Saturday, May 21, 2022

World Otter Day Review

Image of otters swimming
World Otter Day is celebrated every year on the last Wednesday in May. It is considered a Global Awareness Day and is celebrated in over 20 countries all over the world. 

This holiday began in 2014 by the International Otter Survival Fund (IOSF).  The UK began this event and it is considered a 'world' event because otters exist on all continents except Antarctica and Australia. 

Each of the 13 species of otters are at risk due to declining natural habitats, along with a few other reasons. On this awareness holiday, nature preservation groups provide educational and research programs to protect otters. 

The River Otter vs. the Sea Otter

Image of the River Otter and the Sea Otter
River & Sea Otters (source: Pixabay)

There are two kinds of otters, the river otter and the sea otter. Differences include: 

  • Size - Sea Otters are much larger than River Otters
  • Fur – Sea Otters have much denser fur needed for extra warmth in the colder oceans, compared to rivers and streams where River Otters live. 
  • Swimming style – River otters usually swim belly down and often lounge on the river banks. Sea otters often swim with their belly up and very seldom go on land.
  • Motherhood – River otters often have 2 or 3 pups per litter and keep their young safe by their side. Sea otters usually only have one pup at a time and keep their pup nestled on their stomach as they float until they are old enough to swim on their own.

Otters are very social animals, and can be seen playing with family members by sliding around on their bellies and teaching each other how to catch food. 

See them in the wild or in a zoo near you. If you would like a reminder of these adorable animals, Amazon has darling plush toy otters and Etsy gives you a wide range of Otter-Related merchandize.  Two examples are presented below:

Plush Sea Otter
Sea Otter
Plush Otter

From Aurora World's Miyoni line of realistically styled plush animals comes this cute sea otter. He measures 10 inches tall and comes in a playful pose like the sea otters who float on their back.  Soft and huggable plush. 

Otter Potholders

Handmade sea otter potholders
Otter Potholders

This is a set of two handmade potholders with a design of otters. The potholders are 8 inches square, and are washable and heavy so you won't burn your hands when you use them. They are handmade in cotton fabric by Carol of WildernessTies on Etsy. 


These mammals are 'Otterly' adorable and a favorite in the animal world. So get ready to celebrate World Otter Day every year on the last Wednesday in May.

Sea Otters at Morro Rock, Morro Bay, California
Sea Otters at Morro Rock, Morro Bay, California (Pixabay)

*World Otter Day Holiday is reviewed by Wednesday Elf

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN), Esty (Awin), and/or Zazzle Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”


  1. Oh Pat I did not know about this "day" and I'm so happy that you let me in on it. I love watching those otters do their swimming and floating around on their backs. They are just too cute and when they have babies even more so. Thank you for pointing this day out to me, I'm putting it on my calendar!

    1. Glad you enjoyed learning about World Otter Day, Olivia. Enjoy celebrating each year this time.

  2. I love otters and I love that picture you featured that was taken at Morro Rock. I don't think I have ever seen that many otters in one place. It is pretty awesome to have a World Otter Day set aside to think about, read about, and learn about otters.

    1. I, too, loved that picture of Morro Rock and the otters. Interesting note, I used to live across Morro Bay from Morro Rock and visited it often. Never saw that many otters in the bay before though. Thanks for your visit to my Otter Day story, Mouse.

  3. Thanks to your review I know more about Otters (or should I say I know something about Otters now) - I had no idea there were "Lake Otters" - that's pretty interesting - love the stuffed animal too

  4. I have always been a big otter fan. When I was a girl growing up in Manhattan, one of my favorite things to do was to watch the sea otters and sea lions swimming in the Central Park Zoo. The differences between sea and river otters are very interesting - thanks for sharing! What fun that these playful, fun-loving critters have their own global holiday.

    1. I like the fact that these otters have an awareness holiday to remember and help them. Thanks for your visit, Margaret.

  5. How wonderful to have a World Otter day to raise awareness and appreciation of these wonderful creatures! I love otters, they are fascinating. Love the plush sea otter as well, very cute!

  6. Thanks for your visit to my World Otter Day review, Raintree Annie. I've always liked otters too, but until I saw all these comments, I had no idea these little creatures were so well thought of by everyone.


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