Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Major League Baseball Stadiums

Busch Stadium, St. Louis, MO
Busch Stadium, St. Louis, MO
If you are a baseball fan, there is nothing better than being at a game in person. And when the game is a Major League Baseball game, it's even better, especially when it's your favorite team!

Girl's Day out at the ballpark
Girl's Day Out at the Ballpark!
In June 2014, while visiting my daughter in St. Louis, we acquired tickets to a St. Louis Cardinals' afternoon game. The seats were fantastic, the view outstanding, the weather beautiful (although very hot) and the game fun, even though the 'Cards' lost 3-2 to the NY Mets. In past years I had been to a number of Cardinals games at the 'old Busch Stadium, but this was my first visit to the 'new' Busch Stadium which opened in 2004.

Ballpark Village at Busch Stadium, St. Louis

Ballpark Village, Busch Stadium, St. Louis, Missouri
Ballpark Village, St. Louis, Missouri
We also had the opportunity before the game to visit 'Ballpark Village', a new dining and entertainment district in St. Louis located next to Busch Stadium. It just opened this 2014 baseball season and is located on the site of the 'old' Busch Stadium. Between the 'village' tour and the Cardinals game, it was a full (and fantastically fun) afternoon.

Favorite Baseball Stadiums

Busch Stadium, St. Louis, Missouri
My favorite major league stadium is Busch Stadium in St. Louis, Home of the St. Louis Cardinals, my favorite team.

Kurt, known as BallparkEGuides1 on HubPages  gives us some great tips for enjoying a game at the new Yankees Stadium in the Bronx, NY. 

It doesn't really matter which baseball stadium you visit or which team is your favorite. If you are a baseball fan, any visit to a baseball game becomes a joyful summer experience.

Experience all thirty baseball stadiums in the country from the comfort of your favorite easy chair with The Baseball Stadium Insider found on Amazon.

'Take me out to the ballgame!' 

*Written by Wednesday-Elf, your baseball contributor on Review This Reviews!

*Baseball Stadium Photos are (c) Wednesday Elf

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Monday, August 4, 2014

A Funicular Good Time in Pennyslvania

As someone who loves to explore the mid-Atlantic region, I am most familiar with places of interest in my home state, Maryland.   While I have visited some amazing places in Pennsylvania, our neighbor to the north, I am not as familiar with the beautiful Keystone state as I would like to be.

Ohiopyle Falls
I have visited the Brandywine Art Museum and Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania.  Years ago, I visited amazing places such as Frank Lloyd Wright’s Falling Water and Ohiopyle State Park in the Laurel Highlands of Pennsylvania. I enjoyed that trip so much that I plan to do it again in the near future. But I have compiled a lengthy list of other interesting places in Pennsylvania I have yet to see.  

Prior to the closing of a writing site called Squidoo, I read a wonderful travel article by a writer named leahjsong.  Because of her article there, I have added another destination to my list.   

There is a thing in Johnstown, PA that is worth visiting. Johnstown is home to the "World's Steepest Vehicular Inclined Plane".  The funicular was built long ago as small town's response to disaster and plans to not allow history to repeat itself.  The result is an interesting historical place to visit.

Pennsylvania is a wonderful place to wander. The Laurel Highlands are the western ridges of the Appalachian Mountains – east of Pittsburgh - and so far is my favorite area.  It is lush and mountainous terrain with rapid rivers in the valleys and breathtaking scenery all around. I am anxious to return.  Come to think of it, Johnstown is not too terribly far from the Ohiopyle State Park area.  I do believe this would be a wonderful long weekend trip.

Image Credit: Image CC by 2.0 By Kathy from just livin' in a small town in SW PA, USA via Wikimedia Commons

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Saturday, August 2, 2014

Chocolate Covered Strawberries

chocolate covered strawberries with dark and white chocolate
Yummy! We're making chocolate covered strawberries on Review This Reviews. Talk about my kind of food. Covering my favorite fruit with my favorite, well, food, and you have a treat that I just can't pass up. I am always on the look out for great pages about chocolate. Anything chocolate. And I found some.

One Can Never Have Too Many

Yes, I did get tired of seeing the number of pages that were about Chocolate Covered Strawberries. There are plenty. But, don't let that deter you. Every single one is different. Every single one gives us a unique and interesting look at these delectable treats.

Many feature how they make their own, including recipes for adding special touches. Some have recipes for making your own chocolate variations. Some show you how to make interesting and fun decorations with the chocolate covering. Others show you where to buy ready-made chocolate covered strawberries.

Featured Pages to Share

In other words, your own way of making chocolate covered strawberries always has a place on the Web. Here I feature 2 of those pages just to show you some of the variations.

The first page is one of those great "how-to's." How to Make Chocolate Covered Strawberries is by our own Sylvestermouse. She walks you through the basics. And she uses my cooking motto: fast and easy. Her yummy treats are definitely fast and easy. Whether you are dipping strawberries for the very first time, or you are a gourmet chocolate chef, you will enjoy her page.

Kinworm gives us great tips on making unusually decorated strawberries. If you are adventuresome, you might try your hand at here plaid chocolate covered strawberries. It sounds easy to me. In How to Decorate Chocolate Covered Strawberries, she also gives you plenty of ready-made versions that will make great gifts or even inspiration for your own artistic talent.

Posted by: BuckHawk

About This Contributor

BuckHawk decribes herself as "Basically a lazy person who prefers the easy things in life." So that's what she writes about. Easy home decorating, easy recipes, easy entertaining. But, she is also a lover of animals, gardening and crafting. You'll find her writing all over the Web, but with Review This Reviews! she has the opportunity to write about all of her loves.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, August 1, 2014

I Need More Books! Romance Preferred

collection of romantic books
I finished my last book on my Kindle yesterday and went in search of more romance books to add to my Kindle collection.  Purchasing books for my Kindle is a fairly new activity for me and one I find that has it's own form of difficulty.   

For as long as I can remember, one of my favorite activities has been physically going to a bookstore, spending hours scouring the bookshelves, reading the back covers, as well as the reviews, and carefully selecting books for purchase.  As a result, I have always had a reserve of books waiting for me to read.  

Since my daughter gave me a Kindle for Christmas, I stopped going to the bookstore and I started perusing the selection of books offered on Amazon.com and downloading the books on my Kindle.  I recently discovered that is not the best way to select romance books to read.  As Forrest Gump would say, that is a bit "like a box of chocolates.  You never know what you're gonna get" and I have been rather disappointed on a few occasions when I download a book and find it completely unacceptable reading for me.  

After experiencing the disappointments, I have reverted back to depending on reliable reviews from trusted sources before I purchase a book. 

Christian Fiction

Christian Fiction is my personal preference.  I never have to worry that I will be inviting unwanted mental images or graphic details when I read a Christian romance.  I also feel pretty safe in recommending these books to my mother, my daughter or anyone of any age.

In my quest for new books to read, I realized there is an excellent resource for this genre right here on Review This!

Historical Romance 

Historical Romance is such a fabulous niche when a writer has actually researched an era and writes with factual content.  

I sought out Jenms Guide to Historical Romance to satisfy my historical romance appetite.  

She introduces us to 2 "solid" historical authors with recommended book series, as well as giving us several Top Ten Lists separated by genre niche.

These recommendations and reviews give me a much better place to start my search for new romance books instead of using the Amazon search engine. 

Readers Need More Recommendations

I am fully aware that each reader has their own preference, just as each writer has their own style.  If for no other reason, reading book reviews before you buy a book can save money, as well as time, and a great deal of anxiety can be avoided by simply reading reviews first.

Readers everywhere want in-depth and precise reviews.  If you have a book that you can recommend, I invite you to leave your review link in the guestbook below.  Your reviews do not have to align with my personal preferences.  There are readers for every genre and I am certain we all would rather have an honest review of a book before we buy it.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Seeing your Home Town- Don't Forget the Camera

When you are out and about the town this summer be sure to remember to take your camera.  We always seem to take our camera on vacation but often we forget about taking photos when it comes to activities in our own town.

I am from the St. Louis Missouri area and when my grandchildren visit from Atlanta, Georgia I try to take them around and show them the sites.  I have taught them to take photos of the places they see and they love to look for photo opportunities.
Here are some photos of a recent trip to The Butterfly House.
The first was taken by Rachel who is 10.

butterfly photo by mbgphoto
Ella who is 8 also loves to take photos.  Here is one she took outside The Butterfly House
Butterfly House in St. Louis photo by mbgphoto
Taking photos of their home town and sharing them online is a popular activity.  Here are some
home town area articles.

Here is another photo from my hometown.  It was taken at the St. Louis Zoo.
colorful parrot photo by mbgphoto

Wherever you live I hope you will share your photos from your area in your writing. 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Getting Organized and Going Back to Work

craft room with sewing machine
Just the other day, a friend reminded me that it's only 24 weeks until Christmas. Do you wonder where the time has gone this year? Does time fly while you're having fun? Or, have you been too busy to notice?

It's been too busy around the Recycler household. The year started with the hunt for the perfect home. It took us a month of sorting through the list of foreclosures and estates sales in our town until we found a home, that, if we didn't look too closely, looked like the home of our dreams.

After the papers were signed, we had a short party and then spent the next three months getting the place in shipshape condition with An Environmentally Friendly Spring Cleaning Solution and a lot of pruning to recover from what was definitely not an example of how to Plant the Right Tree the Right Way.

Now that the hard work is done, it's time for us to get organized and go back to work. It's important that our home be organized and work-ready. Our dream home is not just the place where we eat, drink, and be merry. It is also our home office, art studio, and crafting room.

One corner of the house has been set up as a combination office and crafting room. In the middle of the room is a very large, pub-height table that we use as a computer workstation and a crafting table. I wanted a tall desk so that I could stand while working. I had experimented with standing at the kitchen counter at our old home and I loved it. I felt more productive and stronger by just standing for a few hours each day.

Finding the perfect standing height desk setup wasn't as easy as I had thought. There's a lot to consider before standing while working. How the standing height workstation will be used and personal health issues should be considered, along with preferences about the size of the desktop and the storage features.

Standing and working isn't a full-time gig for us. We keep a couple of comfortable stools next to the bar, excuse me, desk, so we can saddle up for some serious sitting time. It doesn't take a permanent standing height workstation to get the benefits. There are several Stand Up Workstation And Adjustable Desk Options that convert a standard desk into a temporary stand up workstation. Sometimes it just feels good to mix up the work routine.
steampunk big bows

With the crafting workstation in place, the place needed some organization. There must be a thousand and one Craft Room Ideas, Designs and Organization tips on the Web. Our workroom has plenty of bookshelves and cubby holes to fit art supplies, upcycle materials, and books. As we grow accustomed to our new workspace, we're learning what organization methods work best for our working style. Our organization style... Implement the best and toss the rest in the recycle bin.

Now that the neglected house we purchased has been turned into a clean, well-lighted home with an awesome workspace, it's time to give the old resume an update and a good polish. This girl needs to get back into the work-at-home workforce. And, create a few more Steampunk fashions on mom's vintage Singer sewing machine.

As we slide on into the last half of this exciting, changing, and busy year... reduce the stress, reuse the best, and recycle the rest.

Here's to your health and happiness!


Posted by Coletta Teske
Coletta Teske

About This Contributor

Coletta Teske writes reviews on books, business management, writing, crafting, cooking, and gardening. She is also an avid recycler and shares her tips on recycling. She delights in upcycling an old object, recycling or transforming discarded items into a new treasure.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

When It Comes to Musical Styles, Where does your Passion Lie?

silver sports car
Music is the way to GO!

Choosing a Musical Style is something that everyone does in some way or other.  Each of us tends to like different styles of music for many different reasons.   That is the way it should be.

Wouldn't life be just so boring if everyone just liked Jazz, or Country, or Gospel?

Then there are our choices in instrumentation too!  I know that there are certain times when I can really get into a piece of music that has a terrific drum beat, and other times when something much softer like an orchestra playing Fur Elise, would just make me happy.

So what's your favorite style of music?  You can check out some of the best and newest country and western music with any one of  Brite-Ideas articles.  Her latest one is just so good and enjoyable.  A Country Song from Son to Father

Or if you haven't had a chance to hear some really good rock and roll,  you can always go to the 70's contributor "Fullofshoes" and check out some great early rock with her article about Please, Please Me!  My First Beatles Album, Please Please Me, $2.50

But that's just the tip of the musical chart, there is so much more to enjoy and listen to with ballads, and folk songs, one in particular that I really like, because he's from my own backyard, Gordon Lightfoot!

And when all is said and done, there are those special times of year, when we celebrate Holidays, my favorite being Christmas. So without too much ado, you can and should check out some oldies but goldies for the upcoming (it's less than 5 months away) Season.  Christmas Music That Stirs the Soul

Then there's all the Techno Pop and Rap that is flooding the airwaves these days.  If that floats your boat there is lots to choose from including Step Up 5, Step up 4 Revolution Movie, Soundtrack List

Either way there is lots to entertain you and open your ears to some new sounds, so enjoy.


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Monday, July 28, 2014

Maryland: A Festive Destination

With the recently passed Artscape Festival and the annual Chincoteague Pony Swim taking place now, I am reminded of the amazing cultural events and festivals that are held in this area. 

When I decided to move here, from rural Indiana, the decision to be near an urban area was in large part due to my desire to have easy access to large cultural events.  I have to tell you that I have not been disappointed. Late summer and autumn is my favorite time of year to attend these festivals.

Costume seen at Maryland's Renaissance Festival
Artscape has just passed. It is held annually and is advertised as “America’s largest free arts festival…”.  I have absolutely no reason to doubt that it is indeed the largest. It is an amazing festival. The food, music, shows, and tent after tent filled with artwork is a sight to see.    

While located in Virginia, not in Maryland, many Marylanders attend the Chincoteague Pony Swim – the annual event that was made famous by Marguerite Henry's book Misty of Chincoteague.  This year the pony round up occurred on July 26 and 27th and the Pony Swim will take place on Wednesday July 30th.  

Maryland’s Renaissance Festival is an amazing event. There is live jousting, a storyline each year that involves characters in costume, food, and entertainment.  So much of the entertainment, food, and crafts are based in that time period.  It is definitely a great way to spend a day or two.

SunFest is held in Ocean City September 18 thru 20th this year. It is the 40th anniversary of the event. I love SunFest since it occurs after the typical end of tourist season on Labor Day.  This festival stretches summer to it’s limit and yet the weather is typically still beautiful weather for the beach. There are crafts, kites, food, and the usual things to see and do while at the beach. 

Sept 6 and 7th 2014 are the dates for the Maryland Seafood Festival at Sandy Point. Sandy Point is a beach park that is located at the food of the Bay Bridge. This is a festival that features seafood in a state that boasts about it’s local crabs. Need I say any more?   

I think my very favorite festival is the National AppleHarvest Festival. Again, not located in Maryland but located not far across the Pennsylvania state line, the National Apple Harvest Festival is an event that I look forward to year after year.  I love wandering around the small county fairgrounds; eating, listening to music, and browsing all of the things there are to browse. The smells and the flavors are all things apple and smoked. The antique tractors and the car show is worth the price of admission alone. 

This is just a minute sample of festivals in this area.  There are music festivals, the Preakness, ethnic festivals, and so much more.  If you enjoy festivals, this is the place to be.

Image Credit: Images are mine ©Dawn Rae – All Rights Reserved (Click on photo for larger view)

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Saturday, July 26, 2014

The History of Chocolate

chocolate squares
You learn the most interesting things on the Web. For me, it's the history of chocolate. OK, what else would it be considering I'm a major chocoholic. It also turns out, I'm a bit of a history buff, too. So lisadh's page, Who Invented Chocolate: The Sweet History of Chocolate was a treat for me.

The Cacao Bean

In case you don't know, chocolate is made from grinding cacao beans into a fine powder. Then that powder is mixed with liquid. Anything from oils to heavy creams will create the various types of chocolate. The more ground cacao bean in the mix, the darker the chocolate.

The cacao bean grows on a bush similar to the coffee bean. So I guess the question should be who discovered that grinding these beans will make something different? And lisadh tells us.

Thank You Christopher Columbus

More that I learned from Who Invented Chocolate was that we have lots to thank Christopher
Columbus for, including introducing the cacao bean to Europe. He brought the bean to Spain where the powder was used to make chocolate drinks.

Of course, that are many other people who had their hand in developing the confection that we now enjoy. Lisadh gives us a good overview of the various names that are credited with these developments.

Fun Chocolate Trivia Facts

Besides the amazing history of chocolate, lisadh also gives us some fun trivia facts. If you are a trivia fan, these are for you. My favorite is the last one. In the movie "Psycho" chocolate syrup was used as the blood in the famous shower scene. Can't you just imagine how great that set smelled? Yum.

Along with Who Invented Chocolate, you can find plenty of pages loaded with great trivia facts. I include lots of trivia in my pages as do many others. If you love chocolate like I do, you will certainly enjoy the trivia found by lisadh.

You can share you own favorite trivia facts, your favorite chocolate recipe, or just about anything you consider a favorite through Web pages. If you love it, you will write about it with passion and fun. And that's what makes a great page. So what are you waiting for? 

Posted by: BuckHawk


About This Contributor

BuckHawk decribes herself as "Basically a lazy person who prefers the easy things in life." So that's what she writes about. Easy home decorating, easy recipes, easy entertaining. But, she is also a lover of animals, gardening and crafting. You'll find her writing all over the Web, but with Review This Reviews! she has the opportunity to write about all of her loves.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, July 25, 2014

Live Like There is No Tomorrow!

Country Sunshines husband
When it comes to love and romance, I can't think of a better quote than "Live Like There is No Tomorrow!"  

We have all heard that phrase many times before, but the quote took on a whole new, very realistic meaning as I read Countrysunshine's article today.  

I was completely captivated as their years together and apart unfolded before my eyes in just a few minutes of reading Our Love Story.  

There are many thoughts and comments I could write here on the heels of reading the in-depth love story she shared, but I am not going to write them.  I want each reader here to have the time to read the article for yourself without spending one extra moment with me.  

May we all "Live Like There is No Tomorrow!"

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