Saturday, January 12, 2019

Why I Love My Aromatherapy Necklace

Aromatherapy necklace set
Buy an Aromatherapy Necklace here!
Disclaimer - this review is being written by a self-confessed aromatherapy junkie!

I do like essential oils and have been thinking of getting myself an aromatherapy necklace, but I never got around to it.  Luckily, my daughter had seen me looking at them every time we saw them at a market or in a shop and she surprised me for one at Christmas.

I did tell her she was my favorite child - she replied that she was my only child, but I think she realized she'd made a great gift choice!

The necklace I've got is a Tree of Life design and is made from stainless steel.  You can find a few different designs around if you prefer a different look.  One thing that I really wanted was an array of different interchangeable pads.   Luckily I had mentioned this before and it's exactly what I got!

Now some people use these pads to color co-ordinate their outfits, but I choose to use different oils on different pads.  For example the blue pad has focus oil on it, the purple pad has harmony oil on it.

So Exactly How Do Aromatherapy Necklaces Work?

Simply put you put the oil onto a pad that fits inside the necklace which means you can inhale the oil while wearing the necklace.

The necklace opens up like a locket.  You add 1-3 drops of an essential oil or essential oil blend to the pad, pop it into the necklace and close it up.   Very easy, the hardest part is which oils to choose!

how to use your aromatherapy necklace

How Much Essential Oil to Use in an Aromatherapy Necklace

One thing that I've noticed is that most aromatherapy necklaces do NOT come with instructions.  The standard answer for how many drops to use is 1 - 3 drops.   I would suggest that you start off with just one drop of an oil for the first time you use it as you can always add another drop if you want to.

Let me give you an example, the first oil I used was my Harmony blend which I love and have used regularly in my diffuser and have even mixed in with my hand cream.  I added 3 drops and it smelled divine.   Two hours later I actually felt it was too strong and sickly so had to take it off. 

Now on the other hand when I used the Warrior Blend 3 drops was perfect and I wore it all day.

Everyone reacts to different oils differently so I would take each oil/oil blend and find out how you feel with them.  So far I have worked out I need 1 drop of one, 2 drops of another and 3 drops of a couple of others and even more experimenting to go!

When Should You Wear Aromatherapy Necklaces?

All the time!  I think that aromatherapy necklaces are something to wear whenever you feel you might need an essential oil.   I love Focus oil for work, especially when I have a busy day ahead, Harmony oil can be very helpful when you have to spend time with a group of people who aren't always the easiest to get on with (for some people this could be a family Christmas!).

I will definitely be using Lemon oil when there are viruses going around the office to keep myself healthy.

There really is an oil for just about everything so why not wear you aromatherapy necklace everywhere?   I only take mine off when I go to bed!

Are Aromatherapy Necklaces the Best Way to Use Essential Oils?

There are lots of ways of using essential oils and it's hard to say the best way because it depends on why you need to use the oil and which oil you're talking about.

An aromatherapy necklace is definitely a good way though and unlike a diffuser you can take it with you wherever you go during the day.

I must admit I wish I hadn't waited so long for my aromatherapy necklace.

Can I Use Fragrant Oils in my Aromatherapy Necklace

I guess technically you could, but please don't.  Fragrant oils are usually synthetic oils and can cause headaches.

I recommend Arbonne essential oils, the only problem is they only have a small range.   My other recommendation is the New Zealand brand Absolute Essential essential oils who have a much wider range of quality essential oils.

Whichever brand you use make sure they are 100% pure essential oils, if they say fragrant or perfumed oils please do not use them.

Which Essential Oils Should I Use in an Aromatherapy Necklace?

This is an impossible question to answer as it really depends on what you need your essential oil to do.

I have a lovely spicy blend called Warrior Blend that I use if I just want a nice warm blend when I go out as it makes me feel good.

If I am getting a bit of a headache and yet I have to go out then I will just add lavender oil.

If I'm going to be around sick people (work when there's germs around, visiting someone in hospital etc) I will use lemon oil.

If I have sinus I would probably use peppermint or a mix of peppermint and lavender.

If I have an exam or a day where I have to concentrate really hard then I would use Focus blend.

Think about what you want to achieve with your aromatherapy necklace and then search our aromatherapy reviews or google best essential oils for xxx .

Of course you can always ask me or even check out my Essential Oil Facebook Group, we'd love to have you join us.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, January 11, 2019

Lucky 7 Hallmark Movie Reviewed

Lucky 7 Hallmark Movie Reviewed
If you are seeking a sweet, romantic movie to watch, you need look no further!

You can probably tell by looking at the actors photos that this is an older movie.  It was actually released in 2003.  However, unless you are familiar with the real ages of the cast, you would never guess that Lucky 7 is over 15 years old by watching it.  I didn't note anything else in the movie itself that would "date" it.  Perhaps, I was enjoying watching it too much to look closely. 

This is not your typical "girl has to choose between two boyfriends" movies.   The plot is more detailed than that.  In fact, one of these men only needs a pretend girlfriend for a weekend.  And, Amy is not quite ready for the other one to call her his "girlfriend", even though she hopes to marry him.

The Plot of Lucky 7

At the age of 7, Amy's (Kimberly Williams-Paisley) ill mom is spending the last days of her life on this earth with her husband and daughter.  During a mother-daughter chat, she gives her daughter an outline of what and when she should do things in her life.  She lists things like summer camp, high school, and the age she will be when she goes on her first date.  At that point, Amy asks if she will marry him and her mother says no and places a #1 by the word "boy".  The timeline continues through grad school and #7 boyfriend, the one that Amy will marry.
Lucky 7 Hallmark Movie Review
Amy lives her life by that timeline.  It is the thread that still binds her to her mother.  She has finished grad school and is working as a lawyer.  When she meets the man she believes is the one she should marry, she has to devise a way to postpone things somehow since he is only #6.  

Amy was recently invited to attend an out of town wedding with the man who serves her bagels every morning.  She decides that is her opportunity to sneak in a #6 boyfriend, therefore Daniel (Brad Rowe) will ultimately be her #7 boyfriend and she can marry him and remain true to the timeline.

Peter Connor (Patrick Dempsey) isn't looking for a girlfriend, but he wants his friends to stop worrying about him.  He believes if he takes a "girlfriend" to an upcoming wedding, they will think he has moved on with his life after being jilted.  Therefore, he needs someone to go to his friends' wedding with him and pretend to be his girlfriend.  He asks Amy, a nice customer in the bagel store, if she will go with him.  She commits to helping him find someone.  When she shows up the day before the wedding saying she will go with him, he is rather surprised, but happy to have a companion.

Things don't exactly turn out as planned.  I'm sure you will enjoy the movie as much as I did!

Ways You Can Watch Lucky 7 

 Lucky SevenCheck Price

Currently, "Lucky 7" is available on Amazon with a subscription to the Hallmark Channel.  

Subscribe to the Hallmark Channel on

More Romantic Movies Reviewed

Check Out More Movie Reviews at

Lucky 7 - Hallmark Movie Review Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Review of A Piece of the World by Christina Baker Kline

Scene from Port Clyde Area
Scene from Port Clyde Area

For my book  club, we just read A Piece of the World by Christina Baker Kline.  I knew it was historical fiction and that it took place in Maine, but it wasn't until I started reading that I realized I had been to all of the small towns that were mentioned in the book.  I find it delightful to be able to picture the area that the story take place.  The photo above is one that I took on my visit.

The Book

I had read books by Christina Baker Kline before and really enjoy her writing style.  She wrote The Orphan Train and Sweetwater both books I would highly recommend.  So, I started A Piece of the World with high expectations and I was not disappointed.  Christina Baker Kline has a way of bringing you into her book and making you feel empathy with her characters.

Although this book is a work of fiction, the major characters are all real people and the author did a lot of  research into the characters and the area to give a realistic view.  The book is based on a painting by artist Andrew Wyeth  Christina's World , and in particular about the life of Christina.
The author alternates between describing Christina's early life in the early 1900's to describing her life when Andrew Wyeth is painting her in the mid 1900's.  Christina leads a simple and hard life on a farm in a remote area of Maine.  She grows up with her parents and three brothers on the family farm overlooking the bay.  Although it sounds like a beautiful setting the work is hard without any of the conveniences of modern day.  They have no electricity or indoor plumbing and Christina has a debilitating disease that makes it hard for her to move around.  Despite this she manages to do her chores and eventually take care of the household.

In her late teens and early twenties Christina meets some summer people who visit the coast each summer and we hear of her friends and love interest from Boston.

Later in life the painter Andrew Wyeth summers in the area and uses the upstairs rooms in Christina's home to paint.  Christina becomes friends with Andrew and his wife Becky and he is the one person that seems to understand things from Christina's point of view.

I found this to be a very intriguing book that really makes you consider life's choices.  I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys historical fiction. 

Amazon Links to the Book and the Painting


Rockland and Port Clyde Area Today

I have written about the Rockland and Port Clyde area in two different posts.  This post is primarily about lighthouses in the area and was written on my lighthouse blog.
Mid-Coast Maine Lighthouses

I've also written a post on Review This about the area Review of Port Clyde Maine

Today Andrew Wyeth's son is a prominent local artist.  There is a gallery just above the General Store that displays his works along with some of his fathers.
Port Clyde Area photo by mbgphoto
Photos of the Area
Here are some photos I took of the area around Port Clyde.  I found it to be very picturesque.
Port Clyde lighthouse photo by mbgphoto

Port Clyde Area photo by mbgphoto

Port Clyde boats photo by mbgphoto

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

What's Bugging Your Plants And How To Solve The Problem

Winter has set in for the long haul and if you live in Canada or the Northern United States, the plants you brought indoors for the winter months are probably showing some signs of distress.

Why does that happen and what can you do about it? 

Simply put, your indoor space as nice as it may be, is not the "great outdoors".  All gardeners wish they could just bring the summer inside so that they can survive those crazy cold winter months.  Alas, that is not possible.  We all have some plants that we love and want to "overwinter" in our homes.  I know I have a few that I just love and I always start early in the fall to get these favorites ready for their move indoors.

Olivia's Brugmansia

This is my all time favorite flower.  It is really more like a tree and in the southern states it grows to be as big as a tree.  Here in the north, with proper care it can also become quite large, but keeping a plant this big indoors over the winter months is not an easy task.  So I prepare early to bring in cuttings from this amazing plant.  It roots easily in water and once the cuttings have a good root system I plant the cutting in soil and bring that indoors.  You can also go through the process of keeping these in a cool cellar over the winter months, but that is another whole process.  I find it easier to keep just a few cuttings and watching them grow ever so slowly in the winter.  

What's the biggest problems with keeping plants indoors over the winter?

There are really three problems that will cause plants to decline over the winter months.
  1. Light, not enough of it.
  2. Water, too much of it.
  3. Pests, hitchhikers that you didn't expect to give a home to.
Today we are going to discuss the "Hitchhikers"!

There are six common pests that can attack indoor plants and most often they hitchhike in the soil.  They may be dormant for a little while, but once January comes around they seem to explode on the scene.  Let's find out more!

The six pests are:
  1. aphids
  2. soil gnats
  3. scale insects
  4. white flies
  5. spider mites
  6. mealy bugs

There are a few pests that can literally take over in a matter of a few days.  In the summer months when the plant is outdoors, it has the advantage of natural pest controls.  Ladybugs, praying mantis and just better growing conditions can make these pests less of a problem.  Once indoors the natural controls are no longer there.  Additionally, if you bring in the plant with it's soil from outdoors, you are probably giving the hitchhikers a first class ride into their winter residence as well.

Whenever you bring a plant from the outdoors in, you should take steps to make sure the pests are not coming in with them.  There are several ways to do this.  One is to drench the soil with neem oil products (natural and organic controls).  Spray the leaves and undersides especially to knock off the aphids and wipe out any eggs.  Or you can take cuttings that will be rooted and planted in fresh soil.  

If you notice a plant not doing well, leaves that are falling off, discolored leaves, tips that are browning and not growing, you know you have a problem.
The next step is to isolate the plant (most pests will gladly jump from one plant to another if they are in close proximity), and seek out information on what kind of problem you have.  Some of these pests are easy to find if you know what to look for.  Others might be a little harder, but you can get help if you need it from a reliable nursery.  Bring in the plant, or a leaf and see if they can help you identify the pest, then you can also purchase what you need to help control or get rid of your "problem" before it becomes an all out infestation.

Most people know about aphids, controlling them is rather easy.  You must be consistent but a good blast of water will dislodge aphids and within a few weeks your problem should be over.  Every three days check your plant, if you see aphids, get them into the shower and give them a good hard spray with lukewarm water.  Wash them all down the drain.  Keep your plant segregated until you see no more signs of aphids.  

Soil gnats are not really a "problem pest" in that they won't kill your plant.  They are rather annoying though.  When you disturb the plant, you will see little black flies come out of the ground and fly around and then go back into the ground.  Water your plants with neem oil added to their water and keep the soil on the dry side until you no longer see these little flies.  Over watering is one of the biggest mistakes made when bringing plants indoors.

Scale insects are much more difficult.  They are sneaky and if you don't know what to look for, you will miss them completely.  Scale insects like to hid under leaves and in the meeting of stem and leaf.  They can also attach to flowering stems.  One of my orchids has a scale problem and what set me to find this was a stickiness on the leaves.  This stickiness is from the scale excreting honeydew after sucking the plant juices.  Scale look like little bumps on a stem or leaf and can look like part of the plant.  If you scratch the edges of the scale, you will find it will lift off of the plant.  The easiest way to get control of scale insects is with rubbing alcohol and a Q-tip or cotton ball.  The rubbing alcohol will damage the scales outer shell and expose the bug for removal.  It is important to watch a plant with scale as they will suck the life right out of the plant in short order.  Check the plant weekly and remove any scale using this method.  
scale insects on leaf
Scale insects on leaf and stem. (Picture from WikiCommons)

White flies are also a nuisance.  They attack the undersides of the leaves of many plants.  They also multiply readily, so an infestation is quite possible in a few days time.  Like aphids the best way to keep these under control is to knock them off with a good spray of water.  Do this every 2 to 3 days and then treat the soil with neem oil so that any eggs that may have fallen into the soil will die.  You can also purchase Yellow Sticky traps for these pesky white flies.  They seem to be attracted to the yellow color.

Spider mites as their name implies are very much like spiders, but they are tiny(almost microscopic) and you could need a magnifying glass in order to see them.  What you might see before you actually see the bugs, is a webbing all over the ends of the plant stems.  Imagine tent caterpillars in miniature.  The effect is similar.  When you see those webs all over the plant you will have to get that plant into the shower and wash them off.  Again the undersides of the leaves and the ends of the plant are favorite spots for this pest.  

Mealy Bugs like scale are harder to control and require that you actively search your plants for their presence.  They like the scale have a hard outer shell that will keep them firmly attached to the plant.  Using rubbing alcohol will dislodge them and kill them as well.  

If you want to know more about houseplant pests a great website is from Colorado State and you can find it right here!  They also have some great pictures of these pests if you want to know what they look like or you are not sure if what you are seeing is a pest or not.

I personally have a great collection of Rubbing alcohol and cotton swabs and cotton balls for my houseplants.  Once a month I water all of my plants with Neem Oil added to the water as a preventative measure to keep my plants happy.  Spring and Summer are on their way, but until then, keep a close eye on your favorite plants.  Make sure that no pests will spoil your indoor gardening period.

For your convenience I have included my must haves for over-wintering my favorite plants and keeping them healthy until they can go back outside again in Late Spring and Summer.  Hope this helps you keep your favorite plants happy too!

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Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Homemade Tomato Soup Recipe Reviewed

Much Better Than Canned Soup

tomato soup
Make your own tomato soup
After trying your own homemade tomato soup, you will never open a can of soup again. At least, I am not sure I could stomach it after having made my own from this recipe. 

One of my most favorite lunches is tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. For me, it is comfort food at its very best. I love tomatoes so when Mom would fix tomato soup and grilled cheese when I was a kid, I was in heaven. Now, Mom never made it from scratch and to be honest, as a child, I never realized that my most favorite of all soups came from anywhere other than that famous red and white can. 

A few weeks back, I expressed that I hoped that I would get an Immersion Hand Blender for one of my Christmas gifts. Santa did not bring me one but I did use a gift card that I received to purchase one for myself. Want to guess what the first thing I made with it was? I'll give you a hint; it starts with tomato and ends with soup. Oh my goodness! It was so very good and really very easy!

Tomato Soup Recipe

1 15 oz can tomato sauce
2 garlic gloves minced
1 28 oz can peeled plum tomatoes 
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
3 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 shallot diced
1 teaspoon garlic salt
1 tablespoon fresh basil
3 cups chicken broth
1 teaspoon garlic powder

Place the olive oil in a large pot with the shallot and garlic. On medium heat cook the onion and garlic for about 4 to 6 minutes or until the shallot is translucent. Add the remaining ingredients including the juices from the canned tomatoes and stir. Bring the soup to a boil and then turn the heat down to a low simmer. Allow the soup to simmer for about 20 minutes with the pot partially covered. Use an immersion blender to blend the soup to your desired consistency. 

Serve in a bowl with a grilled cheese sandwich and you are in for a real taste treat!

I will offer a tip on the tomatoes. You can use either whole peeled tomatoes or you can use the ones that are already crushed. The only difference is that the crushed ones take less time with the immersion blender. Both work well. Personally, I love the taste of the plum tomatoes but you can also choose regular tomatoes for the recipe. It just boils down to your taste buds. 

As I said earlier, once I made my own tomato soup with this recipe I won't be able to open a can of soup again. This is so delicious and easy to make that I can't believe it took me this long to try making it from scratch. By the way, it passed the husband test, too. He absolutely loved it! 

How about it? Do you think that you might try making your own sometime soon? I can promise you that you will not be disappointed! 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, January 7, 2019

Chicago Metallic Commercial II Non-Stick Perforated French Bread Pan Review

Baguette loaf bread pan.
Years ago I purchased a bread pan that I really liked. Currently, with the cold and gloomy weather, I've been in the mood to bake some bread. I have a couple of bread recipes that I can rely on producing successful loaves of bread. The Chicago Metallic Commercial II Non-stick Perforated French Bread Pan is the pan I depend on when I want baguette-style loaves of bread. 

The Chicago Metallic Commercial II Non-stick Perforated French Bread Pan has nearly a 5 star rating on Amazon which supports my belief that the pan is a main reason I'm successfully able to bake these small bread loaves.

The first time I used the pan, I made a small Wheat Irish Soda Bread loaf. I was afraid the dough would stick badly in the perforations and I was afraid the loaf would break. I sprayed the pan very lightly with cooking spray. After the loaf was baked, I ran a spatula along the sides of the bread to make sure it wasn't stuck before I tipped the loaf out of the pan. I was concerned for nothing. The bread was not stuck to the pan at all.  Also, because of the holes and the shape of the pan, the loaves come out evenly baked, nicely shaped, and delicious. 

The Chicago Metallic Commercial pan is non-stick and clean-up is super easy. When I am finished baking and after the pan has cooled a bit, I soak the pan for a couple of minutes in hot soapy water, to get any bits of bread out of the air holes. I follow the soak with a rinse in hot water.

I'm not much of a baker and my skills at baking bread are fairly new. I started with Irish Soda Bread. It was my first success at baking bread because it did not require yeast. It was also a very dense, heavy bread. Later, I became really good at baking two different breads that require yeast: Peasant Bread and Patara's Bread Recipe

I have absolutely nothing negative to say about this pan. I think that everyone who enjoys baking bread should have one of these highly recommended bread pans. I purchased the two-loaf pan but for those of you who bake more than I do there is also a four-loaf pan available.

The next bread I want to learn to bake is a Subway Sunflower Crunch bread. Their bread is delicious. I feel more confident experimenting while using the Chicago Metallic Commercial pan. I hope I am able to find a sufficient copy cat recipe. Wish me luck.

Related Link: 

Sam on Ahead of Thyme blog shares a sunflower seed bread recipe. I have chosen this sunflower seed bread recipe to try first because the ingredients list seems to be the closest to what the Subway restaurant version tastes like to me.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Maximizing Space in a Small Living Room

The New Year normally brings about the urge to tidy up and get organized.

3 Ways to Maximize Space in a Small Living Room
If you're working with a small space or have recently downsized, utilizing every nook and cranny is the secret to effective space management.

Going vertical is a smart and common way to use every bit of space in a tiny room. However, choosing furniture with a dual purpose is often the forgotten alternative.

With small space living becoming more popular, you may be surprised that just about every piece of furniture in a home can double as something else.

Below are three examples where you can choose pieces for your room that aren't just pretty, but are also storage and sleeping solutions.

Furniture Pieces that Maximize Space in a Living Room

1. Chairs that Convert to a Bed

You've heard of the pull-out-couch, but have you heard of the pull-out-chair? They come in multiple styles and colors. A chair that converts to a bed is exactly that, it unfolds and becomes an extra place to sleep. If a sofa bed isn't something you want to include in your small living room, but still require an extra place for guests to sleep, then consider including one or more sleeper chairs. You won't be disappointed when you look at the variety of designs available. The styles range from funky and modern to traditional. Be sure to check them out.

2. End Tables that Double as Storage or Filing Cabinets

Trunk end tables are very attractive. Perhaps you've seen some or have one in your home. They come in multiple designs, sizes and color choices.  The boxy industrial appeal to this look make it ideal in a room where substance in accessories is needed. These pieces tend to be solid and heavier in appearance. Place them on the ends of a sofa, or in a corner as a stand alone piece.

You can also get end tables that double as a filing cabinet. If you're furnishing a small apartment, these end tables are perfect as a place to store your most important and used files. Since they don't take up a lot of space, you can put them anywhere in the home or apartment. Like storage trunk end tables, they can be used in pairs or as stand alone furniture pieces.

3. Coffee Tables that Double as a Desk and Storage

Did you know that a coffee table doesn't just have to be a coffee table? Coffee tables that double as a work surface are called lift tables. The tops lift up and you're able to bring them closer to you and use the surface as a work area for your laptop or papers. Best of all, these tables offer storage as well. Each lift table is unique in design and color and the amount of storage available. Choose the one that best fits your space.

In summary, picture a living room featuring all of the above items. You've accounted for extra sleeping space, extra storage space, a place for files, a desk with storage, and all of it discretely blends into one room.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Yummy, Gooey, Chocolate, Vanilla, Delicious Dessert - Recipe Review

Serving of chocolate dessert
Reviewing a Delicious Dessert 

I imagine that this dessert has an official name in a cookbook or an online cooking or recipe website somewhere.  But when I first acquired the recipe from a co-worker who had brought the dessert to work to share, she called it 'yummy, gooey, chocolate, vanilla delicious dessert'.  And that's how it has been known in our household ever since! We have made it many times and always enjoy it immensely.  

If you are looking for a non-fattening dessert, you won't find it here among the cream cheese, powdered sugar, Cool Whip, butter, puddings and milk. Not to mention the walnuts and Hershey Bar. But for a delicious dessert, it is unparalleled in taste!

Recipe for Delicious Dessert 

Image of ingredients for the crust of chocolate delicious dessert

  • 1-1/2 stick of margarine or butter – melt
  • 1-1/2 c. chopped walnuts (or pecans)
  • 1-1/2 c. flour

Dessert crust baked

Mix & press into bottom of oblong pan.  Bake at 350◦ for 20 minutes or until lightly brown.


Image of ingredients for filling #1 of delicious dessert recipe

  • 1 8 oz package cream cheese
  • 1 c. powdered sugar
  • 1 c. Cool Whip (buy 9 oz carton – more goes on top)

Filling #1 for delicious dessert recipe

Spread on cooled crust.

Ingredients for Filling #2 of delicious dessert recipe

image of spreading filling #2 on delicious dessert

Step two finished for filling #2 of delicious dessert recipe


  • Spread remaining Cool Whip.
Spreading cool whip over dessert

  • Shave Hershey bar over the top.

Shaving a Hershey Bar over top of delicious dessert


Delicious Dessert Finished


The most interesting part of this dessert (which makes a WHOLE lot, filling the 12 x 10 x 2 inch pan I use as seen in these photos) is that it KEEPS really well and tastes even better the longer it is kept chilled in the refrigerator. Of course you could make a smaller batch, but we most often make it for a larger gathering or a party occasion. And this yummy dessert seldom lasts long enough to store more than one or two days around us! 

Delicious pudding dessert serving

More Puddling Desserts

Recipe Reviews on 

(c) Wednesday Elf 1/5/2019

#All images are personal photos by (c) Wednesday Elf

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, January 4, 2019

Handmade Crocheted Slippers by DawnRaeCrochet Reviewed

Handmade Crocheted Slippers by DawnRaeCrochet Reviewed
One of my favorite gifts that I received this year for Christmas was a pair of handmade crocheted slippers from DawnRaeCrochet on Etsy. 

It is true that Dawn Rae is a fellow contributor here on Review This and she is a gifted writer.  I have always thought we were very blessed to have her on our team.  However, she is equally gifted as a crocheter.  I can now personally attest to her exceptional crochet work.

I did not purchase the slippers for myself.  They were a surprise gift that I will cherish for the rest of my life.  After working with Dawn for more than 5 years, I consider her a dear friend.   Our friendship makes the slippers even more meaningful to me.  I know her hands lovingly touched and crocheted every stitch that makes up the slippers.  That is much like the bounds of friendship that are strengthened by each thread of conversation, experiences, hardships, laughter and fun.

Handmade Slippers by DawnRaeCrochet

Handmade Crocheted Slippers by DawnRaeCrochet Reviewed
My slippers are shades of blue, which is perfect for me since blue is my favorite color.  The color is beautiful and the rolls of stitches are even and tight, the thread ends are well hidden.  All of these qualities, starting with the color combination choices, are proof they were made by an experienced crocheter that also happens to be a perfectionist. 

In the world of sales and marketing, presentation is critical.  I was very impressed by the way DawnRaeCrochet packaged and shipped the slippers.  They even had a "thank you" business card tied to them with a ribbon that won't damage the stitches.  The card doesn't look like a traditional business card either since "thank you" is the prominent text.  Just another personal touch that stands out in this world of mass production!

The Gift of Handmade Crocheted Slippers

You could also give the gift of handmade crocheted slippers, even if you don't crochet.  Or treat yourself to the gift of beauty and warmth.  

DawnRaeCrochet currently has slippers available in her Etsy shoppe.  She also offers crocheted hats and blankets.  All are beautiful ways to stay warm this winter!

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House of Sylvestermouse

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Thursday, January 3, 2019

Swagman XC2 Hitch Mount Bike Rack Review

Mount Bike Rack  on back of truck

Bike riding has always been one of my greatest outdoor pleasures.  Cycling provides me with an exhilaration that I don't find with other forms of exercise.  It's like it gives me wings.  As I was thinking about my new year's resolutions, I realized that I want to ride more in 2019.  The only thing keeping me from doing so was the need to transport my bikes.  This is where the Swagman XC2 hitch mounted two-bike rack entered the picture.

Swagman XC2 Hitch Mount Bike Rack

I had already done all of my homework.  I knew the features I wanted and I'd read all the reviews.  A few years back, when I purchased a recumbent bicycle with a long wheel base, there were few bike carriers that could accommodate my Easy Racer.  That is when I was introduced to the Swagman line of racks.  They are popular for several good reasons: quality, features, affordability, and ease of use.

Most households have bicycles of different sizes and styles.  You need the type of bike rack that can adjust to fit that wide range.  My new Swagman XC2 is the rack that best fits not only my bikes, but also my lifestyle and budget.

contents of the Swagman XC2 Hitch Mount Bike Rack box

Assembling my new bike rack took just a few minutes.

swagman bike rack on truck hitch receiver

Here I have attached the Swagman rack to my hitch receiver.  

putting a bike on a vehicle bike rack

The tire trays keep wheels from spinning and help stabilize the bike during transport.

securing a bike frame on a mounted bike rack

A well-cushioned ratchet arm tightly secures the bike frame to the rack.

Swagman XC2 Hitch Mount Bike Rack with bike mounted on truck

It is very easy to load and unload bicycles from the rack.  Though I opted for the two-bike carrier, you can also purchase a Swagman rack that will carry more bicycles.  As you can see, there is still plenty of room for me to access my vehicle when the rack is in use.  The center post of the rack folds down to allow for the tailgate to be opened and closed.  Though I drive a cross-over SUV, this really is an ideal bicycle carrier for most vehicles.

Having transported my bikes a few times since gifting myself with the Swagman XC2, I can honestly say that I am very happy with this product and only wish I had bought it sooner.  This is a great investment that will help me achieve several of my health and travel goals for the new year.

Depending on where you live, you may not be able to do much outdoor biking this time of year, but it really is the best time to get a bargain on a new Swagman bike rack.  When I checked on Amazon this morning, I couldn't believe the price on the Swagman XC2.  It was $80 less than retail (44% off)—the best price I have ever seen for this item by far.  You will want to take advantage of this sale if you are in the market for a top-of-the-line bicycle carrier.  I also recommend that you purchase the Swagman cable hitch lock for this bike rack.  This is something I bought for protection against theft and I have very much appreciated the extra peace of mind it has provided.

I hope to see you out there along the bike trails.  May the road rise up gently and the wind be always at your back.  

Happy New Year!

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