Saturday, May 21, 2022

World Otter Day Review

Image of otters swimming
World Otter Day is celebrated every year on the last Wednesday in May. It is considered a Global Awareness Day and is celebrated in over 20 countries all over the world. 

This holiday began in 2014 by the International Otter Survival Fund (IOSF).  The UK began this event and it is considered a 'world' event because otters exist on all continents except Antarctica and Australia. 

Each of the 13 species of otters are at risk due to declining natural habitats, along with a few other reasons. On this awareness holiday, nature preservation groups provide educational and research programs to protect otters. 

The River Otter vs. the Sea Otter

Image of the River Otter and the Sea Otter
River & Sea Otters (source: Pixabay)

There are two kinds of otters, the river otter and the sea otter. Differences include: 

  • Size - Sea Otters are much larger than River Otters
  • Fur – Sea Otters have much denser fur needed for extra warmth in the colder oceans, compared to rivers and streams where River Otters live. 
  • Swimming style – River otters usually swim belly down and often lounge on the river banks. Sea otters often swim with their belly up and very seldom go on land.
  • Motherhood – River otters often have 2 or 3 pups per litter and keep their young safe by their side. Sea otters usually only have one pup at a time and keep their pup nestled on their stomach as they float until they are old enough to swim on their own.

Otters are very social animals, and can be seen playing with family members by sliding around on their bellies and teaching each other how to catch food. 

See them in the wild or in a zoo near you. If you would like a reminder of these adorable animals, Amazon has darling plush toy otters and Etsy gives you a wide range of Otter-Related merchandize.  Two examples are presented below:

Plush Sea Otter
Sea Otter
Plush Otter

From Aurora World's Miyoni line of realistically styled plush animals comes this cute sea otter. He measures 10 inches tall and comes in a playful pose like the sea otters who float on their back.  Soft and huggable plush. 

Otter Potholders

Handmade sea otter potholders
Otter Potholders

This is a set of two handmade potholders with a design of otters. The potholders are 8 inches square, and are washable and heavy so you won't burn your hands when you use them. They are handmade in cotton fabric by Carol of WildernessTies on Etsy. 


These mammals are 'Otterly' adorable and a favorite in the animal world. So get ready to celebrate World Otter Day every year on the last Wednesday in May.

Sea Otters at Morro Rock, Morro Bay, California
Sea Otters at Morro Rock, Morro Bay, California (Pixabay)

*World Otter Day Holiday is reviewed by Wednesday Elf

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Friday, May 20, 2022

SuperNail Nail Bandage Instant Nail Repair Reviewed

Nail Repair
I confess, I do not worry much over my fingernails. I stopped painting my fingernails decades ago because I hated how polish would turn the actual nail yellow over time. I keep my nails clean and file rough edges, but otherwise I leave them alone, unless they break. I recently discovered SuperNail Nail Bandages which are fabulous as a temporary fix for nail breaks.

The one thing that has always bothered me is when a nail breaks or tears on the side, below the top line of the nail bed (the hyponychium).  It hurts and can bleed if the break is allowed to continue across the finger.  I try hard to protect the fingernail until it has grown out past the skin line enough to cut off. In the past, I have used band-aids to try to keep the nail from tearing more. However, a band-aid doesn't last long, it doesn't stay clean, and it can be annoying when I am working. Plus, it is very noticeable to everyone. 

When moving boxes recently, my thumb nail broke below the skin line of my nail (onychodermal band of the hyponychium) and into the nail bed. I knew it would be a while, possibly weeks, before the nail would grow out enough to be cut. Any time I have a break or tear in my nail like that, it catches on fabric or in my hair and tears a little more into the nail bed. Knowing I would be living with this break for a while, I was desperate to find tape or something that would cover the break. My search lead me to SuperNail Nail Bandage Instant Nail Repair on Amazon. I ordered this very inexpensive solution immediately. When it arrived two days later, I removed my band-aid (the temporary fix) and immediately applied the nail repair bandage.  

Six days later, I am writing this review and the initial bandage is still adhering, covering the break and keeping it from tearing further into the nail bed.  Keep in mind, I wash my hands dozens of times a day!  I expected to need to replace the first bandage long before now. 


SuperNail Nail Bandage Instant Nail Repair

 supernail Nail Bandage Instant Nail RepairCheck PriceI never want to be without SuperNail Nail Bandage Instant Nail Repair again!  The clear thick bandages are perfect for covering a nail break until the nail grows out enough to cut. 

The package comes with 30 clear adhesive tabs in varying sizes. I used the largest size on my thumb nail, but the smaller size would be great for my other fingernails.

The package also contains a really nice buffer for smoothing the edge and area of the break before applying the bandage. The blue side of the buffer is a file that can be used for filing the nail and for filing away any access bandage material.  

Obviously, I can't guarantee future nail bandages will last for more than 6 days, but with 30 bandages in the package, I think I am safe for a while.  I expect I will require at least 2 more bandages before the thumb nail has grown out enough to cut the nail.

For me, the SuperNail Nail Bandages have been a fabulous find. Not only do I appreciate the long lasting protection, but I love the transparency. 

For Additional Nail Care Read

14 Secrets to Growing Strong, Healthy, Beautiful Nails by Margaret Schindel


Nice Fingernails Don't Have To Be Difficult to Achieve! by Olivia Morris

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Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Summertime is On the Way! Cool Off Easily ~ A Product Review

Summertime is almost here and with it comes the heat and humidity that most people love and hate at the same time!  We've all been waiting patiently (most of the time) for winter to end!  Well I think it's safe to say that it is now over!  At least here in the Southern parts of Ontario, winter has definitely left us and we have already moved through our short spring!  Most of the Magnolia trees have already blossomed and the Crab Apple trees are now in full bloom.  


Image by Ralphs_Fotos from Pixabay

Spring doesn't last too long here and summer is following quickly in the next few weeks.

At this time of year, being of a certain age, I find that my own body thermometer seems to get out of whack.  Call it hormones, if you like, but I know that the uncomfortable days are coming quickly and I want to be prepared. 

One of the things I love to do during the summer months is to enjoy the outdoors and still be comfortable.  Whether it's playing in my little garden area with my containers of veggies that are growing on my balcony or picking up my favorite book to read for a while, comfort to me is of utmost importance. 

There is nothing worse than trying to enjoy the great outdoors while dripping with perspiration due to the humidity.  Oh I could go indoors and sit in the comfort of the air conditioning, but what is the point in that? 

I waited for summer to come and now I want to be out there enjoying it. Now I can share with you my little lifesaver.  I was introduced to this gadget through a friend who is having hot flashes like crazy!  While visiting her for instructions on her dog's needs (I was going to doggie sit) she pulls out these neat little fans and puts them around her neck.   Not only does she cool right off, but, she can and does continue to take me through all the instructions with these little fans running.  They are quiet and cool her right off in a matter of minutes.  Now,  I'm older than she is and I thought I was all through those nasty hot flashes, then they came back with a vengeance.   That was a surprise to me and I needed help. 

 Thank God for girlfriends who share their great finds with each other. 


These small and inexpensive fans will cool you off and let you enjoy the outdoors while having a nice breeze blowing on you.  These are quiet enough that you can keep a conversation going without having to raise your voice.  These are a win-win for me and because they sit around your neck, without cords attached, you can move around with them on.  You can continue with your hobbies and crafts, reading or just sitting around with a certain level of comfort even on the hottest days.  If the outdoors becomes too overbearing I can always go indoors for a few minutes just to really cool down, but then I'm right back out again.  I love summer and these will make my summer even better!  

two women sitting on the beach

Image by Siggy Nowak from Pixabay

If this is something you think would work for you, just click on the  link and get a pair for yourself.  Happy Summer!  Be Cool and enjoy everyday!

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Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Scotts Hand-Held Lawn Spreader

 My Scotts handheld lawn spreader reviewed

Scotts hand held lawn spreader

Most homeowners love a lush green lawn and achieving that beautiful lawn can be a lot of work. Luckily for me, I have a small yard so taking care of it is not so bad. 

If you have a large yard you probably have a lawn spreader on wheels. I honestly don't have room in my garage for one more thing, so I found this handy little handheld lawn spreader. It is perfect for my small yard.

Features of Scotts Hand-Held Lawn Spreader:

Great for small yards
All sturdy plastic 
Fully assembled  and ready to go
Five spreader settings
Holds up to 1,000 sq. ft. of lawn products
5-Feet of broadcast 
Easy hand crank

Scotts recommends feeding your lawn with weed and feed or lawn food four times a year. I would only feed twice a year, once in early spring and then again in the fall.

Because we live only two blocks from a lake I quit using weed and feed because of chemical runoff into the lake. I still use my lawn spreader in early spring. I spread granulated lime and a couple weeks after that I spread grass seed.

The lime increases the PH balance and calcium in the soil for thicker greener lawns and improves the soil structure and root development. The grass seed is for new growth and helps choke out weeds. The spreader is perfect for small yards, gardens, and flower beds.

In the winter this little lawn spreader is a handy tool to spread ice melt on my driveway and sidewalks. Although I prefer spreading the lime and grass seed much better. Scotts even makes a battery-powered spreader. For this one, you will need two AA batteries.

Find more Product Reviews here:

Scotts Wizz Battery Powered Fertilizer, Seed, and Ice SpreaderScotts Wizz Battery Powered Fertilizer, Seed, and Ice SpreaderScotts Wizz Battery Powered Fertilizer, Seed, and Ice SpreaderScott's 71133 HandyGreen Hand Held SpreaderScott's 71133 HandyGreen Hand-Held SpreaderScott's 71133 HandyGreen Hand Held Spreader


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Monday, May 16, 2022

Book Review - The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah

The Four Winds is a fictional novel based on the events that occurred during the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl. More specifically, how one woman from Texas - Elsinore (Elsa) Wolcott - made exceedingly difficult decisions to try to keep her children alive during the 1930s. 

The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah

Elsa Wolcott lived her childhood in solitude. Defined as medically fragile and as "not nearly pretty as her sisters" the story opens as she is turning 25 and facing a future as a spinster. 

"There was a pain that came with constant disapproval; a sense of having lost something unnamed, unknown. Else had survived it by being quiet, by not demanding or seeking attention, by accepting that she was loved, but unliked" -excerpt from The Four Winds 

Elsa had learned to entertain herself by reading and survived the cruel comments by making herself as invisible as possible while her family carried on in an otherwise tight-knit group. Things started to fall apart when she informed her family that she wanted to attend college in Chicago. Her family was relatively affluent and cultured but the answer from her parents was a resounding no. They continued to define her as ill. She quietly returned to her room upstairs to her reading.

The next morning, while walking through town to the library, Elsa stopped at the mercantile where she was told about a piece of red silk. The store owner wanted Elsa to inform her beautiful sisters of this dress material. Instead, Elsa bought it for herself. 

The resulting red dress, glittery silver headband and an secret attempt to enter a speakeasy during the days of prohibition changed everything. 

Elsa responded to the first attention she received. And Raffaello entered her life. Very quickly, Elsa went from being the daughter of the in-town-living, Christian, daughter of a successful business man who sells tractors to the farmers to the wife of a young, Italian, Catholic son of struggling farmers.

 Elsa became a farmer's wife. A mother. And she became a part of a family.

The years pass. In 1934, the Great Depression had been in full swing. And it was an extraordinarily hot August. Unknown to Elsa and her family, the Dust Bowl is coming.

As the heat and dust settled in for months, and then years, Elsa had to decide whether to remain on the "farm" (now a pile of dust) with her family or escape to California for work. 

How the Story Impacted Me

I had some vague awareness of both the Great Depression and of the Dust Bowl. I knew that both were disasters. And I knew that my grandparents were frugal - saving every little thing in case it would be needed as a result of their experience (or their parent's experiences) during this era. My grandparents have been gone for a long time now. And I wish I knew their stories. But I don't. 

Now I realize how very little I know of that era and what people went through trying to survive the times. I was aware that the Dust Bowl occurred. For some reason, I imagined that nearly the entire US was in drought for a single growing season. I did not realize that it spanned the middle US states, hitting Colorado, Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, New Mexico the hardest. And that it lasted for years.  I knew that crops were killed. I did not realize the enormous toll it took on all livestock and wildlife. And I did not realize the extent of human lives lost. Of course, the death toll was not accurately recorded during these crises but it is thought that hundreds to thousands died of Dust Pneumonia alone. And several hundred thousands fled the plains area to try to survive. 

This story impacts me now as I consider the current happenings in the US. Wild fires, droughts, and torrential spring rains during planting season is impacting agriculture. As is the current economic situation. Many farmers and ranchers are in a tough situation as I type this. Reading this book now reminds me of the time I read the book Jaws on my first trip to Florida and visit to Cocoa Beach. I was afraid to enter the ocean for fear of what might be lurking. I am currently concerned about food supplies, our farmers and ranchers, and what disaster may be lurking next. 

Do I wish I hadn't read this book. My answer is a resounding NO. I am glad to have read this book and recommend it to others. It is a story of a woman who had not received unconditional love as a child and who not only gave unconditional love to her children but who would die for them to save them. It is the story of navigating parent-child relationships. It is a story of proud, hard-working people who just wanted to be able to take care of themselves. Their tenacity and willingness to work hard despite the odds inspires me. Despite the very tough topic and times, this book was filled with love stories. 

Bits from Author Kristin Hannah

Ms. Hannah wrote her Author's Note in May 2020. In the three years that she was writing this book the pandemic arrived in the US. Imagine that. Writing about the death, famine, and destruction of the dust bowl during the death, near-famine, and destruction of the pandemic. 

The Author notes that the timeline is not completely accurate in her fiction. She includes a suggested reading list on her website for more historically accurate information. Ms. Hannah also mentions having taken a tour of "Weedpatch" camp in Arvin, California. And a novel by Sanora Babb titled Whose Names Are Unknown. I find it interesting that Babb's manuscript was submitted in 1939 and was not published until 2004. Read more about that here. I will be reading Ms. Babb's book.

Other Books of Interest

Reading about the dust bowl reminded me of another famine. The potato famine. Like the Dust Bowl, I had known that a potato famine in Ireland occurred. But I had no idea of the extent of it until I had read Galway Bay by Mary Pat Kelly.  You can read my review of that historical fiction here. I highly recommend it and have read it more than once.

Apparently, the Review This Reviews! contributors are Kristin Hannah fans. Our previous reviews are listed below:

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Sunday, May 15, 2022

Bike Themed Home Decor - Something Different

Bike Home Decor Pieces and Ideas

I'm always on the lookout for something funky in home decor. During my investigative process (lol), I came across these creative artsy ideas related to bicycles. 

Why Bike Themed Home Decor?

Below, you'll notice that there are multiple pieces to add to a bike-themed room, including side tables, pillows, clocks, or furniture with bike-themed print. The answer to the question of why bike decor is why not? If you appreciate non-traditional pieces for your home, you'll find these items interesting. 

Here are Five Ways to Incorporate Bike Decor Into Your Home:

1. Bike Side Tables

A bike table makes an excellent conversation piece when positioned in a central location such as a foyer or front room. Bike tables are essentially bikes with an attached tabletop. They make an excellent addition to an Industrial Decor loft or apartment. 

2. Bike Flower Planters

Bike flower planters are a bit more familiar. They're essentially a creative planter designed in the shape of a bike, or in some cases, using an actual bicycle, with a creative place to add plants.

3. Bike Dishware

Set an attractive bike-themed table using plates, cups, and glasses with a bicycle design. Bike dishware isn't as common; however, while typing this, I was able to find some to feature below.

4. Bike Clocks

Bike clocks are relatively easy to find. Add a bike clock to an exercise room, man cave, the front hallway, and themed bedrooms. Bike clocks are a unique gift for the avid biker in the family! You'll notice a few featured below.

5. Bike Throw Blankets and Pillows

Combine a bike-decorated pillow and bike-themed blanket to give as an original gift. You can also add these pieces as the finishing touches to a room that features numerous bicycle decor items.

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Saturday, May 14, 2022

Key Lime Pie – Recipe Review

REAL Key Lime Pie. The way they make it in the Florida Keys from fresh Key Limes. The name comes from their association with the Florida Keys.

Image of Key Limes on a lime tree


Main Ingredients: Pie shell, Key lime juice, egg yolks, sweetened condensed milk 

Start with your crust....

You can use a shortcrust pie shell, but usually Key Lime Pie is made using a graham cracker crust.

Key Lime Pie
Photo by Ariana Suárez on Unsplash

Mix together 16 crushed graham crackers with 3 tablespoons of sugar and one-fourth (1/4th) lb. of margarine or butter.  Press the mixture into a 9-inch pie plate. Bake crust in a 350 degree preheated oven for 15-20 minutes, or until lightly browned.  Let cool.

For the Pie Filling....

Take 4 large egg yolks and, using an electric mixer, beat egg yolks until thick.  To the eggs slowly add one 14 oz. can of sweetened condensed milk. Then, on low speed, slowly add one-half (½) cup of fresh Key lime juice (about 10-12 limes).

Pour the blended filling mix into the baked pie crust.  Bake again in a 350 degree oven for about 12 minutes.

Pie Topping....

Key Lime Pie dessert
Photo by Nathan Lemon on Unsplash

Never use meringue on a Key Lime Pie. If you desire a topping, use a dollop of 'real' whipped cream. Top the whipped cream with a cherry or a curl of Key Lime peel.

My First Key Lime Pie Story

We were living in south Florida on the Gulf Coast when we were first introduced to real Florida Key Lime Pie. I was working part-time for a landscape and lawn care service company. One day our crew was doing lawn care at a large estate when the owner asked if they would pick up a large bunch of limes that had fallen from her Key lime tree following a storm. They asked her what she wanted them to do with the limes and she told them to 'just take them'. So back to the office came the crew with a bunch of Key limes, and shared them around.

Naturally I had to use my share to make my very-first ever Key Lime Pie. I wasn't much of a cook at the time, but the recipe was easy to follow. Well, the pie turned out delicious, but somehow I expected the filling to be green ~ like the limes. I didn't realize that lime juice looks just like lemon juice, despite the dark green skin on the limes. Silly me. :) But, if you've ever had lime pie, you will notice a big difference in yummy taste when using real Key Limes! There really is no substitute! 

A ready to eat Key Lime Pie
Photo by Nathan Lemon on Unsplash

For More Recipe Reviews, 

click on ReviewThisReviews: Recipes

*Key Lime Pie Recipe reviewed by Wednesday Elf.

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Friday, May 13, 2022

Cerama Bryte Ceramic Cooktop Cleaner Reviewed

Cerama Bryte Cleaner
The Cerama Bryte Ceramic Cooktop Cleaner really does make your stovetop look new again!  

My smooth surface cooktop is 20+ years old, I cook on it almost every day, and it will still clean and shine up beautifully.  My secret to a beautiful smooth surface cooktop is really no secret, but I am often surprised by how many people do not know about Cerama Bryte.

It easily removed splatters, grease, fingerprints, etc. Even when potatoes or pasta water overflows and makes a burnt-on mess, the Cerama Bryte, along with a Scrunge sponge, will clean the burner.  Occasionally, I will need to clean an area twice to get it spotless, but it will come clean. 

When I first had my smoothtop cooktop installed, I was hesitant to use the Scrunge scrub sponge for fear that it would scratch the surface.  However, in over 20 years of cleaning, it has not scratched it or harmed the stovetop in any way.

To this day, I love my smooth cooktop.  Sadly, I have heard several people lament that they removed their smooth cooktop because they couldn't get it as clean as new. That is a shame!  If only they had known about Cerama Bryte and the Scrunge scrub sponge, they would still be enjoying their lovely smooth surface cooktop.


Cerama Bryte Cleaner

Cerama Bryte Ceramic Cooktop Cleaner

 Cerama Bryte Ceramic Cooktop Cleaner 28 OzCheck PriceWithout Cerama Bryte, I know I would be listed among the disappointed customers who gave up on their smooth-surface cooktop.  Being able to thoroughly clean the cooktop without damaging it, really does make all the difference in the world!

I think my smooth surface cooktop looks almost as good as it did the day it was installed 20 years ago and it certainly looks just as clean, maybe even better.

A bottle of Cerama Bryte lasts a long time. I purchased two bottles the last time I bought it a few years ago and my second bottle (shown in the pictures) is still half full.

I replace my sponge about every six months.  I rinse it and squeeze it out thoroughly after each use, then let it air dry.  After it is dry, I store it in a Ziploc sandwich bag.

To clean a smooth top cooktop:   

Squeeze Cerama Bryte Cooktop Cleaner on the cooktop. With the rough side of a damp Scrunge sponge, spread the cleaner across the entire surface, bearing down slightly on any burnt-on food.  Wipe the cleaner off with the smooth side of the sponge, then completely dry the cooktop surface with a soft cloth or kitchen towel.  

Rinse your sponge and allow it to air dry for multiple uses. 

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House of Sylvestermouse

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Thursday, May 12, 2022

Wish You Were Here-Book Review


wish you were here banner

Jodi Picoult's books are known for being thought provoking about current and past events and this book does not disappoint.  I was hooked from the very beginning when the novel starts in a March 2020 time frame.


The Story

In this book Jodi Picoult says she is exploring "the resilience of the human spirit in a moment of crisis".

In the first pages we are introduced to Diana O'Toole and her boyfriend Dr. Finn Colson.  They are a young couple very much in love and planning on taking the trip of their dreams to the Galapagos Islands.  They are all packed and set to take their trip when Finn comes home and announces that he cannot get away to take the trip.  He is a surgical resident in New York City, and it is the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic.  Finn convinces Diana that she should take the trip without him since they have already paid their nonrefundable down payments.  Dianna reluctantly agrees to go.

When Diana reaches the Galapagos, she takes the ferry over to the island where they are staying only to discover that due to the pandemic it is the last ferry to the island and the island is now shut down due to the pandemic.  When she arrives, there is no transportation available, so she decides to walk to their hotel only to discover that it has been shut down.  Diana is beginning to panic when a worker from the hotel is leaving and stops to talk to Diana.  She offers a place for Diana to stay in a cottage she owns.  She is very kind to Diana and offers her food and advice.

The next chapters find Diana exploring the island, meeting people along the way, and dealing with communication problems.  She tries to contact Finn, but communication is very limited, and she finally is able to get someone to let her into the hotel to use their server.  

In the meantime, Finn, is working day and night at the hospital to deal with the spreading pandemic.  When he gets a moment to send Diana an email, he never knows if she is getting them.  In one email, he lets Diana know that her mother who is in a nursing home is gravely ill and the nursing home is quarantined by the pandemic.

There is so much more to the story, but I don't want to spoil it for you by telling you about all the twists and turns.  I will tell you it is a very compelling story made even more interesting by the fact that we are currently living in the pandemic.  I highly recommend this book.

More Books I Have Enjoyed by Jodi Picoult

I have read many of Jodi Picoult's books.  Here are some that I particularly enjoyed.

The Book of Two Ways explores Egyptology and I found very intriguing. Here is a review that Diana wrote on this book. Book of Two Ways

Leaving Time is a book that explores the relationships between humans and animals.  The elephants in this story were delightful and I would recommend this book.

My Sister's Keeper is the heart wrenching story of a young girl who was conceived in order to provide bone marrow for her dying sister.  It is considered by many as their favorite Picoult novel.

Enjoy your Reading!  Books are a wonderful escape from daily life.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

What is a Coastal Grandmother?

Discover the vibe that is being called Coastal Grandmother and determine whether or not you fit in.

I have just discovered the vibe, ‘Coastal Grandmother’. Let’s take a minute and review exactly what that vibe is all about. It’s not just a reference to a woman but it is also a feeling and a lifestyle that is currently enjoying favor and being celebrated on sites like Instagram and TikTok.

According to Tik Tok user Nicoleta (@lexnicoleta), the movement includes women young and old who “love Nancy Meyers' movies, coastal vibes, recipes and cooking, Ina Garten, cozy interiors and more.” She also says the movement is about taking time to enjoy life. About slowing down.

I had to look up Nancy Meyers' movies and it turns out that the list includes Private Benjamin (Goldie Hawn), Father of the Bride (Steve Martin, Diane Keaton), The Parent Trap (Dennis Quaid, Natasha Richardson), What Women Want (Mel Gibson, Helen Hunt), Something's Gotta Give (Jack Nicholson, Diane Keaton), The Holiday (Kate Winslet, Cameron Diaz), It's Complicated (Meryl Streep, Mel Gibson) and most recently, The Intern (Robert De Niro, Anne Hathaway). They are all very popular, fun movies geared toward women. I now know who Nancy Meyers is and can say that I love her movies even if I did not recognize the name of the American filmmaker. You can check out Nancy Meyers' movies here on Amazon. 

USA Today calls the style “classic and timeless”. You might be a Coastal Grandmother if you like Grace and Frankie’s (2015-2022) home style in the program of the same name, Diane Keaton’s style in Annie Hall (1977) and Meryl Streep’s home in Complicated (2009). I definitely love those styles though I cannot say that my home style is classic or timeless. My home is simply casual and comfortable but those are Coastal Grandmother feelings, too!

Glamour says the term applies to the “perennially summertime lifestyle of a beautiful older woman.” They say that she likes natural products and looking after herself. That she enjoys simple, quality things. That she loves wine and book clubs and life. I definitely love the ideas of an easy summertime lifestyle, of relaxing with a glass of wine and of going to my book club meetings!

Most interesting, I thought, was Glamour’s statement that the Coastal Grandmother prefers real life to life online and I will take that as a reminder to walk away from my computer and celebrate life everyday.

Anne Hathaway at 39 is much younger than you would think of as a grandmother but says that she loves the style and even shared a photo of herself online sporting comfortable khaki pants, shirt and a bucket hat. All were comfortable and all were in neutral colors. Two more great Coastal Grandmother characteristics.

On TikTok, Nicoleta expanded on the comments mentioned previously by saying that Coastal Grandmother “is the feeling that you get when you’re visiting your friend at the beach. A cozy, safe feeling.” I can’t imagine not loving that feeling.

In case you are wondering, no, you don’t have to be a grandmother nor do you have to live on the coast to be characterized as a Coastal Grandmother and yes, there is a Coastal Grandfather equivalent. Glamour cites Stanley Tucci as an example.

I like TheStyleEquation’s definition of the movement as shown here in this short video from TikTok:

@thestyleequation The latest trend, not just for grandmothers! #coastalgrandmother @Lex Nicoleta #lifestyle ♬ original sound - Jennifer Ebelhar
I illustrated the top of this page with a fun, printable graphic from Echowood Printables on Etsy. I love the elements that creator Logan has woven together to create her interpretation of this trend. Click here to see Logan's visual representation on Etsy.  Her print is an inexpensive way to add this trend to your home's decor.

You will also find some interesting, on trend Coastal Grandmother clothing and decor pieces here on Amazon.

Which elements of this lifestyle do you like? Are you a Coastal Grandmother in any or all ways? If you would like to learn and see more, just search for Coastal Grandmother on TikTok and Instagram.

Treasures By Brenda

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Review This Reviews is Dedicated to the Memory of Our Beloved Friend and Fellow Contributor

Susan DeppnerSusan Deppner

We may be apart, but
You Are Not Forgotten

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