Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Hummers Are On Their Way North, Be Ready!

Every year I look forward to the hummingbird migration that takes place and I watch with bated breath for that first sign that they have found my feeders.

Did you know that you could track the migration?  Yearly, there is a group that posts on a map, where the hummers were seen and diligently marked the date and the location.  That way anyone who is interested can do their little part in the drama that takes places every year as the Hummingbirds move from reasonably warm climates in the winter to the more northern climates for late spring and summer.

2016 Hummingbird Migration Map

Click on the link above and you can see exactly where the Hummers are moving and even add your location and date when you spot them at your neck of the woods.

The best way to have the Hummers appear in your yard is to make sure there is red coloring readily visible and a Hummingbird feeder close by as well.  I take the time to get some red flags (not hard in Canada) and I put them up around my yard.  Hummingbirds can see the color red from miles away and it usually means there is food close by.  They assume the red is some of their favorite flowers and after flying for so many miles, these little dynamites need all the nectar their little bodies can hold.

Planting a Hummingbird Garden, will almost guarantee that you will be visited by these lovely little creatures at some point in the summer months.  They love Cardinal Flower, Anise Sage,  Bergamot or Monarda, Honeysuckle vine, Trumpet vine,  Canna Lilies, Coral Bells, Four O'Clocks, Foxgloves, Hosta, Lupines and Yucca.  There are a number of annual plants that they also like.  Fuschia, petunias, Impatiens, Jewelweed (Balsam) and any number of Salvias species.

I can remember one year I had a row of Canna Lilies planted and I was standing outside by them, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw this little wee bird almost at my ear, beating it wings like crazy.  I thought it was going to perch on my shoulder.  I was so excited to be so close to this wee wonder of the sky.

Hummingbirds will thank you for planting the flowers that they love and having a source of water and a place to rest away from predators.  If you can provide those things, you can be sure that they will come to your house and they will come back year after year.....

I have my favorite hummingbird feeder that I use, and it is filled with a mixture of plain white sugar mixed 1:4,   One part sugar to 4 parts water.  Fill the feeder and set it out where the red lid of the feeder is visible.  I do not use food coloring or anything other sweeteners, just plain white sugar and water, changing the water in the feeders every two or three days....sugar water can spoil in as little as two days.  So clean out the feeder every two to three days to keep the sugar water fresh.  Monthly you should give the feeder a good cleaning making sure to rinse out the feeders with running water. Hummers do not like the taste of soap.....or you can use regular white vinegar to clean the feeders. Just remember to fill them, with a cup or more of sugar water and get them back up again as soon as possible.

Audubon Hummingbird Feeder (NAH1)12 ounce nectar capacity
hummongbird feeder
This is my favorite humming bird feeder, but there are others available as well. I personally have found this one to be superior in attracting hummers to my yard and I have tried the other ones. This one is easy to fill, and easy to clean. It has a large bright red cover over the syrup holder and makes it easy for hummers to spot in the yard. So far, it has been the one that has been most successful in attracting and keeping these little wonders close for me to enjoy. Watch this incredible footage of hummingbirds in flight, slowed down, so you can see how much they work to keep themselves in the air...

I hope I have encouraged you to try and help our little wonders of the sky as they delight and dance for us all summer long.

A good friend of mine is a nature photographer who has had many of her pictures featured on Birds and Blooms Magazine. Carol has granted me permission to share with you a beautiful picture of a male Hummingbird, whose countenance I just love.  While they are tiny, they are certainly very majestic and so appealing in color.  I hope you enjoy this little one as much as I do.
And if you are interested I have also included a link to her site, so that you can fill your eyes with beautiful birds anytime you like...... There is beauty in the world and it is there for us to see and enjoy. I hope you did and continue to do so.....Nature is free for all of us!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Reviewing Neilmed Sinus Rinse

Nasal Hygiene

Do you suffer from nasal allergies like I do? You might find that using a nasal irrigation product like Neilmed Sinus Rinse a great help in relieving your symptoms. I know that since I started using this product I am experiencing far less problems with my sinuses. 

For most of my life, I have suffered from sinus problems. Headaches from sinus pressure would sometimes be almost debilitating for me. During the spring and fall I experience allergies from pollen and molds that result in watery eyes, sneezing and a almost constant runny nose. It isn't pleasant, as you know if you suffer from allergies, too. Life can be rather miserable when those symptoms take over your life for weeks on end.

Personally, I don't like to take medications of any kind. The allergy relief medications make me drowsy and the time released non-drowsy products make me hyperactive and jittery. When I discovered this natural way to irrigate my nasal passages, I could hardly wait to give it a try. It has become a part of my daily hygiene routine: nasal rinse, brush teeth, and shower.

I have not experienced a sinus headache since I began to use the Neilmed saline rinse and while most people are complaining about their spring allergies; I am symptom free. I believe it is due to using this saline rinse every day. It keeps the irritants out of my sinus passages. It keeps the interior of my nose moisturized and I am breathing so much better without any blockage.

This sinus rinse has worked well for me. As with anything that pertains to your health, you should consult with your physician before using this product. It is a natural saline solution and should be just fine to use but your doctor will know best as to whether it will be beneficial to you and not react to any condition you might have or medications that you might take. 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, April 4, 2016

Stone Age Boulder Owls Review

What in the world is a Stone Age Boulder Owl?  Well, I'll tell you what it is. Today, I discovered an item that will delight owl lovers, gardeners, and carved stone collectors alike. Boulder Owls are one-of-a-kind garden ornaments carved from stone.  As I looked at their little faces today, I wanted to take each one home with me.  

Carved Stone Garden Ornaments

I enjoy nice garden ornaments and statues.  I don't want many. Just a few expressive, quality items. I am also quite fond of stone. Stone of all kinds. So naturally, these little carved stone owls immediately caught my eye.  The difficulty was not deciding that I wanted one, but rather, deciding which one I wanted. 

Since I was seeing them at Sun Nurseries, I could see and touch each one individually. These little owls were so simple, yet so expressive. And because they are made of natural stone, they are substantial. Even at their sizes ranging from 6" to 18" they would be solid additions to a garden.  Unlike many yard ornaments that are made from lightweight and flimsy materials.

A small portion of the Boulder Owls I saw today

Fairy and Miniature Garden Sized Owls

These owls are also offered in 2" sizes that are suitable for fairy gardens. I know precious little about these teeny gardens but have seen a few adorable examples.  These smallest boulder owls are perfectly sized for miniature gardening.  

Some reviewers report that the 2" owls are slightly less detailed. However, this makes sense to me due to their very small size.

Stone Age Creations, Ltd.

Once upon a time, there were two cousins who shared a passion for stone.  They made a few carved birdbaths and benches that were sold locally.  Since then, they quit their unrelated, full-time jobs and began earning a living doing what they love. They now manufacture and distribute their items to retailers (such as garden centers).  I had the privilege of seeing MANY of their products: benches, birdbaths, stone lanterns, garden accents, and animals. Every item was high quality and beautiful.

If you like quality stone items, you should take a peek at their photographs on the Stone Age Creations website.

Boulder Owl by Stone Age Creations

Note: When ordering online, because they are handcrafted, each one will be different. And will likely not be the owl pictured in the photo.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Opening Day of the 2019 Baseball Season

A Quick Review of the 2019 Major League Baseball Season Openers

The Opening Day of baseball for the 2019 MLB season is Thursday, March 28, the earliest beginning date ever at any traditional Major League ballpark.  This season, all 30 clubs will open on the same day

It's time for the 2019 baseball season!

World Series Champion 2018

World Series Champion (Boston - 2018) T-shirt
Available on Amazon

The Boston Red Sox defeated the Los Angeles Dodgers in five games. 

Baseball book cover
Available on Amazon

Highlights of 2019 in the World of Baseball 

Some of the highlights of the 2019 Major League Baseball season will include:

  • March 28, 2019 – Official Opening Day
  • April 15, 2019 – Jackie Robinson Day
  • July 9, 2019 - 90th All-Star Game, Cleveland Indians Progressive Field
  • October 22, 2019 – Scheduled first game of the World Series. 

Baseball is Back!

Bill James Handbook book cover
Bill James Handbook for 2019
This avid 'baseball fan' will be glued to the TV for each moment of these Opening Day games! (I LIVE for this!). 

If you are as 'Crazy about Baseball' as I am, the 2019 baseball season from Opening Day to the last game of the World Series will occupy your time and thoughts for the next 26 weeks.  The joy of baseball has returned!

*Quick Link:

(c) Wednesday Elf

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Friday, April 1, 2016

FREE KINDLE BOOK: April Fools Pranks 31 Pranks for the Office Book Review

Free Kindle Book:  April Fools Pranks - 31 Pranks for the Office
Let me start by saying, this is NOT an April Fool's prank or joke.  The book really is free to download on

I've never been a very good prankster and I am the world's worst at making "April Fool's" of anyone.  Maybe people can tell by the look on my face when I am lying.  Or perhaps, it is simply because I can't seem to keep a straight face when I am trying to trick someone.  If I am telling a tale, I tend to burst out laughing before I can get to the punchline or end.  

I can't even seem to fool someone with a text message.  I have tried, but I always get a text reply of April Fools!  It's just so wrong.  Even my children won't pretend they are fooled.  

The Book, April Fools Office Book

 April Fools The Office BookCheck AvailabityWhen I found this book on, April Fools Pranks,  I was pretty excited.  It only took a few minutes to read and I love some of the suggestions.  Mainly, because I don't have to speak to pull these pranks.  

My favorite suggestion included a cat food treat box.  That is one I could definitely do!  I think it would be hilarious to see the look on Buckhawk's face  when I offered to share my treats with her.

I can so easily imagine making screenshots to mess with all of my fellow contributors here on Review This too!   I can totally envision poor Dawn Rae or Elf freaking out over not being able to log-in to their sites and begging for tech support immediately.   

I could also imagine bringing a jar of Vaseline into the office.  Yes, this one I would have to use on our ever efficient and meticulous cleaning guru, Susan Deppner.   

I would have to turn Mary Beth's photos upside down, or maybe flip them sideways and I would mess with Olivia's mouse.   I always wanted to see these two lose their patience.  Until I read this book, I didn't think that would be possible.

For Barbara aka Brite-Ideas, who loves music, I would borrow the musical birthday card prank suggestion and for BarbRad, I would totally pull the paper clip trick on her.  Not being able to remove the paper clip would drive her nuts.  I think I would be forced to rename Brenda's book files or better yet, her eBay files!  Oh, yeah!  (Treasure's by Brenda eBay store, be ye forewarned!  lol)

I have a very "special" coffee mug set aside just for Heather and for Bev, I have something really, really bad planned, but I can't tell you all about that one, YET!

I was laughing so hard when I was reading and thought of how much fun it would be to mess with them, that I woke the dogs from their sound sleep and was forced to get out of bed to let them outside.

Read the Book

Well, I couldn't very well describe each of the pranks here. You will have to download and read the book yourself to find out exactly what each of these pranks entail.  It was fun dreaming and I think you will enjoy it too!

Click Here to Download the FREE Book on your Kindle, or use the Amazon Free App to read it on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required!

glittery joker Yes, I do know about payback which is why it is probably a really good thing that we don't report to a brick & mortar office everyday!

"FREE KINDLE BOOK: April Fools Pranks 31 Pranks for the Office Book Review" Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Pineapple Corer and Slicer Review

Pineapple Corer and Slicer Review
This pineapple corer-slicer is a relatively new addition to my kitchen gadget collection, one I use often and always enjoy. This week when I prepared and served a fresh pineapple I documented the event with my camera, so I figured this was a good time to share a brief review. (Photos below are all mine.)

Who needs a pineapple corer/slicer? Anyone who loves to eat fresh pineapple but hates the cutting-it-up process!

Here's what I used to do. I'd see a display of pretty pineapples in the store that looked so tasty and reminded me of our long-ago trip to Hawaii, so I'd lovingly select one, gently put it in my grocery cart, take it home, and set it on the counter where I'd let it stay for days, until the leaves started drying up. Eventually, I'd pull out the cutting board and two or three knives to tackle the cutting and slicing, then grab the poor pineapple. After 10 or 15 minutes of slicing, dicing, changing knives, trimming, and chopping, I'd have my pineapple chunks, but I'd also have a big mess to clean up.

No more!

Now, I simply grab the pineapple then pull out my stainless steel pineapple corer-slicer, one sharp knife (for cutting off the top), and the cutting board. It takes just seconds to cut a few inches off the top of the pineapple then no more than a minute or two to line up the cutter with the pineapple core, twist the handle to work the cutter to the bottom of the luscious fruit, and pull out the gorgeous pineapple slices.

Let me show you how it works:

Using the sharp knife, lay the pineapple on the cutting board and cut a couple of inches off the top.
Using the sharp knife, lay the pineapple on the cutting board and cut a couple of inches off the top. 

Holding the pineapple with one hand, line up the cutter with the core of the pineapple then start turning. You'll need to apply just a bit of pressure.  Continue turning and slicing until you reach almost to the bottom of the pineapple.
Holding the pineapple with one hand, line up the cutter with the core of the pineapple then start turning. You'll need to apply just a bit of pressure. Continue turning and slicing until you reach almost to the bottom of the pineapple. 

Use the handle to firmly pull the pineapple slices out of the pineapple.
Use the handle to firmly pull the pineapple slices out of the pineapple. Hold everything upright so the juice doesn't run out like it did here.
(I had to lay it down to take the picture.)

Remove the handle to easily slide the pineapple slices off the cutter.
Once you've pulled the slices out of the pineapple, push the two black buttons below the handle to remove the handle, then slide the pineapple slices off the cutter. Use a knife to cut the slices into chunks if you prefer. Use the empty pineapple "shell" to serve fruit salad or a fancy drink. Replace the "lid" for an elegant presentation.

Which Pineapple Corer Slicer Works Best?

There are basically three types of pineapple corers. I'm very satisfied with the simple stainless steel model, the style that is most widely available and comes with mostly excellent reviews. There's also a plastic model that works the same way but, based on reviews that I've read, may not cut the pineapple as smoothly and will eventually break. Or you might want to consider the ratcheting model that costs about twice as much (still less than $20), but the ratchet mechanism makes it easier to turn the handle without continuously re-positioning your hand. Some plastic models come with a convenient wedge cutter; most do not and judging by the videos I've watched, you won't miss it.

Compare the three types at this Bed, Bath and Beyond link and watch a video of each, showing exactly how they work. Or check out the huge selection and low prices of pineapple corers on eBay.

Should you buy a pineapple corer and slicer to add to your kitchen gadget collection? If you enjoy eating or serving fresh pineapple, it's a no-brainer. You'll spend from about 6 to 20 dollars and never again have to let another beautiful, fresh, delicious, good-for-you pineapple go bad as it wastes away on your kitchen counter. I say go for it!  

~ Susan
Read More of My Reviews

Posted by Susan Deppner

Susan Deppner

About the Author

Susan Deppner is a baby boomer, a cancer survivor, and a Southerner who believes in the Golden Rule. She enjoys writing about food, faith, and fitness; health, home, and holidays; people, places, pets, and patriotism, and more. Follow Susan on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Review of Cyber Acoustics USB Mono Headset (AC-840)

Cyber Acoustics USB Mono Headset
I decided to review the Cyber Acoustics USB Mono Headset (AC-840) because I thought there may be others trying to solve the problem I had. I've always loved making videos to which I add voice-overs. I used to have no problems making them on my iMac computer with built-in microphone and speakers. But that computer is out of commission right now and I wanted to make a video for one of my blogs.

I had the free Movie Maker software already installed on my HP Pavillion Windows 7 PC. I had been happily using a Cyber Acoustics CA2016 2-Piece USB Powered Computer Speaker System for over a year now, so I had no problem listening to videos and podcasts. All I lacked was a way to do the voice-overs I always add to my videos or to try making podcasts. 

I was desperate, since I wanted to post my blog in a couple of days, and I wanted the video as part of it. I went to my local Staples around the corner to look around. The clerk sold me a headset with a microphone, a Plantronics model, he said would work, but when I got it home I couldn't make it work with my computer by plugging it into the proper slots in either the front or back of the tower. I decided I'd better get a model that connected with USB. So I exchanged it for the Cyber Acoustics USB Mono Headset, although it would have been cheaper at Amazon. Since I needed it immediately, I bought it while I was in the store. 

I had it properly connected and recognized by my computer within minutes after I got home. I still had a learning curve with the Movie Maker software, since it was much different than using iMovie had been. I finally got it figured out and got my blog published. You can see the video results for Loading a Lumber Truck here. I suggest watching it in fullscreen mode. 

Keep in mind I was learning to use both the software and the headsets. I'm not used to headsets. I discovered that I needed to turn off my speakers while using the headsets, but that was easy to do. The headpiece is comfortable enough for the amount of time I want to use the microphone, which swivels so you can adjust it for optimal use. I appreciate the handy volume control and mute/on switch on the cord within easy reach.

You can see it below and click the photo for more details on Amazon, to read other reviews, or purchase. 

Cyber Acoustics USB Mono Headset

Will this microphone headset meet your needs? If you want a cheap, easy solution for making YouTube videos with voice-overs or podcasts on your PC this should do the trick. You can hear the sound quality in the video I posted. Only my voice was recorded with the microphone. Unfortunately, I don't have a great recording voice, and that is not the fault of the microphone. The background noises were in the video itself. I turned them down when I was recording, but it would have seemed unrealistic not to hear any engine noises while watching the forklift.

I recommend this headset with noise cancelling microphone to any user of a PC that does not have a built-in microphone who wants to record his or her voice onto a video or podcast or wants to use Skype. The sound quality is fine for those uses. I find it adjusts well to my head size, but it might not be comfortable for those with much larger than average head sizes.

If you've been frustrated because you can't make a podcast or video voice-over for lack of a microphone, get your Cyber Acoustics USB headset with noise cancelling microphone now

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, March 28, 2016

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Book Review

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Book Review
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. A story of a woman whose cells lived on long after she passed away.

As the cover says, "Doctors took her cells without asking. Those cells never died. They launched a medical revolution and a multimillion-dollar industry. More than twenty years later, her children found out. Their lives would never be the same."

The same could be said about us. Our lives will never be the same because EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US has benefited from Henrietta Lacks' cells.

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is a science book and one that I almost did not read because of that fact. However, I am glad that I did.

It is a science book but it is also a book with a fascinating story to tell. Part science, history book and biography. An easy read. It is a book that you will not be able to put down though to be honest I did find the ending a bit slow.

You will learn a lot about science, about cells and about Henrietta Lacks.

Author Rebecca Skloot sums up the book best in this short video:


Yes, I would. It is an easy read and the subject matter is fascinating. However, don't take my word for it. Consider the fact that it was named one of the best books of 2010 by Entertainment Weekly, Booklist, The New York Times, National Public Radio, The Washington Post, O Oprah Magazine, USA Today and many more institutions.

Do you read science books? Are you interested in learning more about Henrietta Lacks' life story? You can learn more on Amazon by clicking right here.

Happy Reading!

Treasures By Brenda

Quick Link:

Buy your copy of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks from Amazon.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Sunday & The Bunny

Happy Easter! Whether it's the Easter Bunny or the Traditional Christian Holiday You're Celebrating, Enjoy and Have a Wonderful Easter Sunday
We know many children will be enjoying a feast of chocolate bunnies, chocolate eggs, and baskets filled with other treats, gifts and goodies.

As Christians attend mass today, many will be dressed up with seasonal Easter Bonnets and kids in their Sunday best. It's a day as important as Christmas to Christians, and some feel even more so, in that it represents the rise of Jesus into heaven and eternal life.

What's Your Easter Sunday Tradition?

Our kids are mostly grown now, but the memories of our Easter Sundays are forever etched in my heart. While the kids slept I would fill a very large basket with toys, clothes and candies and place the basket on their dressers. Of course, they'de wake up excited to see what the Bunny brought! But the best part was always watching their happy faces.

Of course, what's a bunny day without an egg hunt! We'd leave a trail of chocolate eggs all over the house and they'd run around full speed collecting as many as they could in their smaller basket.

Til this day, I still picture them in their PJ's sitting in the family room sorting through their goodies and stuffing their precious little faces with chocolate.

I can't believe how fast they grow up - sure do miss those days .... Great memories that I'm hoping they'll be making with their own families some day. Our family moments are forever etched in my mind, and I'm grateful we took the time to carve them out.

My kids inspired me to write this poem - a funny take on a child's perspective about the Easter Bunny!

Buy Me The Easter Bunny Poem & Video on

Happy Easter, and whether it's a religious day for you or a Bunny day for you, I hope you're making lots of precious memories ... no matter your age.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, March 25, 2016

What Does Good Friday Mean to You?

Pink Cherry Blossom Post Card
Cherry Blossom Postcard by Sylvestermouse
Since today is Good Friday, I thought it would be appropriate to ask "what does Good Friday mean to you?" 

I woke up this morning myself to a gloriously beautiful day.  Spring has truly arrived in my backyard and our region.  After days of heavy rain and flooding, I am grateful to see a lovely blue sky and blooming trees.   As I stood in my window looking out at the beauty of the day, I couldn't help but think it doesn't quite seem right that it would be so magnificent on the day Christians commemorate the crucifixion of Christ.  Frankly, those harsh stormy days we have so recently endured would seem more appropriate.

Many refer to Good Friday as Black Friday.  In my humble opinion, either is apt.  

Good Friday or Black Friday

I have always found it interesting to hear what others think, how they view the religious holiday referred to as Good Friday on calendars.

So, now I ask you: How Do You Refer to Today?

Easter Sunday

Good Friday is always followed by Easter Sunday, the day we celebrate the resurrection of Christ from the grave and His ascension into heaven.  

Regardless of the title you apply to today, I sincerely hope you will all have a wonderful Great Friday and a glorious Easter Sunday!   We can't have one without the other.

Romans 1:16
This Post was Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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We may be apart, but
You Are Not Forgotten

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