Monday, March 14, 2016

Spring Forward and Spruce Up that Balcony

My springtime sunset view
Our clocks have just sprung ahead and spring becomes official in a matter of days. Whether you live in an area that is celebrating the end of blizzards and ice storms or an area that remains mild all year, the sun shinier days of spring bring on a desire to embrace the outdoors. And there is no better way to celebrate spring than to include your outdoor living space in your spring cleaning and redecorating.  Here are five inexpensive ways to spruce up your small balcony or patio areas.

If you gift yourself a comfortable and personalized place to relax, your outdoor living area will become an extension of your home.  As you can see, the experience and the views while sitting outdoors can be priceless. 

Low-Cost Outdoor Seating

Patio and balcony seating does not have to cost a small fortune. Neither does it have to be large and bulky.  You can create seating no matter how small your outdoor area.

I wish I had a slightly larger balcony so that I could DIY my own furniture.  But because my balcony is so small, and because I want to make sure to save sufficient space for plants, I tend to use an assortment of ever-changing rugs and cushions to keep my space comfy. 

The best part about using cushions is that they are easily changed to suit the season or your mood. My textiles on the balcony have changed from animal prints, to bright florals, to very earthy/neutral colors, and back again. Go ahead, spruce up your balcony with a few new cushions. 

Beautiful Bird Pillow

Indoor/Outdoor Loveseat-sized Cushion

Outdoor Flooring

I love the coziness of a rug on my balcony. Rugs add so much comfort to an outdoor area.  People are right to be concerned about the deterioration of indoor rugs that are exposed to the elements and the damage that can be done by wet carpets on balconies.

I have wooden flooring on my deck. During blowing rain, my rugs are sometimes soaked. But that does not stop me from using rugs (especially runners) to add color and comfort. I am careful to use rugs that are suitable for the outdoors. Sometimes, I use thinner indoor rugs but am sure to watch for moisture gathered under them and hang them over the rail to dry when necessary.

Indoor/Outdoor Floral Runner

Green Space: Morning Glories and Other Suitable Greenery

We know this world needs more green space. Not only for the health of our earth, but I fully believe for our own health.  No matter how small your outdoor space, you can certainly find some suitable greenery.  

My green privacy screen
Over the years - through trial and error - I have found that marigolds, morning glories, tomatoes, mint, lavender, and rosemary flourish in my third floor balcony garden.  I had some success with blueberries, believe it or not, and would have likely had better success had I remembered to have someone water my blueberry bushes during a period of time that I was away.

My favorite part of having a living balcony is my morning glory privacy screen. Each year, my morning glories twine up the railing and provide a living green screen that delights me with the increased protection from the prying eyes of neighbors and provides the visiting hummingbirds and bees with an extra snack. 

Soothing Sounds - Water Features and Wind Chimes

Two very popular items for outdoor areas are water features and wind chimes.  

I gravitate toward wind chimes. Listening to them tinkling in the wind is something that soothes me.  Small wind chimes can tinkle like tiny bits of glass and large wind chimes can sound like distant church bells on a country Sunday morning.  Bamboo chimes have a natural, "woodsy" sound. Some chimes including shining and sparkling bits that reflect prisms as they move in the breeze.  Frankly, wind chimes and the different varieties deserve their own article.

I have found a great many people who have "desktop" water features on their small balconies. What a great idea!  I am tempted to make room in my outdoor space for one of these so that I too can listen to running water while just steps outside of my livingroom.  I think the Alpine Tabletop Leaf Fountain would be a great addition to my balcony garden. 

Going to the Birds

Balconies and Bird Feeders go together like peanut butter and jelly. At least they do around my place. I love bird feeders. I have kept seed feeders on my previous balconies and enjoyed the many feathered friends who came to visit.

My current balcony is not as suited to a seed feeder. So I stick with a hummingbird feeder.  These winged miracles are so fun to watch and to listen to as they flit around.

Related Links: 

Cheap Seats: Cushions and Poufs -- Photographs that include examples of cushions and poufs being used for seating on tiny balconies. And a sample of a DIY couch made of cinder block, post, and cushions. You may feel limited by the size of your outdoor space but as some of these photos show; the sky is the limit. You can turn your small outside space into a pretty, useful, and comfortable living area.

FUNK'N Practicality with Reversible Patio Mats -- These mats are too large for my teeny balcony but I'd still love to have one. I have friends that use these mats for outdoor gatherings. They are durable, beautiful, and portable. 

Morning Glory - The Beautiful Privacy Screen -- For the past two or three years, I've grown morning glories on my balcony rail.  But this article shows a floor to ceiling green screen. And an important warning about pets and morning glory seeds.

Tuned Wind Chimes Review -- If you love wind chimes but have never heard of tuned wind chimes, this article is a must-read. The lovely sounds of good wind chimes playing music in the wind is something I enjoy very much.

First Hummingbird of 2015 -- The story of how I finally attracted hummingbirds to my balcony for two years in a row. This was after years of unsuccessful attempts. It's as easy as homemade sugar water and an inexpensive hummingbird feeder.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Review of 5 Beautiful Country Songs for a Father Daughter Wedding Dance

Father Daughter Key Chain Necklace
Find the Song that Tells the Best Story about You and Dad
To help you discern which story in song best suits you and dad, below you'll find an array of diverse country tunes that come from a variety of father daughter story telling angles. Look for a description of each song, and should you feel a particular song says it best, you can then watch a video to be sure.
Our dance with our father on our wedding day ranks as one of the most powerful moments in our life. 
The song we choose will forever represent this major marker....from Daddy's little girl to beautiful bride. It doesn't matter how focused we are on the glorious celebration of the day..once dad takes our hand for that dance, we remember almost every moment growing up under his protective wing.
Straight up..this one will make you cry!
The song let's everyone know that Dad loves his little girl; he loved her first, he held her first. From the first breath she took, he understood the depth of the love of a father.
I don't think it's possible for dad to hold it together while dancing to this tune. The lyrics talk about how he was enough for his little girl not that long ago, and time changes goes on..but always remember 'I Loved Her First'. Although he's prayed that she'd find a man like you some day, it's still hard to give her away.
Dad wonders how it's possible that this beautiful grown woman who was once his freckled face girl, grew up so fast. The love of father runs deep, and he explains to her husband that someday, when a miracle smiles up at you, you might know what he's going through.
Bring tissues.

The Story of Dad's Thoughts When Her Boyfriend Came to Ask for His Daughter's Hand in Marriage
This song is ideal for a close father daughter relationship where daddy's always looked upon his little girl, as a little girl...and watching her grow from his angel to a wife is like someone 'stealing his little Cinderella'.
In this song story, hubby-to-be comes to see her dad to ask for his daughter's hand in marriage, and while dad leaves the room for a minute, he gets up to look at all the displayed pictures of daddy's little girl; riding her first bike, bouncing on the bed during a pillow fight, running through the sprinkler, playing Cinderella.
When dad comes back and sees her future husband looking at all the pictures of his little girl, he remarks 'Ain't she something son?' and when his response is 'yah she's quite a woman', dad just stares at him - To dad she'll always be playing Cinderella, and to dad, giving her hand in marriage is like someone stealing Cinderella.

I Don't Dance by Lee Brice - Perfect for the Dad Who is Known to Never Dance..Except with You on Your Wedding Day

You've got Dad in the palm of your hands

This is an unconventional choice, however it works perfectly for a father daughter relationship where his little girl has him in the palm of his hands to the point that he's willing to Dance just for her...something he rarely does.

If you're looking for simple lyrics that are not overly descriptive in terms of story telling, and if dad is not known to be much of a dancer, then this song could easily work for your wedding dance with him.

The lyrics explain how although he normally never dances, and wasn't the type to settle down, here he is now spinning you around in circles...he'd do anything for've got him in the palm of your hands.

A Mid Tempo Song with a Fun Country Music Beat offering a lot of Opportunity for Dancing Between Father and Daughter

If you're looking for a song that fits a less than ordinary dad...maybe a dad who, in his day, got himself into a bit of trouble, tells it like it is, and is known for his direct honesty...but has one weakness where he can't seem to follow his own rules... 'you' ...his daughter - then be sure to listen to this one!

When It Comes to You is not a mushy song and is ideally suited for a father daughter relationship where both know that dad's biggest fault is giving in to his daughter. So if you've been a little spoiled by daddy, this is your song.

Also, if you want to show off some of your dancing skills, near the end it's music only, then back to the lyrics to close the song. If what you prefer in a song is something more upbeat and fun, this could easily work.

This song is incredibly moving.

It's sung by Krystal Keith, the talented and beautiful daughter of Toby Keith. The words will certainly make you cry, as they speak of the day she became a wife, but she'll forever be his baby girl. 

She thanks him deeply for everything he's done for her. 

Honestly...this one is the perfect father daughter wedding dance song. Be sure to check it out.

More Song Choices for Your Wedding:
Country Songs for the Bride & Groom's first Dance

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, March 11, 2016

The Tale of the Bunny Picnic Video Review

The Tale of the Bunny Picnic - A wonderful video for kids
Photo from the Video Cover
"The Tale of the Bunny Picnic" is a wonderful children's classic video that is loved by all ages.   It is the perfect children's video for Easter, but will be treasured throughout the year.   

Jim Henson really out did himself when he created this story.  The story and the characters are beloved childhood memories for both of our children.  Actually, they still watch the video!

The Tale of the Bunny Picnic is an interesting twist to the "boy who cried wolf" story and has bunny rabbits for the main characters.

You'll love all of the bunnies, especially Bean.  You will even love the farmers dog.

 Jim Henson Video: The Tale of the Bunny Picnic [VHS]

The Tale of the Bunny Picnic Cover Story 


This adorable little bunny adventure is sure to win your heart!  The animated bunnies, dogs, people and other animals in Jim Henson's video, The Bunny Picnic," are all really endearing.

The story centers around Bean, a young, imaginative bunny who tells so many tales that when he really does discover that the farmer has a new dog to hunt rabbits, none of the other bunnies believe his warning.

The Tale of the Bunny Picnic Video Provided by: Heather Katsoulis


My Recommendation of The Tale of the Bunny Picnic

"The Tale of the Bunny Picnic" is a wonderful children's classic video that is loved by all ages.
When my now grown children were little, this video played constantly.  We memorized the songs and some of the lines.  Even today, when one of us randomly starts reciting sections of the tale, the rest of us join in with the appropriate character responses.  I truly believe when a story has that kind of lasting effect, that must be the best recommendation that can be given.

Here is an excerpt of our favorite part of the tale:

Story Teller: "Fox, Fox, I'm the Giant Hedgehog and even though I'm really, really big and you're really, really small, I'm not gonna hurt you and do you know why?" 

Little Bunny: "No Why?"

Story Teller: "Because those who hurt others, hurt themselves."

How to Purchase Your Copy of "The Tale of the Bunny Picnic"

Because these videos are no longer in production, they are not always easy to find.  Plus, when you do find a copy, they are often quite expensive.  I have honestly found the best place to search for the video is on Ebay.  The video may be used, but it is still worth buying your own copy.


Review of "The Tale of the Bunny Picnic" was Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Brown Pelican Photos

Photographing Brown Pelicans is a Fun Challenge 

Brown Pelican photo by mbgphoto
Pelicans are fascinating birds to watch.When you see them waddle on the ground it is difficult to imagine them soaring gracefully through the skies. However, walk along coast in southern USA and you will dozens of them doing just that in the skies above you.

 I have photographed pelicans sitting on rocks, on piers and on the beach. The other morning as the sun came up I noticed a flock of pelicans gently gliding across the sky in the early morning light. I started snapping photos to get just the right shot of a pelican in front of the rising sun.

Photography and pelicans just seem to go together. I hope you enjoy the selection of photos that I am sharing on this page.  

photos by Mary Beth Granger

Pelican and Lighthouse 

pelicans at fishing harbor 

One of the best places to photograph pelicans is by a fishing harbor. You will always find lots of pelicans sitting around the fishing boats. Since their main source of food is fish, they can have quite a feast when the boats come in from a fishing trip and clean their fish. I took this photo early in the morning at the fishing docks across from the Jupiter Inlet lighthouse.
greeting card from florida
Source: Mary Beth Granger

Facts about Brown Pelicans - Pelecanus occidentalis

As I was preparing to write this page, I did a bit of reading on brown pelicans to gather some facts. I found them to be a very fascinating subject. I have listed my sources in the link list near the end of this page. Here are some of the facts that I found interesting.
  • Heaviest bird capable of flight
  • Adults weight as much as 10-17 pounds
  • Size 50 inches with a wing spread of 6 1/2 feet.
  • Diet is almost entirely fish
  • Found on coast of southern USA and south to the northern coasts of Brazil and Chile.
  • Live along coasts, salt bays, beaches and ocean. Mostly over shallow waters.
  • Known for their huge bill and expandable pouch
  • Male pelican selects a nesting site and then tries to attract a female using head motions.
  • Several days after nest is completed the female pelican lays 2-3 eggs. Eggs take about 1 month to hatch.
  • Both male and female pelicans incubate and care for their young.

Pelicans on the Beach - morning at the beach

pelicans on the beach photo by mbgphoto

About 8:00 one morning I was taking a walk at Jupiter Beach Park when I came across hundreds of pelicans on the beach. I walked up closer and found that thousands of small fish had washed up on shore and the pelicans and other birds were having a feast. I had almost left that morning without a camera, but at the last minute put my small point and shoot camera around my neck. I was sure glad I had the camera because I was able to get many photos of the pelicans. The photo above shows the sight at the beach and the ones below shows some closeups of a couple of pelicans that I cropped from the bigger photos.

pelican on the beach photo by mbgphoto

Pelicans in Flight - morning at the beach

pelicans in flight photo by mbgphoto

I could sit for hours and watch pelicans in flight and coming in for a landing. The photo above shows one in flight and the photo below is a pelican come in for a water landing.

pelicans over the ocean photo by mbgphoto

Pelicans at Fishing Pier 

It was 7:30 in the morning in Jupiter Florida and the fishing boats were leaving for a day of deep sea fishing. I was taking my sister and brother-in-law to meet their boat when I captured this photo of the pelicans all sitting on the piers. I love the look of them each sitting on a post. They appeared to be waiting for the boats to return and clean their fish.

pelicans at the pier photo by mbgphoto

On the Pier

pelicans on the pier photo by mbgphoto


Pelican Poem

Ogden Nash??

When I was young I heard a poem about a pelican that has stuck in my mind. I had always thought it was written by Ogden Nash( and I have found it is often attributed to Nash) but I have discovered it was written by Dixon lanire Merritt around 1910. I find it to be a catchy limerick about the pelican.
A wonderful bird is a pelican,
His bill will hold more than his belican.
He can take in his beak
Food enough for a week;
But I’m damned if I see how the helican.
sunrise in florida photo by mbgphoto

Pelicans at Sunrise

soaring over ocean

I love to sit on our Florida balcony at sunrise and watch the pelicans soar over the ocean. I have spent many mornings trying to capture the birds in the early morning sunrise. Here is one of my efforts.

Pelican on Beach Mouse Pad
Pelican on Beach Mouse Pad by mbgphoto
View more Pelican Mousepads at
Here are two of my latest Pelican photos. These Pelicans were resting on the rocks by the pier in Jupiter Florida.
pelican on the beach photo by mbgphoto
pelican resting on the beach photo by mbgphoto

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

My Computer Bible

I'm sure you are asking yourself if you read that title correctly and the answer is yes!  It says MY COMPUTER BIBLE!  The next question you are asking is " I've never heard of it!" or  "Is it on the Best Sellers List?"

The resounding answer to both of these questions is a big bold  NO!

Now comes the important part, why you should make sure that there is a Computer Bible in your house!  How do I get one and just what the heck is it? And do I really need one?

Please read on and I will explain it all, and I bet it will make a whole bunch of sense to you once you open your eyes and see why you should have this neat tool at your home or work space.

Since the boom of the internet and all the ways in which we use modern technology, one thing has become increasingly difficult for me personally, and I am sure I am not alone.  As a matter of fact, I know that I am not alone, because I have asked many people what their one (most prevalent) peeve is about modern day life......

Inevitably, it will have something to do with computers, social media and the need for passwords to prevent or at least slow down the opportunities to Hack into your space on the World Wide Web. Whether you use social media to converse with friends and family, or whether you use social media to broaden your horizons or work and play together, Your ability to keep yourself safe and your information safe on social media is to have strong passwords to protect your property.  Just as we have locks on our doors to keep out strangers, so we need locks on our 'CYBERSPACE" to keep it safe and secure too.  We don't want to find that our BLOGS, FACEBOOK PAGE, WEBSITE, OR any other place where we work and play can be easily taken over by HACKERS!

This is where the Computer Bible comes in!  My Computer Bible is a beautiful hand bound leather covered blank book where I keep a list of all my passwords.

open book

What is in there?  All of my logins, my accounts and every password to every social media site I use. My Twitter name and password, Facebook names and passwords, my passwords to courses I take on other peoples sites, my cpanel log in and User names.  Anything that I do that requires a Username and Password is recorded in my Computer Bible!  When a password changes, the date and new password are logged in as well.

You may ask, why do this?  Well from experience, I know that as I get older, I don't remember things as well as I used to.  One of my websites was lost, because I could not remember the password and has lost the page where the information was located.  I was not very organized at that time, because I didn't have the need.  I could remember these things and a whole lot more.  Then came that inevitable day, when I could NOT remember and I wasn't organized enough.

Now I know and have been taught by several of my "computer guru friends", that keeping a Computer Bible is a necessity.  And just like a Family Bible that has a special place in your home, so your Computer Bible should have a place that is safe, secure, and accessible should you need it.

You see for me this is very important, because I also use this book to keep all my Affiliate Logins and Passwords, my blogging Passwords, and anything that I do on the web for pleasure or for profit. Because I do a lot of blogging for pleasure, I donate whatever monies I make, to charities that mean something to me. If ever the day should come and I can no longer do this myself, there will be all the information there for someone else to take over should they want to continue doing what I do now. My Computer Bible is not only my #1 reference guide, but it is also all the information anyone could need or want should I no longer be able to continue. Like the family Bible, it has a special place and only a few people know where that is. You don't want all your hard work falling into the hands of someone who really doesn't care as much as you do.

Working in Cyberspace, has it's benefits and it's pitfalls, don't let forgetting passwords and logins be one of yours.  Life is so much easier, with so many less things to remember.  A quick flip through my Computer Bible, lands me in the place that I need to be, and gives me the information that I seek, without sweating bullets or trying hundreds of different passwords to unlock what you remembered you put there yesterday.....or was that last week or last month?????

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Reviewing The Ides Of March

Beware The Ides Of March

julius caesar statue
Julius Caesar
The famous line spoken to Julius Caesar by the seer, warning him to beware of the 15th day in March as harm was to come to him. It is said that as that infamous day was approaching its end, Julius saw the seer in the market and remarked that the day was almost over and nothing had happened. "Ahh, but the day is not gone," retorted the seer. Julius Caesar went on to the Senate of Rome and met with his death on that day, the Ides of March. 

During that time in our history, March in the Roman calendar was actually the first month of the year. The ides occurred in every month around the middle, usually the 13th except for the months of March, May, July and October. The Romans used the ides, whether in March or any month, as a reference point of determining days of the month. They did not count the days consecutively like we do now, but instead counted back from three points of interest. The Nones occurred around the 5th or 7th day depending on the length of the month in question, the Ides (13th or 15th) and the Kalends which was the first of the following month. Golly, it sure would have been difficult to quickly know what day it was! 

If you are a history buff, you know that on the 15th of March in the year of 44 B.C Julius Caesar was assassinated by of group of some 60 people led by Brutus and Cassius. This event led to a civil war, the end of the Roman Republic and the rise to power of Octavian who would later be known as Augustus Caesar. You can read the facts in a history book, you can see the play by William Shakespeare or read a book by a multitude of authors to find out more. 

One of my favorites about the man, Julius Caesar and the events that led up to that fateful day in March is The Ides of March: A Novel by Thornton Wilder. The book was first published in 1948 but is still fascinating to read today. It is a novel so much of the story is based on Wilder's interpretation of letters and historical facts about the ruler of the Roman Republic. What I like about it is that it gives us a possible insight of the man and the ruler. The book allows us to see this historical figure as a human being with strengths and weaknesses that we all have in our souls.

If you like to read historical fiction and are interested in the era of time that the Romans ruled much of the world, I think you will like this book. I believe it is a good read for the month of March.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, March 7, 2016

Covergirl +Olay Tone Rehab Review

Choosing make up can be a nightmare.  The time it takes, the cost,  and the disappointment after you wear it once or twice and realize that it is not what you were looking for.  The seemingly infinite number of brands, products, and color choices add to the difficulty of the purchase. If you are looking for an inexpensive user-friendly foundation, I have the solution for you. This is my Covergirl +Olay Tone Rehab review.

My Covergirl +Olay Tone Rehab 2 in 1 Experience

If they were told I was writing a make-up review, folks who know me on a daily, face to face basis, would respond with a puzzled look and a "what?"  But after reading to the end, it would make perfect sense. You see, I am not a girly-girl.  My extent of putting on make up consists of washing my face, sometimes applying moisturizer, and applying mascara.  I have ever so rarely used foundation or eye shadow. And only slightly more often have worn blush. Make-up to me is bothersome.  It feels funny on my skin and I don't want to pay good money to feel funny.

But at age 50-something, and during certain recent events, I decided I needed a bit of make-up.  I was tired. My skin was splotchy and there were sleep-deprivation bags under my eyes.  I wanted to appear fresher than I was feeling.

I wandered the make-up aisle for literally an hour. Choosing, then changing my mind, and changing my mind back again.  I have never really worn foundation because it feels thick on my face, it often feels greasy, and as I've gotten older I began to notice that it seems to enhance the lines in my face. I have never been able to choose colors that seem to match.  I really like the natural look and feel. And on the rare occasions I tried make-up, I did not end up with that natural look.  And I certainly did not want to be one of those women with the distinct line of make up on their jaw or the big smudge of foundation on their sweater.

I was very lucky to by chance notice the Covergirl +Olay foundation.  I ultimately chose it because I know that I like Olay products. Olay is a moisturizer that I've used frequently over the years.  It tends to feel the least greasy and it has never caused me to break out.  And frankly, the swirls of foundation and moisturizer that were visible through the bottle were visually appealing to me.

Online, I just now realized that Covergirl advertises the +Olay Tone Rehab 2 in 1 as being able to -

  • Instantly covers discolorations, fine lines and wrinkles, while helping to improve skin tone over time
  • A foundation focused solely on tone discoloration and age spots
  • Provides beautiful even coverage
At the time I begrudgingly chose this foundation. Since then I have grown to love it and use it on a fairly regular basis. Without knowing the claims listed above, I learned that is exactly how this foundation performs.  

I found that Covergirl +Olay - 
  • Evens my skin tone 
  • I appeared "fresher" - even when sleep deprived
  • Moisturizes - smoothing the dry spots
  • While I can feel that it is on my face, it does not feel "caked" on, heavy, or more greasy than the moisturizer I often use
  • I adjust how much I use - using just two small "drops" for my entire face.  
  • It is a more sheer color; no annoying make-up line along my jawline
I don't blame you one bit if you don't trust my Covergirl + Olay Tone Rehab review.  I'm a make-up non-enthusiast who is recommending make-up. That is either a bit strange or a REALLY strong endorsement. If you prefer more experienced opinions, check out the reviews on Amazon. At the time of this writing, it is rated at 4.6 out of 5 stars by 285 customers. 

Thank you Covergirl and Olay for partnering to bring me a product that works so well for women like me. 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Reviewing the Popular Fisher-Price Corn Popper Toy

Corn Popper Classic Toy

Fisher-Price Corn Popper Toy

As the grandmother of a toddler, naturally I'm interested in appropriate and appealing toys for tots.  Knowing what draws the attention of a little one in the 18-month to 3-year-old range assures me that the toy(s) I choose for my grandson in the next couple of birthdays and Christmases will be something he enjoys.

With all the toys constantly being introduced to the market in a wide-variety of selections, it is often difficult to choose the best age-appropriate ones.  Therefore, I did a search online for trending toys for toddlers.  In the list my search returned I found Amazon Best Sellers: Best Baby & Toddler Toys.  

A Classic Toy


A classic toy - the Fisher-Price corn popper
Available on Amazon
To my surprise and delight, I discovered in that list a toy popular when my children were toddlers and is STILL today among the top toys for tots – the Corn Popper by Fisher-Price. With all the 'techie' toys out there today, it's nice to know the basic toys of today's parents' childhood are still favorites.

The corn popper was invented by Arthur Holt in 1957 and sold to Fisher-Price for $50.  It was designed to help young children learn to walk.  As the child pushes the toy, it sends tiny, colorful gumball-size balls flying and hitting the plastic dome, creating loud popping noises like a popcorn machine.  The corn popper has become one of the most popular toys in history!

In 2011, Time reporter Allie Townsend compiled a list of the 100 most influential toys from 1923 to the present.  Number 33 on the list was this 1950s Corn Popper!

This 'noisemaker' on a stick can sometimes be an irritating sound to parents, but it definitely will keep your baby and toddler entertained and 'moving'.   Parents tend to agree that a little noise is fine (mostly) when it keeps your toddler happy.

A Popular Classic Toy

On Amazon, the Fisher-Price 'Brilliant Basics' Corn Popper is listed in toys and games as #2 in pre-school and toddler toys and #3 in baby and toddler toys, with over 1,400 reviews, 74% of them 5-star reviews!

What fun to find that the basic toys enjoyed by our children are now just as popular with their children. The Corn Popper by Fisher-Price has definitely become a Classic toy.


For More Toy Reviews

*Fisher-Price Corn Popper Toy Review is written by Wednesday Elf

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, March 4, 2016

Tell Your Heart to Beat Again by Danny Gokey

purple mum
I woke up this morning to a message on facebook from a good friend and fellow writer that included the link to this song.  I knew I simply had to share it with everyone here.

We all face difficult, heart breaking times in our lives.  It isn't always easy to bounce back.  Some things aren't that easy to just move past.  It is during those times that we need the reminder to tell our hearts to beat again. 

I thought of several people while I was listening to this song.  Friends who have recently buried loved ones, friends who are struggling to survive divorce or unwanted separations, and others whose lives have changed, or must now change, due to health problems.  Their lives will never be the same again.  I wanted to share this message with them all and to say with every breath you take, "Tell Your Heart to Beat Again".

I believe there is also a message in this song for anyone who still lives under a shadow cast over their lives for many others reasons including, but not limited to, the inability to move forward with their life due to guilt or a lack of forgiveness for something in their past. 

This article and song are dedicated today to my friends, or anyone reading, who are hurting.

For those of you who are currently breathing easily and whose lives are at peace, listen anyway and store the message of the song in your heart.  You never know when you might need this refrain playing back to you.

I believe the lyrics easily speak for themselves.

Thank you Diana for sending this song to me this morning.   It is such lovely song with a wonderful message that is beautifully sung by Danny Gokey.  

To my Mom, who I know is reading and listening, I love the piano accompaniment to this song!  I know you will too.  The simplicity of the tune and clear, even voice presentation allow the message to ring loud and clear just the way we always preferred.    

Review of "Tell Your Heart to Beat Again" was Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse

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Thursday, March 3, 2016

Tuned Wind Chimes Review

The beautiful, melodic sound of tuned wind chimes can brighten a cloudy day.
The beautiful, melodic sound of tuned wind chimes
can brighten a cloudy day.
If you ask me, wind chimes are a necessity on any porch or in a favorite garden spot, adding beautiful melodies to the fragrant air on a lazy afternoon. Tuned wind chimes are a wonderful choice to provide the most pleasing music to the ear, and a set of tuned wind chimes is a thoughtful choice for a gift for any occasion, especially during the spring and summer. Everyone loves wind chimes!

Several years ago we lost our house to a wildfire. During the months that our new home was being constructed, I knew that one thing we must have for our new, roomy front porch was a set of wind chimes. I chose Woodstock Chimes for their quality and "Amazing Grace" chimes specifically. The tubular chimes are tuned to the opening notes of the hymn "Amazing Grace," a tune that almost everyone recognizes and a song with a message that spoke volumes to us as we recovered from our traumatic loss. The chimes really were a perfect choice. The tune, the tone, and the message won me over.

The wind chimes in the short video below aren't mine, but it's kind of fun for me to listen to this because mine sound exactly the same and I can hear them chiming outside my home office window as I type this. If you choose Amazing Grace tuned wind chimes, yours will sound the same, too, since they're all perfectly tuned exactly the same way.

Play the video to hear how the chimes sound. Can you pick out the tune?

Prefer a different tune or tone? Click here to see more Woodstock tuned wind chimes.

Another impressive tuned wind chimes company that I recently found is Amish Chimes. Their chimes, too, are high quality with absolutely beautiful tone. I'm looking forward to adding a set of Amish Chimes to our back porch. Click the link to see and hear their selection. 

Tuned wind chimes are a wonderful gift idea for just about anyone. They're a great addition to a porch, patio, or garden area and they're available in sizes ranging from very small and high-pitched to long tubes with a very deep pitch. No doubt you'll find just the right set for someone special in your life.

A Set of Tuned Wind Chimes, A Great Gift Idea for . . .

  • Easter
  • A Birthday
  • Christmas
  • Father's Day
  • Mother's Day
  • A Wedding Gift
  • A Hostess Gift
  • A Grieving Friend
  • A Housewarming Gift
  • Your Favorite Gardener
  • Yourself!

So tell me, who do you know that deserves their own set of tuned wind chimes?

~Susan Deppner
Read more of my reviews.

Still Shopping? Don't Miss Our Review This Gift Guide!

Posted by Susan Deppner

Susan Deppner

About the Author

Susan Deppner is a baby boomer, a cancer survivor, and a Southerner who believes in the Golden Rule. She enjoys writing about food, faith, and fitness; health, home, and holidays; people, places, pets, and patriotism, and more. Follow Susan on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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Review This Reviews is Dedicated to the Memory of Our Beloved Friend and Fellow Contributor

Susan DeppnerSusan Deppner

We may be apart, but
You Are Not Forgotten

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