At least, they are happy until they see the newspaper article about the bodies of Sean and Rebecca Crawford being found on the Appalachian Trail in PA.   

Perfect Plan Movie Rating and Recommendation

Personally, I thought the movie was pretty good.  I appreciated the plot twists and lack of grotesque murder scenes.  However, this movie is for mature audiences only due to adult scenes and content.

While it may not be an "edge of the seat" thriller mystery, it is well worth watching. 

Perfect Plan is available on Amazon and is included for free with Prime Membership.

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Perfect Plan (2010) Movie Review Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse

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