Tuesday, November 3, 2015

How to Make a Personalized Ornament or Decorative Tile to Honor or Remember a Much Loved Pet

Wouldn't you like an ornament of your pet hanging on your Christmas tree?

Eldon the Cat Yawning, © B. Radisavljevic
Eldon the Cat Yawning, © B. Radisavljevic
Pets are an important part of the family, but unlike your children, they can't make special ornaments to hang on the tree.  They can, however, have their pictures displayed on customized ornaments you can create at Zazzle. You know your cat or dog (or rabbit or bird or turtle or whatever pet you have) is full of personality. You probably have a memorable picture of your pet on your computer right now, just waiting to be made into an ornament or decorative tile. 

The process is simple Just follow my links to Zazzle and use my easy directions to customize. I used a former neighbor's cat, Eldon, as my model, since I don't have any pets at this time. Eldon has already crossed the Rainbow Bridge. An ornament is a great way  to memorialize him,  as you might want to do for a pet who is no longer with you. During the holidays, we miss those who are gone the most. That certainly includes our pets.

Sarah the Cat Sitting, © B. Radisavljevic
Sarah the Cat Sitting, © B. Radisavljevic
And don't forget your friends. Maybe you have a pet sitter who would like an ornament or decorative tile with your pet's picture for Christmas. Maybe your children who have moved away from home and left the family pet behind would appreciate a decorative tile or trivet to remember them all year. Or maybe you have a great shot of a friend's pet that friend would appreciate as an ornament or decorative tile. Just use your imagination and you will soon know what to give those people who won't really tell you what they want, but they really do love their pets. These ornaments don't even have to hang on a tree. They can  hang anywhere you can attach them so you enjoy them all year. 

How to Customize an Ornament for Your Pet Keepsake

You met Eldon above. Now let's see him on a premium square ornament. There are many shapes you can choose, but because Eldon has a long tail, I had to make a square ornament to squeeze it all in. Square is one of the easiest ornament shapes to work with. 

Just click the ornament images to get to  them on Zazzle.

When you click on Eldon's ornament, it will take you to its product page. I'm now going to change Eldon's ornament into one to memorialize Sarah, my neighbor's cat who visited me daily and hung out on my porch, always there to greet me when I came home, always hoping for the cat treat she knew she'd get from me. She died this year and we miss her. Read about my relationship with and see more pictures of Sarah here. 

This is how you can change the ornament for Eldon to one in honor of your pet, as I did to make mine in honor of Sarah.   

  • On the ornament, you will see the  "Customize it!" button. Click it. The photo will change to a design view with some red boundary lines. 
  • Look to your right under "Customize it!" Scroll past the blue icons. 
  • Look for Eldon with "Change Image" on his right. 
  • To put your pet's picture in, just click to change.
  • Upload a picture from your computer. The picture you upload should be at least 2" square, 300 pixels resolution, and in png format. 
  • Use the buttons over where you changed the photo, to increase or decrease the size of the photo in the frame to fit or fill it. you can also use buttons to move the image up and down, left and right. Just play with it. You want to keep the image within the inner red box to keep it from being cropped. Test by clicking the button underneath to change to art view. That shows you how your finished product will look. 
  • Above where I changed the image, you can change the text to match your pet's name and date, to remove any text, or to change the text to whatever you want to say. While the square is still around your text, you can drag it wherever in the product you want it to be. 
  • As you scroll down the right side, you can change the background color or the ornament's shape and style.   I normally pick my style first and then fiddle with the images and text, either of which you can change from this screen.

If your image doesn't look quite right, you can use the "arrange" or "edit" drop down menus, or you can mouse over the icons to see what they do and use them to make your picture large enough to fill all the space or smaller to  fit better. You can play with them until your ornament looks the way you want it to. The previews where you choose your shapes shows you how  your photo will look in those other shapes. When your ornament is just right, use the big blue/orange button near the top right to "Add to Cart." (It's blue until the mouse turns it orange.)

Here's how Sarah's ornament turned out. Notice that I dragged the text to a location where it would show better.

Now Let's Look at Some Other Ornament Styles

First, meet Nicki. She was the shiest of one neighbor's cats and she didn't like to pose. I was lucky to get her at all. I have put her on a premium round ornament, and her photo had to be 2.13" x 1.25," resolution 300, png format. Larger pictures will also work, but they shouldn't be any smaller. The important thing to remember about round ornaments is that the subject should be easy to center. Before you choose a shape, be sure your photo can conform to it. 

Let's Look at the Ceramic Ornaments You Can Make from Your Pet's Pictures

Let's meet Pumpkin, the most docile of my previous neighbor's cats. She's a sweetheart, but I had to get candid shots. I have her on a ceramic round ornament. You can use the customize button to switch pictures and text. Your picture should be about 1150 pixels in diameter, 300 resolution, and png format. 
See how easy it was to get her centered? 

Ceramic ornaments have two sides you can fill and you have a lot of design flexibility. Be sure to customize both sides by clicking under the ornament to choose the front or back to work with. I put the date on the  back side, leaving the front for just the photo. You can also make both sides identical. 

Zazzle is playing around with their image links and in some cases below you will see the design, not the actual ornament. If you click the title link of the ornament, it will take you to how the design will look on the ornament, and you will also have the option of choosing the design in a different shape.

Here are some other appealing kitty ornaments you might get ideas from. This one has a frame. Just click through and put your cat into the frame.

The heart-shape ornament is also very popular. Here are some of my favorites.
This ornament is two sided. It features two photos of the same cat. I show you the back side here. One could also choose to put a picture of two  different pets on the two different sides -- maybe even a cat and a dog. 

And, lest you think I'm anti-dog, here is an ornament featuring a canine pet.

Some photos will do well on the oval shape. I like this one.

Puppy Kitten Snow Cabin Christmas Ornament

I think the star is the most complicated shape to fit a photo into, but here's one that worked well. 

If You'd Like a Pet Keepsake Larger than an Ornament to Display All Year, Make a Decorative Tile or Trivet

For a tile such as the one below, use a 4.25" x 4.25" picture, 300 resolution, png format. If you want some wiggle room, you might make your picture a bit larger to make sure it will fill the space. You can, of course, also add words. When you click through to the product page, you can customize with your own picture and words, but you will also have the option of adding a frame to make this a trivet or a box, for which this would be a decorative top. One tile gives you three different options. Here are what some others have done.

Are You Inspired to Make an Ornament or Tile to Honor Your Pet Yet?

I hope I've given you some inspiration and some practical help on how to do it. Please use the comment section for feedback, questions I've not answered, more ideas for using pet ornaments, or just to let me know you were here.

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Monday, November 2, 2015

Every Man Has His Place In Time - Reflections of Life in Song & Lyrics I Couldn't Accept

Read a Review of 'Go On Without Me'

Go On Without Me by Brett Eldredge Begins with These Poignant Lyrics - 'Every Man Has His Place in Time'...

When you've lost someone close to you, you understand that time only cements in the fact that you'll never see them again in this life. 

Of course, your own personal belief system may bring you comfort if it happens to include a knowingness that you'll see them again. Don't ask me how I know, I just know in my heart that we live on, just in a different way. However, I do respect the belief system of others who may see life and death differently. For me, there's no doubt, death is yet another beginning.

In my plight to understand the pain of losing dad, I've written a great deal about it and in fact have an entire category dedicated to him at Drageda.com - The Heart of Country Music. 

Even though I've already written an Emotional Review (I call them ER's ..lol) about this terrific song by Mr. Brett Eldredge, I feel compelled to re-introduce this song to those who may not have had the privilege of hearing it. 

Graduating to a Place Where Accepting These Lyrics Became Possible

When dad first passed away, other than what I had written for his funeral, I wasn't able to write for months about it. For me, it felt like writing about dad would cheapen his life. 

Sorry if that comes across wrong, it's just that the use of 'mere words' to describe this legend couldn't possibly convey who he was. And if I had to explain him 'in words', for me, it would have disrespected the grandness of who he was, who he is. 

I got over those feelings.

And the words poured out.

And I wrote and wrote and wrote some more.

In fact to honor him, I decided to write about him and dedicate a song to him on the one month anniversary of his passing for one full year

I lived up to that, and each month he lived again in words, and in my memory.

Getting over this kind of loss, the loss of someone so integral to who you are and who you've become is impossible. 

The truth is, we never 'get over it'. 

It doesn't matter how many months, years or decades go by, they live forever and who the hell would want it to be otherwise. 

To have known this kind of love, that's the eternal gift. 

The gift of love, the gift of having allowed yourself to be loved and to love with such depth that you dare the pain of loss back into your life ...why? ... because that pain reminds you how sweet and wonderful you had it and how much love you're capable of giving and receiving. 

Love with all your heart. 

My dad would say 'I love you' to people all the time. He was a large, tough man too. Yet his teddy bear heart was witnessed by many. Especially my brothers and I. 

He loved us so much, so so much that when he was passing away, I couldn't let him go, couldn't give him permission to let go, and I wouldn't say goodbye. 

He wasn't conscious near the end, and I would sit in silence by his bedside holding his hand just staring outside the window of his hospital room. Watching the swaying tall trees outside of that room, it's at that point I decided to create a life-marker. 

On windy days the tall swaying cedar trees in my own back yard bring me back to my dad: I couldn't say goodbye to dad, and now the swaying of trees remind me that I didn't need to. And I never will say goodbye. 

The trees have become my rocking chair; when they sway, dad is here.

Which brings me back to the lyrics of this song, 'Go On Without Me' 

After about one year, I was able to accept these lyrics. 

Sounds funny to say that doesn't it? ..'accept these lyrics'

The words 'go on without me' were words I had chosen to reject in that first year, and I'm 'not going on without you' dad ... I'm going on with you, with you forever being a part of me. Your love, your memory, your face, your voice, your hugs, all that is you, is still you, and having you with me in spirit is better than to have never had you at all.

The beautiful lyrics to this song are lyrics I know my Dad or any lost loved one would want to say to us...
"I'll always hear the prayers in your head late at night,I'm walking right beside you when nobody's by your side,I don't want you to cry over my memory, 
So go on without me, without me,
Every breath of life is short and sweet so glad that I'm up here and I got to see you go on without me"

Country Music Fans can Follow me and more via Country Music Reviews on Facebook or at 

Drageda.com - The Heart of Country Music 

Something I've Written For Dads in Heaven:

Love Barb

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Saturday, October 31, 2015

For Love of the Game – a Movie Review

As the baseball season winds down once again, I begin to make plans for my wintertime baseball replacements.  I am a died-in-the-wool, I LIVE for This baseball fan who is not happy without a daily dose of baseball in some form or other.  This means that during that WINTER season (as per my favorite Bill Veeck quote “There are only two seasons – winter and baseball”) I find books and movies about BASEBALL to fill the time until Spring Training returns once again!

For Love of the Game

For Love of the Game Movie

I have many favorite (baseball) movies I love to re-watch each winter.  One of the top ten on my list is For Love of the Game which stars the actor I consider the best and most believable at playing the part of a baseball player ~ Kevin Costner.

Costner's character in the movie is a Detroit Tigers pitcher named Billy Chapel.  Billy has an on-again, off-again girlfriend, Jane (Kelly Preston) who tells him she's leaving him and moving to England just before what is most likely Billy's last professional game.  It's the last game of the season against rival team the New York Yankees.  Vin Scully (playing himself) announces the game.

This 1999 movie was filmed in the real Yankee Stadium where a 40-year-old pitcher (Billy Chapel) is pitching the final game of his 19-year career. Battling a sore arm and coping with the news that the team has been sold and he will be traded, on top of learning that his long-time girlfriend is leaving to take a job in London, Billy enters the game fighting both physical and emotional limits.

The movie opens with Billy taking the mound to pitch.  The loud sounds of the crowd slowly diminish as Billy enters his 'zone' where he blocks out everything to concentrate on pitching, leaving a total silence as he winds up for the pitch.  We hear his thoughts as he approaches each batter and each pitch, giving us a glimpse into what a real life professional baseball pitcher goes through. 

What makes the movie most interesting is that the entire movie takes place during this one baseball game and the story of everything that led up to this day is reflected in flashbacks.  Girlfriend Jane is shown in subsequent scenes as she watches the game on TV at the airport while waiting for her overseas flight.  The suspense of the game builds as one out after another is recorded, leading toward the crowning glory moment for a baseball pitcher, a Perfect Game

Movie Trailer


Kevin Costner as Billy Chapel giving us 'one more day of summer' in the movie For Love of the Game

To me, For Love of the Game is the perfect title for this baseball movie, as it is exactly how I feel about the game of baseball.  My wintertime will be filled with this and my many other baseball movies and my home library of books about baseball until my favorite time of year (Baseball's Opening Day) returns. 

Enjoy the off-season and join me again when my favorite phrase resounds in baseball parks around the country ~ “Play Ball”.

For Love of the Game is available on Amazon.

*Kevin Costner has starred in several movies with a baseball-theme, such as Chasing Dreams, Bull Durham, Field of Dreams, For Love of the Game and The Upside of Anger. I own most of them!

*Review written by Wednesday Elf (10/31/2015)

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Friday, October 30, 2015

Crimson Peak Movie Review

Crimson Peak Movie ReviewCrimson Peak is the perfect mystery movie for Halloween!  Of course, it would be a great horror flick anytime of the year, but the release of this movie was perfectly timed for Halloween in 2015.

This movie actually has a lot to recommend it and I was not disappointed.   Crimson Peak is not just a scary horror movie, even though the ghosts are the scariest I have ever seen, bar none.  The movie has a fantastic mystery plot.   At one point, you may think you have it figured out, only to be stunned by the truth when it is revealed.

Tom Hiddleston is also a huge draw for this movie.  He has that perfect "innocent", disarming and enchanting personality with just enough edge to be fascinating and mesmerizing.  Just like his performance as Loki in the movie Thor, as Sir Thomas Sharpe in Crimson Peak, the audience embraces him.  We want to trust him!

The two beauties in his life are equally beguiling.  His sister, Lady Lucille Sharpe (Jessica Chastain), is the embodiment of old world grace and style on the surface with just enough arrogance and talent to broadcast her existence of entitlement.

Even though she is from an equally wealthy background, Edith Cushing (Mia Wasikowska) is like an open book.  Her childlike charm and exuberance announce her naiveté.  It is obvious that her father has protected and cherished his only daughter.

Synopsis & Review of the Crimson Peak Movie Plot

Written by Cynthia Sylvestermouse

 Crimson Peak Tom Hiddleston as Sir Thomas Sharpe Poster Promo 8 x 10 Inch PhotoThe movie starts at a very difficult time in young Edith's life when her mother has just died of black fever.  We are told how she never got to even say goodbye to her mother.  It isn't long before Edith is visited by the ghost of her mother with a warning to "beware of Crimson Peak."   Years pass, and unfortunately, it isn't until after Edith is married that she even identifies the location of Crimson Peak.

Sir Thomas Sharpe breezes into Edith's life and doesn't hesitate to show his interest in the pretty young woman.  He pursues her and singles her out publicly as his choice of dance partner.  Although Edith has a long established affection and friendship with Dr. Alan McMichael (Charlie Hunnam), she is still totally and completely captivated by Sir Thomas's attention.

After the unexpected death of her father, Sir Thomas Sharpe swoops in as a buffer to Edith's indescribable pain over the death of her remaining parent.   She marries him without hesitation and moves to his family mansion in England which she soon learns is also known as Crimson Peak.

At Crimson Peak, Edith is haunted by even more ghosts who are trying to communicate with her.  When she suspects she is being poisoned, she starts to summon the ghosts and to listen to her eerie messengers.

Recommendation of Crimson Peak

First, let me start here by telling you that Crimson Peak is rated "R" for a reason.  Not only is it violent and scary, it also has crude language and adult content.  In all honestly, there were a few times when I had to hide my own eyes.  I knew I didn't want those images replaying in my head for years to come.

As a whole, and largely because of the mystery plot, I would highly recommend this movie to anyone who has the stomach for it and an interest in horror flicks.

Ironically, considering the mystery plot, the ghosts and grotesque scenes seem to "fit" this movie.  They are not contrived to booster the rating to R.  It is truly a well earned "R" rating, but do be warned, it is not for the faint of heart.

It is truly the perfect Halloween movie!

Happy Haunting!



Check Out More Movie Reviews at

House of Sylvestermouse

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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Realistic Cat Tree With Leaves

Today (October 29th) is Cat Day and I'm missing my cats. Oreo's been gone over a year now, so our household has been cat-less for some time. I'm not sure when we'll be ready to add a feline to the family, but I have decided that when that time comes, the new kitty will be treated like royalty, as no doubt she (or he) will demand. First order, buy kitty a deluxe cat tree and I've found the one I want. Take a look.
Treat your cat with this amazing realistic cat tree with leaves!

Is this not an awesome accessory for a household with a cat? Frankly, the picture doesn't do it justice so let me describe this for you in more detail.

This realistic cat tree with leaves is approximately 5 feet high with a nice heavy base that's 26 inches in diameter. Hidden among its silk leaves are three platforms on which my future cat (or yours) can sit, recline, play, sleep, or, most importantly, hide as he keeps a close eye on his surroundings. Isn't that awesome?

I already have a spot picked out for our cat's cat tree, next to the window in my office. The room could use a green plant there anyway, even a silk one. It's certainly prettier than a carpeted cat tree or wooden cat condo, but what I like best is that cats can feel hidden and safe as they nestle in the "branches," exercising their instinct for spying.

People who own this tree say that it looks nice in their homes and their cats love it. The cats quickly learn how to go from one platform to the next and they use the bottom of the trunk for scratching, which is definitely a good thing.

The tree arrives in four pieces and assembles quickly and easily. The entire piece weighs 40 pounds, so it should be quite stable even for larger cats.

The tree is a bit on the pricey side but mid-range in the selection of cat trees with leaves that I found and that you can see, too, on the CatsPlay.com site. I would encourage you to check out this page for other alternatives both to fit your budget and your lifestyle. In fact, if you have both more space and a bigger budget than mine, don't miss this large Sapling Cat Tree that is hand crafted from real trees and includes multiple levels, silk leaves, plus a cat-sized covered house at the bottom. Wow, it's amazing!
Spoil your cat with a realistic cat tree with leaves.

If you have a cat, be sure to give it some special attention today even if it isn't officially Cat Day when you read this. All pets deserve special treatment every day. Do let me know if you'll be treating yours to one of these fabulous cat trees and which one you like best.

~ Susan Deppner

Read More of My Reviews 

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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Reviewing Betty Crocker 3 Tier Oven Rack

Oven Racks Help For Those Big Dinners

On a daily basis, my oven is sufficient for baking the items I need for just my husband and myself. However, when the holidays come around and I need room to bake several dishes at a time, there is not enough room to fit everything in there. I saw a terrific idea on Pinterest the other day and I have decided that a must have for me is a 3 tier oven rack. 

A 3 tier oven rack like the one above will help me make the best use of my oven space and not have to worry about how to keep one dish warm while I cook the next dish for the meal. I will have enough room to cook my turkey for Thanksgiving plus the pumpkin pie, sweet potato casserole and the stuffing all at once. Obviously on different holidays the menu will change but I won't have to worry about how to get everything in the oven anymore.

What I noticed when I began researching my options is that many of the racks that are available are actually cooling racks and may not be made to sustain the heat of an oven for very long. The Betty Crocker model shown above is made of chrome plated steel and can withstand being in the oven at high temperatures for extended periods of time.

I like that it is easy to store, also. It just folds up flat when you are not using it. It will fit nicely in the drawer that I have my cookie sheets in. That is a nice feature since for the better part of the year, I won't need to use this rack. Although, if I wanted to I could pull it out and use it to cool my cookies and cupcakes on. Gosh, that makes it even more appealing. A cooling rack when I need it and it is sturdy enough to use for baking, too.

With Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners looming on my horizon, I have decided that this is a must have item for my kitchen this year. How about you? When it comes to those large family dinners, do you have enough space in your oven for all the dishes on the menu to be in the oven at the same time or do you need a rack like this, also?

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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Garlic and Sapphires Book Review

Garlic and Sapphires Book Review

Garlic and Sapphires: The Secret Life of a Critic in Disguise Book Review

I am not sure now what inspired me to pick up this book originally for it has been in my reading pile for awhile. I expect that I was looking for something entertaining. I would like to say that I was not drawn in by the cover artwork of spaghetti and wine but that might not be true.

The back of the book says that it is Ruth Reichl's "delicious and compulsively readable account of her exploits as a New York Times food critic" and I can tell you that the book lives up to that promise.

It tells the story of food critic Reichl's move from being food critic at Los Angeles Times to being food critic at the New York Times in New York City and it is funny.  You can imagine that a food critic needs a certain amount of anonymity. However, Reichl was known in Los Angeles and that visibility carried over to her work in NYC, which necessitated her visiting restaurants incognito.  As the Washington Post says, "at times laugh-out-loud funny."

Garlic and Sapphires was my kind of book. It was a great break from normal life and one that kept calling my name when I tried to stop reading. Hopefully, it will not keep you up past your bedtime the way it did me but, if it does, at least you will be having fun.

I can HIGHLY RECOMMEND Garlic and Sapphires. I believe that anyone who loves food will enjoy it. I also think that someone who has NYC on their bucket list, who lives in that city or who once lived there would enjoy it whether or not they can afford to eat at the restaurants that Reichl visits.  Finally, anyone who has followed Reichl's career will likely enjoy this record of her time at the New York times.

I am sharing my copy with my book-loving friends and I have added more of Reichl's books to my book list.  If you read it, I am sure that you will feel the same when you put it down.

Happy Reading!
Treasures By Brenda

Quick Links:

Buy Garlic and Sapphires from Amazon.
Clara's Kitchen, a Great Depression Era Cookbook Review.

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Monday, October 26, 2015

Do you know how to keep your Gal happy?

jewelry pieces
All the girls I know love bling!  Moms, Grandmas, Sisters, Nieces and any other Gal in your life will love a special piece of jewelry given for a special occasion.

You know all the pretty shiny things that catch a girl's eye and keep them fixated on that sparkle until it is theirs. There is only one problem with aforementioned fixation, and that is, in a few weeks the sparkle on that gal's bling, is starting to wear off.

Now most of the fellows I know can't just keep on buying bling, week after week, just because the original is not quite as sparkly as it was just coming from the jewelers. So what's a guy supposed to do. You want your gal as happy as the day she got that piece of jewelry, but you can't afford to re-buy it just to keep her smiling....
a collection of rings

Enter to the rescue, a handy dandy, not so fancy Ultrasonic Cleaner! It may not be fancy, but it certainly has a place in almost everyone's life. If you don't have one yet, I would strongly suggest getting one. You will be amazed at what this little machine can do for you and those you love. It will help to keep all your gal's fine jewelry sparkling clean and shiny. The stones will look like they did on the first night you gave them to her. The rings and earrings, necklaces and bracelets, will all sparkle like they did in the jeweler's showroom. Her eyes will need sunglasses to admire the shine and sparkle that is now on her cute little hands and around her wrists and neck.

But WAIT just a minute! The Ultrasonic Cleaner isn't just for her jewels. It can be used by many members of a household. It is great for cleaning toothbrushes, combs, eyeglasses, small parts for hobbies. It can clean anything that you can submerge in water, and only takes 10-20 minutes to get the object clean and germ free. Grandma and Grandpa could each use one for their dentures. Added to the nightstand, they can put their teeth in the container and in the morning, their dentures are clean, fresh and sanitized using utrasonic sound waves to power out the most stubborn of stains. No chemicals are needed to have this machine do it's work! You will be amazed, I'm sure.

These little units are very affordable, and look really neat and tidy in anyone's powder room, or on a nightstand. My daughter and Daughter in Law will both be receiving one of these units, for their Christmas gift. They may not appreciate it right away, but I know that both of them will be smiling when their beautiful rings are sparkling and shiny as the day they got them. It is so much easier than using an old toothbrush to try and get between the claws that are holding all those beautiful stones in place. I already know that they will call me afterwards and tell me that they always meant to buy one of these for themselves, but never got around to it!

Well isn't that what a great mom or MIL does? She makes sure that her daughter and DIL have great things that they never seem to buy for themselves.......I'm sure to score a touchdown with this gift.

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Sunday, October 25, 2015

Bunk Beds With Stairs and Storage

For those who have a large family, bunk beds with stairs and storage are ideal for combining practical space saving with creative and unique designs

Most of us are learning to go vertical to save space, especially when we have kids who share a room. 

Well there's no need to settle for just a standard bunk bed or twin bed system any longer; you can combine beds with dressers and desks and save space all at the same time.

If you're living in an apartment you'll love the idea of bunk beds with stairs and storage! Even a very small room can benefit from vertical decor.

Here are Several Styles of Bunk Beds to Consider when trying to Save Space:

  1. Twin over Twin with stairs/desks/
  2. Twin over Double with stairs/desk
  3. 3 in 1 Beds - Twin over Twin/Double with a Trundle
There's no need to look at an 8ft by 10ft space and think
Loft Beds for Adults
horizontally! Here are some visual tips to help you along the vertical decorating process:
  1. Measure the room or gain a sense of it's size before you start anything
  2. Determine which wall would best suit a Bunk Bed system
  3. Assess whether a bunk bed system with stairs would interfere with the flow of the room
  4. If the staircase is positioned out of the path of the door, and wouldn't block the closet or window, that should be the place you decide to work with
  5. Get the measurements of the bunk bed units you like best
  6. Cut a piece of string the length of each side of the bunk bed system - that string will be used on the floor to create a visual aid of the area it will take up
  7. Don't forget to mark the height of the unit on the wall (in chalk or a piece of masking tape) 
  8. Be sure that the bunk will be positioned away from any ceiling fans or light fixtures
  9. Now stand back and look at the area the string on the floor and the marker on the wall take up, and decide whether the bed system you're choosing will work
  10. If you've decided upon a 3 in 1 bed system (a Trundle too), don't forget to allow for floor clearance so the trundle bed can be pulled out
In Regards to Dressers:

If the unit you're selecting has built-in dressers, be sure to allow for clearance for when the drawers are pulled out. 

Here's a Useful Tip (One I've implemented in every bedroom of my own home)

How to Get Use from Your Old Dressers!
If you find that the built-in dressers of a bunk bed system aren't enough, and you don't want to buy additional dressers, but have old ones - put the old dressers in the closet. 
By using your own old dressers in your closets, you'll get a closet organizer without having to spend big bucks having one custom designed! 
This is easy to do! Measure the dresser and the closet first to be sure the depth of the dresser will fit inside the closet. Position the dresser inside the closet so that when the closet doors are opened, there's clearance to open the dresser drawers. You may have to be creative to get everything to fit neatly, but that's the fun part!
If you're fortunate enough to have a walk-in closet, they're a perfect place to use old dressers.

You Can Find a Wide Selection of Bunk Beds with Stairs, Loft Beds, and Space Saving Beds Here 

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Friday, October 23, 2015

Review of The Haunted House and Other Spooky Poems and Tales

The Book and the Record: The Haunted House and other Spooky Poems and Tales

The Haunted House and other Spooky Poems and Tales
When I was in elementary school, I purchased "The Haunted House and Other Spooky Poems and Tales".  One of the most exciting events during the school year was selecting our book purchases from the scholastic readers.  I remember pouring over those pamphlets, marking books I wanted and then having to go back and choose which ones I could buy that month.  I honestly don't remember my parents putting a limit on how much I could spend, but there must have been some type of limit because I clearly remember having to make those difficult choices.

My all time favorite selection was a book and record set entitled "The Haunted House and other Spooky Poems and Tales."  I spent hours reading the stories and poems in the book and when I really wanted to scare myself, I would listen to the vinyl record.

Oh, how I loved that book and record!

The Haunted House and Other Spooky Poems and Tales Book

Review Written by Sylvestermouse

scanned pages in The Haunted House and other Spooky Poems and Tales
This is such a great little book.  We still have the book and I used to read stories from it to my children when they were little.  I believe this book currently sits on my son's bookshelf.

"The Haunted House and Other Spooky Poems and Tales" book has all of the tell-tale signs of being read over and over again.  In places, the ink is smudged from use and some of the pages are loose from the spine, but they are all still there even though they are yellowed from age.  I have copied two of the pages in the photo on the right.

It seems a little odd that this little paperback book would be such a treasure to our family, but everyone loves it.  Some of the stories are eerie, actually quite scary, but some of the poems are hilarious.  I still have one of the silly poems memorized.

"Here lies the body of Anna, done to death by a banana.  It wasn't the fruit that laid her low, but the skin of the thing that made her go!"

I know it is down right ridiculous, but it always made me laugh.  I envisioned poor Anna in a long, black Victorian style dress with lace trim, all prim and proper, slipping on a banana peel.  In my mind, as she was falling, her face registered shock and indignation over the annoying banana peel on the floor just waiting to do her in.  I bet she cut the fruit up into a fruit salad earlier that day and the peel was just seeking revenge.

The Story Exactly as Written on the Pages Copied Above

The Flattered Flying Fish (The Shark and the Flying Fish)


pages from The Haunted House and other Spooky Poems and Tales Said the Shark to the Flying Fish over the phone:

"Will you join me tonight? I am dining alone.
Let me order a nice little dinner for two!
And come as you are, in your shimmering blue."

Said the Flying Fish: "Fancy remembering me,
And the dress I wore at the Porpoises' tea!"

"How could I forget?" said the Shark in his guile;
"I expect you at eight!" and rang off with a smile.

She powdered her nose; she has put on her things;
She is off with one flap of her luminous wings.

O little one, lovely, light-hearted and vain.
The Moon will not shine on your beauty again!

E. V. Rieu

The Haunted House and Other Spooky Tales Record

Sadly, I no longer have this album, but I remember the voice of the gentlemen reading the stories was enough to send me shrieking under my bed covers.

I found excerpts from the record on YouTube.  These stories still send chills down my spine. I have included them below. Listen to them for yourself and let me know what you think.

The Haunted House and Other Spooky Poems and Tales ~ 
Video I

Includes: "The Haunted House" Poem, "Winter Moon", "Sir Roderick's Song" Poem, "The Young Lady from Glitch", "Ruth & Johnny" Poem and more.
 It also includes "The Bat" and the tale, "The Velvet Ribbon", two of my personal favorites!

The Haunted House and Other Spooky Poems and Tales ~ 
Video II
Includes: "The Earl King" poem (this is the hardest for a parent to hear), "Dust" poem, and the story, "The Cradle that Rocked by Itself"

So What Do You Think? Does the Reader's Voice Alone Send Chills Down Your Spine?

Want Your Own Copy of the Book or Record? 

These records are hard to find. I sure wish I still had mine.

There is absolutely nothing better than the original vinyl records.


The Photos used in this article were all scanned from my original book 

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We may be apart, but
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