Showing posts with label Dawn Rae. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dawn Rae. Show all posts

Monday, March 19, 2018

Reviewing Locking Stitch Markers

Locking stitch markers.
People who crochet and knit know that accuracy plays a role in having a good-looking finished product. I have crocheted off and on for years but only just discovered these fabulous and inexpensive stitch markers. I have noticed that using these little gadgets improved the looks of my finished items immediately and gives them a more professional appearance. Stitch markers completely take the guesswork out of the next round or next row.

Locking Stitch Markers

While watching a video crochet tutorial, the talented crochet artist was using stitch markers to mark the beginning of her round.
Note: when you crochet in circles, such as some ponchos, slippers, etc, that is called a round. Round is a row that connects the end to the beginning. 
The light bulb went on. That was a huge Aha moment for me. I've always had trouble connecting the rounds correctly - ending up with too many or too few stitches, or having a section that doesn't look like the other sections.

This flower is an example. It may be a very small issue that some would not notice, but the inconsistency in the appearance bothers me. The arrow shows where I joined the row, but didn't join it to the correct stitch. Every time I look at the flower, I notice that irregularity.

The little green stitch is not joined to the correct stitch

Prior to owning these little gadgets, I'd typically not mark the stitch at all. That led to problems with the finished item not looking correct (like the photo above). Or I'd use items like a paperclip or a piece of yarn to mark a stitch.  The problems I had with using those things were that I'd end up crocheting over the piece of yarn and make a mess. Or the paperclip would snag my item... or just fall out of the place it was meant to mark. 

Using stitch markers has already improved the looks of my finished items. 

I prefer the little plastic "safety pin" (locking) type. They stay in place, don't snag the yarn, and are easy to use. You simply use it like a safety pin, marking the first stitch in a round (which typically is the stitch you join the last stitch of the round to). 

Of course, there are other varieties if you don't care for the locking style. Other styles include: split ring, bulb safety pin, and even bulb safety pins with Swarovski crystals - for a little bling with your yarn.
Crystaletts stitch makers

Related Links:

Bev Owens shares a review of the Crochet Plain Blanket Pattern. It is a gorgeous two-color plaid blanket. In that review, she shares how to find both the free written pattern and the video tutorial. I agree with Bev, Yarnspirations and The Crochet Crowd are great places to get wonderful crochet patterns and instructions.

Wednesday Elf shares a review of a book Baby Crochet. I know that the internet is a quick and easy place to obtain crochet patterns and instructions, but I've had favorite crochet patterns that are lost because the site is no longer available. Avoid that problem with your own printed copy of the crochet patterns. 

My crochet adventures are located on my own blog Treasures, Travel, and Tales. There you can find an eclectic collection of how I spend my time, as well as the crochet flower pattern review from the photo above. You can also find a post about my newest passion, round loom knitting. Making hats for the grandbabies is great fun!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, March 12, 2018

Reviewing Skinny One-Pan Recipes

Skinny One-Pan Recipes.
I like food. A lot. Unfortunately, I'm not very talented in the kitchen. I need easy, fool-proof recipes. Cleaning up in the kitchen after making a big meal is not my favorite thing to do. While some one-pan or few-ingredient recipes are bland, the recipes contained in this year's issue of Skinny One-Pan Recipes by Better Homes & Gardens look both easy and delicious!

Skinny One-Pan Recipes on Newsstands Now

The 2018 issue of Skinny One-Pan Recipes is 96 colorful pages of one-pan recipes - all 400 calories or less. The editors of the magazine summarize this issue of skinny one-pan as:

"Each dish was created with busy families in mind- using only one pan for easy prep and cleanup."

"Plus, each fresh-tasting recipe is slimmed down to help keep you fit and feeling good. This means cutting calories, fat, and sodium."

This year's special interest publication is at newsstands now and will be displayed until May 14. During my last "quick" trip to the grocery the two check out lanes that were open were both stalled. The blinking "help" lights were monotonously blinking over each cashier. Yay.  But the silver lining to that extended wait in line was that I impulse bought a Skinny One-Pan Recipes (after having had time to flip through and preview each recipe).

The recipes sounded so easy and delicious that I nearly turned around to add a few ingredients to my cart. But I wasn't willing to risk another long wait in line. 

Better Homes & Gardens is a respected name in the cookbook world. Their first cookbook was published in 1930. We know we can trust their recipes. That was another reason I felt fine with this impulse purchase.

With the ease of the internet, why would I bother to buy a recipe book?  I find it hard to follow an online recipe.  I tend to end up writing it down. Having it on a printed page eliminates that step. Also, even though there are 11 categories of recipes, they all have the common thread of being one-pan and healthier than high calorie recipes.

The categories are:
  • Power-up Breakfasts
  • Savory Bakes
  • Cast-Iron Cakes & Breads
  • Roast and Boast
  • 4-Ingredient Sides
  • One-Pan Vegetarian
  • Stove-Top Sautes
  • Stir-Fry Suppers
  • Simmer and Steam
  • Big-Batch White Bean Chili
  • Snack Central

Here is a little look inside at one of the recipes that caught my eye. I use cast-iron and have a favorite skillet. I've never tried making Focaccia bread but I have become better at successfully making breads in general.  Doesn't this No-Knead Focaccia look delicious?!

No-Knead Focaccia
Don't worry if you can't find a copy at newsstands near you. Or if you are reading this after the "display until" date has passed. Simply click the link to have a copy delivered to your home via Amazon. 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, March 5, 2018

Me Before You Soundtrack Review

Me Before You Soundtrack
Occasionally a song moves me so much that I feel I have to share it with others. I do not write many reviews of music because I do not feel knowledgeable about the technical aspects of music or the music industry. But I know when a song gives me goose bumps. Not only does the Me Before You soundtrack move me, it has introduced me to talented artists I've never heard of before. 

The Me Before You Soundtrack

Me Before You is a beautifully done movie about life, love, and how we choose to live our lives. I've watched it many, many times. The very first time I watched it, I noticed the music was fitting, touching, and powerful. 

Many times the soundtracks to movies are just the background of the movie, helping set the tone but not really music that can stand alone. I feel like the individual songs on Me Before You can stand alone. They are touching and powerful. Songs I'll sing along to (when I'm alone).

When Don't Forget About Me played during the movie, during the scene that Louisa, Will, and Nathan are returning from holiday, the voice singing was haunting. I thought maybe it was Adele singing, but there were some differences that even my untrained ear could hear. But that voice.....

It turns out the voice that gives me goosebumps belongs to Cloves (Kaity Dunstan). She was on The Voice Australia, season 2. 

With the exception of Ed Sheeran, I've not heard of the singers/groups performing on this soundtrack. Maybe you have. Especially if you are one of our readers from Australia or the UK. I will not attempt to comment on the talent of the singers listed below. Nor will I try to explain why each and every song below moves me. I will encourage you to listen to the samples that Amazon provides, and decide for yourself whether or not these songs are your cup of tea.

The songs on the Me Before You Soundtrack are:

  1. Numb - Max
  2. Happy With Me - Holy Child
  3. Unsteady - X Ambassadors (Erich Lee Gravity Remix)
  4. Till the End - Jessie Ware
  5. The Sound - The 1975
  6. Surprise Yourself - Jack Garratt
  7. Don't Forget About Me - Cloves
  8. Photograph - Ed Sheeran
  9. Not Today - Imagine Dragons

Related Links:

To see my review of the movie Me Before You click here.

The Review This! contributors enjoy a wide variety of music and like to write reviews about that music. So much so that there is a tab for the music reviews. To see those reviews click here and scroll down.

If country music is your preferred genre, be sure to look at the Heart of Country Music by our own Barbara Tremblay Cipak (aka Brite-Ideas). Her site is a comprehensive source of "The right words & the right song for every emotion" and every occasion.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Hoover Power Scrub Elite Review

The Hoover Power Scrub Elite
There are probably as many reasons to own a carpet shampooer as there are carpets. For my own reasons, I have purchased the Hoover Power Scrub Elite carpet shampooer and have been very happy with it's performance. If you have pets or small children, or tend to make your own spills on your carpet, I highly recommend that you have your own carpet shampooer. I am very pleased with mine.

Hoover Power Scrub Elite

The Hoover Power Scrub Elite seems to be a sturdy and reasonably priced residential carpet shampooer. There are several features about this shampooer that are more handy that I expected.

Wash & Rinse. The clean water reservoir is divided. Initially, I thought that would bother me (there is a small reservoir for the carpet cleaning solution within the fresh water reservoir).  However, I have found that I really like the solution separate from the fresh water. And there is a handy button to choose "wash" or "rinse".  No more refilling the jug to go over a wet carpet with clean water to rinse. I can rinse each small section as I go.

Dries 2xs Faster. Okay, I don't really know if it dries exactly 2xs faster than my previous shampooer. The "dries 2xs faster" is the claim that Hoover has printed on the box. But it does dry FAST! When I began using this shampooer, we were in the winter months - and the air was very dry. I assumed the super fast drying of the carpet was due to the climate. Not the shampooer. Then I shampooed on a humid day. I dread shampooing on humid or rainy days as it often takes so long to dry. But not with this machine. I'm not certain whether it is due to the strong suction power or the "HeatForce" drying. Whatever the reason, I am thrilled with the short drying time.

Spin Scrub Brushes. My last shampooer had only one spinning bar of brushes. The Hoover Power Scrub Elite has five spinning brushes in a row. It cleans and fluffs my carpet.

Removes Pet Odors. I'm not sure if it is the scrubbing brushes, the HeatForce, or the cleaning solution formula that came with my machine but the odors from Daisy's and Willy's occasional accidents are gone!

The Many Reasons I Own A Shampooer

There are many people who hire folks to come in and clean their carpets. And just as many people who rent commercial shampooers from a store to DIY.  There are many reasons I don't want to do either of those things.

Expense. Hiring someone to clean my carpet is expensive. And with customer service becoming what it is, I don't want the muss and fuss of someone coming into my home. Besides, I have a very small apartment with only a bit of carpet.

Bugs! Renting a commercial shampooer to do it myself makes me cringe. In this day and age of things like Bed Bugs I'll have to pass on using something that cleaned someone else's carpet. Someone will probably tell me that bed bugs can't travel in a shampooer but I still can't stand the thought.

Convenience.  I have dogs. And a cat. Occasionally they have accidents. And worse than that, I'm terribly clumsy. I spill things. All the time. Whether it's just a touch up in one spot, or the entire carpet needs cleaned, I want to shampoo when I want to. And I can do that with my own shampooer.

Extends the Life of the Carpet. Okay, in this shabby (but not chic) apartment, there's not a lot I can do to extend the life of this el-cheapo carpet.  But, I can keep it clean, fresh, and "fluffed".  I hate how the "high traffic areas" in a room get matted and flat. The scrubbing brushes on this shampooer are especially good at improving the looks of this carpet.

If there is any reason you are in the market for a carpet shampooer, give the Hoover Power Scrub Elite serious consideration. I've only owned mine for several months but I already know that it is significantly better than my previous shampooer.

Related Link:

If you do not want to buy a shampooer, but need to do some spot cleaning, make sure to read Bev's review of Shaw Carpet & Rug Stain & Soil Remover. She explains, "I absolutely love this stuff! It works like a dream!"

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, February 12, 2018

Reviewing the Antique Rose Emporium

The Antique Rose Emporium 2018 catalog.
Do you love Roses? Would you like to grow roses in your garden but believe they are too delicate and difficult to grow? Are you looking for a special, hardy, old-fashioned rose and can't find quite what you want at the local nurseries? If the answer to any of these questions is "yes" I recommend that you shop at the Antique Rose Emporium.

What better recommendation is there than word-of-mouth?  A few years ago, when I was searching for a very specific rose but had no idea it's name, Renaissance Woman pointed me in the direction of The Antique Rose Emporium.  I'm glad she did. Receiving my 2018 catalog in the mail recently reminded me that I wanted to continue to spread the word about the wonderful roses offered at the Antique Rose Emporium (ARE).

The Antique Rose Emporium

The Antique Rose Emporium (ARE) is located in Independence, Texas. There you will find their display garden and retail center.  If, like me, you are not able to visit them in Texas, you can order from them online and request their catalog. The ship orders within the continental US. It is their philosophy (and in my limited experience with roses, I agree) that old garden roses are hardy and easy-to-grow.

An excerpt from their "our story" page:

"Until the discovery of old garden roses, I shared the prevailing bias that roses were hard to grow, were fussy, needed to be sprayed, needed to be pruned in a certain way, and were short-lived. Roses we have since discovered have changed my bias and have made me an advocate of these easy care roses and I truly believe they are the ultimate garden plant"  -- Mike Shoup at Antique Rose Emporium

If you'd like to read more of what Mike Shoup has to say about roses, take a peek at his book:

Empress of the Garden available on Amazon

My Quest for a Specific Rose

Many years ago, I lived in a home that had been the home of a family who had lived there for 60+ years. In that yard was a rose bush that was both adored and hated. It was the most thorny thing and was a chore to mow around.  Yet, despite not being pruned or fertilized, or cared for in any other way it provided constant and a profuse amount of little maroon blossoms from the heat of the summer through late autumn. Those small roses had a strong fragrance that floated through the yard and into the house. On days off, I spread a blanket in the yard near that bush and relaxed with a book.

I had no idea how much I'd miss that rose bush and how often I would think about it after I moved away.  So the search began for a similar rose bush.

The problem is, I know next-to-nothing about roses. Didn't know what "hips" were. Double-bloom? Rambler? Remontant? WHAT?! 

Despite my complete lack of familiarity with describing roses, and trying to recall details about a rose from a decade ago, I emailed ARE to ask if they could help me identify that elusive rose.

Great Customer Service at the Antique Rose Emporium

I expected no response from my strange email request to help find that rose bush. Imagine my surprise when I received a personal response within that same day! Mr. Shoup described two roses with similar characteristics. And closed with the comment "This is the closest I can get. I think you are describing an old Hybrid Tea that we don't carry". 

I was astounded that anyone would take the time to respond to my inept description of an old rose bush. In my excitement about the roses they had to offer, I had already ordered a Granny Grimmetts for my yard at The Shack.

I received my Granny Grimmetts via the mail; shipped safely in a box and packaging that held it securely. I planted it in my yard at The Shack and the deer immediately stripped it. I now know that roses are a delicacy to deer and planting a rose on a ridge in West Virginia was like ringing a deer dinner bell. I placed a protective cage around the bush, and something else feasted on that poor plant.  I was sure that I had failed and killed that little rose bush but I allowed the cage to remain. And I was thrilled that the following year, that poor victimized rose had grown, put on a few buds, and was doing well! 

Granny Grimmetts in her new home
I have since returned to the area where that original rose bush was. I drove past the home and had plans of knocking on the door to ask if I could get some cuts from the plant. Alas, that unruly and thorny rosebush was long gone. But I have my Granny Grimmetts and plan to add the recommended Dame de Coeur.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, February 5, 2018

Grizzly Man Movie Review

The Grizzly Man: award-winning true story.
Grizzly Man is a heart-wrenching, strange, beautiful, horrifying movie by and about Timmy Treadwell. Who is Timmy Treadwell? Director Werner Herzog attempts to show us who Treadwell was. Yes, was. Past tense.

My family members and I have seen this movie more times than we can count. We make references to it in our daily life and sometimes sing the ending song. Perhaps we are a bit strange for liking a movie this much. I'm not sure. What I am sure of is that I don't believe anyone can see this movie and not have a strong reaction.

Four Reasons to Watch Grizzly Man

It is strange. Who would want to live in the wilderness with dangerous bears for 13 summers? I do mean "with" the bears. Timmy Treadwell would. I'd love to visit and/or live in Alaska, but certainly not “with” the bears. And Timmy's passionate tirades are both moving and disturbing.

It is beautiful. Treadwell filmed the scenery and the wildlife in a way that is breathtaking. His ability to get close-ups of the Alaskan wildlife and document the gorgeous, but rugged, landscape is worth the cost of the movie alone. Grizzly Man was created posthumously - using footage from Treadwell's filming. 

It is Intimate. Treadwell's frequent and long term presence with the bears (and other Alaskan wildlife), allows him to move among them with little notice for the most part. Because of this, we are able to see the animals in a mostly undisturbed state. If you ever wanted to know what bears do naturally, this is a must-see movie. We also get a very intimate look at Treadwell through his story-telling style as well by hearing what others have to say about him.

It is about the difficulties of protecting and conserving. It is a perfect example of a rock and a hard place of conservation. There are always difficulties in the balance of protecting animals and providing for humans. It is a delicate balance that I rarely seem to find being done well. Some animal species go extinct due to human encroachment. Or at the other extreme, humans are at risk while endangered species are being protected. And misguided attempts to conserve wildlife sometimes ends up being detrimental to the very wildlife that is in the process of being protected. 

In my opinion, Treadwell's story is a beautiful and disturbing example of the difficulty of balancing the needs of humans and animals.

You can find this movie on Amazon on DVD/Blu-ray or on Amazon Video.

Warning: Those persons who have nightmares easily might not want to see this movie. I don't consider it to be visually gory. It's more of a psychological twist and the things that can be imagined that brew in your mind for awhile.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, January 29, 2018

Book Review - Wild Horse Scientists

Reviewing the Wild Horse Scientists
Assateague Island is a barrier island off the coast of Maryland. On that island lives a wild pony herd. In my opinion there is nothing better than relaxing on the beach during a day off, watching the wild ponies walk by. Meanwhile, behind the scenes there are people who work hard at managing the wildlife on this island - including working to keep this beautiful herd of horses safe and healthy. Wild Horse Scientists by Kay Frydenborg is an interesting and enlightening book that I recommend to everyone interested in horses, islands, or wild life management. 

Wild Horse Scientists

Wild Horse Scientists by Kay Frydenborg is listed as a Junior Library Guild Selection, a part of the Scientists in the Field series, and is marketed as a book for children. The Amazon product description lists it as age 10 and up and grades 5-9. But I must say, as an adult who has spent much time on Assateague Island, feeling exhilaration at the sight of the ponies, the book enthralled me.

Wild Horse Scientists follows the journey of several people who study and attempt to preserve the Assateague wild ponies via the least intrusive means possible. Left to fend and breed on their own, their life cycle would overpopulate the island. While there is no way to predict how many horses the island would support in any given year, and any given season, it is fact that overpopulation of the island would cause the untimely deaths of the ponies; among other environmental problems.

This small, 80 page book really packs a punch. It briefly addresses things such as:
  • The world history of the horse
  • How wild horse populations came to be in the US
  • Describing that there are two horse populations on Assateague Island; the Maryland end and the Virginia end. While the Virginia herds are the most well-known through history, the two herds are managed very differently.
  • Different ways of wild horse management through the US, through the years.
  • What PZP is and how it came to be
  • An idea of how the study of animals is very time consuming: familiarity with travel patterns, feeding, habits, reproduction, and being able to document each individual animal in order to keep accurate records.
  • Major Human Players

In Wild Horse Scientists, you will meet the following people who dedicate their lives to good works toward wild horses, wildlife, and the environment. If you have ever thought that wildlife protection and studies are easy and an enviable career, this will show you that this important work is not easy work. These talented folks have done far more than listed here, but this is a glimpse of the part they played in learning how to manage the Assateague pony population.

Dr. Jay Kirkpatrick – World renown for his advocacy of wild horses, wildlife reproductive expert, and developer of non-hormonal birth control (PZP).

Ron Keiper – An Ethologoist (studies animals in their natural habitat) who braved the weather, terrain, and flesh-eating insects on Assateague in order to provide information and begin providing individual documentation of the Assateague ponies.

Allison Turner – a 20+ year National Parks Service biological technician. She monitors the wild species, all of the wild species, on Assateague.

Dr. Lisa Ludvico – studied the reproductive strategies of wild mares – providing helpful information through reproductive behaviors and DNA analysis.

Dr. David Powell –his Doctorate consisted of exploring the social behavior and reproduction of wild horses; important information in considering birth control for wild horses.

Dr. John Turner – A research partner who led the research that resulted in improving the forms of PZP, making it longer lasting.

Robin Lyda - and had a large role in making and purifying PZP.

The “two BLM cowboys” with the Pryor Mountain Range mustangs whose request for help, in essence, was the beginning of the story.

These folks along with everyone behind the scenes worked hard at finding a way to manage the Assateague wild pony population. The controversy and issues surrounding the delicate balance of healthy horse herds in the US abound. Left alone, the book confirms that horses repopulate very quickly – causing environmental issues. Culling the herds is costly to both humans financial sources and to the emotional peace of the horses. Selling the horses for meat is distasteful in the US. And finally, removing foals from the mares in order to maintain the population has been statistically proven to make the mares produce more quickly.
Some of the beautiful ponies I've seen on Assateague

My Skepticism About Wildlife Birth Control

I bought the book with some bit of skepticism. Some years ago, after seeing newborn fawns (deer) in what seemed to me dangerously late in the season, I did a small bit of research. I thought I had read that trials of birth control being used in deer herds could cause mating season and birthing season differences. I do not recall at this time if the birth control being tried was PZP or other chemicals. And I did not follow this topic further. But I always worried about the impact of chemically altering the reproduction cycle of wild animals.

I purchased this book mainly because I loved the photographs when I had flipped through. I ended up learning quite a bit about wildlife contraception.

It appears that PZP has been created with a great deal of thought, research, and effort and seems to be doing a great job with managing the horses on the Maryland end of Assateague Island with no negative side effects. I am a believer.

This is good news and important work that may help wildlife management on so many levels.

Whether you read this for the beauty of the photographs of the ponies, to gain some Assateague Island experience from the comfort of your home, or to learn more about the science of animal birth control, I think you will love this little book.

I found this book during a day trip to Assateague Island National Seashore, I made a stop at the Barrier Island Visitor Center. I had toured the original Visitors Center, built in 1967. But I had yet to stop at the new Visitors Center that opened in the fall of 2010.

The Visitor Center is wonderful and will need it’s own review. I highly recommend that travelers to this area make time to stop and enjoy what this center has to offer. And I highly recommend this great little book called Wild Horse Scientists by Kay Frydenborg.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, January 22, 2018

Reviewing Easy No-Bake Bliss Balls

No-Bake Bliss Balls
Bliss balls are extremely easy-to-make and no-bake delicious snacks. They require few ingredients, can be made to suit your cravings, and are typically considered to be healthy snacks. In fact, some sources attribute Bliss Ball recipes to Keto or Paleo diets. I do not know the origination of these snacks, nor do I care. I do know that I made some and had to spread the word.

My Coconut Peanut Butter Bliss Balls

I had a craving for no-bake cookies today. After perusing the internet for a good bit of time, I had found Paleo and Keto recipes for Bliss Balls. Many of the recipes called for ingredients like protein powder or chia seeds - none of which I have on hand. However, many Bliss Ball recipes call for items that I have in my kitchen.

For an actual recipe, you'll need to follow one of the links below. But clearly, Bliss Balls do not require a recipe.  I made mine using shredded coconut, peanut butter, oats, vanilla, and cinnamon.

I used approximately:

1/2 cup coconut
1/3 cup honey peanut butter
1/4 cup oats
1 tsp. vanilla
a couple of shakes of cinnamon

I did not use a food processor (or my Nutri-Bullet) which might have made the consistency of this snack a little different. But combining it with a fork worked well.

I formed the "dough" into balls - approximately tablespoon sized. Then refrigerated.  

A few random items:

  • As one recipe writer noted, do not try to roll this into balls. Rather, just squeeze them into ball shapes (They are slightly too crumbly to roll into balls)
  • The longer they are refrigerated, the better they taste! The consistency changes a bit - a little more "cakey"
  • Despite having a good bit of peanut butter, these were not sticky or mushy
With these Bliss Balls, I have taken care of my craving for sweets. I like the taste so much that I haven't touched (or been tempted) by the bag of candy bars I have nearby.  And, unlike the candy bars, just one small Bliss Ball satisfies me for quite awhile. With candy bars, once I start I have trouble stopping until I've finished the entire bag. There is something about the Bliss Balls that feel more filling.

Related Links: 

Quite frankly, at the beginning of my recipe search, I was looking for Susan's No-Bake Peanut Butter Cookies. It turned out that I didn't have a stick of butter... so I continued my search and found the Bliss Balls. Susan Deppner, you may be gone from this earth but you are not forgotten.

After talking to some of the gals at work about their Keto diets and remembering how much better I feel with little to no carbs and sugars, I have been trying new recipes with a focus on lower carbs/sugars. This recent discussion is why the Paleo Bliss Ball recipes caught my eye. Paleo Grubs gathered a list of  21 Paleo Bliss Ball recipes. The recipes all sounded delicious and the photos made my mouth water. Unfortunately, I haven't been to the store and was missing the key ingredients for each recipe.

I continued to search and found 8 No-Bake Energy Balls on Bless This Mess. Chunky, delicious, every-day ingredients is what Melissa uses in her Bliss Balls (you have to go take a peek at the photo of her varieties). And it is from her that I decided on my coconut, peanut butter, oats, vanilla, and cinnamon mixture. And I'm so glad I did!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, January 15, 2018

Reviewing Barbacoa Sauce by Frontera

Barbacoa Sauce by Frontera
I have just returned from a camping trip. During that camping trip I used the Red Chili Barbacoa Slow Cook sauce with roasted tomato and chipotle by Frontera. These little packets of sauce are my favorite. I use it in roasts, soups, tacos, quesadillas, and tamales. If you like Mexican foods and Mexican inspired recipes, I think you would like this barbacoa sauce.

Beef Barbacoa Red Chili Slow Cook Sauce

I learned about these sauce packets from my son, who typically likes food that is spicier than what I can tolerate. However, he thought I'd like the flavor of the soups he makes with this sauce, and he was right. It is spicy but not too spicy - the label lists it as "mild". In my opinion (and I am not a chef) it has a smokey, spicy, rich flavor.

He calls them soups, but to me they are thicker and richer, more like a beef stew. We both make these soups with a variety of ingredients; beef, carrots, hominy, potatoes, yams, onions, peppers, and so much more. Basically, you start with a base of beef and the barbacoa sauce, then add what you have on hand.

While camping, I only brought along the packet of barbacoa, and roast, and some potatoes. I slow cooked it in an enameled pan on top of the wood stove. What a wonderfully easy and delicious meal.

Delicious barbacoa roast with potatoes

Frontera Foods

Frontera Foods may or may not sound familiar to you. But the
click for more information
name Chef Rick Bayless may sound more familiar. He appears on a public television cooking show called Mexico - One Plate at a Time
Also, Chef Bayless has written several cookbooks. 

I enjoy watching his shows, I like his recipes, and am very thankful for this sauce that helps me easily create meals with an authentic Mexican flavor. In fact, thanks to a lesson from my son and this wonderful barbacoa sauce, I recently made tamales in my own kitchen. 

Where to Buy Frontera Beef Barbacoa Sauce

I have trouble finding the sauce in the stores local to me. I am fortunate that my son always stocks up on packets and saves them for me. He easily finds them at his local Target store. They are available on Amazon and the Frontera Foods website has a list of participating groceries. My local groceries, that are not on the list, carry the Frontera products in a hit and miss fashion.

Side Notes: 

For more information about The Shack (my current camping trips and my future retirement/homestead plans) take a peek at my blog Treasures, Travel, and Tales. Also, the pan in the photo may look familiar. I purchased it for The Shack and wrote a review about it in February 2016. I still believe that Enameled Cast Iron - Pricey but Worth It. Unfortunately, it looks like these little pans by Martha Stewart are a little more difficult to get. Good thing there are many other brands still easily available.

A few of the cookbooks by Rick Bayless on his Amazon author page

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Monday, January 8, 2018

Birthstone Charm Necklace for Grandmother Review

Birthstone charm necklace
This custom grandmother necklace with a charm for each grandbaby is a sweet and thoughtful gift. It symbolizes and celebrates each grandchild through their Swarovski crystal birthstone.

Handmade Birthstone Charm Necklace for Grandmother

I received a handmade birthstone grandmother necklace offered on Etsy and made by powderandjade. I have three grandchildren (well...two and one on the way). They were born in May, August, and expected in February. My necklace has three individual charms.

The charms are strung on a dainty chain. Perfect for those grandmoms who don't tend to wear large pieces of jewelry. The card inside the box read: The love between a Grandma and her Grandchildren is forever.

Powderandjade's Etsy shop offers a large variety of necklaces celebrating the love of family members and friends: 
Birthstone charm necklace by powderandjade

  • mother
  • daughter
  • sisters
  • sister-in-law
  • grandmother and grandchildren
  • significant other
  • friends
  • and many more

These necklaces are thoughtful gifts for someone you love or for yourself. I know that I am happy to wear little reminders of my grands each day. And I am appreciative of my daughter-in-law who chose it for me.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, January 1, 2018

We Wish You the Best This New Year

All the world welcomes a new calendar year today.

This time of year is a time to reflect on things passed. Whether or not you set New Year's resolutions, the beginning of the new year is often viewed as a fresh start with feelings of rejuvenation. A time to plan for the coming year.

A Year in Review at Review This!

Thanks to our beloved readers, 2017 was a good year for our site. We continued to grow this year and over time have welcomed 795,884 of you to our site. Your visits, comments, and shares are greatly appreciated. 

2017 also brought us grief and loss with the passing of one of our writers - Susan Deppner. She was (and is) loved by so many. 

As we look ahead to 2018, our goal is to continue to provide heartfelt and honest reviews. We plan to continue to share those things that make us happy; those things that make our lives easier and more enjoyable. Our hope is that you continue to find our reviews helpful. 

On behalf of the writers at Review This! we wish you all the best. May your 2018 be filled with joy, peace, health, and success. 

Best Wishes,
Dawn Rae
on behalf of the Review This! writers

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Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas Wishes

To our readers,

We wish you peace during this holiday season.

We wish you safe travels. 

We wish you warm homes -

And hearts filled with warm experiences.

We wish you contentedness - 

And joyous times with belly laughs.

We wish you good health.

And we wish you the best gift of all - love.

Merry Christmas,

From Dawn Rae 
and the Contributors of Review This!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, December 18, 2017

KeySmart Compact Key Organizer Review

Organize your keys with the KeySmart on Amazon
KeySmart is an ultra light weight but very durable organization system for keys. Are you tired of that mess of keys on your key chain. And that lump of keys in your pocket or the jumble of keys rattling around in your purse? This may be the perfect solution. Do you know someone whose job requires access to many keys at all times? This would be the perfect gift for that person. 

Vote of Confidence From a KeySmart Owner

Word-of-mouth recommendations are often the best way to gain information. In this case, the best review comes from someone who has owned and used this little gadget. 

I was recently with a friend who had purchased this item for himself over a year ago. And then liked it so much that he had purchased it as a gift for his brother last Christmas. I was surprised to see my friend still using the KeySmart after all this time has passed.

"You like that little thing?" I asked him

"Oh man, do I." 

How to use your KeySmart Extended Key Holder:

  • Purchase the KeySmart based on how many keys you want to organize. Note: I am referring to flat keys - such as typical house keys. Car keys will big fobs will attach to the end of the KeySmart with the loop.
  • Unscrew the sections of the KeySmart, and place your keys inside - with a washer on each side of each key.  
  • Screw the sections back together.

The KeySmart has become similar to a Swiss Army Knife of your keys.

When I told my friend that I was considering writing a review, he said, "Gadgetry, tinkery, mechanical folk will like it." He then immediately took photos of his KeySmart with the quote after "one and a half years of HARD use."

He carries his in his pocket and in his tool bag. He works hard and his tools do too. 

At first, I was skeptical and thought this was just a gimmick. But now I've decided I want one of my own for my sets of keys. 

Photos courtesy of WLSIII

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Monday, December 11, 2017

Reviewing One Man's Opus: A Survival and Preparedness Story

One Man's Opus
One Man's Opus: A Survival and Preparedness Story is a book that I thoroughly enjoyed. I connected with the characters, wanted to know what was happening next, and read it in a matter of three days - which is remarkable for me. Typically, I am able to read only a chapter or two each evening before nodding off. So finishing the story of Opus and friends in a matter of days is a strong statement about how this book kept me turning pages. From the opening line, I wanted to know more.
I never thought to myself, "I want to grow up to be a prepper!" It just sort of happened. -- Rick Carpenter


Opus is a fierce, furry, and professionally trained guard dog. He is loyal and highly intelligent. Is it real or imagined that he makes one sound in agreement, another in disagreement, and a third with calling baloney? I think it was not imagined. 

After reading some online reviews, I thought I was going to find a paranormal creature posing as a dog and that would have made me annoyed. But that was not the case. Opus is just a smart, well-trained dog and who has observant human parents. Dog owners who, like many of us, are able to understand the meanings of the sounds and gestures our dogs make.


Tina runs and owns the local rental storage units. She's an independent and hard-working young lady with a past. And a dog. A big, ferocious dog who would do anything to protect her. In many romances, in which the main character is male, the female needs rescued. Or is delicate. But not Tina. She is open to love but not desperate for it. She and Opus have been doing just fine. Then Rick comes along.


Rick is a romance writer and blogger. He is a benign young introvert who is happy to be living with a roommate in a small apartment. Rick is comfortable in his bedroom, spending his time writing paranormal romance novels. He started writing this genre on a dare and it was becoming a lucrative career.

I was in my late twenties, single, extremely introverted, and happy to be alone or camping somewhere by myself. That camping somewhere idea is what got me started  -- Rick Carpenter

What was interesting is that this story had every ingredient that typically makes me stop reading; politics, civil unrest, and what have become current breaking news stories. However, this setting never turned into a political campaign or a lecturing editorial. Boyd Craven III wrote in such an easy, everyday, neighborly way - as though Rick were telling the story to me - that I just kept the turning pages and reading.

One Man's Opus: A Survival and Preparedness Story is just that. A story. It is not how to write, how to blog, or how to prep. It is a peek at a day-in-the-life of Rick Carpenter as he is looking for a good writing getaway spot and unexpectedly finds love and danger.

This story echos some important messages. First, as someone who lives in an urban setting but is preparing to move to an off-grid setting, I know - as Rick learned - the grass is not always greener (or more peaceful) on the other side. Also, as his grandmother taught him, "one for you, one for me, and one for later" no matter where you live or how you prep.

As a side note, I finished reading this while snugged up in a sleeping bag in front of a wood stove while camping at The Shack. 

If you are looking for a quick and easy read, this may be the story for you. Currently listed on Amazon with 4.5 stars out of 5 (over 200 ratings) and with a price tag you cannot beat! As an Amazon Prime member, I read my Kindle copy for free!

Many More Book Reviews on Review This!

It's okay if One Man's Opus: A Survival and Preparedness Story doesn't sound like your cup of tea. The Review This! contributors are a group of readers who enjoy a wide variety of genres. Chances are you'll find a book that suits you on our pages.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, December 4, 2017

Google Play Gift Cards: the Preferred Gifts

Google Play gift card by mail
This review about the wildly popular Google Play gifts cards may be an odd review. After all, I've never used one and I'm not certain of everything they can purchase.  I can, however, swear to their popularity and the high demand for them with the teenagers I'm acquainted with. 

As a mom and a grandmom, I am very aware that over the years I give two types of gifts: first, the kind of gift I want the recipient to have (such as socks, coats, and gloves) and second, the kind of gift the recipient wants to receive. Google Play gift cards are gifts that are most definitely in that second category. I know this to be true from the students at work. And who better to recommend gifts for youngsters than the youngsters themselves?

Google Play Gift Cards

I watched a young man who was thrilled to have received a Google Play gift card. He said due to their popularity, they were always "sold out" when it was his turn in the school store. But not on this day. On this day he was able to obtain on. It was easy to see how ecstatic he was. It was like Christmas had arrived an entire month early.  Which made me decide to check into more about the gift cards.

These gift cards can purchase anything in the Google Store. This includes:

  • games
  • apps
  • movies & tv
  • music
  • books

Google Play Gift Card Tips

The Google Play gift cards cannot purchase actual items such as electronics and accessories. Think of the Google Play gift cards as money to be spent only in the Google Play Store. An adult friend told me that these cards can also be used to purchase extra levels or currency in certain games.

The students who like these cards are using them on their Android phones and on their tablets. 

Also, Google Play cards bought in the US are to be used in the US only (apologies to our international readers). The card I have shown is an actual gift card that will be mailed to a home address. Perfect for giving a tangible gift at Christmas. 

If you prefer instant gratification, there are Google Play "cards" available via a code that is purchased then emailed to you or the recipient and redeemed using that code. 

Google Play cards come in a variety of amounts. Check out Amazon for a variety of these cards.

Holiday Gift Guide 

Related Links:

Be sure to browse the Review This! holiday gift guide for a wide variety of gift ideas and recommendations from our writers. 

How many times have you been on the road during the holidays and have needed to recharge those electronics? Avoid that problem and make the long drives far more pleasant for the children and/or yourself with the DC to AC Power Inverter/Adapter for Cars recommended by Sylvestermouse Cynthia.

Photo attribution: CCO Creative Commons

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, November 27, 2017

How to Make Easy Christmas Tree Ornaments

Ornaments made with love. 
Today I am reviewing an easy way to make beautiful Christmas tree ornaments using tri-beads. This is a great project to make with children. 

The best ornaments I've ever placed on my Christmas tree over the years were these ornaments made by my children made in school and given to me as gifts. The ornaments were special because they were made by my children. They were beautiful then because they were made by children's hands. They are beautiful still today because of the sparkling colors.

Yes, I wrote that they are beautiful still today. These ornaments are durable. I still have those ornaments from years ago. I loved these ornaments so much that I have replicated the project with the students at work. Over the years, I've sent many children home with these ornaments as gifts for their caregivers.

Now I'm sharing the step-by-step instructions how to make these incredibly simple ornaments with the children in your life. Or perhaps you want to make your own ornaments. I have to admit that sometimes I make these ornaments when I'm alone and have used them for decorations when wrapping gifts. There are many ways to enjoy these easy-to-make decorations. 

Finally, remember that the best gift you can give this season is the gift of your time and attention. Especially when you are spending time with a children. 

plastic tri-beads 
pipe cleaners (either tinsel or chenille)
1/8" wide ribbons (optional)

heavy-duty scissors

Gather your beads and pipe cleaners. Ribbon is options (but preferred by the children).

Gather your tools. Heavy-duty scissors or wire cutters are needed to cut the pipe cleaners. And pliers to bend the wire tips are optional but highly recommended.

Be aware: Take care when cutting pipe cleaners. This project is extremely easy, with the exception of trimming the pipe cleaners. The wire is sometimes difficult to cut and the tips of the pipe cleaners are "pokey". Younger children may need to be supervised closely to ensure they don't poke or scratch themselves.

Candy Cane Ornament Instructions:

1. To make the candy cane bead ornament, knot the end of the pipe cleaner and pull the knot tight.

2. Carefully cut the end off; just below the knot. If a sharp end remains, bend it with the pliers or your fingers toward the knot, tucking it into the bulk of the knot (in order to be safe for little fingers)

3. Allow the child to slide beads onto the pipe cleaner; snugging the beads up against the knot. The tri-beads fit together beautifully and create a "round" shape. Some children like the traditional red and white candy cane stripes. Some children prefer psychedelic colors. Have fun with it.

4. Fill the pipe cleaner to the desired length; making sure to leave enough material to make a knot.( make the knot shape loosely then work to snug the knot up toward the last bead in order to hold the design together snugly).

5. Note the knot is snugged up to the last bead. Check the end for any sharp points and bend it up, out of the way, if needed (a point is visible in the photos. It is probably not unsafe to leave it, but I prefer to  bend it out of the way - just to be safe.

Finish the candy cane with a bow if desired. The ornament can be hung in the tree by the hook of the cane. Or traditional ornament hooks can be purchased and added. Occasionally, the children choose to use the ribbon for a loop at the top of the candy cane for hanging. 

Wreath Ornament Instructions:

1. Making a wreath is similar to making the candy cane except, Do Not knot either end. Thread the beads onto the pipe cleaner and gather them in the middle of the pipe cleaner.

2. Leave approximately 2" or more of empty pipe cleaner at each end. Bend the ornament into a round shape and begin to tie a know at the top (as though you are tying the first portion of a shoelace knot).

3. Pull the ends together, twisting lightly to form a single pipe cleaner from the two ends.

4. Bend the end down to form a loop; wrapping the very end around the portion of the pipe cleaner that is holding the bead. If there is a point piece remaining (as shown) use the pliers, or your fingers, to carefully wrap it more tightly around in order to hide the end.

5. Add ribbons as desired.

And with that, you have the finished products. Happy Holidays to you and yours. And remember to give the gift of your time and attention.

Note: This article was previously published elsewhere. The instructions and photographs are by the author.

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