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One Man's Opus |
I never thought to myself, "I want to grow up to be a prepper!" It just sort of happened. -- Rick Carpenter
Opus is a fierce, furry, and professionally trained guard dog. He is loyal and highly intelligent. Is it real or imagined that he makes one sound in agreement, another in disagreement, and a third with calling baloney? I think it was not imagined.
After reading some online reviews, I thought I was going to find a paranormal creature posing as a dog and that would have made me annoyed. But that was not the case. Opus is just a smart, well-trained dog and who has observant human parents. Dog owners who, like many of us, are able to understand the meanings of the sounds and gestures our dogs make.
Tina runs and owns the local rental storage units. She's an independent and hard-working young lady with a past. And a dog. A big, ferocious dog who would do anything to protect her. In many romances, in which the main character is male, the female needs rescued. Or is delicate. But not Tina. She is open to love but not desperate for it. She and Opus have been doing just fine. Then Rick comes along.
Rick is a romance writer and blogger. He is a benign young introvert who is happy to be living with a roommate in a small apartment. Rick is comfortable in his bedroom, spending his time writing paranormal romance novels. He started writing this genre on a dare and it was becoming a lucrative career.
I was in my late twenties, single, extremely introverted, and happy to be alone or camping somewhere by myself. That camping somewhere idea is what got me started -- Rick Carpenter
What was interesting is that this story had every ingredient that typically makes me stop reading; politics, civil unrest, and what have become current breaking news stories. However, this setting never turned into a political campaign or a lecturing editorial. Boyd Craven III wrote in such an easy, everyday, neighborly way - as though Rick were telling the story to me - that I just kept the turning pages and reading.
One Man's Opus: A Survival and Preparedness Story is just that. A story. It is not how to write, how to blog, or how to prep. It is a peek at a day-in-the-life of Rick Carpenter as he is looking for a good writing getaway spot and unexpectedly finds love and danger.
This story echos some important messages. First, as someone who lives in an urban setting but is preparing to move to an off-grid setting, I know - as Rick learned - the grass is not always greener (or more peaceful) on the other side. Also, as his grandmother taught him, "one for you, one for me, and one for later" no matter where you live or how you prep.
As a side note, I finished reading this while snugged up in a sleeping bag in front of a wood stove while camping at The Shack.
If you are looking for a quick and easy read, this may be the story for you. Currently listed on Amazon with 4.5 stars out of 5 (over 200 ratings) and with a price tag you cannot beat! As an Amazon Prime member, I read my Kindle copy for free!
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